#but I'm not just going to pretend that this correlation doesn't exist
bitchthefuck1 · 2 years
Fan spaces for media centered around one Special Boy are truly thee most toxic places you have ever seen
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xxlovelynovaxx · 2 days
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literally RIGHT AFTER we sent an ask to them complaining about pro-endo sysmedicalism and explictly mentioned that The Brain can push The Big Red "in event of trauma" button accidentally for reasons other than trauma if it exists
trauma is highly correlated with CDDs. a causal relationship has not been proven. there could be a confounding factor. there could be a causal relationship in MOST cases but have anomalies that exist
even other primarily traumagenic disorders, such as cluster B disorders, are typically acknowledged in non-ableist spaces to be able to occur endogenically, as just kind of a fluke of the intensely complicated SUPERCOMPUTERS integrated into every cell of our weird meat suits
like no actually you understand significantly less about the brain than the foremost neurologists, who openly admit the brain is still basically a black box to us at this point - especially where it comes to matters of consciousness
so no, you DON'T know that trauma is necessary for CDDs. I choose to BELIEVE people with CDDs about their origins, INCLUDING when they are nontraumagenic. if they later discover trauma, then I will also support them through that, because believing them does not ever preclude the possibility of self-discovery; just as I believe systems who are nondisordered and initially label themselves traumagenic but later realize they are endogenic, or any other combination of disordered status and origin
I'm willing to bet this anon doesn't even support endogenic systems with traumagenic CDDs, honestly, but anyway, I'm putting my grubby little mad liberation paws all over OSDD/DID as a DID system. You don't get to gatekeep the experiences in people's heads which you do not inhabit and in people's lives which you have not lived. That is literally the most basic tenet of Not Being An Ableist pre-101 remedial Don't Be An Asshole class.
(even if you were right, and 100 percent of disordered systems had the disorder caused by trauma, then we'd just be right back at "insisting that people in denial of their trauma have trauma is EXTREMELY HARMFUL IN BASICALLY ALL CASES" anyway so like. no matter how you slice it you're NOT helping people with this shit)
unfollowed and blocked etc etc but Gd DAMN I'm so fucking sick of people so confidently incorrectly making unproven and unsubstantiated claims like this. especially since most of them claim to be "anti misinformation" and "anti science" like L+you don't understand the first thing about how science works+claiming something to be fact without certainty is literally unscientific misinformation+you're treating science as a religion and pseudoscience as your dogma that you preach like christian evangelicals preach hate that isn't even in their holy book
literally just learn to talk about your own experiences without pretending they're universal. learn to believe people about their experiences.
get over your weird god-complex about how you think you understand the inner workings of the most complex organ system of the body to the point you think you can make definitive statements about causative relationships - that originate from the source that literally collectively combined to create art and science and write symphonies and unlock the secrets of the universe and laugh and grieve and experience its own self - and just go fuck off forever about it
No as a DID system we'll never leave OSDD/DID alone. You don't need trauma to have either. Especially OSDD since the high correlation has only even been found in DID. Hell, plurality co-occurring with any other number of neurodivergencies without trauma could be enough to cause OSDD just from the interaction of the two. We know for a fact that physical head trauma (which I know is not what you mean when you say trauma, and which occurs only until significant healing takes place which suggests it's not the later emotional trauma of a head injury which causes it - or any initial trauma associated with the injury) can cause DID-like symptoms.
Literally anything the brain can do under (emotional) duress it can do spontaneously, even if there are failsafes to try and prevent it occurring spontaneously. If someone's brain can change in structure in response to trauma, that structure can occur naturally. They can be born that way, even. They can have the brain form those structures as it's forming pathways to account for ones that aren't present due to neurodivergency.
Like do you understand ANYTHING about how the brain works? Is this just a side effect of bodymind dualism and treating the brain/consciousness as a nonphysical "psychological" soul-entity? Are you not aware that it's all electricity and chemicals coursing through writhing wiggling meat? Are you aware that components can go bork in weird ways that don't outright kill it but have seemingly no cause? Like, your LAPTOP can suddenly get fucked as a result of, not an update or being dropped or being really old, but just because a single gate on some random circuit on any old chip just went bloop and decided to get fucked for no good reason.
