#but his swords dance attack when he enters his second phase as well as his increased speed are really hard to figure out
maybe a little something with keith x y/n where y/n is a ex-general for a now dead planet who trains the paladins fighting techniques and spars with keith, and then maybe leading to somewhere? honestly you can take this wherever you want i just really like sparring+romance
Dude me too. Hell yes. I had waaaaaaay too much fun writing this and may have gone a bit overboard. I did this with a female reader, so I hope that's okay. 
“So, Y/N” Keith sat down next to you.
You were peacefully reading a book when the paladin sat down next to you, a strange look in his eyes. You closed your book, making sure to keep your page while maintaining eye contact with him. 
“I have a question for you.” Keith continued, now smirking.
You raised an eyebrow at him, trying to keep your composure despite how close he was to you and how fast your heart was starting to beat. 
“Go on then,” you said. 
“You were a general, and I am the leader of the paladins. If I’m being honest, I’ve wanted this question answered for a while now. Do you think you could beat me in a fight?”
Whatever you were feeling before vanished, being instantly replaced by a sense of competitiveness, and a desire to knock Keith on his ass for insinuating that he was better than you. 
“I don’t think I could beat you.” You say, tilting your head a little and narrowing your eyes. “I know I can. Did you forget that I’m the one who has taught you some of your best moves, and I could easily counter them.”
Keith's grin didn’t falter. “You may have taught me some of my best moves, but you didn’t teach me all of them. And I know that you wouldn’t be able to counter them nearly as easily as you think.”
“Ok buddy” you stood up. “Whatever you say.”
Keith followed your lead. “Shall we find out Y/L/N?”
“Definitely” You would be damned if you backed down from this challenge. “Let's meet in the training room in an hour?” you asked, crossing your arms and looking up at him. “You have plenty of time to come to your senses and if you admit that I’m better I won’t mop the floor with you as badly.”  
Keith lowered his head so he was eye level with you and an inch from your face. “You wish.”
With that he walked out. 
His heart was beating so fast he thought it might burst from his chest. Oh my god, oh my god. Once he was out of sight, he ran straight into Lance’s room, slamming the door closed behind him, starting to breathe hard. 
“Did you do it?” Lance looked up from where he was sitting on the edge of his bed. 
Keith nodded, still unable to fully grasp how successful it went. 
Lance whooped. “How’d it go?”
“Very well.” His heart rate was starting to return to normal despite the fact it was hard enough to portray his confidence in front of Y/N when she could make his mind melt by simply giving him one of her smiles.
Lance started to laugh. “The weeks of planning paid off. Now, just don’t go easy on her and let her win.”
Keith glared at Lance. Either way, he would never do that. The plan was to give Keith a chance to win Y/N’s heart and competitive soul. 
Even when Y/N trained him, he could never go all out like he wanted. And if he was being honest, he was a little worried that Y/N would never find out how good he is truly.  
Lance continued talking. “I told you challenging her to a fight would work. Y/N can never back down from a fight. Man, I am a genius.”
Keith had to admit, Lance’s plan worked very well. Better than it could have ever hoped. This was an indirect, brilliant way to get the two of them alone together, doing something they both liked. It was technically a date, without the label. 
“Now we just have to finish phase two” Keith said. Phase two, the phase where he tells her that he likes her and asks her out on an official date.  
“Don’t you dare mess that up” Lance warned. “I’m too invested in your relationship now.”
“I wasn’t planning on messing it up,” Keith snapped back. “And how do you think I feel? It's my relationship after all.”
Lance nodded a little. “Good point.”
You watched Keith saunter out of the room, but then heard rapid footsteps going away from you. You stifled a laugh. Was he running?
You turned around and went through the other door, down the passage that led to Allura’s room. 
Opening the door, you saw the princess laying down on her bed, as if she was taking a nap. Damn. You didn’t want to disturb her.  
You were just about to close the door and leave when she opened her eyes. 
“Y/N?” Allura tipped her head back. 
“Hi Allura. Sorry for bothering you. Go back to sleep.” You moved to take a step back and close the door when Allura sat up. 
“No, no don’t go. I wasn’t asleep. I couldn't sleep anyways. Come in.”
Hesitantly, you stepped in. 
“What's wrong?” Allura asked as you sat down next to her. 
“Nothing is wrong exactly.” You said slowly. You told her the events that happened between you and Keith. 
When you finished, Allura’s eyes were wide, a slow smile spreading across her face. 
“Oh my god Y/N.” Allura was starting to laugh. “That is perfect.” 
You wrinkled your nose a little. “It's practically a date. It's just going to be the two of us” 
“What's wrong with that? You’re not going to mess up. You were a general on the planet of some of the greatest warriors in history.”
“I know that Allura” you whined a little. “Its that I’m sparring Keith. That means we’re gonna be close and physical.”
“I fail to see a problem with this.”
You smacked her a little. 
Allura laughed again. “Why are you worried? You’ve liked him since forever.”
You grabbed her shoulders and brought her face close to yours. “I’m getting anxiety. Everything is starting to happen, what if something happens?”
Allura put her hands on your shoulders. “That made no sense. Just breathe. And don’t lose either. We want Keith to know just exactly how badass you are.
You nodded. That made sense. 
“When are you sparring with him?” Allura asked. 
“In an hour.” You ran a hand through your hair. You got off her bed. You needed to change and warm up. 
“Kick his ass sweetie” Allura called after you. 
You grinned at her, your swagger and confidence returning. 
You entered the training room, closing the door behind you to see Keith already warming up. 
He smirked at you when he saw you. You gave one back as you started to stretch.
“Not backing down?” you asked. 
“Never” Keith laughed. 
You stretched for a couple more minutes, and you swear you could feel the tension in the room building. 
Keith got up first and summoned his bayard. You picked up a sword off the wall and pointed it at him. 
“Ready?” You asked
Keith responded by raising his sword and running at you. You parried, blocked, attacked and Keith responded quickly. 
You had never seen him fight with such intensity and speed before. It caught you off guard, but you recovered quickly. 
The two of you continued this dance, neither of you gaining the upper hand you were both so perfectly balanced. 
Until you knocked the sword out of Keiths hand, jumping back. 
You both stood still for a moment. 
Keith moved first, and before you could blink he knocked the sword out of your hand as well. 
Ok, if this is how it was going to be.
Keith swung his fist at you and you ducked, lashing out with your legs which Keith avoided. 
You needed to get your sword back. 
As much as you hated to admit it, Keith was stronger than you and just as skilled at hand to hand combat and hand to hand combat might be where you lose. 
Keith knew this, and kept you away from where the swords lay.   
Fine, then. 
You continued pushing back. Sweat dripped into your eyes and you ignored it as you pushed further. 
In the end, Keith tripped you, and jumped on top of you before you could get back up. 
Growling a little, you twisted and pushed, rolling both of you over so that you were on top of him. 
That took too much of your energy, and you knew you couldn't pin him down properly. Hopefully Keith wouldn’t notice that your grip was loose for a fraction of a second as you took a breath to hold him properly.
But Keith wasn’t the leader of the Voltron paladins for nothing. Of course he noticed and flipped you over once again, this time pinning you down so you couldn’t move. 
You both breathed heavily, and you both noticed how Keith was practically laying on top of you. 
After a moment you looked into his eyes. Were they always that gray? You felt Keith's chest rise. No, his eyes were more blueish purple. 
His lips were very close to yours. 
Neither of your breathing was even, and you started to wonder if it wasn’t because you were both tired. 
You leaned up at the same time as he leaned down. When your lips touched, it felt like fire. You both smiled and Keith slowly got off, pulling you up with him, not breaking contact, both of you just sitting on the floor of the arena, swords and spar forgotten. 
Lance pushed his ear against the door. 
“They stopped fighting.” He whispered. “Something is happening.” Lance moved to open the door a little, but Allura knocked his hand out the way. “Leave them alone” she hissed. 
“Seriously, aren’t you curious to see if our hard work has paid off?” Lance protested. 
Allura blinked, then sighed, opening the door slightly. 
She slapped her hand over Lances mouth to muffle his squeal at the sight before them. Taking a step back, she closed the door gently. 
“He messed up phase 2″ Lance complained a little, not sounding angry at all. 
“This is better than phase 2″ Allura murmured. “He didn’t even need it to get to phase 3″
“True” Lance started to celebrate quietly. 
“Come on” Allura pulled his arm. “Let's get out of here and leave them alone.”
“And tell the others” Lance added, grinning. 
Allura sighed and gently pushed him down the hallway, away from the training area. 
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vulpinmusings · 4 years
Ski’tar and Friends part 20: Show Stoppers of Songbird
This week, Ski’tar, Vemir, and 6 attend the biggest concert event of the year.
Part one Previously Archive
Following our mission to Apostae, we took a couple of days to rest and restock. Vemir decided to get a prosthetic arm to replace the one he’d been missing since before we first met.  As he was showing it off to us, we received a rare surprise: actual physical mail.  There was an envelope of each of us, and inside were invitations to join Zigvigix in attending a Strawberry Machine-cake concert, one of the biggest entertainment events of the Pact-year.  Since it would be a nice change of pace, and because Vemir is a massive closeted fan of the band (he was trying too hard not to look interested through the whole event), we decided to accept the offer.
Our hopes for a relaxing day of no trouble were dashed the morning of the concert, when Historia-7 commed us for a last-minute mission.  By happenstance, Historia had tracked one of the mystery people hiding behind Arch-energy Consortium to a private villa attached to Songbird Station, the very venue where SMC was performing.  Since Vemir, 6, and I were going to be in the area anyway, Hisroria wanted us to hunt down the man and grill him for everything he knows, and to do so without letting Ziggy know about it.  It seems our Shirren friend’s depression over the Scored Stars incident has interacted poorly with some augments he has and put him at a high risk for a stroke if he were to get too stressed by, say, his favorite band’s concert being ruined by shenanigans.
I was very close to refusing to work on a “vacation,” but my friends just agreed to the task and I wasn’t about to leave them hanging.
Songbird Station is built out of an asteroid and probably had a past life as some sort of temple, given the slap-dash way the technology was set up behind the scenes.  But I’m getting ahead of myself.  As our shuttle was making its final approach, Ziggy showed us a hologram of the friends he’d lost at Scored Stars and revealed his desire to ask Strawberry Machine-cake to put on a public tribute of sorts for them after the show.
