#bree writes jatp
liardelphi1 · 3 years
I decided to watch an episode of Lab Rats
If y'all didn't watch that show, basically, a guy named Mr.Davenport kidnapped some kids from his brother (his brother also probably kidnapped those kids first) the reason he did that was because his brother put bionic chips in them (which gave them superspeed, super strength, super intelligence etc...) and was planning to sell those to the highest bidder. Fast forward like 16 years, Mr. Davenport marries a woman named Tasha, Tasha already had a son named Leo, Leo finds the kids (now teenagers) in Mr.Davenports basement and they have wacky adventures.
By the way, Mr. Davenport is rich. Like the basement isn't just a creepy old basement you find in horror things. It isn't important to what I'm going to say just thought I should mention it.
Anyway on to the actual post, Bree (one of the bionic kids) smashes her chip because she didn't have any freedom because of it. And they have to call in the brother I mentioned above to help fix it since he created blah blah blah whatever, so Mr. Davenport when Bree wanted to have her bionics back was like 'I can't do that, I haven't replicated it'. I'm surprised this hasn't happened before, the only reason Bree was able to smash her chip was because they had to take it out (it's implanted in their necks) and do like a update or something, I forget why they needed to take it out but anyway Adam (another one of the bionic kids) is the strong dumb stereotype/trope and since he had super strength he likes throwing Chase (the last of the bionic kids, well at least for the first few seasons) around since Chase is the youngest (?) and the second shortest (he doesn't mess with Bree) and so you're telling me you wouldn't make a replica of the very expensive, very valuable bionic chips with a human wrecking ball running around?
It's a actually a pretty good show if you can get past the bad writing and costumes for the first 2 seasons, the humor is pretty good and the characters are enjoyable
Also for my jatp fans, Booboo Stewart is in the spinoff show they did with another show called Mighty Med. The spinoff is call Lab Rats: Elite Force and it is good but it did get canceled after season 1 and leaves off on a massive cliffhanger so watch at your own risk I guess
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blackandblue13 · 2 years
oh god. the temptation to write a satisfying "elite force" ending myself is so big except i already have too many jatp wips that i need to finish, and i'd probably have to rewatch "lab rats" s4, all of "mighty med," and all of "elite force" to have a decent understanding of what could realistically happen (and obvi that would include bree/skylar and chase/kaz/oliver, and probs make some joke about how girls are never interested in chase, and reese was the first, and obvi i'd bring back leo and adam (somehow make sure donald stays FAR away), maybe a marcus revival, some kiddos from the academy, sebastian on the bad side but coming over to good bc chase convinces him?, somehow make it that horace and alan and that lizard guy and those two gay supervillains that do community service at mm survived the attack on mighty med, gus and jordan will obvi make an appearance)
(okay i think i might actually write this but it will take A While)
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thedragonemperess · 3 years
Hey! 5, 8, 10 and 15 for the Fanfic Day Meme
5. What’s your favorite headcanon to use in your fics?
This one depends on the fandom. For JATP, it’s the fact that Caleb has a heart, way, way, deep down. For the MCU, it’s that Loki is alive because aLL THE SIGNS POINT TO YES. And For Lab Rats/Mighty Med, it’s the fact that everyone is part of the LGBTQ+ Community in one way or another (except Donald, who is a homophobhic bastard).
10. What would you change if you had to do it all again?
My Valki fic that I wrote a year ago. It sucks, and I was writing it before I had any grasp on the, for lack of a better word, rules of writing.
15. Give us a snippet of something from you WIPs!
This is from my “Imma write a Season 2 to Lab Rats: Elite Force!” fic, or, in other words, “Lab Rats: Elite Forces”.
Douglas had been set up in a medical area, his pulse having gotten weaker.
      "Do you have any idea what Reese could have done to him?" Oliver asked Chase.
      "No! Shouldn't you of all people know what happened to him?! You're the comic book geek!"
      "They never talked about Rodissius's kids, we only knew that he had them," Kaz butt in.
      They three of them started to argue, seeming to have completely forgotten their current situation.
      Bree rolled her eyes, uncrossed her eyes, and stepped forward. "ENOUGH!! Rodissius has taken control of the city as well, and more lives than Douglas' will be taken if we don't act now. We need a plan before we go forward with anything else!" The room fell silent.
      "Shouldn't we have something prepared for this? We're super and bionic heroes, and our base was discovered early on. Why don't we have anything in place for this?" Skylar asked. She seemed the least worried, but was freaking out on the inside.
      "Can't we call in the other two bionic teens? Or all of them, for that matter!" Kaz suggested.
      "SHUSH! All this noise isn't helping Duggie!" Perry instructed. She was standing next to Douglas and holding hand. "Don't go to the light, we're trying to find a way to save you."
      Kaz seemed to each have a sudden moment of realization. "That's it!"
      "What's it?"
      "Chase, come with me!" Kaz started to run down the corridor, hitting Chase on the shoulder, who then turned around to follow him as well.
      "What are we going to do? We can't just hide here forever. Innocent people are getting hurt! Not to mention, if this continues without any of us showing up to stop it all, the world is gonna turn on us again!"
      "Bree! Calm down. We're gonna get through this, just take a second to breathe," Skylar told her. Panicking wasn't going to help anyone in this situation. Bree took a deep breath, and closed her eyes for a second. "Okay. I'm calm."
      Oliver stepped forward, an idea having come to his mind. "Doesn't Kaz have a point? Can't we call in your brothers and the other bionic humans?"
      "Leo and Adam, yes, but not everyone at the academy is mission ready."
      "Then we just need to recruit the ones that are mission ready."
      "Oliver's right, Bree. We need more help; there are to many shapeshifters for the 5 of us."
      Bree hesitated, but nodded. "Okay. I'll get in contact with my brothers. Skylar, you get in touch with Mr. Davenport. Oliver, try to convince AJ's mom to let him come help us. We're gonna need all the help we can get."
      "Got it."
      "On it."
They all proceeded to walk their separate ways.
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heavvnsiighs · 3 years
I associate JATP, Bridget Satterlee, awesome writing, and sweetness with you ❤️
bree  .  .  .  the  way  i  would  go  to  war  for  u
tell me what you associate with me
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unsaid-stardust · 3 years
Luke has a thing for pulling Julie onto his lap.
the first time it happens luke is trying to get back his beanie from her and in the midst of chasing her, he grabs her by her waist and pulls her back down to her bed and onto his lap.
julie is flustered at first, but she doesn't move bc it feels nice being this close.
and now that they can touch it's all that they seem to gravitate towards. whether it's absentmindedly or on purpose, their hands always find a way to brush up against the other. or when they're standing side by side, luke will lean on to julie's shoulder just because he can (and her hair smells really good like peaches). and julie will find a way for their shoulders to touch no matter the execuse
but pulling her onto his lap? that was new; yet neither moved from the other.
It becomes a regular unsaid thing. another conversation that they can have without saying anything at all. when they sit down to watch movies, luke doesn't even have to motion for her to sit against him, she just does
And it’s natural.
The most natural thing in the world like it is for Julie to sing and for Luke to play music.
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unsaid-stardust · 3 years
Fire to My Ice
Julie and Luke are sitting on Julie's bed one night. They use the songwriting as an excuse to be separated from the rest of the band, but both of them know that they're lying to themselves. They both know that they’re being selfish; wanting to soften the ache from gravity pulling at their heartstrings telling them to orbit around another. 
As Luke is writing something down, he struggles with finishing the lyric. He doesn’t even have to say anything for Julie to know that he’ll be handing over the songbook to her. And she’s right of course, except she didn’t expect their hands to accidentally brush over one another as the pen is being passed over as if they were at a coronation; Julie accepting the right to royalty. 
And then Luke is looking at her like that night in the kitchen; the look that is so engraved in Julie's mind. 
She had never noticed before though that Luke's hands were cold. Whenever Julie was around Luke or any of the guys, she felt a slight chill, she thought that it was just because of the being a ghost thing. But she never really thought about if Luke himself was warm. She guessed it was just because she expected their bodies to act human since they look human. 
