#but he gives me.... michiru vibes??? sort of??? i need to think of this at more length but yes
docholligay · 9 months
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Full review tomorrow or maybe Friday but
Short: I wanted to like this book more than I think I actually liked it (I kept checking my phone through the last quarter, which is unusual for me) and I need to think a bit on why. Horrible Garbage Traitor Petty Bitch Ouyang forever tho.
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nazumichi · 2 years
random question but. if the bna characters [whichever ones you feel like talking about] were in the atla universe, what kind of bender would they be If they were a bender? nonbenders? do any of them have avatar vibes?
(I told myself to answer this and then I forgot hold on give me a sec)
ok so my immediate thought is “I would think that the shirou and nazuna dynamic would be the same.” how i’d go about that is shirou being the avatar (there are the Parallels: the 100 years-1,000 years, the power, the responsibility) and nazuna of course pretending to be the avatar (because no one knows where the real one fucked off to and she’s gonna take a grab for the publicity and also she wants to give people hope, and if the real deal isn’t here for that, well).
shirou: avatar, likely hailed from earthbenders (I’m taking their strength, their determination and stubborn nature into account). lone wolf as always, extremely powerful, trying to give the illusion of “I have a plan”, corey, they do not have a plan.
nazuna: ok so this is hard, because my initial thought was “oh! she’s a non-bender” but I think that’s difficult considering the role I put her in. so perhaps a firebender (but then again, I think it’d be too easy to put her there, I think it’s too obvious). I don’t think she’s an immensely powerful one, I think she’s just good with words and can find people in high places to help her pull this all off.
boris still exists as part of her group, a beacon of wisdom (lies). he’s a firebender, hiding a lot of power, his “i wish to help you achieve your goals” mirage slowly fades with more word of the real avatar/nazuna being influenced by the words of some earthbending girl (no, I have not worked out this part wygwygwhg).
*normal grip* marie is a non-bender, definitely a chi-blocker. I think that’s very obvious, with her agility and the scene where she rendered boris quite literally immobile. she’s got a bit of a june role, if june appeared more often. probably one of nazuna’s people in high places, of course is only here for the cash and the fact that being “friends” with a false avatar gives her some protection (allegiance changes once the real avatar appears, revealing a slight vulnerable side of “this is the real deal, this is genuine, this isn’t another fake.”).
occasional mentor to michiru, misleading muse to nazuna, informant and hinderance to shirou, nefarious pick-pocket with chi-blocking on her side.
michiru: earthbenderrrr. i think once shirou gets back into the avatar biz (subtly, of course) michiru is the “are you ok? are you alright?” to their *violent sounds of violence* when it comes to looking out for people. let’s be real, they aren’t the best at communicating, and sort of need someone to help the people they save verbally, instead of “get up bitch, you’re fine *sound of wall of water slamming into attackers*
still her excited and awe-struck self, embodies the toph “please let me outta here” mindset. shirou did not plan to take a kid with them on their journey to confront their fake, but she’s like “teach me the mystic ways of earthbending” and they wish to teach her the “mystic ways” of minding her own business.
pingua is a very experienced airbender, I feel like that’s the only accurate choice (being a pilot, a literal bird). like marie, appears sometimes to drop some “useful” advice and to mainly hinder others (sometimes unintentionally, in his case). his main goal is really just to explore. just to see the world, learn all he can, take in the cultures and the land and anything he can.
sometimes has to have his priorities forcibly adjusted (by shirou and/or michiru) because of this desire to drift around, and how it sometimes overshadows the need to do the right thing (again, similar to marie). also helps shirou learn airbending, shirou does NOT like this.
nina is a waterbender fleeing from a strict family in the northern watertribe, fleeing to explore the world and learn her place in it. a little out of her depth, I think she’d be part of nazuna’s posse, considering her experience with “stage.” (defects shortly after finding this role, morals getting in the way).
the bears are earthbenders, I don’t have a role for alan yet and uhhh yeah!! this got long I’m sorry UWGWWGHGWHW.
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ramblefang · 4 years
Rabbit Town; BNA ep 2
 “Previous Post
My previous (and first) post of these BNA first impressions ended up being more rambly than even I want to be. Most of that was due to me retelling events, which I was actually doing to help me remember what happened in the episode. So instead, I’m going to try just going through the episode again in another tab and using timestamps (which I think is the norm for this sort of thing anyway.) This technically means I’ll be writing down my second impressions, but I’d really prefer my first watch of episodes to not be interrupted every minute by me needing to tab out and write something. I’ll still try to remember and write out my first impressions anyway.