The lobby was packed with beings of all descriptions, creating a living sea of pink and red, loud music, and spontaneous dance parties. After making sure Ziggy was properly distracted by the fan activities, 6, Vemir, and I held a quick conference to decide how to go about locating our target, Lansio.  I hacked a computer to see if he was on some sort of guest list, but came up empty, so we tried to find someone official-looking to ask.  We chose a harried-looking security guard who was posted by the door to the maintenance and station power area, but as we tried to make our way over we got caught up in a dance mob. Well, 6 and I got caught in it.  In the name of maintaining cover, we bowed to the mob’s pressure and danced for a bit.  Well, 6 danced and won himself a t-shirt. I tripped over myself.
You’d think an Ysoki would be more naturally agile than an android…
There was another momentary detour as I bumped into a tele-view done with a misaligned balance gyro and felt compelled to fix it for the sake of the Ysoki using it to attend the concert remotely.  He transferred me some credits for my trouble, so that was a nice bonus.
We reached the security guard as he was arguing with a couple of lashunta about needing to apply pacification mods to their weapons. When the lashunta left, Vemir went up and offered up his sniper rifle for pacification, and 6 and I followed suit with Sixer’s sword and my laspistol.  Having thus charmed our way into the guard’s good graces, we asked him if he knew Lansio.  He told us Lansio had a villa in the residential section, but didn’t know if he was home.
Right then, the power went out for a couple seconds.  When asked, the guard told us that had been happening intermittently in the last few hours and no technicians had gone to check on it yet.  Concerned about Ziggy’s health and remembering a similar problem from Elytrio, I convinced the guard to let us into the maintenance area to check the station’s power generator.
After heading through a hallway thick with wires that had been strung onto the walls and ceiling, we entered the reactor room to find three strange, pale figures that were glowing and seemed to have only a passing familiarity with the concept of materiality.  For lack of a better identifier, I termed them “Gremlins” for their child-like but innately destructive nature.  They were clustered around the reactor, chattering among themselves, until 6 got their attention. They spoke of the reactor as if it were an egg about to hatch, and then one of them came up and poked me.  Its finger phased into my chest and I felt something in me change in a most unpleasant way.
I flipped out and shot the gremlin.  While my laspistol had been pacified, it still somehow set the thing on fire.  It laughed as if being tickled, and its two buddies started to advance on Sixer and Vemir, curious what would happen if they got touched.
We weren’t going to have any of that, of course, but defending ourselves proved difficult because the gremlins kept phasing through things and easily reforming from being sliced or shot through. Toosie managed to hold the first Gremlin’s attention away from me and whatever had changed in me decided to pop out and off me, but Vemir got mutated twice – first with some kind of external and very stinky gland and later with a second set of eyes – and Sixer’s hand was changed into a bio-mechanical claw.  The scuffle only ended when one of the Gremlins got the idea of jumping into the reactor and 6 seized the controls to keep the power stable.  That gremlin wound up evaporating, and the other two quickly surrendered when I told Toosie to try dragging one of them to the reactor.
The gremlins promised to stop playing around, but said the reactor had already been messed with by someone else and was building up to something.  I took over the controls from 6 and took a look at the code.  I found a foreign algorithm, but I couldn’t make much sense of it because it involved a lot of magic.  What I did manage to decipher revealed a process to vent the atmosphere out of the villa owned by Lansio.
Vemir cut the stinky gland off of himself, but couldn’t do anything about his new eyes despite them being so light-sensitive that he was effectively blind.  We guided him back out to the lobby and over to the gift-shop area to buy a bandanna to cover the eyes.  We then forded the sea of fans to reach the entrance to the private villa section.  Vemir had to shove off an over-enthusiastic collector of SMC merch and I was waylaid by another dance mob and, rather make a further fool of myself, I had Toosie bull through the crowd so I could continue walking.  Somebody found that to be a crime worthy of throwing a full can of soda at my head, but I shrugged it off.  Vemir then wound up playing taxi for three little snake-like girls for a bit and earned a crystal headdress for his trouble.
The door to the villa area was only blocked by a simple rope and nobody that we passed inside gave us more than a brief glance, so we had no trouble getting to Lansio’s address. Nobody answered my polite knock, but Vemir heard frantic movement inside, so we invited ourselves in.
Lansio was working hurriedly at a laptop, so 6 rushed up and threw him against the wall.  I moved up in the android’s wake and checked the computer, quickly determining that it had been rigged to explode.  As Toosie and Vemir came in and took up positions, an attack drone like the ones we’d fought and obtained from the bad weapons deal emerged from a hidden spot in the wall.
Lansio drew a cane-sword and tried to attack me, but I blocked the blow with my prosthetic arm and decided to take the laptop to a less busy part of the villa to disarm it.  Toosie and 6 busied themselves trying to subdue Lansio and get the wrist-watch I would need to finish my work, while Vemir tore the attack drone apart with his retractable wrist-spike.  In short order, Toosie got the watch for me, the drone was disabled, and 6 had thrown Lansio out the back door.  I disarmed the laptop’s explosive countermeasures, but the data it held had already been wiped.
6 started to drag Lansio back inside for questioning, until I reminded him that the place might still lose atmosphere at any moment.  Vemir handled most of the interrogation.  Lansio didn’t know anything about the malicious code and the only name he had for his boss was “the Benefactor,” but it was at least something.
We debated a bit about what to do with Lansio, weighing the risks of leaving him to alert his compatriots to what had occurred against the difficulty of getting him back to the Society without tipping Ziggy off to our mission.  Finally, we decided to kick the problem upstairs into Historia’s lap.  After we filled her in, she said she had some strings she could pull to have station security handle Lansio for us.  She also told us that the malcious magic-code had a degree of artificial intelligence and was trying to escape into the info-sphere.  It was currently contained inside the holographic projectors being used for Strawberry Machine-cake’s show, and so long as it was there we would be able to “kill” it by destroying the hologram that it would inhabit.
We rushed back to the theater area and used out Starfinder credentials to get backstage in the hopes of being able to deal with the evil hologram before the show began.  Unfortunately, according the band manager, there simply wasn’t time for that and the show simply could not be delayed.  Our only option was to battle the hologram on-stage as a pre-show performance, with SMC providing a musical back-drop.
It was the coliseum of Brilliance Station all over again, but there was no other option, so I accepted the holo-costume projectors given to me and walked out with Vemir and 6 to hopefully not make a complete fool of myself.  
The malicious code decided to take the form of a giant pink robot armed with a plasma sword and large rifle.  When the music started up, the thing struck a pose before engaging us, which was a nice touch.
I opened with a couple of grenades that bounced off and exploded harmlessly, while 6 landed a good shot with his frostbite rifle and Vemir sniped it in the head.  The hologram-bot reeled to the beat before momentarily shifting into a tank-like form and unleashing a shockwave of electricity that knocked Toosie over.
As my drone picked itself, up, Vemir and I moved to flank the bot while 6 hacked at it with his sword and got smacked by the large plasma sword in response.  Toosie and 6 then hacked at the bot’s feet until it fell to its knees, and Vemir blasted it with his arc pistol, to great effect.
In a desperate position, the hologram raised its rifle and fired in an arc that hit everyone but me, and the Vemir took it out with another arc pistol shot to the head.  The hologram exploded in a shower of sparks and a wave of electricity, and the lights went down as the music stopped.
After a moment to raise the audience’s tension, the lights came back up to reveal a large holographic image of Zigvigix’s lost friends, and Strawberry Machine-cake’s lead, Captain Carmine, came out to deliver a moving tribute to those Starfinders lost to Scored Stars. At this point, I figured that Historia had pulled a few more strings than she’d implied to us, for the sake of Ziggy.
Vemir, 6, and I were given an unprompted moment to say something, which we muddled through, and then we quickly got off the stage so the actual show could go on.
We made our way into the audience to join Zigvigix, gave him some vague explanations, and finally got to enjoy the show.
Afterward, the band gave us some of their merchandise along with some actually useful gifts.  We had to fend off some reporters looking for details of what had happened before we could get onto out shuttle and return to Absalom Station.
I complained a lot throughout this adventure, but looking back on it now, it wasn’t really that much of a headache.  At least, after putting aside the mutations caused by those gremlins.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Mulan au
N/A: I did an ask with this idea but yep this deserves a solo AU
Karina Flowers is as pretty as the name implies. The flowers are a noble clan that as many other nobles clan got their wealth by being cunning and killing their enemies if it was necessary.
Her family cut a fine deal with the necromancer to get wealth in exchange of Karina´s hand(body, is what he wants and that what she should deliver) yet, once Max enters in the picture the cunning Karina Flowers dares to break the contract to be with the man she loves.
Of course, this decision makes her gain the name "Helen of Troy" as the necromancer does not deal well with rejection. Right now, Karina is in the garden watching the flowers wilted and ponders if this is Zaorva´s elegant metaphor.
"There are you!" a familiar voice jolted Karina back to reality. The famous Captain Pryde without his helmet, what curious person. "Looking at the flowers? The winter is coming faster this year"
"Yeah, it is..." the Queen has fair blonde hair and often wear lipstick but today the woman does not resemble the vision of beauty as in the first day, now, she only shows fear, even though, she is still impeccable dress. "Do you hate me? " she questions looking at Pryde "if I had married the necromancer nothing like that would happen"
"True," Pryde said and asked back "why didn´t you marry him?"
"I follow my stupid heart, as much you do, Pryde" Karina states "we both love the king"
"Well, you love the king romantically and sexually, my love for him is more simple. He gave me a job" Pryde states and Karina is confused "Look, when you are as powerful as me not everyone gives you jobs, especially if you are me, so, any job I can have is good enough for me"
"In any case, I feel I should say thank you for still sticking around...I know people aren´t fond of me"
"Well, every kingdom wants a Queen, but, rarely think of where the Queen comes from"
"And every Kingdom needs a hero, no matter, where it comes from"
The kingdom where Karina is has a wall as thick as it can be and the people believe with all their hearts that no one could beat their wall, sadly, the necromancer does not care for the wall´s reputation.
His zombies climb the wall and the one in charge of the security won´t live to see another day, only one survives, and fearless light the signal to show the wall was compromised. "Now, everyone knows you are here"
The necromancer is not phased by this. "Good" and in the end, no one but the necromancer is left alive to tell what happens next.
