#tw dead fish
sofiaruelle · 3 months
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It was a little crowded at the fish port. So here’s a little color study of some Mayamaya on display.
They’re actually called Bukaw-bukaw according to my parents lmao. They also said the fish got its name because of the eyes. They’re huge just like an owl’s and in Hiligaynon owls = bukaw. The fish is also a fave of my lolo’s and tita to grill/sugba.
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spectral-pup · 2 months
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Sea wolf :3
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starfallensyndicate · 1 month
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Wet beast wednesday!
Black jaguar with their fresh breakfast!
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artemispt · 1 year
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morganmackerel · 8 months
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"They used to tell me fish can't feel pain, what a load of rubbish but whatever helped them sleep at night. I, however, sleep like a baby."
This here is Hogarth Sawyer, he's one of Winklesea's butcher/fishmongers.
He probably likes his job a little too much but as if anyone is going to question him about it with all those sharp instruments around.
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guestiguess · 7 months
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I call him Rupert
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maria-ruta · 8 months
Tell me about Blueberry's skin, is it scaly like fish skin? Or more rubbery like dolphin skin? Is his hair the same kind of hair us humans have or more like wispy fish stuff?
NOW WE ARE TALKING!!! thank you for such a specific wonderful question!!! love ya : *
Have ever peeled fish from it's scales? I've always imagened Berry's skin to be as soft as fish's skin - without scales. it would still have this scale like pattern upclose (perchaps his species evolved out of having scales? dont have them anymore?). Tho i'm sure he's less slippery hahaha since his species don't live in water as much anymore
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(pic for ref)
as for hair - no, funny enough, on all arts and comicses of Lumerises I've seen - their hair is like... seaweed???? (and yes I've discussed with my dungeon master if you could theoretically eat lumeris hair <XD make soup of that seaweed hair... they defenetelly would think its weird and gross tho lol)
so it's thicker than human hair, but probably not as strong? hm... now im thinking - what rope would be tougher - one made of hair or one made of seaweed?... i dont know tbh... also i wonder - can you dry lumeris hair? 🤔
is it an actual plant that got into symbiosis with species long ago?... or do they have skin-like hairs that look like seaweed?... idk X) I think im asking more questions than answering ahahaha
I don't think they have body "hair"
THO (nsfw thots under the cut)
I want to redesign Berry's fussy(fish pussy) and mb design other genetalias for the species too, and maybe even add pubic seaweed there but idk yet... I DIDNT HAVE TIME OR ENERGY TO DO SO EVEN THO I WAS PLANNING TO DO SO IN A WhILE LOL
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onlytiktoks · 15 days
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r-haunted · 6 months
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Finished that wip of the Reigar from my dnd campaign!
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rapidlydecayingcorpse · 2 months
i’m to tired to make an interesting or funny post here’s a dead fish i saw on the ground last month
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wttt-dirus-work · 10 months
Im back !
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The first picture is the cabins from the lake, and the others is the view from the cabin!
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Saw some mom duck and her duckling learning how to swim!
Tw for the next picture about dead trout (fish)
Also don't mind my foot ^^
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We got five keepers and a dozen too small.
It was a good few days^^
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wateryourgender · 2 years
a gender related to dead fish, fish bones and the skeletal structure of fish.
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sansxfuckyou · 2 years
Just ask instead
Summary: Her favorite fish died and she's been bummed out about it, you really, really don't like seeing her sad, so you use just a bit of forbidden magic to help her.
Warnings: Dead pets, necromancy, check tags for further warnings.
Summary: FIC EIGHT, HOLY FUCK, I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF, THANK YOU @carcinocommander FOR THE PAIRING, ahem, it may feel like its devolving into sex at one point, but it does not, once again, I take reblogs as a form of currency over likes.
Her pet fish died.
Her only Troll fish left after integrating into humanity.
And it died.
Went belly up within a month of being on earth.
And she hasn't been taking it so well.
She's barely been talking to you recently, sobbing almost daily over her frozen fish friend in the freezer, beside the ice cube tray. It sits there in a small brick of ice and she starts to cry whenever she opens the freezer to get a frozen pizza pop or ice cubes. She refuses to flush it, which almost makes it worse, the entire house started smelling of dead fish weeks ago.
You Aradia Megido.
Your roommate is Feferi Peixes and she's depressed.
And you simply hate it.
She's your flush crush and you refuse to see her cry!
Let's rephrase that.
She's your best friend and you don't want her to cry.
So you have a plan to make her smile her beautiful smile once again like you love to see her smile. It's weird how such a simple gesture can make your heart flutter, make you burn up, make you lay awake at night thinking about her-
Let's not get off track now.
You plan on reviving her fish, it'll have to thaw out first, and she'll get pissed if she catches you with her fish. She has work today though, she works at the local pet store most of the time, but she volunteer lifeguards every now and then. She's at the pool today, making sure that no one goes under and doesn't come up, and as soon as she left you grabbed a tray and placed her frozen fish on it, placing it a good four feet from the heating vent and in the sun. You didn't want to fry it, but you wanted it to defrost completely no later than noon, no ritual times or anything, you just don't want to get hungry.
