#but curious to know yall's thoughts
ddruxyart · 6 months
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At this point the bully has become the bullied but he keeps coming back for more??
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marcmorrigan · 3 months
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finally delivering on the princess tutu headshots i promised... love these dysfunctional teens 🩰💖💕
LOTS of notes about headcanons/design choices under the cut! like. a lot. dont say i didnt warn you
starting with my specialest guy fakir:
i had a suuuper clear vision for fakir, and i couldnt be happier with how he turned out, he looks exactly how i imagine him! trying to translate his Bird-Shaped Hair into my style gave me SERIOUS homestuck flashbacks. my affinity for knights with Problems knows no bounds...
adding the hyperpigmentation around his eyes and his acne scars is what really solidified this for me-- i put those in and was like oh!!! there you are!!! my boy!!! and you can tell because i gave him acne scars + thick eyebrows that he IS my boy... there are very clear trends among my headcanons for my faves lol. big noses, thick eyebrows, skin imperfections, heavy eyebags, long dark hair... and fakir truly has it all 😤 he is so Ideal Character Design to me
i think fakir is actually pretty self-conscious about his appearance tho! we see characters like pike and lilie say hes handsome to ahiru, but i dont know how often he actually hears that? and im sure its hard not to compare himself to mytho, who is straight out of a fairy tale; being a regular teenager dealing with regular teen body stuff is hard enough without your roommate being a magically beautiful eternally youthful storybook hero. i think he probably internalises more that people see him as scary and angry, and that the girls who do have crushes on him always frame it in contrast to mytho, who is Good and Kind and Handsome, implying (or sometimes outright stating!) that fakir is Bad and Mean and... Well...
fakir is very sensitive but quiet about it, so i think its a very private point of self-consciousness. i think he puts a lot of semi-secret effort into his appearance; canonically he has a lot of very funny and clearly customised clothing, and he chooses to keep his hair long and in a very particular style (i have a whole breakdown in my mind of how he achieves that style and it involves a surprising amount of pins and an unsurprising fuckton of teasing. i think his hair is a little fried from heat damage!), and i think that probably extends to other things, too, like manicuring his eyebrows and doing a lot of very Teenage Skincare that doesnt actually help his acne much lol. i think he probably has a lot of self-injurious habits and BFRBs like skin picking and chewing, mostly at his acne and around his nails (both of which he hates, because he knows he shouldnt but does it anyway). i think if he does it enough that theres noticeable evidence it feels, like, world-ending for him, ESPECIALLY if anyone asks what happened lol. do not perceive him except in the very specific ways and contexts he approves of THANKS
on to the narratives favorite princess, mytho:
again, i had a pretty clear idea of the vibe i wanted mytho to have going into this-- i want him to have, like, extreme prince charming vibes, very Classically Handsome without necessarily being 'conventional.' i thought a lot about 'the happy prince' story while i was working on this, and really wanted him to look like a cross between how the prince statue looks in my head and a porcelain doll. and also a cross between jonny brown and brigitte bardot? lots of very direct influences for him lol. so! lots of gold tones, gemmy eye color, cute little tooth gap, quivering wide-eyed thousand-yard-stare doe eyes and big ol dolly anime lashes, which were the very last thing i added because i was NERVOUS about pulling those off lol. they turned out cute tho! ive only done a handful of pieces for this series and i can already tell princess tutu is gonna make me up my lash drawing game considerably, these kids all look like they blink and cause a hurricane from the gale force wind of their falsies
also wait i lied the very last thing i did was add his freckles/beauty marks because he needed that little extra oomph and those were It. i think he probably has some on his hands/wrists too 💕
i was a little unsure if my idea for his hair would translate with this flat-color approach but im pretty happy with it! its supposed to be afrotextured hair (somewhere between 3b and 4c i think? wide range of potential i knowww but im still kind of hammering out my headcanons okay, this is exploratory lol) thats been rolled and finger-styled into his little feather shapes. i think loose, chunky twists would be another fun way to interpret his hair and twists are one of my fave styles to draw do i might draw him like that at some point too...
i guess fakir is the one who styles his hair for him before mytho gets his heart back? i imagine fakir is pretty meticulous about maintaining mythos health and appearance, even at the worst stages of their relationship. i think itd be hard for fakir to frame the way he treats mytho as For Mythos Sake if he wasnt doing some level of actually beneficial care for him, so being really fastidious about things like mythos diet and sleep hygiene and hair care and such gives fakir an outlet for his 'you just have to do what i tell you' thing that helps him convince himself it really is helping, no really, hes doing this for mythos benefit and he just has to be strict with him because mytho doesnt UNDERSTAND he needs PROTECTING and fakir is the ONLY ONE who can do it so mytho HAS to let him because if he doesnt then why does fakir even EXIST, if he cant manage this then what is he good for, and--
yknow. the usual complexes. and their relationship is so complex!!! but also so simple, but like. in a good way. fakirs behavior is complicated but his motivation regarding mytho is SO straightforward which makes that downward spiral into harm really easy to map out... i wont go much into that in this post since this is about visual/appearance-related headcanons but just. augh. i love this show and i love these characters!!! and i hope its apparent in my work that i do love them so <3
im hoping to do a set of these for the girls next!!! i have some other stuff to finish first but hopefully... Soon... Some Birds...