(Hmm, Netflix doesn’t seem to provide a precise timestamp. Guess I’ll just approximate things by mousing over the...runtime...bar thing.)
Cold Open
0:15 Starting off right where the last episode ended: Michiru saying that she’s human.
0:22 Shirou says she’s a tanuki, based on the appearance of her tail. She seems offended by the idea. My best guess is that her reaction has to do with what tanuki are famous for: having huge balls. (Also they’re magical spirits, which may or may not have something to do with the powers Michiru has.)
0:45 The police arrive and it seems Shirou is a known entity. Gives me Batman vibes. Is Shirou a vigilante? And in that way where the police are just used to it by now?
0:50 The OP starts and I notice the strands of DNA. Makes me think of how Michiru apparently changed species, and also the way there is some pharmaceutical company behind the very existence of Anima-City. Oh, and I just got that “BNA” is basically a pun on DNA.
1:30 Last time I had recalled something about shadowy feral transformations, but it looks like Michiru transforms into something more equine than anything else. (With what I know from later in the episode, she definitely seems to be a shapeshifter, which I think is appropriate for a tanuki.)
1:40 Oh, and there’s still totally something about this vocal melody that reminds me of “Bad Apple.” Admittedly, it’s been years since I actually listened to that song, so maybe I’ll have to go compare them later.
2:00 A detail spoiled by the OP: apparently beastmen have human forms that they can switch to, yet Michiru can’t. Honestly, it sort of looks like she’s stuck in a halfway state—a kemonomimi for the most part, though with the nose and “mask”
2:10 Shirou appears surprised, and possibly skeptical, about Michiru being unable to switch forms, indicating that it is by far the norm to be able to do so
2:35 Ah, by the way Michiru speaks about it, switching forms seems to be common knowledge even among humans. Shirou says “Quit talking like a human” in response to the idea that they’re always in beast form, which means this is a common human misconception (and this comes up later as well, illustrating how Michiru really comes across as human in little ways).
2:45 Bystanders seem to be paying special attention to Michiru, likely to her form. (This sets up what happens later over her inability to assume a human form)
3:00 A lot about this scene speaks to me as a trans person: someone running tests that “prove” someone’s identity and insisting that what they see on the surface is all there is to the truth
3:35 Michiru says she must be afflicted with a “disease”, reminding me of the worries I had about a pharmaceutical company being behind the city and how there may be a darker purpose involving a “cure.” Unsettlingly, Michiru also isn’t far off from saying that being a beastman—the very existence of beastmen—is itself a disease. (Mind, she doesn’t literally say that, but based on things she says at the end of the episode, it may not be too far off from how she actually feels—right now.)
4:00 Back to trans stuff, this reminds me of how being trans was, as a whole, labeled as “Gender Identity Disorder”, categorized as a mental illness rather than a natural state of being. (Also, I’m currently building a headcanon of Michiru being a trans girl. Not only because of this stuff, but also due to how she reacted to being called a tanuki: I can interpret her as feeling gender incongruence/dysphoria over the big balls thing.)
4:30 Interesting that this is a “cooperative”. Are they technically not part of the government and are more independent than that? Or maybe the term means something else in Japan.
4:40 Again with trans feels. Filling out forms and needing to identify as something you don’t actually see yourself as
4:50 (Didn’t catch that my first time around: different blood types? Wonder if blood harvesting and blood mixing will be a thing. Remembering the kids that were about to be sold off... Might these things be connected?)
(Rather than making things shorter, this is just resulting in me going even more in-depth. Oh well. I guess I’ll just have to deal with it.)
5:10 Probably a bit of an exaggeration that you can’t get back anything stolen from you: says more about how this is a seedier place than the video in episode 1 let on. We sort of got that from Michiru being pickpocketed in the first place, but this lets us know that that wasn’t an irregular occurrence
5:30 (Also didn’t really absorb this my first watch, but it does make sense that Michiru has been sleeping outside while on the run. Doesn’t feel good to think about how she had to spend that time being scared of the humans around her.)
5:40 Kuro is a wonderfully round birb.
6:10 Michiru making the same connected that I made (and that the audience in general is probably expected to make) about Shirou potentially being that big wolf who was up on the rooftops
6:25 Michiru probably expected Anima-City to be the end of her struggles where everything would just be better and easier. Indeed, she is young and naive.
