#but thats like the theme of this comic and i wanted to ensure it was understood lol
this-should-do · 2 years
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Losing your identity in favor of survival
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orionsangel86 · 8 months
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It's that time of year for anyone thinking about flexing their creative muscles and wanting to try their hand at a bit of art to throw themselves into Inktober!
This year thanks to this lovely fandoms enthusiam I thought it would be fun to run a Sandman themed inktober month and with help from the extremely talented @seiya-starsniper who has put together the above graphic, we have our prompt list for 2023!
Like all Inktober events the challenge is to post one piece of art each day throughout October to fit the prompt of that day.
All art mediums are welcome, from pencil sketches, to paints, to digital art etc.
If you fancy using the prompts as writing prompts instead that is also more than welcome.
Please ensure all posts are tagged #sandtober2023 to ensure that they are found.
If you would like to tag me too please do as I will reblog all contributions I come across.
If you can't commit to creating every single day thats absolutely fine! Pick the prompts and the days that you can do and go big for those!
This really is a no pressure, low commitment event if you want it to be, but of course if you want to challenge yourself to posting every day that is also highly encouraged! Do whatever you feel you can do!
There are no rules regarding characters or ships other than that they have to relate to either The Sandman comic or Netflix show.
Obviously standard fandom etiquette applies re no hate, discrimination, racism, homophobia, etc etc.
Also lets adhere to Tumblrs ban on anything too NSFW *sigh*. I'm personally fine with it but if you do wanna do something spicy maybe avoid drawing genitalia or anything that'll ping the filters.
Please do spread the prompts far and wide, cross-post to other social media, discord servers, anywhere you feel will generate interest so long as you tag #Sandtober2023
Most importantly HAVE FUN! I really can't wait to see what you all come up with!
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megacarapa · 3 years
I've been thinking about dcst Meet the Robinsons au ever since those comics a few weeks ago and now that post is bringing it all back lol. I feel like espacially if it was sengen it would be so wholesome if their kid was adopted like Senku was, it would be a nice  continuation of the theme of adoption that is present in both dcst and mtr
(Sidenote, for a movie who's big message is that adopted parents are just as much family as biological ones, it's surprising that most of the actual Robinsons are blood related, the only ones who aren't are Lewis, the two doorbell brothers, and the octopus butler if that counts😂, but what can you do)
Also, it would be so funny if their kid takes Senku 3700+ years into the future and now he has to make sure Senku doesn't look at any newspapers or calendars to find out what year it is because kid Senku finding out about the petrification would ruin the spacetime continuum or something😂
the nature of tumblr anon asks ensures that geniuses like this go uncredited😭😭😭 but yeah anon you are SO RIGHT
their kid: welcome to the future!
senku: oh cool! what year is it?
their kid: [LOUD SILENCE] oh look there's my house!
honestly, my hc for senku has always been that he doesn't have any kids at the end and is just a chaotic uncle to everyone else's kids n teaches them about science, but if i do imagine him having kids i always imagine him adopting🥺 i remember a time i saw someone's response to an ace senku headcanon being something like "it would be a shame if he doesn't have biological kids because then he can't pass on his genius to the next generation" (to be fair this was more in the earlier days of drst so i don't see people talk abt it that way anymore dgshsj) and honestly idk how much genetics affect intelligence to say anything to that but i still think senku adopting or not having kids at all would be so much better thematically, it's not like senku was born a genius, he was just a really curious kid who was determined to learn as much as he can purely because he wanted to, this theme is brought up a couple of times - the whole thing with science is that it's not just for the "eggheads" as nikki puts it lol, anyone can do it as long as they have the proper instructions to follow, thats what's so great about the corn city team building a diamond and the whole suika mini arc, suika is a literal child and she managed to save everyone because she was given a clear set of rules to follow that even she could understand, or not that she understood immediately, but the more you keep trying and failing the more you understand what you're doing wrong and therefore understand what you need to do to get it right, it's something everyone can do
also another sidenote, i am like positive that the whole senku being adopted thing was not planned by inagaki and just added in in the last second just to make 100% sure endgame kohasen isn't weird (like, it's never mentioned until its absolutely necesarry, and senku and byakuya's facial features look way too similar gsgdha like they're actually designed to look like father and son) BUT nevertheless, in the end i really love how they handled the theme of adoption in drst, that scene where senku is like "i never asked byakuya about my birth parents because those things just don't matter" and gen says "yeah, they don't matter at all" that fucking gets me o(-( like there's so many stories about adopted or foster kids being so obsessed with knowing who their birth parents are that it's so nice and refreshing to see a story where a kid is like "yeah i'm adopted, but this is my dad and he loves me and thats all that matters" MAN IT'S SO WHOLESOME
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otterplusharchive · 3 years
rey! do you have any recs for kdramas? i have never watched any, but i like lovable characters and romance ? thank you in advance!
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I DO IN FACT HAVE DRAMA RECS HII not all of these will be kdramas, but ill start with the kdramas ive watched and enjoyed and ill include all the warnings for them that i can remember off the top of my head and a brief synopsis for u!
