#burned mirabel au
gamerbearmira · 1 year
Au tings...
Hdjksjxisj what if i deleted my tumblr account. Like I’m not gonna, but you guys can’t lie, the thought has crossed your mind at one point 🐓
Alma worrying about Mirabel and not telling the family squat (They will remember that.)
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You guys know those shows where only half the adult it shown. Yeah I did that here cause I though it was funny 😭 idk why the quality’s so trash compared to the others
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Mirabel is genuinely surprised the family missed her, she thought they forgot about her cause she never got to sent another letter
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Notice how their clothes are dirty but they themselves aren’t? yeahhh anyway the kids speaking a made up language, because Isabela, Dolores and Luisa aren’t gloss or Spanish teachers 💀 who they staring at 👁️👁️
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Mirabel just cruising downstairs and sitting down as if she wasn’t burned beyond recognition and was in a coma for like a week and a half
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She originally planned to just lay there, but desperate times call for desperate measures
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No effort was put into that last one, I was just listen to the song and spent like 10 minutes tops drawing this
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sokkas-first-fangirl · 9 months
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“I was thinking,” Alma said. “It’s about time we update the mural. We still need to include you and Tonito.”
Goodness, Bruno had completely forgotten about the mural. He’d need to add himself and Antonio; he certainly needed to update Isabela’s appearance. Honestly, with everything that had happened he just hadn’t thought about it. But as soon as she said it, an old idea came back to him.
“About that,” he said. “I was wondering…Could I add Papá too?”
For a terrible moment, he thought Alma was about to cry. Indeed, her eyes watered and her lip trembled…But she took his hand and nodded.
“Sí,” his mamá said softly. “That’s a lovely idea.”
In which there's loose ends to tie up. Senora Rojas continues to heal and the Madrigals continue to find their way. Dolores has a confession to make.
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roxyfoxgamer150 · 2 years
A hand shoots out of the pile of drugs
Everyone but Hollow Julieta screamed in shock, surprise, and horror. Solaris blasted a fireball at the hand, while Shadow Facade electrocuted the hand.
Observer Mirabel can be seen on the floor, not moving from shock. "Jesus fucking christ the appearance of your hnd reminded me of that one zombie AU holy shit." She wheezed.
Hollow facepalmed, "Please do not shoot your hand out of the pile, there is a chance that Solaris could have stabbed your hand with a piercing spell she has." She muttered, utterly done.
Scrappy Mirabel can be seen holding a cross and holy water, speaking another language that was meant to scare demons.
Meanwhile, Akuma the Demon, who is in the corner, can be seen getting confused. "Scrap, that language only works at five AUs, we're not in one."
Solaris can be seen blowing up the literal pile of drugs with explosion spells.
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thebirthofvenusfly · 4 months
i like thinking about the odile loop au primarily because I like odile. but also,
i like the thought of the eldest character going through so much, trying so hard to keep her calm over the loops because the others are looking up to her, depending on her sometimes cold but analytical and precise demeanor to understand what doesn't make sense and keep their heads on. i like thinking about her initially fascinated by the opportunity to study the loops, to ask more questions about Vaugarde because she has more time, to listen to her family's banter again and again, but then she beats the king with them and everything resets anyways.
she's confused. she hates being confused. she's trying to understand WHY, trying to study, trying to hyperanalyze every variable she's fucking up here, trying to make sense of it, trying not to detach entirely because she's seen siffrin's body crushed under boulders or mirabelle have mental breakdowns to tears and wailing or protect bonnie from the sadnesses that she hates to admit did get the better of her once or twice.
she's trying to survive but she's trying to understand it all so she can reverse engineer whatever the hell is happening, whatever force has left her here to fend for herself over and over. she's screwing up her loops because she's becoming desensitized, unable to have her witty remarks and humorous banter and ruffle bonnie's hair when they say something innocently funny, or even fake a smile anymore at their snack breaks. she's lashing out at the others when they question her because she's gone too quiet because she's thinking so hard about what she's doing wrong, what must she be doing wrong to continue being stuck here, like this.
she won't admit that she was lonely. she won't admit she didn't want to leave the party and return to Ka Bue after everything. the first few days of looping, she's still got half a mind to be concerned and trying to get to the bottom of this time fuckery, but part of her is... relieved? to hear all these stories and see her loved ones smile, and still learn something new about them, just because she has a little more time? but then she learns everything she can, then she's stuck, then she's terrified and won't admit she's terrified, and then she's convinced none of them could really understand what the hell is happening to her when SHE doesn't even understand despite how hard she's trying despite the logs and journals she's burning through to track every choice she's made and every thing that's happened as a result she's trying so hard, man
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winterstorm032802 · 3 months
[You left the characters in the book.]
[You feel sugar burn on your tongue as the King attacks once more.]
[Then it's dark.]
[It's a void of nothing.]
[You walk forward.]
"Dear child."
[You freeze and look up.]
[Never had you heard her voice, nor felt her touch.]
[You know it's something like her because it looks like one of those pictures that you had to dig around to find.]
"What are... Who are you?"
"...is this a trick from the King?"
"Fine. Then let me get rid of you."
[You keep a steady grip on your book, using Paper III]
[She just stares at you.]
"It didn't work..? Why..."
[You grit your teeth. Her hands are laid flat... you use Scissors III]
[Your heart pounds as nothing happens.]
"...are you a trick? Is this... just the King's doing..?"
[You feel fear tickling your spine as you try to attack again.]
"Go away!"
"Left alone..."
[She stares with that blank face.]
"What nonsense are you saying?"
[She opens her mouth once more.]
"Ma'dam? Is everything okay?"
"We're kinda the same, aren't we?"
[You remain frozen in place.]
"'Dile, what's wrong, you look sad. Do you want a snack?"
"I'm glad you joined us."
"What is going on?"
[Her hands rest on your face as she gives you a smile that doesn't seem right.]
[She's a character in this book that you've never encountered.]
The art and AU "A Tale in Time" is made by @tealgoat
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the-bitter-ocean · 1 month
(MAJOR 2HATS/ A6SE + SASASAP TRUE END SPOILERS under the cut) ICAC au writing drabbles based on @tealgoat and @eurydice-pens awesome fanart they both did of my au In Cycles and Cessation!
{{ You wake up in Dormont.}}
{{The sun is so bright you can hardly register it as real. }}
{{Everyone is roaming around happily without a care in the world.}}
{{ You’re sitting on the bench outside the storefront.}}
{{ The papers are in your hands again. }}
{{One of the villagers approach you. They wave and smile happily. }}
“Good luck against stopping the King, Mirabelle! We know you and the saviors will prevail!”
{{ You smile and wave back. }}
{{You ignore how your hands are shaking. }}
{{You grip the papers tightly. You crumple it into a ball and toss it. }}
{{ You get up from your seat and run.}}
{{Past the change god statue. }}
{{Past all the villagers who adore you when they have no good reason to. }}
{{You don’t bother greeting any of your party members either.}}
{{You need to be alone.}}
{{You go into the forest clearing and practically collapse unto the ground.}}
{{You start to cry.}}
{{You pray and pray and pray and pray for this to be over. }}
{{You cant do this anymore! }}
{{You curl up on the ground and scream. }}
{{You don’t want to do this again! The first time you ever beat the king- finally something new happened in your short pitiful existence and it couldn’t save you!}}
{{You tug on your curls until you feel a dull pain at the sides of your head.}}
{{ The power of friendship couldn’t save you! You weren’t chosen! You weren’t special! }}
{{You wish for someone to help you escape!}}
{{You can’t bare to die again. To watch your friends get hurt again. To see everyone frozen- your home permanently cursed to stagnation! }}
{{You wish for someone to understand you!}}
{{The loops were lonely and scary. You had no one to talk to who knew what you were going through!}}
{{And the minute you thought.. t-thought that maybe you found hope it was taken from you! Why? Why why why-}}
{{You wish you could change into someone who could actually save your home!!!}}
{{ You stare at the moon shaped object in your hands. }}
{{ You look around confused as to who or what gave you this form of divine intervention- if it would even work at all to begin with.}}
{{You’re in no position to reject it or be skeptical. }}
{{ You’re helpless. }}
{{ You can only do so much on your own before everything falls apart. }}
{{ You hold the crescent close to your chest. }}
{{ You thought it would burn you but it’s surprisingly soothing. }}
{{Siffrin talked about the item that’s currently in your hands a long time ago.}}
{{You didn’t get it half the time but you listened anyway because it made him happy. }}
{{The moon will never be as bright as the sun. }}
{{It’s only capable of reflecting the light and warmth from the suns rays. }}
{{It has nothing to shine with on its own. }}
{{…It suits you.}}
{{ You slowly bring the crescent to your mouth and devour it whole. }}
{{ You. Feel. A. Tug. On. Your. Heart. And. You-}}
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theladyofshalott1989 · 3 months
Queer Hogwarts: Legacy Fanfic Masterlist
Hogwarts: Legacy fans, whether you be a creative yourself or a content consumer, send me your queer content and recs! I will update this list regularly. LGBTIA+ inclusive Guidelines for Submission: - The main pairing should be on the LGBTIA+ Spectrum - If the main pairing isn't queer, then the author should be - Self-recs are welcome and strongly encouraged! - Please include the author's username, a link to the fic or series, and specify any possible triggers and/or warnings (same as you would do for AO3). Note: I will do my best to double-check for triggers and warnings as well. Here's an example of how I will be categorizing. If you would like to suggest your own categories, please feel free to (I will accept any and all help LMAO)! I will review with you (either privately or in the comments) before adding them to the list. Sections will be separated by main pairing (e.g., Sebastian x Male MC, Poppy x Natty, Natty x Female MC, etc.).
