#but i do not control the speed at which
bolithesenate · 4 months
not to rub salt into open wounds, but jumping off of my ghost padawan headcanon from yesterday....
Popular fanon is that Sifo never took a Padawan because he feared his visions would hurt any child that had a bond with him.
But what if he simply didn't have a *living* Padawan?
Sifo-Dyas was already sick and Temple-bound most times. His visions preventing him from doing proper Jedi work.
So the least he could do was care for a lost soul or two.
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undead-knick-knack · 2 months
Laura Bailey with her dice superstitions
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boxfullaturtles · 3 months
Leo, humiliation for the angst prompts
Leo's always loved attention.
But not like this.
Not out in the open, unwilling and with nowhere to hide. Not as a display piece, a talking point, an exhibit. A prize.
A fucking pet.
They've dressed him up like some kind of doll--silken ribbons on his arms and fancy stockings on his legs. They spread some sort of lacquer on his shell so that it's shiny and glittery, painted his plastron in swirling designs, and tied clusters of flowers to his wrists and ankles. The muzzle on his face to keep his mouth shut is covered in pretty jewels and ribbons and they've stuffed his hands into stupid mittens so he can't tear anything off.
Leo might have found it funny if he wasn't being treated like an animal. Maybe he'll be able to laugh about it later. A lot later.
When he can forget about the way these bastards coo at him like he's a dog. When he can forget about the way they catch his face in their hands or stroke his shell or pat his head. When he can forget about being forced to sit on the floor on a cushion and sit still and behave so the collar they've covered in frills and bows doesn't go off and leave his body limp and useless for the next several hours.
The worst part is that they're never mean.
If they were mean, Leo could hate them, could be bitter and savage and let his rage build until it explodes. But they never give him any fuel. When he acts out or if he does something "wrong", they just tut at him and shake their head and correct him with a little smile.
He's nothing to them, nothing but a simple toy.
He loathes what they've done to him. But he's scared of what they might do when they finally grow bored.
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tj-crochets · 3 months
Re the rabid skunk
I’m from a country town and while it’s not something I was taught in school, I was definitely taught by my parents and other adults in my life to report possibly rabid or sick animals. There is some worry about rabies and other diseases diseases rising in the wildlife population so the forest service try to stay on top of it.
It’s a little messed up that no one was taking your concern seriously. Even if it was just a weird skunk, rabies and other animal diseases are no joke and pose a threat to people and other animals.
Thank you! It's very...idk the word. Affirming? Good to know it's not just me that thinks it's like a responsibility to report potentially rabid animals, like it's just a thing you do
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emry-stars-art · 9 months
Hi, I'm a huge fan of ur Royal au and ik u said u weren't going 2 actually wright a fuc abt it originaly but I was wondering if that had changed lately or if u might change ur mind due 2 ask the work uve put in? I really love this au and think uve done a fantastic job
1) thank you SO much I’m just so happy people are appreciating it 🥰🥹
2) i still have not starting writing a full fic, but I AM invested in reorganizing the timeline and adding in ideas I’ve gotten since to see how close we might be to actually getting a full fic! If/when it is all done it’ll be super long (good chance it’ll be notably longer than my modern college fic) so it would still be a ways off! But if I can keep getting inspiration and/or cheerleading from all you lovely amazing friends in chats/tags/asks then it is a very real possibility in the future 🤭
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tobi-smp · 2 years
"can quackity be redeemed?" "can dream be redeemed?" “can sam/phil/wilbur-”
redemption isn’t something you Earn, it’s something you Do.
redemption isn’t being forgiven and it’s not doing enough Good to erase the bad that you’ve done (to Fundamentally and Totally become a “good person” when you look at your life in its totality).
redemption is a Choice that you consciously make to become a better person. it’s recognizing that what you did was wrong and that something needs to change and putting in that effort to try to change. Anybody can be redeemed, Anybody can make that choice to do better.
the question is not “can this person make up for what they’ve done wrong?” or “can this person get the people they hurt to forgive them?” because that’s not always what Doing Better looks like. sometimes the Right thing to do is leave the people that you hurt alone, sometimes it’s Unfair to expect someone to forgive you at all, sometimes there Is no way to fix what’s been done. sometimes to become a better person you have to accept that you Can’t fix the past, but you Can change your future. that putting in the work to change is worth it anyways.
the difference between a character like dream and characters like quackity, wilbur, or even sam isn’t that dream Can’t be redeemed, it’s that he isn’t likely to make the Choice to redeem himself. he tells himself that he’s better than sam because he’s not in denial about the things he’s done, but what it really shakes out to is that he doesn’t Care what impact his actions have. even when He’s the recipient of the damage he causes he’ll blame somebody else (namely, tommy).
sam works off of denial because if he accepted the damage he’s caused for what it is he’d crumble. he views what he does as strictly necessary, justifies it to himself no matter what, because if he doesn’t he’d fall apart from the guilt and anguish. dream knows Exactly what he’s done and he’s had nothing but a good time doing it.
likewise, I find the question of “can Quackity be redeemed” or “can Wilbur be redeemed” a frankly baffling one, because by all accounts they are currently in the process of Trying To Become Better People.
slime asking quackity if revenge is ever worth it and quackity telling him No, It’s Not. leading into purpled killing slime in Direct response to quackity’s actions, in the aftermath of quackity thinking that dream had escaped Because Of His Own Actions. followed by quackity Deliberately not seeking revenge on purpled and instead working tirelessly to try to Help his friend.
and again, when we see him next it’s him promising to be there for tommy, to protect him because he wants to Choose to be there for the people who are important to him rather than choosing to Hurt out of revenge.
