#but I'm doing it anyway
lumaxramblings · 10 months
shipping steve with a conventionally attractive guy he can banter is easy as shit. talk to me when you ship him with a little freak he hasn't talked to in three seasons
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208tinyhorses · 9 months
Mycroft Canner vs Severian
Based on having read the entire Terra Ignota series by Ada Palmer and only Shadow of the Torturer, the first book of the Gene Wolfe's Book of the New Sun. Costume Severian: Cool mask, cloak blacker than black, no shirt Mycroft Canner: Weird hat, robes or something? Winner: Severian
Sword Severian: Terminus Est Mycroft Canner: Does not even have a sword Winner: Severian Torture Severian: Trained his entire life to be skilled in all forms of torture Mycroft Canner: Enthusiastic amateur Winner: In a surprise upset, Mycroft Canner Respecting Women Severian: F- Mycroft Canner: C Winner: Mycroft Canner
Narration Severian: Unreliable Mycroft Canner: Also unreliable Winner: Tie
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morethanwonderful · 1 year
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One thing about Tom and Greg is that they love to sit next to each other in softly lit rooms
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ankhmutes · 1 year
WIP Wednesday: Sons of Anarchy
I saw somehwere it was WIP wednesday so here's a little piece from something I am working on for Sons of Anarchy, the title is yet to be determined and the length is I don't fucking know how long, just gonna keep going until I find a sweet spot to stop at and wrap it up in a pretty bow. <3
“Chibs, they want her.” the prospect said, coming up to the doorway. Chibs nodded and leaned back to look at you. “You’re up, Daisy.”
“If the shorts fit.” you say as you change your posture, taking a moment to channel your inner Daisy Duke. You smiled tightly at Chibs and nodded to show your understanding, that Amanda would be your responsibility. You half-saluted, and walked out of the office, turning on all of the sex appeal you could, sliding into your Irish accent as you spoke for the camera.  You could see Amanda with the crow eaters, her blue eyes shooting daggers of envy at you for being in an office with a Son. Even worse, he was not even a prospect! He was a full-fledged member.  You could see the jealousy rolling off her in waves.
You licked your lips as you kept your eyes on Chibs and his friend, their presence keeping you nice and relaxed. You pretended they were there for you, for the show, and it helped keep you going. You found yourself smirking saucily at the ice-blue eyes of Chibs’s friend, and putting on your best orgasmic performance. It got tiring having to repeat it for the camera, to re-do some scenes because of the lighting, but you didn’t think it was half-bad, especially if it could get Chibs and his friend all hot and bothered. The sons didn’t usually stay around, but you felt a slight smug glee at the fact that the two specific Sons had decided to stay behind just for your "Daisy Duke" performance. 
It was finally done, and you were able to leave the set. You moved out of the way before Amanda could intercept you, hurrying to get cleaned up the best you could. You felt sticky and gross, but you did like that sense of accomplishment you got when you walked by and saw Chibs’s eyes were a full-blown brown, full of heat. 
“Where do they find these girls, Tiggy?” you could hear Chibs grumble to his friend. Tiggy, you murmured to yourself. Of course. The one that Amanda had been shitting on. You smiled and hurried up with your cleaning, sliding on clean underwear and clothes, wishing you had decided to wear something cute and sexy instead of your well worn jeans, and faded Jack Daniels T-shirt. At least the T-shirt was very low cut and showed off your boobs decently. You at least had that to flaunt. 
“They offered me free candy from their windowless van.” you yelled out to the boys.
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wingedcatgirl · 1 year
The "wingedcatgirl infodumps at you about her OCs but like, in tournament form for no particular reason" tournament: PRELIMINARY SEEDING POLL
i'm here to kick ass and make you vote on which of my OCs you like most, and i'm all out of ass
i'm also completely lacking in data for seeding, thus this strawpoll which just asks you to check off every name you recognize even a little bit
now to schedule this for an obnoxious number of repeats in the next 24 hours (the seeding poll will close whenever i get back to it after that)
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coffeelovinggayidiot · 8 months
Friends and enemies, I've started a podcast. Feel free to do whatever you please with that :)
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squircatlies · 2 months
You don't mind me sending you a thousand boops just to get that badge, right?
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pileofsith · 1 year
I finally went to watch Kenobi, it was fun and nicer than I expected.
Random jumble of thoughts for the first episode:
I loved the Tatooine critters: the horned mouse that looks like a jackalope (species name?) + Obi-Wan's eopie is such a darling
The haggling Jawa was also super cute!
The butcher's place where Obi-Wan works is unsanitary, the workers leave the meat and it just sits there right under Tatooine's suns until the other shift arrives?