"your hands are cold" she pointed out to him, nice one Julie he already knows that. He pulls back his hand, he didn't really want to, but he had forgotten to move it before and he couldn’t get a read on Julie’s facial expression. He stutters a bit, trying to find the words because how do you respond that when you're a ghost? 
"oh yeah uh sorry," Luke found himself apologizing on instinct. 
 "no, don't be sorry. I just...i guess i didnt expect it. Does it bother you? The cold?" Julie questions hesitantly. She was always a bit worried about overstepping with the guys and asking them about what it was like to be a ghost. She tried not to do it too often, but sometimes Julie's curiosity got the better of her.
Luke looks at her with the bitten back smile, the one she adores yet hates at the same time because it's not as bright as his full blown smile. He shakes his head.
 "no...well not all the time. Sometimes i forget about being a ghost but then other times it just...something happens and it's kinda like a slap in the face? Or getting hit by a truck? The realization that I’m...dead....it just hits. It’s worse at night usually. I think it’s the quiet because it’s in that quietness that  I get hyperaware of the fact that i can't sleep to shut off my mind or eat food because I’m hungry or...or feel warm again..." Luke trails off, visibly swallowing back any discomfort from the topic. 
She never realized it before Luke, but whenever she notices someone in discomfort her instinct is to hold them. To be there for him. She didn't notice before him though because it was never as strong of an urge as it is when she's around him. As much as she wants to hold him, she's unsure of acting on that feeling with Luke because things between them were just so-not normal. And not only that, but he wasn't always tangible. They still haven't gotten that figured out quite yet.
But, this time, she doesn't hesitate, because in all honesty, her fingers have been itching to touch his ever since he passed over the pen. Now she has an excuse though to cover her hands with his so she does. 
Luke looks down at her, his jaw slightly dropping down. He had never met someone so full of love before he met Julie. Sure, his parents had loved him. Alex and Reggie--they loved him. But it wasn't the same as Julie's love. He couldn't pinpoint it. Maybe it's because of what he saw when she passed through him in the kitchen. Or maybe it's just becuase that's the kind of person she is. Or maybe it's because of times like these when she literally makes him melt from the warmness of her heart. 
 "but the times I forget....they only happen when I'm around you".
Julie looks at Luke, her mouth going dry as all english words slip away fom her brain. Her body begins to slowly inch closer and closer to Luke without her permission, but she doesn't fight it. The ache of that gravity tugging at their heartstrings was too strong for Julie to do anything about it anyway. So, she lets it go where it wants to go; towards Luke. And somewhere in that process, Julie notices Luke doing the same. The gravity pulling them together gets stronger and stronger, so much so that it feels like it's going to snap. 
And then it does. 
Julie's lips meet Luke's and that ache that was there before melts away. The kiss is hesitant. Both unsure of many things. But, within seconds, Luke is grabbing onto Julie's waist and pulling her even closer to him, so close that she's practically on his lap. Feeling like she might float away into outer space, Julie lets her hands move to Luke's shoulders. They don't stay there for long; wanting to explore this new territory that was so unfamiliar to Julie. She grabs onto his hair and Luke bites down on her lip softly. She sqeaks at the sudden movement, but doesn't pull away. The kiss gets deeper. Both of them needing more; Julie getting breathless. She feels his cold air against her lips turning into warm air and she smiles into the kiss. 
Luke really meant it when he said the only time he forgets he's a ghost is around Julie. That's not just because Julie makes him feel like a better person or because she makes him laugh or because she's all he can think about. No. It's because Julie is the only one that makes him feel warm. She's the only one that makes him feel like he has a heart beat again; like he has a breath again. He can almost feel it radiating off of her lips on his. And he never wanted that feeling to stop. 
Luke lived for the rush when he was alive. But, he never imagined a rush quite like this.
tagging: @moony221b @willexx @blush-and-books @lydias--stiles
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unsaid-stardust · 3 years
Heaven is A Place on Earth
Based on this incredible fan art by @lovelyrugbee. Seriously go check out their stuff bc they’re amazing!!
Luke didn’t have to say anything for Julie to know that something was off with him. What kind of girlfriend would she be if she didn’t know?
Would it be easier if he said something to her? Absolutely. Was he going to? Knowing Luke? No, he wouldn’t. 
And he didn’t have to. Julie wished that he felt as safe with her as she did with him and that he’d feel comfortable telling her all his thoughts, but she wasn’t going to force him. She would wait until he was ready to tell her, because eventually, he does.
But, from the looks of today’s rehearsal, he was planning on sulking this one out. 
Usually, Luke was just as electrifying as his guitar. Bouncing on the balls of his feet, jumping off of anything he could find leverage on, sharing mics with her or the guys. But today? He wasn’t doing any of that. But, today, he might as well be a literally rock except he wasn’t rolling. Instead, he sits slouched on the couch, guitar in hand as he barely gets through his guitar solo for “Edge of Great”. Once in awhile, a note would sound muted; Julie notices that it’s whenever Luke reaches a hand up to his temple.
If Julie hadn’t already figured out that something was wrong with him, this would’ve been a blatant tell. 
“Alright, alright, let’s kill it, I think we need to call it a night,” Julie announces loudly in her microphone, fanning her hand across her neck as a gesture in case they couldn’t hear. 
Reggie and Alex don’t look surprised. They look more relieved if anything. But, Luke? His head perks up from his slouching position on the couch. 
“What? No, no we can’t call it a night! It’s only 7:30 and we’ve got that gig next week and-” he starts to ramble.
“Dude, we still have like 5 whole days until the show. We’ve got plenty of time still to be productive,” Reggie explains. 
“Yeah, man, and slouching on the couch during a solo isn’t productive. It’s better if we just call it early tonight and spend a little extra time tomorrow,” Alex adds on, stepping out from his drum set. 
Luke stands up and begins to protest, but Julie cuts him off, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder to tell him she knows something is up.
“Sometimes, even ghosts need breaks,” She says softly. Luke stands there for a moment, and Julie thinks that he’s about to protest even more, but thankfully, he doesn’t. Instead, he lets out a defeated sigh and falls back down to the couch, crossing his arms over his chest after removing his guitar. 
“Fine, but only if this means we have a longer practice tomorrow,” He huffs. 
“Absolutely! Now, excuse me, but I have plans with Willie!” Alex explains, poofing out before anyone could make stupid comment. 
“And I promised Carlos I'd play Super Smash Bros with him tonight, later!” Reggie clicks his tongue and shoots finger guns at Julie and Luke before he too poofs out. 
“Guess that just leaves us,” Julie says with a smile, patting her knees as she takes a seat next to Luke. Luke winces and brings both hands up to his temple as the couch bounces him up from Julie sitting down. 
“Luke, what’s wrong? Don’t tell me it’s nothing, because obviously it’s something. Please just let me be here for you,” Julie exclaims, turning her body so that she’s facing him on the couch, her hands finding her way back to his shoulder. Luke’s fingers press on the bridge of his nose.
“Julie it’s no-” He begins to say, but Julie glares at him and he lets a frustrating sigh escape his lips. 
“It’s just a headache that’s all. I’m totally fine don’t worry,” Luke tries to shut it down; Julie doesn’t let him.
“First of all, you’re clearly not fine. I mean just a few minutes ago you were slouching over your guitar during a solo. Second of all, you’re a ghost, you don’t have the necessary human traits to have a headache so that’s concerning. Third of all, don’t tell me not to worry, Luke. I’m your girlfriend. It’s literally my job to worry about you and care for you and just--be there for you,” Julie rants. 
She would've kept going too, but Luke takes her hands into his and grazes his thumb over them.
“Yeah, but, Jules, you’ve had to worry about me so much already. I mean it wasn’t that long ago that the whole thing with Caleb happened. And you’ve been through so so much and it finally seems like things are going so well for you and I love that. You have no idea how much I love that and I just didn’t want to take that away from you,” Luke explains, bowing his head down. 
Julie sinks back into the couch, not letting go of his hands, practically stunned by his words. 
“Luke. You could never...you aren’t ever--a burden on me. I meant it when I said it, I want to be here for you. On your good days, your bad days, your in-between days. When you’re bouncing off the walls or just lying down next to me. I want to be the person you come to. But, I can’t be if you don’t let me,” Julie finishes. 
