#bootsy board james
yourfavispure · 1 year
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Bad luck Bootsy from Board James is pure
Requested by an anon
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boardmitzy · 4 days
Made a Board James playlist, let me know if i should add anything!
Chose these based on lyrics/an understanding of his character. I will provide details if need be!! <3
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epiconlinebully · 5 days
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he’s so fun to draw lol
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also this drawing i did. of motherfucker mike and bad luck bootsy as kids which needs explanation. my headcanon is that bad luck bootsy is trans ftm …. okay that’s all. goodbye gang ..
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fauslayer · 3 years
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those kotobukiya bishoujo figures are so cool. i wish girls were real.
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Bad Luck Bootsy: Don't break someone's heart. They only have one of those.
Board James: Yeah, break their bones! They have 206 of those!
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“Nerd! The whole world is finally a board game! Isn’t it amazing?!”
full res
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Mimi: Aw, Bad Luck Chunks?
Mr. L: You had to jinx it!
Mimi: He's an asshole!
Mr. L: He's a doodyhead!
Mimi: I heard that dude like, fucked a frog one time!
Mr. L: He's a fuckface!
Mimi: He's an idiot!
Mr. L.He sucks his own dick.
O'Chunks: Aw, come on!
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meameameameamea · 7 years
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We know, James
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starbug · 5 years
Board James: Dream Phone [S01E19]  April 1st, 2013 Board James loves board games enough to try one exclusively for girls: 1991′s "Electronic Dream Phone" by Milton Bradley. The plastic “phone” plays prerecorded clues about the game's stable of hunky guys. Players then use a process of elimination to determine their randomly assigned "secret admirer." First player to guess which guy likes them is declared the winner. Harmless slumber party fun? Or could James and his pals be in for a longer night than they were expecting?
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b0ardjames · 7 years
I hate how amused I am at the thought of Board James being a terrible dancer who only knows like one dance move (I'm not saying it's the Carlton but it's definitely the Carlton) and anytime he starts dancing Motherfucker Mike gets so fucking embarrassed like "THIS IS WHY PEOPLE DON'T INVITE YOU TO PARTIES" but Bad Luck Bootsy probably wouldn't care too much let's be honest
This is too uncanny
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boardmitzy · 7 days
It's been ages since I've seen someone out in the wild that enjoyed Board James haha, just thought I'd cannonball into your inbox to say hi and to ask if you ever saw the "Perfection" episode?
It was supposed to be a mid season episode, but watching it after the entire thing (Like I did lol), makes it a cute little epilogue to everything :3
Hello, hello, hello friend!! :D
I have indeed seen Perfection, though I've never thought of it like an epilogue! :O That's a really interesting take, and honestly I might cry thinking about it (/positive)
They descended and they're finally happy :') (Bootsy's off being Bootsy, but he's okay)
Its so good to see another Board James fan!! I figured since I'm so violently in love with the series I'd make a side-blog (I don't wanna overbear my main-blog friends with my ramblings) to dump my nonsense into.
It's nice to meet you!! Have a wonderful day :)
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newmusickarl · 3 years
Album & EP Recommendations
An Evening With Silk Sonic by Silk Sonic (Bruno Mars & Anderson .Paak)
2021 has already felt like the unofficial year of the collaboration album, but perhaps there have been none as highly anticipated, or as talked about, as this one between R&B sensations Bruno Mars and Anderson .Paak. Ever since they dropped their 70s Motown inspired debut single Leave The Door Open under the guise of Silk Sonic back in March, fans have been clamouring for a full-length release from the duo. Now that it has finally arrived, it’s safe to say that the project delivers on that early promise, with a fun, whistle-stop tour through a vintage sound.
With an introduction and cameo from 70s Funk legend Bootsy Collins, the album acts as a 30-minute homage to music from the likes of James Brown, Aretha Franklin, Miles Davis and Stevie Wonder, whilst also delivering something that feels entirely fresh and new at the same time. By magically walking the line between timeless and modern classic without overstaying their welcome, the pair have delivered a record in which you can’t help but get enraptured.
There’s the funky bass and dazzling wordplay of Fly As Me, the soulful sway of Put On A Smile and the smooth evening balladry of About Last Night, which also boasts a guest appearance from none other than Thundercat. Recent single Smokin Out The Window also remains a favourite too, with its playful tongue-in-cheek lyrics and infectious melody. Skate probably feels the most like its pulled from another time, with its wonderful Chic & Nile Rodgers style guitars and shimmering 70s dancehall groove. The whole thing is then brought to a perfect climax with Blast Off, which erupts into a mesmerising guitar solo and cosmic imagery to bring it all to a close.
This really is one of those albums that it’s impossible not to love, as the charismatic duo and warm nostalgic sounds will leave you dancing away with just the biggest smile on your face. Here’s hoping there’s more collaborations from these two again in the future but for now, An Evening With Silk Sonic will do just nicely.
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Another big release but from the other end of the spectrum now, as post-punk rockers Idles released their mighty fourth album CRAWLER this week. Having come to prominence off the back of their highly acclaimed first two albums Brutalism and Joy As An Act of Resistance, the band’s last album Ultra Mono had more of a lukewarm reception by their standards, as some criticised them for class appropriation and more preachy political lyrics. It seems they have taken this criticism on board as CRAWLER is a noticeable return to form, with frontman Joe Talbot taking a more introspective approach this time around.
