#but at least i get the weekend off
blkwag · 1 year
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a2zillustration · 4 months
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Why is it always rats.
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tjerra14 · 4 months
The bliss of waking up on a fine Saturday morning only to realise a few seconds later that it is, in fact, barely Thursday
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pictureday2005 · 6 months
i dont need therapy or medication i need it to be 2007. i need it to be my full time job to learn and explore and be curious about the world around me again
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due to things lining up Horribly, no stream this weekend! and maybe not the next, either!
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choiliner · 2 months
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"from a moa's pov it's really exciting" poor dude just wants to get some rest
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Hey Quin? How are things going with y’all?
I want to say better but I don’t think that’s entirely right
For now things are just okay. Like a neural okay
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actually On Your Feet gave us two good things (well. three if you like Realize which I do). Kohane's "it's frustrating" line and the great crack fic idea of Vivid Bad Squad getting cancelled online for skipping school to yell at The Kotaki Taiga as he was about to go back to America.
#no because. he went there to continue radder's dream yeah? the one about becoming world successful musicians#and they had a record label for a bit. they were definitely going to make it at least somewhat.#so we can assume taiga is at the very least a semi well known musician yeah?#one that someone about to either leave or enter japan might know about. who will see this musician they enjoy#being shouted at by a high school girl in her school uniform about how they will surpass him or something along those lines#with three other kids (in uniform from a different school) standing behind her#and then going onto sekai universe twitter to post about it and the taiga kotaki fans taking it by storm#taiga gets off the plane in america and finds he's trending and it's because people are making fun of a blurry picture of his ex pupil#meanwhile vivid bad squad just don't know because it was contained entirely on twitter and.#be honest can you see any of them having twitter because i can't. an maybe but akito doesn't have time for social media and toya is toya#and kohane is a tumblr girlie if i've ever seen one#however it does give the great concept of someone else seeing it and debating if they should say anything#because mmj definitely has an official account they could have seen it on and also there's ena shinonome and mizuki akiyama#but anyway this also means when they do put on the event to surpass rad weekend (or whatever their goal ends up being)#there will be a crowd of people looking at it and going “isn't that the group of kids that twitter made fun of ages ago?”#and then taiga kotaki stans on sekai universe twitter will be stunned because they did in fact surpass him#if it wasn't for the gcses i would write this but alas. enjoy my weird thoughts#bagel's rambles#project sekai#i am scared to main tag this one but. fuck it we ball
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curly-cottage-girl · 4 months
I feel like I’m losing the battle of treading water and am just starting to drown in exhaustion now
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Reminders to take deep breaths, take an online break and self care Sarah I love and care for you /p
Thank you, Planky ... I've been trying to be online less, but tbh online isn't the source of my stress--it's mostly real life stuff. And Limbus continuing to kick me while I'm down but I kinda expected that.
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munchkinmarauder · 8 months
If there is one thing to thank Steve Orlando for - it's for showing Luna gets the snark from her dad's side of the family 😂
For real though both of them were great this issue.
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Hopefully we get more Luna in the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver series (and finally see Tommy and/or all the magnet siblings interact).
Marvel - please let Pietro wear blue again.
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werewolves-are-real · 4 months
See my problem. Is that I would LIKE to meet people, either to get a partner or even, like, friends. But I do not have a car, and would need to walk 2+ miles to any mildly-public area (and even that would be like... a library or something). Which is hard when I am already constantly exhausted/in pain.
And then I try to imagine explaining that yeah my main hobby is writing about fictional relationships & obsessing over the original Star Trek. My second hobby is video-games, sorry if you were deceived by the fact I'm skinny & wear dresses, I'm just a nerd.
And yeah also I have nosy pet parakeets you gotta just deal with. And yeah I'm converting to Judaism (hopefully soon) so my Saturdays aren't free (so fun right now, especially, btw!)
And then I decide taking a nap sounds better, actually. And I look online and see stuff about how you gotta get out and meet people!! :) Here are some ideas for how to do that (all assuming you have a fucking car and, idk, money?? and also pre-existing friends?) and then I just feel mildly homicidal.
Anyway I'm turning 29 next week and when I am 30 people will be officially wondering what is Wrong With Me That I'm Alone, I think. Exciting 🙃
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avacynthia · 3 months
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on friday I was going to write...and then I had to emergency-cover somebody's shift at the clinic. it happens and I was in charge so no problem. had a lovely dinner too.
on saturday I was going to write...but I felt sick and accidentally spent all day half-consciously playing balatro instead.
today I was going to write...and then I woke up to a message that someone in New York hacked my Netflix account and signed their entire family up for the premo plan under my name. after an eon-long phone call, I undid that. now I'm doing my taxes and I can't find my W-2 form. 😭 the saga continues...
the universe apparently doesn't want me to write, but it's not gonna keep me down! I'll be back soon. thanks for your patience. 💖)
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my ideal house is an empty warehouse with poor lighting and no furniture that echoes every sound really ominously
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winterrose42 · 4 months
"I can fix him" "i can make him worse"
I can put him in therapy and make him learn communication skills
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gotta love hell week for putting our final projects together
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