She searches his face that is usually so easy to read, but practically unreadable in this moment. Thankfully though, he gives her an answer. 
A crash into her lips. 
The kiss is short, but it still gave Julie everything she needed to know from him. They break a part, staying close enough for Julie to feel his ghost of a breath fanning on her lips. 
“I love you,” He whispers. Julie feels her lips crease into a smile. 
“I love you too,” She responds without missing a beat. Luke presses his forehead against hers, Julie thinks this is what Heaven must be like.
“I don’t think you can get rid of this headache, though. But, your touch makes me forget about it,” He explains, his voice soft and raspy. 
“Then I think I have the perfect remedy,” Julie explains. She scoots away from him then, a little whimper escaping his lips causing Julie to sound a small laugh.  She presses her back against the couch then, laying her legs out towards Luke. She pats her knees then, gesturing for Luke to lay down. He raises his eyebrow at her making her roll her eyes playfully. 
“Come on,” She says with a sing-song tone, patting her legs again. Luke doesn’t argue. Instead, a smile paints onto his lips, and he falls towards her, using her knees as a sort of headrest. 
Julie then places a hand softly hand and begins to sift her fingers through his hair, messaging his temple in the process. Luke sighs, this time not in frustration, but in complete content. 
“You’re right, this is perfect,” Luke comments and even though they’ve been officially a couple for at least a month now, he still manages to make her blush. 
Luke reaches for Julie’s hand that wasn’t sifting through his hair and laces their fingers together, setting them down on his stomach. Julie doesn’t tell him that she wouldn’t mind him playing with her curls too, but she didn’t need to. He quickly found a curl that was hovering over him and weaved it between his thumb and index finger. 
Yeah, Julie thought to herself, this was definitely Heaven. 
tagging: @willexx @littledancersun @blush-and-books @lydias--stiles @moony221b
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unsaid-stardust · 3 years
Nights Like This
Luke hated nights like this. These nights where all he wanted to do was write, but nothing came to mind. No melodies rang in his ears. No lyrics whispered in the back of his mind begging to be let out. No "Ba-bums" echoed in his eardrums that would later be turned into a drum pattern for Alex. No. It was all empty; his head. And yet, it wasn't. There were still so many things swimming around like a whirlpool. Everyone around him often joked that he didn't think. And he didn't....most of the time. But, then there were nights like these, when the words and melodies were empty, that gave way for his thoughts to move in to the forefront of his mind. 
When he was alive, the remedy was easy: go. That's all he had to do. Go somewhere, anywhere, away from where he currently was. That always seemed to get Luke out of whatever funk he was in. But, now that he's dead, there's only so many places he can go. Sure, he could go walk on the beach or around the darkened streets of L.A., but it just wasn't the same. Not when everything that walked and breathed right through him just reminded him of what he wasn't. 
So, that's how he found himself sitting on the porch swing at half-past midnight on the Molina's front stoop, swinging gently, back and forth, to the rhythm of the light Los Angeles breeze, gazing up at the twinkling stars, trying to remember the constellations that his dad taught him when he was 8. 
He couldn't remember many of them, the constellations. He only really remembered the Big and Little Dipper, but who didn't? Luke sighed. There were a lot of things he didn't remember when it came to his parents. He was just always so focused on music it was hard for his brain to think of anything else and that included family. Sometimes on nights like this, he wished things had been different. That he had never picked up that stupid guitar in the first place. Because then, he'd remember more about his parents and he wouldn't be...dead. His friends wouldn't be dead. He wouldn't be sitting here, alone--
 Luke sat up at the sound of a voice that was the equivalent of what Luke imagined stardust would sound like and found the source, which was much more magical than stardust ever would be, standing in front of him: Julie, the wicked beauty who should instead be a sleeping beauty. 
"Julie? What are you doing up?" 
"Couldn't sleep, thought I'd get some fresh air," Julie explained as she walked up the front steps of the porch. Julie didn't have to ask Luke to move in order for him to make room for her on the swing. And without much thought, he shifted so that his back was against the arm rest, his legs laying across the seat and against the back of the swing. Julie smiled and jumped up to the swing, copying Luke's movements so that they weren't quite touching, but were close enough to make Luke's non-existent breath hitch. 
"What are you doing out here? Aren't you usually in the studio or roaming the streets or whatever it is you do? Actually, what do you do at night? You guys don't sleep right?" Julie asked. Luke smiled slightly at Julie's curiosity, but swallowed it back at the aching thought of passing all the lifers on the crowded streets. 
"I try to write usually. But, everything up here is sounding a lot more like those crickets in cartoons," Luke joked so that Julie wouldn't worry. It seemed to work because Julie sounded a laugh that was music to Luke's ears. 
"That's a first," She snorted. Luke shook his head and rolled his eyes.
"Ha, ha, very funny," Luke retorted and turned his attention back to the stars (Which really should be jealous of how bright Julie Molina shined when she laughed, or did anything at all for that matter). Julie must've noticed how quiet Luke was being for she broke the silence. 
"Hey, you'd tell me if anything was up, right?" Julie questioned, placing a hand on his knee next to her; Luke froze slightly at the contact, looking down at her fingers he often imagined tracing down his own skin just as she traced the keys on her piano. The touching was still so new and yet--it always felt right. 
Like whenever Julie brushed her fingers against his when they were writing, it felt like she was the literal key to his heart. Or when she laid her head on his shoulder when they would watch Friends in her room, it felt like they were puzzle pieces that were lost under the rug for so many years finally coming together.
Luke never really paid much thought to the idea of soulmates before he met Julie. If he did, it was in context to music. Music was always his soulmate, but lately? Lately, he was beginning to think he was wrong. 
"What do you mean? I tell you that the sky is up all the time," Luke intercepted. Julie rolled her eyes and took her hand away from his knee in order to place it onto his hand.
"That's not what I meant and you know it. I just--you always tell me that I can tell you anything and I want you to know that it's the same with me. You can tell me anything, Luke. Whatever you have to say, whatever you're feeling? I'm here to listen," Julie explained. If Luke was able to breathe at all, he was pretty sure that he would've forgotten how. His chest felt tight and the place where his heart used to be, the place that always felt and sounded hollow, didn't feel so hollow anymore. 
The reason why Luke told Julie, and even Alex and Reggie, that they could tell him anything was, not only because it was entirely true, but because he felt like he didn't have that in his life. He had the guys, yeah, but he didn't ever want to burden them. They already had so much going on in their lives he never wanted to add to that. And his parents....he could yell at them and they wouldn't even listen. To have someone blatantly tell him that they were there for him made him feel things he couldn't describe. 
He never was good at that, but with Julie...he could learn to try. 
Without even a thought passing by, Luke moved his hand so that it was on top of Julie's, leaned his body forward, and brought her hand up to his lips, placing a lingering kiss onto the back of it.
"Thank you," He whispered against her hand and even though the only light that danced around them was coming from one dimming porch light, Luke caught a hint of a blush on her cheek causing Luke to bite back a smirk as he placed their hands back onto his knees. 
They stayed like that, their hands lying on top of one another, the L.A breeze swaying their bodies back and forth gently in the night. And as they sat, talking about everything and nothing all at the same time, their hands staying conjoined the way a lock and key or a puzzle piece seemed, Luke thought that maybe, just maybe, he could get used to nights like this. 
Tagging: @blush-and-books @willexx @littledancersun @moony221b @lydias--stiles @ruzek-halstead
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unsaid-stardust · 3 years
Heart and Sole
huge shoutout to @lydias--stiles​ for the idea! 💜
It didn’t take long for Julie to bend her “stay out of my room” rules for Luke. It also didn’t take long for Julie’s room to become Luke’s favorite room of the entire Molina house. No longer was it the studio, oh no. And that was because of one very very clear difference: it was never just the two of them in the studio. 
But, in Julie’s room--it was always just the two of them. And Luke loved every minute. Especially when it looked the way it did now with Luke sitting on the chair by Julie’s desk, strumming his guitar mindlessly and Julie on her bed, covering her plain white converse with colorful pieces of art.
