#but no i must have restraint
fafnirhumgy · 1 month
More stuff about the super Persona crossover I’ve been yapping about, this time as random tidbits! Putting a linebreak under this one because it’s pretty lengthy…
While in the real world, all the furries take human form. In the Metaverse or highly fused regions, they return to their normal bodies.
In making the initial doc obsolete, the Wild Cards of the story currently are Aigis, Yu, Ren, Flynn, Marco, and Jayce. However, none of them can use their Wild Card abilities save innate perception of the Velvet Room because the rules of the game got screwed hard by three (and counting) separate world’s supernatural things colliding into the Persona world. In exchange, everyone’s got Sub-Persona stuff.
I realized that the plot heavily leans on the Hum being the most disruptive of the otherworld forces and wanted to include the other worlds as well. So I decided that the current specifics are the Hum hijacking Shadows and rumors to make them bleed into the real world, the Parents hijacking the Sea of Souls for future assimilation/experimentation and making themselves at home at the detriment of the memespace already there, and the demon that Jayce sees exploiting the Persona world’s rules to become an actual Demon and gaining power exponentially as a result. Any one alone would be troublesome, but manageable. Together, the world’s on the brink of collapse.
Jayce joins Flynn in having the Crocodile as the equivalent of the Fool. In fact, I was thinking of having all the anthro newbies having the Paul Christian deck. Either that or Thoth. Probably the former.
Each of the worlds now have different summoning methods. For Echo, they have to replicate a symbolic act of sacrifice for their strongest regret and breaking a cycle of some kind (Flynn using a lighter and letting his Persona rage forth from the flames almost scorching him off, TJ tearing apart a rosary, Leo tossing away the anchor band). For Adastra, they have to break out of bindings made of flowers representing their strongest outward emotion (Marco crushing the bloom of a dandelion collar as dual hope and freedom, Alexios shattering wolfsbane manacles). Haven’t figured out what to do for Socially Awkward.
Hikari and Guernica aren’t Persona Users. They’re just that in-tune with the Sea of Souls due to their prior experiences in Enlil’s theatre and Jerri’s world respectively, as well as being artists really dedicated to their craft.
Sophia managed to redevelop the same ability that EMMA had to create Jails. After neutering the power so any Jails she made couldn’t steal Desires and were little more than digital simulations of what a heart’s inner world would be, distorted or otherwise, Ichinose and Sophia sealed this ability away. Of course, eventually they need it to figure out certain things about information being hidden directly in hearts as part of a gambit by Nyarly and Philemon…
The general flow is Investigation Team in Inaba going to Tokyo, finding the Phantom Thieves, then scurrying over to Iwatodai and the Shadow Operatives to deal with an upsurge of Shadows since local space-time was still healing up there before the crash. Then, after a bit of touch-and-go miscommunication and actual communication with Hikari Studios, it’s a worldwide roadtrip.
The fusion of worlds gets bad enough that Morgana can turn into his van form at one point while the Phantom Thieves are left car-less. Surprisingly, despite the weirdness thus far, Carl is the only one who gets surprised by this. Some of the others wonder if Teddie and Koromaru can do the same.
Teddie eventually finds a Shadow mask in his bear fur, marked with his one-of-a-kind Star arcana. Thanks to his development he brushes it aside easily and even shows it off for some funny moments and team exposition, and even proves surprisingly helpful when infiltrating a Shadow nest at one point.
Philemon’s idea of helping is giving the newcomers Personas. Nyarlathotep’s idea of helping is pulling out the Innocent Sin cast for a reboot of the Masked Circle - in his words, “solving a failure with another failure”. He honestly believes that his “help” wouldn’t change the hopeless scenario that came of the disastrous world fusion, and is flabbergasted to see that having a team that knows how to manipulate rumors that come true to their advantage and already mucked with the Sea of Souls once was a perfect counter to the bigger threats.
Contemplating making Meera one of the VN Attendants alongside Sydney. Dunno for Jayce.
Language barrier? Don’t worry, just apply an unhealthy amount of cognitive crossover!
During the compulsory beach episode, Jayce debating with Marco over which athlete is hotter: Maccon, or Akihiko. Maccon is just huge and very huggable, while Akihiko is definitely more stylish and has just as well a lean build as the ex-wrestler’s own bulky build. Chase is trying not to get distracted by either man in question or the other women like Mitsuru around, this being the longest reprieve he’s had from the Sam simulation’s influence.
If this ever got made into a game, I’d want the system to be a weird mix of modern Persona, the Q spinoffs, and the Persona 2 duology. To be more precise, five Persona users in a battle and the Once More system, but with Shift and Q’s Boost instead of Baton Pass. While boosted, it can either be kept as a powered-up state or spent to execute a fusion skill, provided the right skills (or allies!) are in the current loadout. Hitting weaknesses with fusion skills can result in Once More regardless of if the enemy is knocked down or not, and additionally allows you to “chain” fusion skills together if you included a Boosted ally.
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yamujiburo · 11 months
I imagine that after getting close with Ash, Jessie might start to get baby fever. She enjoys being a dad so much that she wants more of it!!
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greyias · 4 months
Once again, time is getting away from me! And I! Keep! Forgetting! It is Life Day season inside of SWTOR, and there has been somewhat of a tradition over the past several years for us Star Forge folks to all meet up on Ilum and throw snowballs at each other, try to create ugly sweaters in SWTOR, gift useless gray items on unsuspecting party members, and in general invade a sleepy ice planet and cause havoc for an hour or two (or three if we're feeling frisky) and then disperse into the nether. And usually in the midst of it all obliterate our follower's dashboards with screenshots of the insanity we get up to.
