#btw if you support Israel get the fuck off my blog
arsonist-faerie · 8 months
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As a black girl I will always stand with the oppressed. We are witnessing a genocide and it is immoral to stay quiet or neutral in the face of such cruelty. Please take the time to educate yourselves and keep a critical eye on Israel's propaganda. It is imperative to continue to call out the misinformation. If anyone wants me to add or change anything in this post please dm me.
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darlin-djarin · 8 months
btw i'm palestinian. i've said it before but i'll say it again. anyone who expresses support towards israel in any way can fuck right off my blog. there is no "both sides"-ing this shit. my people have been suffering for almost 80 years, getting ethnically cleansed and oppressed. there is NO "both sides". israelis do not get an ounce of sympathy from me. and anyone who disagrees with what i just said can leave. i will not respect you if you actively support the ongoing genocide of my people.
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colesstar · 9 months
OKAY HELLO, I am ‼️COLESSTAR‼️, pronouns are she/her and i am a miner (⛏)!! Should’ve updated this way earlier but
Also this has turned into a multi-fandom blog main fandom is ninjago though (Extra not as important stuff below cut + my tags)
I like to very aggressively love my favourites uhm so of i start insulting a character itd more likely its /j and /aff unless its like genuinely a bad character like nadakhan
I post mostly about ninjago but you might see me reblogging Shakespeare,fnaf etc. don’t mind it. If you see me arguing with @/1989deluxed (or @/tybalttruther adding @/clouseninjago) it isn’t serious i swear 😭
PLS TALK TO ME I DONT BITE I SWEAR I DO HOWEVER RAMBLE ALOT (through posts/asks, not DMs unless we’ve had a conversation before, people scare me sometimes)
I FAVOURITE MOST OF THE NINJAGO CHARACTERS sometimes i have one i focus on for the day its mostly Jay, Cole or pixal i think, hai its 4 nov and WHY IS MY GIRL NYA NOT ON THERE??? Uhmm its Jay cole zane kai Pixal Nya Skylor llllloyd or Ronin actually add harumi on girls RAPTONNN fuck just add the whole cast at this point
Also i am VERY conflicted on skybound but i do severely hate nadakhan its the only set decision ive made on the season. (Idk what date this bit was added but looking back at this is like AUGH i remember genuinely loosing sleep over skybound when i first watched it definitely dont think about it as much anymore but keeping this here for the sake of it (13/2/24))
#ririarts - ART TAG (shockingly)
#doodles - just doodles
#internal skybound conflict - anything i post about skybound
#riri headcanons
#canonically canon confirmed by ri - headcanons except not all of them are mine but I’ve just confirmed them to be canon because i think they should be
#colesstar posts - i need to organise this shithole of a blog i love it anyways
#The Ninpanions- posts about the ninjas pets that i came up with (minus Zanes falcon)
#Riri Court of Justice - I do weekly polls :D theyre about ninjago ofc but they’re not about the main ninja or the seasons because yeah
#the Pinkification of lloyd garmadon - I dyed lloyds hair pink.
#lorenzas ninjago lore - my friend attempted to tell ninjago lore
the names maria btw the top but is to throw people off
My right eye hurts (unrelated)
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hockeychatstea · 3 months
Honestly its funny yall mock daniella for supporting israel (and those who are educated would now that this war is very much two sided with so much history-I support palestine btw but they ain’t as saint and innocent as your media is portraying) but at the same time you praise russian hockey players who support war in Ukraine or follow people who openly have said ukrainian people are not people worth of living and should be killed etc. But you just got bored of one war and quickly jumped to another. I don’t give a single fuck about daniela or vince they both look very average but your obsession with them is concerning.
I said what I said, go educate yourself or smth. You turn a blind eye to hockey players supporting war but are ready to talk mental shit about girl who has a friend with different beliefs and who doesn’t give a single flying fuck about your existence. Also if she wants to make her whole life about her boyfriend let her be, some of yall are too ugly to even dream about chance getting with a professional athlete, go read some history books and don’t forget that there are two wars but you americans just got bored about the first one🫶🏼
Look at Ovi, but hey he is good at hockey, who gives a fuck that he supports mental president and killing of innocent people. If yall attack me its fine by me Im not gonna respond❤️
This is the one and only ask like this I'm gonna answer and that is really only to tell you to go fuck yourself!
