#but I'LL DO IT
tiii13 · 1 year
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Some of my fav girls~
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janesurlife · 2 months
My friend : how's your Spanish language classes going
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kyouzen · 27 days
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I'm not ready to do the lineart for the Bloodveil
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onestepbackwards · 18 days
Me: *Sees Castlevania and Dungeons and Dragons is leaked for Dead by Daylight* Me: FINE I'll play dbd again
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maxsix · 1 year
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unreadpoppy · 3 hours
Raphael AU where it's like 18/19th century and his a painter who's feeling like he lost his touch. Hasn't completed a painting in so long and he's just getting so frustrated until he ends up getting this job to paint a family portrait of a very prestigious family, the Baenre's.
And sure he goes there with this big ass canvas to paint this big ass family, but he feels something is off. So Raphael goes around sneaking on stuff and he discovers there's one member of the family that is basically kept a secret.
More especifically, a szarkai named Alva. Truly like the name, she's practically a ghost that he only saw glimpses of, but he gets obssessed.
Like, keeps thinking about her and like magic, he gets over his artists's block and he's drawing again. But it's all her, again and again and again. She consumes his thoughts like a rot taking over his brain, and he feels like he'll only feel good when she's in his grasp.
Meanwhile, Alva's whole life she was kept away, considering how dangerous drow society is, no one but her immediate family knowing of her existance. She was groomed to one day walk in the surface, pretending to be a darthíír and spy on them, but that is not a life she wants to lead.
Now, with this artist walking around in her house, she sees in him an opportunity to finally leave the guilded cage she calls home, unaware of the dark plans he has for her.
So remember this post? Yeah, this is the AU i'm planning for some time. I'm waiting until I'm free from college so that I can like actually write it but I'm posting this to will myself into being motivated.
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unhingedlesbear · 8 months
Finally making an animatic I've had in mind for a while now. Lets hope I finish it!!!
It's not exactly happy!!!!
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 9 months
Could you write something else with Cain ? He makes my brain go brrrr
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I may in the future, but I can't think of a good way to continue his story ☹️ I have so many story ideas bouncing around my shiny little skull, but a part two hasn't been one of them
_| ̄|●
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secret-hot-thoughts · 10 months
Can't wait to get home and sit on my new toy
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its too many people...
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dribs-and-drabbles · 1 year
Chains of Heart ep 4
Oh I remember this feeling - getting so fixated on something I end up staying up till 2 in the morning then dreaming about it all night and waking up early singing the theme music eager to continue fixating even though I am so so tired. Right, only way to get over this is to just get these next 5 eps done!
A reminder: I think Din is green, Ken is blue, and Din in his new form as Lue is red. These colours are also used to add dramatic or emotional effect...but on to the ep.
This ep once again starts off where we left ep 3 - with Ken being strangled by Fin/Gun in the woods and Lue rescuing him. Note the GREEN CORD WITH RED FLECKS which was used to choke Ken. His love and connection to Din is literally killing him...but so is his new connection with Lue.
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I hadn't noticed in the flashbacks in previous eps but Ken and Din's trousers were also in each other's colour on the day they almost died. And I love the blues and greens around Ken as he waits for Din to come back.
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I've noticed that the use of red has diminished as the eps have progressed... It was used A LOT in the lighting in ep 1, a bit less in ep 2, and less again in ep 3. I wonder if that has something to do with the location - that red is used more in Taiwan rather than in Thailand and maybe why this colour is associated with Lue, because of his supposed Taiwanese roots (but also the revenge thing). Anyway, it was interesting to see the red turn up on the not-a-date date, during which Ken resolutely wears his and Din's colours but Lue imposes the red under and on top of Ken.
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It's also interesting that Lue often wears a neutral colour palette of creams and beiges (apart from the burgundy in ep 2 and the black and blue in ep 3). Maybe this is a link to the old Din and his earthy tones, or maybe Lue is trying to present a clean/blank slate for Ken to eventually imbue with colour once they (as Lue hopes) fall in love.
Anyway, these frames below are just brilliant. Of all the colours in that shop, both Ken and Lue are captured through the pompoms in their colours.
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And then on to the not-a-date dinner, where Ken tactfully turns down Lue's advances despite all the blue and red pairings flanking them (the banners and the lanterns - which have swapped sides). Lue is being so obvious this ep with the hints that's he's Din, not least the talk of Ken's lover's favourite food. But it's poignant to see the purple flowers when they're talking about Ken's love for Din (remember the purple lighting during the first time they slept together). And I wonder if the drinks are supposed to be red and white wine but I love that they look purple and green - Ken's still in love with Din and Lue is indicating that he is Din.
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We're going to see more of the below outfits in the next ep but I love that Hin is in Ken and Din's colours (perhaps ignorant to the fact that Din is alive) whilst Payu's shirt has red and blue stripes (indicating that he knows Lue is in fact Din?). I also love the one red drink between them all...and I've noticed that Boon wears a lot of earthy and green tones too - so indicative of his efforts to bring justice for Din?
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I can't do these wardrobe posts without mentioning The Gloves (and honestly I went feral when Lue wore the burgundy ones in a later ep...but I'm getting ahead of myself)... I just wanted to re-iterate what most people have already said and that is JUST HOW RIDICULOUS THESE GLOVES ARE. When Lue's wearing a jacket, or when he's dressed up as the MiB, they can sort of pass as ok, but with just a top on, like below, they really stand out. Who thought these chunky, loose, flared-wristed, heavy gloves were the way to go? smh. They could have at least found some tighter-fitting, elegant, more flexible gloves. Is it because it's a hot country and they just don't have many gloves to choose from and this was the best they could do?! Or did they really want us to collectively lose our shit over them and be distracted from all the confusing plot elements? The mystery continues...
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[ep 1] [ep 2] [ep 3] [ep 4] [ep 5] [ep 6] [ep 7] [ep 8] [ep 9] [ep 10]
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sincerelyyoursg · 1 year
i'm working on library asks I swear!!
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ratty9boy · 1 year
Aight aight listen when i get home I'll fucking do it I'll make a discord inglorious basterd server because I'm normal
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ghostieking · 10 months
just finished watching good omens season one - because i'm that person that is always late to everything since my brain has to trigger itself to allow me to watch things - and HOLY HELL now i get it, gays
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asunflowerana · 1 year
I don't want to go to my internship, I wanna stay home 😩
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Would you ever consider gracing us with that Chrissy x reader x Eddie smut you mentioned ? Cause i’d eat that shit UP 😩🙏🏼
👀... maybe
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