#brb crying tbh
reigningmax · 2 months
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Max and Penelope leaving the track after the Australian Grand Prix
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littlealexhorne · 1 year
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“2 more out of 26 to go”
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robinsnest2111 · 3 months
Hi!, I'm so sorry to bother you but I was wondering as a fairly new Crue fan and a fellow Mick Mars enjoyer do you have any good recommendations for Mick centric fics? (Shipping or non-shipping,both are totally cool)
I also just really wanted to complement you on your gorgeous art style, all your Crue drawings are nothing short magnificent! (Especially all the poly!Crue ones👀)
Thank you! And sorry again for bothering 😊
hi :3 to start off: you're not bothering me at all! I love receiving asks! (just takes me a while to get to them, super busy with work rn).
idk if I'm the best person to ask for Mick-centric fic recs. I only have 5 crüe comfort fics and haven't gone through ALL the fics there are on AO3 yet orz
Anyway, here are my personal top 5 in no particular order:
• No chicken or soup by NewBikeWithThePlateRead666 , a short and sweet Crüe x male reader fic that was actually the final push to finally get me into Mötley Crüe for good lol
• Stuffed Up by sabbathgoat , a 3 chapter long (very filthy) polycrue fic focused on Mick that got me through some dark times, literally saved my life. WHICH APPEARS TO HAVE BEEN DELETED??? All I'm getting is a 404 page and idk how to feel haha... (oops I'm crying now, almost all of their work is gone, the author also did some amazing KISS fics...)
• She wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts, the nikkimick fic I already talked about in a previous ask where Mick wears a mini skirt to the studio and Nikki is internally losing his mind, wanting to worship Mick's body and pining like crazy <3
• Honorable mention as these two fics aren't Mick-centric but still so dear to my heart: As We Were Falling (human pet/servant AU) and In Darkness Shall You Be Reborn (pirate AU) by @arnold-layne <3 Both can be found on @vincess-princess
And thank you so much for enjoying my art!! I feel so honored ☺️💕
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marzipanladyart · 1 month
Emotional about first days of Lauren living with Erwan, I need a moment.
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azul-marie · 2 years
vergil. (little boy lost)
fem. reader. angst.
he remembers the first time you kissed him.
in his youth, when the two of you were children, beneath an old oak tree hidden away from streets and homes. an entrance to a forest unseen, but close enough he could find his way back home for supper. and for him to walk you home safely, as he always did.
he had gotten into another fight with dante, the third one that week. most of his bruises were healed, the last one turning his lips a violet blue.
“does it hurt?” you had asked, the sweet way that made his heart do somersaults. “come here, let me see.”
he wanted to brush it off, puff his chest out and be tough, just like father was. wanted to show he was stronger than one of dante’s punches, kicks or bites he inflicted. but in a haze, whether it was the sound of your voice or the soft of your smile, he had no choice but to meekly obey.
a little finger pressed tentatively against his lips. his pulse quickened, but from pain or excitement he did not know which. all he could do was stare into your eyes, a gentle gleamed observer who brought warmth with her touch.
“it’s still bright.” you murmured, tracing along his mouth. you were close enough that your hair touched his cheek, sending a pleasant itch down his face. “that dante, always making trouble.”
“tell me about it.” he huffed, trying to lift his head up higher. “in any case, i still won.”
“is that all that matters to you?” you laughed, playfully tapping his nose. “even when you get hurt so much?”
“winning means i’m better than him,” he said matter of factly, “that’s all there is to care about.”
you hummed, a neutral noise. he wondered briefly if he’d said something wrong. he meant to drop his shoulders, backtrack his words, when you had asked the question he would still hear in his sleep later that night, clear as crystal daylight.
“would a kiss make you feel better?”
he blushed.
or maybe he looked away, or pretended you were joking. this part was always muddled. but he remembers the awestruck nod he gave you. he remembers your little hands cupping his face. he remembers the one innocent act of a girl, wanting to sooth the boy she adored.
he does not want to remember much after that.
the memory smells strongly of sap and crushed autumn leaves. it is the only recollection that replays deep within his mindscape, where his human side wanders aimlessly, where his youthful self still stands, a bystander to glimpses of his past. who watches with intent the beauty of you, the heart of his longing and childish love. who watches with a blank, bloodied face, this memory that once brought delight to a childish boy.
it is all vergil has left of you.
you will never kiss him again.
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lepusrufus · 5 months
I got to the Gortash coronation part of my durge and now half of my party is mad at me I'll go cry in a corner bye
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ywpd-translations · 2 years
Ride 708: The resolution from now on!!
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Pag 1
1:400m until the peak!!
2: Both Rokudai and Kinaka
3: aren't slowing down!!
5: …. that's this town's high school's bike club
6: Are they doing the race for the spring newcomers?
Is it already that season?
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Pag 2
1: Rokudai is getting closer!!
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Pag 3
3: He passed him!?
6:He got through!!
No, he fell back!! Kinaka is still in the lead!!