Sebastian Sallow x Male MC (m/m) fics:
Angst, happy ending, post-canon, multichapter, Transmasc main character x Sebastian Sallow, werewolves as queer allegory, trans and gay author (@heyitszev on Tumblr):
✪ To be Loved is to be Changed series by Unreliablenarrator on AO3
Romantasy, happy ending, events of Hogwarts: Legacy through post-canon, multichapter, Ravenclaw Male main character x Sebastian Sallow, relic possession, bisexual female author (@theladyofshalott1989 on Tumblr) *Content warnings: The second multichapter fic ("Burning Bright") is underage explicit. The three-part short story ("The Proposal") is explicit:
✪ The Like Moths to a Flame Series by TheLadyofShalott1989 on AO3
Coming of age, post-canon, multichapter, Multiracial Slytherin Male main character x Sebastian Sallow (@dom1re on Tumblr):
✪ The Keepers by domire on AO3
Imelda Reyes x Nerida Roberts (f/f) fics:
Fluffy romance, broken friendship, found love, love confessions, first kiss, one-shot (@amberlide on Tumblr):
✪ Reflection by Amberlide on AO3
Mirabel Garlick x Female OC (f/f) fics:
Muggle/witch relationship, fluff, introspection, declaration of love, one-shot (@libellule-ao3 on Tumblr) *Content warnings: Mature rating, implied sexual content:
✪ Late Bloom by Libellule_Sulfureuse on AO3
Natsai Onai x Female OC (f/f) fics:
Established relationship, fluff, introspection, one-shot, werewolf Female OC (@boxdstars on Tumblr) *Content warnings: Nondescript gore mentioned in passing:
✪ Cold Mornings by boxdstars on Tumblr
Poppy Sweeting x Female MC (f/f) fics:
Developing relationship, post-canon, multichapter, Slytherin Female main character x Poppy Sweeting (@celestial--sapphic on Tumblr):
✪ Kiss me (like you wanna be loved) by Celestial__sapphic on AO3
Sebinis (Sebastian Sallow x Ominis Gaunt) (m/m) fics:
Pining, banter, chess, post-canon, one-shot, Ominis Gaunt x Sebastian Sallow (@the-invisibility-bloke, @kis0_0kis on Tumblr) *Content warnings: Explicit:
✪ The Last Gambit, written by the_invisibility_bloke, illustrated by kis0_0kis on AO3
Threesome fics:
Modern Day AU, F/M/M, one-shot, smut, Female MC x Sebastian Sallow x Garreth Weasley (@pheexblack on Tumblr) *Content warnings: Explicit:
✪ Dare-aoke Night by Shanza_Bonanza on AO3
Morally gray MC, post-canon, dark content, Anne & Solomon bashing, dubious happy ending, multichapter, Sebastian Sallow x Ominis Gaunt x Gender Neutral MC *Content warnings: Explicit:
✪ Everybody Wants To Rule THEIR World by Jazlyn_Riddle on AO3
Let's goooooooooo! Send me ALL THE QUEER CONTENT (please and thank you) <3333333
Also, authors, if you see your content here and are not happy with how it is categorized, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE reach out to me and I will happily change anything and everything (even remove you from the list if you don't want to be on it!). THANK YOU, LOVELIES. You are loved and appreciated <333333 I should also note I've never done a masterlist before, so please bear with me as I'm learning. Phew. 😅😅😅
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yellowcry · 3 months
To blame
Isabela knew that Abuelo blamed Luisa for every little thing that went wrong. But it... It wasn't just blaming
For @miracles-and-butterflies AU where Pedro's family got the worst gift combination in his opinion
It was a little bit after midnight. Isabela was never the type to go to bed early. But usually, she stayed inside. After most of the family left, he got a strict schedule and forbade them from going out in the night.
It wasn't like he cared about them, but in the last years, Abuelo's behavior was definitely getting more snappish and strict. Isabela was honestly never on good terms with Pedro, but it was probably better than Luisa. Even if she had to admit that they were getting better over time. Luisa wasn't so loud or demanding now.
Things weren't good. Most of the family wasn't with them anymore. Tío Bruno had left. The entire warm branch had left. Mirabel.... she left too, just in a way darker sense.
Isabela was startled by a quiet, holden back sobbing, that was followed by hissing from the nursery. "Luisa" she got it immediately, not only by the voice but also with the fact that no one else could be in here at such a late time. What was Luisa doing anyway? She didn't sound okay.
Isabela didn't like to admit how concerned she was. Maybe it was because of Mirabel, but she couldn't stand the idea of leaving Luisa unattended. Besides, her sister was always a huge fan of hiding her feelings, not like Isabela could blame her. So this was something strange at least.
"Hey, muscle, what's the problem?" She laughed, peeking through the doorway. Luisa's breathing froze and she almost jumped on her bed in panic.
Isabela's smile faded way faster than it appeared, as she looked at Luisa in the candlelight that was burning on a nightstand next to Luisa. The bleeding bruises on her shoulders shined in the weak light. Tensing her eyes, Isabela was getting a better and better view of what was going on. Luisa's arms were covered in bruises. Some still fresh and bleeding, pink, red, and Luisa's favorite bright purplish color; others were fading yellow, disappearing in another patch. Luisa's arms had more bruises than healthy skin. Somewhere Isabela could spot burning scars, parts of sickingly white skin.
Isabela was never squeamish. She could say she dealt with injuries pretty well. It didn't make her less sick from the sight. Luisa's arms looked more like a painted canvas, decorated in so many colors.
"The fuck happened to you?" She muttered, horrified, stepping into the nursery. Casita's floorboards cracked under her feet. Luisa's eye twitching only made her more tense. "Luisa? What the hell?"
She was horrified in too many senses of this word. Luisa wrapped herself in a blanket, shamingly covering her injured arms. Isabela could hear sweat running down Luisa's face. "It..." Luisa's breathing hitched, her heart was running a marathon at this moment. "Abuelo." She breathed out, looking down.
Abuelo? What did she... Oh, crap no... he didn't... Was he the one to do this?
No, Isabela always knew that their grandfather didn't like Luisa. Coming with a lack of a gift. But this? This wasn't just yelling or pushing the blame for no reason. It was much, much worse than Isabela could ever think of.
Another sob escaped Luisa, as she was trembling. Isabela wasn't good at comforting. What would she have to do now? She awkwardly patted Luisa's spine. "Here... Here..."
Through her barely restrained cries, Luisa muttered an explanation. "It started because others were leaving the family."
Of course, Isabela knew that Abuelo blamed Luisa for the fact that everyone was going away from this hell of a family. He yelled at Luisa for hours when it happened for the first time. Abuelo was blaming Luisa for everything. Even before this all. And she knew that he was blaming Luisa for this too.
Her stomach twitched into a painful knot. She had a goddamn superhearing. Why didn't she know sooner? And even without her gift... Luisa was acting so off all this time. Now, more and more realizations were creeping into Isabela. From being extremely loud, Luisa went to a much more quiet self. She never argued with Abuelo now. It was so obvious that something was going on with her. Yet, Isabela never even think about it.
She wants to throw up. Not from the sight of injuries, but from realization. Isabela had never liked her grandfather, but now.... She would never call this monster "Abuelo" ever again. This bastard... He was the reason why almost everyone left. And he had the guts to blame Luisa and harm her?