There is no war!! there is no two sides there is only a genocide!!!! No one on here is praising russian players you actually sound fucking crazy and no one forgot about the ukrainian war you fucking idiot
for someone who doesn't give a shit about Daniella, you should are riding for her hard. You know her or something? Lol
let this be me saying my stands on this issue if you support israel and what they're doing get the fuck off my page I don't care if this is a hockey gossip blog or not there is no room for that here!!!
Now let's get back to the fun little gossip now
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zoofles · 8 months
Btw if it’s not clear I’m in support of Palestine (🇵🇸) I’m just . . . Not on tumblr at all I’m more on Instagram! So my lack of posting abt the situation in Gaza rn doesn’t show how up to date and invested In spreading awareness I am.
But if ur pro Israel (or neutral about Israel’s genocide against the Palestinian people) get off my blog n block me. If ur Zionist fuck off! If you think this is an excuse for antisemitism then also fuck off.
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gayhenrycreel · 6 months
one of my mutuals reblogged a really not okay post. (dont worry tober, it was not you). the post in question was by nativenews (btw screenshots are not a news source at all. do better). it claimed that Jews are not being discriminated against, in particular being accused of zionism for no reason other than being Jewish. this is not true. i can think of 5 Jewish blogs off the top of my head that are against zionism and still get called war criminals. most of them dont even live in israel.
@/spacelazarwolf in particular frequently gets death threats, especially since oct 7th. i have had to block over 100 people on leftist tags comparing Jews to hitler. do you not see a problem with this? israel is commiting genocide, but so is america. america provides the weapons. no one calls americans nazis for this. why is it only acceptable to call Jews nazis? largely because of nixon and kissinger, america has killed far more people than israel.
israel has nowhere near the power america has. if america wanted a ceasefire, there would be a ceasefire.
i have seen so many people say "jews are just as bad as nazis"
do you not hear yourselves?
it would be fucking crazy if i said queer people are just as bad as reagans supporters.
israeli citizens are people. they do NOT deserve to die. as a rule, citizens are victims of their goverment. this goes for america, russia, china, north korea, AND israel. goverments are bad. we know this. citizens deserve freedom. that goes for ALL citizens.
people should be allowed to live in their indigenous land. peace is possible. more than one culture can live in the same land.
you know who else said only one culture should be allowed to live in one place?
henry kissinger.
Arab culture and Jewish culture can coexist. no one needs to die. we just need to abolish goverments. palestine will not be free until israel has no goverment to opress, which in turn will not happen as long as america has a goverment. no goverment does not mean no culture. it does not mean chaos. it does not mean no organization.
it does mean no goverment to control. its does mean people will have equal power in society.
palestine has a Jewish population too. should they die? israel kills them too. israel does not care about its people any more than america does.
this whole thing reminds me of people who think all southerners are kkk or something.
i dont want to have to block my mutuals.
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saspitite · 10 months
plain text/screenreader friendly version will be made soon i promise
hi, i'm saspitite, but you can call me sas, saph, or cadaver!! genderqueer shrimp has breached the internet!!! i use any pronouns but she/her :)
languages i know:
-english (native)
-ASL (intermediate-fluent)
-italian (intermediate)
-german (intermediate)
-spanish (WAS intermediate-fluent but kinda fell off from lack of use)
-finnish (beginner-intermediate)
-japanese (beginner)
current icon: #062 from Drowned Shrimp
current header: a post-concert photo of Heavysaurus
➸ this mess is a place just so you know. i will be reblogging All sorts of shit. i try my best to tag so you can filter for your own curated experience but i am not perfect 👍
this is not completely a politically-based blog but i might occasionally reblog that kinda stuff. hide #shrimpolitics if you don't wanna see it.