I cannot impress enough that there's 2 things here
1 believe people about their origins and disordered experiences or you're an ableist gatekeeping fucking asshole
2 if the brain can do a thing, it can do a thing period. whether or not the typical cause is there, it can just do it anyway
Anyway since mad liberation/general disabled liberation and neuroscience, particularly in the areas of neurological interactivity between genetics, epigenetics, multisystemic chronic illness, GI health, and so on, are my two major special interests and the latter is what I intend to study as my health improves,
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, because I at least know enough to admit what I don't know with certainty and also I know enough to know the entire discipline of psychology at its best, separate from the current harmful institution, is just literally listening to people and recording it until you have enough data to make statements about general trends. Literally one system saying they don't have trauma and experiencing symptoms of a complex dissociative disorder and never saying otherwise is enough to prohibit complete certainty on the matter. Multiple systems doing so only reveals that the people doing so have a complete unscientific bias that they're allowing to get in the way of actual science
(This is without even getting into the flaws of our current diagnostic labels for disordered systemhood and our paradigm for understanding disordered and nondisordered plurality, especially with how it is treated as a binary and not a somewhat fluid and mutable spectrum)
Nothing more to say really. Just. Begone, asshole!
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justablah56 · 7 months
ee hee @iersei I finished writing another Glenn gender post :3
todays glennder post is specifically abt transfem Glenn , so buckle the fuck up <333 SO I've mentioned before that my person hc is that Glenn was transfem from when she was abouutttt 15-16 ish until Morgan's death p much . She was always sort of gnc before that , being a teen boy who's kinda emo/punk/alt with an absent father will do that to ya . I think for a while he didn't really think it was anything and it was totally normal and not a gender thing when he liked his hair long or his nails painted or a bit of makeup on here and there, he was just a rebellious teen who wanted to look cool . but then I think he started identifying as a demi boy at first, like yeah I'm not cis , but I'm still a guy , right ? (wrong) through their teenage years it slowly morphs into just they/them , not minding he/him , it just wasn't what they used most often . then he meets Morgan . Morgan , known lesbian . at first glenns like yeah wowie were such good friends , plus even if I liked her I'm a guy , a manly man , id have no chance , even if she is so so hot .. but they're like . besties for a few years , and at one point Morgan brings up the idea of crossdressing when they're probably in their early 20s. she mentions she thinks it'd be fun to try a sort of drag-king vibe , and glenns like haha yeah I could be your matching drag queen and Morgan's like 👁️👁️ so they go out to find outfits . Glenn finds some fun black leather dress or smthin like that and puts it on and comes out absolutely grinning . she doesn't think this is a performance , it feels too real . meanwhile Morgan is sitting there's like holy shit that is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen . both of them are seeing *Glenn* for the first time and she's beautifully herself . after that Morgan and Glenn go to a lot of dress/skirt shops . I think Glenn does really like the sort of drag vibe to her femininity though . she just loves the exaggerated makeup and the eccentric outfits and the ridiculously tall heels , and Morgan just thinks she's hot as hell <3 after a bit Glenn goes on estrogen bcs she can and life is good for a while between Glenn and Morgan . I think they do drag together super often , Glenn for the most part just glams herself up , bcs we love a transfem drag queen <3 and Morgan prefers to do more masc drag , and they like to correlate their outfits to match whenever they do it and it's just v sweet <3 I think though , (and I believe I've mentioned this in previous glennder rambles) that as Nick comes along and Glenn is given more responsibility he kinda starts regressing back in his gender journey . Glenn gets kinda ... burnt out . to the point that putting effort into his gender presentation isn't worth it anymore . when they first have Nick she starts using she/they . her and Morgan stop doing drag as often . as Nick grew up it morphed into just they/them , and Glenn didn't want to try to come up with a parent word for themself so they were still "dad". when Morgan died Glenn stopped presenting female completely . to him , he didn't have the time anymore to be worried about that kind of thing , and it was easier to just ... be a guy again . it also had to do with the fact that any of his feminity just reminded him of Morgan bcs he had been with her the whole time , so he couldn't dress up like he used to because every time he tried to dress up he would be turning around expecting to see Morgan's smiling face with her own outfit on , ready to tell her how pretty she looked all dolled up . and then she wasn't there . and that hurt . and as Glenn does , if it causes any kind of negative emotional reaction at all it's better to just shove it into a closet and pretend it doesn't exist , and that's what he does with his silly goofy transed gender . he does still stay on estrogen though , I think . bcs it's the one thing that he's just gotten used to and it would be more difficult to suddenly stop than it is to just keep doing it . he tells himself it's because he doesn't like change . and that's part of it , but y'know . she's still there .