Julie would say they were just doodles, but Luke thought Julie was wrong because of course it was art. Anything Julie did was art, really. He’s tried to tell her before. Loads of times (Pretty much every day--sometimes twice in a day. He just needed to make sure she knew, ok?). But, even so, Julie can be stubborn when she wants to be, and with her “doodles” as she so passionately calls them, she wanted to be.  
Luke loves her so-called doodles. It was one of his favorite things about his day; seeing what new design was left on new lyrics or imprinted on her shoe when she got home from school (Because chances were, when she left for school with white converse, they wouldn’t come back as white as snow). 
His absolute favorite thing about Julie’s doodles though was that everything that was drawn by her, especially on her shoes, seemed like a piece of her. Every stroke, every sketch was just an imprint of Julie’s DNA. Another mark on the map that led to Julie’s soul (He was one of the lucky few that had already seen into Julie’s soul, that night in the kitchen, so he didn’t need some pair of white converse to tell him what it looked like. He knew for himself. And it was beautiful--that was an understatement of the century). 
“Can you pass me that marker on the desk there?” Julie’s voice snaps Luke out of his trance that he had no knowledge of being in (It happened a lot around Julie, more times than Luke would like to admit).
Luke nods and immediately reaches behind him to grab said purple marker, handing it off to Julie with a soft smile. He sets his guitar off to the side then, a rare action coming from the guy who once stated “it’s like I always thought! Our instruments are attached to our souls”. But that was his old philosophy--the philosophy before he met Julie. And now that he had met her and they had this “interesting little relationship”....well--the guitar was in second place when it came to who had his attention.
(He wouldn’t admit that to anyone of course, but his body language said it all. His chin is literally in the palm of his hands as he watchers for crying out loud)
“Have I told you how talented you are?” Luke questions, gazing up at her as if she were a masterpiece at The Louvre. Julie lets a giggle escape her lips.
“Not in the last five minutes,” She shoots back teasingly. Luke can’t help, but chuckle as he shakes his head and rolls his eyes, tossing a pen at her in the process. 
“No, but seriously, Jules, you have to know that those doodles aren’t just doodles. They’re works of art” Luke explains. Julie scoffs and looks right away 
“You call butterflies marked on a shoe art?” Julie inquires, her eyes smiling down at him (Luke could’ve sworn he saw a glimpse of Heaven swimming in those eyes of hers). 
“Yeah! Are you kidding?! Absolutely,” He states earning him an eye roll from Julie. 
“Alright so, if you draw a butterfly on my shoe, that’s still art?” She inquires and suddenly, Luke felt like he was at a crossroad.
He knew the answer to that-- it would in fact not be art. One look at his handwriting could testify that. But, this question appears to have two meanings. The literal and the figurative. The literal being “would Luke’s doodles count as art?” and the figurative being an invitation to draw on her shoes. 
So, does he lie and say “yes”? And if he draws on her shoes...would that make him...a. part of her like all her doodles were? Does it matter who does the doodling? Is Luke overthinking? (yes, yes he is, just doodle on her shoes Luke!)
“Guess you’ll be the judge,” He states and then he goes for it. He grabs the blue marker sitting next to her and pulls the cap off. 
It’s sometime during then that his brain recognizes Julie placing her foot on his lap and for the first time in his afterlife, Luke felt he had a breath, one that hitches at her close contact. 
He tries to ignore the sound of a faint drumming in his ears (was that...no it couldn’t be....) as he touches the marker carefully on-top of the toe and makes his first imprint. He dares his eyes to look up at Julie as he sketches, her lips slightly agape. Luke holds the marker tighter, as if that would stop the spell her lips had on him, before finishing his artwork. 
“Uh, Luke? I know I'm not wearing my glasses, but that doesn’t look like a butterfly to me,” Julie comments, bringing her foot back towards her so that she could inspect the new drawing. Luke shakes his head, biting back his lips with a small laugh.
“It’s not! It’s a star for a star!” He answers, his lips creasing into a wide smile. Julie rolls her eyes, but Luke can tell that she’s fighting a smile. She reaches over then and playfully punches Luke in the shoulder.
“You’re such a dork. You know you don’t have to keep calling me that, right?” Julie questions. Luke felt his eyebrows crease. Of course he had to keep calling her that--in fact, he’s a bit bewildered on why she thinks he should stop. But, is she ready--is he ready--to tell her why?
Maybe...just maybe he could...
“’course I do. You’re the literal embodiment of a star, Jules. The stars in the sky? They’re jealous of you because even they can’t shine as bright as you....”Luke finds himself trailing off, pausing to swallow back any fear. It’s now or never, Luke. 
“Remember when I said that I gave you ‘bright’ because it was perfect for your vocal range?” Luke inquires. He takes his own dare then and looks over at Julie, who can only nod her head slowly. He licks his lips before he continues.
“Well that’s not...entirely the truth. I did think it was perfect for your vocal range, but, Jules...when we landed in the studio....I kinda of thought that you were um, an angel because you were just so...bright. And yeah, when I say you’re a star I do also mean when you’re shining on stage, but you shine all the time. So, when you told us--” Suddenly, Luke was cut off, but not by words. 
Julie’s lips. 
Pressed against his.
It was happening. The moment that Luke had imagined over and over and over again was happening. 
The warmth he had always imagined radiates from her lips onto his. Her hands caressing his cheeks, electricity sparking from her fingertips. The gravity that had always been there between them, the one that Luke was never quite sure if he made it up in his head, finally coming into full vision, melting away as Luke places his hands on Julie’s waist. 
Luke doesn’t know how long they stayed like that; Melting into one another, savoring the taste of every little kiss. Luke didn’t even know that time had existed in that moment. All Luke could think about was Julie and her art that was a part of her. Because that star wasn’t the only thing that had been added to her shoes. No, his heart went along with it.
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tagging: @willexx​ @blush-and-books​ @littledancersun​ @moony221b​
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unsaid-stardust · 3 years
After a long weekend, which included Carlos eating too much sugar and running around with a ghost bassist, and catching his daughter with her ghost boyfriend, Ray Molina rubbed his tired eyes as he made his way to his desk. He loves his kids more than anything in the world, but he definitely wasn't prepared for them to be close friends with 3, not 1, but 3 ghost rockstars. It was a lot of work to say the least plus he had no clue where the boundaries laid with this sort of thing. Should he be ok with it? Should he let his kids be so attached to entities that don’t exist in reality? 
He wasn’t sure. But, if there was one thing Ray was sure about, it was that this is the happiest he had seen his kids since his wife passed away. Especially Julie. And that was probably all the doings of one particular ghost: Luke Patterson. 
He had known that Luke and Julie shared chemistry; He saw it on stage almost every weekend. But, he didn’t know that they had acted on that said chemistry. He thought it was just some harmless flirting and songwriting. But, boy, was he wrong about that. Because just the other night, he caught his daughter and the ghost guitarist on top of the grand piano in the studio engaging in some not-so-rated-PG-13 activities. 
Ray had been prepared to deal with that one day. After all, his daughter is 16; that in itself calls for hormones and drama. But, what he wasn’t expecting, was it to happen with someone who isn’t human. 
Ray sighed as he sat down at his desk with his cup of coffee. Besides the challenges that occurred this weekend, he has a lot to catch up on work-wise this morning. So much so, that he didn’t even notice the piece of paper that laid out in front of him. 
Ray raised his eyebrow as he picked it up in his hands. It wasn't his handwriting that’s for sure, he could actually read his handwriting, and he definitely didn’t remember putting it there. 
Dear mr. molina, 
First of all, thank you for being chill about this. I know you werent exactly expecting youre daughter to fall in love with a ghost; neither was i to be honest with you. 
Oh, so that’s what this is. A letter from Julie’s ghost boyfriend. Add that to the list of things Ray Molina wasn't prepared to handle. As much as he was caught off guard, Ray found himself chuckling at the last sentence (that and the incorrect use of the word “you’re”). At least they were on the same page on one thing.