1. weight lifting fairy kim bok joo
this was probably one of the first kdramas i saw people post about in like 2015 and i watched a little bit of it in 2016 but then only just got around to finishing it last year. the basic gist of it is its about a young sports college weight lifter, kim bok joo, centering around her navigating through her life and trying to figure out who she is and what she wants in life and what she wants to be. her romantic interest in the show is a swimmer and they have a sort of rivals to friends to lovers, he is SO in love with her and its adorable. i absolutely loved the side characters in this show theyre all so fun and kim bok joos best friends and weight lifting team are especially delightful. my main warning would be that this show addresses eating disorders and theres a lot of mention of both weight gain and weight loss, theres also a plot point early on where kim bok joo has a crush on her eventual love interests older brother but it gets resolved and the older brother literally goes "i didnt realize you had a crush on me and if i knew that i wouldnt have been so friendly with you, it would be completely innapropriate for us to be in a relationship". overall its a really sweet and emotional fun show but if you have issues with weight talk id skip this one
2. tale of the nine tailed
this one is really recent from last year and i didnt expect to be so hooked by it but boy howdy did i get attached to all the characters and the wild plot. it feels hard to explain the plot but basically a nine tailed fox named lee yeon is living in modern day seoul and is working for the underworld finding paranormal spirits/creatures/other rogue foxes that are causing havoc on the world, hes resigned himself to living this life while waiting for his girlfriend who died tragically 600 years ago to come back to life because he traded his status as a mountain god in order to ensure that her soul would one day be reincarnated. a plucky investigative journalist named nam ji ah figures out that hes not human and shenanagins ensue because she looks exactly like his dead girlfriend oooooo whatll happen. the plot beyond that gets really wild and its hard to explain and is easier to just watch. if u enjoy paranormal adventures this one is good. my one big complaint and issue with this is that the immortal mountain spirit meets his original girlfriend when shes a child and she continues to visit him off and on as she grows up which is Hm I Dont Like That! but thankfully the present time romance our female lead meets him when shes about 30 if im remembering right. also warnings for general fantasy violence, references to child abuse, animal death, and abandonment issues
3. extraordinary you
HUGE unreality warning for this. if you have issues with feeling unreal or have paranoia/delusions about not being a real person id avoid this one just because of its premise
ok i know i said tale of the nine tailed was a hard plot to explain but BOY extraordinary you is even HARDER to explain. because its so wild but so good. its about a girl who realizes that she is literally a side character in a comic book, and the story becomes her trying to change the story to save her character from dying but it becomes a lot more than that. the romance in this is literally tooth achingly sweet and the show itself is very pretty, i loved the side characters in this one and the show was engaging and interesting to watch it became really layered and meta. super reccomend this one honestly. my main issues/warnings that i can remember off the top of my head were just one character being the classic controlling boyfriend stereotype, bullying someone specifically for being poor, unreality like i mentioned before, and then at the very end there was this love interest for a side character who got reincarnated from a past piece of writing that they had been in and put in the comic but she was a student and he was the school cook which is weird but thankfully they like barely interact at all and theres no real romance he just like recognizes her and its barely a thing at the end of the show but its still weird
4. mystic pop up bar
big warning for suicide, sexual harrasment (which is framed as being bad and the guy whos harrassing the girl literally gets thrown off a roof)
i havent finished this one yet and thats mainly because im not emotionally ready because this one makes me soooo emotional. if you like found family this is a good one. its about a pop up bar run by a woman whos been tasked with solving the problems of a certain amount of people in order to atone for her crimes in the past before dying, shes able to enter the dreams of people and solve their issues using the information she gets in the dreams. paranormal shenanagins ensue, she acquires a son and a husband and it kills me its so fun and quirky and fun despite handling dark themes and peoples problems. also very sweet the found family murders me
5. kingdom (netflix original)
i literally am not going to be able to watch any other zombie media because kingdom and train to busan are the best pieces of zombie media ive ever seen. warnings for gore and violence and just general horror aspects.
i absolutely love this one its so thrilling and well done, i love the acting and the way that this show looks its absolutely gorgeous. a zombie plague breaks out in joseon period korea where the emperor has died and then was brought back to life by the queen and her father in a ploy to try and keep their family in political power, the crown prince must find answers. a lot more happens and its very dramatic and good i love the characters in this one
1. the untamed. if you follow me and you havent watched the untamed im begging you to watch the untamed. literally one of the most beautiful stories ive experienced in my life i am not joking when i say i cried multiple times over it. the main characters are canonically gay in love and have a son together please watch the untamed. handles a lot of dark themes, heres a tw guide
2. the sleuth of the ming dynasty
this is another one i havent finished but its fun so far, very gay, found family, food, and solving murder mysteries during the ming dynasty
3. hikaru no go (also known as qi hun)
havent finished this one, there is some propaganda about hong kong in the first episode but as far as i know thats the only instance of something like that in the show
this ones about the game go and so far its very sweet and fun, local boy awakens a ghost who was a master of the game of go hundreds of years ago and eventually is persuaded to learn how to play go with the aid of the ghost. im really liking this one so far its very cute and i love the characters in it. if youve watched the untamed nie huaisangs actor ji li is in this one!
4. the legend of yunqian
this ones very short and on youtube, all the episodes are about 5 minutes long and its a lesbian time travel fantasy adventure with a happy ending! funny and cute
1. cherry magic
please please please watch cherry magic. the premise sounds very much like a weird yaoi kind of thing but trust me on this. trust me. it is so heart warming and sweet and i was so emotional about it and the growth of the main character.
adachi gains the power to read peoples minds on his 30th birthday based off a urban legend that if youre a 30 year old virgin that youll become a wizard. after gaining this power he accidentally finds out that his extremely popular and handsome coworker has a crush on him, and shenanagins ensue along with adachi having blossoming feelings in return. this show was really refreshing in a lot of ways, adachi is a main character who like.. is unsure of himself and insecure in a very kind of realistic way, he closes himself off and is afraid to reach out to people and through the course of the show we see him slowly come out of his shell and realize that hes likeable and lovable and that people want to be around him and its so nice to see. my main complaint about this show is that i dont really like the background couple, but otherwise this is a very sweet and refreshing gay romance that has a happy ending!
some others that i myself havent seen but that ive seen people talk about a lot and that i want to watch eventually:
- the legend of fei (cdrama)
- the wolf (cdrama)
- gaurdian (cdrama, not the kdrama one called goblin)
- healer (kdrama, i did watch some of this one but it was in 2016 and i never finished it so i barely remember any of it but i do remember liking it)
- nobody knows (kdrama)
- its ok to not be ok (kdrama)
sorry this is so long but i hope youll be able to find a drama u enjoy!!