and yes, that Did definitely get lost in season four being.. what it is. but it is Undeniably at the Very Least a set up for a redemption arc. quackity has finally recognized that revenge and lashing out won’t get him what he wants, that it just hurts the people that are important to him and makes him Unhappier in the long run.
and wilbur is. Doing His Best. he desperately Wants to be a better person, but he doesn’t know How to do that. he’s fumbling and making massive mistakes because he was in a bad place before and now he has no real perspective on what’s happened while he was gone or even what’s happening Now.
he’s directly tied his own morality to the way that other people see him. and to that end he thinks that to be Redeemed, to be a better person, he has to get Forgiveness. and in a way, I think that has to do in part because he doesn’t want the redemption process to be Painful, he wants it to be easy because he wants it to not hurt anymore. and feeling that way doesn’t Diminish someone’s efforts to try to be better.
but what this means is that he’s been avoiding the parts of Becoming a better person that hurt. he’s still a messy person whose prone to making bad decisions and big mistakes because he hasn’t Really examined the bigger fundamental problems with things like his Mindset or the ways he lashes out when under pressure or insecurity yet. and again, I reckon a big part of that is because he doesn’t know How, he doesn’t know How to recognize and learn to cope with those messier parts of himself without falling back into that self-hating mindset that literally killed him.
he’s not a bad person for this, and this doesn’t take away from the fact that he Is in the process of redemption. it means that it’s going to take time, that it’s going to be Hard. and sometimes that’s just the reality of bettering yourself as a person. it is Okay to be at a part of your journey where you don’t know what to do yet, it is Okay to still make mistakes and be a messy person. the important part is Wanting to do better and Putting In The Effort.
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completeoveranalysis · 9 months
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It's time to see the reservoir.
Oh no.
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rate-a-spam-bot · 8 months
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but I wish I did.
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bumbledees · 3 months
I think I have a tag from @shootingstarpilot again? Even if not I will take the slightest excuse to post because I finally managed to update Rumor Has It, even if the chapter isn't long. And because this snippet right here is my favorite part of the chapter and I can't resist sharing:
“It’s somewhat of a running joke among Ghost Company that we are married,” Kenobi clarifies for his former Padawan. “What?” “Tracker has informed us that it is in the way we argue,” Kenobi says. From Skywalker’s slack-jawed expression it is clear this explains nothing. “Tracker has the romantic bent of a rathar, sir,” Cody reminds his jetti. “He has a type,” Kenobi acknowledges. “But that’s not a crime.” “His type is violence,” Cody says. “And anything you say in his defense can and will be held against you.” Kenobi glares at him. Cody gives him a bland and inoffensive smile. Skywalker opens his mouth, closes it, and then opens it again. “Someday I will know as much about you as you know about me,” Kenobi threatens, pointing a finger at Cody.  “Die trying, sir,” Cody tells him.
(as always no-pressure tags to any other fic authors who follow me! i love to see what people are writing.)
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dissentersrising · 11 months
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fun fact i actually have a scry for hofnarr sitting in my dressing room somewhere
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cheriewatch · 8 months
Hades Pharah trying to explain that shes not the god of death:I do not control the die
Hades Pharah also trying to explain that she rules over the dead:I control the die
Poseidon Ramattra:I control lobsters
Zeus Junker Queen:I do control
Hermes Lucio:I do speed
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sunwarmed-ash · 8 months
10 likes and I'll post a lil snip of the Hankconvin900 one shot I'm writing instead of working on the eden club 👀👀
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Today was the last DND session for a three-year campaign and I am big sad :(
One of the players brought whiskey for a last toast, which was very kind of them. I had never had whiskey before. Turns out I do not like whiskey. Unsurprising.
It tastes like slightly nicer hand sanitizer.
#blue chatter#it was a flavored whiskey as well#everyone else who had it said it was rly smooth and sweet#so I don’t think I super wanna know what regular whiskey tastes like#it was supposed to be like vanilla caramel flavored or smth#I was told it was like cream soda and that was a LIE it was like disinfectant#with a vanilla aftertaste#the campaign went rly rly well though#I’m seriously going to miss it#the final boss battle was just pure catharsis we absolutely whaled on that dark abberant goddess#she got Destroyed#an entire section of the continent restructured bc of the removal of her corruption#I rly like that my character got to be disabled at the tail end of this campaign#they wielded experimental magic that wasn’t supposed to work and resurrected someone who the Keeper very intentionally kept dead#it worked because they partially fused with Arawai the goddess of life and became her aspect on earth#but becoming partially divine in a mortal body takes a toll#they had more and more limited mobility and the more they cast magic to compensate the more of a toll it takes#functionally that meant my movement speed was reduced#and I lost more abilities after each combat as the consequences of overextending myself caught up to me#I wish I’d gotten to play this longer to see how this ended mechanically but it was a lot of fun to get a character who is both#very magically competent and still disabled and that still affects their ability and they still get the dignity of risk#to choose whether to continue casting or not knowing the consequences of doing so#it is very much a fantastical disability which I flavored heavily off of chronic fatigue and a mobility disorder#in-game their skin became hard and brassy around their joints which make them difficult and painful to bend#they lose a lot of sensation and fine motor control#thankfully they have a lot of money from their adventuring so they can commission an accessible house and mobility aids#and their friends help take care of them
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boxfullaturtles · 4 months
Choosing Hope AU was supposed to be kind and sweet and wholesome and have a big emphasis on family
Then Bishop decided he wanted to be there and now everything's gone to hell in a hand basket
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illiana-mystery · 10 months
Speed 2 but it's just my husband, John Geiger for more than 3 minutes.
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imagefragrance · 4 months
told my boss i had the flu and she said to just close early and go home and not worry until i feel better… i love her she is kinda my queen….
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