The three-inquisitors-enter-a-bar scene was awkward rather than foreboding
Look I'd have handed myself over rather than sit in utter silence while everyone's happy meals got cold as the Grand Inquisitor did his evil monologue/yelp review of the cantina, pardon, the saloon
Tatooine gets bad rep, look how protective everyone was to the fugitive Jedi, I thought some dodgy cantina visitor would immediately rat him out, but nope, all good neighbours <3
Sometimes a family is a mum, a dad, a kid and a tired Jedi Master spying on them from a distance and leaving behind toys like a deranged desert Santa
Reva's voice is somehow exactly how I imagined it, and the overly dramatic intonation works way better for her than the Pau'an
she's actually really a bit unhinged, this is fun
The other inquisitors are so 😑 faced around Reva, not sure if embarrassed or vaguely traumatised?
I don't know what aspect of her modus operandi is such a reason for concern: is she too raw in her threats, is there an unspoken code not to harrass civilians too much, she's just being too efficient while the other two wanted to draw the whole thing out so they could fatten up their mission reports, or something else?
Love how the Fifth Brother politely lets her do her thing with increasing concern in his face, until it's time to gently step in and stop mass murder.
Cool how both Skywalker kids are shown to be doing kid stuff like running off to play and being comfortable around their parents, it's nice, different locations but both have a happy childhood!
Greatest tragedy of Alderaan being blown up: we never get to see Queen Leia bossing around her drippy cousin Throckmorton or whatever his name is
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enkifu · 3 months
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Did a little building so that the hole in the wall I've decided to live in is more appealing! I've been making youtube videos. I'm very very new to making videos in general, but if you want to check those out, there's a link on my blog page. Should I post a link when I post pictures of builds from the videos? I am genuinely asking. I have no idea if that would be annoying.
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my redeemed Dio has officially been assigned "blorbo" by the people he's been in rp with. not sure how to feel about that but I don't think I can exactly say they're wrong lol
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Is this blorbo behavior? lmao.
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slash3rk1tty · 1 year
Kerry is canonically bisexual but what about Panam and River?
You can romance Panam with a masculine body type but she doesn’t care about your voice and pronouns being feminine.
Doesn't this just mean she is picky about looks but doesn't care about v's gender????
So my question would be is she bisexual?
Same goes for River you can romance him with a feminine body type but again voice and pronouns don't matter for him.
So are these characters bisexual or not?
It's kind of unclear to me since if you want to romance Judy you have to have feminine body type AND feminine voice with feminine pronouns.
(Also I know pronouns don't equal gender and I know that because I’m nonbinary myself but I don’t think they thought about that while making this game since there isn’t even a they/them pronoun option for v... but that's for another time.)
This is a genuine question... Like are they bi and just picky about body type????
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theredbeggar · 1 year
Thank the gods I thought of organizing my works before I decided to work on a book, because it's making life SO much easier right now.
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rakashifth · 1 year
I've been getting out too much in this week, I'm not built for this all I want now is to just perish somewhere- Apart from my less-than-fantastic thoughts and my almost collapsing, I've been to a bookstore for the first time ever! It was, fabulous, fun and aesthetically beautiful to see all those books together, I also felt incredibly out of place and I think my legs almost gave out on me during my time there due to extreme social anxiety, but all in all, it was great I returned home with Eragon (the first book) and 20.000 Leagues under the Sea, the first due to recommendations (Hi Era, hi Rok), the second because I am currently reading another of Verne's books, which is Journey of the World in 80 days, and I got pretty hooked on it, so more Verne will probably be a good thing for me Oh, I also passed by my local Gamestop and got Tales of Arise used at a reasonable price, so triple win today And that was my blog about my day that nobody asked but I'm going to do regardless much more often, I guess (and hope) I'll see you next time, good night (I'm dying over here-)
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Notes from The Tale of Prince Steven of Avalon
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OKAY so I decided that instead of going back and editing this fic's notes and risking nobody seeing the relevant info that I desperately want to share, I'd stick it here! (I'm calling it the Ficcyclopedia™.) SO! If you have any interest at all in the inner workings of my brain in regards to this fic, it's all below the cut. 💜
In the first chapter, these are the relevant tidbits, neatly sorted because my OCD said to.
The original fairy tale takes place in Ireland, and I kept that the same, save for the name of the kingdom. Avalon is a play on the land Tír na nÓg, which is the mystical "otherworld" in Irish mythology. Avalon is just another name for "paradise" or afterlife, basically. I wanted something pronounceable, so this happened. It also is really fitting with Steve's character (both in this story and in MCU canon), in my opinion.