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trendtshirtnewposts · 4 years
Thats what I do I smoke I chill and I know things shirt
Thats what I do I smoke I chill and I know things shirt T shirts Store Online
Thats what I do I smoke I chill and I know things shirt
Hobbies and interests can certainly help you in your life. Interests can beat out feeling of boredom, provide you with a creative outlet and then make it easier to possess entertaining. Carry on studying for some useful specifics of hobbies and interests.
An excellent interest to possess is always to start off reading comic textbooks. Comic books remain going powerful and they re not merely for youngsters. There are several mature themed comic textbooks and they could be very enjoyable to read. You could even find to an issue that can get a motion picture in the future.
Try to assist other folks with the activity. Do you like to crochet? You are able to crochet wintertime hats for nearby young children that don t have caps. Do you wish to make? Prepare food food for someone particular in your daily life who will benefit from this. Let the creativity flow and enjoy yourself although aiding others.
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Before you decide with a activity that fits your needs, check out a compact task first. If you feel that you could possibly appreciate quilting, start with a dinner table athlete or modest cushion to find out if quilting suits you. If painting is appealing to you, give it a try on the little canvass.
Seashell getting is a superb hobby that can provide you with fond remembrances of beach front getaways. Seashells might be academic for youngsters as well as make great decorative features for that house.
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adorkablemusicman · 6 years
#LostAndFound Hayden & Violet- #TheMeetCute
Vi: [I wasn’t ready to start a new school. Well it wasn’t that I wasn’t ready. It was more that I didn’t want to. My Dad had a bad night, a very sleepless night where he was in pain and his medication wasn’t helping. A doctor was going to come out while I was gone today to review his painkillers. I was the sort of girl that kept to myself so I didn’t care about being the ‘new girl’, mostly because I had no intention of actually speaking to anyone. The objective was go to school, do my thing and then come home. My grandmother gave me money for lunch, apparently you had to upload it onto your school card or something and then you used that to pay. Very modern and fancy. She also snuck a homemade birthday brownie into my bag. I loved her. Mom dropped me off out the front of the building. “Do you want me to come in with you?” she asked.]
No, it’s bad enough I’m the new girl on her birthday. I don’t need my mommy playing escort. [I retorted back and sighed when I saw her expression. One of tiredness and hurt.] I didn’t mean that. I just mean I’m not a kid. I love you.
[I bid my mother a quick goodbye, ensured I had my phone with me and took the walk of a few yards to the school doors where I could introduce myself to the office lady with a stammer. Poor human.]
I’m Violet Temple… today’s my first day.
[Sunday night turned into a late one unintentionally but it happens a helluva lot when I get lost in my writing and I’ve been trying to pen a couple of songs at the same time. Really my concentration should be on my school work, I have so much to reacquaint myself with that's for damn sure. And still my gut instinct always goes straight back to my music, my muse loudest when I should definitely be working on something far more important.
Come early Monday morning I'm hanging hard from lack of sleep but I can’t say I’m not buzzed. It’s 8.15 when I pull into the school parking lot, my hands steady on the wheel for sure but the shot of espresso I’d picked up on the way in was definitely kicking in right about now. I would need it this mornin’ thats a sure certainty, what with me showing the new student around. I didn’t mind it, I like meeting new people but its also evident, at least in my mind that I’m not in a very sociable kinda mood. Then again who the heck is on a Monday morning I suppose. I jump outta my truck and slam the door heavily, taking in the still half empty lot. It was way too early, earlier than I usually bother to get here but I wanted to stop by the music room and the Canteen before heading to the principal's office. En route from the Music room a little while later, halls are starting to fill up, the buzzer for homeroom only about 10 minutes or so away. I’ve managed to book time in the music room for myself and the guys every Wednesday up until the spring dance, which is only Seven weeks away. The theme hasn’t been picked yet and I’m not that much into the formalities of it but I’m hopeful we can get the gig if we keep up with practice. I debate picking up a coffee before heading to my appointment at the school office and decide I can manage it and still be on time. As it turns out the coffee machine is on the slow side this morning or damn it maybe it’s because I’m in a hurry but whatever the reason, I barely make it to the front office with a second to spare, bypassing the ditzy Ms Campbell on Reception as I all but skid into the Principals office without knocking.
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‘Hey, I’m late, sorry I’m late, you know…’
[ I clock the principal, sitting on the edge of his desk, halfway through saying something about schedules and maps, turning as I crash into the room, my coffee sloshing a little over the side of my paper cup, hitting the floor with a splat.]
Damn it...I’ll clean that…[ I shake my head and chuckle, casting a glance over to the young girl seated in the chair opposite.] ...It’s errr, been a busy mornin’, I’m all yours now.