The Next Morning
7:20 While Michiru may be surprised by the “rule of the strong” here, it does work effectively in parallel with the focus that has been put on money (between these two episodes). The powerful get to do what they want, whether it comes from physical strength or financial power. When it comes down to it, the human world, under a capitalist framework, doesn’t behave all that differently
7:45 Oh, Shirou has some sort of direction connection with the mayor and/or the government. Is this what they meant by “social worker”? Is he some sort of government agent? Does he have the extrajudicial authority to just beat people up (and even kill them?) the way he did with those terrorists?
9:00 (Considering Marie’s apparent connection to Rabbit Town, she probably does have some connection to the pickpocket. But now that I’m making this connection... Did Marie bring those kids to Rabbit Town after they were separated from their parents by beastman hunters?)
Rabbit Town
9:25 My very first expectation with a place called “Rabbit Town” was something akin to “Little China Town”
9:35 Then it struck me as something of a red light district
10:00 And we learn what Michiru might have to deal with in the future for being unable to switch to a human form: more people may think she’s trying to pick a fight.
10:15 Saying that she’s “not some baby” indicates that there are people who can’t control their forms: young children. Or, perhaps, someone who hasn’t been a beastman for a long time. (Maybe she’ll figure it out when/if she gets back with the kids she helped rescue.)
10:45 (Struck by how “coincidental” it is that someone like Grand Grandma would end up with a random kid’s wallet. It’s making me think that the pickpocket and Marie actually funnel people into this person-trafficking ring)
11:15 With my early impression of Rabbit Town being some sort of red light district, I thought this was some sort of communal daycare. (But seeing it again, I’m noticing how stern these women are at seeing the children. Definitely doesn’t look like they care about the kids.)
11:20 The line about them being “women who were betrayed by men”, and the following lines, really fit in with my thinking that this was a red light district, and they probably just didn’t want to outright say these were sex workers. (And maybe some of them are, but it turns out to be far from the whole picture)
11:40 And it does seem to be the image they want to give to Michiru: that they’re a bunch of women struggling together with all of these kids to take care of. There was also a bit about “what it’s like to live as a beastman” which makes me think that it’s definitely the norm for beastmen to be poor—not a surprise since they are clearly an oppressed minority group
12:05 Totally expected “Poop” to become the kids’ nickname for Michiru. (Glad it didn’t since it would have made it harder to really care about what happens later.)
12:50 Look at these cuties wanting to learn. (And sobering in retrospect to think how this is probably the most care and attention they’ve had in a while.)
13:10 I forgot to say something about it last episode, but the way Shirou’s sense of smell is visualized is amazing.
13:20 Again with the red light district impression, I was thinking this was the arrival of a pimp or something
13:40 I appreciate Michiru caring about what the kid is already doing instead of reprimanding them for not paying attention
14:00 So we learn about Silver Wolf, who could be the wolf Michiru saw when she arrived in the city. Since Shirou seems to be that wolf, does that mean he’s actually Silver Wolf? Is this an urban legend based on him? Or is he actually some sort of god?
14:45 The demands of payment really played into my pimp impression, but then this guy mentions “letting these women be gangsters.” They could totally still be sex workers as well, but this clues us in that these women may be involved in shadier stuff
15:10 I wonder if the politics of these criminal groups will come more into play in the future. Wouldn’t be surprised if some of the villains we meet end up being allies by the end, considering the way Trigger tends to tell their stories.
15:35 “It’s all women are good for anyway” is an impressively disgusting line to tell us that they’ve been talking about selling the kids. Also, I wonder what it means for the mayor to know about the kids: that the government will be sending people to rescue the kids and shut them down...or that the mayor would be interested in buying...
15:45 The line about the kids being “snatched away” probably means the mayor, so probably not about buying the kids. Still doesn’t mean the “rescue” could end up being more nefarious than it would seem. (Look, I just don’t trust the head of a pharmaceutical company also being a mayor, especially when a video about the city was directly associated with the company instead of being its own thing.)
15:55 Given the earlier scene between Shirou and the mayor, and Shirou being here, I guess he’s something like the mayor’s enforcer? Her trusty hand that does what needs to be done? But I’d also guess that if the mayor is secretly a villain, Shirou has no idea
16:30 I immediately put together that these kids were probably separated from their parents due to attacks by those beastman hunters. (And earlier in this post is when I retroactively put together that Marie, or people with the same job, likely gave/sold the kids to Grand Grandma, if they don’t work for her directly.)
