#but luckily Pepa absolutely makes this man soft
Would you ever write another piece exploring Felix's anger? I really liked the story you wrote where he is angrily chopping wood. Maybe Pepa wanting him to express himself more or... I dunno.
I just think it's such an interesting headcanon/story.
I feel like Félix DOES hold a lot of the anger in. Let's explore it? Idk if it'll be smut or not atm, but we WILL get angry Félix, since you guys have been asking about it for a while.
Pepa was a woman to hold onto things. She held onto grudges, memories of the past, and the feeling that something was wrong. Like in her husband. A few days ago, she caught him in a fit of rage as she sent him to chop wood. They had the same raw, angry sex you'd expect from an angry Félix, and she thought that was it. But she was wrong. Félix didn't act out or say anything different, but as he was helping her cook some lunch, she just. Saw something.
Something that was amiss. They hadn't talked about it since then, which was so. Odd. Usually they always talked about their feelings. But whatever it was, Félix just. Clammed up about the topic.
"I can talk to you about anything, right?"
"Of course! Always and forever. Why, did you kill a man? I can find a spot-"
"No no. I'm saying I can talk to you, so you can talk to me too. You...know that, right?"
Félix paused as he turned off the rice. She noticed it was only a second, and he disguised it, making it look as if it was just the rice that demanded attention, rather than his thoughts. Had he ALWAYS done that?
"Course. What, did I do something? If so, I might have been drunk. You know me after a few shots-"
"I'm talking about the firewood incident."
She shut down his ramble quickly, and she saw just how uncomfortable that made him. He started to grab dishes to pour the food into, putting them on the table.
"Dolores, get your brothers. And what about it, Pepa?"
This was so weird. It just occured to her that he called the kids down here, WHILE talking to her about this issue. Was it a deflection? Was it so she'd be just a bit more careful with her words? Was this in her head? Regardless, he wasn't getting away from her so easily.
"Why are you doing that?"
"Doing what?"
"Deflecting. I thought you'd open up to me about this by now. You always talk to me."
"Pepi, after the kids eat-"
"Three of you, eat upstairs."
Camilo grinned, clearly giddy.
"You NEVER let us eat upstairs! Antonio, let's GO!"
Dolores paused, before inevitably joining her brothers upstairs. Félix sighed.
"Look, it wasn't a big deal. We all have bad days, that was mine-"
"You don't have angry days. Sad, sure, but not once have I seen you that angry. And you were talking to yourself, muttering the same way Bruno does."
"Just. An off day. Really, it's nothing."
Félix tried to start cleaning, but she blocked him from the sink.
"No it's not. If it was nothing, you'd be talking about it. You're dodging."
"I'm not. I just. It's not a big deal, I'm fine. You're getting upset-"
She pushed the pan out of his direction. She wasn't going to let this man just up and do anything to keep him out of this conversation.
"I'm upset because YOU'RE upset and you're not talking about it, Félix. This isn't fair, why is it YOU let me talk to you, but I can't-"
"Because I'm ALWAYS angry, Pepa! So it's no FUCKING different than it is every other day!"
She paused at the volume of his voice. Apparently putting him in a corner was enough to push him. He pushed past her to clean, being rather loud as he started to toss things into the sink.
"I'm angry EVERY day! I'm an angry fucking person! Every day it's different bullshit! If it isn't the villagers acting like privileged brats, if it isn't the bullshit pressure Abuela puts you through,"
The anger came out of him like a faucet. He was loud, he was tossing things around in almost a fit in order to get things cleaned. Even as he lathered up a sponge with soap and water, it was done with anger, him huffing and puffing as he kept ranting.
"It's shit with my family! Oh be nice to Mateo, even though he's got NO fucking filter, I can't fucking talk to my own big brother because fuck having feelings apparently! And the worst fucking part, Pepa, you won't fucking believe this!"
Félix was scrubbing so hard, the damn paint was coming off from the pan.
"It's the fact that I don't tell you that I'm angry EVERY DAY! Because I'm supposed to be calm and collected Félix! And I feel like such a fucking fake to you, I feel like if you ever really knew you'd fucking divorce me, and I'm scared and confused and angry and I just-SON OF A BITCH!!"
He scrubbed so hard on a plate, it broke, cutting his hand. She immediately dove in, grabbing a towel to help deep the cut from being riddled in bubbles and soap. She opened her mouth to speak, but saw tears welling in his eyes.
"I made a promise, on our wedding day, to never lie to you. And I...I feel awful, because I've been lying about how I feel. I love you. And I just. Don't want you to think less of me, Pepa. I'm sorry, you were probably just trying to get me angry so we can have sex. Go upstairs, I'll-"
He stopped as soon as she kissed his cut. She met his eyes, and smiled.
"Félix...you shouldn't have to hide things from me. You want to be mad, be mad! No one is perfect. You can handle my thunder, let me handle yours."
"Pepa, I'm. I'm not as calm as you give me credit for."
"Félix. We're both imperfect. I eat all the chocolate, you don't cut your damn toenails."
"You snore, and I hog the blankets."
"You tell lies, and I don't beat your ass for it."
That got a chuckle out of him. He put his other hand over hers, and sighed.
"Pepa I...I genuinely didn't know how you'd react to me actually being angry."
"I'm a grown woman. I can handle three kids, I can handle you. By the end of every day, tell me how you felt, okay? I love you. I want to love YOU. And if you is angry, you're angry."
She stood there, watching this man absolutely melt on the spot for her. He took her hand, and placed it over his heart.
"You're my EVERYTHING, Pepa. I'm so lucky to have you."
"I'm luckier."
"And I'm the luckiest."
She kissed his forehead, before gesturing upstairs.
"Let's get you upstairs. You want to take a nap?"
"Only if you join me. And you know What'd make it extra sexy?"
"If you do that thing I like. You know what I mean."
She did. She chuckled at him, before grabbing his head firmly, and with one sharp movement, made it crack loudly for him. They were both old at this point in their lives, so cracking each other's necks was as sexy as a lapdance. She had to hold onto him to keep him from falling, grinning down at him.
"Very. You're SO talented ~"
"Uh huh. Off to bed, come on."
"You're so pretty too~"
Pepa rolled her eyes at him, ushering him up the stairs. Pepa knew she had so much more to learn about Félix. But she was more than happy to know that some parts of him stayed exactly how she remembered.
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