i also love to post about gay things and the Good Ol Leftist Agenda so there's that. i don't really have a tag for it yet so, uh, suffer for now. serious/heavy issues are tagged as #serious stuff... if i can remember to use that one
and i also love posting about shrimp/crustaceans!! my general posting tag is #shrimposting and my general reblogging tag is #shimpy shemps (note that these aren't EXCLUSIVELY just for shrimp, but for other crustaceans too sometimes). if you see a shrimp in a post and wanna know what species it is (or if there's just general context in relation to shrimp missing) you can tag me and i'll probably be able to answer because i'm just that normal about them lol
(more tag info found towards the bottom)
➸ messages and asks are always open, please just don’t spam me, it makes me nervous!!
➸ non-mutuals won't be able to message me (because i get way too fucking many porn bot messages, its exhausting) so if you wanna PM me and i don't follow you, just send an ask that has your @ in it + preferably an explanation as to why you want to reach out, and i'll follow you so we can talk! i won't answer the ask, i'll just read and then trash it, so dw!!
➸ also pretty please pleaseeee send me asks in general i love answering them!! (/nf)
➸ i do my best to add image descriptions for any images/gifs i add in my posts, but i may occasionally forget to/don't know how to describe them. do let me know if i should add/fix an id for anything in any of my posts!!
➸ mutuals are free to ask about any possible phobias/triggers i need tagged if they'd like, i just removed that information publicly for safety reasons.
➸ btw i love all trans people and aros and aces and mspec lesbians and bi lesbians and afab transfems/amab transmascs and multigender people and queer poc and disabled queers and fat queers and neurodivergent queers! i do not care what people say about you i love you forever!!!!!!!
➸ also i say faggot and dyke and tranny a lot. so uhm idk block me if you're a coward
➸ i don't really do DNIs because they're pretty useless and redundant but if i don't like you i might just block you. so just don't be gross!! terfs, transmeds, nazis, israel supporters, and idiots of the like will all be blocked on sight <3 and i'm not "debating" you either lol
"#giggle" - posts i think are especially funny
"#gold star sticker" - my all time faves
"#shimpy shemps" - posts about shrimp/crustaceans not made by me
"#shrimpolitics" - political bullshit
"#serious stuff" - posts touching on serious or heavy topics, may sometimes contain triggering subjects
"#identifying shrimp / identifying crustaceans" - me adding the species of a shrimp/crustacean found in a post (if its not already outright stated) !!
"#out of all the posts out there this is certainly one of them" - posts that took me like 300 rereads to mildly comprehend and i still don't fully get what's happening. yet i reblog
"#(____) wunk" - i have no clue how but this became my tag for rabbits.
"#sas says" - just a normal post i'll make, maybe a random life update or a funny joke i wanted to share
"#sas scavenging" - me showing off something i recently found/bought, which could be anything from t-shirts to rocks
"#shrimposting" - me blabbing about various crustaceans, typically fun facts and whatnot
"#shrimping" - any of my irl activities and whatnot that involves me wearing my shrimp costumes (like conventions and events!!)
"#venusposting" - posts of my cat venus
"#sas spiels" - writing/creative concepts that might not be fully fleshed out, just me sharing some thoughts i had in my head
"#sas stories" - my writing!!
"#sas scribbles" - my art!!
"#sas songs" - my music!!
"#a terrible thing has happened" - a terrible thing has happened
"#cosmic intertwines" - my eldritch horror universe (note that this is an umbrella name for all of my fictional worlds listed below and may be tagged in posts that focus on other worlds, but is usually reserved for the gods and outer activity of my fictional universe)
“#machina mundi” - an advanced post-apocalyptic robot world
"#hotel mabiya" - my flight rising clan
"#belet's dream" - a world of diverse anthropomorphic animals
"#the inter galactic voyagers" - the saga of a group of friends and their exploration of the cosmos! (takes place in the same world as "belet's dream")
@ebiquest - game project blog
@hotelmabiya - in-character flight rising clan lore blog
Tumblr media Tumblr media
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god-u · 7 months
Re: Rick Riordan.