[Everyone I’d met so far seemed perfectly nice. The lady on the reception desk and then the Principal. I had my schedule, a diary for recording assignments and a map so I didn’t get lost - though I wasn’t really at one with directions. It just seemed like a normal school with everyone doing their normal thing. As I waited for my chaperone slash tour guide slash school buddy - jeez, how dorky, I could see students being dropped off in cars, gatherings on the front lawns before people made their way in and all I could think about was how I would rather be at home. I wanted to make my Dad his ice tea when his temperature was up, I wanted to read the comic section from the newspaper to him. Instead I had English, Math, Gym and French to deal with today. I was glancing at the clock and time was ticking. But moments later the door flung open, I heard a splat of liquid on the linoleum floor before I saw a person. I was already grabbing a tissue from my pocket to sink onto my knees and wipe it up.]
It’s okay, I got it. [I let the tissue suck up the coffee splodge and looked up at the… woah it was a guy. He was around my age and looked… exhausted. Handsome was my second thought but first was exhausted. But his smile was welcoming and I got up to my feet.]
You’re my ‘buddy’? [I asked @WhereDorkBegins, my voice accidentally laced with a tone of surprise.] I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for it to sound like that. I’m Violet.
Yeah thats me... [ I answer hearing the surprise laced in  @ViFeelinShy’s voice, offering a smile as I take a couple seconds to fully appreciate how pretty she is, not that I’m not used to seeing a pretty girl but that, I hadn’t been considering a lot this morning apart from getting to school on time to keep my ass out of detention again.] I’m Hayden [ I offer Vi my hand as she stands and it might come across a little awkward, mainly on my part because I’m not sure if I’m keeping it cool, or why it even matters that I do.] Oh you didn’t have to…[I nod to the floor where the coffee spill was seconds earlier] But yeah, thanks. [ I give Principal Roberts a nod before turning my attention back to Violet.] And hey, no problem, I’ll try my best not to be offended I promise. [ I grin around my coffee cup as I take a sip and hope that came across the way I’d intended, suddenly it seems important that I make a good impression on this girl.
Principal Roberts gives Vi his brief introduction of me and how I’m the perfect student to show her around even though my Grade point average could use some improvement. He then jokes rather awkwardly that she could consider tutoring me in Math at some point, given her previous grades at her old school. I would feel bad for @ViFeelinShy but I’m too busy cringing myself and casting an eye to the clock on the wall. I hold open the door for Vi after the principal finally excuses us, not wanting us to be too late for homeroom and would you believe it we both had English together. Vi collects some paperwork from the secretary and joins me in the hall, the hustle and bustle has died away as students can be heard scrapping back chairs and chatting to each other behind closed classroom doors.]
So...that was fun..[ I shake my head with a low chuckle, shifting the weight of my bag on my shoulder.] I swear I’m not usually this wired..[I lift my coffee cup to emphasise my point] Well darn, I am to be honest. Might as well be honest..
[We stop by @ViFeelinShy’s locker and I offer to help with the standard combination, jiggling the door in a certain way when it gets a little stuck.] I had that locker last year...it can be a pain sometimes. [ Another grin her way and I hope I’m not being a total pain in the ass, I have a feeling if I was then Violet would be polite about it.]
So, where did you move from? Its gotta suck starting a new school real late…
[We’re not far from homeroom but there’s still a good ten minutes left and Ms Lockler wouldn’t mind if we were a bit late, given its Vi’s first day.
[@WhereDorkBegins was polite enough, I just wasn’t all that good at talking to people that I just met. I got nervous and awkward. Jeez, the therapist was right, the diary was a good idea. But then did that make me my own brand of cuckoo? Hayden guided me through the school like a perfect tour guide, pointing different rooms out, the bathrooms, which people to avoid. I held my bag over my shoulder and clutched my books against my chest until I was shown my locker. Then I felt exposed. I placed the books into the locker that honestly smelt like boy but fortunately not in a disgusting way. More in a “I bathed in aftershave” kind of way. I could cope with that. I’d borrow a hanging scented air freshener from my mom tomorrow to put in here. I liked vanilla. And I digress as usual. I was lost in my own thoughts when I realised @WhereDorkBegins was talking to me. He must have thought I was terribly rude as I stared into space.]
Move from? Oh, Atlanta, Georgia. [I nodded in agreement with the boy, starting a new school this late into the semester did suck. I was brutally aware of people walking past me and staring at the ‘new girl’ but then I was equally aware that the boy in front of me was cute. He’d overdone the gel a little perhaps but he’d still make the centerfold of teenage magazines easily.] To be honest, I’d rather be at home. This wasn’t my choice. [I murmured quietly with a tinge of sadness, leaning against the lockers.]
Wouldn't we all rather be at home… [ I grin, tilting my head to catch her eye line.] Actually, I'd rather be playing my guitar, but I'm not exactly the academic type… [We start the walk to home room, I'm holding back a little because I'm in no hurry to get there, enjoying this girls company, even though she's hard to read right now. I wouldn't take kindly to being hauled into a new school either. Lord knows there has to be a good reason for it but I don't want to ask too many questions given that we've just met.
  I introduce her to the tutor and give her arm a gentle squeeze of support as the teacher introduces her to the rest of the class. I slide behind my desk and give her a hopefully comforting smile, easily distracted when #Matt and #Heather start chatting to me.
The bell goes for next class and as everyone files towards the hallway akin to a herd of rampaging wildebeest, I introduce Vi to Matt, Kelly and Heather, wanting her to feel more at ease on her first day.
The morning passes and it turns out we both have the same English and Math class, a fact I'm quietly celebrating that's for sure. When the buzzer for Lunch goes I hang back from my group of friends, catching Vi talking to the teacher, probably on what she's got to catch up on.]
‘You like her don't deny it’ Matt quips as he moves past me, punching my shoulder the way he does. I shake my head but can't stop my smile even as he says it.]