anyways this got kinda longer than I thought it would but I'm so insane about transfem Glenn literally thinking about her constantly , she's my babygirl , my malewife , my girlhusband , my silly rabbit , I love her sm <3
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britcision · 6 months
this is not in regards to any laws being introduced and i say this as a queer person who was a victim of csa - do you earnestly believe websites putting their foot down when it comes to child pornography and content fetishizing horrifying abuse like rape and incest will lead to "censorship" of innocent queer content? do you believe that with your entire chest? do you not see how you are inherently correlating fetishization of abuse with content of gay people existing? and mind you, i am not talking about content that merely explores these themes, but if you jump to try and include exploration of the effects of abuse in graphic detail with content pedophiles make to get off at the thought of a child being molested and then share so other pedophiles can do the same, what does that say about you? why do you feel the need to mock victims and make straw man arguments no adult actually makes about fiction, and then thusly you are targeting the poorly formed opinions of children who are clearly hurt and terrified to mock them for not fully understanding how to properly articulate what they wish to express? do you not see how none of this helps anyone. you are probably a victim yourself, i know, don't get me wrong. i am just trying to make a point. even if you don't understand, or look within yourself, it doesn't really matter to me. i'm gonna block you and move on because i have better things to do than try to genuinely convince a person with their ao3 username in bio about how they have malformed opinions over the internet lmao.
Because the people who are pushing this law to “protect children” are literally the same ones who are getting gay books banned from schools and getting teachers fired for talking about their home lives should they dare to be queer
Because back when FOSTA/SESTA was passed with almost identical hype about “protecting children”, the only thing that happened was porn bans and queer content being deleted or buried. Including images of two men/women holding hands
Because studies have been done for decades, and these kinds of laws have never, ever, made anyone even remotely more safe; all they do is make tagging a legal liability for companies, meaning you cannot meaningfully filter out fan content that might trigger you
Because putting the onus on internet providers or hosts does not catch, slow, or even hinder the people actually abusing children - it just means that anyone who wants a queer content creator removed can just spam report all their work as csa
Because I actually care about children, and have done the research rather than just believing every single cry I hear of “for the children” - the tagline of every racist and queerphobic piece of legislation since before anyone alive today was born
Because pointing out that “queer content is all pedophilia” is an argument these people will immediately use to destroy queer content is not corroborating that opinion; it’s basic pattern recognition, and pretending that it is anything else is a suppression tactic to stop people from calling out that bullshit
If you actually care about children and want them to be safe, stop knee jerk reacting and start actually thinking. The data’s all a Google away, the studies have been done, and anyone who was even remotely engaged when SESTA/FOSTA passed should have noticed just what that legislation actually did
We have seen these kinds of bills before. We saw what happened immediately after. Criminologists around the world have studied the results: children are not safer. And I care more about that than buzzwords and temper tantrums online
But go off about “poorly formed opinions” defending the exact same game plan that happened literally a decade ago like no one has ever heard of history. Makes you look real noble, totally disguises your judgemental hissy fit as Brave Justice Warrior
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princelylove · 2 months
Apologies, by requiem stand, i meant something along the lines of stone free requiem, or a stand idea similar in concept. Again, my fault, your grace.
No, yes, I wanted you to be specific in terms of ability. 'Requiem' is just an ability evolved into a different one, since there's no direct correlation, it's difficult to assume what the new ability would be. Of course, you have a guess based off of personality, and previous ability, but also you don't!
Giorno has the ability to protect himself no matter what and punish those he deems fit in the worst way. He's done nothing but protect those around him and his dream is quite literally to protect those he cannot- it's ironic, and not what he asked for, besides from maybe the ability to punish those he deems evil. You can assume requiem is a "You get what you need not what you want" sort of thing, but what about Jean-Pierre?
Jean-Pierre would just like to cruise by, live a life where he can settle down with a beautiful lady (or man, he's yet to figure out he swings both ways). Maybe his reqiuem ability to swap people's bodies is from his need to be Doing Something, and not just sit around? Like how people who grew up with bad relationships get nervous in healthy ones? I don't know. It's been a while since I thought about it. If so, then we're back on my "you get what you need" theory. But I'm not sure what you need! Besides from, you know, a restraining order from Narancia.
I'm not closely following any fan theory of stone free requiem, so this is probably not what you're asking me, but I'm assuming it would be... grotesque. The process of obtaining requiem through the arrow- whether it be Giorno's curiosity getting the better of him, or you yourself finding another arrow and going for it- is brutal. Giorno had to die to receive his heightened state, shedding his past self in the process.
Narancia doesn't want that shit!!!! Go back!!!! He doesn't want his darling to DIE, or shed, or whatever the hell Giorno did, he wants you safe and sound and in his room where he can see you. Whatever your previous ability was, Narancia won't just let it go. He's not big on change. If he didn't ask you for anything previously, he will be now.