The news of the necromancer arriving so quickly to the kingdom is worrisome, and the King admits he has no plan to attack. "Pryde" the King implores. "Do you have a plan?"
A hoard of zombies arrives and Pryde is leading the knights to the battle. Fight zombies one by one is stupid, so, they are using gadgets and burning them. Not a pleasant sight, but, of course, those zombies are a distraction and Pryde hear the Queen´s scream.
The zombies manage to infiltrate the royal garden to attack the Queen. "Hey, buttfaces" the zombies stop "why not go away?" for a moment it seems like they would heed the suggestion, but, then one of them shake the head and goes full speed at Karina.
Pryde beheads him. "Let me have my fire sword" and her sword changes into a magical fire sword "and let me finish the zombies and restore the powder to powder, Zaorva"
And in one swift strike, the first zombie turns to dust and so the second, third and fourth.
"Pryde!" Karina said, "where is the necromancer?"
"Where is the king?"
The King is in his prime an excellent swordfighter, sadly, this means nothing against the necromancer who wants blood, he can deal with rejection but a woman that breaks his contract to be with a lesser man? Not so much.
"She trades me for ...you?" Kurt shakes his head " well, is still a violation on my contract and I don´t take well to that"
"Couldn´t you just marry someone else?"
"But if they don´t fear the consequences, what´s the point?" Kurt gives a nasty smile ready to kill the king, in his own twisted way, this is mercy since the cut will give him a painless death.
However, the death will have to be in another day, because someone stabs Kurt in the back making the necromancer rolls his eyes. "Really?" and saw the Captain goes to the King and ordering him to leave. This man believes he can defeat Kurt and that makes the man smiles.
It takes 10 minutes but Kurt is back. "He runaway? How cliche, well, I can kill you..." Kurt expects the man to give his name but only got silence "fair enough, your name won´t be important in the future"
Kurt and Pryde fight bravely and Kurt has to admit the man knows how to use a sword, however, Kurt is evil for a reason and stab the man in his heart. "See, don´t take personal, you couldn´t ever..." he stops talking when the once lay on the ground Pryde rose from the ground and takes the sword that was impaled in his heart.
By doing that part of the armour is open. The sword is cover with Pryde´s blood. "Hey, it has my blood on it...it means I can keep it" the would that should be there is gone revealing the smooth skin.
Kurt can resurrect himself but it takes at least 10 minutes, at most 1 day(in the worst cases) this one was impaled and resurrect in the same minute. And once Kurt is completely confused and impressed Pryde behead him.
"Ok" Pryde takes his head out of the floor. She can feel he´s not dead. "Let´s cut a deal, Mr Necromancer, uhm, no pun intended, leave the kingdom alone and the Queen and King and you won´t have to worry about losing your head, no pun this time"
She can feel his soul, fractured as it is, and has theories about that, but, she feels that he agrees with her terms.
She uses one of her gifts, many gifts from the faes were used here tonight, and travel to his place. Bloodstorm and Hank are surprised to see Kurt Wagner back with Pryde as he speaks that he will leave the kingdom and the couple in peace.
"Remember, if you break this promise I´ll cut your head and light fire in you," Pryde said calmly as this person is not threating to kill the evilest necromancer of all time.
And to more surprise, he agrees. He looks at Pryde leaving and Kurt reveals he wants to be left alone.
Meanwhile, as Pryde is back to the kingdom, a huge thank you party is being held, improvised as it is. "Thanks to Pryde we defeat the necromancer, he is a genius!" someone said and Pryde looks pissed at the King. Who is trying to correct this assumption...however, it was not necessary, thanks to the battle people can see what gender Pryde truly is.
Pryde leaves the party and goes to the one-room she calls her own.  Kitty Pryde is a bad cook, does not know how to dance and does not know how to clean well and many, many monster slayers fear her deeply. The only person who hires her was the king...in a country where woman can´t be captain and the little hypocrite didn´t change the rule.
"Well, the cat is out of the cradle now"
Meanwhile, Kurt is laughing almost madly. A woman dresses up as a man defeat him and is blessed by faes(yes, now he thinks about he reconize that energy)
"Pryde...That name is familiar...Wait, is she Kitty Pryde? What is she doing there? I need to know more"
And Karina is soon completely forgotten as something better is in his mind now.
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huntsman-ash · 5 years
CAMO: Fall
(Apparently, it was asked for. And so, here it is. Be warned, this is violent and bloody.)
“Where the hell are you going? STAND AND FIGHT, DAMN YOU!”
Normally, Ash Vulcan’s “soldier voice” could be heard over damn near anything. He was the loudest member of his team, making up for inexperience and minor lack of self-esteem by speaking the loudest and the most aggressively. 
For once, even he was drowned out. The sounds of unadulterated panic covered everything else. 
Alone against the surging tide of Huntsman academy students, random tourists, off-duty personnel, and Atlas soldiers, the Hunter-Killer stood, facing the opposite direction the horde surged. A rock of solidarity and rage in a river of fear and dispair. 
Ash’s anger only grew deeper as, instead of slowing and beginning to abate, the flow of fleeing humanity simply INCREASED. More students surged past, ignoring him, or simply bouncing off his shoulders. 
Damn these cowards! Damn Vale and its soft training! This habitable weather and natrual boundaries had always made its people weak...this was just another case in point!
His hand shot out, grabbing a fleeing person at random; a human, a blond girl, her eyes wide and tear-streaked. A Huntress from the look of her clothes, Beacon atendee. 
“Where’s your weapon Huntress? Why aren’t you doing your job?!” Ash’s voice snarled, spittle erupting from his lips in a spray that would have made his Drill Instructor shed a manly tear. 
The girl, of course, did not answer, merely pushed herself free of him, tripped, rolled, and scrambled back to her feet to continue her headlong flight towards the ships at the edge of Amity Arena’s docking ring. 
A rat. Fleeing a sinking ship. 
“Pathetic. All of you. PATHETIC!” Unlike them, Ash was armed. All Hunter-Killers were. Standard orders. Now he drew his weapon, the firing rails of his coilgun Stone Wind snapping open with metallic clicks and sending surges of energy through the magnets within them. 
It was obvious to Ash that there was no point staying here. There would be no glorious rally, no wave of humanity rising to face the Grimm. This attack had caught them entirely by surprise, and instead of manning up like people of Atlas would have done, grabbing whatever was on hand to slay their foes, they instead turned and ran for safety. 
Imagined safety. Even as he thought this, the sky outside suddenly brightened, and a wave of read spilled across the star-streaked expanse. An airship, civilian, trailing flames as it plummeted downwards, Griffons smashing into its body and cockpit. 
No. It was time to stand and FIGHT.  But he needed something TO fight, and he wasn’t going to find one here...not when there were so many people around. 
He needed his team.  Coilgun gripped in one hand, his other pressed to the vox-bead screwed into his ear, Ash set off, glowering. 
“2 to Lead, 2 to Lead. Come in, Lead, over.”
He ducked through an empty exit door leading back into the center of the stadium, figuring to use the mid-level passages that carved under and through the stadiums rows of seats. With luck those would be clear, all of the otherwise blocking cowards now crowding out the docking rings instead. 
And, if he was lucky, there was a Grimm or two still in the center that he could kill. It would not do to stow his weapon unbloodied. 
The vox-bead chirped and connected him to his team leader. Through it, Ash heard the distinct sound of a pitched firefight with the Creatures. 
“Lead. SITREP, Vulcan.”
Ahh, bland and simple as always, Chrys...Ash couldn’t help but smile. Nothing phased his CO. Not ambushes, not punishment duties, and CERTAINLY not gigantic Grimm attacks backed up by White Fang members. 
“Disengaged from an attempted rally of the plebs, boss.” He reported, pausing to vault over the edge of one of the viewing balconies to get to the lower level of the stadium. There was, frustratingly, no sign of any Grimm inside the stadium; at least, none living. The floor showed signs of impact (probably that Nevermore that had busted through the energy shield on the roof), and there was trash everywhere. His boot collided with something and sent it flinging off into the corner; an oddly shaped sword, green and trailing a severed wire. 
“No response?” Chrys did not sound surprised. But then, he never sounded like ANYTHING. His voice, inevitably, was bland, dead. Logical.  When you lost that much of your body to being eaten by a Nevermore...
“Nothing. We’re on our own here.”
“As it should be. Sending our coordinates now. Link up.”
“Yes sir.”
Chrys cut the connection and Ash was running once more, out across the empty stadium floor and into the doors that lead into the readying rooms for the festival contestants. A check to his TACPAD showed where he needed to go. The other side of the Arena, the northward docking ring. Three dots pulsed there; the rest of his team. 
And, with luck, a fight. 
The doors leading out were closed. A moment later, Ash’s boot fixed that, sending them banging off the walls as he rushed on through. From the look of the map, his path was a straight one.
As he readied to rush down it, he heard something behind him; the soft flap of wings, and the scrabbling of talons on metal.  Half turning, not pausing, he glanced up. 
A Nevermore, medium sized, had settled itself down on the edge of the roof. It had noticed him and was sizing him up slightly, wondering if one human alone was worth the fight. 
“Mantle Endures.” Ash muttered, stopping fully, turning and squeezing down hard on the trigger to Stone Wind. 
There was a soft whirr as power built, then a noise like a dozen glass windows being smashed through by a church bell followed by a blinding flash of blue, dancing light streaming out from the open gap between Stone Wind’s rails. A line of sparks connected the end of the weapon and the Grimm for a moment, then vanished. The Nevermore flinched, then screeched in pain as the hypersonic “bolt” round that had just entered through its soft lower beak detonated, spewing a Dust/thermite/phosphorous mixture undergoing an exothermic reaction of well over 1500 Kelvin started to eat its way through whatever passed for a brain and nerves. It keeled over, not quite dead, but seconds away. 
Ash fired again, just to speed it on its way, and his second shot literally blew its skull open. Black smoke surged out and the body began to fade. 
Ash was already turning and walking, grinning to himself and drawing a small knife from the inside of his jacket sleeve to slash a mark onto the side of his weapon.
“One more down for the cause.”
And from the sounds of it, there were more up ahead; through the tunnel he could hear excessive gunfire, the distinctive noises of his team’s weapons. 