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radiodeerr · 5 months
who in natm would wear this do yall think?
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ttimecode · 21 days
oc voiceclaims YAYY heheheheee
(art cred to @beeholyshit for most of the pics <3)
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fizzytoo · 1 year
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mail-me-a-snail · 4 months
torn btwn giving hound gorilla arms or giving him mantis blades. i like the thought of him crushing a man's head like a watermelon, but visually, the black chrome digits would clash with fox's.
mantis blades would give him the appearance of "flesh" and would pair aesthetically with fox, but it's so not his fighting style.
much to think about
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ssspace-cactusss · 2 months
hey quick question to the minecrafters, what do you guys think a chorus fruit would taste like?
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supernovajazzy-art · 7 months
I had a few questions about my David fanart and as suggested I put him up on my Redbubble! (there is other stuff as well like stickers, yippie! 😁)
RB is having a sale right now, so it's the perfect time to ya know...👀
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aromanticasterisms · 6 months
"the distance between sitting in the hands of the anemo archon statue in mondstadt and standing on the head of the statue of the omnipresent god in inazuma is exactly 6666m" how the fuck did you guys figure that out
#personal stuff#delete later#was looking into smth regarding the omnipresent god statue. weird she looks a bit like egeria huh#could just be a consequence of similar haircut and bangs + all divine beings in this game wear hoods as symbols of their divinity#but considering she was created directly by the shade of life. i imagine there might be a bit of resemblance there#which might be a hint towards the statue's identity?#like i know we all think it's istaroth but i'm pretty sure that's because she's literally the only divine god we know the name of#and bc she's wearing an eye of the storm AND the exact distance from venti's statue#considering they were. if not besties then they were at least both worshiped in mondstadt for a while#but yall thought nicole was istaroth too like come on#like it might make sense if ei's og plan was to collect visions and use the statue to stop time or smth?#but. we all know how that went. grimaces. thank god we don't have three-act archon quests anymore right#but her sticking visions into a celestial statue does make me curious about the responsibilities of the four shades#and if one of them either had something to do with the vision system or with the quote-unquote ascension system#like what the fuck did that line in neuvillette's ''vision'' story mean#about the gods receiving gifts after a vision holder completes their duty. HUH#just auuugh. ripping and tearing#hope we get to see a full design of egeria when furina's second story quest comes out in. 4.6 i think
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snekdood · 1 year
its so telling how terfs supposed fucks about women just kind devolves into bullying trans people, it’s almost like you use that as a guise for your desire to just be fuckin bullies, prolly bc you were bullied by girls who were better than you growing up :/// unfortunate
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aria0fgold · 4 months
Sleepiness is catching up to me but I'm beaming my Kaito Kuroba in Persona 5 thoughts to yall.
Think bout Akira crossing paths with Kaito and then befriending him and then Kaito meeting everyone and then everyone befriending him.
Think bout the biggest headache Akechi and Sae gonna have once Kaito KID becomes active around their vicinity while they still have the Phantom Thieves to deal with.
Think bout the shenanigans everyone gets up to with Kaito in their group now which doubles every shenanigans they've had. Kaito boutta casually give em some more tips and tricks for their Phantom Thief thing in a subtle yet not so subtle way to anyone that stops to think bout it more deeply in a, how does this guy know bout that? But then they look to Akira who also knows bout that and think, huh, well not so suspicious anymore maybe.
Think bout Kaito messing with Morgana so much Morgana gonna have beef with him like how Ryuji sometimes casually have beef with Morgana too. Ryuji and Kaito are the loud troublemakers in the group and then there's also Akira and Kaito that are troublemakers of their own too.
Beaming all these thoughts to yall.
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jewishcissiekj · 5 months
Lots of people in the last few days calling Asajj Ventress their wife. Someone ought to investigate that it smells like a scandal
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toppedbykakuna · 5 months
ok team help me out does anyone remember what video Phil does some sick gamer move and celebrates by wagging his tongue and Dan goes "what did you just do with your tongue, stop it" and like bullies him for it...
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hannahwashington · 6 months
how to say "encourage me to go mad in my inbox" without sounding like i'm begging for asks
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lesbiancarat · 1 year
i will never forgive junhui for the time he recommended a c-drama that he pitched as a wholesome found family show so i started watching it and it was so good and emotional and i cried like every episode for the first 10 episodes only to find out like 20 episodes in that the found family aspect turned into a psudo-incestous romance drama where both of the brothers fall in love with the sister. like that's 20+ hours of my life I'll never get back i will never forgive him for that 😔
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mejomonster · 1 year
i want/need volunteers for who would be up to read my original stuff once it’s finished and give me their thoughts? (no beta needed at this time lol no editing right now, just need like that bounce off of others of their thoughts on ‘i got X impression, i thought this character wanted Y, i was so mad at Z’ lol so i can tell if the story gave off the impressions i aimed for or became a new beast, tell the impressions readers get of characters and genre and style)
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