Isabela's fists clenched, she growled slightly. Her veins popped out of her neck from tensed rage. "What the fuck is wrong with him?"
Luisa's eyes shifted to the candle flame. "I don't know." She rubbed her upper arm, trying to calm down the itching from her injuries.
Isabela had too many questions. Why didn't Luisa tell anyone? Why would Pedro blame her? She was so mad. Filled with hatred over this.
Luisa still looked tensed, almost on the brink of tears. "It hurts..." She breathed out, leaning against the headboard. And Isabela had no idea of how to react to this. Pedro was a dick.
"I'm going to kill him." Isabela looked at the floor, trying to do her best to hold herself down.
She had lost one sister already. And she certainly wasn't going to lose another one.
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p1nkc4lyps0 · 9 days
ISAT PKMN trainer assignments
i've been having brainrot recently and i havent really seen people doing pokemon trainer aus, just a lot of pokemon mystery dungeon aus which i think require different perspectives for so i figured i may as well give it a shot.
with my assignments i was making sure to think about actual symbolism and tried avoiding the canon pokemon assignments for a] more of a challenge and b] i havent really seen all of them so if i have picked some of the same pokemon my bad.
gimmighoul: tried taking siffrin's coin once, failed, now just hangs around with him and has gotten quite attatched.
minior: a pokemon he's had as long as he can remember. gets a lot of weird looks about it though and has never seen anyone else with one.
chingling: the only pokemon caught in the castle. ding ding!
popplio: what a little clown! a fool! just a litter jester doing a preformance!
hisuian sneasel: basically siffren's dagger. i picked the hisuian one over the johtonian one because it's white.
absol: not a pokemon he had before the loops and has a sneaking suspicion those two facts are related since it seems to remember them to an extent.
morpeko: i think mirabelle would like form changing pokemon and also. near the end of floor 3 mirabelle gets like, really annoyed and then eats and is fine. thats what morpeko does.
furfrou: a pokemon with plenty of styles to choose from! she hasn't been able to get it styled recently and while she is getting nervous of it not changing, she has noticed it's happier staying as it is.
indeedee: indeedees are helpful pokemon! often used as servants, i feel mirabelle would relate with this
palafin: a hero capable of change! and paladins tend to fight for a cause, often a religious one like who mirabelle is fighting as a maiden of change.
escavalier: we don't have a fencing pokemon but we do have a lancing pokemon! also the fact a shelmet has to be traded with a karrablast is something
mimikyu: isabeau is constantly putting up a facade of being a bit air headed, disguisigng himself. i also think with mimkyu wearing a cloak with him being a fashion designer would make this the most stylish mimikyu the world has ever seen
leavanny: this pokemon is known for making clothes from it's silk and any leaves it finds, making it into a clothing maker of sorts, they're also super protective.
bewear: what a big sweetie! aw it loves hugging people, it can also snap your back in two... i feel like this the most fitting attacking pokemon isa with it's bulk, cuteness and hidden scariness [something we see from isabeau when he gets... very protective of the sif nickname]
carbink: this was my first thought for an odile pokemon, it's a little rock! and with it's links to diancie, a perfect red herring for what she's studying, they're just native to ka bue. she hardly uses it in battle.
steelix: now this is her attacking pokemon! i know it doesn't cover her primary paper type technically but it does cover her use of rock and scissors type by being steel/ground. i also think she mega evolves it from time to time, for the gems theming.
relicanth: i tried to go with the theme of old pokemon for odile, not generations wise but in the way that relicanth hasn't changed in a millenia. it's also a map, which could be interesting with the island siffrin is from.
bronzong: i can't really explain this one i just think it fits with her character? maybe it's the shape language but it is another old pokemon, showing up in the ruins in arceus so once again, more red herrings for her research.
sinistcha: ka bue is very implied to be japan or at the barest of minimums asia. odile is absolutely a tea drinker to me, this might have been one of her earlier pokemon that came with her when she left ka bue. they also have similar hair
drampa: hahahahah funny grandpa dragon joke~ drampa is reported to burn down the houses of any bullies the child they've befriended, odile has said that she would do horrible things for the party. im not fucking with you. think is not just a odile is the grandma of the party joke. i am dead fucking serious when i say this is her most in character pokemon.
applin: i think bonnie tried to gather apples at somepoint and it turned out to be an applin, they kept it. they seem like the type of kid to enjoy bugs [im counting the none apple bit of applin a bug cause it is to me fuck off]
alcremie: a pokemon evolved completely by accident. their milcery took a strawberry from them while cooking and in an attempt to get it back, span around enough to where it evolved. just some complete loony toons bullshit
yungoose: their first pokemon! caught back in Bambouche and their main defence between themselves and sadnesses when they left. i picked yungoose over some of the other early route mammals because a] tropical and b] i fully believe that bonnie bites people.
unovian darumaka: potentially a gift from the party, more specifically odile who was curious of darmanitan's zen form. it's obviously not a darmanitan yet but it is very useful for lighting fires to cook with.
kantonian farfetch'd: it's basically THE food pokemon being a duck carrying a leek and i opted for the kantonian form over the galarian form since the galarian form is far too cool, bonnie is cringe [/pos]
smolive: cooking oil is a crutial part of cooking are you insane and olive oil is some of them best! very useful pokemon to have on hand and it's slightly more emotionally and nervous natural creates and almost parrallel to bonnie where both end in the same outcome of tears since both are young and not yet capable of fully handling their emotions.
gimmighoul: somehow the only pokemon they kept when they gave up on the loops, unsure if it actually remembers the loops or is just a clone...
natu [multiple]: loop can't actually catch any pokemon since, no pokeballs and they'd lose it at the end of the loop. so they've been slowly learning how to befriend all the local natu in dormont, secretly on the hunt for the roundest one. they've found shinies before and would usually be more snappy and blunt after all of those loops due to loosing them. they've gotten good at befriending them all too, being able to tell them apart and what they like. they would never admit any of this though.
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Saving a miracle is a lot and comes at a hefty price. Good thing nobody warned Mirabel ahead of time, wouldn’t want her to be able to consider what she’s doing before making rash decisions.
Vaguely inspired by @yellowcry’s Cursed Gifts AU.
And I’m Asking, “Why, Lord?”
Mirabel and Bruno sit in a circle with one or two of Antonio’s capybaras that couldn’t be convinced to move for a moment. Antonio, and the rest of his animal friends, had given them space to do what they needed to do - playing by the waterfall in his room. The candle between them flickers as Bruno reads from a book. It looks ancient, practically falling apart in his hands.
As the room shakes, Mirabel wrings her hands anxiously. “We might want to hurry,” she prompts.
Bruno chuckled at her. “You can’t rush magic, kid.”
“I know, it’s just…” she doesn’t actually have anything to say that isn’t obvious. She takes a breath, trying to calm down. “I would never forgive myself if something happened to my family.”
“I can relate to that. You try to help your family by giving visions to the town and then all you hear is ‘Bruno’s creepy and his vision killed my goldfish’.” He paused, waiting for her to laugh, but the only reaction he got was some confusion. He shrugged. “And, I mean, it’s been a while since I’ve done this. Who knows if it will even work.”
“You are telling me this now?” She demanded.
“I didn’t want to say anything in front of Antonio. He seems like a nice kid, he shouldn’t have to be caught up in all,” he gestured, “this.”
They had told Antonio it was a vision. Just an innocent vision. Not some crazy ritual to let dead Pedro Madrigal interact with them and advise them on how to save the miracle. Absolutely not. That would be insane.
Finally, Bruno set the book aside. He struck a match, lighting each of the piles of dry leaves that surrounded their family candle. The flame was still flickering occasionally, but there had been no new cracks in the last few hours if that was a consolation.
The light began to fade from the room, the winds picking up around them.
“Wait,” Mirabel said, eyebrow raised. “You mentioned something about an offering? We don’t have that.”
“We do.” Bruno replied.
“Do we?” She asked.
The flames died out over the leaves. Their candle remained, faintly glowing as the room got darker still.
Mirabel couldn’t see anything. She hadn’t been entirely sure what an offering meant - what did one give their dead grandfather anyways? Perhaps there had been something in the circle and she had just missed it. The book, its forgotten language and religion, made no sense to her. She had to put her trust in her Tío.
The room was wrapped in darkness.
There was nothing for a moment. No movement, no sound.
