#but really its just Lucy’s slow descent into insanity while Frisk struggles to do damage control
tenguucringefails · 10 months
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*checks smudged writing on hand*
It's...real convoluted. I don't even know how to sum up the plot simply because it's meant to be really meta.
I guess you can say Lucy is like a visitor to the Undertale Universe and is directly overseeing the narrative of the story. Like your usual self insert shenanigans except they've long since established a place into the story since before they even joined it, manipulating it to go exactly as it should. But that doesn't come without it's hiccups as Lucy finds their self deeply involved with everyone's life to the point of obsession.
Another thing to note, Lucy’s physical appearance changes a lot in and out of the story but this current look is sometime after meeting Frisk but before the fall. So don't be too alarmed if you see me drawing them differently a lot, there's lore reasons there.
Also sorry to the Undertale!Actors AU girlies that have thought of using that name because I'm stealing it from you.
Here’s more of Lucy and Frisk being goobers together and a bit more lore about them below!
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Frisk communicates through their soul to Lucy and Monsters! They're still very reserved and don't speak often, though.
[Note: The fall into the underground nearly kills Frisk but Lucy fuses their souls together to keep them alive. Lucy isn't human but her soul is very human like in appearance and thanks to their soul trait, compatibility wasn't much of an issue aside from Frisk becoming more magically inclined from Lucy's residual magic. Their soul trait is Transparency and it looks like milky glass. NORMALLY, Transparency souls are supposed to be crystal clear but trauma can cloud it! :o) ]
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During battles, Lucy releases her physical form and hides away in their shared soul. She usually leaves Frisk to handle things but she can control their movements and actions in this state.
When Lucy is like this, only Frisk can hear her colorful commentary and she has a LOT to say during battles lmao
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Frisk's eyes are naturally red and lidded. Rarely will they fully open their eyes and with the increase of magic in their body from the soul fusion, they often keep them completely closed because they're sensitive.
They also have thick lashes lmao
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Chara's here too! And Lucy hates them! She dislikes Chara and most variations of Chara and will instantly lock onto their presence, regardless of they're trying to be subtle. One notable thing about Chara is that when they're in control of Frisk, their eyes are wide open.
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As the text says, Lucy is shorter than Frisk lol
Frisk being 157cm
And Lucy being 152cm
But make no mistake, Lucy is not younger! Time becomes very mute for Lucy after a while, so it's hard to really give her an exact age...so we'll just say she's around 16-17 around the time she meets Frisk (I was 16 when I first played Undertale!). She stops aging at around 24, though, which happens much later.
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Frisk and Lucy are both little weirdos and share affection in odd ways. Since Lucy isn't human, she doesn't know how to love in a human way, so she ends up mimicing what she's seen and heard. She unintentionally picks up the way Frisk shows affection which happens to be similar to the way cats care for their kin.
I like to imagine Lucy and Frisk are platonic soulmates and both see their friendship as irreplaceable in each other's eyes!
Anyway, that's all it for now! Thanks for reading about my little goobies!
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