#but i was particularly lazy
fushigurro · 8 months
current thoughts: letting a needy boy get himself off by rocking against your thigh, fully clothed, while you lay and read, play around on your phone, or just watch tv. but maybe you could coo sweetly at him and stroke his hair if you’re feeling nice while he pathetically grinds against you, desperate to cum in his own pants. he huffs and pants so prettily against your neck that it’s hard to ignore him
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skittlewaffle · 2 years
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Lanky noodley unhinged jesters
aka one of my favorite genders 💖
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pepa-is-drawing · 2 months
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🤙call me maybe✨
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dustykneed · 5 months
i think theyre incredibly silly !! but also from a character design/shape language perspective the triumvirate is so terrific i keep nerding out whenever someone makes them Shaped as god intended.
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on the other hand my last midterms are tmr and i need something to keep me occupied after so by all means if yall have anything (if its tos spones mckirk or mcspirk rest assured that i WILL do it 100% bc im totally so sane abt then you see) youd like to see me scribble out in notes app feel free to send in an ask etc! ill do my best lmao
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robo-dino-puppy · 8 months
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horizontober 2023 | 3: recognize
greetings, dr. sobeck. you are clear to proceed.
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lizardsarecute · 6 months
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spent the rest of my evening making character palettes for the cast just so I can bumrush colors--totally worth it.
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 4 months
ok so we're all in agreement that the way the show is handling trixie and matthew's storyline is complete shite right?
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accirax · 7 months
DRDT vs. The Scrum Debate
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Greetings party people (<- DRDT fan community). By complete accident, I wound up writing some analysis addressing DRDT's Chapter 1 Scrum Debate and what it might mean for the future of Chapter 2. Although it can no longer be used in the exact context for which I originally wrote it, there were still some interesting things to note, so I thought I'd share.
So, here's the question I'll pose: whenever DRDT's Chapter 2 Scrum Debate eventually appears, can we deduce who the killer is by which side of the Scrum Debate they're on? (DRDT spoilers, obviously, as well as V3 spoilers.)
Let's start out with the facts of DRDT so far. I'll recap the Scrum Debate using this formatting: the person listed first is the one who speaks first, on the team opposite the protagonist. The person listed after the arrow (->) is the person who countered them from the protagonist's team. The team whose opinion is proven correct by the end of the Trial will have their names in green, while the incorrect team will be listed in red. The killer is bolded. The protagonist is underlined. The protagonist's side always wins, so I'm not additionally marking that in any special way. I'll list anyone who doesn't talk at the bottom, and cross their name out (name) if they're dead.
DRDT Chapter 1 Scrum Debate
Question: Is Teruko the culprit? (yes/no) J -> Nico David -> Whit Veronika -> Rose Levi -> Ace Hu -> Eden Arei -> Arturo Min -> Teruko No lines: Xander, Charles
In this case, Xander didn't speak in the Scrum Debate (because he's dead) and neither did Charles (because he was having a mental breakdown). As it stands so far in DRDT, the "pattern" is that the killer, Min, spoke and was on the team opposite from Teruko. She was countered by Teruko herself, even!
Therefore, you could say that "the killer will be someone who argues on the opposite side of the protagonist, and possibly even whoever is countered by Teruko. If your killer pick winds up on Teruko's team, it's bad news for you."
However, it's hard to find a pattern in only one example. Now, we'll see if those assumptions hold true when compared to the OG of Scrum Debates, the canonical Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony.
V3 Chapter 1 Scrum Debate
Question: Is Shuichi the culprit? (yes/no) Kiyo -> Gonta Miu -> Kaito Maki -> Kirumi Ryoma -> Kiibo Kokichi -> Kaede No lines: Rantaro, Angie, Tenko, Tsumugi, Himiko, Shuichi (^ Unlike what's been shown in DRDT so far, in V3, characters' death portraits are assigned to a side of the Scrum Debate. That is what these colors note for Rantaro right now, and other dead students below.)