She turns to where she thinks Bruno is, curiously. “Did... did it work?”
There isn’t an answer.
“Tío Bruno?” She tries.
She jumps when something cold grasps at her shoulder, she screams. Turning and scrambling away, she sees it is a hand. Discoloured and stained in dirt and blood. In fact, the whole body is. A rotting corpse. Through the partly decomposed head, she can make out the face of her Abuelo that hangs over the bottom of the stairs. He looks identical but also nothing like his portrait.
“Are.. are you Abuelo Pedro?” She manages to brave herself to question the figure.
The lips curve upwards in acknowledgment and he cackles loudly at her. His haunting voice echoes around the room (the space?)— wherever they are. It rings in her head and her eardrums burn in discomfort.
“Of course, you silly, little girl. You haven’t summoned any other dead bodies to chat with, have you?”
She hesitantly shakes her head - though technically she hasn’t summoned any at all. Bruno summoned him, she was just there. But, to be fair, there is no way Pedro could have known that.
“I wouldn’t be too sure about that.”
Freezing, she stares at him in horror.
Mirabel shakes herself, “Tío Bruno said that you could help me.. that you could help save our miracle?”
“Why, yes, I can definitely help. I could help save the miracle for you. But why should I? I’m not the one disturbing the dead for my own selfish gain.”
That catches her off guard. It isn’t selfish, she is doing it for her family. To save them, to help them. Anybody would in her place—
“Lie to yourself all you want, Mirabel, but you can’t lie to me. You want this for yourself. You want to be loved, instead of kept on the sidelines forever?”
She has nothing to say.
Tears welling in her eyes because she knows it’s true. She wants that for herself, just as much as she wants to help her family.
“I will help you with saving our precious miracle, in exchange for the offering.”
He steps closer, menacingly tall compared to her, especially when she’s cowering on the ground before him.
“I don’t have anything, I’m sorry,” she admits. “Tío Bruno said he would handle the offering. I had no idea what it meant or what he will give to you. You would have to ask him.”
There’s another painfully loud cackle.
His cold hand reaches for her, dirty nails grasping into the skin of her cheek. Almost pulling her body off the ground in the process.
“You stupid girl, what do you think you’re here for?”
Her heart stops. “..What?”
“You’re the offering.”
As soon as the words leave his mouth and process themself in her brain, she pulls away from him, stumbling to her feet and attempting to run. There is nowhere for her to go. She’s trapped. Long before her wrist is caught in the dead man’s hold, yanking her back to him like he’s stronger than Luisa and she’s nothing more than some worthless ragdoll.
She is shaking with fear, his hand ghosting over her face and wiping tears.
“The one child that slipped from the miracle’s hand, completely untouched,” he muses to himself, admiring the offering; the prey. “The magic hasn’t hurt you like it has done the others, it doesn’t seem fair to leave you that way, doesn’t it? After all… you did so badly want to belong, didn’t you?”
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gtanddragons · 1 day
[ISAT G/t] Aftermath
Contains spoilers for the almost-end of Act 5, after the first boss battle.
This was part of a shifter!Siffrin AU I was rolling around in my brain for a while, largely inspired by @miniature-knight's banger ideas and really cool art, and also something something I'm just legally obligated to make an emotion-based shifting AU for everything I touch lmao
You hadn’t thought it was real.
Waking so suddenly from the hellish nightmare you’d been trapped in, seeing your family standing before your face, facing down the King— looking positively minuscule compared to the King, compared to you, and yet—
The sound of a mirror breaking— of Mirabelle deflecting the King’s attack completely— almost actually manages to snap you out of it.
The King wails about your country. About your home. The details are fuzzy in your mind already even as he utters them, but something in the back of your mind fills with yearning as he sees what no one else can— and perhaps, what no one else will ever see again— of your country.
And then, he is frozen in time.
And then, he is suddenly just as small as the rest of your family.
And you
Are left
To stare, incredulously. Wondering how he was able to do that. Did you do that, too, when you were frozen in time? Shrink back down to what you think was your height before—? It feels so long ago, you can’t even seem to remember a time when you were smaller than all of them…
You notice that they’re cheering. You’d… automatically tuned it out. You’d heard it before, heard the cheering when you’d killed the King before, but this time is… different.
Isabeau suddenly turns to face you, a scowl on his face.
You blink, as he points a finger directly at your face.
“Now, you—”
Mirabelle interrupts by brushing past Isabeau, marching up to your face and balling her hands into fists at her side.
“How could you say all those horrible things to us, Siffrin?!”
You wince. There it is. 
“Yeah! That wasn’t cool,” Bonnie adds. “Not cool at all!”
They’re lecturing you for what you said, for coming here alone, but you can only stare. This is new. All of this is new— you don’t know how to respond. 
Your brows furrow. Your head feels fuzzy.
“Um… Sif?” Isabeau asks, his frown almost immediately shifting into a concerned look. 
Bonnie comes up and stands directly in front of your eye. So close, that they seem blurry… wait. They all seem a little blurry, don’t they?
You slowly blink.
“Frin, are you listening?” Bonnie asks. “Hey Dile, is it normal for the black thing in their eye to be so big???”
Odile slowly approaches behind Bonnie, an unreadable expression on her face.
You wish they wouldn’t stand so close. It’s hard to see them properly like this.
“Siffrin?” She asks, her voice… unusually soft. So quiet. Almost too quiet to hear. “Anyone there?”
You… can’t lift your head.
You can barely move. You can barely muster the energy to breathe.
Are so
…When was the last time you’d slept? You can’t remember. You don’t think you’ve been able to even fit in a bed for… for a long time. Only in that stupid, blinding clearing… 
Your eye
Starts to close.
A nap… you just want a nap…
“What’s wrong, do you feel sick?”
You can hear their worried voices around your face, can feel small hands touching your cheek. You don’t flinch. You don’t think you’d have the strength to do that even if you wanted to.
“…skin feels so warm, there’s something wrong—”
“…burning up…”
“…even with Loop’s help, it was hard getting here…”
…Loop? You manage to crack your eye open, giving your family a questioning look. They’d met Loop…?
Odile notices first, and she (correctly) guesses what you want to ask. “Oh, your friend Loop— I think you two know each other, somehow.”
“We met them earlier!” Bonnie pipes up. “We were looking for you so we could talk to you, but we couldn’t find you anywhere, and we even asked all the townspeople, but they hadn’t seen you, which is crazy because you’re like the size of Godzilla! So we wound up going to the Favor Tree, and Za asked it to help us find you, and then this weird star showed up, and they told us they were a star, which is why they were spiky and glowy—”
Odile rests a hand on Bonnie’s shoulder, seemingly taking pity on your attempt to process Bonnie’s rapidfire spiel.
“They helped us find you,” she says simply. “We couldn’t have made it here without their help.”
They start explaining how Loop helped to guide them through the House, and you feel a wave of gratitude wash over you. Loop had guided them, in your stead. Made sure they didn’t get crushed by the first trap, made sure they knew where to go, when you had been wandering blind for what felt like an eternity through the warped, distorted version of the House. Blinded by rage, blinded by your desperation to kill the King… to escape…
You listen intently, and you think that’s why they keep talking. Because you’re trying to stay awake for that much, because this is all still so new. You don’t know the lines they’re saying. You don’t know your lines you should be responding with.
But, inevitably, your eye starts to flutter closed once more. You can barely lift your head.
“…The Head Housemaiden should be up ahead, yes?” Odile asks, and you hear Mirabelle respond with an affirmative.
You hear them argue over how they might be able to get you to her, or maybe one of them can run ahead and bring the Housemaiden back to you so she can help. 
You sharply exhale. Your family hasn’t split up before, when going through the House. They shouldn’t split up. You need to… get to the Head Housemaiden, but you know you can’t walk, can’t even drag yourself along, but you have to get to her— 
…A sense of familiarity washes over you. There is one way your friends can help you get there, isn’t there? You remember a little.
Your body shifts, and suddenly, your stomach drops, like you’re falling, falling, falling…
You open your eye, even as you continue to fall. Your family members are no longer beneath your gaze, but standing above it, standing over you, but…
…Oh. Oh you’re still falling. Still getting smaller, because it felt like exhaling and you may have held it a little too long because you’re so tired, and now they’re all looming over you and—
Oh stars you think you’re going to faint
You see a blurry figure kneel down, the fabric of a long jacket’s sleeves billowing, swallowing up your vision, feel something moving around you, touching your entire body, moving you—
A whimper escapes your lips.