And just a warning before i begin: i havent written an essay in 25 years so you know what youre in for. But i juet want to say, i love youre daughter. She-she’s my brightest burning star-literally. She’s like my sun, without her i wouldnt be here. I wouldnt be playing music or exist the way i do. And she makes me feel alive agaon. I know this might be a bit too personal but i felt a heartbeat when i kissed her the other day. That hadnt happened before. Mr molina, i just want ro love your daughter the way she loves me, but even more. I just want to show her how much power and talent she has and how beautiful she is. She doesnt believe me  most of the time but im going to make damn sure that she does one day. I’ll keep that promise to yiu. So yeah, i love your daughter. And i hope you’ll let me love her back. 
Luke Patterson.
p.s sorry for the incorrect grammar that was never my strong suit
Ray chuckled again, except this time, there were tears that went along with it. He knew his daughter had this incredible amount of love in her heart for everyone around her, but he would never have guessed that she had the capacity to pass it on to a ghost and for a ghost to reciprocate it. 
Noticing the tears that had dropped on the letter in front of him, Ray wiped them away from his cheek with the palm of his hand. Before today, before this letter, Ray Molina had a lot of uncertainties about this relationship. What kind of person (ghost?) Luke was, what his intentions were, and how he could allow this behavior when he didn’t exist in the real world. 
That wasn’t the case anymore. If this letter wasn’t enough to show that, then the tears that were now blurring the messy black ink, would say it all. Ray stood up from his desk then, tears still brimming at his eyes. Luke had asked for his blessing, now he's on a mission to grant it wholeheartedly. 
But, what Ray Molina didn’t know as he walked out of his office, was that the ghost he was looking for had been behind in front of his desk the whole time, crying just as much as he was.
tagging: @willexx @blush-and-books @lydias--stiles @littledancersun
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unsaid-stardust · 3 years
Touch Me Like the Pouring Rain
trigger warning: this fic implies mild depressive episodes. 
Luke used to love the rain. He often found himself on the walkway of the studio when it rained; back when he was alive that is. Now? Now he couldn’t feel the rain like he used to. 
He couldn’t feel the baby droplets that raced down his arms; washing away whatever was troubling him at that moment in time (because the rain always seemed to hit so perfectly). He couldn’t get the shivers down his spine that he used to when he sat in the walkway, the ones that always made him remember why he liked to write. He couldn’t just sit and feel things anymore.
And it hurt.
It physically caused an ache in his chest. It was nothing like the pain from the jolts that were caused by Caleb’s stamp, not in the slightest. But, it was enough to make Luke unproductive the entire day, setting up camp at the window sill in Julie’s room. 
Luke knew that he wasn’t supposed to be in Julie’s room, but there was something (Always) pulling him there. And he really needed to be surrounded by her today. He didn’t know why, perhaps it was that same gravity that pulled him towards Julie’s room. He really didn’t care for the why though because it didn’t change whether he went to Julie’s room or not (He knew why, but knowing and admitting are two completely separate things).
“Luke?” Julie’s voice called out to him; snapping him out of whatever ghostly trance he was in. 
Had he been here all day? It didn’t feel like it. No, no he was only there for like 2 hours. But, then why was Julie already home from school?
“Luke, are you ok? That was like the third time I called your name,” Julie explained after dropping her backpack at her door. She made her way next to him at the window sill and it was then that Luke realized that he had been in some sort of catatonic state. His view of choice? the falling rain. 
Most days, he could push that empty feeling in the back of his mind. The one that screams at him and tells him that he is no longer alive. That he doesn’t even have a body, a home, a family, at least one that shares his DNA. The only good thing about being dead is that he has Julie, Alex, and Reggie with him, but sometimes-- sometimes that wasn’t enough. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry, I know I shouldn’t be in here, I’ll head out now,” Luke lied, not really realizing his low, monotone-coated voice. Luke began to make his way towards the door when Julie touched his arm signaling for him to stop. 
“Luke, I can’t let you walk away when I can tell that something is bothering you. You know you can tell me anything, right?” 
If it were anyone else, if it were Alex or Reggie, he simply would have continued to make his way out of the room. They have enough weight on their shoulders, he didn’t want to add to it. And he certainly didn’t want to add that same weight onto Julie, but he couldn't say no to her. Not when she’s looking up at him with those big beautiful brown eyes. Not when she’s touching his arm, her warmth radiating onto his skin. Not when she’s the one that gets him without him needing to say a word. 
But, how could he explain it to her? For one thing, it was a stupid concept to miss. Rain? It’s literally just water that falls from the sky and ruins your day by getting you wet when you weren’t planning it. And for another thing, he was never good at explaining his emotions. It’s why he wrote songs in the first place. For some reason, it was just easier putting them into music because that was all he was after; it didn’t seem as monumental as sharing his feelings out loud. 
But with Julie, he could learn to try. 
So, he pressed his lips together before taking a deep breath in and out, not letting his eyes off of Julie’s (If he did, it would’ve all been over and he would’ve left).
“it’s kinda of...stupid, but I've kinda been missing rain? I know it’s right out in front of me so it’s not like I can’t see it, but I can’t....feel it the way I used to and it’s just...hard,” Luke finishes. He dares to look right at Julie then and he sees her lips part and eyes looking back as if she knew him in a past life. 
Sometimes it felt like that. Like Luke knew Julie in a past life. He doesn't know if it’s because of that night in her kitchen when she passed through his entire body and he could see the light in her soul. Or if it was the connect of electricity that flowed through their veins as they wrote lyrics and melodies at the piano. Or if it was because of moments like these where he could swear that Julie could feel what he was feeling even though he knew that was out of the question because she was alive and he was...
“Luke, that’s not...” Julie trailed off, trying to find the right words to say.
“That’s not stupid at all. Now that we can-touch it makes me forget the reason why we’re called Julie and The Phantoms in the first place. It only makes sense that some days--are like this. Is there anything I can do?” She questioned. 
Luke felt his lips crease into a hint of a smile, the first hint of one, he guessed, all day. Of course she would want to help. Of course. She’s Julie Molina. Words couldn’t really express how much of a pure heart she was. But, even if that was the case, Luke felt that this was one thing that Julie couldn’t fix (She could stay and that would take the pain way a bit, but Luke didn’t think they were at that point in their interesting little relationship yet).
“I-I don’t know. But, Jules?” He questioned softly. She hummed in response.
“Thanks,” Luke acknowledged with a small smile and Julie nodded.
“Of course. I meant it when I said it. You can tell me anything. Now I'm starving so I'm gonna go get a snack you’re welcome to join me in the kitchen, but if you don’t feel up to it, I guess just this once, you can stay in my room,” Julie explained with that smile that Luke swore would put the stars to shame. 
“I’ll stay here. Thanks...” 
Julie nodded before heading out of her room and closing the door behind her leaving Luke to watch the rain fall out of her bedroom window. If it was one thing Luke Patterson knew, it was that Julie Molina was the sun: warm and bright and wonderful. 
But, what Luke Patterson didn’t know was that Julie Molina was forming a plan in her head.
Luke began to notice the plan, however, the next night in the kitchen. It was early in the evening after the Molina’s had finished dinner, which the boys were now invited to as Julie’s dad knew about them now (They’d tell him that they can’t eat, but all three of them had decided it was the least they could do after everything he’s done for them; letting them stay and all). 
Julie had collected everyone’s plates off of the dining room table and brought them into the kitchen to wash, Luke offered to help, but she refused. So, instead, he just kept her company as she rinsed the plates off in the sink. He perched himself on the kitchen counter next to the plates handing them off to her to make the process quicker. 
Just like always, they had slipped into a sort of routine. Julie washed a plat with a dish rag, put it into the dish washer and hand out her hand towards Luke, who already had the plate in her reach. It was seamless, almost like a product line in a factory. That was, until it wasn’t. 
Luke had been reaching for another plate beside him when Julie flicked her dish rag at him with a smug smile. Luke still couldn’t feel the water then. He may be visible to the Molinas (Only sometimes, the boys still haven’t figured that out entirely yet), he may be able to pick things up better, but he still couldn’t feel water. He didn't know what it was about tangibility, maybe it just wasn’t their strong suit. 
What he did know, was that he felt that Julie’s seemingly spontaneous water fight wasn’t really spontaneous at all and that it had something to do with their conversation yesterday afternoon. Even though Luke saw right through it, he still played along, grabbing a dish towel himself and splashing her right back. 