“Save some for me, dammit!” His feet smashed into the metal of the deck plating, legs hammering as he sprinted forward, desperate not to get left behind in the glorious combat. One more set of doors barred his way, the mirror exit door to the one he had entered into the arena through, and his shoulder met it as he neared, bashing through with a sound of straining metal and flying pins. 
On the other side; glorious combat, the kind not seen on Remnant since the Great War. Ash was struck dumb for a long moment, soaking in the aura of it all.  His team, three Hunter-Killers strong, did as their kind has always done; hunted, killed, won. 
Their foes were a flock of Griffons, backed up (oddly) by what looked like a quartet of malfunctioning Atlasian Knight security robots. Shocker their, Schnee tech was pathetic. All Atlas tech was pathetic. ATLAS was pathetic.  Those four latter combatants suddenly ceased to be a problem as a screaming, fading Griffon was suddenly launched into them with enough force to take all four of them and itself through the security barrier on the dock ring edge and down, down down to Vale far below. 
“You started without me! You know I hate it when you start without me!”
None of the rest of Fireteam CAMO, Chrys Anthym, Mark Black, and Olivia Drabe, made note of Ash’s outburst. All were too busy fighting to comment. 
Not needing to be told, Ash joined them. 
The violence reached a pitch that would have had the priests of the War-Cult of Mantle singing praises till their lungs burst and they collapsed from exhaustion. CAMO moved as a singular unit, operating under the connecting “Khala” web of Chrys’s electrostatic field, their movements linked subtly to each other through their commanding officer. 
Chrys lead from the front, throwing bolts of lightning from his bare hand and firing with his handgun with the other, pausing only to grasp any Grimm that got too close and literally rip every volt of electrical energy that may be in its body, leaving behind a fading husk. 
To his side, Mark covered them all, rifle set in marksman mode and extended magazine connected to his backpack. Headshot after headshot felled any Grimm beyond the reach of the rest of CAMO and kept those interested in sneaking up on them far away.
And Olivia was having the time of her life, a huge smile plastered across her face, green light surging through her tattoos as she grappled with Grimm four or five times her size and punched them to death with single blows, or tore off limbs and forced them into new holes she made through sheer brute force. Some of the smaller foes she simply hurled straight over the side, or back into their allies. 
A swirling maelstrom of violence and death surrounded the Hunter-Killers, and Ash had to pause for a single precious second to wipe his eyes at the sheer beauty of it. 
“If only Marasco could see us now!” He said, voice choked with emotion. 
“Pontificate later, KILL GRIMM NOW!” Olivia shouted, crushing a Beowulf’s head with her boot and carving a foot-deep crater  under it. 
Well, how could he say no to that? Taking firing position next to Mark, Ash picked his targets and fired. He saved his bolt shells for the bigger foes; the smaller ones he felled with normal Aura-boosted ammunition and Mantle standard “Impaler” spike rounds, depending on how close they were. 
Within a minute of his arrival, the swarm of Grimm that had been so keen in picking off this isolated group of humans realized they had bitten off more than they could chew, and flapped, ran, or scampered away towards more promising targets, leaving a few wounded Creatures behind. None of these lasted long; most were simply executed with headshots, but Olivia literally tore the head off the last Creep and tossed it aside, disappointed.
“What...thats it? Man, and I was just getting warmed up!” Her weapon was still slung over her shoulder; she had seen no reason to weild it. 
Mark and Ash rose from their crouches, fresh magazines sliding into wells in almost perfect unison. 
“Where to now, boss?” The faunus asked, glancing over at Chrys with hooded eyes. CAMOs leader looked as serene and quiet as he always did. His face didn’t really have the ability to show emotion any more. 
“To the next fight.” Was all he said. Fresh grins split the faces of the rest of the team. 
“Lots of stuff to kill out here. Talk about a target rich enviroment.” Olivia was looking out over the hole she had made with the Grimm and the four AKs, seeing the absolute hellstorm that the perfect, peaceful kingdom of Vale had descended into. 
Ash joined her and smiled even wider. 
“Who would have thought that Marasco’s dream would still happen, just 80 years later?” He noted. Mark snorted. 
“Ain’t nothing human about this. Its just the Grimm, as always.”
“You heard that broadcast. The random slut said this was planned.” Olivia smacked her fists together as she thought. “I hope she’s still here, Im going to pull her ovaries out through her vagina!”
“Assuming she’s still alive. Priorities, CAMO.” Chrys pulled all of their attention back to him again as he glanced off into space aimlessly. Light flashed behind his cybornetic eyes as he accessed hundreds of gigabytes of data in seconds, getting a tactical picture of the battle within moments. 
“I have our new position; it seems the White Fang has joined in this fight as well. Bullheads controlled by them are deploying Grimm across the entire city.”
“Run that past me again, boss? Did you say Grimm in DROPSHIPS?”
“Affirmative. No logical explanation available at this time. Most likely reasoning is desperation. Their landing site has been located. We will go and destroy it.”
Out of the fire, into the frying pan. One mission ends, another begins.
And Oum, how they loved it so. 
“Lets kill some faunus.” Ash growled, shifting Stone Wind from its railgun form to its melee chainsword. Mark just glared at him for a moment before turning to Chrys. 
“Yeah...so how are we getting down there?” he  asked, looking once more over the edge of the stadium. This side of it was deserted; a trail of civilian and Hunter bodies leading to a crushed airship explained part of the reason for it. 
Suckers, Ash thought. Unfortunately it also mean there was no way off for CAMO.
“Most of Atlas’s air support is currently tied up dealing with the situation and attempting to stop the Bullheads.” Chrys explained. “There has also been reports of one of the combat ships overhead initiating a blue on blue attack on the rest. Estimates indicate a 87.830574% likelihood that it is related to the prisoner aboard it, Roman Torchwick. Once we are done with clearing the landing zone, that will be our next target. We will have to improvise.”
He turned towards his team. 
“Security footage from the upper levels of the arena indicate that there are four White Fang controlled Bullheads setting down on the loading bay level on the opposite side. Most likely they are headed for the Dust reactors and repulsor systems. We will steal one and use it to reach the landing zone.”
As with all of their breifings, there was no explanation; Chrys gave the orders and CAMO carried it out. 
Ash didn’t mind it one bit. Even before Chrys was fully finished speaking, the team was stowing their weapons and securing anything they couldn’t rightfully leave behind. By the time their leader finished, they had formed up into a diamond wedge and followed him up and out.
Their passage was not a peaceful one, but none of the team would have wanted it too be. Ground Grimm prowled the abandoned halls of the Arena. All that crossed their paths with CAMOs ceased to exist moments later. 
Harder targets appeared as they neared the lower decks; patrols of White Fang members.  None important; merely masked grunts, armed with various stolen firearms. The amount of AK rifles in their hands surprised Ash. Surely ALL of the Knights in Vale hadn’t gone crazy...had they?
His chances to ponder the fate of the toy soldiers Schnee had built was limited. The White Fang was not here to set up house, they had a mission, and the Hunter-Killers were a threat to that, as the Fang was a threat to the Hunter-Killers. Conflict was inevitable, and when it happened, it was the stuff of nightmares.
Hunter-Killers, first and foremost, were made for one job; killing humans. They were the blade of Remnant, the scalpel that cut loose dead and diseased humans from the body of the whole. They did not fight flashy, or with the indivduality that many Huntsmen showed. They just fought, and they killed. 
The first patrol to run into CAMO didn’t even get a shot off; they were three faunus to four Hunter-Killers and the HKs were upon them in seconds. No time for aura to activate, no time even for warnings. 
Their leader died screaming as a million volts surged through his gun into his nerves. His two subordinates were riddled with bullets and fell with sprays of blood, the one Ash had fired upon practically torn in half. CAMO didn’t even stop, Olivia’s boot shattering the arm of one of the corpses as they surged onwards, every other footfall after it making a loud “squelch” noise as she ran. 
The second group proved more robust; they were engaged in either stealing or sabotaging something on one of the large generators that powered the entire arena, and they had a bear faunus with them too. With no room to maneuver, and very little cover, both sides descended almost instantly into a melee. 
Ash lost track of his team as they fought, each soldier standing their own against two or three White Fang members and maintaining the upper hand. The two that came for Ash were weedy, technicians perhaps. Rabbit faunus and some kind of lizard, scales across his arms and sharp claws where his fingernails should be. These reached out for Ash, searching for his neck or his face to rip and tear, and he ducked back, raising his chainsword. Flesh met osmium-tipped blades in a shriek of aura on metal.  Metal won out; the lizard screamed in pain and horror as the teeth of the weapon ripped through his limbs and removed both hands in one go. Effectively disarmed, Ash swung down, teeth ripping once more into flesh and effectively severing the ribcage of his opponent. With a savage kick the Hunter-Killer sent his victim flying into his fellow in a cloud of blood and the steaming slimy coils of his own entrails. Turning for more fighting, Ash realized he’d been too slow once again; there rest of the group was down. Faunus bodies littered the deck, sundered in half a dozen ways, not a single one intact. 
“Closed casket funerals for these poor sods.” Mark noted, wiping blood off his face. His kill steamed at his feet, a head-sized hole blasted in her torso from a point-blank anti-tank caliber round. 
“They ain’t getting any funerals but a pyre.” Olivia was busy wiping blood off her hands. Her target was literally unrecognizable; what had once been a humanoid shape was a mangle of limbs and blood, literally torn apart by her force. 
The important thing was that all of CAMO was standing, and that their way to a dropship was clear. The Bullhead the two squads they had just slaughtered rode in on sat on the landing pan outside, engines still turning over slightly. 
“CAMO; we ride.” Chrys intoned, and as one the Hunter-Killers made for the dropship. No one was aboard; not even a pilot. He must have gone out with his teammates to ensure the mission succeeded and now lay among his allies in the Final Repose. 
Chrys, unsurprisingly, was versed in dropship operations, and scrambled into the cockpit, shoving his metal fingers into the control panel and mentally powering up the ships systems. The Bullhead and Chrys were now one, the Hunter-Killer operating the dropship as if it was his own body. With a rumble and a groan of metal, the Bullhead lifted off and away from the stadium, engines flaring. Ash, Mark and Olivia hung tight to the grips on the roof of the open cargo bay, obsurving the scene as they decended down from the height of the arena to the burning remnants of Vale. 
It looked like hell from afar; fire and Grimm across all of its surfaces, sparks streaking out from its repulsor engines. If Ash had to guess, it was going to fall sooner rather than later, and leave one HELL of a mess. 