Stone Free can grab things. Hey, babe, reach that for me? Heyy, can you wrap this up with your strings?
He pretends like your new ability- whatever it may be- doesn't exist, until you shove it in his face. He's... nervous about it. What if your cool new ability makes you not need him? What if somebody tries to take you from him because of it?????
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Bingo TFP Megatron
bc I know you have opinions
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he's big, evil, pointy and hot 💜.
i'm very interested in his backstory 'cuz i wanna know who he was before he became a gladiator. i know fanon says miner like IDW but i don't think that's ever confirmed (in the cartoon, at least. if the novels said anything, i wouldn't know because i don't like novels and the things i've heard about them go against my headcanons. and thus, i pretend they do not exist).
for the "they got done dirty by the fans" part: the amount fics where he's the big bad evil abuser. like yeah, his and starscream's relationship is faaaaaaaaaaar from healthy but there are reasons he acts like that. he doesn't do the things he did without reason. he doesn’t do them purely for sick kicks. have you all forget he used to be in the same position as starscream as well? cycle of abuse and all that. my point is: he has layers and he's more than big bad evil abuser (swear to god if anybody accuses me of excusing megatron's actions, i'm going to fucking break something).
also the homophobic megatron jokes. i haven't seen this one much, thankfully but it still irritates me. i have not seen a single other character be made the butt of this joke. it’s. just. him. because big men are evil and bad and because toxic masculinity, i guess.
for the “they got done dirty by the creator(s) part”: directly correlates with the “wasted potential” part. dude just...flies away at the end of predacons rising and then never shows up in the aligned continuity again. ever. not even in any of the comics, as far as i know. like, please, i wanna know what happened to him! is he even still alive by the end of the continuity???
i’m especially pissed because they actually planned to have him in RID2015!! they even got so far as to make a design for him and everything! but of course, that got scrapped and we got megatronUS instead. can you imagine if megatron actually appeared in RID2015? every decepticon in that show is gonna go batshit. even better if he appears during starscream’s arc! that’d be glorious! the story potential, man the story potential!!
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trashbunnysblog · 2 years
GhostBoo? yeah...don't like him
hello fellow Beeduo enjoyers, endermen simps and bee protectors! I am here to deliver you guys a theory...well, i think is more of a essay, where i'm expressing my own thoughts on GhostBoo and what might happen to our platonic husbands now that Tubbo is going through his grief arc while being haunted by his late husband.
A disclaimer tho, i don't want to come across as stating that this is a fact, these are merely my own thoughts on the whole thing and i wanted to share it. Also is worth mention that some stuff i say might not correlate with the actual lore, as i'm using the wiki as my source instead of watching the whole thing, mostly because i am busy with other minecraft related shit.
Anyway, hope you enjoy it and have a nice day
This all popped in my head after recently seeing a fanart of c!Tubbo telling GhostBoo that "you're not him" and i would argue that...he's not wrong about that, maybe partially, but he's still in the right with that sentiment.
Sure, Ghostboo seems happy about not having so many worries and even calling his alive self to be annoying.
But arguably I feel like Ghostboo is not just the ghost of Ranboo, and the wiki says that he's Ranboo's mind while his soul is hanging out in limbo, thus Boo acts more on the logical side, but that's not who the Ranboo Tubbo knew was, at least not JUST what he was.
I feel like Ghostboo is also a representation of a side of Ranboo and Ran himself killed in his brain a long time ago, before the lore in the SMP began, a part of him that went against his old morale, helping everyone regardless of the side they choose.
Maybe this part of him chose a side that benefitted only himself and would later lead to people getting the consequences of his actions, maybe it has to do with that palace that is linked to time travel, as I am a subscriber on the theory that prior to the SMP Ranboo was a time traveler, and whatever happened in that mansion, made him either realize that choosing to benefit only himself when others got hurt was a bad decision OR that no matter which side he picked, people would end up getting hurt or would start Hating him.
Another thing that calls my attention is the dance and sing thing that could lead to Ghostboo stop existing, but I argue that this is merely Boo making up a excuse so that he doesn't act on something linked to a emotion, cause if he did, the soul would find the mind and thus old Ranboo would be back, and according to Boo, he dislikes his alive self, which I think Links to the fact that he's the mind of Ranboo, not only he acts more logically, he carries on the memories of his insecurities and inner thoughts, and by that I mean old Ranboo ALWAYS HELD THESE THOUGHTS, but now that he's dead, his mind sees no need to hide it, so he says it without a care.