That’s how the kitchen ended up in puddles that night and Julie’s clothes got tighter (Luke felt like the universe was teasing him at that point; showing him things that he couldn’t touch no matter how badly he wanted to). 
It become a sort of reoccurrence; The incident in the kitchen. They started out as subtle little things. Splashing him when they sat at a fountain when they were out one day. Flipping her wet hair at him after she came down from showering (which man, did he think he was daydreaming at first).
After those methods didn’t seem to work, though, Julie went bigger. Spraying him with the garden hose, brining out water guns. She tried everything yet nothing she did seemed to work. Luke debated telling her that she should just give up on him; it was never gonna happen. 
But then, it did. 
Luke had been walking out of the studio after finishing the final touches on a guitar solo for a new Julie and The Phantoms song when something passed through him, making him stop in his tracks. 
He swiftly turned around to try and find the object that had passed, but nothing was remnant of the feeling. Because he didn’t see anything alarming, Luke began to make his way towards the house, but the feeling of something passing through him happened again; no objects in sight. 
“What the hell is going on?!” Luke shouted. Well, he got is answer alright. Suddenly, Julie had appeared behind one of the bushes in the garden, water balloon in hand. 
“Get him!” She commanded as if it were a battle cry. Luke thought then, that maybe it was, because immediately after she had called, Flynn, Carlos, Alex, and Reggie all appeared from different hiding places in the garden as they began throwing their ammo. 
Instinctively, Luke threw his hands up in front of him, his leg pulling up in front of his chest too, to shield him from the balloons that inevitably just passed right through him. In that moment of time, everyone forgot, even Luke. 
Because the three boys didn’t get wet, it was Julie, Carlos and Flynn who had suffered the consequences, playful yelps sounding from each of them as they were hit. And Luke wasn’t preoccupied enough not to notice. So, he came up with his own game plan--making a run for it towards Julie and stealing her ammo. 
In this case, it was an advantage that he wasn’t able to get wet as he ran across the battlefield. Julie had been distracted by Flynn, who had made Julie her new target, which gave Luke the leeway he needed to sneak up behind her and grab a water balloon from the bucket next to her. 
He didn’t miss a beat when he catapulted the balloon at her back. She threw her arms up in shock and turned around to face the culprit; drops of water making her face glitter in the sun. 
“Oh, you’re gonna get it!” She yelled at him. Luke held up his hands in defense and widened his eyes dramatically.
“Oh, I’m scared!” He mocked, which was a big mistake because Julie charged towards him after that.
“You should be! Get back here!” She laughed. Luke didn’t take her order, continuing to run laps around the backyard. 
“oh I don’t think so! You’ll have to catch me first!” Luke yelled back at her. Julie continued to laugh as she chased after him, Luke joining in too. Neither of them sure how much time had actually passed, Julie finally caught up to Luke and tackled him to the ground.
“Gotcha!” Julie smiled brightly above Luke. Luke realized then how close he was to Julie. Luke’s back had pressed against a tree from Julie’s force while Julie found herself practically straddling Luke, his hands mindlessly placed on her wast, their faces hovering inches apart. 
And it was in that moment that Luke had realized something important. He may not be able to feel rain like he used to, but he could feel Julie. He could feel her breath warming his cold skin. Her hands resting on his shoulders. Her legs against his. 
He could feel his lips against hers as both of them had began to gravitate towards each other just like they always seem to do. 
And as he was kissing her, their bodies moving in sync, his cold breath mixing with her warm, he realized that it had happened. 
Luke pulled away from Julie’s lips, his own hurting because of how big he was smiling, and brushed a strand of her hair out of her face as he leaned in and whispered
“You’re my new rain.”
tagging: @moony221b @littledancersun @willexx @blush-and-books @lydias--stiles
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unsaid-stardust · 3 years
request: maybe first time juke makes out?? can be an au or canonverse, car couch or bedroom, etc. kinda like they have been adjusting to little pecking kisses to actually making out when they cuddle n stuff
thanks for the prompt, anon Chloe ! i went with a “the boys are alive and they go to the same college as Julie!” AU. Hope you like it! 💖
Luke was the driver of the night (as he was the only band member with a car). They had just played a rocking gig at The Roxy and he was currently making the rounds of dropping everyone off, saving Julie for last. She had been teasing him all night and he knew he wouldn’t get her all to himself once he dropped her off. He could tell that Julie was thinking the same thing as him from the glances she kept giving him from the passenger seat, her hand on his thigh as he drove.  
(Was he speeding to get Alex to Willie’s? Maybe, but could you blame him?)
On stage, her skin glittered underneath the heat of the spotlights. She always sounded incredible, but tonight, she was really something. It was like she was a siren calling him out to sea or a goddess of sound singing a prophecy to him; He was mesmerized the whole entire night. Plus, add in that Julie wore something a little more revealing than she normally did--a sparkly two piece that looked as if it were made for her; That alone was enough to drive him crazy.
And now, she was wearing his distressed jean jacket that was definitely too big on her, but damn did it make her look adorable. 
Lucky for him, Julie was all his. And he was all hers. After months of dancing around each other, Luke finally admitted his feelings to her on the roof of his house at 3 am. The band had played an impromptu house party that they got word was happening at one of the houses not far from campus. 
They stayed afterwards for some fun (which turned into some drunken karaoke and endless amounts of jello shots). It was then that Julie had decided to flirt with some random guy that none of the bandmates or Flynn knew. Luke chalked it up to Julie being drunk, but then he started flirting with a random girl for the hell of it, and things took a turn for the worse. He and Julie ended up in an argument prompting Luke to walk home drunk (Reggie along for the walk as he didn’t want Luke alone when he was that drunk). 
Once home, which was the studio where they rehearsed, Reggie plopped down on the couch and Luke took to the roof, a place he often went to clear his head. Not long after, did Julie show. They talked it out, both of them admitting that they only flirted with other people to get one another jealous. They shared their first kiss, which was nothing like the kiss that Luke planned on giving her as soon as Alex left the car.
“keep her in one piece, ok? She carries this band,” Alex teases. Julie giggles and Luke rolls his eyes.
“Yeah ok, Alex, say goodnight to Willie for me!” Luke calls after his bandmate, who scoffs before closing the car door. 
Luke watches from the curb to make sure that Alex gets inside ok and then practically lunges towards his girlfriend, crashing his lips onto hers, holding her hair behind her ear with one hand and the other under her chin. Julie reciprocates immediately, pushing Luke slightly back due to her own desire. Slowly, Luke pulls his lips away from hers, but only enough so that they’re not touching anymore.
“I’ve been wanting to do that all night” He states, voice low and raspy, as he peers into Julie’s chocolate-reminiscent eyes. She smiles.
“Me too,” She confesses while biting her bottom lip. Jesus, she was trying to kill him. He wants nothing more than to just stop right there and kiss her all over, but, it was getting late and he knew that Julie had an early class. He forces himself to put his hands on the wheel and to focus his eyes on the gear-shift.
“We should get you home,” He suggests secretly wishing that Julie would oppose. Julie sits back in her seat though, looking slightly defeated.
“Yeah, probably should,” She agrees. Luke presses his lips in order to stop himself from sighing, and reverses his car before pulling away. 
“Can I be DJ?” She questions him, gesturing towards his phone in the cupholder plugged into the aux cord. He almost laughs because she should know by now that he pretty much answers “yes” to any question ever that she asks him. That, and he thought it was a given that she could pick the music; she has a killer music taste after all. 
She takes a minute or two to look over his Spotify playlists (which he definitely forgot about one in particular and hoped she didn’t notice, but knowing her, she will) before she breaks the silence. 
“Luke’s Make Out Mixtape? What kind of playlist name is that ‘Playlist Patterson?” She teases using the nickname she uses to refer to his creativity when it comes to naming playlists because typically, he does have wicked titles.
3 things came into Luke’s mind then. 1. he liked the little bit of alliteration 2. she was trying to kill him with all of this teasing 3. he has two routes he could go here: banter or assertion.
