#but it's a start
dokidokistart · 5 months
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winter break carlando
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acetier · 2 years
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Thank you for so many good years!
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landwriter · 1 year
Heya, I love your writing and taste in things.
I’ve finished (and loved) everything you’ve posted <3
Are there any sandman fics that have tickled your fancy lately?
Thank you so much!!! I sadly do not have time to read near as much Sandman fic as I'd like, but I have scoured both my memory and my bookmarks on AO3 (all twelve of them) and dug up some absolutely wonderful stories - hope at least one or two of these is new to you?!
I am probably a bit weird in this, but I don't bookmark fics I love (which is really nearly all I've read) insamuch as fics that have done something in particular that I think is so well-executed or clever or inspiring that I want to be able to study it like a creature in its own right. Usually these are stories that have the traits I admire most in fiction: economy of language, being very fucking funny, making me viscerally uncomfortable, or outright haunting me.
I loved reading all of them but your mileage may vary! Caveat lector like more than half of these are smut and/or violent so please check the tags against your own preferences. Several long-winded recs with excerpts and explanations under the cut:
The Birthday of the Beast | @slythernim | Dream/Hob | T | 3.3K
Father Almighty, though I have long not been your servant, I remain your unmanageable son. Here on Earth, closer to Hell than to Heaven, as I celebrate perhaps the least holy of holy days, I must imagine myself like unto Lucifer more than as Michael, that he and I might together make of the darkness a place for humanity to grow. He blows out the candles. 
Hob turns 666. Extremely fun fic by Nym that features incredible characterization within a very short space, Catholicism, Lucifer, and of course, gets a very special birthday gift. But you shall have to read the fic to see what it is. Read everything of Nym's, actually.
New Mistakes | Anonymous | Dream/Corinthian | M | 3.2K
Dream slid his thumb into the Corinthian’s mouth, the one he shared with most, the one with which he commonly spoke. “Well?” he asked. “Are you fed?” The voice that came from his left-eye mouth buzzed like locusts. My lord, we are. The voice that came from his right-eye mouth dripped like honey. My lord, we can always be fed more. Dream pulled back, looking at the Corinthian expectantly. The Corinthian swallowed, running his tongue along his teeth. There was a faint blush on his cheeks, and Dream was unaccountably flattered. “My lord,” he said. “I wish to be good.”
Have read almost no Corintheus but this fic hits on so much that I find distantly intriguing about the pairing. Perfect dialogue, gorgeous rhythm. Wonderfully visceral. Absolutely bonkers nuts for repetition in threes, as I'm sure you know, and I love how it was used here.
Lucy Locket | Anonymous | Dream/Hob and Dream/Hob/Corinthian | E | 17K
Five chapters (now with a new threesome added in late April, much to my delighted surprise!) of just fantastic roleplay smut that in-between all the sex is by turns incredibly funny and tender. Alternating Dream and Hob POV. As somebody for whom sexual roleplay has been my literal bread and butter on a professional basis, it shouldn't be surprising I am so fond of this fic - but it catches me out every time! Like a blow from behind, and I am winded. It is ridiculously hot and distressingly perfect all-through, and I would absolutely marry the author about it (sorry author if you're reading this). No excerpt because I cannot choose and will simply suggest that if you're up for kink that you go read it all at once.
Public | @softest-punk | Dream/Hob | E | 1.1K
"Oh, darling," Hob murmurs, fingering the edge of Dream's delicate lace knickers. Dream feels his smirk against his jaw, bites his lip at the brush of a kiss under his ear. "You forget how old I am. I learned to fuck with an audience."