Shut up… Gotta admit she's cute though, no denying it.
‘Yeah, yeah… Way too good for you,man.’
[Another chesty laugh from one of my best friends and bandcmates and I flip him a V, turning quick to Vi as she steps out into the corridor.]
Hey, so lunchtime I usually head to the diner across the street, was just going to check if you wanted to join a few of us…
[ I'm hopeful and maybe a little over zealous here but I wanted to get to know Vi better and I hoped that wasn't coming off too strong.]
[@WhereDorkBegins looked after me all morning. He told me who to avoid, student and teacher wise, the sort of people who would have my back. Of course he told me my first choice should be him and his friends. I listened to him talk about music and his guitar. It seemed that we were polar opposites with nothing in common, he describing himself as the non-academic type whereas when I was in the right frame of mind, I liked school and I liked to learn. But he was my ‘buddy’ and nobody else seemed keen to talk to me or build friendships so he was who I had for now. The thing I did like though? His smile put me at ease. I couldn’t work out why but in each lesson he had made sure he caught my gaze, he’d smile and sometimes wink. I was walking behind him down a corridor as we’d just left Math and his friend talked to him - I think he said his name was Matt. I couldn’t hear their conversation but it was obviously hilarious. It was followed by another welcoming smile as I caught up to them. I blinked more than once at Hayden’s question. Not that I’d been asked, well maybe a little but at another concept.]
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You’re allowed to leave school grounds here? [I couldn’t believe it.] You got suspended for that at my last school.
[Well done, Violet, you sound like you’re ten years old. My mom had packed a lunch but I could abandon that, or eat it at the diner. Though that’d probably be frowned upon. Then I remembered. I’d been so occupied by school, I hadn’t checked my phone.]
Hold that thought. I’m in, but just give me a second. [I rummaged around my bag for my phone and found it at the bottom. There was a text from my Dad wishing me luck. I’d cherish mundane messages like that. I quickly tapped out a reply.
“School is fine, the people are really nice and helpful. We’ll watch your documentary later. Miss you, Dad. Love Vi” I sent it and shoved it into my pocket. I felt guilty for enjoying my morning of education. There was an hour for lunch but I didn’t know the area well enough to go home for it. So I committed myself to the lunch plans with Hayden and his friends.]
Lets go. [I smiled with a slight unease.] #EndFlashback
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Why Being Your Daughter's Buddy Is actually A Bad Concept.
This blog post is dedicated to the greatness from motion pictures showing up on Lifetime and also the Life-time Movie System. I communicate and grasp the banner my mother is actually holding; its thin wooden manage, the measurements from a pencil, accommodates perfectly in my eight-year-old hand. Your mom seems like a schizoid and also your case is much coming from the best harsh I've ever before heard. Having said that, this may not just be actually an aspiration for the upwards; Mother earth's periodic madness is actually the primary reason that natural gas is such a traditionally volatile asset. This is why my mom returned to the US for the holidays without any real buddies to check out. If he locates a doormat that is actually eager to go throughout with exactly what his mom wishes, the only method that can happen is. I was searching around the internet after a family member from mine just recently advised that my mama could be egotistical. Thats right... our company ought to present every1 dat our experts r additionally involved concerning our setting like the experts ... ... permit us conserve our dear mother earth off international warming. Mom Teresa and also the assistances targets did perk however maybe something aside from staged chances will possess been actually more relevant. The blue spotted ray, additionally known as the blue discovered ribbontail radiation, belongs in the Dasyatidae loved ones. I think the mother from these two child birds had been actually killed, therefore i took in these pair of birds, 2 times back. The moment the mother and child acknowledge as well as respect the others view, points will strengthen. Contacting NBC Updates Thursday, Heyer's mom claimed that Trump mistook to blame both edges, and proposed that he was attempting to attract those on the extreme right. I find nothing wrong with her intending to her youngsters to participate in a better school in comparison to the one by the projects. After Cleaning (or even bathtub) the right way from administering the hydrating cream is actually: Mother dispersed the oil on hands, and also equally scrub the creases on the little one or tiny ass. Thanks for sharing something therefore important and also making us aware of exactly how necessary this is for our company to carry out our component to save Mother Earth. From the leading of my scalp blue pigments were accessible (however expensive) for painters in the 17th century and eventually. Remarkable resources for training Vital Education with the story from the Ugly Duckling. Tamara Donn is http://cwiczenia-mariusz.info/skrzyp-oczyszcza-krew-i-nerek-systemow/ actually a pregnancy, productivity and also mom advisor based in Hertfordshire, UK. The only woman amongst a brood of boys, Cathy is treated along with utter contempt by her mom. However abortion for psycho-social reason addresses the unborn as a mere means to a point and is actually as a result inappropriate. Of which that ensures heaven Mountain range Coffee is appropriately refined and afterwardsthey are actually classified and all set to achieve the marketplace. However, as a result of their anomaly, blue roses are actually often favored and liked particularly by several mommies. If you want to make more cool invitations, you can easily produce or make comical photos use of bold shades including red, blue-green, tones from blue as well as pink depending upon the theme from the child downpour.
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viralhottopics · 7 years
Why the Halo Movie Failed to Launch
The Master Chiefs left the offices of Creative Artists Agency around midday on June 6, 2005, in a fleet of limo vans. In their green, red and blue Spartan armour the cybernetically-enhanced super soldiers made quite a spectacle. Each stood six-foot-three tall, visored helmets obscuring their faces. Each carried a red bound document folder stamped with the CAA logo that contained two things: a copy of the Halo screenplay commissioned by Microsoft and written by Alex Garland and a terms sheet. None of them spoke a word.