V3 Chapter 2 Scrum Debate
Question: When was the body put in the piranha tank? (in the morning/at night) Tsumugi -> Angie Kiyo -> Himiko Miu -> Kaito Kokichi -> Shuichi Gonta -> Maki Kirumi -> Tenko No lines: Rantaro, Kaede, Ryoma, Kiibo
V3 Chapter 3 Scrum Debate
Question: [Should we] Vote for Korekiyo [now, or discuss it further]? (vote now/discuss further)* Himiko -> Kiibo Miu -> Shuichi Kaito -> Kiyo Gonta -> Kokichi Maki -> Kiyo Tsumugi -> Shuichi No lines: Rantaro, Kaede, Ryoma, Kirumi, Angie, Tenko (*Although the team that said vote for Kiyo now would have technically been correct, given that he did kill Tenko and Angie, it's generally good practice to discuss every piece of evidence in a Class Trial in case something strange comes up last minute. Thus, I will call the team that said they should discuss further correct. If you disagree with this verdict, just flip the colors in your mind.)
V3 Chapter 4 Scrum Debate
Question: Could Gonta have committed the crime? (no/yes) Kaito -> Shuichi Tsumugi -> Kokichi Maki -> Kiibo Kaito -> Shuichi Kaito -> Kokichi Himiko -> Kiibo Gonta -> Shuichi No lines: Rantaro, Kaede, Ryoma, Kirumi, Angie, Tenko, Kiyo, Miu
V3 Chapter 5 Scrum Debate
Question: Which one is dead? (Kokichi/Kaito) Kiibo -> Shuichi Himiko -> Maki Tsumugi -> Maki Kiibo -> Shuichi Himiko -> Maki Tsumugi -> Shuichi No lines: Rantaro, Kaede, Ryoma, Kirumi, Angie, Tenko, Kiyo, Miu, Gonta, Kokichi, Kaito
Oof, my man Ryoma cannot catch a break. And Miu is only correct once she's dead; that's pretty funny.
Now, let's answer some questions! As established by v3...
Does the blackened have to be on the opposite team from the protagonist? No, Kiyo argued on Shuichi's side in Ch3!
Does the blackened have to be countered by the protagonist in their Class Trial? No, Kirumi, Kiyo, and Kaito were never countered by Shuichi!
Is the blackened always on the incorrect side of the Scrum Debate? No, Kaede, Kiyo*, and Kaito answered correctly!
Does the blackened have to speak in the Class Trial? No, Kaito didn't say anything, as himself or as Kokichi!
(Granted, Kaito not speaking was a very special circumstances that will in all likelihood never apply to DRDT, much less in this Class Trial. And, of course, Kaede wasn't countered by the protagonist either, but given that she was the protagonist at the time, that would have been basically impossible.)
With these answers, I think we can confirm that, in general, you cannot determine who the killer of a given Trial is based on where they're placed in the Scrum Debate. As established by V3, they can talk on the side of the protagonist, talk against the protagonist, or not talk at all, and they can still be the killer. It makes sense that it would be this way, or else you could start calling the killer as early as the first episode of the Trial, depending on the Scrum Debate's placement.
However, that's not to say that you can never infer things from the evidence you're given. In a well written Class Trial (which DRDT has, in my opinion), a killer is always looking to support their end goals in subtle ways. In V3, all of the killers acted in the way that made the most sense to them based on the question asked: Kaede wanted to protect Shuichi and everyone else, Kirumi wanted others to think the truth of the murder was impossible, Kiyo wanted to extend the Trial to evade a guilty verdict, Gonta genuinely believed he was innocent, and Kaito didn't tip the scales by commenting on one side or another. Of course, that begs the question: what will DRDT's Scrum Debate be about?
Personally, I think it will be about whether Arei met with the killer at 7:30 PM or 7:30 AM, and will happen almost immediately once episodes resume. Thus, in that specific scenario, I find it likely that DRDT Chapter 2's killer will once again be on the team opposite Teruko. Presumably, the killer would want to argue that the time was 7:30 PM, because they likely left AM or PM off of the note intentionally because they had an alibi at night. If we assume that Teruko would side with Charles in saying that the time was 7:30 AM, playing into her feeling that something about David being the blackened is wrong, then that would put her on the (likely correct) AM team, opposite the killer.
An interesting side note about this theory for the Scrum Debate's subject is that it's really similar to V3's Chapter 2 Scrum Debate question. V3 Ch2 asked whether Ryoma's body was placed in the Gym in the morning or at night, and DRDT's may ask if Arei's body was put in the Playground in the morning or at night. Similarly, "is Shuichi the culprit" and "is Teruko the culprit" are almost identical questions, down to the person suspected being the innocent eventual protagonist who was only put into this precarious position by their trigger-happy bestie.