She didn’t know about this playlist because he had just made it the other day after their typical kissing had briefly turned into a little more before they were interrupted. And man, did he want to go back to that. And it seemed like she did too. Pulling the car into a rather convientent empty parking lot, his mouth made the choice of #3 for him. 
“The kind of name for when you want to do this.” 
Luke leans his body towards Julie’s and their lips reconnect with more hunger than before. Not taking her lips off of his, Julie presses play on Luke’s playlist, “Kill My Time” by 5 Seconds of Summer blasting through the stereo. 
“Good...choice” Luke breathes into another kiss in between the words.
He deepens the kiss then and it’s then that his mind catches up to him and he realizes what’s happening; their first time actually making out. They had shared multiple kisses before, but nothing like the heated moment that’s happening now. And between the adrenaline that was still in his veins from playing The Roxy and the fact that Julie is now making her way to sit on his lap, he feels like he might explode. Add in that they’re listening to his make out playlist and he has some really good fucking vibes coming up, like “Tennis court” by Lorde because she was a damn good lyricist okay (And the synths basically screamed make out music), he was riding high on cloud nine. 
All of these factors combined caused Luke to want to test the waters. He didn’t want to do anything Julie wasn’t comfortable with, she had less experience than he did he knew that, but Jesus, did he want to bite her lip and kiss her all over. 
“Tell me...if anything..doesn’t feel ok...ok?” he asks her softly in between muffled kisses. Julie hums and nods her head and Luke takes it as an ok to test the waters. 
So, he does.
He slowly takes Julie’s bottom lip into his teeth lightly biting down. She makes a sound then that Luke hadn’t heard from her before and it sends shiver down his spine, a smile across his lips as he pulls away. Julie whimpers at the contrast of his lips not on hers and places her hands on his shoulders as she pushes herself forward bringing her even closer to him. Luke can’t help, but groan at the feeling of Julie against his hips. 
He kisses her neck to distract himself and Julie pushes forward against him again. Luke hears his breath shudder and he presses his lips to the spot where Julie’s jawline meets her ear. It’s Julie’s sounds that turn breathless this time and as much as it drove Luke crazy, as much as it lit a fire in him, he knew it was a sign that they should stop. 
“Jules...” He whispers as she eagerly kisses his lips. 
“yeah....” She breathes, stopping to look at him, her eyes ignited by the fire that was lit within Luke a few seconds ago. 
“We should stop...it’s getting late...” He continues before resting his forehead onto hers. Julie purses her lips and he could tell that she was disappointed too, but knew that he was right.
“yeah, probably should,” she agrees and she removes herself from Luke’s lap, returning to her own seat. Luke looks over at her and can’t help, but think of how lucky he is. This wicked beauty of a girl just happened to catch his eye at a Sunset Curve show and decided to become a part of his life and not only that, but decided to love him back. 
“Hey,” He called to her softly, getting her to look at him with her pretty doe eyes that he loves so much, and placed his thumb under her chin.
“I love you,” He whispers for the first time. Julie kisses him one last time, much more soft and gentle and slow compared to any of the previous kisses and god does he love her. 
“I love you too”. 
tagging: @moony221b @willexx @blush-and-books @littledancersun @lydias--stiles @sanssssastark
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unsaid-stardust · 3 years
jatp fan works appreciation week-day 4: thirsty Thursday
I know I already reblogged my masterlist but @pearlcaddy told the fandom creators to be thirsty today so that’s what’s happening. 
So here are some links to where you can find my writing and some of my favorite things I've written!
my ao3
My masterlist (Again)
Fire to My Ice- During a late night songwriting session, Luke opens up to Julie about being a ghost
Touch Me Like the Pouring Rain-On a rainy day, Luke begins to miss the feeling of rain. Julie tries to make him feel better
Blessings-Luke writes a letter to Mr. Molina after he catches him and Julie in the studio.
And bc I feel like it and bc I'm getting antsy while trying to finish this first chapter-under the cut is a snippet of my Juke College AU
Julie didn't want to be at this party. All she wanted to do was stay curled up in her bed watching Friends all cozed up in her favorite soft blanket. But now. Flynn was invited to carrie’s sorority’s party and claimed that Julie needed to go there for moral support because she cannot go and spit out alphabet soup in front of carrie after the flirty texts she had sent. She needed impulse control and Julie was like 85% (ok maybe more like 90%) of her impulse control. But, as soon as they had gotten to the party, Flynn found carrie and Julie decided that she was doing good on her own. 
So that’s how she found herself grabbing her second beer from the table and moving to wander around the crowded house party. At some point she found herself in some sort of study room which for some reason also had a record player. It didn't take Julie long to find the box of records sitting next to it. She could only imagine what kind of records these sorority girls had. They were probably all newly packaged ones from urban outfitters or something; twenty one pilots or harry styles to try and look like they were into music. Julie sat down crossed legged on the floor to begin sifting through the records and lo and behold, the first record she touched—harry style’s self entitled EP. she rolled her eyes. It wasn't that it was a bad ep it was more so the fact that it was so typical of sorority girls. Moving on the next few she saw were also just as generic. The arctic monkeys, the 1975. It just kept getting more and more generic. That is, until it didn't'. 
The next record to catch her eye featured an all girl band, one of them having an electric guitar that was shaped like a flower. Julie smiled. She knew this album—it was her mom’s favorite. The Petal Pushers they were called. A little bit tipsy and not thinking about the party that was going on behind the closed door, she took the record out of the sleeve, carefully lifted the needle of the record player, and let it play. 
tagging: @willexx @blush-and-books @lydias--stiles @moony221b @littledancersun
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unsaid-stardust · 3 years
Blessings (Part 2)
Part | 0 | 1 |
A/N: what’s up guys I kinda fucked up and didn’t plan to make this into multiple chapters so it’s all out of order 😭 They can be read as they are now, but if you feel that you’d like to be in chronological order, then I recommend you start at part 0 then go to 1, etc. Happy reading 💖
Luke had poofed into the kitchen before Mr. Molina entered for the sake of keeping his composure. He definitely did not want Mr. Molina to know that he was crying too. That wouldn’t look good on his part because then he would know that Luke had been in the same room, which according to Julie, is an invasion of privacy without his knowledge.
Entirely caught up in his emotions, Luke almost forgot to make himself visible, but managed to remember in time (yeah they can do that now. Not all the time, but some of the time. Which, it would’ve been helpful during the incident the other night now that Luke thought about it). 
He tried to make himself look as casual, yet formal, as possible by leaning on the counter and snatching a grape from the bowl. (They couldn’t eat yet, Luke was just nervous).
“Oh, Luke. Just the ghost I was looking for,” Ray stated with a finger pointed at Luke as he stopped in front of him. 
“What can I do for you, sir?” Luke questioned rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Please, just call me Ray. I wanted to talk to you about the letter I found on my desk this morning.”
Luke straightened his posture; preparing for the worst. 
“Look um...Ray...I’m sorry if I overstepped I was just trying--” 
“No, don’t apologize, Luke. You did nothing wrong. You actually did everything right. At least in my book,” Ray answered. Luke bit back a smile, not wanting to celebrate quite yet.
“I did?” He inquired, his head poking upwards. Ray nodded his own.
“Just based on this interestingly written black ink, I can tell how much you love my daughter. But, I didn’t need this letter in order to know that. I saw it during your first performance of ‘Edge of Great’. It was pretty hard to miss. I saw it at The Orpheum when you leaned towards her at the end. I saw it when you introduced yourselves to me, Carlos, and Victoria. You never took your eyes off of her. I saw it when we went out to dinner and Julie forgot her jacket because you were quick to give her yours. But, that’s not all. This past year of knowing the band, Julie has never shined so bright. And correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe It was mostly your doing?” Ray asked a now teary-eyed Luke, who couldn’t even bat the tears away if he wanted to. No matter how much he hated crying in front of someone he was trying to impress. 
Not only were there tears in his eyes, but Luke had forgotten how to speak. He knew he had to, but all he could manage was a head nod. 
“I thought so. What I’m meaning to say with all of this, Luke, is that you may be a ghost, but your love for my daughter has been shown to me all along in so many ways and all of that outweighs your form of being. And because of that, I give you my blessing to date my daughter,” Ray finished by placing his hand on the boy’s shoulder who was quite literally stunned. 