The security guards on the gates of the major motion picture studios are used to seeing many things. Still, a hulking soldier from the future striding towards them and demanding access to the studios top brass was inevitably going to end in some kind of shooting incident — whether involving a United Nations Space Command BR55 Battle Rifle or a security guards arguably more deadly .38 revolver.
Fortunately Larry Shapiros team at CAA had called ahead and warned the studios security heads what was going on. The Master Chiefs were allowed onto the lots at Universal, Fox, New Line, DreamWorks and others without firing a single shot. If this was the videogame industry literally invading Hollywood, it was remarkably bloodless. They delivered their scripts and waited outside the meetings rooms in silent character, flicking through the pages of Variety. Everyone knew the clock was ticking: Studio executives only had a couple of hours to read the Halo screenplay and decide whether or not to make an offer before the Master Chiefs returned to CAA with the screenplay. It was the deal of the century, and a fantastic piece of showmanship.
The Master Chief suits were Shapiros idea and they ensured that the Halo deal made headlines even before the trade papers learned how rich the demands were. It was a spectacular attempt to turn Microsofts first foray into Hollywood filmmaking into a theatrical event and it very almost worked. Master Chief, the hero of Microsoft and Bungies bestselling Halo games, made his debut in Hollywood. Sadly, though, his Tinsel Town ascension was short-lived.
Microsoft was aggressive in pursuing the idea of taking Halo to the big screen. Its easy to understand why. The games, developed by Bungie Studios, were perfect blockbuster material: high-octane, intense sci-fi shoot em ups with a dense mythology and storyline and a dedicated fan-base of millions. Combined sales of the first two Halo games grossed in excess of $600 million over four years, selling north of 13 million units. The movie biz looked on in envy.
When Microsoft approached CAA about their movie ambitions, Shapiro told them about the Day After Tomorrow auction set up by CAA agent Michael Wimer and director Roland Emmerich. With a script for the apocalyptic eco-movie in hand, Wimer called the major studios and invited them to bid for it. The process was unusual: Every studio would send a messenger to CAA at an allotted time, pick up the script and then have 24 hours to read it and make an offer. Each script was despatched with a terms sheet: Heres how much we want; heres how much we want for the director, and it has to be a go movie (in other words, a picture with a guaranteed start date for production). Each studio responded by trying to negotiate terms. The only exception was Fox, who simply wrote on the term sheet: Yes.
Microsoft, unaccustomed to Hollywoods culture, was impressed by that story. It wanted to be able to dictate the terms even though it was a newcomer in the movie biz. Halo was its prize property and they wanted to protect it.
Microsoft was entering into negotiations brandishing a very big stick.
Microsoft also wanted to make a bundle of money from its sale. For Shapiro, it was typical of the gulf between the two industries. Games creators are, by their nature, engineers who deal in absolutes. For them the subtleties of Hollywood production, with its ebb-and-flow of egos and power plays, were often alien. To sell a movie into a studio and actually get it made is a lot of work, he says. It takes a lot of conversations and a lot of pixie dust being thrown about while youre getting the deals done. In the games industry, theyre technologists and theyre data driven. Theyre looking at data points and saying: We need the movie to be made, its got to be this, this and this. If you get A, B and C to be part of the movie, then great well sell you the rights. You cant do that. But, if thats what Microsoft wanted, CAA was willing to try.
To set up that kind of deal, Microsoft needed to be ready. Most importantly it needed to have a screenplay so it paid Alex Garland (28 Days Later, The Beach) $1 million to pen a spec script. The screenplay was supervised by Microsoft, which meant it was — for good or ill — heavily steeped in the games mythology. Still, the project now had a blockbuster screenwriter and was based on a high-profile videogame franchise.
Next, it was a case of setting up the auction. Peter Schlessel, the former president of production at Columbia Pictures, was one of the main negotiators in the Halo movie deal and served as Microsofts Hollywood liaison. Together with Microsoft and its lawyers, Schlessel and the CAA team hammered out a term sheet. We were literally setting out to be the richest, most lucrative rights deal in history in Hollywood, says Shapiro. You have to remember that no property, not even Harry Potter, was getting [what we were asking for]. Microsoft, a global software giant used to getting its own way, wasnt about to kowtow to Hollywood. It knew Halo was the jewel of videogame movies, the one that could be a true blockbuster hit. According to Variety, Microsoft wanted $10 million against 15% of the box office gross, in addition to a $75 million below-the-line budget and fast-tracked production.
Those were big demands. Not least of all since, at the time, videogame movies were still floundering on the edge of respectability. Tomb Raider had made a pot of money and pushed towards the mainstream but its 2003 sequel, Lara Croft: Tomb Raider — The Cradle of Life, suffered a disappointing opening weekend at the U.S. box office and limped by on its foreign grosses. The Lara Croft franchise was running out of steam early. And most other videogame movie outings werent even in the same neighbourhood as Lara. Paul W. S. Anderson, the director of Mortal Kombat, parlayed his success into the zombie-themed Resident Evil franchise distributed by Sony Screen Gems. The first movie based on Capcoms survival horror game series took $102 million worldwide and did gangbuster business on DVD selling over a million units. But it lacked the prestige and mainstream crossover potential of Tomb Raider.
Microsoft were aiming higher — much, much higher. CAAs deal-making matched the software giants aspirations. According to the New York Times, Microsoft were demanding creative approval over director and cast, plus 60 first-class plane tickets for Microsoft personnel and their guests to attend the premiere. It wouldnt be putting any money into the production itself beyond the fee paid to Garland, nor was it willing to sign over the merchandising rights. To add insult to injury, Microsoft wanted the winning studio to pay to fly one of its representatives from Seattle to LA. They would watch every cut of the movie during post-production. Clearly, Microsoft was entering into negotiations brandishing a very big stick.