The movement pauses, and you feel something gently touch your back. 
“Shh… it’s alright, Siffrin,” you can hear Odile’s voice washing over you, all around you, so close and so massive and—
—you’re starting to realize why they had all looked at you with such fear, earlier. When you’d berated all of them, loomed over them, acted like a monster.
And yet, Odile is holding you so gently. She’s looming over you, but you feel… safe, even as she starts to march her way towards the Head Housemaiden, as the towering figures that are the rest of your family members surround her on the way, nervously twittering about the unfamiliar shade outside the windows, as they block her sight from the long way down.
You close your eye again.
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Alma had not been this afraid in almost forty five years. Not been this afraid since the day she went into labor with the triplets and her home was burned as she fled while still sore and bleeding. Not since her Pedro was taken from her.
But...but this was somehow worse. Worse because it wasn't raiders just killing and pillaging indiscriminately. No one specific target. Because this wasn't just bad luck.
This was worse because this had been deliberate. These teenage boys, fifteen and sixteen years old and technically men in the eyes of the community, had done it on purpose.
They claimed it was supposed to be a joke. As if a joke is dunking a girl six years their junior into the river and then tying her to a wooden stake in a shed. As if a joke was putting damp straw around her feet on the stake. As if trying to burn her alive was a joke.
As if trying to burn anyone, but especially a small not even ten year old girl, alive was a joke.
Mirabel had most certainly put up a fight. The boys had scratch's and bite marks and some bruises on them that she didn't think came from Camilo and Isabela. No those marks were made by someone smaller and Mirabel had been born Early. Too early for most to live. But...
But Mirabel is a fighter and a Miracle all of her own. She had lived. She had been a miracle baby and lived. And she had always been a fighter. And Alma could see evidence of that on the guilty party. Could hear evidence of it as Luisa spoke about how Mirabels arms hadn't just been burnt and melting but how they were rubbed raw as she fought to free herself from the stake.
Mirabel is a fighter, a survivor, a Miracle. But Alma was still scared. Because she is so small. The smallest of the grandkids with ease, even without Camilo shapeshifting, and she looks even smaller now as she lay on the wet grass with her head in her Tias lap.
Rain poured on the tarp held over her, Julieta was crumbling food and putting it in Mirabels mouth to heal her without hurting her throat too much. She inhaled a lot of smoke, her voice was raspy in a way no child's should be. Julieta said it was burnt too, both outside and inside. Her mouth was burnt.
She might never recover from that. Never be able to taste food again, never be able to eat or drink anything too hot or too cold. Most of the healing seemed focused on her legs and her lower body.
The legs that were almost pitch black and had obvious signs of skin melting and now hardening and it looked like her legs had even been fused together at one point. It was a horrible sight.
It was only thanks to Mirabels sheer stubbornness that she had still been alive when Pepa and Luisa rushed into the building upon Dolores' alarm and screaming. Something Dolores never did.
It was only thanks to Julietas healing food that she was still alive now even as she spoke of having talked to the long dead Abuelo who she only saw in pictures. As a golden butterfly so like the one Alma saw when she met Pedro landed on her nose fluttering and she rasped out a not yet.
Spoke about a new primo she was getting and how she wanted to meet him. Yes they would be going into that later but...but for now...
Alma was scared. More scared than she had been in forty years. But...
She was also furious. And as the family tended to Mirabel she slowly stood up, pressing a gently kiss to the girls hair which was burnt and horrid and smelled fiercely. They'd have to cut it later and let it regrow if that's what she wanted.
But for now. Alma stood up and there was steel in her spine and ice in her viens even as fire lit her eyes. No...not fire. Even as rage lit her eyes. She very much doubted she'd ever use fire to describe her feelings again after today.
But she stood. And her rage was nearly visible as the family shrunk back a bit, the villagers shrunk back even more. The boys who had done this had tried to run while everyone was distracted.
They ran right into two brick walls. One a short wide man like a brick house who was just as furious and explosive as his wife who had their nieces head on her lap.
The other tall and thin but muscular from all he did to help out, chopping wood required muscles and he did not ask his daughter who was already so busy to help. And unlike his explosive shorter friend. His fury was frigid and unyielding and icy. He had his axe in hand and when one boy tried to run he threw the axe so hard it went to the hilt into the ground at the boys feet.
The boys did not try to escape a second time. And Alma was on them in seconds, poison spitting from her lips like a cobra and tongue sharper than the axe in the ground.
Nah cause. Tell me why them boys tried to pull a fast one 🗿 first they tried to pull that ‘ItS juST a PrANk bRO’ bs and then tried to make a run for it. Fr thought they was boutta get away with that, ain’t no way. Fèlix and Agustín pulled up and it was all over, especially with Agustín and that axe. I’d be petrified ngl 💀💀
And poor Alma, she’s been traumatized yet again, along with everyone else. She was having flash backs and everything 😭😭 but like I understand, I mean imagine seeing your granddaughter absolutely fried because she was burned on a stake like it’s was the Salem Witch trials as a prank.
Jit trippin 😦
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Alma, Fèlix and Agustín to the guys that burned Mirabel:
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sokkas-first-fangirl · 9 months
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“Ay, Mira,” he said. “Some things are better as surprises, don’t you think?”
She hummed thoughtfully, leaning her head on his shoulder. Give it another year and she’d be taller than him.
“Yeah, I guess,” she said. “But Tia’s still gonna kill you.”
Yeah, maybe so. And maybe Mirabel would give him an earful in the future too. One of these days, that candle was going to transfer to her. That kid was a leader down to her core; she had enough love in her to light up the world. If you asked Bruno, she was the perfect choice.
But why spoil it? 
Los Madrigals. It's not perfect, but no one ever said it needed to be.
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rimarkka · 3 months
DT17 x Encanto AU
I already see some Ducktales x Encanto AUs and they were really good
But I want to present my version of this AU
I want to bring dt17 characters into the Encanto’s world. It’s still a family concept with magical gifts in a magical house.
Could Duckworth move into the house and revive it?
Speaking of assigning roles
♪ Wait, who’s a sister and who’s a cousin? There’s so many people How do you keep them all straight? ♪
Scrooge as Abuela 
Have you noticed that the Miracle Candle and the Number One Dime play a similar role in the plot?
♪ We swear to always Help those around us And earn the miracle That somehow found us The town keeps growing The world keeps turning But work and dedication will keep the miracle burning And each new generation must keep the miracle burning ♪
I think he’s more concerned with the Number One Dime the Miracle Candle by helping the townspeople through deeds and adventures than by helping people itself
Donald as Pepa
Pepa is emotional and with her mood changes nature. Donald is no less emotional
♪ My tía Pepa My tío Donald
Her mood affects the weather When she’s unhappy Well, the temperature gets weird ♪
Daisy as Félix
She has no gift, she became part of the family by marrying Donald
♪ She fell in love with Family Madrigal McDuck And now she’s part of the Family Madrigal McDuck ♪
June and May as Dolores and Antonio
The biological daughters of Daisy and Donald
♪ Cousin Dolores can hear a pin drop <…> Antonio gets his gift today ♪
Huey as Luisa
They both take greater responsibility for the well-being of their family
♪ I’m the strong one, I’m not nervous I’m as tough as the crust of the Earth is I move mountains, I move churches And I glow ’cause I know what my worth is ♪
But for both of them, this responsibility is a cause for concern. Their gift weighs heavily on them. Luisa has it as a nervous tick and a song
♪ Give it to your sister, your sister’s older Give her all the heavy things we can’t shoulder Who am I if I can’t run with the ball? If I fold to ♪
And Huey has the Duke of Making a Mess
Dewey as Isabela
They both focus more on image than on gift.
♪ My older sisters brothers <…> one graceful Perfect in every way ♪
He acts like he’s good at everything, but he’s really worried that his gift isn’t enough
♪ I’ve been stuck being perfect my whole life ♪
Louie as Camilo
Louis in the series is shown as a skilled manipulator, actually (not in a bad way). He knows what to say when to smile and so on
♪ Camilo shapeshifts ♪
I believe it’s his gift
Della as Bruno
♪ We don’t talk about Bruno Della! ♪
I want to see this song in the context of «don’t talk about her so as not to piss off Scrooge», and not «don’t talk about her so as not to cause trouble from her»
♪ They say she saw the future, one day she disappeared ♪
It’s all canon. Della is gone. They don’t talk about her. The end.