If this pattern holds up, we might expect DRDT's subsequent Scrum Debates to ask us whether we should make an impulsive or cautious decision, something about someone's personality as it pertains to the crime, and which of two people is dead/the culprit. Does that information get anyone theorizing? I certainly think it's interesting idea.
Well, whatever happens, I'm sure we'll have lots to talk about once Episode 12 does eventually dropped. Thanks for checking this out, and hopefully I can post more properly planned DRDT content soon.
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Holy shit I thought I'd seen the worst and laziest gimmick blogs already. Congrats on setting the bar even lower.
@#$_&-+()/*"':;!?,.~`|•√π÷ק��£¢€¥^°={}\%©®™✓[] get a fucking job
jokes on you asshole, i am in school most of the day and have multiple hours of homework every night. i just ride the bus for two hours to and from school and know how to use a queue
and you? do you understand how much work i put into this blog? how much i've learned about various punctuation so that i—with time i could easily use doing something else i might add—can tell people about things that i find interesting? i doubt it because you just have a hate filled heart from what i can see, picking on blogs that you find lazy because you can't even bother to dig.
i would have just left this in the inbox; but i really do feel like showing everyone what a fool you are. i mean, come back when you know all the brackets and dashes and have read at least one book about punctuation and then you can talk about who's the "laziest gimmick blog"
and no, i am not justifying that keyboard smash of an attempt to get more punctuation. if you want to talk about lazy bud? take a look inwards, perhaps.
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stark-cregan · 2 months
after watching the borgias, it really puts into perspective how disappointing (and boring) the costuming for hotd is
which isn’t to say that hotd costumes aren’t nice (because some of them are) but they could certainly be better
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lazywriter-artist · 2 months
Tell us the love story behind Archmagos Mantis and Crab Logis. I crave this knowledge
Oooohh hhehehe
They adamantly will deny being in love while cuddling smh smh
But no their love story is pretty silly (and still in its rougher stages of drafting as well but I can share what I have thus far) they had met before really gaining their respective titles (ArchMagos & Logis) as techpreists, finding a strange spark with each other that they were certain wasn’t just static electrical shocks from their currently still remaining flesh (they tested) and found themselves spending long hours together to study and help one another with their work. Sharing philosophy and praying to the omnissiah together 🫶
Eventually they started to explore a bit further their bond, cuddling becoming something of their favorite as they studied together. It was a bit devastating when they slowly saw one another less and less to the point both felt empty without the other (lots more testing to be sure it wasn’t an oil deficiency trust me-), and their work became harder to fulfill. Though, the Omnissiah still needed them, so they pushed on. Of course, by will of the Omnissiah (rejoice) they ended up being paired together for an assignment and before you knew it their time was eaten up nice more working together.
of course one can’t deny results and boy did theirs sky rocket so they were permitted to remain paired together, their work all the better for it, and over time they just got more and more inseparable. You get a double deal when you request to see one- and god forbid you threaten one bc the other will be over you with binary death threats so fast.
All and all,
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Pretty sure they’ll explode if you do—
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vita940124 · 5 months
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First time cooking
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molluskzone · 1 month
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blake age timeline ^-^ im gonna make one for everyone i think
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thesovietonion77 · 11 months
hehe silly
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The four elements
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wurmwizzard · 6 months
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some exploratory inks of my parasitic alien surgeon woman Indigo .... she is so, so special to me and oh so morally questionable. Be careful, she will steal ur heart! physically and very, very literally 💜🐙🩻
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crimeronan · 1 year
there's an amity POV thing i wanna write for the princess luz AU, but it's truly plotless n largely just involves her being a spectator to one event that has already happened within the AU canon. which is fine i guess, i can do whatever i want and all that
but. i must admit. that 98% of the reason that i want to write this is.... just for amity watching hunter and luz be How They Are. & having a very long moment where she's genuinely and not-unkindly like. okay. Wow. you two really truly honest to god are complete freaks. god bless, love and light, diplomatic phrasing and all that, but jesus FUCKING CHRI-
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