This new approach is evident from the get-go, as ominous, synth-driven opener MTT 420 RR sees Talbot recount the dark tale of a near-fatal motorcycle accident, whilst correlating this to his own struggles with drug addiction. It’s an engaging opener that immediately hooks you in, ending in the foreboding refrain of “Are you ready for the storm?” to nicely set up the full-throttle nature of the rest of the record.
From there, Idles mostly stick to the aggressive punk sound that brought them to the dance, with the pounding drums of The Wheel, the catchy beat of The New Sensation and the jittering guitar riffs of Crawl! standing out as some of the best moments. That said, Idles are arguably at their best here when they push the boat out a little, such as the waltzing melody of recent single The Beachland Ballroom or the distorted electronic glitches of Progress. The latter is undoubtedly one of the album’s best moments, with Talbot overtly expressing his struggles with addiction through repeating the words “I don’t wanna feel myself get high...I don’t wanna feel myself come down” amidst the crackle of synths.
Although CRAWLER ultimately doesn’t topple their best work, this is importantly Idles getting back to what their best at, whilst also expanding their horizons for the future. Not only are they looking inward for their song stories but they’re also experimenting more with their sound, which makes for a grimy but always fascinating listen.
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Music for Psychedelic Therapy by Jon Hopkins
Electronic music pioneer Jon Hopkins also released his sixth studio album this week, inspired by the growing exploration of psychedelic-assisted therapy and an expedition into Ecuador’s ancient caves. As you can imagine the results are quite a trip, with Hopkins crafting some truly immersive ambient soundscapes. With this being the case, this is definitely an album where you have to be in the right frame of mind before you dive into listen, as an hour of these kind of instrumentals can be quite daunting otherwise. That said, given the time and concentration this one will reveal a glorious tapestry of colour and sound to you.
Although it ultimately lacks the more euphoric moments of Immunity and Singularity to put it alongside those records for me, I still found this one to be an enchanting record with which to destress and relax.
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Donda (Deluxe) by Kanye West
After several launch events and many, many delays, Kanye West finally released his long-awaited tenth studio album Donda earlier this year and…it massively disappointed. Clocking in at almost 2 hours long, it was excessive and bloated with West balancing moments of brilliance with plenty of tracks that left me completely underwhelmed.
However, for some reason I dove back in this week to the new deluxe version of the record and whilst the same issues of length and inconsistency remain, this does seem overall a better version of the album. There’s an additional track with Andre 3000 to enjoy which is always a plus, and the talented pair of Kid Cudi and Tyler, The Creator also get additional guest spots on several tracks too.
Most importantly though the track listing and mixing has been adjusted, helping the album to both flow and sound better than it ever did before. This is most notable on a track like Off The Grid, which seemed subpar previously but the added bass and refined mix nearly blew my headphones off this time around. So whilst this new version by no means fixes everything wrong with Donda, it is most definitely an improvement on the previous offering.
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The Walls Are Way Too Thin by Holly Humberstone
And finally on the Albums & EPs front, up-and-coming singer-songwriter Holly Humberstone released her brilliant second EP this week. Opening on Haunted House, a gorgeous stripped-back piano ballad offering up an ode to her childhood home, the short release then moves into more upbeat territory with her excellent singles The Walls Are Way Too Thin and Scarlett.
Thursday then ends up leaving the biggest impression, with Humberstone singing out to a friend going through a rough break-up against a wonderfully understated guitar backing. If her debut EP didn’t mark her out as one to watch for you, then this new EP should certainly do the trick.
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Also out, also great: Things Take Time, Take Time by Courtney Barnett, Joy by Dusky
Tracks of the Week
Measure of a Man by FKA Twigs
On the singles front this week then, FKA Twigs made her triumphant return with this cinematic new track, which is unsurprisingly off the soundtrack to the latest film in the Kingsmen franchise. With rapper Central Cee also turning in a fire guest spot, it’s like a lost alternative Bond theme you never knew you needed to hear. Superb as always from Twigs!
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A Drug From God by Chris Lake & NPC
Another fun collaboration, Grimes and Chris Lake finally dropped their much-teased techno track this week. With an addictive central beat and Grimes’ typically hypnotic vocals, it plays out like a futuristic, dystopian take on Benny Benassi’s Satisfaction - which is obviously a good thing!
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Over Right Now by Post Malone & The Weeknd
Yet another star-studded collaboration! Superstars Post Malone and The Weeknd team up for what ends up being a fairly standard pop track, however its elevated when enjoyed alongside the pulpy action of the music video, which you can watch below.
Watch the video here
Everything I Love Is Going To Die by The Wombats
And finally this week, Liverpudlian indie rockers The Wombats released the fourth single from their upcoming new album, Fix Yourself, Not The World. With an infectious guitar groove, catchy chorus and typically sharp, lockdown-inspired lyrics from frontman Matt Murphy, The Wombats continue their winning run-up to their next record.
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fauslayer · 6 years
my hobbies include taking review shows that have plot stuff happening in them and coming up with extremely convoluted fix-it fic style things so that Everyone can be at least slightly happier
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You really left Bad Luck Bootsy hanging, y'know?
Dream Phone
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remember what I said on main about neko boys? yea uhhhh i fuckin meant it lmfao
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