I basically decided to run with the whole "Bucky is probably Jewish" Fanon thing, and decided his mother was possibly (in my head most likely) from Poland. Thus, a lot of locations and names and things stemmed from Polish culture and mythology. So, bouncing off of the whole "Avalon-is-based-on-Irish-afterlife" thing, I named Bucky's homeland Verais (Vehr-eye) as the phonological equivalent of Wyraj, which is the afterlife in Polish mythology. And yes, it is spelled a little prettier than just phonetics, because I said so.
In conjunction with the Verais thing, I named the people there the Lechian people, which is for Lechia, an ancient name for Poland.
"The Land of Ice" is a pretty obvious (to me) way of saying Russia.
Gidra is Russian for Hydra. Do with that what you will. ;)
The name Drew means "from druids" which is a play on the fact that in the original story of Conn-Eda, the prince's stepmother was the daughter of a druid. I wanted to include that little thing, even if it wasn't exactly the same.
His last name, Balcombe, means "person who casts an evil eye." It's also a surname that's common to the Isle of Man, which is the place I based Drew's homeland off of.
In the original fairy tale, the supernatural hound is called Samer. Samer means lots of different things in many languages, but my favorite was the Sanskrit for "air" or "wind." I turned it kind of Polish and gave the hound the name Zenon, which is derived from the Greek god Zeus. And Zeus, as we know, is the god of the skies or whatever. ;P This one is a bit more convoluted, but I think it still works.
Even though "Alkonost" seems like a made-up word, IT'S NOT!!! It's the English pronunciation of Алконост. The Alkonost is a woman-headed bird in Russian mythology. And the creature that Conn-Eda goes to see in the original fairy tale is a bird with the face of a human. This one took me ages to find, but I did it for you guys. :D (JK I really did it for me, but y'all benefit, so.) (Also, in chapter two, I made the Alkonost a man. I know it's not perfectly in line with the mythology, but it's really important to me that it be a guy, okay? You'll see why.)
Almaz is the English pronunciation of алмаз, which means "diamond." I wanted the stone Alexander gives Steve to be something precious, but also Russian, because reasons.
Movyatzekon is a semi-made-up word for talking horse, strung together from the words "talking" and "horse" in Polish.
In a related vein, the horse breed that I imagine Bucky is is called a Gypsy Vanner. I picked it because it has famously shaggy hair (and so does Bucky at certain points in Marvel canon!!). The very specific horse I envision for Bucky is in the moodboard above.
Misc. Stuff:
Mulct is an actual word!! It means "a fine, or compulsory payment." Basically, it's the punishment Steve gets for losing the challenge his stepfather gives him.
Variola is an ancient name for smallpox. I chose this as the disease Steve's dad dies from in the fairy tale because, canonically, he dies from mustard gas exposure. Mustard gas exposure can cause skin lesions that can mimic the look of smallpox.
And chapter two stuff, which is literally only places:
Steve and Bucky pass through a kingdom called Albion, which is a very ancient name for England (going back as far as 5th century B.C.E.). Guess where on the map I imagine it is? Yes, you're right. It's England. ;D
They also pass through a land called Veneti, which is named for an ancient west-Slavic tribe called Veneti. It's meant to be where Belarus is, roughly.
Chapter three stuff, which is one measly thing:
(in reference to the chapter title) Travail: painful or laborious effort
If you want to talk about where certain MCU characters come into play, you can always scream at me in whatever way you want! I am probably disproportionately excited about how I've managed to work in so many MCU characters in general, so it's a whole thing in my brain now.
And if you read all the way to the bottom of this long-ass post, thank you and I love you. I mean, I'll love y'all regardless of whether you read the post, but yeah. ✌🏻
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sparktoafire · 1 year
really, really hating therapy right now. keep thinking abt cancelling but i know that's not gonna help anything. but what will? i feel like I'm being forced to go.
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liquidstar · 8 months
If my mom sees a significant amount of blood she gets lightheaded, and has fainted on some occasions. Once it happened when we were kids, I wasn't there to witness it but I heard the story from my dad. Basically my brothers, around 7 or 8 at the time, were playing outside while my mom was making their lunch, and she accidentally cut her finger. It wasn't anything serious, but it drew a fair bit of blood and she passed out. My dad saw this and rushed over, but he didn't really know what to do so he just sort of started slapping her to wake her up (not recommended, but he had no idea and panicked)
At that exact moment my brothers both came in from playing, and all they saw was our mom unconscious on the floor and our dad slapping her. So, like, without even saying a word to each other they both just INSTANTLY start whaling on him, like, full blown attack mode to defend our mom. Which obviously didn't help the situation, but she did wake up and everything was fine.
Now our dad says that he's actually really glad they attacked him over what they thought was going on, because it means he raised good boys. And I still think that's true, they're very good boys.
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