#but we've missed animation!
janebonbon · 16 days
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Still gotta tweak this another time and smooth it out but it's not half bad
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astrolavas · 9 months
my art style is too simple for this but just know that when i draw post-ttt hunter, in my mind he has central pink-brown heterochromia. like this, kinda:
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...Don't kill me, guys. But is it bad that I wasn't that crazy about the new Missing Link scenes?
I can't really put my finger on why.... I think it's because, somehow, it just didn't really feel like Kingdom Hearts to me, nor did it really have the Kingdom Hearts magic that I'm used to (though I know that that can be subjective and we're still early in and I should give it more of a chance, of course. And I plan to).
I kind of felt like I was playing a different game, like Persona or something (says someone who has only seen a little bit of Persona 3) or maybe the Tales series. IDK.
And the characters just seemed rather trope-y to me.
There were a few things that grabbed me a little bit, and seemed kind of interesting, but I think I actually was more interested by our last preview of Missing Link (which was the first time I cared about it, ever) than this one.
Sorry. Don't mean to rain on you guys' parade:(
I'm hoping to change my mind, of course, and am looking forward to what the next update (hopefully soon) has in store.
Though I will say that I'm impressed that we have four chapters already (even if they are pretty short). And it gives me hope that, as the devs have hinted at, we're not going to get anything at all resembling a KHUX or Dark Road situation where story is concerned. Thank God.
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sysig · 2 years
Second request!
If you're okay with crossover requests, what about Camillo (Encanto) trying to make Todd (Vargas/JTHM) laugh?
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Day 21 - Complimentary
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carrionsong · 3 months
my baby lily has been missing for 3 days now. i cant even play stardew without wanting to cry bc i made my ingame kitty gray and white and named her lily too ;_;
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incensuous · 3 months
aelumi update
For context (spoilers ahead):
In a recent quest, the Traveler (and new playable character, Xianyun) is helping a young girl, Shuyu, and her aging grandmother, Yuandai, who appears to have a strange case of dementia. Yuandai is the only family Shuyu has left, given her parents had passed away. Through visiting places of importance to her, her memories return to her. It turns out, Yuandai was once a crane who gained sentience, and is now paying the price for not having returned to her true form for too long. She must return to her original form, as a wild crane with no memories, but there is a possibility she may one day regain sentience and return to be with Shuyu.
The Traveler is pretty upset, watching Yuandai and Shuyu be separated. It's a recurring theme how much they hate to see families apart.
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I love to see their cutscenes side by side. The small differences in each Aether and Lumine's "version". Some have pointed out the dream is virtually the same, and theorize perhaps the both of them may have really shared a dream (cute wishful thinking haha). PLEASE watch and enjoy!!!
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sskk-manifesto · 9 months
Ouch it went SO CLOSE to the sskk homoerotic bloodsucking
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coopzine · 5 months
an FAQ(uack)
Q: What's going on? Ducks???
A: We here at COOPzine have been overrun by ducks!
Q: Oh no! That's terrible! Why are they taking over?
A: They're peeved that it's taking so long for the special edition of COOP devoted to ducks, geese, and all other "chicken friends" to come out.
Q: Why is it taking so long?
A: We are still too low on submissions to make a full zine.
Q: How can I help stop the duckpocalypse?
A: By submitting any art or poetry that fits into the criteria for Duck Duck Goose (the name of our special edition)
Q: What are the criteria?
A: Submit art or poetry that you made that involves a "chicken friend"
Q: What's a chicken friend?
A: Any animal that you think would be the friend of a chicken! Most fitting of course are ducks and geese, but any other poultry or farmyard fowl would work! At this point I'd be willing to say we'd take pretty much any bird or farm animal.
Q: I don't have any art or poetry that fits into those criteria!
A: Why not make some?
Q: It won't be very good...
A: That's ok! We here at COOP have a radical acceptance policy! We legitimately love "bad" art! Even if it's a 1 minute doodle, we want to see it! :)
Q: Where do I submit?
