#but i see ppl that don’t even ship j/j saying this which makes 0 sense to me
cookie-de-baunilha · 3 months
Most people agree that John should move on with his life, let go of Jamie and find happiness in a real relationship. But there are some takes on this subject that really piss me off.
I’m sorry but “oh I know John will never love someone like/more than he loves Jamie, but I really wish he could find a great guy and have a nice relationship with him!!” is not the good argument that you think it is.
That’s not getting over Jamie, that’s settling for second best. Well, he can’t have Jamie, poor thing! So he will have to take someone else who he won’t love as much as he loves Jamie but at least he will have someone to cuddle with at night 🥺
Why can’t John actually get over Jamie?? Why should he settle for the second best? Worse, why should his partner accept being the second choice??
I damn well don’t want John loving someone else like he loves Jamie because that shit is completely unhealthy imo, but I know that’s not what people mean.
Jamie being the superior god-like man that everyone is in love with/is attracted to/wants to fuck is kinda ridiculous imho, but I understand the appeal that a character like that has for the audience of a romance book/show. But to put Jamie so high up in a pedestal and to think that John should be forever in love with him and not ever get over him because oh lord nothing is comparable to King-of-Men-Jamie is… a choice.
Listen. I know that’s on Diana. She is the one who wrote John like this. But I wish people would be more critical of Diana’s writing of him instead of swallowing that shit up like it’s chocolate. Everyone knows how problematic the books can be regarding certain topics, this is just another one of these things.
Instead of accepting that John won’t ever get over Jamie/won’t ever love someone as much as he loves Jamie, you should be asking yourself: why is that Diana writes him like this? Why does she insist in the stereotypical cliché of the gay man having unrequited feelings for his straight best friend? Why can’t John truly move on and stop having romantic feelings for Jamie? Why should Jamie be John’s greatest love?
Outlander is essentially a romance (idgaf about what DG says). Love of all types is a running theme: not only romantic love, but the love that exists within family and friendship. And yes, there’s a lot of platonic/friendship kind of love between J/J.
But romantic love specifically has a huge role in this story. We have straight couples left and right in this series: Claire and Jamie, Bree and Roger, Fergus and Marsali, Ian and Rachel, Dottie and Denzell, Hal and Minnie, Jenny and Ian, hell, even Brian and Ellen are getting a spin-off.
So I’m sorry but it’s really freaking weird that, in the middle of all this, people say that John (the character with his own book series and one of the main POV characters in the main series, mind you) won’t ever be able to love someone like he loves Jamie, or more than he loves Jamie. It’s really freaking weird that people say that John has to settle with second best — because that’s essentially what’s being said every time someone says that John won’t ever love someone like he loves Jamie but he should find someone else to be in a relationship with anyway.
All of that for what? Keep the cliché of the gay dude in love with his straight best friend and who never moves on? C’mon now. Don’t piss me off.
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@tinkiisms asked so guESS WHAT I’m gonna ramble about the Hook and George Darling being portrayed by the same fellow usually which I have not rambled about before I just needed an excuse. And it got long so I’ll use a readmore.
It is a tradition that Hook and Mr Darling be played by the same actor because he was when the play was first preformed. There are m any theories that have spawned off this, some of which depend on one's view point as to whether or not Neverland is actually real or dreamed. If dreamed, some speculate that the character of Hook takes on traits from George because similiar temper and, well it’s the main man the children are familiar with so?? why not imagine your dad as a slightly different looking pirate especially after you just had a disagreement with him. I do not necessarily agree with this because I consider Neverland to be a real place and also follow the more strongly agreed upon fact that James Hook actually represented the author JM Barrie, both in certain characteristics and when he played with the children that inspired the story of Peter Pan (the movie Finding Neverland is v good I cried but anyway it shows him actually pretending to be Hook for a game at one point). Another theory I have seen was that Hook’s death in book was symbolic of Mr Darling’s redemption in real life, but this also seems based on the more dream-Neverland concept. THat’s just my opinion I am not saying they are bAD theories they just do not work for me personally. Also, I’ve talked to a Wendy in the past (they are no longer active) and we mused over the fact that part of the reason she may have been surprised by Hook in the book (beyond manners) could have been because he reminded her of her father. Makes sense to me tbh (a lot more than her just ‘oh wow you’re handsome’ bc she is still a chiLD and I would be much more surprised to if I saw a pirate guy who looked somewhat like my dad with long hair and in rly nice old-fashioned clothes at her age than a much older attractive man, but that’s an apparently rather unpopular opinion of mine).