Every day I get closer and closer to needing to write Dream and/or Hob with vulvas; this may have been the fic that sealed the deal for me, I think. Ridiculously hot, and enshrined in my head forever for the line above. I learned to fuck with an audience. God! How good. A masterclass in the slutty drabble that nevertheless retains peak Dream/Hob characterization (I would argue that sex is in fact one of the best narrative vehicles for characterization and exploration of interpersonal dynamics...this bias is probably why nearly all these recs are so horny.) One day I will learn how to write proper smut in media res like this and not preface it with gratuitous plot.
worship like a dog | @thewalrus-said | Dream/Hob | E | 2.5K
“Is it so inconceivable that I might love you?” Dream murmured, running his manicured nail down Hob’s cheek. Hob tried to speak, swallowed, and tried again. “No one ever has before,” he said. “No one but God.”
Hob is a priest. Dream is a demon, except he's not. Dizzyingly hot for so many reasons, with a delightful canon dialogue echo. And again, must stress this: Hob is a priest. Hob is a priest. Hob is a priest, go read it.
Safehouse | Anonymous | Hob/Corinthian | E | 5K
“I need a room. One without a door.”
The best execution of the sex pollen trope I've ever seen, with the worst men. Very, very good fic with a brilliant premise and unerring execution. World-building is done in such brief but vivid strokes - it feels like a 50K fic whenever I remember it, and I'm always surprised how short it actually is. Haunts me in the best of ways.
As well - these fics are well-known and well-loved - but some stories that are utterly wonderful and contain lines that haunt me weeks, sometimes months later - stories that rearranged my soul, lurched me closer towards writing for Sandman, and warrant mention even though I am SURE you have read them, include:
@moorishflower's iconic and beautiful Odyssey fic, maybe sprout wings was the first fic I commented on with my AO3 account, and among the best fics I've ever read in any fandom; slightly deeper cuts from Heather's oeuvre (if, for some reason you are not reading everything already) that I am obsessed with and have reread multiple times: vowel shift, most vain devices, an act of faith. Genius stuff and unbelievably gorgeous language. Just go read it all, honestly
@softest-punk's Shelter is one of the first Sandman fics I ever read, and is beyond lovely; if you have not read their entire deep and profoundly lovely back catalogue, I recommend Catching Up (quintessential Cecil deep tissue emotional massage), Delayed (or: my favourite kink and favourite Endless); Ferrous (vampires! bad men! ahh! ooh!); and I would of course be remiss and ungrateful to not mention self-abandon, and the confounding effects thereof, a 10K fic that perfectly answered my general question of how the three lads would actually get together once the Corinthian and Hob had started fucking (as narrative foils that deserve such treats)
@xx-vergil-xx's Hounds is an ongoing epic that has singlehandedly caused me more emotions than humanity has language for; it is ambitious in scope and sticks every landing. The world is alive and lovingly-detailed. The language is a poem. It is so smart, so beautiful, and so well-researched and built. It is a TEMPLE unto itself, and appropriately worthy of worship
I will also suggest you read absolutely everything by @that-banhus because she literally cannot miss and writes the loveliest, cleverest worlds. All of it.
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saffron0v0 · 5 months
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Sayaki Haga Manga style!
Reference used:
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Koinatsu, my dearest (⸝⸝> ༥ <⸝⸝)オネガイ♡
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they wear flowers on their chest
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for @mc5ftjillo, who inspired this post
so, as many may have noticed, our two favorite queers have been in the habit of showing off the flowers they really like. most significantly, we have louis putting flowers on his chest with his very own fashion line, 28 programme, and harry wearing a pair of coats in the late night talking mv where the boutonnières almost cover their entire fronts. this is - obviously - not random, but it really holds more significance than i even realised at first glance. 
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from the expo at the V&A museum: fashioning masculinities
history of the boutonnière
boutonnière, or flowers in the lapel of a suit/coat jacket
origin: (probably, likely) the war on roses: two neighboring houses in the north of england, fighting for the throne - wearing a red (house of lancaster) or white (house of york) rose on their chest to show off which house they belonged to
prince albert supposedly started the modern trend of the lapel flower, after queen victoria offered him flowers on their first wedding anniversary, which he subsequently put on display in his jacket. since there were photos made of the event, which was a rarity back then, the gesture spread as a trend
from then on, and especially through the years, it was a sign of a dressed-up gent. formal, masculine, and a show of love - wiki: symbol of good breeding, elegance, and sophistication
green carnation, oscar wilde: 
oscar wilde, a famously queer writer, made a statement by wearing a green carnation in his lapel at the premiere of his play, Lady Windermere’s Fan, in 1892, urging his friends to do the same. it instantly became a symbol for solidarity among queer men, for men who loved other men
‘unnatural’ color for a flower:
“Blooming Haus speculates this may have been Oscar Wilde's way of poking fun at the authorities, using an unnatural green flower to mock the idea that, at the time, love between two men was seen as "unnatural.”