Just kidding, I’ll tell you about her fate later
Beakley as Julieta or Agustín
Beakley is not bound to this family by blood, she entered it like Agustín, but not by marriage, but as an approximation.
I couldn’t choose one character, as I found it interesting that even without the gift Beakley would have the skills of cooking and «magic» to even be able to prepare healing food
Webby as Mirabel
Mirabel has no gift, and Webby is not tied to the McDuck family in blood, so she has no gift either. In fact, nobody even allowed such a thought, so they even didn’t try. I’d like to end the story with Webby’s becoming the new the Number One Dime the Miracle Candle’s keeper. 
As far as their family ties are concerned, everything here remains like the cartoon, and does not change under the state of affairs in Encanto. Beakley is still Webby’s grandmother. Scrooge has just become the father of Della and Donald. Donald and Daisy are the parents of May and June. Dell is the mother of triplets.
It’s not that the relationship between Webby and Scrooge is that important. I love this storyline twist in dt17 and it can be in this au too, but I can’t say that it is absolutely necessary, it seems to be superfluous
The main character will be Webby. On the day of receiving gifts, May and June, born on the same day, were afraid to go alone and refused to do it without Webby.
Ugh, going all the way up to two doors knowing that she would never be a part of the family and get any gift... it must hurt
It was Webby who noticed how the house began to collapse, because there was discord in the family. With their quarrels, the gifts weaken. So she intended to help everyone.
Their main conflict was Della, or rather her disappearance. So the Webby began to reveal this secret.
She found a prophecy by which Della flew away and suffered a plane crash. Unlike Bruno, whose poor predictions were not believed, Della herself did not believe her predictions. She believed she had the right to change her fate with her gift.
I don’t really want to take a flight into space because a rocket crash is too much
Why did Scrooge cover it up and get angry at every mention of his daughter? Because he kept Della’s faith in the ability to change her destiny. But after the crash, he changed his mind. For this reason, he ignored Webby’s words about the destruction of the house because he had seen the prophecy about it, and he was convinced that fate cannot be changed.
Scrooge broke it. But Webby collected it and saw herself in the end against the background of the destruction of the house.
Webby loved her family so much, so she decided to go out on emotion to prevent it. But during the escape, Della caught her. She was quite alive, ha
Della had indeed crashed the plane, but she had survived with the loss of her leg. She lived inside the walls of the house, unwilling to return.
She gave an answer to Webby’s questions. It was not only Scrooge who looked at the prediction incomplete. Della dropped the memory first, splintered from it a small piece that did not allow one to look beyond the image of Webby. There was Della too. And just like Webby, she loves her family too, but she thought it’s better without her
Kinda similar, right?
It’s only then Webby realized how stupid and wrong they both are when they run away
They rerun Della’s gift and watch the entire memory to learn how to prevent it.
Della looked at the girl condescendingly, seeing herself in her, but allowed her to. Because if the outcome is predetermined, her efforts will not make it worse.
Webby really saw how she helped her family, in particular, the triplets who first quarrelled when they began to slowly discover the secret of Della.
At this time, Gosalyn as Mariano came to court with Dewey.
I don’t mind them as a couple, but I just want them to feel like friends in that au
Later, Webby extorted the confession that Dewey did not want to marry, he did not know if he loves Gosalyn in that way
So… Webby was trying to make up with everyone and she’s even doing it well until Scrooge told her that he didn’t see the good in her actions
How do those words of Abuela resemble those of Scrooge "you are not part of the family!"
And the house collapsed…
Webby escaped. Scrooge talked to her heart-in-heart. They found an understanding. Della jumped on the donkey, said it’s her fault, she had predicted it. Tearful reunion of father and daughter. Repair of the house. Webby is a new keeper.
The end :з
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takhesis · 7 months
Corpse Bride!AU
Eighteen-year-old Mirabel Madrigal is preparing for her wedding to Mariano Guzman - a marriage not so much of love as of convenience: the magic of the Madrigal family can fade at any moment, and a new generation of gifts is needed. While rehearsing her speech, (“with this candle I... will burn my abuela and our magical home”), she places a ring on a twisted branch and is transported to the afterlife, where she finds herself betrothed to a mysterious “dead groom.” She doesn’t know who he is and is desperately eager to enter the world of the living. At this time, a certain evil la bruja takes the form of Mirabel in order to enter the Madrigal family and take possession of their miracle. No one realizes about the substitution, with the exception of Antonio, who immediately understands that this is not Cousin Mirabel. The same thing is told to him by the animals who saw that Mirabel - the real Mirabel - was suddenly carried away to the kingdom of the dead.
In the Kingdom of the Dead, meanwhile, Mirabel learns the story of the “dead groom” - and realizes that this is her tío Bruno, who disappeared 13 years ago. That same witch already wanted to get the family miracle, she convinced Bruno to get married secretly and poisoned him immediately after the wedding - but Casita did not open the door for her and the witch had to retreat for a while. Mirabel and Bruno recognize each other. She sees what kind of person he was: romantic, with an open soul and a kind heart, and she is filled with empathy and compassion. She realizes that she is starting to fall in love with him. Bruno, noticing this, gives her the ring and helps her return to the world of the living - and they end up just at the engagement of the false Mirabel and Mariano. Bruno interrupts the ceremony by telling the truth - his sisters and Abuela are shocked. The false Mirabel sheds her disguise and tries to attack Abuela to take away the candle, but Bruno rushes to intercept her and defends his mother. The witch, laughing, declares that she will not retreat anyway, because the dead cannot harm the living - and then the rats, under the leadership of Antonio, add rat poison to the wine. The witch drinks it and falls dead. Bruno wishes happiness to Mirabel and Mariano, preparing to finally leave for the world of the dead, but Mirabel stops him by putting a ring on her finger and pronouncing a wedding vow - from the bottom of her heart and with sincere love (a small insert from Beetlejuice - marriage with the living returns the dead man to the world of the living) . Mariano marries Dolores, Abuela does not object to the marriage of Mirabel and Bruno - after all, she missed her son so much, and everyone celebrates two weddings concluded out of love, instead of one out of a sense of duty.
a small plotbunny that we came up with this evening))
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Who they need (It's not me) -Deceiver Au; Chapter 2
TW: People getting hurt at the hands of an unstable teenager and swearing
Chapter 1
Camilo was deeply seething in his room as he paced back and forth on stage. People were still expecting him to babysit their kids like there isn't any other person eligible for the job in the entire Encanto.
You should've seen the hoard of parents in his face with their children in tow. They all looked stressed, irritated, and/or desperate. Camilo felt bad, truly he did, but that sympathy was quickly replaced by anger and utter disgust.
They were all asking him to watch their kids for a few hours when he just wanted peace to hang out with his friends. Some of the kids to ask the same thing, unknowingly trying to guilt trip him as their parents were.
Others somehow figured it was the best time to ask him if he could shift into Luisa or some other figure to help them with something.
Without thinking he just pushed pass the crowd of people and ran back to Casita. This was supposed to be a happy day for him for f*ck sake!
He got the makeover that he wanted, and he really wanted to show it off to his friends. But some people couldn't understand the word NO!
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And this has been happening for over two and a half weeks now. Some parents won't even say anything, they just drop the kid(s) off wherever he's standing. The parents disappear so quickly he just has to put up with it until they come back for their child(ren).
On other occasions some adults would just order him to do something.
"Camilo, I need Luisa to help me with donkeys but she won't help. Maybe you-"
"Camilo, I need you to help me lift these bricks-"
"You can turn into animals now, right? can you help with-"
"Please, I just need a few hours alone. You want to help me, don't you?"
And the kids (either with their parents or just out and about) didn't help. Not that he would put anything against them, they are just kids.
"Camilo, I want to play a game with you! You always have fun games to play"
"Tell us a story por favor, I want a story!"
"Can we play hide & seek in the corn fields"
"Camilo, I need help with this, Camilo I need help with that! I just want a break, why can't I catch a fucking break?! It's like my old life all over again. Thanks Mirabel, for being such a HELPFUL PAIN IN MY ASS!" He thought to himself. If it weren't for her, he wouldn't have gotten his gift back no one would be bothering him.
"I'm starting to hate my own fucking name because of these people..."
And what makes matters worse is that is that people are starting to blame him for shit that he didn't do again. Little pranks here and there that do seem like something he would do. They are coming less believable to his family of course but that doesn't mean he's any less tired of it.
Did I mention that Camilo's shapeshifting mishap has become a joke around Encanto?