16:40 The rule of the powerful coming up again. This is the way this world (and our world) works. (Which I could go off on a political tangent about, but I’ll refrain for now.)
16:55 Michiru is an atheist. Or at least incredibly pragmatic. Not the most helpful thing to say to people who literally can’t do anything in this situation, but I appreciate the sentiment of actually doing what you can instead of hoping someone else does something about it
17:20 Hmm, no one seems too surprised about Michiru’s expanding tail powers. Maybe this is a relatively normal tanuki thing?
18:00 But the stretchy arms totally aren’t normal, even for a tanuki. Thinking about it, no one else has obviously shown any kind of powers yet. Shirou’s fight with the terrorists could have just been his physical prowess. Do these powers have something to do with Michiru’s transformation from human to beastman?
18:50 In case you didn’t catch on to everyone’s surprise, confirmation that what Michiru just did was very unusual.
19:25 Never a big fan of the “even if they’re women” line. They’ve been doing a very bad thing. Stopping them shouldn’t have anything to do with gender. Why even bring it up. But I guess it does play into Shirou being a masculine and “chivalrous” type of character, as well as this being a generally patriarchal society (which isn’t really any different from our world). (Thinking back to my post on the previous episode, I guess “this isn’t too different from our world” is probably the point that the pseudo-branding contributes to.)
20:00 It seems that Shirou’s relationship to the police is less like Batman, and more like he just outranks them.
20:20 “Facility” is such a cold and impersonal term that it really does make me worry about what the government is going to do with these kids. Again, pharmaceutical company. (I’ll make sure to go back to episode 1 and get a better look at the company’s actual name so I can use that. May as well if I’ll continue to make a big fuss over it.)
20:35 “Even though you’re a beastman, don’t you have a human heart?” is a horribly offensive question. I was initially going to refer to it as a microaggression, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized how terrible it is. It’s heavily loaded with the ideas: 1) beastmen are expected to be bad, hence the “even though”, and 2) being human is inherently a good thing. Despite what she said to Shirou at the end of last episode, it seems that she really just has the inverse of his beliefs. And this is so clearly something that only a human would say that it convinces Grand Grandma of Michiru’s “humanity”
21:20 Shirou, needing to wait for evidence before he can do anything, kind of illustrates Michiru’s point of view of not being able to count on society—on anyone else—to be able to help you.
21:30 Shirou, representing the police and government authority to an extent, believing that he “never makes mistakes” again reminds me of the protests we’ve had throughout this year. How the police totally does make mistakes—or rather, the way they don’t even view things they’ve done as mistakes—is totally a problem. (ACAB)
21:40 Following up on what Grand Grandma mentioned earlier about being “betrayed by men”, Michiru questions why it’s only “women and children” that Shirou is protecting. Is it that men don’t need to be protected? “What makes males so special? Are men really that great?”
21:55 And Michiru outright says what she had only implied earlier. Also, she seems a bit scattered between being angry at men, being angry at beastmen, being angry at the police, bring angry at society, and being angry in general. But I get it.
And that’s the end of the episode. I’m not sure if this is how I’ll continue to do these impressions, but I guess I’ll have to see how I feel about it once I get to episode 3. Maybe I’ll try out some genuine first-impressions, even if it means interrupting the episode constantly.
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 4 years
So I finished Sailor Moon Crystal’s first 2 seasons yesterday, so y’all know what’s up next. Sailor Moon Crystal Season III, but I’m probs just gonna say 3 every other post from now. Anyway yeah, let’s talk about it.