Three hours pass and you're slowly chewing on a sandwich, wearing your godtier outfit, it's comfy, your wings are phased out currently though. How you phased them out was a secret even Vriska hadn't found out how to do, yet, she looked constipated whenever she tried to do so. You press a nail to the fish and it's soft, slimy as well, you scarf down the remainder of your sandwich before grabbing the items, first moving the fish away from the heat.
You return with a small, small piece of Feferi, a single scale, you had grabbed a few during one of her molts. You knew this would work, turning her pet fish into an undead, ghost, familiar, she, she would hopefully love it. You pressed open it's flesh just enough to slip in the scale and seal it shut again before working your magic.
It was draining.
It always chipped away a small piece of your own self when you did it.
You could feel your eyes get cloudy for a second when the process was it's strongest point and fade out completely along with the rest of feeling in your body. It was shaky, and you couldn't see, but you kept focusing, hand pressed on the fish, waiting for a pulse to start up again. When it does your eyes snap wide open and the fish is starting to flop around, you stand rapidly as you grasp it. You feel woozy for a second and your sight is still blurry, but you still rush over and drop it in the sink full of water, and you wait.
After another hour, this time you spend it trying to recover from the drain on your body, drinking water and eating food. Your body aches a lot, but it's fine, it's for her, and you love her, anything for her, maybe she'll reciprocate the flushed feelings. You give a dreamy sigh at the thought, what you wouldn't give for a human wedding with Feferi, you love her so much and she has no clue.
You're broken from such amazing thoughts at the sound of a glub, you look over and see the fish has figured out how to manipulate water. It's floating in an orb of water and seems to be freaking, right, it's her familiar, not yours. You make sure it doesn't escape the apartment until Feferi can make it back home, in a while, it's panicking, so you feed it a small sprinkle of fish food.
Two more hours pass and Feferi has returned, she looks depressed as she trudges in. Her hair of tentacles laid limp on her shoulders, damp, it used to be active. Her eyes are dull, but they don't stay dull for long when she's you and her dead fish. She practically flashsteps right on over with you pressed to the wall above the counter, she's so much taller than you. Your face starts to burn as she glares at you, ha, why is this kind of hot?
"What did you do to Commander Glubs?" Feferi questions, she sounds livid and you shudder as she slowly lowers you down until your crouching, feet placed awkwardly on either edge of the sink, now she towers above you.
"I, I brought him back to life for you, cause you were really hurting without him," you explain, her gaze softens and her hair falls down again as she turns to said floating orb of water, it does have Commander Glubs and he is looking pleased, she puts in the tip of her finger and he nudges against it, her gills flutter in happiness as she smiles.
Feferi releases you completely and you fall into the sink entirely before crawling down from it like some bug, she doesn't notice. She's so, so happy, and it makes your heart flutter. Her grin is like a sharks and her auricle fins are twitching, gills on her neck fluttering rapidly and ridges on her back flaring open, her swimsuit is open backed for that reason. You end up blushing, flushing even, as you look at her grin, and listen to her laugh, then she turns to you and you freeze.
There goes her not knowing about your major flush crush.
"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! I reely missed him a lot, sorry for pressing you against the shoal, I was just worried," Feferi said as she pulled you into a lung crushing hug, the air being squeezed from your lungs was comforting and you loved her so much, you couldn't muster the ability to hug back though.
"Your welcome, now, can I have something in return?" You ask, she smirks a bit.
Feferi pulls you in close once again, except this time your lips are pressing against each other and IT IS FUCKING AWESOME. You are freaking out, your pusher starts to push a lot faster and your pan is spinning as you try and reciprocate. Eventually, you just start to melt in her grasp, wrapping you arms around her neck, tendrils of hair finding themselves between fingers.
And then she pulls away, smiling, she places another kiss to your cheek for good measure.
When you said something in return you were thinking along the lines of takeout, but okay, that just happened.
"Of course you can," Feferi said, hands behind her back, you are dazed.
"Holy shit girl, I meant dinner, not a kiss, I mean that was amazing, but bro," you said, running a hand through your hair as you try and comprehend.
"You didn't have to revive my dead fish for a kiss, you just had to own up to your flush crush and you would be showered in kisses until you died," Feferi said, it was oddly sweet and alarming at the same time and your pusher skipped a beat, fuck, she was perfect.
"Right, yeah, I totally could've done that instead, could we, maybe, do that again?" You ask, rubbing the back of your neck, looking away just a bit, Feferi clinks horns with you and it vibrates you to your core.
"Of course," Feferi said before bringing you close once again.
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rat-9991 · 2 years
Watch ""how fish is made" cover but i used the game footage video" on YouTube
This is going to be the only thing I think about for like the next 2 months like I'm loosing my mind someone finally made a cover of the how fish is made songgg!!!!!!!!
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electaaaaa · 2 years
guys I fell down a youtube rabbit hole
tw dead animals
yeah so kids youtube channels are like doing stop motion with dead fish??? wtf?
this is horrifing wtf dudes uncool
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My fish died!!!!!
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