#but factually? like for real life? they're transformative
thetorturedarchives · 7 months
just found out there are people who hate channel awesome and think that the nostalgia critic videos are 'substitutes' for watching movies and don't fall under fair use. don't let them see subway surfers tiktok they'll have an anuerysm
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resmyx · 2 months
The Legend of Risen Devils is a story best told in four parts. Aina is an unreliable storyteller, not because she's dishonest, but because she can't tell the difference between dreams and reality. Approach her in four different ways, and you'll hear four different stories.
These four stories are: Lessons, Personal, Factual, and Recovery. Links below to the other parts.
Legend of Risen Devils: Personal
Legend of Risen Devils: Factual
Legend of Risen Devils: Recovery
Legend of Risen Devils: Lessons
You're a magical scientist. Aina's only a small girl, but you wait for her to invite you in and gesture to a chair before slowly sitting. You're so excited to meet her. You pickup your notebook, ready your quill, and wait for Aina to return your friendly smile before speaking, "Hello Aina, could you tell me about magic in the 4th age?"
Do you remember your 4th grade elements class? Of course you don't. After the formula was solved and ascensions started happening, everyone stopped caring about elements classes, like it could have been the end of worlds. It was the end of my world.
Nobody remembers elements. It's not like anyone cared about it before. Applied elements has never been a field of research, not like everything else is applied. My parents joked about "applied elements" non-stop. So I remember my elements classes. After the ascensions began... none of my school classes mattered anymore to me, except elements. Because elements killed my parents.
Remember my first elements classes because you didn't have any of your own. There are 4 minor elements: Water, Air, Earth and Fire. There are 2 major elements: Light and Life. Time is the supreme element. The ultimate element above all is Soul. These eight elements compose everything in all known worlds.
Remember my next elements classes as if they were your own. For anyone in the 4th age to have powers, they must have open breaches to the elemental planes. These breaches are small holes in our reality that connect us to the planes. From these breaches, we can transmute and transform the elements into raw and refined powers.
Sometimes a person's breaches are an even spread of elements. Other times their breaches count just two: life and light which the user transmutes into the lesser elements. For most people, breaches are an effortless gift they hold in their hearts or minds. Others without the gift of power are called "disabled."
Here's a lesson not taught in schools, this time in applied elements. The greater the element, the less harmful it is to have in unlimited quantities. Minor elemental of earth, fire, wind and water die quickly. Major elementals of life and light are stable. Supreme elementals of time have exponential power growth. Ultimate elementals of soul are... indescribable.
Also... to add to the final applied elements lesson, performing ascensions and breach research generates a lot of rift radiation. For anyone working around unprotected rifts, it's a good idea to make frequent use of your powers to cycle your elements and flush out lingering radiation.
Long-term effects of rift radiation include becoming untethered to reality, and having a warped way of interacting with the world. Specifically, your random thoughts and emotions can turn into powers with real effects in the world. Normal people need to explicitly speak the language of magic to use their power.
Back to the basics, the two major elements are Life and Light. In the 5th age, you may have heard they are Magic and Light. In a war for power, knowledge is the first weapon. So long as everyone is deceived, nobody knows to question you.
Each of the eight elements have their own planes of existence, where the eight elements exist in pure form. This is common knowledge, even still in the 5th age. What's not common knowledge is that since the beginning of the 5th age, none of the planes are pure anymore. They're all contaminated, especially the plane of life.
When you use the new age's magic, the ascended want you to believe it's just magic. They want you to believe your spells aren't alive, and that your powers didn't have bright vibrant lives before being reduced to things you can do.
Your mastery of the 5th age's classes of power equals a mastery of controlling the will of spirits. You want to attack more? Compel a fighting spirit to possess your body, and you'll attack twice as fast. Wait, that sounds harmless.
You want a Time Stop spell? Someone was once obsessed with stopping time. They had their entire existence reduced and focused until that obsession is all that's left. They forgot their family and their past. They are nothing now. That powerful spirit can stop time for you, if you have the willpower.
You might wonder, how? How could such a big thing be so secret? If you aren't wondering... you're a part of the problem. If you don't ask where your power comes from, or just accept what's given to you by your god, you are most of the problem actually.
The rest of the problem is spellcraft. The people of the 5th age that are closest to the elemental planes, those people don't know how their spells work. The truth is hidden behind formulae and runes whose meanings are forgotten. The language of true magic has been muted.
Why not a cosmology lesson, one you'll never forget? In the 4th age, light binds our world together. Light and darkness permeate everything, connecting every object by reflection and refraction. Illusions made with 4th age powers break reality apart and create openings into smaller realities that we imagine and create ourselves.
If infinite life lets you play with desires, motives and feelings at will, you may be wondering about infinite light. With light, you can shatter one world into a thousand pieces. You can create horizons beyond which nobody can see. You can cut off communication between each piece of the world's puzzle. You can divide with light, and conquer with life.
How about one last lesson on elements? The ultimate element, soul, is a complete mystery. It definitely exists and has at least some effect on reality, but beyond that very little is known about it. Soul rifts only stay open for a fraction of a microsecond, soul-based rituals always fail, and no soul breaches have ever been documented.