Ash found himself looking forward to it. The blast would be AMAZING. And a fitting end to the belief of Vale that not having any organized defense force beyond Huntsmen was a viable way to live. 
Ash turned, intending to speak to Mark and Olivia and ask how their fight had gone, when something changed; the air seemed to suddenly go dead, still. 
And then...silver light. Silver light like no one had seen in decades. A blinding wash of psychomanipulative energy that came to be known as the Vale Flash.
And from that moment till he woke up on the ground, being attened to by Atlas medics in a triage station, Ash Vulcan remembered nothing. 
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tancong · 6 years
Gency Week: Day 3
This is the first time I actually wrote about a wedding. My ships? Being happy? It’s more likely than you think.
Title: A Deal Sealed and a Kiss not Missed Theme: Wedding Word Count: 2108 Rating: G (for God I’m so happy for them)
There were a lot of things that happened in the following years. Angela became more proficient at magic, thanks to her studying and a few close-death encounters with some assassin or another. Genji almost lost his arm and legs more times than they could count on both their hands. Despite it all, she became bolder. She began to assert her position within the family, not standing to be viewed as a weak child who needs the attention of some pompous prince any longer. She still hid Genji, of course. Even she was worried about what may happen if her family found out in a bad light.
However, Reinhardt eventually found out. She could only sneak out so many times before he caught her at least once. Not Genji, just her trying to leave. Whenever she left with Genji, not a soul would be able to tell. However, he was not always available to catch her falling out of her window. It was definitely fun when he does that for her but sometimes, she had to climb down the tree. Oh, she could fly a bit now. That gave Genji quite a surprise when she had shown it to him. Yet another discovery made from a near-death experience.
The first few times, he let her go without saying a word. However, there came a point when he politely informed her that he should probably report it to her parents soon if he did not know more about the situation. And, being someone she trusted dearly, she told him the full truth. She could have sworn that she almost ended the crusader’s life with a heart attack that night. Many people would have been in awe at being able to kill someone like Reinhardt, but not like this.
When he finally recovered, he reluctantly told her everything he knew about the young man. They were things that Angela had already got out of him, with the exception of his background. She could understand why he didn’t want to share it and knew better than to ask about any of it after hearing it from Reinhardt. If anything, she was the one that corrected the old champion.
In the end, he admitted that if she was with Genji, she was in better care than if she was being accompanied by half the royal guard. As such, he made no note of it to her family, only stating that she should keep him informed of whenever she should plan to head out and whether anything new develops between them. In return, he would cover for her whenever he could to make sure others didn’t find out. Though she could have done without him slipping a magic scroll of pregnancy protection under her door, she appreciated the gesture regardless.
They had been a couple ever since that night after the festival. Though he never said anything explicitly, the soft voice he used and the unusual requests he made were more than enough to answer her question. They weren’t truly unusual, just for him. Apparently, holding hands was pretty scandalous if he had to ask so softly. After she teased him about it a few times, that hesitation was gone. Next came kisses. An adorable phase when he would always be by her side and looking longingly at her before pretending otherwise. Eventually, she got a kiss for every occasion. For saying something clever. For wearing something pretty. Everything was apparently worthy of receiving a kiss from him. Honestly, she really felt spoiled.
Then they cuddled. She practically had to beg him to stay, putting on the best pout she could muster. This was after she had told him about Reinhardt knowing their relationship, else he would have probably bolted without a second thought. That night, she refused to let go of him no matter how warm it got until he finally confessed gently that he had desperately wanted this too.
The morning after that was when Genji almost lost his life to Reinhardt, who was only stopped when Angela eventually woke up and insisted that she was the one who wanted him to stay and not him sneaking in. Despite being unarmed when going to bed with her, Genji only suffered a scratch on his arm and a cut on the palm of his hand, an impressive feat when facing an overprotective legendary knight with a sword.
Sometime later, Reinhardt would be asked to accompany them to town for grocery shopping, only for him to be introduced to his worst nightmare. It turned out that Genji did have a few friends, most of them in the same profession as him with the exception of a blacksmith, alchemist, and one merchant. The person he introduced to Reinhardt was an assassin as tall as he was, a dashing image of what the crusader had once been. Angela almost died from her lungs collapsing through all the laughing she did that day, watching her mentor being bullied relentlessly. The man called himself an assassin but he was really an old knight, an acquaintance of Reinhardt really. He just so happened to pick up the new profession in the new age, though how he succeeded was beyond Angela’s comprehension. Genji explained that most people simply saw him as a retired knight, so it was easy for him to get on their good side and stab them. “A strangely effective strategy,” he said with a frown that indicated he couldn’t believe it worked either.
And then, eventually, the truth had to come out. Discussions came up about the fact that Angela must choose someone to marry. The four racked their brains over the matter, coming up with a million different ways to introduce him though not finding a single one that doesn’t involve having to mention the small fact that he was an assassin, else there was no way to explain how they met or how no one has ever heard of him.
At last, Genji came up with a simple solution. He would simply have to enter the tournament that her family was hosting to find a potential suitor for Angela. She had rejected so many princes already that her family had given up on status and class, opting instead for someone with a strong personality that could possibly hope to deal with her. In a three-to-one vote that left Angela extremely frustrated, they decided that would be the course of action.
She truly was never going to understand men and their solidarity to beat each other up to get what they want.
And so, Angela found herself in the stadium, smiling and waving at thousands of spectator and greeting hundreds of knights. Round after round of combat happened, all which bored her. She had seen Genji in combat before of course, they had not gone on all those dates without at least one violent incident happening. These battles, regulated and without any threat to her, just felt so boring. Even the battles Genji were in did not excite her much. A glance at his opponent was all she needed to tell that they didn’t have a chance. The only excitement came from the fake gambling game she had with Reinhardt about how long it would take for Genji to finish the match. Oh, and when Reinhardt’s new best pal somehow snuck into their area. That assassin was truly a scary man after all.
The last battle was actually quite intense. Angela found herself leaping to her feet and cheering when Genji snuck in a good strike. She had to sheepishly sit back down and explain to her parents that his combat style and grace had gotten her interest in the previous matches while Reinhardt held down his friend’s head to hide his muffled laughter.
Eventually, Genji came victorious to be granted the medal from her father and the pleasure of being able to kiss Angela on the back of her hand, a task which he almost failed out of habit. In return for his valiant work, she gave him a kiss on the cheek and the words “take me” whispered into his ears. She happily sauntered away leaving a tournament champion that felt weak and defeated by just two words.
Eventually, the wedding came. Angela eventually told her parents the truth about Genji, with Reinhardt to back her up. Ever since the beginning of the planning, her parents had felt uneasy about ‘forcing’ her into it. That much was what Genji had predicted. When she told them, they let out a sigh of relief before their brains caught up to the implications.
By then, it was far too late to question her as Angela had already fled to try on her wedding dress. It was something that she did not show Genji, and in return, he also hid his choice from her. She just had to trust his sense of fashion, a sense which has served him well in the past with all the recommendations he made for her. She was sure that he would look handsome regardless, so long as he wore something appropriate.
On the day of their wedding, Angela could hardly contain her excitement. Leading up to it, they were a normal couple. Other than practicing their dance, everything else was out of their control. Their ring, ceremony, decorations, and announcement were all handled by the castle staff. They ended up just going out on more dates, disguised of course, and cuddled a lot. Without the need for secrecy, their cuddling time was more playful and relaxed than ever. Well, Genji still could not get used to walking through the front gate of the castle. It was probably for the best anyway, lest the servants or other people bothered him about his status and her health and all that pleasantries he admitted to hating.
Angela took a deep breath and entered the chapel next to the castle. The crowd let out a soft “ooh” in unison at her beautiful white dress, with its fluffy white frills and ribbons that flowed off her as naturally as water would.
The only person who wasn’t fazed, as with the first time he saw water flowing off her skin, was Genji. He simply gave her a smile that almost made her stop walking, one that was accompanied by a striking black cloth vest and formal pants. For some reason, she had never expected to see him in anything but light armor or traditional festival clothing. Yet, there he was, as handsome as ever and with a smile that disarmed her more than any fanciful parry could.
“I can’t wait to take that dress off you.”
“Be respectful. We’re in the middle of a wedding.”
“But you’re not saying I can’t.”
Angela gave him a stern gaze for a moment before giggling and taking his hand to for their walk to the altar. She could feel all her nervousness melt away just like that. Really, he could be so indecent and inconsiderate at times like these. But perhaps he knew that was what she needed and what she fell in love with. Someone who knew exactly how to best make their lover happy, no matter how they may look in the process. How did someone as selfish and spoiled as her ever get someone so selfless and kind like him?
“Angela Ziegler. Do you take Genji Shimada to be your husband?”
“I do.”
“Genji Shimada. Will you take Angela Ziegler to be your wife?”
“Yes, I do. May I give her the ring and kiss her now?”
The solemnizer chuckled and nodded. “You may proceed.”
Genji let out a soft sigh under his breath that came with something along the line of “fucking finally” as he brought out the beautiful ring with a shining emerald and a gold frame. When the ring finally shone on Angela’s fingers, her eyes shining with tears of joy, the officiant announced, "I now pronounce you husband and wife."
Without waiting for anything further permission, Genji swept Angela off her feet and pulled her into a deep kiss as the audience applauded loudly, with both Reinhardt and his new friend wiping a tear with their handkerchief. Her parents, too, looked extremely happy for their daughter, despite all the fears they had about her future with an assassin as the next in line for the throne. However, at that very moment, they had never seen her look happier.
And that was what a marriage should look like, no matter who it was between. Because no matter what came their way, it would take the whole world to separate the princess and her assassin.
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thefemalethatwrites · 6 years
Starfire’s Sister (Damian Wayne x Reader)
Request: Nope.
Prompt: You’re Koriand’r’s (Starfire) little sister and are on the Teen Titans.
Relationships: Damian Wayne x Reader, Sister!Starfire x Reader,
Warnings: Death, Mentions of Death, Cursing? 