Whenever he walks around, he can see people looking at him and snickering, giggling, and just don't right laughing. Some even verbally reminding him of it while laughing IN FRONT OF HIM!
"Oh boy Milo, you are some jokester aren't you? Do you think you can do that again?"
"Hey niño animal, you gonna shift and cry again?"
For this past month, it's been taking EVERYTHING in Camilo to not act on petty urges. The urges to burn, break, and just cause chaos to everything and everyone in Encanto.
Why was he holding back? Because he wanted to give the villagers a chance. Some had seemed so nice and respectful he thought they might have changed their ways. He also wanted to spend more time with HIS side of the family.
Consequently, causing his pure rage from when he was five years old to now to bubble over.
The miracle came back November 30th, it was now December 20th, just a few more days until Christmas, and then his birthday.
A thought came to mind, there was so much he could do in that time. A little gift to himself for all the shit he's put up with. Camilo smile lit up and so did his eyes, a powerful green and purple glow to them.
"I can become small just like I can turn tall I can become the person you think you'll need-"
Camilo shifted into a mouse and then a jaguar. Then a capybara, slowly shifting into any and every animal he thought of just for quick practice. Mirrors sat in the audience as showed every animal and person he shifted into.
From Alma, to Pepa, to Dolores, to Luisa, and to Isabela. He pretended to be them with their own mannerisms as he sang and twirled around.
"I can become you; no one knows It's not true. So, you really think I'll be the person you need?"
Now that Camilo was finally coming to terms with his urges. He'll do what everyone wants him to do. But it'll come with a consequence.
"I need your face to help me do what I need, so tell me who you need from me, and I get you dealt with. The person you need me to be that person will never be me...will it?"
Camilo shifted into Antonio and looked at one of the mirrors sitting on an audience seat. He touched the mirror and smiled mischievously.
"I can become cute-," He then shifted into Mariano, "Just like I can turn brute I can become the person you think you'll need"
Milo then shifted into Mirabel, the girl he very much despised at the moment. "I can become you; No one knows it's not true so you're who they need?"
Camilo thought about it "I would love nothing more than to ruin her reputation. She's the on who put me in this mess after all"...but doing something in Mirabel's form wouldn't go well in his favor. Everyone will know it's him causing the trouble so what's the point?
He rolled his eyes and thought about someone else, Oh...Milan Gonzalo. The man who liked to drop off his bratty entitled children for hours at a time until dinner came around. Milo shifted into him in an instant-
"I need your face to help me do what I need, so tell me who you need from me, and I get you dealt with. The person you need me to be that person will never be me...will it?"
He thought of ways to ruin his life and remembered he has a big shoe store.
A perfect place to destroy.
"Me, myself, and I oh now I know them. I'll just become another lie the real me will destroy them."
("Me, myself, and I we all will try to be that lie we will be that phony lie")
Camilo climbed on top of his stage and ran over to his dresser. He pulled the upper drawer open and rummaged through the scissors, paper, and pens until he found what he was looking for.
A pack of matches.
Once he had them in his right hand he smiled sinisterly as he clutched them and put them in his right pocket. With a quick pace Camilo left his room.
On the way to the village, he shifted into a hummingbird and flew over the villagers. He loved the feeling of the air in his wings and the feeling of superiority he had over the people below him.
After turning a few corners and down a few alley ways, he made it to Milan's shoe store. Oh, how well kept and pristine it was. Too bad it wasn't going to stay that way.
He perched himself on a bench next to the shop in a butterfly form and waited for someone to go in. Luckily, the main man himself, Milan, walked out of his store.
Camilo noticed he had keys in his hands, so it was obvious he was about to lock up.
"Why couldn't he be inside while I burn this place down? just a little burn wouldn't do much."
Quickly, Milo turned into a mosquito and flew as fast as he could into the store. He landed on the hard wooden floor of the establishment. The warmth shining through the glass made the floor warm to the touch.
Milo shifted back into himself but remained crouched because there were glass windows in front of the shop, and he didn't want to risk being seen.
Some shoes were put on display behind the glass and by how high up they were, which was four feet, he could hide a little bit.
He took the match pack out of his pocket, pressed the match head into the striker, and dragged the head along the striker. Resulting in a small little flame.
It flickered and shined brightly in Camilo's eyes. Those held hateful and petty intent mixed with mischievous joy. Camilo carefully placed a match into a shoe and lit another match, doing the same thing over and over again.
He was happily torching every shoe in sight until he landed on some orange and yellow espadrilles (shoes similar to Dolores'/Pepa's).
"Hm, I need some new shoes" Like he didn't have ten new pairs at home.
Camilo grabbed the shoes, took off his old ones, and put on the new ones. Perfect fit!
This was so thrilling for him. Burning down the store of one of the people who used him while they did only God knows what. The feeling was incredible.
As of right now, the entire place was smelling like smoke and the matches were starting to do their job. But he lit a couple more matches and just threw them about. He needed this process to be a lot quicker.
Before the smell of fire fully got onto him, Camilo shifted into a mosquito again and flapped his tiny wings through the keyhole. When he saw no one was watching he shifted into a hummingbird again and sat on top of the shoe store.
He sat there for five minutes until he got bored and flew away to cause havoc to someone else. No one noticed the store was burning yet. Milo thought of who to f*ck with next. So many candidates!
Camilo looked down at the villagers and noticed a certain person scurrying around. The well-known bully, Esteban Curillo. The entire Encanto despised him and his puta chismosa of a mother.
Esteban could literally murder someone and Dulce, his mother, would deny it. "He would never do such a thing" kind of mama. Milo thought about how Esteban and Dulce sort of mirrored him and Pepa, but he quickly denied those thoughts.
There's no way in hell we're the same...well, maybe a little. But I'm not an asshole like he is.
He remembers how Estaban constantly used to annoy and verbally bully him in school. He still attempts to, and it's been getting on Milo's absolute nerve.
Then he remembered some gossip between students where Esteban got into a fight with his aunt a few weeks ago, one of the many bakers in Encanto. Something about how she banned him from her bakery because he actively destroys and steal stuff from it.
And when the blame couldn't be placed on Esteban, surely the next best person to blame was Camilo. He hated that. Esteban also didn't know the meaning of the word "NO" and girls utterly despised him for it.
Perfect target number two
And Camilo just so happened to be a frequent person in that bakery of hers. This was going to be fun. Sure, he was going to feel bad for what he was about to do because Esmerelda is a nice woman but...he needed to blow off steam.
He flew over to her bakery and unfortunately...it was crowded. There wasn't much he could do right now. He'll come to do what he needed to do tonight tho.
"Dammit!...wait, this doesn't mean I can do other things." Camilo thought about what he could do. Then he got it...he was about to an absolute menace...in Esteban's form.
So, that's what he did. Camilo hid behind a house and shifted into the slightly older male. Short brown hair, skin like Tio Agustin's, brown eyes, and a plain dusty blue ruana and grey pants.
The first thing he did was steal some firecrackers, fireworks, and picked up some rocks he found around. He set some firecrackers off in Acacia Herrera's hair, the town *cough* tissue wipe *cough* and home Recker. A woman who also left all of her four kids with Camilo when she didn't feel like watching them. Which would also be for hours at a time.
He smashed windows of shops, threw rocks into windows, destroyed any sort of property of he could. All of which belonged to people who used or made fun of him in some sort of way. And maybe some other random places just for some self-indulgence. (And to keep his tracks unnoticeable)
Milo's heart was beating so freaking fast. There were times where he had to stop and take a break to calm himself down. He knew Dolores was probably listening to what was going on and the last thing he needed was her to be suspicious of him.
His last evil deed was done with fireworks. He walked past a bar and decided to snoop just in case there was anyone in there he recognized. He shifted into a ladybug and flew in
Turns out, 40% parents who forced him to babysit for long hours or just folks who forced him to do tiring ass labor for dumb reasons were in that bar. It wasn't much but still enough to cause him to shift back into Esteban, light up a bunch of fireworks and toss them in.
How could he recognize them? Camilo shapeshifts for a reason; it's built into him to remembering everything about faces at this point. Even when he doesn't mean to.
Sure, there were innocents in there, but Cami really didn't think about that. revenge and pettiness was the only thing on his mind at the moment.
Oh, how colorful all that was. Seeing the fireworks shoot out of the bar so magically and beautifully.
His face:
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People were running off shrieking or attempting to dodge the sparks coming at them. Camilo was just amazed. However, he quickly had to get his ass up out of there because the sparks were flying everywhere...and he didn't want to risk getting caught.