A: On the special duck duck goose google form linked on the submissions page on our website.
Stay safe out there. 🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆
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rapidhighway · 1 year
none of this stupid art i make is worth this torture. not sonic tho, that's worth everything
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can't believe i actually have to ask for help... is is not enough to act increasingly out of character until someone of benefit notices?...
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goldiipond · 1 year
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guiys its my weird cat's birthday hes ten today everyone tell him happy birthday bungus right now
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Otaku Elf
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Just want to take a moment to praise one of the spring anime that I'd been looking forward to -- Otaku Elf. I've been enjoying the manga for a bit now, so I was really pleased when the announcement of the anime came out, and now that the first few episodes have aired, I want to put out the rec for other people in case they've missed it.
At its most basic, it's a light comedy - an immortal elf who is a shrine goddess in modern Tokyo, and her teenage miko who has to put up with her endless appetite for games, snacks, and never, ever leaving the shrine. The contrast between Elda's elegant initial impression and her quickly-revealed grubby otaku heart is good, especially with how much the show enjoys her delight as well.
On another level, it's also a good excuse for a short history lesson; a reoccurring bit is that as Koito and Elda discuss her latest acquisition, Elda has a historical analogue to bring up. From collectible prizes with a purchase to mail-order deliveries to fashionable foods, over her 400 years in Tokyo she has enjoyed all sorts of novelties and is happy to reminisce about them, because people have always been people.
And then, just occasionally, the story touches on what it's like to have lived through all that history, and see people you care about live and die, while Elda continues on. This is what really made me excited about it, and I'm glad to see the anime catching a bit of it - there's a reason that Elda doesn't like to leave her shrine and go out into a world that keeps changing. There's a reason her parishioners adore their reclusive goddess, who is the same in their old age as she was in their childhood. Change is difficult, and when the world isn't the same as it used to be, making new connections is both scary and vital. A thing only brought up in a circuitous fashion is that Koito lost her mother, and is now taking up the family tradition of being a miko to Elda, and so the sense of connecting with a missing history is hers too - I love seeing the two of them become friends, and what it reveals about the bonds that aren't there, the echoes of a history that is lost.
So yeah, if comedy with a bit of melancholy at its heart sounds interesting (and if your watch-card isn't already completely full -- so many good shows airing right now!) you should really look up Otaku Elf. I think it's a great light addition to your anime roster, with a surprising emotional weight as you get into it.
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masonsystem · 5 months
i literally hv no prediction or guesses for what direction the loz movie will take bc zelda is such a weird franchise thats all over the place but hmm nintendo would Play It Safe, whatever that would look like. too lazy to research the director or whatever but when i discussed this w my sis she bought up a good point that theyd probably look to continue capitalizing off of botw + totk bc those are the highest selling zelda titles. which i mean i can understand that, but also i think the gameplay was the selling feature of those titles and only a vocal minority of fans care abt these titles plot. and yeah that minority is probs like 30 - 40% but a minority is a minority to a corporation. also the devs said theyre done w this era of zelda (botw/totk incarnations). and also things like the demographic i dont even have a clue on cuz like, yeah nintendo is family-friendly but toon link has died in a ditch and the Zelda That Sells are darker and gloomier titles like oot and tp. its hard for me to imagine a movie from nintendo that would be for ages 10+ rather than 6+. also i dont feel like nintendo respects older fans enough to have the movie be a complete return to form (aka an oot retelling). IDK!
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foxgirlbutt · 5 months
Every time we get high we get so impossibly cuddly. Just absolutely desperate to be touched. Infinite petting required immediately.
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bossladytae · 8 months
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fabulouslygaybean · 10 months
im so sad that tomorrow (technically today but i haven't gone to bed yet so shhhh) is our final day here in california. we head out for the airport at noon and im just gonna miss my family out here a lot :(
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