With the screenplay written and the ink still drying on the terms sheet, the agents called up the major studios and advised them to be prepared. It was a bold, some might say arrogant, show of power. As Shapiro remembers it, We told them: You need to have all your decision makers in a room because were going to deliver the script for you to read together with a terms sheet. But theres a fuse on it. Youll only have a certain amount of time to make a deal.
Master Chief in the upcoming game Halo 4. Image: Microsoft
Because Hollywood is a town built on relationships, CAAs agents made sure they called all the major players. Even then there were some who felt snubbed; Miramax head honcho Harvey Weinstein called up to shout about being left off the list. Everyone had assumed Miramax wouldnt be interested in the property. Truth was they probably werent, but there was prestige to be had in being invited to the Halo party. The only major studio Microsoft refused to approach was Columbia, which was owned by Sony, its chief rival in the console war.
With his production background, Shapiro decided to add a little razzle dazzle to the proceedings. Remembering the Master Chief costumes hed seen at Comic-Con, he tracked down the one person in the U.S. who was fabricating the games official Spartan UNSC battle armour and hired seven suits: a Red, a Blue and several in Master Chief green. I had them shipped out to CAA, recalls Shapiro, they came in crates and had instructions about how to put them on. I hired character actors to wear the suits because, you know, you dont just put anyone in these suits. They had to feel like Master Chief.
For a few hours on June 6, 2005, Hollywood became Halowood. Everyone was buzzing about the Master Chiefs spotted walking through the studio lots and — more importantly — about the richness of the deal Microsoft was demanding. No one had ever seen anything like it before. Microsoft, the global corporation whose products sat on every desktop, had come to Hollywood and wasnt afraid of throwing its weight around. If showmanship and arrogance and Hollywood dont go together, I dont know what does, says Moore who was Microsofts go-between with Universal during the negotiations, reporting to the software companys point man Steve Schreck.
Not everyone was impressed. Movie executive Alex Young, who by the time of Halo had moved from Paramount to Fox, recalls reading the screenplay under Master Chiefs watchful eye. It was one of those gimmicky Hollywood things: hey, force everybody to be in a room, make it feel urgent, have a guy show up in costume and Oh my God! This feels like a big deal. It probably served Microsoft and CAA well at the time, but ultimately it seemed like a bit of manufactured theatre to me. Another problem was that the Halo property was so well-known by that point that everyone knew what to expect. You either loved the idea of making a Halo movie or you did not, suggests Young. Having a guy in costume deliver the screenplay wasnt going to convince you one way or the other.
In the end, though, it wasnt the Master Chiefs fault that the deal stumbled. Nor was it CAAs. The failure of the Halo movie remains a potent illustration of the gulf that still lies between Hollywood and the videogame business. It should have been the tent-pole movie to die for, instead it became the one that got away. Millions of Halo fans around the world wanted a movie, yet it failed to launch. Partly, it stemmed from the on-going inability of both sides of the deal to understand each others culture, needs and language.
“When the videogame industry talks to people they do it open-kimono and they expect the same transparency back. Hollywood doesnt function that way.”
Most of the studios who read the Halo screenplay passed immediately. Microsofts terms were simply too demanding. By the end of Master Chief Monday there were only two horses in the race: Fox and Universal. Microsoft hoped to use each to leverage off the other but hadnt banked on the studios very different approach to doing business. What the games industry doesnt understand is that this town is all about lunch, explains Shapiro. It doesnt happen like that in the games industry. If there was a movie studio going out to the games publishers to license Avatar or something like that, theyd say Ok were licensing Avatar, send us your best deal. But none of the games publishers would talk to each other and say Hey, what are you going to offer them?
The studios werent so reticent in sounding each other out. What happened was Universal called Fox and asked them what they were going to offer, continues Shapiro, who watched events unfold close-up. They decided to partner on it. Lets offer the same deal and offer to partner. So now we lost our leverage. Universal agreed to take U.S. domestic, Fox would take foreign. In the blink of an eye Microsofts bargaining position had been pole-axed.
The immensely powerful Microsoft had wandered into the deal navely expecting everyone to play by its rules and the resulting culture shock put immense strain on the Halo deal. For Moore, then corporate vice-president of the Interactive Entertainment Business division at Microsoft, there was clearly culture clash during the negotiations: You work for a company like Microsoft, where you do what you say, you say what you do; you think you have an agreement, youre ready to go, and then… [the deal falls apart].
It was something that talent agents working at the intersection between the two industries have experienced many times. When the videogame industry talks to people they do it open-kimono and they expect the same transparency back, says Blindlights Lev Chapelsky. Hollywood doesnt function that way, they dance and they sing and they play games and go through their ritual haggling. To somebody whos not accustomed to that, it can be insulting.
Microsoft clearly werent accustomed to it. They were used to being the strongest contender in any negotiation they entered into. But this time they were far out of their comfort zone. We dont understand Hollywood, Microsoft Games Studios general manager Stuart Mulder confessed to the trade papers in 2002 as the company inked in its deal with Shapiro at CAA. It was a throwaway comment that would turn out to be disturbingly prophetic.
