#but they learned and its just nice to have multiple generations of queer ppl in the family
smallcrystals · 2 years
what are your favourite character/story tropes?
oh god, here we go
classic friends to lovers bc there is SO MUCH you can do with that, especially if you know your characters really well
enemies (to friends) to lovers when done right. i've read a few fair share of stuff where imo the relationship between the characters don't leave much room for any type of love to grow or that what they argue over doesn't seem to fit their character properly. but when it's done right, oh my GOD it's so GRRRR /pos
lovers to exes to best friends is also a favourite of mine which i don't think ppl tend to delve into that much. it's probably because people like writing ships they actually ship. while that is true for me, i also like writing relationships that don't work out. maybe i'm mean idk lmao (BUT THEYRE BFFS IN THE END COME ON)
friendship group of misfits, i love me a good group of friends that are just weird. in case you haven’t noticed, they're weird. they're weirdos. they don’t “fit in” and they don’t want to fit in. have you ever seen them without— (/c)
corrupted hero, especially if the villains are queer <3 i love a backwards arc and seeing a character completely lose their sense of morality. i don't like seeing it irl of course but when you can see a character change so horribly (probably bc their "good" life fucks them up so badly they are really left with no good choice) it's sometimes satisfying
mentor & mentee, i've always wanted a grown up to look up to and i have a couple(?) in my life right now that i appreciate a lot. but i love this trope when they both learn something from each other, mainly bc of their possible age/generational difference
morally grey characters, they're just so interesting??? seeing how their past and their environment impacts them as a person and what exactly led to the manner in which they make a certain decision is sometimes so heartbreaking and realistic, you know?
mutual pining/seemingly unrequited love, my friend jinx reminded me of this i can't believe i forgot, i will lay down my life for this, i will go down with this trope ITS SO GOOD
(queer) coming of age/queer awakening, i'm such a sucker for these 😭 they're so nice to read !!!! those moments of euphoria when the character is able to do what they've always wanted for themselves – can u tell i'm an empath lmao
(proper) miscommunication, because it's rarely ever done properly where the issue is an actual issue but no one is in the wrong/multiple ppl are in the wrong. all i can rlly say is write teens like teens. and i don't mean "write them like kids" or "write them like adults" i mean write them as if they are growing people, people who don't fully understand their emotions yet but know that not every situation has one person to blame. but that's a rant for another day lmao
popular kid x bookworm/(popular) nerd, everyone must know how insane i am for this one, it's so trashy yet 1) i've experienced it myself irl and 2) if done right without all the toxicity it can be a really cute read!! if people actually develop the characters properly and make them unique then maybe people would actually like it more idk (looking at you wattpad grrr)
royalty, specifically royals of colour. enough western white royals please. show me a kingdom with issues the place the kingdom inspired by has, show me culture and artistry. show me any religions and everything involved, the nuances and the exceptions, show me all of that
extroverted & introverted, with it's twists ! give me the twists and the complex characters !!!
introverted & introverted, because THEYRE SO CUTE PLEASE :((
cold exterior warm interior father, this is literally blaze sentry. LITERALLY my oc for flash's dad. he's a ceo and an architect who's been through a lot in the past but your opinion of him rlly changes when you see him interacting with his family, he's warm and loving and refers to his younger ones as "baby" :(
magical high school, because i'm me <333 this is such a guilty pleasure because i love learning about the world and the magic system. but i also wanna see more from it (mainly teens acting/being treated like teens but again i digress)
fixing relationships between siblings, this is probably bc of my relationship w my own brother but seeing issues between siblings (typically those of colour too) is nice to see finally. to have it developed and talked out and improved
so those are the ones i can think of at the moment!! there are so many i'm so sorry lol
honorary mentions!!!!
childhood friends to lovers, it's not smth i will write often but reading it? GIMME IT NOW. it's so warm and cute and just seeing them grow up :((( im AAAAAA
this might be an asian thing, but if the little age gap between the main character and their friend/partner (like a few months) and the older one likes taking care of the younger one, i love that <3 AND I ALSO LOVE IT when the younger one finally is like let me take care of you now >:(
crime aus, links in w corrupted hero ish, but you know, be gay do crimes !!! these idiots are always so smart and skilled and i always read this knowing i wouldn't be able to do half the shit they do
entire family is good looking, absolute classic, but make them all poc next time :)
futuristic/android aus, this is more of a recent enjoyment but there's so much you could do here !!! whether it be angst, friendship, romantic feelings, idk it's so cool!!!
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b0ttl3d-up-st4rs · 3 years
Well I'm gonna do what I do best and self reflect to an insane amount. This is probably gonna be a long post so buckle up.
To be honest my behavior for nearly the past year now is concerning to say the least. There's this little voice in my head that just desperately wants to get more and more hurt, more and more traumatized. Why is that? At first glance the negative approach could be to say its some sort of masochistic behavior and any negative repercussions as a result of this behavior is deserved, but I don't really think thats the case.
Self sabotage is a characteristic that can be exhibited in many mentally ill people and I am no exception. I think this behavior, of seeking to be hurt by grown men on the internet is partially self sabotage.