One thing that's abundantly clear is that soul dominates over all other elements. It is theorized that if anyone could control soul and use it in their powers, they could create, modify or destroy reality as easily as an author can write, modify and delete bits of their books.
Like any element, soul would take time and practice to master. A few basic steps though, and neither of those costs would matter anymore. Transmute soul down into light, and you can create your own miniature world to practice your craft in. Likewise, transmuting soul down to time and life would give you an infinitely long life that would take seconds in real time.
Guess where we are now? Ferula is exactly that, a pocket realm where Eliyra, a soul elemental, can master the element of soul.
Legend of Risen Devils: Personal
Legend of Risen Devils: Factual
Legend of Risen Devils: Recovery
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anti-kin-cringe · 7 years
Ok no. Being "otherkin" is a disconnect from reality which by definition is actually psychotic. People who truly believe that they are not human do need help. I don't care what people pretend about so long as they're aware they're pretending.
Hey quick question, what in the literal fuck are you smoking? Because not only are you wrong, factually, provably so, you’re being willfully ignorant of just how wrong you are, so let me break it down real quick.here are just a few studies relating to otherkin and mental health, for your reading pleasure.
Bricker, Natalie. Life Stories of Therianthropes: An Analysis of Nonhuman Identity in a Narrative Identity Model, Lake Forest College, April 2016.  Grivell, Timothy, Helen Clegg and Elizabeth C. Roxburgh. “An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Identity in the Therian Community.” Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research. Vol. 14, No. 2, (May 2014): pp 114-135. Shane, Margaret. “Chapter 16: Some People Aren’t People On The Inside.” In Educational, Psychological, and Behavioral Considerations In Niche Online Communities, by Vivek Venkatesh, 260 - 271. Hershey: Information Science Reference, 2014.Laycock, Joseph P. “We Are Spirits of Another Sort: Ontological Rebellion and Religious Dimensions of the Otherkin Community.” Nova Religio. Vol. 15, No. 3 (Feb., 2012): pp. 65-90 http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1525/nr.2012.15.3.65(accessed November 24  2013). 
And following that is a beautiful quote from the majestic Dovewithscales
The Diagnostic and Statistics Manual, or DSM, is the diagnostic text created by the American Psychiatric Association and used as the standard for psych treatment in the US.
in 1952 with the publication of the fourth edition of the DSM (DSM-IV), the section on “Identity Disorders” was reclassified “Identity Problems” because they were considered to be a minor consideration. On May 18th 2013, with the publication of the DSM-V the section was removed, because atypical identities (such as being otherkin) are now understood to be so common as to be considered normal, and are as a rule to be diagnostically insignificant.
The DSM-V also states that the diagnostic criteria for almost every mental illness includes that it must cause the individual distress and/or difficulty functioning in one or more major aspect of their life.
In layman’s terms, that means if a person is happy, able to support themselves, and has healthy interpersonal relationships, then generally speaking they are not mentally ill.
And now one from the always lovely Jeshire-katt
I repeat it again - the reason otherkin, etc, was ever inherently associated with mental illness started with ableist assholes on the internet declaring it “crazy” and “delusional” for being weird, usually without even looking into what it was outside of some internet rando making a fuss about someone “believing their an animal”. It was pathologizing mindsets that differed from the norm so that people outside those communities felt better disregarding them altogether.
And now a personal favorite quote:
“As regards the existence of [otherkin] communities, online or otherwise, where like-minded people join each other to exchange experiences and ideas on their affinity with animal or supernatural identities, I can only say that we cannot have enough of those groups.Human experience and behaviour is so diverse, and only so little of it tends to be presented as ‘normal’ in the media, that communities such as these should be embraced and encouraged by us all.In my area of expertise, i.e., psychotic disorders, it is well-known that some 10–15 percent of all people in the general population experience auditory hallucinations, and that close to a full 100 percent experience some sort of hallucination during their lives (i.e., auditory, visual, olfactory, or otherwise), but that only 1 percent are diagnosed as suffering from schizophrenia spectrum disorder.”—Dr. Jan Dirk Blom, expert in clinical lycanthropy, “Understanding the Otherkin.” The Daily Dot, 22 Feb. 2015.
I mean, I think you get the point by now, but since I like bludgeoning you over the head with this, I’ll do one more, in case you don’t understand the difference between lycanthropy and otherkinity.
“Several academic papers that are about therianthropyor make mention of it have made mention of this distinction between clinicallycanthropy and therianthropy. Such as in academic article titled, “AnInterpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Identity in the Therian Community”the authors note that lycanthropy is the “the belief that one cantransform into” a nonhuman animal “whereas therians do not believe in physical transformation.” [Grivell, Timothy, Helen Clegg and Elizabeth C.Roxburgh, “An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Identity in theTherian Community,” Identity: An International Journal of Theory andResearch, Vol. 14, No. 2, (May 2014): pp 113.] This same distinction was also made by Addie Trevorduring his lecture on therianthropy back in March 2013 when he did a guestlecture at the American University. [Baker-Whitelaw, Gavia. “Meet the People Who Don’t Identify As Human,”The Week, July 21 2015,http://theweek.com/articles/552648/meet-peoplewho-dont-identify-human (accessed August 1 2015).]”—Originally posted by liongoatsnake, Dec 20 2016.
Mod Lazy
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