txttletale · 10 months
nicey time on the computer mindset has been revolutionary for me. like a little mafalda on my shoulder that goes hey are you having a nicey time right now?
i'm so glad. if there's one thing i hope people take away from my blog it's to have a nice time on the computer! my most important message
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wooshofficial · 2 years
hi woosh i have a lot of ships.
- alaynabella hollywood/magi ruiz. i call it moviemagic bc i am a loser who likes puns too much. idk they’re so. they are so girls who necromance together (struggle to) stay together. trips and spills my pile of wips where magi ruiz does something really unethical or dangerous to make people proud of her. i have a whole moviemagic tag for them
- alaynabella hollywood/goodwin morin. what if we were the best batter and the worst pitcher and we didn’t understand each other for most of a season, until suddenly we did. what if we got together right before the game pulled us apart and we tried for so long to make it work. and it did, until it didn’t.
- york silk/oliver loofah/magi ruiz. absolute fucking disaster polycule. york shells olive and takes away one of the only people magi has really connected to. she gets pecked out and they reconnect even though liv has to travel up from charleston. york comes to seattle and olive skips town for a few weeks to get away from him (she can’t stop remembering that MaX is still in the shell xe echoed.) magi is mad that york has fucked up her friendcrush AGAIN. magi “world’s most hypocritical necromancer” ruiz says why didn’t you stay dead. york “necromanced former child star” silk says is what what you said to chorby (chorby who just died for a third time). they fight fight kiss kiss. simultaneously york and olive have very similar weird complexes about growing up. also york is aware his time is running out and he wants to make some sort of amends. they also fight fight kiss kiss. the three of them together are like. york needs people who don’t just constantly praise him like he’s still that can-do-no-wrong kid in hawai’i. magi needs people who can be her shoulder angel and devil (they trade who’s who often). olive needs people who understand the pressure of being new to adulthood and trying to shake off people’s expectations. wow this one got long ANYWAY they’re so fucked up
- york silk/ruffian applesauce. this is a dumbass teenage romance sparking from a game where they both hit a bunch of home runs. it ends abruptly when ruffian fucking dies. it awkwardly continues when york also dies. it ends abruptly AGAIN when york un-dies and ruffian just sits in the hall forever. if romeo and juliet were also orpheus and eurydice. you know?
- SO many short circuits garages ships.
ajax black/nevaeh flapper is “romantic tension over a blackjack game while the universe explodes”
didi müller/oliver mueller is “quit your job. join my punk band. explore space with me”
cravel larue/alice day is “loser boyfriend x loser girlfriend”
francois fisher/ygritte valdrada is “weird bisexual goth power couple”
i have more. i have so many more. i don’t have time to write blurbs for them all but there’s magi ruiz/clare ballard ii, sparks beans/carmelo plums, penelope mathews/liquid friend vi (aka “vienna”), probably more i’m forgetting lmao
Hooooooooooooooooooly shit okay let’s get into it
Layna and Magi - well known and loved. Absolute fucking disasters. Absolutely end game. It’s movie magic, baby! It all works out in the end! (aka, it Never fucking works out because there is no end)
Goodwin and Layna - OHOHOHOHOHO. I like the interp where ego affects everyone with it differently but by stage 4 you’re pretty much a walking stereotype, with Goodwin becoming more and more of a shell of herself (“isn’t this what everyone wanted? Isn’t this the dream? Don’t you love me? I’m a star player!!!!!!!!” vibes) and losing her personality to the ego. Layna “I love you and I forgive you but I will never forget” Hollywood, who values family and trust over literally everything (see: movie magic) would not take kindly to this, but also she knows that this is not Goodwin, but also can’t she fight back, but also she’s doing the best she can, but also Layna Hollywood Never Forgets. And it’s too late by the time Layna decides to forgive and Goodwin is gone, because fuck you Layna you get nothing
York and Olive and Magi - Brendan Urie sucks but when he said “make up sex! break up sex!” he was talking about these three. It’s all revenge! It’s all passion! It’s all dangerous! It’s all wrong! York just wants to be human again and regain the life he built from the ground up in Halifax, Liv just wants her family to be okay, and Magi just wants her crushes to stop being given the finger. None of their intentions are pure but god are all of them cute as hell and in this world where you don’t know when the end is might as well kiss the pretty ones.