In a way, Ghostboo is choosing to help others...but by doing something that only benefits him, cause Tubbo is still dealing with grief, and his presence isn't making things better, not to mention that he gave the house that was going to be for his family, and oh yeah, GhostBoo's reaction gave me the vibe that he thought his poor son had died but decided not to show emotion, cause again, Old Ranboo being back is not something Boo wants.
Now we got all of that out of the way, i want to share my personal scenario on what might happen once Ranboo comes back (he might stay a ghost forever but let's pretend that he might).
For starters, i think there are three key factors that might lead to Ranboo coming back, the first is obviously Michael, for obvious reasons.
The second one, also for obvious reasons, is Tubbo, who might confront Ghostboo at some point and a argument will ensue, and Ghostboo will pull his logic and say that they technically they didn't have a wedding, his proposal to Tubbo was dictated by the flip of a coin, and one of the few hings that Tubbo said when they got married was that he could be adulterous, Tubbo might argue that it was a joke but Ghostboo does not have his funny bone and reminds him that the basis of the usion is for tax purposes, so by all accounts he could get what he wanted, but Tubbo reminds him that he never did anything of that sort and tells him that he did it for Ran and Michael, whom Ghostboo has been ignoring, and finally Boo snaps and says that once he got to limbo he was convinced Sam killed him and only came to the house to leave a flower where his room was as a tribute, Ghostboo realizes that he just displayed anger and runs off.
And the final piece of the pouzzle, the guy that at first i thought that was their adoptive son, Tommy.
I can see Tommy going to Tubbo to comfort him, maybe he heard about the argument or he's just there because Ghsotboo was there now, and he ends up being there for a while longer, getting his own room in Ranboo's old house and taking care of Michael while Tubbo goes out in his Giref arc, one time when he goes out, he sees ghostboo in the distance looking at the house but runs once he sees that Tommy saw him.
Tommy ends up chasing him with Michael, and once they find him, Tommy tells Ghostboo he wasn't welcomed there, Ghostboo says he knows, cause he stole Tubbo, didn't name his kid after him and he was a complete jerk to Tubbo, but Tommy says that yes he did all of that but also he's letting Tubbo get away wirh some shitty stuff, Ghsotboo, hesitantly asks what happens and Tommy spills the beans on the giraf arc and Tubbo slowly getting off the rails, but he doesn't need punishment, he needs help, and finally Ghostboo decides to let the emotions go and chooses to go with Tommy and Michael to see Tubbo.
But not to worry, in good old minecraft fashion, Ranboo, not Ghostboo, RANBOO, appears in his house, in his bed, and greets Tommy, Tubbo and Michael, the becnhtrio gets their happy ending.
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Rune translations and Bottom theories (I did my best!) (: It's long! I mean REALLY REALLY REALLY LONG!!!! You've been warned. (Potential TWs below the cut) yeah Hyoga doesn't have a good time here.
I should probably start calling Hyoga "Hyouga" instead since I'm pretty sure it's spelled with a 'U'... but I probably won't. Apologies.
Bottom English translation by Tackmyn Y! (I can't speak Japanese, again, apologies, though I was able to make my own version of Autophagy)
Potential TWs (I dont want to harm anyone by going on this rant): Autophagy (medical terms), nightmares, demons tormenting a guy, Hyoga being unhealthy in more ways than one, mentions of death/murder, self esteem issues, mentions of destructive behavior, manipulation, violence.
Yeah, my boy Hyoga ain't having a good time in this theory.
I feel the need to clarify that this is all speculation. So uh. Everything here is just what I've been thinking about since I hopped into this rabbit hole.
Sinfan (I'm not sure what order they go in, it's quite hard to tell):
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"Something with shape"]
I'm not fully sure what "something with shape" means, but there's a possibility that Sinfan could be referring to Hyoga, (a doll/wax figure) or maybe that Sinfan needs something with a shape to be able to exist. Sinfan could need a vessel to stay on the mortal plain and go undetected while staying alive.
Sinfan needs a vessel. And with that thought, it launches into indecipherable theory crafting.
Hyoga summoned Sinfan when he was 12 years old. Thinking he found a vessel, he called upon Pabometh, another grey demon, to help torment Hyoga so the two could get their wish.
Hyoga, at the time, is young, dumb and susceptible to manipulation, meaning it could be easy for Sinfan to grasp the situation with an iron grip which follows Hyoga into adulthood.
"Revival" could also be referring to "Rebirth," symbolized by a butterfly. It could also mean that Sinfan/Pabo has the powers to revive people. Maybe as a last resort if they need it.