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queerness of flowers, flowers symbolising queerness 
flowers have borrowed their names and meanings to the queer community, for all sorts of nicknames or secret codes. like the slang ‘pansy’ for a gay man, which is just a little flower, or how a violet is an ancient lesbian symbol. (or how “evening botanist” is an old school term for a gay man which i think is just the funniest thing ever)
love, esp love between gay men in japan
key part of identity! f.e. Pokémon character James is often shown carrying a rose, which is an established symbol in anime to signify a character is gay
in japan, a popular genre of manga is known as yuri, revolving around romantic relationships between women
depictions of female genitalia
“Both the Greeks and Romans held the Lily in very high regard, including it in dozens of their religious myths and breeding the plants extensively. Alchemists considered it a lunar plant with feminine qualities, while the Lily is in high demand in China for weddings because its name sounds like the start of a phrase wishing the couple a happy union for a century.”
louis came on stage at the afhf last summer with a custom-made jersey, designed by the man himself, which was pretty much covered in flowers. a flower on his right pec, a bouquet on his left.
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NOW what’s super interesting here, is that louis is channelling the origins of the boutonnière with the abstract flower symbol he’s adopted as the 28 official programme logo!! it’s a yorkshire rose, the emblem of his home county. AND THEN on the OTHER SIDE he’s got ROSES, a whole bouquet of them, a universal symbol of romance, as well as that of a gay man. with the added fuck-me-up detail that the fabric of the jersey is green, the typical color of a certain someone we know, making the flowers green. just like the green coronation. ok. ok.
then we have harry, who has used lilies before, in the photo shoot for the fine line cover art and booklet, where it was used to symbolise rebirth and femininity. now, in the late night talking mv, he wore the lilies on his chest, first in the museum scene, which flows into the date scene, as well as at the end, where he officiates a wedding and then falls from the sky.
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it’s completely meant to fit into the tradition of the boutonnière. harry is conveying the message: i am queer, and i am wearing it proudly on my chest. it’s not subtle, is it? it’s meant as a clear symbol for those who understand, just like oscar wilde and his friends wore the green carnation. it’s so beautiful that it’s the lily on his chest, causing the flower to be a theme in his art, of rebirth and femininity. 
when you look at when exactly harry is wearing the boutonnières in the mv, it’s just...?? in the museum, he’s the art exhibit. he’s wearing the lilies openly on his chest. then, he’s on a private date with a man. his napkin is even pushed to the side a little to show off the flowers in full. then, when he’s officiating a queer wedding, he’s wearing them, and then he seems to be shot from the sky by lightning, and he’s falling through the sky on his bed. WHAT DOES IT MEAN? harry’s gayness, or the way he’s shown it with messages, isn’t hidden. irl he walks around with a pride enamel pin. he’s being scrutinised, studied, and he’s still not hiding it. then he’s in private, celebrating love, and he shows it, loud and proud. it reminds me of how harry’s stated in the past that he has shown us who he is. that he’s said it in enough ways. he hides in plain sight, just like oscar wilde and his entourage. general society knew what the green flower meant, but it remained something unspoken. now, any casual observer could see that harry is at least not straight. and yet, still, you are deemed straight until stated otherwise. 
so what does one do, when one can’t say it out loud? a bit of queer signalling. with flowers. 
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ninjagood4 · 7 months
I've already tried to make an Ultra dragon in mixed technique, but failed. Hopefully now, with a lot more experience, I be able to do it.