At this point I think Magi Ruiz has had a crush on every girl on the active roster (and some of the shadows) (and York Silk when he was experimenting with gender presentation). Also The Fall by Lovejoy is a Magi song, specifically a MovieMagic song.
Ruffian and York - what if in a very long and intense game you got obsessed over someone you used to know in a kind of fucked up way and he just wants a nap, oh my god but you saw the passion in his eyes as he threw that last pitch you absolutely slammed with your own passion and your teammates are looking at you funny again arent they. You are So Normal about this dude. So Normal, in fact, that you fucking explode! Also he never loved you sorry
God the SCs got gay didn’t they
Ajax and Naveah - you are the very thing I hate but that makes you hot, and it’s the end of the world so fuck it (literally)
Didi Ollie and Mike polycule when
Cravel and Alice - the world is going to end. I know exactly when it will. I cannot stop it. I cannot tell anyone. You are the only other person who knows. Kiss me.
Love me some goths
I mean my asks are open for a reason, but also you have my discord so feel free to infodump there! I enjoy your brain thoughts very much.
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thehallstara · 2 years
3 and/or 7 for bright and spears? (for the friendship ask game)
3. A random headcanon I have of them these two watch absolutely too much shitty reality tv i'm talking like yeah okay survivor, but they also binge hgtv, whatever the blaseball world equivalent of dance moms is... just like the trashiest stuff it's great.
7. What makes me like their friendship they're just. so much?? okay so you've got the older/younger sibling dynamic which i'm always a massive sucker for, you've got the found family!!! you've got the whole "only people left" kinda deal!! they just love each other a lot and aren't afraid to call each other on their shit and it really gets me i love them so much
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whales-are-gay · 2 years
ok. i gotta. megparker for ship bingo?
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of course of course
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theshelledonespods · 1 year
🌻 throws a randy dennis at you
clearing out my ask box but i have not found the motivation to write a snippet in full so heres a summary :thumbsup:
randy dennis & the skateboard trick of destiny, a fic about her no good very weird s24 featuring but not limited to the georgias’ shitty romance novel club, becoming tlony hawk pro skater irl, ortiz lopez, lachlan shelton, and how to cope when the place you grew up in gets swallowed by a black hole but the world keeps turning like nothing is wrong.
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elifinchsart · 11 months
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30 minute sketch commission for @burningcrab of Rachel "Bitch" Lindt from Worm.
My knowledge of Worm is that its about a bunch of people with super powers and then horrible things happen. its a million words and everyone who has read it wants you to read it but also the people who have read it hate it. Worm herself buggirl, bearer of the curse, my son with every disease and a Freak is the star. There's a DogGirl named Bitch who brian (writer) does not deserve and then I think theres brian (character) who is a 40 year old 19 year old and a cool girl named Imp and a body horror gamer (?) girl. Wildbow also wrote a sequel that stars a blonde girl. He also wrote other stuff including Pact which is supposedly about supernatural things but is mostly about looking in a mirror transgenderly.
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andr0nap-wf · 2 months
Hmm...Any implications regarding your ship with him and Misha?
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oh yknow ;)
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burningcrab · 4 months
hello warframe gamers (warframers) i have written a lil thing about kira. everyones favorite fucked up creature of the zariman. also featuring hombask and cavalero
Even if it was true, if there was something to it all, what did it mean? What could they do about it? Could it help? Or was the dull beating just the Void hammering another nail into their coffin?
Kira hears things no one else does.