In Hiiragi Kirai's album trailer on Youtube, Hyoga shows up in a scene with 'D' and 'B' in calligraphy on each cheek. They could mean "Death" and "Birth" respectively.
Lines from Autophagy:
"I just wants a peaceful life." Likely means Hyoga wants the demons gone so he can live how he wants to. (Who wouldn't?)
"The voice inside my head? Huh... how odd." Also implies that the demons are still with him.
"My body pulses, memories from my past bringing pain." Means that in Autophagy, Hyoga remembers his past, but it hurts him.
""You can't avoid it in life, so it's best to just deal with it." You say, but you dont seem bothered." Is most likely Sinfan talking to Hyoga. It could also mean that Hyoga can't avoid the demons, so he should just deal with it.
"I can't stop now, so pretend nothing happened!" Could be Hyoga trying to ignore the demons, or maybe he did something he shouldn't have. (Always knew those were prison tattoos...)
"I want to wash my skull out! I want to say bye bye! But yet I didn't do it..." Could mean that the demons are still with him in Autophagy and likely still tormenting him.
"I won't stop, I can't look back." Might mean Hyoga is trying to move on, but with the demons still in his head, he can't, so the "Let me forget!" after the instrument solo might be him wishing that he never remembered in the first place and trying to get the demons to take them away again.
"Just stay away from me!" Could be Hyoga distancing himself from everyone he knows, or trying to get the demons to go away.
"Hello! HAHAHAHA Hello! HAHAHAHAHA!" Might be Hyoga as he slowly loses his remaining sanity due to constant tormenting and pressure from the demons.
"A A A A- 'Allo/Allow/Arrow" could all imply different things, so I'll give a short on all of them.
"'Allo!" Is just an abbreviation of "Hello."
"Arrow!" -According to a quick google search- is a common symbolism for peace and philosophical ideas, and used for protection and hunting. It could mean that Hyoga just wants peace and quiet, which is enforced by "I just want a peaceful life." in the beginning.
"Allow!" Could mean that the demons are trying even harder to bend him to their will and take him over as a vessel. They want Hyoga to allow them to posses him so they can do whatever they please.
Pabo only has 2 that I can see:
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"Save (?)ime"]
It might be "time" but I couldn't make out the rune symbol there.
"Nightmare" hardens my thought that Bottom is just a massive nightmare set up by the demons to torment Hyoga, that the song is sung from the perspective of one of the demons (likely Pabo), and that Young Hyoga(tm) in the video is Pabometh playing the part of his repressed/forgotten memories.
This is all assuming the song is, infact, sung by the demons.
Lines from Bottom:
"You're keeping me alive! Today, today, you're killing me!" Could go both ways (Pabo/Sinfan and Hyoga) For Pabo it could just be another variation of the next line I'm about to talk about.
For Hyoga it could mean that he wouldn't be able to function if he didn't have the demons (Sinfan might posses him to make him fit in so nobody notices, keep him from dying from mortal wounds, and he's lived with them so long he might not know what to do without them), but with them he's slowly tearing himself apart from the inside out due to their constant tormenting. Metaphorically or literally is anyone's guess at the moment.
"Autophagy" (his songs name) is a medical term for "self eat" which normally happens when your body is starved, so it eats it's own cells to survive as long as it can. It can also correlate to certain diseases. Autophagy in these terms might also be referring to emotions. It's possible he's been stewing in any sort of negative emotions to cause such effects. (I.E: Guilt, fear, self worth issues,) which could make his resolve weaker, making it easier for Pabo and Sinfan to torment him/possess him. The longer it goes on, the closer he could be to self destructing.
"A wax figure/a doll is keeping me alive/killing me." Is more related to the demons in my eyes. "Wax figure/a doll" is likely referring to Hyoga. Hyoga could be their only tie to the mortal realm, (Sinfan being more prominent because he was summoned first, and by Hyoga himself.)
It could also mean that they need to inhabit his mind/body in order to survive and make it easier to torment Hyoga. If they both are in Hyoga's mind 24/7 while he suffers from nightmares (which cause lack of sleep, keeping his body in a perpetually weak state), no self worth, and a fragile mental state ("I wanna keep you out of my fragile mind!") while he tears himself apart, it would mean it would be harder to stay with him without something happening.
Due to that, it's likely that the very thing keeping them alive and in the mortal realm is also killing them at the same time.