Yes :( it's on his blog, he made a post saying Israel should get support and its their right ti fight back. He slyly hidden it within another blog post, from the outside it looks like a tour blog, but when you get inside it's all Pro-Israel, then he adds one more insult by going 'Okay now back to my books!' (I am not even joking! I was gobsmacked)
Warning: it's vile
He's been getting cancelled on Twitter for around 12/13 days now. There's now a boycott on the TV show, all 30 or so of Rick's books and some people have cancelled their subscriptions as they got them to watch PJO next month, not no more. Rick and Becky haven't been online since the backlash, their silence says everything. Meanwhile people have been sharing 🏴‍☠️ links as they don't want to watch the show, it's likely it will be cancelled as most of the tweets have thousands of likes/reblogs/views, many too have tagged Disney and the publishes asking for his cancellation x
i couldn’t even read all of this cause he just pissed me off BAD omfg.. it’s FUCK rick riordan till it’s backwards i’m deadass. “the two sides are humanitarian and dehumanizing.” what a piece of shit!!
i keep my twitter exploring to a minimum cause i hate that app and already got suspended once for saying i wanted all the r*p*ts in the b*ys to d word so i just try not to talk too much. like god forbid i say fictional assaulters (and real ones btw) deserve to d word 🙄 being real on there is always too much for the masses when you look like me. but thank you for sharing this with me like seriously!
i don’t even think i can watch the series anymore like once i’m done with someone it includes anything they’ve created. separating the art from the artist is really impossible for me as an artist myself
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galacticjester · 3 years
This place is absolute fucking chaos
Yeah I decided to make a post specifically for being pinned to the top of my blog, basically I just wanna link stuff here or note anything of interest
• I joined Art Fight, 2024 will be my third year of doing it! My profile is linked here if you wanna see it!
• I’m very big into making OC’s, I don’t post them on my socials much but you may see some of them pop up sometimes! Currently my favs are my Splatoon guys, as well as a few Pokemon OC’s and some of my characters for my own projects/my sonas. I have a few of them on my Art Fight (linked above) if you wanna look through, though there’s way more than what’s on there
•I have an incorrect pokemon villain quotes sideblog! It’s @incorrect-pokevillains if you’re interested! (It’s on hiatus rn though and I’m not sure when I’ll be back)
•I don’t shut up about my comfort characters btw, my favs will probably be most of this blog lol. Currently into Deltarune, Super Paper Mario, Splatoon and Hollow Knight mostly
•Basic DNI criteria (homophobes, transphobes, racists, xenophobes, antisemites, zionists, pro-israel/anti-palestine, sexists/misogynists etc.), also NFT and AI supporters fuck off. AI includes AI art, voice acting, writing bots (anything creative basically) and anything else that steals from others. Character bots aren’t malicious in any way as far as I know though so I’m fine with those. Also no proshippers/whatever other words you guys use (comshipper, darkshipper etc), please get help. It’s not okay
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changhomin-hatsukoi · 7 years
Dear Anon who asked me about my sexuality (and accusing me of fetishizing m/m couple),
Since I only got this kind of shit after I joined Shadowhunters (more specifically on Malec) fandom, I imagined this is about malec and not the fact that I write gay fics (for other fandom since fucking forever).
So anyway, I went through every single of my malec post to find what was it that i did/post/write that was so WRONG in your eyes...
Was it because i praised their scenes?
Was it because I am in so much awe of Harry’s and Matthew’s acting.. and I actually ‘voiced’ it out?
Was it because I am so amazed by how sweet and actually tender their scenes are?
Was it because I noticed Magnus’s every expressions and again, we are back to my amazement of Harry’s acting?
Was it because I actually feel excited at finally having LGBT couple that seems HAPPY for once?
Was it because yes, I strongly support consensual sex.. but at the same time I disagree the way some fans are harassing the cast/crew? 
Was it because I encourage people to vote for them in that damn couple contest?
Was it because i keep reblogging all the gifs/pics/vids of them with some caption at again, how I am in awe of how great this couple is (again, kudos to harry and matthew)
Or maybe~
it was because I support strong-but-also-vulnerable!magnus and doesn’t think Alec is a delicate flower like so many does in the fandom.