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samglyph · 10 months
Tagged by @captaincravatthecapricious
Last song: Get Used to It by Ricky Montgomery
Currently reading: The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Kline AND All Systems Red by Martha Wells
Currently Watching: I just finished the first season of The Bear (very good) but literally I’m currently watching a Kurtis Conner video
Tagging @burningcrab @tubular-toby @sevendeadlyhomunculus @cyberstevie and @accirax
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polkadotpatterson · 2 years
For that Blaseball fic ask game: 2, 5, 7, 11, 12, 22, 25, and 26! (I trust your taste in fics more than I trust Binky, which is a LOT /gen)
aaaaaaahhhhhh oh my goodness that's the absolute highest praise anyone can get from a Talkers fan, thank you! I'm sure you're familiar with at least a few of these but hopefully you find some new ones to enjoy too! 
2. a fic that makes me laugh out loud
I'm not going to spoil what it is, but there's a particular moment in Chapter 2 of What We Do With The Shoes by pvitamins (which is a really fun fic in general) that very much made me laugh out loud because it was just so absurd and unexpected, and I still think about it sometimes and smile. 
5. a fic that i’ve reread more than once
oh there are genuinely so many I could put here… I love how @polyboros writes the Jesús-Tyvi-Scorpler dynamic and I especially like to revisit don't hold your breath (how can you breathe?) because there's just something so great about a guy and his weird silly supportive ghost friends… as a team we’ve never talked about the possibility of Jesús being haunted by Scorp too but it's such a great idea and I love it
7. my favorite fic from the grand siesta
Already answered this one because of course it's the things we take off for each other, so for another grand siesta fic I'll go with the Flock’s Returning, which gives us a little perspective on every Talker and how they feel about the Return looming on the horizon, aka the fic that manages to make me sad in 15 different ways 
11. a fic that wasn’t about my team but i read it anyway and fell in love
The worms are another team I know very little about, but I was really captivated by in space no one can burn your life down to a smoking ruin by @burningcrab, which I seem to be unable to put coherent thoughts together for but. space. fire. sentient locations. it's very cool 
12. a fic that sold me on a niche irm
I'm not sure how niche it is at this point, but @thehallstara's fics about Jewish Human Woman Bright Zimmerman got me to absolutely love her as a character and I think everyone should read them!
22. the fic i’m proudest of (if i’m a writer)
Honestly it's probably a voice in a dream whispered a name because it's 80k and set in the blaseball-only au and covers the entire discipline era and explores some character relationships I've never touched on before (and some I very much have, but under different circumstances) and I had so much fun writing it and I'm still really happy with how it turned out and the emotion of it all and just. yeah. emotion of blb-only 
25. my favorite fic about the hall
deserves a quiet night by Marn (who it won't let me @ on here for some reason) has such incredible vibes. The way being dead gradually takes your voice from you until you need to find different ways to communicate. The statues. The big windows that look out into the Trench. The Monitor Monitoring. The Hall of it all… I love it a lot 
26. my favorite fic about the black hole
This is the obvious answer but @fourteenfifteen's Black Hole Oral History Project is just so good… the interview format works really well here. emotion of black hole. it's very messed up I love it 
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bread--quest · 2 years
hey everyone i thought the zine (which is great btw) would saturate my need for content about this extremely complex roster shuffle au but it in fact only increased it! so i MADE MY OWN CONTENT starting with some Mills :) starring ruffian applesauce (@burningcrab's fantastic irm edition)
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lenasai · 2 years
hiiiii @burningcrab hi thanks for the tag, i am still awake so why not
i got tagged to do a thing: "recommend 3 of your fics: your most popular and 2 hidden gems"
i am down for shameless plugging :)
most popular: don't forget them when they're gone, to this day my longest fic (almost beaten by my garages exchange fic, but since they're about 100 words apart i think both of them can share the title of longest fic.) anyway, it's about short circuits, but it's also about beta blaseball players discovering the events that took place during gamma 1 and watching the events of gamma 2. let's just say finding out 14 guys exploded at the end of gamma 1 hits a little too close to home for one of those players. but really all three of the main characters are kinda going through it and they talk about their feelings and stuff. also i got attached to barry burkhard while writing it. he's just a guy. i love him. (also also flattery says fuck. this is a selling point.)