It may be worth mentioning that a line in Bottom is "You think you're a god to me?" while 9lore translated Rinen's (Möbius') tattoo on his chest, which reads "Be still and know that I am god." It could a a coincidence, but I thought I'd mention it just in case (:
Throughout the entire song the demons are mocking and belittling Hyoga. (I.E: "Defying all logic, you're nothing but evil." "You're so stupid! You scumbag, scumbag, scumbag!") Most of the angry rant type of thing happens when Young Hyoga (tm) is on-screen. (It could be a tactic to make Hyoga not want to remember/manipulate his memories/tear down his resolve even more/or just plain upset him.)
"I mean, who, who, who are you?" It's been made clear that for the longest time (according to WOOMA) Hyoga didn't even remember his own name. "Who are you?" might be Pabo trying to get into Hyoga's head and make him question his own sanity.
"What the hell are you to me?" Implies that Pabo also want Hyoga to question why Pabo is here. Sinfan was summoned by Hyoga, but Pabometh was likely summoned by Sinfan to help tear down Hyoga. That means the two don't have much history, and Hyoga most likely doesn't know why Pabo is here for awhile.
It's "you to me" instead of "me to you" so Pabo could also be trying to get Hyoga to try and notice him in a positive way so that the nightmares stop. I'll expand on that some more a few (a lot) of paragraphs down.
"Inside my heart is- such a rage! Such a rage! So I'll grab you, grasp you, and crush you flat!" Is a line I find interesting. It also leads directing into another line; "The symptom of the unforgettable emotion is my burning intent to murder, which is absolutely right." Pabo would likely be talking about Hyoga, which implies that if he could, Pabo would murder Hyoga himself, but since the "wax figure" is needed to keep both him and his accomplice, Sinfan, alive, he can't.
It also implies that Pabo is extremely angry with Hyoga, for a reason I can't particularly pinpoint, except maybe for the fact that Hyoga's becoming more and more unstable and not safe for Pabo and Sinfan. The only problem is, it's Pabo and Sinfans fault he's like that. They're the ones that chose Hyoga as a vessel while simultaneously destroying him.
However, it's possible that Pabo's aim was to devoid Hyoga of anything and everything, (I.E: memories, emotions, etc. etc.) so that he was just that: a vessel. But with Hyoga being so destructive to himself, the whole plan could have gone awry and Pabo's only thought was how furious he was at Hyoga for messing up his chance to be in the mortal realm undetected for good, meaning he wishes he could destroy Hyoga and just get it over with so him and Sinfan could wait until someone else summoned them so they could take advantage of that.
""How deplorable you are! How deplorable you are!"" Is a line that has a chance of Hyoga himself having said it due to it having quotes on it. It also implies that he he could be fighting back, so his resolve might not crushed completely. However, a show of strength like that would likely just enrage Pabometh even more than he already is. It also doesn't help the positive impression he wants Pabo to have of him.
"You're involving yourself with me again like a clingy, clingy neighbor!" Sounds like Pabo, again, insulting Hyoga. If we go off of another part of this fever dream I've cooked up, (Hyoga not knowing what to do without the demons, but with them destroying himself), sounds like Pabo doesn't want to be with Hyoga anymore, going as far as hating him so much he's festering in it.
The "again" makes it sound like Hyoga's tried to communicate with them more than once, being unsuccessful each time. Hyoga could be trying to latch onto them, either to take them down with him or trying to get the nightmares to stop. Like I said, for a while Hyoga could have been trying to get positive attention and make Pabo like him.
"The low-end is going to manipulate me." Could be Pabo addressing that he knows what Hyoga was trying to do and calling him out for it.
"Brimming with momentary anger, rot away quickly, quickly, quickly!" Again, Pabo is talking about his burning hatred for Hyoga.
"I'm always losing! How, how dare you!" Implies that even with all the nightmares and torment, Hyoga has just enough willpower to keep Pabo from getting his wish, angering him even more.
And finally, a line from Autophagy:
"Oh, rise seeds of evil, bursting with malice!" Might be Hyoga finally giving into the demons and becoming their vessel if they take away his painful memories and stop hurting him.
Tumblr media
["-r Guide(A) N(?)E A(?)R"
"The ability to know wh-"
"Grant me the power to be strong in spirit-"
"Grant me the wisdom to understand-"]
With it over Pabo, it's possible that this was the one that summoned Pabo instead of Sinfan, although with it also under Hyoga, it could be Sinfan's. Who knows, it might also be boths.
In the ending scene with the pentagram, the colors of the other songs are visible, meaning that it's possible all of them are connected.
(I could go on for hours about the small loopholes that I think mean all the songs are connected in specific ways. Either way I know they're all from the same universe.)