What was apparent during the Halo deal-making was that Microsoft was far from home, perhaps even surrounded in enemy territory. In the middle of the Halo negotiations, as all parties sat around the table, Shapiro recalls the discussion between Microsofts Hollywood liaison Peter Schlessel and Jimmy Horowitz, Universals co-president of production, taking an aggressive turn. Schlessel was getting really tough on some of the terms with Horowitz: Come on, dont be a jerk, blah, blah, blah…. It was getting really heated. The guy from Microsoft [Steve Schrek] was like, Wow, this is really good. Then we took a break and Schlessel goes to Horowitz, Are you coming over for Passover? Because they know each other. You dont have those kinds of relationships in videogames. In Hollywood you can be getting at each other but then youre playing golf together the next day.
Even after the deal was struck, the misunderstanding over how the movie business operated continued to be a problem. Microsoft wanted a big-name director, but Peter Jackson, helmer on The Lord of the Rings trilogy, decided to sign on as a co-producer alongside Peter Schlessel, Mary Parent and Scott Stuber. Jackson wanted his new protg, an up-and-coming commercials whiz kid called Neill Blomkamp, to direct. With Jacksons fee running to several million dollars the studios knew there was an advantage in hiring a cheaper, less well-known talent to sit in the directors chair. Microsoft was reputedly not happy with the decision.
Blomkamp, a South African director who had made his mark with commercials for Nike and had shot an intriguing short about alien apartheid called Alive in Joburg, was concerned about getting chewed up and spat out while making his first feature with these three enormous corporations and a budget north of $100 million. My instinct was that if I crawled into that hornets nest it would be not good, and it was a clusterfuck from day one, he admits. Theres no question that there was a clash of worlds, for sure. The two sides werent seeing eye-to-eye.
What lured him in, beyond the obvious kudos, was his love for the property: I told Tom Rothman [co-Chairman of Fox Filmed Entertainment] that I was genetically created to direct Halo. However, Blomkamp quickly realised that the studio didnt share his artistic vision and was uncomfortable at the prospect of his gritty, post-cyberpunk aesthetic — all blurry video feeds and radio chatter – dominating a summer blockbuster. Rothman hated me, I think he would have gotten rid of me if he could have, says the director. The suits werent happy with the direction I was going. Thing was, though, Id played Halo and I play videogames. Im that generation more than they are and I know that my version of Halo would have been insanely cool. It was more fresh and potentially could have made more money than just a generic, boring film — something like G.I. Joe or some crap like that, that Hollywood produces.
Blomkamps relationship with Fox was particularly fraught. The way the deal was split between three major corporations and a handful of Hollywood producers caused several unusual imbalances in terms of power. The way Fox dealt with me was not cool. Right from the beginning, when Mary [Parent, Universals former president of production turned Halo producer] hired me up until the end when it collapsed, they treated me like shit; they were just a crappy studio. Ill never ever work with Fox ever again because of what happened to Halo – unless they pay me some ungodly amount of money and I have absolute fucking control.
He was also being pressured by Microsofts demands too. One of the biggest issues was creative control. Microsoft had paid Garland to pen the screenplay to their specifications in order to retain control over what was clearly a very valuable property to them. Halo was an Xbox exclusive title, a billion-dollar franchise, and its chief weapon in the console war against Sony. The problem was, though, that filmmaking was a collaborative exercise and total control simply wasnt possible.
If youre dealing with a company that doesnt understand the film industry, its sense of assurance comes with glossy names that have done a lot of big projects that have made a lot of money, says Blomkamp. I think the guys at Bungie liked what I was doing. Im fairly confident in saying they liked where I was going. Its highly possible that that artwork was getting back to Microsoft and Microsoft itself, the corporate entity, was not happy with it because it was too unconventional. I dont know if thats true or not, but it was entirely possible.
Against this fraught background, Universal funded $12 million of preliminary development on the movie. Some of the money was spent before Blomkamp came on-board by director Guillermo Del Toro, who was initially attached before going off to make Hellboy II: The Golden Army instead. The rest was spent on Blomkamps watch and included paying various screenwriters — Scott Frank, D.B. Weiss, Josh Olson — to redraft the original screenplay.
Meanwhile, Weta Workshop, the New Zealand physical effects company co-founded by Jackson, was fabricating real-life versions of the weapons, power armour and the Warthog assault vehicle from the game. Blomkamp would eventually use them to shoot a series of thrilling test shorts. The legacy of a movie never made, is how Moore describes the collected footage, which was later cut together under the title Halo: Landfall and used to promote the Halo 3 videogame release in 2007.
With development proving slow, Fox and Universal were beginning to get impatient. The gross heavy deal and costs increased the growing sense of unease. In October 2006, right before a payment was due to be made to the filmmakers and Microsoft, Universal demanded that the producers deals be cut. Jackson consulted with his co-producers and Blomkamp, as well as with Microsoft and Bungie, and refused. In a stroke, the Halo movie was pronounced dead in the water.
What ultimately killed the Halo movie was money. Microsofts unwillingness to reduce their deal killed the deal, says Shapiro. Their unwillingness to reduce their gross in the deal meant it got too top-heavy. That movie could have been Avatar.
Blomkamp agrees: One of the complicating factors with Halo was that Microsoft wasnt the normal party that youd go off and option the IP from and make your product. Because Microsoft is such an omnipresent, powerful corporation, they werent just going to sit back and not take a massive cut of the profits. When you have a corporation that potent and that large taking a percentage of the profits, then youve got Peter Jackson taking a percentage of the profits and you start adding all of that stuff up, mixed with the fact that you have two studios sharing the profits, suddenly the return on the investment starts to decline so that it becomes not worth making. Ultimately, thats essentially what killed the film.
Read more: http://bit.ly/2keFU3h
from Why the Halo Movie Failed to Launch
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