OTHER THAN THAT I cannot think of any other theories off the top of my head, probably because they did not make sense to me at the time so I didn’t remember them. I do have my own views/observations from studying Disney version of the story if you’d like to hear those, if not you can just ignore the rest of this post. And I don’t feel like I need to point out that Disney version has it’s share of differences from the original book/play to you, but I’ll just remind about that fact for anyone else reading before I continue.
Okay so obviously Disney is animated there are no live people seen in the movie, BUT this was during the days that people still modeled for the characters and scenes etc (Tink had a cute model but I forgot her name gah) for the animators. Hans Conried, however, not only provided voices to both men but also posed and etc. Hook’s design actually changed to resemble and in some cases even act more like him, such as Conried’s rather dramatic gestures and expressions. He also had great manners and elegance and hIEGHT irl so that helped support those aspects of Hook as well (my Hook’s hc height is actually the same as Hans Conried’s). Unfortunately I don’t know if he modeled for George Darling too, I’ve only seen photos of him dressed like Hook for scenes from the film. But judging by George and Hook’s temperaments and dramatic poses/gestures, I’d imagine he probably did; if he didn’t, they certainly appear to have at least let him inspire Mr Darling too. And their voices even sarcasm are definitely a lot alike, Hook just has a tad of sea slang thrown in while George does not. In other words, despite being animated, Walt Disney still very much incorporated the tradition of them being portrayed by the same person. I personally take this a step further in my portrayal by including one or two of the traits seen from George into Hook, such as his sympathy toward Nana when she is tied and the fact that he is not as concerned by little things when he’s drowsy or very tired. My Hook may also have father-ish traits surface from time to time in interactions with a few certain ppls muses that somehow manage to befriend him cOUGHES. This is a more indirect relation, but when Disney gave Hook a love interest in JatNP, she has red hair and curls. We don’t see Mrs. Darling’s hair down in the original film, but considering Wendy’s curls, it’s probably safe to assume hers is as well. MY POINT IS that much like George and Hook not looking exactly alike yet they can still remind someone of the other because of their personalities and gestures, Red Jessica does not look identical to Mary Darling b ut has the same calmer nature and ability to quieten her angry man far more quickly than anyone else by tone or simply a touch, j ust like Mary gets her husband to chill. They have another similarity or two but I have no idea if this was even intentional on Disney’s part, it is an interesting coincidence if wasn’t planned though. I didn’t intend to get into a reason I support a Disney Jr ship so much b ut since I was comparing the two men it seemed appropriate to point out the ladies they fall hard for are also quite similiar which reflects back again on their personalities. George is just more peaceful and law abiding business man who I’m p sure has never killed anyone, Hook is not.
There are probably some other things I could have talked about lurking in the back of my mind but I am currently very sleepy so this’ll have to do for now my apologizes for ramblish tendencies it’s a bad habit
OH WAIT NO there was one other notion I came up with one time in a joking manner but after I thought about it it is actually somewhat possible: Due to how similiar Hook and George are I cannot help wondering if they’re not actually distantly related. I have 0 evidence for this but the idea of Wendy and siblings actually being a great great+more greats niece and Hook learning this would freakin astonish him and that would be an interesting idea to play with imo bUT again that’s just my thoughts I have no backing beyond how much they can be compared/same hair color and height. Now I’m done even tho this probably has a lot of typos I should review but I’m not going to. Good night everyone I seriously need sleep
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