Word Count: 6357
(Y/N)’s POV
“(Y/N) come along, we’ve a new member joining” Kori said as she came into my room,
“Another liability, great” I sighed as I stopped punching the dummy,
“How many times do I have to tell you, teammates aren’t liabilities” She commented as we made our way down to the entrance, I hummed in response “What am I to you then?” She questioned,
“A perfect example” I retorted as we approached the other Titans outside,
“You managed to get her to stop training!” Garfield exclaimed, I rolled my eyes as the Batmobile pulled up, Nightwing and Robin got out and approached Kori and myself,
“Nightwing” Kori greeted,
“Starfire” Dick replied shaking her hand,
“It’s been a while” Kori stated, Dick hummed making me groan
“Do this later” I scoffed folding my arms,
“Starlight, cheery as always” Dick greeted, I hummed
“Who’s this?” Kori questioned mentioning Robin,
“This is Damian, the latest Robin” Dick introduced, I looked him over and sighed
“I’ve met the member. Happy?” I say to Kori before walking inside.
I walked into the training room to find Damian training while the others watched, 
“He’s been going at it for three hours” Jaime commented,
“Damian, others would like to train” Kori said making me roll my eyes and lean against the railing tuning out of the conversation, until Jaime and Damian began fighting gaining my attention, Kori went to stop them but I stopped her from doing so
“Things just got interesting” I commented as I watched them, Damian knocked Jaime down and walked away from him, thinking he’d won but the Scarab had other ideas as it brought out the propulsion cannon and aimed at Damian, “Move!” I ordered as I knocked Damian out of the way and got hit by the blast myself sending me into darkness, I groaned as I came around and held my head, “Starlight, I’m sorry” Jaime apologised, I scoffed “Get more control over that bug” I say as I stood up, noticing it was only him, me and Damian in the room, Jaime left the room muttering to himself, the Scarab,
“Why’d you do that?” Damian asked,
“Because you was dumb enough to walk away from the threat while they were still conscious” I state, his eyes narrowed at me,
“And what does an exile princess like yourself know about battle techniques?” He scoffed folding his arms,
“Exile princess? You’ve done your research, Al-Ghul” I say,
“That’s not my name” He growled, I smirked
“It’s what the file said” I say as I left him behind, or so I thought, he ran to catch up to me
“You seem like the only one who’s similar to myself” He commented,
“Really? Didn’t notice” I asked rolling my eyes, he sighed
“Look (Y/N), I’m trying to be nice and become acquaintances with yourself” He said as we stopped outside Kori’s room,
“Depending how well we work together in the field, I’ll think about it” I say before entering Kori’s room.
“He reminds me of my sister” I heard Kori say,
“Heard that!” I called out as I walked further into her room finding her on a video call to Dick in her bathrobe,
“I wasn’t on about you” She replied,
“Damian’s not like Komand’r” I commented,
“How are you? I heard you took a blast for him?” Dick asked,
“Alive and kicking. Did you know he researched me?” I asked, Kori hummed
“He did do with the whole team” She answered,
“Well maybe he was right about something then” I mumbled,
“Right about what?” She questioned,
“He thinks we’re similar and wants to become acquaintances” I replied,
“You’re his age, right?” Dick asked,
“Yeah” I answered,
“You two being friends may help him feel more welcome to the team. Go befriend him” Kori ordered, I rolled my eyes
“Who said anything about friends?” I asked,
“It’d also be good for yourself to have a friend” Kori commented ignoring my question,
“Rude. You know I prefer being by myself” I scoffed as I made my way to the door, “By the way, sort out the sexual tension between you two” I demanded and left the room, leaving them both stuttering.
“Tonight, we’ll be having to mandatory fun” Kori said as we came to a stop outside a carnival, we all just stared at her,
“We’ll go around in pairs; Jaime and Garfield, (Y/N) and Damian, and Rachel and myself” She stated as we climbed out of the car,
“I could be training right now” I mumbled as we entered the carnival, the others broke away “Anything you want to do first?” I sighed turning to Damian, he shook his head “Let’s wander then” I say as we made our way around the area, we came across a ring toss where Rachel and Kori were, Damian picked up the rings and effortlessly threw them, all of them landed on a bottle and he received a load of tickets, we made our way to the ticket booth, he placed them on the desk and he pointed to the toy sword, he was given it and a small girl looked at it with wide eyes, Damian handed it over to her and she beamed at him before running over to her parents, “You do have a soft side” I commented,
“Shut up” he muttered as we made our way over to the dance machine, which Garfield and Jaime were on, Garfield won and Jaime came over to us,
“Good luck trying to win him” Jaime sighed,
“I can do it” I state as I looked at the large screen, they all looked at me
“What? It’s just reactions” I shrugged as I walked up to the second ‘dance floor’,
“Prepare to lose” He smirked,
“Try me” I say returning the smirk, we began the dance and both of us was getting perfect, this carried on for three minutes were Garfield began to get tired and leaned towards the support barrier, I smirked as he gave up completely and I was deemed the winner, I held my hand out for him to shake “Maybe next time” I say as he shook it, we walked towards the group,
“Where’s Raven?” Garfield asked, I looked around and saw nothing out of the ordinary, until Rachel rolled across the pier,
“Raven! Titans go!” Kori yelled, I ran to the car to get my bo-staff out, I pulled at the handle to have it not open, I growled and smashed the window pulling out my staff and Damian’s katana, I dispose of my hoodie and made my way back, I tossed Damian his katana as he passed me, I propelled myself into the air and slammed my staff into the head of one of the demons as Damian dealt with the other two,
“Tell me they’re undead” Damian said as we made our way over to the others, Rachel nodded before the demons began to rise again,
“Perhaps coming out tonight was a good idea after all” I smirked as I twirled my staff around while getting into an attacking stance.
We were stood outside Titan tower while we waited for Batman, Wonder-Woman, Cyborg and Flash to arrive,
“You realise that they’re going to take Rachel away, right?” I asked Kori,
“We don’t know that for certain” She replied, I rolled my eyes and folded my arms, they arrived and conversated before Wonder-Woman, Flash and Cyborg became demons, the other four took them on in battle while I kept Rachel protected, safe to say that it went downhill quick, Damian was pinned to some rubble by the Flash as he phased his hand in his chest, Kori was being strangled by Wonder-Woman’s lasso, Jaime and Garfield were held at gunpoint by Cyborg,
“Come with us Raven and your friends won’t be harmed” Flash said,
“You may want to stand back” I warned Rachel as I twirled my bo-staff,
“Think you have a chance child?” Wonder-Woman questioned, I threw my staff at Cyborg knocking him down before blasting Wonder-Woman off Kori before using her lasso to throw around Flash’s neck and pull him away from Damian, Flash quickly reacted and phased out of the lasso and pinned me against some rubble as Wonder-Woman came over to me and impaled me with her sword, I bit my lip holding in any yells of pain,
“Leave her alone. I’ll come with you” Rachel said,
“No!” I yelled before falling to the ground as Wonder-Woman pulled her sword out of me and the three Justice League members made their way to Rachel as she opened a portal,
“Goodbye” Rachel said before they walked threw but Jaime threw something on Cyborg making him collapse, Damian came over to me and helped me up
“I’m fine” I growled as I pulled myself from him and headed inside the tower, I went to the medical bay and began to clean my injury up, “At least she didn’t puncture anything” I muttered as I threaded the needle and began stitching the front wound,
“Need a hand?” Kori asked as she came over to me, I handed her the needle and she began stitching the back wound, “That was a big risk that you took for the team (Y/N)” She commented,
“Your point? I’ve told you before teammates are liabilities” I say,
“If we were such a liability then why’d you save us?” Jaime asked, I turned to see him and Garfield stood there,
“Because you’re a liability to me” I sighed, Kori finished and I stood up, “Let’s get Rachel back” I ordered,
“(Y/N), you’re wounded it’ll be-”
“I’m fine” I growled cutting her off,
“Cyborg’s awake” Damian announced as he entered the room, Kori left with Jaime and Garfield following her, “You saved me” Damian stated, I hummed
“Can’t have my only acquaintance dying” I say as we made our way to the lounge,
“We’re acquaintances?” He asked, I nodded
“I did say that I’d think about it, and we are good battle partners” I answered, I noticed a small smile on his face before we entered the lounge.
“Stick together, we can take them down as a-” I tuned out of Kori’s voice when I heard Rachel let out an agonising yell,
“Starlight!” Kori yelled as I flew a head of them all, I found Rachel levitating between to spikes as it channeled her powers, I growled before tackling her out of it only for it to take me in its grips and channeled me, I groaned as I tried to fight against it,
“Starlight!” Damian yelled, I looked down to him to see him and Rachel conversating before Rachel walked away and picked up a shard of the red crystal and began chanting something,
“Robin!” I heard Kori yell before a wave of pain went through me making me yell in pain, Kori flew up to me
“Don’t! It’ll channel you if you take me out” I groan,
“Well I can’t just stand there and watch you be in pain! She argued,
“Raven’s working on something, I just-” I was cut off when everything went black.
I groaned and held my head as I sat up,
“You’re awake” Damian stated, I hummed
“What happened?” I asked,
“What’s the last thing you remember?” He questioned,
“Me talking to Kori about Rachel working on something” I answer,
“Well, Raven trapped her father in that crystal so there was no need for you to be channeled therefore you fell unconscious” He explained, I nodded
“Where are the others?” I asked as I stood up,
“They’re in the lounge or their rooms” He answered as we walked to the lounge, “Hey, look who’s awake” Garfield announced to the others as we walked through the door,
“(Y/N)” Kori smiled pulling me into a hug, I groaned making her pull away, “Next time I say stick together, follow it” She scolded shoving me, I rolled my eyes and shoved her back,
“You ordered pizza without us?” I asked noticing the pizza boxes on the table,
“We saved you some” Jaime said bringing a box over, he opened it revealing a full pizza, I took a slice and gave him a nod and they went back to their conversations,
“(Y/N)” Rachel said as she came over to me,
“What’s up?” I asked,
“What you did for me; standing up against the demonic Justice members and knocking me out of the channeling, it was extremely dangerous” She stated, I sighed
“You think I didn’t know that? You’re a team mate, I don’t let them down” I reply,
“Thank you” she smiled, I nodded before heading over to Damian who was looking out over the balcony.