All of this was so exciting for him. One of the reasons he was so happy without a care is because that the smart portion of the village, and his family, knows HE would never do any of this.
The Camilo they knew would leave ink on your toothbrush at best, not vandalize, steal, or just cause terror amongst people like ESTEBAN does.
That boy has been known to do these kinds of things before but only at a small scale. But still, multiple people have seen him do all those things.
There's no way people could pin the blame on Camilo this time. And even if they do, they are more than likely going to get a lightning strike and a slap to the face.
He was causing havoc for at least three more hours until it was time for dinner. By then he was really tired, and all of that steam dissipated into pure exhaustion.
He was panting as he still tried to calm himself down. After his heart was steady, he shifted back into himself and slowly walked down they alleyway and turned a corner to get to Casita.
Milo's reign of terror started at 3:30 and ended at 6:45. He didn't exactly know the time, but he knew the sun was setting and that meant it was almost time to go home.
In the meantime, he stopped everything and decided to hang out with his friends. The ones he could find that is. His energy was mostly drained, but he was still able to talk and joke around with them.
By 7:39 it was full time to go home so he bid his friends goodbye and slowly walked home.
He could see his parents walking up ahead of him. Milo saw them hanging on each other, Pepa's arm around Felix's shoulder and Felix's arm around Pepa's waist.
Pepa kisses his cheek and leaned on him, so sweet...of course Camilo didn't think so. Gross, adult love.
The teen boy rolled his eyes at the sight but kept his pace slow. He was in no mood to speed up. Camilo looked behind him and there was Antonio on Luisa's shoulders.
On her left was Isabela and Mirabel, with Dolores on Luisa's right. They were talking about something. Something Camilo cared less to listen to.
Milo turned around and thought back to the events of today, the very start of all the more chaos he'll cause. He smiled warmly at the thought, so much chaos before his birthday. How nice.
Soon enough, he made it into Casita with the others.
"Alright Milo, you know someone is going to say something so just act dumb"
After everyone greeted each other with small talk, they got ready for dinner. Camilo quickly went up to his room and changed, he didn't need anyone smelling any trace of smoke on him.
Once that was done, he came down and sat next to Dolores and his mother.
Sudado de pollo was served for dinner and as always, it's good food. Luisa's favorite actually! Julieta came up with a plan to start cooking meals that are favorites of certain family members. She does it in a pattern according to age.
It'll soon be Camilo's turn seeing as he's the middle child like Luisa.
Everyone talked about their days and Camilo listened, or at least tried to. His mind kept drifting to all the other things he may do before Christmas and his birthday.
Should I become a murderous villain?...hmmm. Eh, seems fun but also WAY too much work. I'm already going to do enough work, but if the situation calls for it, I might-
The boy snapped out of his thoughts and looked to where the voice came from, Isabela.
"Wha?" Camilo asked in confusion. His chameleon earrings dangling with the movement of his head.
"Esteban, he's been the embodiment of chaos all day, didn't you hear?" Isabela asked in an annoyed tone. She wasn't upset at Camilo, just the situation.
"Uh yeah, I did. He's been crazy all day...I wonder why" Camilo tried to sound a little bit concerned but not too over the top.
"He hurt a lot of people," Mirabel added worriedly.
"Are they okay?" Camilo asked
"Si, I healed them" Julieta admitted to him. "I don't what got into that boy but good god he needs to be locked up!" she added with a soft but stern tone.
"You just HAD to heal them Tia...just great" Camilo bitterly thought to himself.
"What would drive him to do all that? and act like he didn't do it?!" Luisa asked with a confused expression.
"What would drive his mother to say it's all lies or that Camilo did it." Dolores muttered quietly but it was loud enough for Camilo and Pepa to hear. Seeing as they were right next to her on both sides.
"And that poor man Milan, his injuries weren't bad but he still had them..." Julieta felt sad at the memory. Unbeknownst to Camilo, Milan went back to his store and saw that everything was on fire.
In an act of stupidity, he ran inside attempting to get a family heirloom from the back part of the small building. Somethings started collapsing/caving in but he made it out with some small burns.
"What...what happened to him?" Camilo asked quietly as he tried not to seem suspicious.
"He got hurt in a fire; it was his shoe shop. Esteban's doing no doubt!" Julie answered with a little bit a fury in her eyes. She was SURE it was his doing.
This almost made Camilo smile. That miserable energy sucking asshole got hurt? Oh goodie! but he had to remind himself that he's around people that don't think like him.
"No laughing or smiling until I get in my room, don't you laugh you idiot!"
"Well, at least he's okay..." Camilo smiled gratefully and slowly turned it into a frown. He was really trying his best to seem worried.
"It would've been better if he actually died, those kids would be better off without him. They have a mom and an uncle from what they've told me so they at least wouldn't be alone. hmm, maybe I should lock him in next time...did I just seriously think that?...."
"His mother had the audacity to blame Camilo." Dolores said with a bitter tone. A dark cloud appeared over Pepa's head, and it thundered.
Pepa snapped her head over to her eldest and only daughter, "SHE WHAT?!"
"Are you serious?" Felix asked with an offended expression.
"Si papa, mami" Dolores' expression still remained stern with a hard gaze at her food.
"Oh, I can't stand that woman! Always blaming Camilo when in fact it was always that diablo of a son!" Alma fumed alongside her middle daughter and her husband, slamming her hand on the table.
"This is so fucking hilarious!" Camilo thought to himself. They didn't believe Esteban or his mother. None of them did. Or at least the right amount of them.
Isabela and Mirabel were a little suspicious but didn't want to say anything. Dolores did think that it could have been Camilo, but he would never do ANYTHING like what Esteban has done today.
"He would be much too afraid to do that. Not to mention way too respectful and just too nice" Dolores thought to herself. Instantly pushing away any assumptions she had.
Dinner carried on as usual with everybody talking about different topics. Soon it came time for everyone to head off to bed for some shuteye or at least a break.
He went up to his room door and touched the doorknob. A happy smile on his face as he thought about tomorrow-
"Camilo! Me and the girls are having a sleepover, want to come?" A bubbly and chipper voice said. He recognized that voice. Mirabel.
He looked to the right of him and saw all four girls staring at him in child-like glee. Camilo wanted to but A; Mirabel, the main person who put him back in the situation he was in seven months ago, was going to be there. And B: He was tired.
"We're gonna tell stories" Dolores said, knowing full well Camilo loved storytelling. And she hoped this could get his mind off of today because she knows that being blamed for everything can't be good on his mental, no matter how much he smiles. 
"Do makeovers" Isabela added with a nod
"And gossip, we know you love gossip!" Luisa admitted with a smile.
"We can play games too!"
Camilo smiled as politely as he could to not seem irritated or annoyed. "Uh...No, I'm a little tired, you girls have fun though"
In less than a second, he was in his room and locked the door. A deep sigh escaped him as he leaned up against the door. He needed a long bath, and time to himself to truly process what the hell happened today.
"He's hiding something" Isa pointed out with narrowed eyes as she looked at his glowing door.
"How can you tell?" Mirabel asked, Dolores was equally questioning how she stumbled upon that assumption.
"When has he, for the past seven months, denied a sleepover with us?"
"Can't he just be tired? he did look tired" Luisa said with a shrug and raised brow.
"He once sat up with us until 3 AM and still lasted ten minutes...besides. Did he really say what he was doing all day?"
Dolores didn't like where this was going, and she knew where Isa was going with this. "Isabela Valentina Rojas Madrigal, if you somehow even ATTEMPT to bring that Esteban up and dare even HINT at something, so help me..."
Isabela put her hands up and backed away "I- I wasn't going to!"
"Then what were you going to say?" Dolores eyed her primana, silently daring her to admit what she was thinking.
"I was only saying that....never mind..." Isabela scratched the back of her neck and looked away. It was in her best interest to keep whatever thought she had to herself.
"Mhm, that's what I thought. Now let's have our sleepover but I lose patients"
Now, Dolores isn't stupid. Quite the opposite really, over the years she's learned to spot when people were lying or telling the truth. Especially when it came to her younger primas and siblings.
Something in her urged to look into her suspicions of Camilo but she also wanted to cut him some slack. He's been through a lot AND she knows her brother. He would never set fire to a store or...burn people with fireworks...would he?
UGH!! FINISHED! This took way longer than I thought it would
I feel like this chapter is lacking a bit so if you have any ideas, let me know.
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