lensesandpencils · 2 years
Lost loves
And wasted promises
Usually permeate the air
Above humans who have a heart
And I've always questioned intentions
And suspensions of my logic
For a bit of someone else's breath
Upon my tongue
Because the latter
Just seems too damn sweet to pass on
And I recall all those nights
Where I'd stare at your words
On a shitty flip phone screen
And imagine a different existence
Where you slept next to me
And sighed in the same high tone
As your voice.
A voice I missed
When I didn't hear it
A voice that made me feel
Like I was able to be loved.
Did you actually love me?
You were the first to say it
You told me I didn't have to say it back
And I never did things I didn't have to do
I loved you.
For who can't be loved
For sharing their time and their heart
On someone else
But damn my mind for intruding
And damn my heart for allowing
Such a blasphemous invasion of love
I never did things I didn't have to do
But time is essential
And the distance was miserable
When the only distance apart you want to be
Has to be measured in negative numbers
Damn geography
And damn the fucking clock
For giving meaning to the space between
When I hear your voice
And when I hear your voice again.
And damn our lives
For being so fucking inconsistent
And so insistent
On keeping our paths separate
Damn you.
Damn you for loving a boy
Who had not yet become a man…
For loving a boy
Who didn't yet understand
How beautiful you are.
And damn me.
For not fucking growing up fast enough.
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