“Waiting for someone?” I asked,
“(Y/N). No” He answered, I hummed
“Your posture says otherwise Damian” I say leaning on the railing,
“My posture?” He questioned, I nodded and turned my head towards him,
“It was nice having someone like you on the team” I say, he hummed before there was honking, we both looked down to see Dick getting out of the Batmobile, “Looks like your ride’s here” I comment as we made our way back inside and down to the entrance, Kori was already there talking to Dick as we exited the tower,
“Hey, enjoy your time?” Dick asked as we approach him,
“It was manageable” Damian answered as he dumped his bag in the Batmobile,
“Kori, can I have a word?” Dick asked as he took her away from us,
“Grayson believes it would be best if we became friends” Damian said as I stood next to him against the Batmobile, I raised an eyebrow
“Is that so?” I asked, he hummed
“Well, I suppose I could manage that. It will get Kori off my back for not having any friends” I say, he gave a small smile before Dick and Kori back over,
“So, Damian, will you be joining the Titans?” Kori asked, I notice him glance at me and nod,
“I suppose” He answered, I fought off a smile and stood up properly,
“Well, I’ll look forward to training with you” I say holding out my hand,
“Likewise” he smirked and shook my hand, Dick and Kori smiled at each other.
I exited my room to see Kori lounging on the couch in a skimpy gown,
“I hope you was going to let me know before going at it” I say as I opened the fridge for a bottle of water,
“It doesn’t matter, Dick had to cancel. Family emergency” She moped, I sighed and leaned against the kitchen counter,
“You’re not going to get me to watch them soppy rom-coms with you, are you?” I asked,
“I’ve got ice-cream” She attempted to persuade, I rolled my eyes
“Nope” I say as I went back into my room and changed into something more comfortable before calling Dick as I set off on my journey,
“(Y/N)” He answered,
“What’s your family emergency?” I asked,
“Damian’s broken his ribs and needs babysitting. Where are you?” He asked,
“Flying to the Manor, so you can spend some quality time with Kori” I answered,
“Dick, if I have to sit through one more rom-com, I’m going to kill you” I threatened cutting him off as I landed at the front door,n“Besides, I’m already here” I say as I entered the front door and hung up on him.
“(Y/N)” Dick greeted as he ran down the stairs,
“Where is he?” I asked,
“Third door on your right. Thanks” He said, I hummed and made my way up the stairs and towards Damian’s room, I knocked before entering it
“(Y/N), I thought I heard Grayson say your name” Damian greeted as he stood up,
“Get back into bed Damian” I demanded as I headed over to him and forced him back into bed,
“(Y/N), I’m fine, I don’t-”
“You have broken ribs, walking around or going to train is not going to make you heal any quicker” I say cutting him off,
“You were impaled by a sword and went to fight demons after” He argued,
“Yeah, and look where that got me. Unconscious for two weeks” I retort as I removed my shoes and sat next to him, “So, how’d you do it?” I asked, he sighed
“Killer Croc” He answered, and it fell quiet between us, “(Y/N)?” He said breaking the silence, I hummed
“What was your childhood like?” He asked, I looked down at him
“Childhood? I didn’t really have one. With Komand’r and Kori in line for the throne, and Ryand’r being…himself, I was left to be trained and taught from a young age, to become the next leader’s great protector” I say, he remained quiet making me raise an eyebrow “Why’d you ask?” I questioned,
“I just wanted to know what a childhood was like” He answered,
“Well, you asked the wrong person” I say giving a weak smile.
We were attacking a base that had been assumed to have the Blood Brothers in with whatever they were working on, but currently we were pinned behind some crates as they fired at us, I whistled gaining Damian’s attention, he made his way over to me
“Want to fly birdie?” I questioned, he smirked so I grabbed his arm before flying upwards and throwing him towards the enemy, I noticed that Dick and Kori pulled the same move, “You copied us!” I yell as I knocked a couple down,
“I’m sure that Nightwing and myself came up with it first” Kori argued before flying after Dick, I scoffed as I threw my bo-staff at the henchmen that were gaining on Damian, he gave a nod of appreciation, he passed it back to me as we finished the last of them off,
“Not bad. Eh Terra?” Garfield asked as we made our way to find Dick and Kori,
“I don’t trust her” I whispered to Damian, he nodded in agreement as we walked into the room where Dick and Kori were,
“Yes?” Kori asked,
“Will you move in with me?” Dick asked as he held out a small box, Kori opened it revealing a key,
“Pfft, no rock? Lame” Terra muttered,
“Everyone on Tamaran would be gossiping about this” Kori smile, I rolled my eyes
“Not everyone sis. Wait, does this mean I get the apartment to myself?” I asked,
“No” She answered,
“Well, I sure ain’t moving in with the two of you” I say,
“You can-”
“She can move into the Manor with me” Damian said cutting Kori off, everyone turned to us
“Is there something going on between the two of you?” Garfield asked, I raised an eyebrow
“Does it look like something’s going on between us?” I asked,
“Well…” He trailed off, I sighed
“No” I answered.
“Honestly the sexual tension between them is always there” I whispered to Damian as we stood and watched Dick and Kori train against each other, he smirked as Dick landed on his back
“Raven, Blue Beetle you’re up” Kori said as her and Dick stood on the side, we watched them fight against each other, Jaime winning
“Beast-boy, Terra” Dick ordered, getting a raised eyebrow from Kori “Sorry” he apologised making Damian and myself smirk at each other,
“Who you calling witch?” Terra yelled as she flung Garfield off her forcing him to turn back to his human form and go unconscious,
“Terra stop!” Kori ordered as Terra sent a boulder to Garfield’s unconscious form, I blasted it as I hovered in front of Garfield as Dick got him away from the danger, I dodged a large boulder that she threw at me making me growl, I glared at her and blasted her knocking her down, I stood over her, she groaned before fear appeared in her eyes as she looked up at me, I was tackled to the ground,
“(Y/N) stop!” Damian yelled, I looked up to him and sighed, he helped me up
“I told you I didn’t trust her” I whispered,
“That doesn’t mean you can kill her” He whispered,
“I wasn’t going to kill her” I muttered,
“Sure” He said, I narrowed my eyes at him before playfully pushing him, to which he retaliated by doing the same.
The Batmobile came to a stop and Bruce got out,
“Where’s Damian?” I asked as I headed towards him, he picked up Damian’s lifeless body making my eyes widened and freeze to the spot,
“(Y/N)…” Bruce trailed off, I shook my head and left the cave, retreating to my room, I sat at the foot of my bed staring at nothing, I was brought out of my daze when Titus pawed at my legs, I looked down at him and stroked him,
“Miss (Y/N)?” Alfred said, I looked up at him “Master Damian’s funeral will be commencing shortly” He said, I sighed and stood up, following him downstairs, I was met by Bruce, Tim, Dick and Jason, who looked at me with sympathy
“Can we get this done with” I say, they all nodded and we made our way to the grave, after the quick service everyone went to mourn in their rooms, minus myself, I made my way down to the cave, with Titus following, and began training.
“(Y/N) you need to rest” Tim said in an attempt to get me to stop training,
“Rest yourself Tim, then I’ll consider it” I huffed as I kept punching the bag,
“She has a point Tim” Jason said as he came over to us,
“But she’s been training for three months straight!” Tim argued,
“Leave (Y/N) alone” Dick said as he brought Kori into the cave, I rolled my eyes
“I told you not to bring her” I growled, the boys left as Kori came over to me
“(Y/N), I know you miss Damian but this-”
“This is what?! Childish?! Stupid of me?! Tell me Kori if it was Dick that had died what would you be doing?” I snapped cutting her off,
“You love him” She muttered, I scoffed and stopped punching, turning to her
“What gives you that idea?” I asked folding my arms,
“You wouldn’t have compared him to Dick for me if you didn’t have the same feelings that I have for Dick” She said, I sighed and walked away from her, “(Y/N), tell me what’s wrong. I can help” She said as she grabbed my upper arm, I pulled away from her and looked down at the floor,
“Every time, I close my eyes or even stop from training, I see him” I confessed,
“(Y/N)…” She said sympathetically as she lifted my head up to look at her, I pulled away
“I don’t need your sympathy. Just leave me alone” I growled as I walked back over to the punching bag and began training again.
“Your form’s sloppy” Damian’s voice commented, he’s not real, he’s not there, I thought to myself, “Still sloppy” He commented again, I sighed stopping and resting my forehead against the bag, closing my eyes, “(Y/N)?” Damian asked as a hand was placed on my shoulder, my eyes widened as I slowly turned around to see him standing there, with concern etched on his face, I tackled him with a hug
“You’re alive” I say as I felt tears well up in my eyes,
“I am” He whispered as he returned the hug, I pulled away and quickly wiped my eyes
“Good. Now I can do this” I say before hitting his chest, “Did I give you permission to die?!” I yell as he stumbled back,
“I’ll try harder next time not to die, bel-(Y/N)” He said, my eyes widened
“Next time? There’s not going to be a next time Damian!” I yelled, he sighed shaking his head,
“Father and Drake told me about your circumstances” He said changing the topic, I rolled my eyes
“Of course they did” I muttered avoiding eye contact,
“(Y/N) look at me” He said as he came closer, I didn’t so he sighed and tilted my head towards him, forcing me to look him in the eyes, “We’re going to get you showered, because you stink-”
“Rude” I say cutting him off,
“I speak the truth, (Y/N). Then after you’ve showered, we’re getting something to eat and then you’re going to get some well-needed rest” He continued,
“Fine” I say as I followed him upstairs,
“You get yourself showered and I’ll bring you some clothes to change into” He said as he opened the bathroom door before heading to my room, I got myself washed and wrapped myself in a towel as Damian knocked on the door, I opened it and he held out the clothes,
“Thanks” I say taking them off him and closing the door again, I put them on and dried my hair then stared at my appearance in the mirror, I had large bags underneath my eyes making me sigh before I exited the bathroom,
“Come on, Alfred’s prepared us a meal” he said leading me downstairs, we ate in silence, 
“Oh my god! (Y/N)’s stopped training!” Tim announced to the household as he walked past the dining room, there was a couple of thuds then Jason and Dick appeared at the door, they all just stared at me, Damian mumbled something as he took me to my room, which I hadn’t been in myself for months, I climbed into bed,
“Sleep tight, (Y/N)” he whispered as he planted a light kiss on my forehead before he went to leave but I grabbed his wrist, stopping him “What’s wrong?” He asked,
“Stay with me. I don’t want to lose you again” I say, he gave me a small smile before climbing in next to me.