So I ask, is this something we would like to continue?
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Me when I am subjected to Immortal Longings reviews when the person clearly took everything in the book completely at face value
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inga-don-studio · 8 days
Work has given me the opportunity to be fired for the funniest/stupidest reason I’ve heard of in a long time (like completely disproportionate to the forbidden deed) and I’m so tempted.
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spiralingdowwn · 1 year
Aryu is so relatable for walking right up to Chigiri and telling him how beautiful he is
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essektheylyss · 4 months
it's really cold and that's bad but it does mean I've spent the weekend in my truest state which is "fire tender goblin"
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baalzebufo · 7 months
i finished the last al-cana today (and put together a Big Post with all of them) and i am now going to sleep for seven days and seven nights. i will never draw again i have reached my peak. take me away boys
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fire-and-dew · 2 years
thinking of them 😔
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whspermy-name · 4 months
It's been like 4 days I'm legally allowed to change my whole theme now
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trollocs-ooc · 2 months
I think im going to hell for making Eleven 8 ft tall currently because i just stood up and tried to imagine what ppl look like from his perspective using that height chart and oh my god how can this man live normally like this
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moving-to-dreamwinged · 5 months
blog remodel? or do we like the current theme 🤔
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hiddenbeks · 3 months
girl help i have more than 350 skyrem mods bookmarked
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vampcaprisun · 3 months
halsin enjoyers, i’m telling you now, i have plans that i cannot share with you right now because the haters will sabotage me. i have plans that i cannot share with you because the haters (my chronic inability to finish a single fic that i start) will sabotage me.
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inkandgeese · 6 months
the constant battle of i want to write more but if i write more i will burn myself out
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day8423 · 1 year
the idea of fiona being cursed randomly (us as the audience never discovering a reason this unknown witch put a spell on her), has always been so interesting to me. multiple times i've considered diving into writing a backstory, why she was cursed, why this witch decided fiona was destined for true loves kiss. i actually do have a whole load of headcanons and metas stored in the back of my brain, which in actuality would flesh it out and grant a reason why. but i have never put them to paper, nor will i ever, because i kinda love that we don’t know? (yeah it was probably just the writers once again belittling fiona over her male counterparts and deciding their stories were more important… but i ain’t gonna rant about that right now.) it aligns with good vs evil, the stereotypes that these films portray. fiona’s been raised on very straight forward beliefs that put her in that tower in the first place.
we never know what the witch’s motive was: was she plain evil, or was something else planned down the line? either way, far far away proved itself tenfold as a stick to the book kind of kingdom, keeping in line with all stereotypes and never drifting too far from fated paths. in fiona being cursed, harold immediately grew concerned regarding the stray of expectancy, and did everything in his power to get his daughter, his kingdom, and his own happily ever after back on track. rather than seeing how things might play out, he went to a well-known solution and beloved story: a fair maiden locked away in a tower. not actually knowing why the witch cursed fiona, ultimately reinforces the notion that far far away is a very closed minded kingdom (at least where the king is concerned, despite his own backstory). however all this unwillingly places fiona into the role of a princess like no other, the first strike of independence. she steps out of her destined pages, and rewrites her own story. and along that road, changes the entire mindset of those in higher positions in far far away. she gives lesser respected creatures a voice, advocates that being different is okay, and not only beautiful people deserve a happy ending.
i have also loved the idea that it could have been fairy godmother that cursed fiona as a little girl, under disguise as a haggard witch, in order to assure her sons place in far far away when both children grew up. then, she presented herself under a guise of goodwill, promoting this plan of locking fiona away in a tower for her own safety and security, setting the wheels in motion from the beginning. lillian and harold were so desperate for help, and she took that vulnerability for granted. which all this was not difficult given harold’s debt to her; she knew he would listen lest he risk himself and his position. (i genuinely don’t think lillian had much say in all this, but that is a rant for another time!) she waited until fiona was old enough, rather than cursing her as a baby. ‘when i was a little girl a witch cast a spell on me.’ old enough to know how to act and behave as a member of royalty, but still young enough to be moulded and naïve regarding some aspects of the world. that when she returned with charming, she would lack experience and knowledge of how to truly be a princess, given her isolation and separation from her people. thus, charming and godmother could shape her as they pleased, and gain proper reigns of far far away over carefully planned precision.
either way, cursed by fairy godmother or a random witch, fiona is never going to find out, and eventually she becomes okay with that. for a long time all she wanted to know was why. why her. why was she so different to every other princess out there. never knowing why she was cursed really does just strengthen her mindset because while she struggled with it for such a long time, it shaped her into who she is. there’s no grand backstory, she has nothing to truly blame, no one to seek revenge upon; she just needs to deal with it. furthermore, because it was random and seemingly an act of unjustified cruelty, it allowed fiona to break herself free from feeling like a victim, and get out of the tower when she did. it wasn’t destiny that cursed her, it wasn’t set in stone, her life wasn’t meant to exist in a lonely tower. if her parents had said from the beginning that it was supposed to be her story, those three stages (cursed, tower, rescue) then she would have been crafted to live like that. it would have been expected. alas, it wasn’t any kind of fate, so she really just gave a big middle finger to feeling like a victim, and took her story into her own hands!!
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