Episode 1 was fan-fucking-tastic. Let’s just address the big thing first, the complete visual overhaul. I am now able to say that Crystal looks really great! It’s not trying to just be Takeuchi’s art anymore, it has a style all its own, distinct from the 90s anime and the manga and one that looks really nice! Unquestionably the main adjective I’d use to describe it is actually “cute”, something I couldn’t actually say about the last season. Face shapes and general edges are a lot softer here, colours are warmer, eyes are more circular, it’s just got a less angular look that gives it more of a kid’s show vibe than a failed attempt to be beautiful. I fuckin love it. And with the character designs being altered so drastically for the better, they fit in with the backgrounds way more too, which themselves have sort of, filled themselves out I wanna say? I mean, the main point is that Crystal season 3 is just much better to look at. And this applies to the motion just as much as the stills, for among other things, the transformation sequences are 2D again! And yeah they look really great once more! I think the backgrounds from these scenes are distractingly bright and draw attention away from our girls but otherwise they’re really great, with the girls now calling “Planet Power Make Up” like I’d hoped, we got a power-up visually as well. Loving it. And then for all their like little poses about tsuki ni kawatte and stuff, the animation is again still quite exaggerated like in Crystal seasons 1 and 2, something I did like about those seasons, but here the motions are so much more fluid, less stilted, so whereas in those first 2 seasons it was almost a conceptual appreciation, I like that they exaggerated the poses, here it’s that concept fully realised, it just looks really fun in motion. I’ll be honest, I still prefer the 90s art style, and I prefer the art style of the upcoming Eternal movies more than this as well, but where at a point where I can say I prefer those because “this is less my thing”, as opposed to Crystal seasons 1/2 where it was a case of “I think this looks bad”.
TL;DR the visuals look great.
We’ve also got a new OP and ED. The ED fuckin slaps and I love the visuals, though the OP’s honestly kinda lame, especially as a follow-up to Moon Pride - the singer comes across as just sort of speaking all the lyrics in a song that very much needs to be sung, and I’m not a big fan. 
Episode was way more than just visuals and music of course, we’re in a new arc, and again, good on Crystal for sort of cutting to the chase with certain plot points. Pharaoh 90 is introduced right off the bat, which is cool since iirc he basically came out of nowhere in the 90s anime. Hotaru’s also tossed in there, which again, great, she’s a key player in the entire arc so it’s nice to get introductions out of the way at, well, the introduction to the story. Same is applicable to Haruka and Michiru, though not yet Uranus and Neptune, hmm. Also obviously they were a canon couple in the 90s anime, but here it’s outright stated very early on that they’re dating, and while I appreciate the slightly more subtle approach the 90s anime took, again I think this works just fine. One thing I am curious about though is that Haruka is still, at this point in the narrative, perceived as a man by pretty much everyone, which like, not really into ever anyway, so I hope they don’t dote on that one for too long. Going back to visuals for a second, I’m a little bit iffy on Haruka’s look, since while the female characters had drastic design overhauls between seasons, the men are still fairly similar. I do think it still looks good, but Haruka looks really like how they draw men and it’s messing with me, i don’t know how to feel about it. Michiru looks great though I think I prefer her lighter hair from the 90s anime, that’s it. They both sound solid too, another case where I prefer the 90s cast but I can still hear these new voices coming from these familiar characters and not be repulsed or anything, so Crystal continues its trend of solid recasts. 
And then on the Usagi and friends front, first of all this episode was fairly packed on slice of life stuff, and did the best job of any Crystal episode so far at making me feel like Usagi and the Sailor Team are all friends, and in fact, that the Sailor Team themselves are all friends amongst themselves too, which is a very important distinction imo so good on this episode for getting both. They just do their usual fun stuff, meet Haruka, Mamoru meets Michiru, and also they get to stop a Daihmon. Oh wait, no, a “reversal”? So the Death Busters (assuming it’s still called that) are like, sending eggs into Mugen students to turn them into giant ass purple monsters, and they look kinda scary I guess but like eh, 90s anime had way more memorable and fun monster designs for sure. But yeah they fight it, Jupiter drops a new move, I think - Jupiter Coconut Cyclone. I think the one move she used one time in her introduction in Crystal was like, Flower Hurricane maybe? So this is new. Venus also dropped Venus Wink Chain Sword, in which she uses Love Me Chain to launch that fucking sword she’s supposed to protect Usagi with as a weapon of its own, and I fuckin love that, more magical girls with swords is always a plus in my eyes. And then with the fight over, since both of the monsters have come from Mugen girls, they go to investigate Mugen Academy. Once again, a plot point that, although I was fine with its placement in the 90s anime, there isn’t actually a reason to delay it at all, so Crystal’s just gonna cut to the chase and get the investigation underway. And because they have probable cause and stuff it feels justified for them to want to do it this early too, so like, yeah.
TL;DR plot great.
And that’s my thoughts on episode 1. Yesterday I said “episode 25 of Crystal is the best episode yet”. Good thing I said “yet” since this episode immediately claimed that title for itself. I can only hope this season manages to maintain this quality, because this was the most fun I’ve had with a Crystal episode and I’d love if they managed to keep it up.
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