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I rarely show the first stages of my work, but here's the base for this cutie, which I'm quite happy with (looks creepy*)😊
All these guys look just as creepy on the inside 🫣
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kuwdora · 25 days
friday!!!!!! it's friday. a cause for celebration to make it to the end of the week. Getting bad news during the week was exhausting. But it's friday. in which I get predictable but stupid fucking news about my dental insurance not covering shit. An exhausted friday. A friday of many things I would love to work on but will probably only complete a few things because of exhaustion. very annoying. hoping i can squish the brain together to do some fun things this weekend. Brain is like a roulette wheel of projects that make me happy right now.
For a second I couldn't remember if I had finished posting my recent yennskier fic to ao3 but then I remembered I had gotten comments on that this week so that just tells you the state of my short term memory right now.
Just gotta keep rebooting the brain and move forward. Maybe I will try to watch new Doctor Who or Interview with the Vampire tonight. And Hacks. Or Star Trek Discovery (loving this new season). If I remember. So much TV I like right now with new eps, love it. Also still have a few acrylic art exercises I keep meaning to get back to now that I've cleared my art table. I also have some art posts I want to try and make around these tumblry parts. And share an old fanvid I haven't published before. But we'll see how I manage to get some other things done first.
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torra-and-the-toons · 30 days
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Speaking of Rufus and Dingo, I also wanted to try to make a production bible for them. (I probably won't submit it anywhere, I don't have the mental fortitude or knowledge it takes to make an entire cartoon, but I love to see the ones for like KND and EEnE so I wanted to try my hand at making one for them for shits and giggles.)
There's more to it, of course, but at least here's the character descriptions for the bois!
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emoticonheart · 3 months
guys... i think i can burp on command
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cyberholic77 · 2 months
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Hello <3
I made a NSFW twitter account to post my most spicy shots :)
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healerelowen · 5 months
Guess who got sick again?
So I decided to make the first Kaycee Hobbes(Game dev, the ghoul will come soon) headcanons as a reverse hurt/comfort sick headcanons post. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy and have a good rest of your day/night!
-Kaycee Hobbes sick headcanons-
Whine. Complain. Complain again. Whine. Throw a hissy fit. 
Kaycee can and will complain the whole time she is sick. Which is no surprise considering that women probably lives like a goblin. Kaycee would also have to be told to stop working on her mod and to go rest. (Leshy probably told her too.)
Will she listen? Maybe, maybe not. She might listen to Leshy but otherwise nope. Nada. You would have to pry her work out of her cold, dead hands. 
I do think that she would work on the mod and play against Leshy at least for a while with no complaint. But as she progresses and with every single little comment she makes on how awful it is being sick, Leshy’s concern rises bit by bit until he’s stopped playing altogether and is lecturing Kaycee to go to bed. 
Of course, it’s all out of concern for his friend but if he knows one thing about Kaycee, it’s that she is stubborn to an egregious fault. It would take her a while of this back and forth disagreeing until she actually gives in and goes to bed. 
During this time she only lives on Sprite and instant ramen (mood). She doesn’t strike me as a tea person.
Not a whole lot to say other than she can and will be melodramatic about it.
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yarnings · 2 months
Guys, you don't know how big a deal this is. The amounts that got raised? That's what I made, 15 years ago. And they had already been stagnant for a while. So the 50% increase is... still not bringing it back to what it used to be.
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r0b1ee · 8 months
Just started work on my Dee Bratz restyle 🫡
She's got a rough first draft hairstyle but once her hair dries I'll clean it up
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heist · 1 month
It is in your self-interest to find a way to be very tender
ok jenny fine.
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williamvapespeare · 2 years
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the last line i wrote was “He can’t help but stop and stare.” AND NEITHER CAN I BITCH, CAN’T HELP BUT STARE AT THE 50K WORDS I WROTE
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sleepygaytor · 10 months
I also attempted a design of my sona as a gnoll
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