With all their colors on it, it might mean they all have a demon of their own.
I'm still working slightly on the pentagram, I'll probably keep ya updated if I can find out what the rest of it says (:
If anyone can find the full version (preferably readable) of the pentagram, that'd be lovely (if it even exists)
(If you find more runes in "Bottom" or another Hiiragi song I'd be happy to see if I can translate it (: I'm not very good though, and I can't speak Japanese-)
English translation of Bottom used by: Tackmyn Y (I don't know where you are but you're a lifesaver)
Find any spelling errors, let me know! I'll see if I can fix 'em (:
If you read this far, what're you doing??
Have an absolutely amazing day!!! <3
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lesmiserabby · 4 years
So I'd been planning to do another video on autism and mental health during the pandemic but today one of my friends brought the existence of Facebook chainmail "Autism Awareness" campaigns to my attention so this happened instead. Hopefully people smarten up and stop using these games that do absolutely nothing for "autism awareness" or acceptance soon.
For anyone who doesn't want to watch the video but still wants to know my thoughts or is unfamiliar with these statuses, here's a quick explanation as well as what I sent my friend (not exact same wording I used in the video but same general thoughts):
The statuses are something funny, the one shown to me is called "the unicorn game" and is a Facebook status about pretending to be a unicorn in your kitchen and is followed up with a message sent to everyone who likes or comments saying to spread the game by using the same status and then passing the private message to everyone who likes or comments to "raise awareness for autism" and that if you don't do so then you have no sense of humour. My friend liked the status and was sent that pm, and then asked me my thoughts on it.
My response:
So first off I'm not super big on "awareness" campaigns, people are aware it exists, what we need is education on what autism actually is and how it impacts people, acceptance over awareness, try to undo the harm awareness campaigns from groups like Autism $peaks have caused.
Second, I have no clue how this is meant to raise awareness for autism when it's a funny status being posted followed by saying "raising awareness for autism" in a private message after, with no sort of education attached, literally just the word, there is pretty much no correlation between the two that I can see.
Third, actually autistic people are extremely literal. We would take that status entirely seriously and be totally blindsided by the follow up. This actually happened to me before I got the diagnosis and I remember even then being very frustrated by it, I would say I'm surprised these are still going around 3-4 years later but people also still take A$ seriously so hard to be surprised.
Really, it doesn't do much if anything for the actually autistic community and it could come across as a harmful joke if an unsuspecting autistic person hit like and got that in response.
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canopaly · 6 years
To be honest, I don't even know where to begin. I'm trying to ration this out in my head. My best guess is that in the moment, you had to put yourself first. I get that. This is your life and this is something that you know you had to do. A lot of it correlates to the children and I know that, this is something that has to be done for the children and I understand. By worrying about me and choosing the option of putting me first, you jeopardize your duties. I get that too. It's very easy to hang up and turn off the phone, completely ignoring me. Because that's the only voice I have in the matter. It's very easy to pretend that voice doesn't exist, move on with what you have to do, then deal with me later. You know I'll forgive you, and you know that my job will probably still offer for me to come in on another day. You'll get what you have to done, and you'll deal with me later. I get that too. But the thing is, you know me. You knew that I wouldn't be able to calm down, you knew that this was my biggest fear, you knew how bad I was already freaking out and how it was only going to get worse. You had time to talk, it was still 9:40. You heard my tears on the phone and then you hung up. You gave me a 2 minute phone call, then left. 15 minutes before your appointment time, I decided to go in the building and talk to you. I figured you were trying to get something figured out with the receptionist, so that's probably why you couldn't answer my calls. I figured you were maybe even trying to get something worked out with the Psychologist. But instead I walked into an empty room and a dirty look. The look of a women who already had the preconceived notion that I was the "crazy girlfriend". A woman who spoke to me like I was 3 and couldn't do anything but give me nasty half smiles and apologizes. But she doesn't get it. She doesn't know me, she doesn't know the situation, she can't help it. She's just doing her job. But you know who could help it? You. And you know who didn't? You. And as I sit here waiting for your return, I try to come up with a response to when I hear the words "I didn't respond to you because I wanted to get in there and get it done as soon as possible. The sooner I went in, the sooner I could get out. She even said it might not be the full 5 hours!" I try to come up with a response for when I get pitted as "over- reacting", "crazy", and the one to blame. I try to come up with a response for how I made your evaluation so shitty because you were worried about me, and how I shouldn't have made you nervous. At this point, all I can do is shut down until you return and try to repair the damage done. But I would have never made the same choice, and that's the only part don't get.
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