Dear Anon,
This may sounds mean but the truth is...
This fandom/ship is nothing special/different in the way i treat it. 
As in, I gushed about Malec the same way I gushed about everything else in my life that hold my attention/affection at the time: the absolutely greatest book i’ve ever read, the best movie I’ve watched, the best fics I’ve found, the funniest manga I love..etc... 
When I like something.. when I truly am in awe of something.. I want to spread the joy around. I will post and repost and reblogs and gush about it coz I want all my friends, siblings and followers to know about it so they too could find the same joy I found in it (i may be new to SH fandom but~ i am very active in other fandom and thus have quite a bit of followers). 
I love malec, yes.
I love the couple not because i have some fantasy about them... The ‘no sex’ scene doesn’t bother me (but I fully respect those who are bothered by it).
I am amazed by them because the chemistry.. the dynamic.. between the characters.
They have such different personality and background but somehow they matched really well.. 
As a writer, i cant help but take notice of all those little things like expressions/gestures/lights in their eyes.. coz all those that makes a big difference to how believable the couple looks on screen. 
And yes, I do think they’re cute together.
They do make me smile.
They are hot and attractive individuals and amazing couple (in the show). 
I love having their pics and all those lovely captions by fans on my dashboard.
I do admire them.
What was so wrong about that?  
See, some of you have this.. i dunno~ some kind of misplaced superiority complex going on or something.
You want people to watch/support the show
You want people to appreciate and favor your ship (in this case, malec)
You want people fight for your ship’s right.
When people actually likes and support them and naturally gets excited about them, you started throwing accusations and look down on these fans and purposely makes them feel bad. 
You want others’s support but only on your own terms. 
You harassed those who has different opinions than you or those who doesn’t follow EXACTLY the way you want them to support your ship. 
You want to dictate and control how they post about your favourite ship. It doesn’t matter to you that they are posting on their OWN blogs and doesn’t force anyone to read/agree with them, if they don’t follow your way of shipping the couple then they must be horrible and not worthy to even be called ‘fans’ (until when you need the viewer ratings of course..).
You talked about being oppressed in real world.. your opinions, choices.. your voice being controlled, silenced and discarded as useless.
Let me ask you: what the hell would you called what you’re doing yourself right now then? 
Your first ask towards me was ‘Are you a straight girl?’ which btw, showed how much a heterophobic you are... you are exactly like those homophobic except you are on the other extreme end. 
No. That doesn’t make you any better than them. 
Someone informed me that there is no such thing as ‘heterophobic’. That it’s not real.
Fair enough. 
Maybe the word itself doesn’t exists. 
But the prejudice (by thoughts/actions) that SOME of the lgbtaq members have against hetero IS real. 
I’m not saying that all heteros are saints either.
Some of them are horribly homophobic and treat the lgbtaq community as second class citizens. 
SOME of them.. not ALL. 
The same as not ALL Muslims are terrorist
not ALL Asians are a straight laced, whiz in Math student
not ALL Jews are pro-Israel.
not ALL white people disrespects others’ cultures...etc..
Point is: Stop generalizing people. 
Gay, Straight, Trans, Bi..etc.. for fucks sake, they’re all HUMAN BEINGS that each deserves to be treated as individuals
That’s it. 
No group is more special than others. 
If you are a jerk, you are a jerk. Period. 
It has nothing whatsoever to do with who or what you want under the sheet with you nor your religion/race..etc
“...If we no longer thought of them as groups, but as individuals, we would soon find that they varied in their different groups as much as we do in our own. It seems to me quite natural to say: “I do not like John Jones.” The reasons may be many. But to say: “I do not like Catholics or Jews” is complete nonsense. . . . It is individuals we must know, not groups!”
- Eleanor Roosevelt, ‘The Minorities Question’ (1945) 
So get off your high horse, stop being dramatic and LET PEOPLE BE HAPPY AND LOVES MALEC (and any other ships) IN THEIR OWN WAY. 
#malec #shadowhunters 
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