And I remember when I first started this shit show, I just wanted attention. Sounds mean to say, but craving attention is something the human soul desperately wants. And I was starting to feel some sense of self beauty but I didn't feel as though anyone around me was appreciating it so I tried to get attention from grown men because being showered in compliments and attention felt so good when my whole life I've never gotten any of that.
I think there's more too it, though. Looking back my whole life it's almost as if I've wanted to get hurt. In books I liked to sit around with the pain the characters felt. And its almost like I wanted to get traumatized. I've heard that people with trauma that they don't acknowledge is trauma or think its bad enough to be traumatizing seek put worse forms of trauma, in order to feel that pain is valid. And I think that's part of my issue too.
I do have unaddressed and repressed childhood trauma. I was given unrestricted internet at a young age and was exposed to the horrors of the internet. Nothing like straight up porn, but a lot of suggestive content. And in general being exposed to that caused me a lot of catholic guilt as I was raised catholic. I remember feeling like knowing these things were my fault. Many days I felt so guilty that I would pray to god to let me not wake up in the morning.
As a child I also questioned my religion a lot, which i think was traumatic in itself. Religion is a big thing. And as a kid I had a big issue knowing reality from fiction. Heck I still do. I remember as a kid my friend telling me that we were all demigods and one day we were going to run away to camp half blood. That the percy jackson books were real. It sounds stupid now, but I processed that as real and it was so stressful for me.
And I remember being 12 coming out as trans and as a part of the lgbtq community to my parents. They didnt react well. They said I was confused. My mom said I was both too young and too old to know. I fought a lot with my mom. And in general have a lot of unhappy memories from then. I was outed multiple times in my life.
My relationship with my parents still isnt good. My mom has a tendency to be toxic. I hate that I have to stay in the closet around my family its so painful. Like a month ago I mentioned the lgbtq community for the first time in years, asking my mom her opinions on it and if it changed since 2017, and it turned into her yelling at me and making herself a victim. It really hurt. I forgot how much it hurt.
I don't really have much of a relationship with my dad. We barely talk. Hes very emotionally distant. When I'm at my dad's house I sort of fend for myself. Its the exact opposite at my moms house. She's overbearing and never leaves you alone. It's like going between to extremes.
And honestly I can't wait to move out. My mom and I have arguments a lot. But hey at least I have some relationship with her, I don't really have a relationship with my dad.
I remember one time this year, I was during the end of a school semester. I needed to catch up on work because after talking to my abuser for like 5 months and then unlocking him I was left in shambles and fell into a really bad depression to where my motivation for school just disapeared. Im still dealing with that tbh. Anyways I had to go to a online meeting to choose my classes and I didn't get to choose the classes I thought I would be able to, and that made me really upset. But after the meeting I had to go to do am act of kindness (I chose picking up litter at a graveyard cause i like graveyards) for my school project but I was still distraught. If I was given some time to myself I probably wouldve been able to go without issue, but my mom wanted to go immediately. We argued. And when I got there I refused to leave the car because I felt so much like shit. We argued more. It was the worst argument I ever had. She even swore at me. Which she's never done before. And she ended up playing victim again. She does that a lot I guess. And doesn't really listen to my feelings. Whenever I try to communicate about my feelings with her it turns into an argument and she makes it about herself. So yeah our relationship isn't the greatest. And I think having mommy and daddy issues is a trauma in itself. Ppl deserve to have happy healthy supportive families.
Oh right and another trauma I completely forgot (funny how that happens) is when I was 14 and admitted to a mental hospital because I tried to off myself. It was so surreal and they forced me to learn how to make eye contact with people cause apparently thats "how they know im doing ok". Which is kinda fucked considering the fact I recently realized I might be autistic. And eye contact is literally so painful for me. It especially was back then. Anyways the place itself wasnt too bad but the feeling of being trapped overall sucks and being disconnected from the rest of the world isnt fun either. Also I dissociate all the time but I especially dissociated hard thru the whole experience. And sort of made myself into the perfect patient, repeating all their bs and literally lying to myself to convince myself that I was ok so they would let me go. So that was kind of weird.
Anyways I know I have it better than others. And honestly sometimes it's hard to tell what exactly was traumatic in my childhood. I probably forgot and repressed other parts of it too and am forgetting things. But needless to say these unaddressed traumas didn't help my mental state. And i do think that's a big part of the voice in my head begging me to just get hurt more.
Overall my mental state is fucked, It's been really hard for me not to be taken advantage of by another internet pedo. Heck the only reason that isn't happening rn is because no ones dmed me yet. Also I unblocked my old abuser and we are talking again now so thats fun. It definitely doesnt help the cognitive dissonance in my brain of him being actually a nice and supportive dude. I think thats also a part of me wanting to get more traumatized. Since my abuser is a nice person that should counteract all the fucked up sexual things he said to me in the past right? I mean others have it worse, had worse abusers that were actively cruel. That's part of the bitch in my subconscious brain talking. It sucks tbh.
Anyways yeah I probably need therapy but I don't feel comfortable talking about this to my current counselor and honestly its really hard to say out loud. I can talk forever about it by writing it down but the moment I speak words from my dumbass mouth I break down in tears and can't do it. Plus idk, I'm scared if I say anything she'll have to tell my parents and that my phone might be taken away or I'll have less privacy and for a closeted queer where my only current life line is the internet and my online friends: that is a terrifying idea. Idk. I'm fucked basically.
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