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Pag 4
1: The match for Kinaka's pride as an experienced rider!! He'll never give up the lead!!
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Pag 5
1: I'll never let you!!
2: But!! This guy!!
He has been attacking over and over again!! Rokudai the wall!!
3: I get it.... but still, I can feel it....
4: This guy
5: He's not running to get to the finish line!!
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Pag 6
1: He's only thinking about passing me!!
I'll pass you
3: Nh..... gi....
4: Ah!!
5: His hands became numb and he can't even move them properly!?
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Pag 7
3: Road bikes don't have suspensions, so the vibrations of road surface pass through and get to both hands, so when you first start your hands always get numb!!
4: He probably already lost his grip almost completeley
5: And yet.....
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Pag 8
1: What is this will of moving forward!!
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Pag 9
2: 200m left until they reach the peak!!
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Pag 10
3: They collided!!
At the shoulders!!
5: Idiot, of course we'll collide if you try to pass me on the narrow inner side of the road!!
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Pag 11
1: The guardrail....!!
2: He can't hear my voice.... he's just moving face on!!
4: The last thing Kei-chan told me
His “words”.....
5: Roku chan
From here on....
His “word”....
You decide
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Pag 12
1: Will you “go”?
Or “stay”?
3: Ah....
4: Th.... that's!!
5: Whatever you choose, we'll support you
7: Goo Roku-chan!!
8: Yes!!
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Pag 13
2: There's just 100m until the peak!!
Just 100m!!
3: Kei-chan knew, and probably Kyou-chan did too
4: I finally understood in that moment
5: I'm such a dull person, teh
6: “Passing Kinaka” in this race
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Pag 14
1: Means that we won't be in the same club anymore, teh
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Pag 15
2: We'll stay in this club until we make sure he surpasses that guy
3: Huh!?
That day, I was so surprised  to hear that they would be joined the club
4: When I entered high school, I told myself “I'll do everything by myself”
I was so proud of myself when I found Back-gate-slope-san's club all by myself
I brushed their helping hands away and tried to do it alone
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Pag 16
1: But they still supported me to the point they joined the club
4: If I give it my all, I feel like I can do it
Oi, Roku-chan, can we chase this guy now?
5: And they stayed with me, who is still lacking, and gently lent me hand
6: Kei-chan....!!
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Pag 17
1: “Surpassing Kinaka-kun”
2: means to “go” after this
3: And stopping my legs now.... if I don's pass Kinaka-kun
4: I can stay with Kei-chan and Kyou-chan
That's what “stay” means
5: That's unfair
6: Whatever you choose, we'll support you
If you
7: say such kind words to me
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Pag 18
1: Strength wells up inside my body!!
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Pag 19
7: It's the end
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Pag 20
1: I want to push forward in the end!!
2: And to do that, I want a heavier gear!!
3: But....
Ngh.... I have no strength left in my hands, teh
4: That's..... move, fingers....
5: Ngh..... ugh.....
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Pag 21
1: Higher!!
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Pag 22
1: Rokudai switched to a higher gear!!
2: He's pushing forward!!
3: It's the final sprint!!
There are 100m left until the peak!!
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eternal-brainrot · 7 months
feeling unwell about xiyao hours
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salad-storm · 1 month
Damn u guys 😭😭 found these WEIRD ASS old tape reconrders ???? In my OFFICE ⁉️ 🤣🤣 and theres these PEOPLE talking like the WORLDS ENDING 😭😭 CRINGE 👎 apparently tyey LITTERALLY DOOMED US and our entire REALITY?? 🤣🤣 listeing to them like a PODCAST LMAO this prank is SO BAD 💀🤣‼️ would suck if tru tho 💀💀💀💀💀
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cosmic-kaden · 1 month
Another for the angst! This would be from Adam's P.O.V when he gets his shit together and attempts to get back with them but they say they aren't ready yet (It take 2 attempts for them to get back together in my timeline)
As I stated before.. my f/o are the only one to use fem terms with me, they use she/her and they/them interchangeably.
ONLY my f/o can, no one else.
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jd-westan9 · 2 months
What do I do till October? Like....???? What do I actually do now...
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todayisafridaynight · 9 months
i have to drive for like two hours tomorrow and all i can think of is old people
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singedbutter · 11 months
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yonglixx · 11 months
I feel like in chan’s ideal world he would tuck all of his 7 babies side by side in a ridiculously wide bed and kiss all of their foreheads every single night. however reality is cruel and terrible and so that cannot be. but i see you chantopher. I see you.
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dickfuckk · 9 months
Never thought i would miss the s2 hype and news just bc
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aadmelioraa · 1 year
i forgot to put MY reasons in the tags of that poll but i picked ep 4 by a narrow margin. i love 3 for the intro to númenor, and 7 is a top contender too for so many character reasons, but 4 has white leaves and everything associated with that piece, both in s1 of the show and in general, makes me feral, and for that ep 4 has my heart.
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