Luke had never had a great relationship with his own father. Sure, he knew his dad loved him and they had had meaningful conversations and watched football on Sundays together, but it wasn’t like what he had with his mom. This was why getting Mr. Molina’s approval was so important to Luke. Not only was it because family is so important to Julie and therefore, important to him, but he wanted to have a better relationship with Mr. Molina than he had with his own father. 
And to his surprise, it looked like he was getting what he was always missing for once in his life and afterlife combined. 
“M-Mr. Molina....R-ay....you have no idea how much this means to me. I won’t let you down,” Luke answered. Ray beamed down at the ghost in front of him.
“No doubt that you won’t. Why don’t you go tell Julie the good news! I’m sure she was in just as much anticipation as you were!” Ray suggested. The boy in front of him nodded eagerly and began to make his way out of the kitchen when Ray remembered something else he meant to tell him. 
“Oh and Luke, keep what happened in the studio the other night to a minimum please!” Luke nods, his cheeks becoming red like they were when Ray had talked to them in the studio, before returning to go find Julie.
Luke found Julie in her room, sitting cross-legged with Luke’s acoustic sitting across her lap. Julie had begged Luke a couple weeks ago to teach her how to play the guitar, and while acoustic was harder to learn for a beginner, he couldn’t part with his trusty electric. She didn’t have to beg much for him to teach her, though, but he might’ve made her beg just a little simply because she was cute when she did it.
Luke had surprised Julie by placing his lips on her and coaxing her into a long kiss. Soon enough, Julie needed to breathe (that was another good thing about being a ghost, he didn’t need to break the kiss ever because he didn’t have a breath, although, Julie sometimes made him feel like he did) and she broke away from the kiss.
“What was that for?” She questioned, her eyes sparkling light the stars in the night sky, as she beamed up at him. He jumped onto the bed next to her making her laugh. God, did he love her laugh.
“What? I can’t just kiss my girlfriend?” He teased, prepping himself up on his elbow and facing Julie who sat on his right. Julie then placed the guitar onto the ground next to her so that she could lay down facing him too. 
“Well you can, which another one now please,” Julie stated, no tone of question in her voice. Luke didn’t hesitate, his lips creasing into a wide smile, leaning in to kiss his girlfriend. 
One kiss soon turned into another then a third and then a fourth and a fifth and so forth. Somehow, between the kisses, they had found themselves in a position with Luke’s back pressed against the headboard and Julie straddling his lap; her shins facing outward in a “v” shape. 
Luke’s hands settled on the small of Julie’s back, his kisses getting deeper and deeper, needier and needier. Julie sighed into almost every kiss, especially when Luke tested the waters and bit her bottom lip slowly and gently, purposely breathing his mixture of cold and warm air onto it. 
Julie was getting more and more breathless, but still, she played with the hem of Luke’s shirt, signifying that she wanted it off. He shook his head before moving his mouth towards her ear, nibbling it slightly before he whispered “your dad just gave the ok. I don’t want to mess it up”. 
Julie pulled away then and stared at her boyfriend with adoration. Luke watched, unable to get a clear read on her facial expression. But, luckily, he didn’t have to play detective any longer. She placed her hands onto his chest and lean in towards his ear and whispered “I love you”. 
Luke was pretty sure he had a heart again because his chest felt like something was going to jump out of his rib cage. He was so head over heels for this girl. This-wicked beauty of a girl. This goddess who’s life he literally fell into. This talented and loving and-amazing girl. 
Luke couldn’t help himself. He just had to capture her lips into his again, biting her lips and peppering kisses all over her skin; her forehead, her cheek, her neck. Everywhere.
“I love you too, my star”. 
tagging: @willexx @blush-and-books @lydias--stiles @littledancersun
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unsaid-stardust · 3 years
Blessings (Part 0)
Blessings Part 1
Summary: A glimpse into the night before Ray finds the letter on his desk.
A/N: this part does get a bit more steamy than the first part of this fic, but is along the suggestive side rather than explicit. As always, Let me know what you think! xx Also a HUGE thank you to @moony221b and @lukesorangebeanie for helping me out with my grammar! 💜💜
Walking into the studio on Sunday night, Julie Molina held hopes in her heart of getting a melody out of her head and onto paper. That intention flew out the window almost immediately, however, as a piece of balled up paper knocked it out of her, causing her to flinch at the contact. 
A little bit frantic, Julie searched for the cause and found it to be one annoyed looking Luke Patterson sitting on the couch surrounded by other pieces of crumpled up papers. Julie suspected that he was working on a song and was having trouble finishing, so she began to make her way towards him to help, when he grunted with frustration, tossing another piece of paper in her direction.
“Hey, slow down wrecking ball you’re gonna give me a paper cut,” Julie teases before moving to give him a kiss on the cheek. She already knew that Luke was in a bad mood, it’s pretty hard for someone to miss with all the papers lying around, but from his reaction alone to her kiss, he’s in a mood he can’t get out of easily. 
Still, Julie tries to ease his frustration by standing behind him, arms around his shoulders, hands folding at his chest, head in the crook of his neck. She feels his body loosen a little, but not as much as it usually would. 
“What’s wrong?” She asks her boyfriend softly. He sighs again, but this time, tilts his head back towards Julie, bringing them even closer together. 
“I’ve been trying to write this letter to your dad for the past hour and I just can’t  get it right. I’m either too casual or too formal and I can’t spell or use grammar right and I don’t even know how to write a letter, but I thought that I should and I-” Luke continues to rant, but Julie can’t help, but let a laugh escape her lips when she realized why this was happening. 
The other night, she and Luke had been in the studio working on a song that had turned to the romantic. The two had known that the song didn't encompass their sound, but a part of them didn't care. Feelings were confessed to one another just last week, so they were in a bit of a dream state to say the least, their thinking straying on the irrational side.
All of these factors together had relocated them to on top of the grand piano; Luke with his shirt off, fingers bunching Julie’s shirt at the hem, itching to take it off. The two had had heated moments before, but they never reached to the point of clothing removal. And it was exhilarating.
The kisses were getting deeper and the breaths that escaped Julie’s lips were heavier. Luke’s right hand cradled Julie’s head to act as a sort of pillow protecting her head from the hardness of the grand piano’s surface. His left wandering her body in unexplored places. 
It was then that Luke whispered softly in her ear, breathing semi-cold air in between phrases “you’d tell me...if this was...too much...right?”. All Julie could manage, was a head nod and a sound of agreement into their kiss. 
Luke slid his left hand down towards Julie’s thighs getting closer and closer to-
The doors to the studio slid open then, Julie’s dad strolled right in calling his daughter’s name, unaware of the going ons that were happening on the piano. 
But, man did he become aware. 
Needless to say, the two parties were flustered to the max and had received a parent lecture on the matter.
So, of course Julie couldn’t help, but let a giggle escape her lips at the thought of her boyfriend writing a letter to her dad after the mishap. She doesn’t even need to look at whatever he ends up writing to know that her dad will love it. His #1 parenting rule is honesty and he appreciates any action that coincides with the philosophy. 
“Luke,” Julie interrupts her anxiety-rambling soulmate. He immediately stops, his puppy dog eyes, as Julie likes to call them, eyeing her as if she were his goddess who was about to give him a prophecy.
“He’ll love it.”
tagging: tagging: @willexx @blush-and-books @lydias--stiles @littledancersun
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unsaid-stardust · 4 years
Julie and The Fantoms-a social Media AU
When up-and-coming internet band “Julie and The Phantoms” releases their first single, they become all the rage on various social media platforms. In the midst of their rise to greatness, fans begin to notice the chemistry between lead singer Julie Molina and guitarist Luke Patterson. From Tweets to YouTube Comments to Instagram posts, fans are determined to label their relationship. But, are they right? Or are Julie and Luke just friends?
tagging: @jaskiers-sweetkiss​ @meangirlsx​ @littledancersun​ @mambofivehargreeves​ @sunsetnerve​ @pawprinterfanfic​ @unsaid-luke​ (let me know if you want to be added to the tag list or taken off!! 💜)
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