I walked into the lounge at the Titan tower to be greeted by Jon, aka Superboy, and Garfield gaming as Raven observed,
“Fitting in well I see” I say,
“Yes ma’am” Jon smiled making me chuckle as I ruffled his hair,
“You don’t have to call me ma’am” I say,
“He’s showing you respect, you are the leader after all” Damian commented as he approached me from behind, I turned to him
“Glad you could join us” I tease, he rolled his eyes 
“What was it Kori always said? Ah that’s it, ‘Once a Titan. Always a Titan’” He smirked, I rolled my eyes
“It’s good to see you” I smiled as I gave him a hug,
“Oh baby sister” Komand’r cooed through the system, I went over to the computer that brought up an image of Komand’r stood outside the entrance of the tower, I growled
“Stay put. All of you” I ordered, narrowing my eyes at Damian,
“No buts, this is family business” I say cutting Garfield off, they all nodded before I left the building and was met by Komand’r,
“(Y/N), it’s so good to see you” She smiled, I raised an eyebrow
“What do you want?” I asked,
“My, my. The role of a leader suits you well, perhaps father should have put you on the throne, but then again you couldn’t control your powers and still can’t” She tormented, I rolled my eyes
“I won’t ask you again, Komand’r” I warned as I folded my arms,
“Fine. I came here to amend ours and Koriand’r relationship” She confessed, I looked at her skeptically and hummed,
“Come with me. Try anything and I won’t hesitate to kill you” I threatened, she nodded, and I led her inside, I led her to the containment cells and placed her in one, “You’re in that because I don’t trust you. So, until I know the truth, get comfortable” I say,
“I’ve told you the truth” She sighed,
“And I’m not believing it” I retort before walking out to be met by the team and Damian,
“Raven, Beast boy, ensure she doesn’t leave her cell” I ordered, they nodded and went inside the room as I headed up to my room, with Damian and Jon following,
“What’s your plan?” Damian asked,
“I need to find Kori. Her and Komand’r were close when we still lived on Tamaran, she’ll be able to deduce if she’s lying or not” I answered as I called her,
“Kori’s phone” Jason answered,
“Where is she?” I asked,
“She kicking some guys ass. What’s up?” He questioned,
“Tell her big sister’s here to make amends. I need her at the tower ASAP” I explained,
“Yo, Kori! (Y/N)’s on the phone!” I heard Roy yell in the background,
“(Y/N)” She greeted, I rolled my eyes
“Kori, Komand’r has arrived at the tower, I need your help” I say,
“We’ll be over soon” She said before hanging up, I sighed and turned to the Super sons,
“Prepare yourselves. The Outlaws are coming” I say, Jon left the room
“How are you?” Damian asked,
“Considering the very person who banished me from my home has come to ‘make amends’. Peachy” I answered turning to him, he raised an eyebrow
“You don’t trust her” He stated, I nodded
“It’s Komand’r, she’s always up to something, even when she has good intentions” I confirmed, he hummed
“Try not to stress over it too much, okay?” He said kissing my forehead,
“No promises” I say, making him roll his eyes, “I’m kidding” I chuckled as I placed a kiss on his cheek, “Let’s go greet the Outlaws” I smiled as I extend my hand out to him, he took it and we made our way to the lounge where Jon, Kori, Jason and Roy were in their anti-hero/hero suits,
“There she is!” Roy cheered,
“And so’s the demon” Jason commented,
“Behave, you’re under my rules here” I warned, he held his hands up in defence
“Not for long Starlight” He smirked, I shot him a glare
“Where is she?” Kori asked gaining my attention,
“The cells” I answered,
“Why there? She means good” Kori asked, I scoffed
“Kori, I’m not as forgiving or trust-giving as you” I state,
“You trust him” Roy commented pointing at Damian making him growl, I placed a hand on his chest
“He earned it” I argued,
“Could you argue about this later?!” Kori asked, I raised an eyebrow to her and sighed
“Follow me. If I hear any arguing or anything blowing up, I’ll hunt each of you down and murder you. Understood?” I threaten, they all nodded before I took Kori down to Komand’r, we entered the room and I dismissed Garfield and Rachel with a nod,
“Ah, sisters. I’ve missed you both dearly” Komand’r said as we stood in front of the cell.
Damian’s POV
“So, are you and (Y/N) a thing?” Harper questioned, I raised an eyebrow at him,
“No” I answered,
“You wish you were” Todd tormented,
“I won’t hesitate to kill you again, Todd” I threatened,
“I’ve lived longer than I expected” He shrugged,
“He’s not wrong through Damian. You’re different around her” Kent commented,
“Who asked for your opinion?” I growled,
“Hey, easy there, Demon. Let the kid speak” Todd answered,
“Well, when she’s not around, you’re all broody but then when she’s around you’re full of smiles and playful” Kent explained, I rolled my eyes
“He’s not wrong Damian. I can feel your emotions” Raven commented, I remained silent “She has the same feelings towards you, if you were curious” She added, my eyes widened slightly before there was an explosion from the lower levels,
“Remember when (Y/N) said that she’d kill us if there was an explosion? Does it still count if we didn’t create it?” Harper questioned as everyone prepared themselves for the worse, I went over to the computer for the security footage and saw (Y/N) on the ground outside as Blackfire and Kori stood over her,
“What’s Kori doing?” Todd questioned as she picked (Y/N) up,
“Does it matter? She needs our help!” Kent yelled as he, Raven and Beast-boy ran out of the room, I ran out of the room to (Y/N)’s room to get her bo-staff before making my way down, (Y/N) rolled across the ground before stopping and groaning,
“(Y/N)!” I yelled as I ran closer, she partially got up and looked over at me sending me a nod and holding a hand out, I threw her, her bo-staff, she caught it and stood up before a (F/C) barrier appeared in front of me, “No!” I yelled as I hit it, regretting it as it burnt me,
“Damian, what’s going on?” Kent asked as he and the others came over,
“I don’t know but we need to be prepared” I answered, they all nodded.
(Y/N)’s POV
I waved my hand, creating a star-beam barrier between the others and myself and my sisters, I twirled my bo-staff in my hand as they both came towards me,
“Kori! You’re stronger than her dumb mind-control!” I yelled, hoping to get through, didn’t seem to work as she sent a blast at me making Komand’r chuckle
“We could have made a wonderful team baby sister” She commented, I rolled my eyes
“Komand’r release whatever hold you have on Koriand’r” I demanded,
“Not possible” She retorted,
“I don’t wish to hurt either of you” I say,
“I guess you’ll have to, if you want to stop us” She smirked, my jaw clenched and my grip on the bo-staff tightened,
“Fine” I growled before Kori flew at me so I smacked the staff against her body sending her away from me, I quickly flew up to Komand’r avoiding her blasts before Kori tackled me to the ground and began strangling me, I glared up at Komand’r as she hovered in the air behind Kori,
“It’s pointless fighting, especially when you don’t have your powers under control” Komand’r taunted, my glare hardened before I kicked Kori off me,
“If it was that kind of fight you wanted, sister, you should have just said” I growled as I stood up, Kori came at me again but was met with my own blast to the chest, sending her to the ground, I picked up my bo-staff and switched it to a spear,
“(Y/N) don’t!” Damian yelled as I stood over Kori, I noticed that the barrier was gone, I turned back to Kori who was glaring at me, I held the tip of the spear towards her neck,
“Don’t move, unless you want that pretty face ruined” I warned, she stayed still.
“What are you waiting for! Kill her!” Komand’r ordered Kori, I smirked
“Her fear of me is a lot stronger than you” I comment before I pierced Kori’s thigh making her scream out in pain,
“Kori!” Jason and Roy yelled in unison, she looked back up at me, but her eyes were full of fear,
“(Y/N)…” She trailed off, I removed the spear from her thigh and turned my attention to Komand’r, who was glaring at me as red star-blast surrounded her,
“Fine. I’ll kill you myself” She growled,
“Give me your worst” I say as intercepted her star-blasts with my own, I dropped my spear and flew up to her avoiding the blasts she sent, I sent a blast of my own and it hit her in the chest making a gem fall off her as she crashed into the ground, I went over to the gem and examined it,
“You can’t kill me, (Y/N)! Not while I-!”
“While you had this? Good thing I knocked it off then” I smirked cutting her off as I evaporated it, her eyes widened in fear as she tried to get away from me as made my way towards her,
“W-w-what are you going t-t-t-to do to m-m-me?” She stuttered as I crouched down to her,
“Farewell, sister” I say before I grabbed her face and incinerated it off completely, her screams of agony faded to silence as did her struggles against me, I removed my hand from her face revealing it only to be a skull.
“(Y/N)” Damian said from behind me, I turned around to face him to be met with the other Titans and Jason and Roy carrying Kori, my eyes widened in horror as I glanced down at Komand’r’s corpse,
“What did I do?” I muttered,
“(Y/N), this isn’t your f-” I cut Kori off by flying to the tower and retreating to my room, I sat behind the door and cried,
“(Y/N)?” Damian’s concerned voice came from the other side of the door, 
“Damian, leave her” Kori said,
“Leave her?! She needs comforting!” He snapped,
“She needs to calm herself down first” Kori retorted,
“What do you know what she needs?! She’s like this because of you!” He yelled,
“I’m her sister!” Kori snapped before sighing, “This isn’t the first time she’s lost control” She said with hints of sadness in her voice,
“Why haven’t you done anything to help her then?” Damian growled,
“Because she’s scared of her potential” Kori answered,
“What happened last time she lost control?” Damian asked,
“She placed all the guards and her trainers in a near-death situation, she was five at the time” Kori explained, it went quiet, I leaned my head against the door and closed my eyes,
“You know when people lock themselves in their room it’s because they want to be alone” I sigh as I looked over to Damian who was climbing through the window,
“I wanted to make sure you was alright” He said coming over to me,
“Don’t Damian. I don’t want to hurt you” I say, he sighed and knelt in front of me,
“(Y/N) look at me” He begged as I kept my eyes on the floor, “Beloved” He whispered making my eyes widened as I looked up at him, his own eyes were wide as a small blush covered his cheeks,
“Damian, you just called me beloved” I state,
“Now or never” He mumbled making me raise an eyebrow before he cupped my face and pulled me in for a kiss, just as I was about to kiss back he pulled away, “I’ve liked you for a while (Y/N)” He confessed,
“I like you too Damian” I smiled before pulling him back in for another kiss.
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