idk what exactly qualifies hidden gems but i'll post two more that weren't in my top three (i only have 12 works published so i don't have a lot to work with here)
-hold on, you'll live to play again is about the end of season 20 (you know, that season we thought max and ivy were gonna explode and then they didn't? yeah. except there was a small chance the steaks and tacos would play in the postseason and we had to worry about ivy and nan exploding for a hot second...but then they didn't.) anyway yeah i know it's technically not finished. it's a two-chapter fic but the first chapter works as a standalone story just fine. i know what's gonna happen in the second chapter, i just...haven't written it yet. my brain said "no more words" after i speedran the first chapter right after the garages fic exchange. life is pain, etc. anyway i'm still pretty happy with the first chapter and i will write the second chapter eventually, i promise.
-snippets from the immaterial plane is a collection of short free verse poems that i think best represents the larger splorts poetry series i've been writing. it's a bunch of poems about the expansion era. also it is the first work to include lil pitchy. i mention this only because i love lil pitchy. personal favorites from this set of poems includes on knives and how to use them, salmon, skipping, and save situation.
i gotta tag three people. as for tags, i'm always bad at them but i'll tag... @quantumducky @thehallstara @theshelledonespods hiiiiii
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wooshofficial · 10 months
this doesn't have to be about the wip specifically, but please tell me about the niagara falls meatballs
Ok they’re actually not mine! They’re the mirrorverse counterpart of @burningcrab’s fanteam, the Great Lakes Pancakes (I think?)! I had an idea YEARS ago and it just was one sentence never to be touched again
(Crab crab crab talk about ur guys I love ur guys)
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thehallstara · 1 year
hi hello got tagged in the last sentence meme by @jirnkirks wahoo!!!
old wounds, you think, and new beginnings.
hmmmm let’s tag @burningcrab and @idonthaveanyurlideas (and whoever wants to do it of course)
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whales-are-gay · 2 years
22 + 31 for the uhh weird asks?
22. what type of person are you?
when i talk i can't really control my volume. it's kind of hard for me to spend time alone anymore. (at least if im indoors). i've been reading one of my linguistics textbooks for fun today.
31. what type of music keeps you grounded?
loud and familiar. lately i've been listening to summertime by mcr to keep my steady. there's something really elegant and comforting about how simple the song is.
🦑 send me weird asks 🦑
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polyboros · 2 years
4 8 11 and 15 !
4. a fic that defined a mechanic for me
i don't know if this fic necessarily defined feedback for me because every interpretation of weather drives me bonkers yonkers but the smallest gap by burningcrab drives me ESPECIALLY bonkers. the alternate universes the non-linear-ness of it all the fact that the players are indistinct but the dynamic is so well and also just. concept of feedback fucking you up that bad. something like love. i loooove it
8. my favorite fic from the expansion era
(voice of a guy who enjoys jon halifax a lot) im really normal about marn baliset's sift through all the aftermath, a fic about jon in vignettes leading up to the 20.3-20.3 day. there are so many good fics about the expansion era that i enjoyed but i am also so biased and i just. i think about this fic constantly. "you will never tell another soul about this" in the scene with pedro drives me BONKERS "it is a memory you prefer not to revisit, even when you are alone." AUUGUGH (that one gif of the girl rolling around on the floor and banging her arms on it). its good. one of my very top recommendations
11. a fic that wasn't about my team but i read it anyway and fell in love
hi blink marquis your fic roots was, i think, definitively my introduction to the boston flowers in canonverse as a team and to this day it is still. so good. i love margo i love nic i love the navas i love the flowers as seen in the bccu (blink & co. cinematic universe) and i just. i think about them. also literally any blaseball fic longer than 20k drives me insane its so much good food
15. my favorite fic about feedback
WELL. I SORT OF ANSWERED THAT ABOVE. here is another one though, i think from the same zine- this your first time? by waltztangocache is extremely very good and has SUCH a fun approach to time loops and the way to break them. also val.... hi val.... love you val. etc. i love fics that take weird approaches to blaseball mechanics and this one!!! this one!!!
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