claudtrait · 6 months
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no because i genuinely kinda love this pack
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dinokiwii · 7 months
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happy halloween! heres some shenanigans
and here’s jefferem and benry’s halloween if anyone’s curious
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moderntimeadventure · 9 months
is there a storyline in ur au or any threads of stories 👀 or is it mostly just guys being dudes cute designs good concepts ? (invitation to infodump I cant think of any questions to ask wahh)
Ty for the ask bestie!!! I think it has a continuous plot in the same way that Adventure Time itself has a continuous plot sorta? Like yes there's plot but it's not in every episode and it veers and twists around
Butyeah mostly it's everyone being stupid and having fun and then also some modern twists on the original plots like certain relationships, events and scenarios
Here's a really old unfinished comic about Finn after losing his arm that takes place when he's 17, but I didn't actually figure out how/why it happened in the au
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butchsophiewalten · 3 months
im kinda worried about how jophie is gonna progress in the series, martin already has a habit of forgetting things about his charactes like their heights but i would also not be surprised if he forgot like actually important scenes with his characters like that one jophie dialogue on findjackwalten. im worried he's like completely lost the plot on how jenny and sophie should be
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I never want to be needlessly mean, because I don't think it's ever very appropriate or helpful, but I can't lie this is honestly an insane thing to say. To me. Like idk. I don't think forgetting or misremembering something as innocuous as a character's height is indicative of a person being able to forget entire major elements of their story and thus completely mischaracterizing the main characters of their series.
Also, I guess you wouldn't know this, because I think it's only been brought up in spaces once or twice, but Martin does have character docs. He absolutely has means of keeping track of important info. Maybe not every minute detail is on them, and that's why slip ups happen, or maybe he just isn't constantly consulting his Character Bible when having off-the-cuff conversations with his friends about his OCs. Like. Its Ok. I'm sure when he gets to the actual in-series character writing he's going to be a little more thoughtful and attentive with regards to getting things right.
Also this 'mean and defensive' aspect of Sophie's character has absolutely been a part of her the entire time. I can't really back this up with Receipts or anything, but I really do think the way Martin's talked about her, like, historically, has evidenced this. Still, I think it's true that those more rough-around-the-edges aspects of Sophie have evolved over the years to become much larger parts of her character than they maybe were in the past. I'm sure that relative 'shyness' was something intended for her as well, but I think it's definitely transformed into something more firmly 'staunchly antisocial' than like, 'softhearted shygirl', y'know?
I just also think it's true that Martin personally finds it very funny when people misunderstand his characters, like old fanon characterization of Jack, and old fanon characterization of Sophie, and intentionally does not correct people, because he likes to imagine their surprise at seeing how the character actually behaves in the series. Which is like, fine. I agree with him, that's really fun and funny.
Also, like, this feels like a silly thing to point out, but specifically with regards to the Findjackwalten dialogue, it's like. I don't know. That dialogue doesn't dictate the character's personalities, the characters personalities dictated that dialogue, y'know? It's not like how, for the fandom, we learn more about how those characters behave from that piece of writing and our interpretation of them is changed by it. Like, even in a scenario where Martin forgets the specifics of what he had them say and how he had them interact in those scenes, or even if he manages to forget about those scenes' existence entirely, I don't think that's going to meaningfully change Sophie & Jenny as characters, because it was his understanding of them and their relationship that caused those scenes to be what they are, not the other way around.
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elegyofthemoon · 2 months
okay this isnt gonna happen for a long while (i wanna finish playing through honkai at least ONCE by myself first), but jay and i were talking and the idea came to mind
i think this will be over the discord server that i have but!! may vary. it wont be any time soon but its just to see if anyones interested in me doing so :0c
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fairyhaos · 5 months
i'm not kidding.
that spur magazine shoot gifs you keep reblogging are giving me war flashbacks 💀
(you reblogged it so many times (THAT SAME POST TOO) when it was posted i Almost got sick of the poor guy's face—)
nooooo that was his appearance at the fashion show that i screamed about!!!! this one is a little different ehe 🤭
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squuote · 23 days
yeah but genuinely piranesi inspires such a feeling of longing and solemnity in me... the nostalgia for home and the acceptance of growing older. can i get your thoughts on it!!
OH GOD I don’t even really know where to begin, I’ve been trying to put my words together all night!! I feel like there’s so much I want to say but I don’t know where to start.
I guess I will start with how I felt just after reading it, which was just like such an indescribable feeling of hopefulness for the future. I love stories like this that focus on real aspects of life in a fantasy perspective, especially with the way this story handles the situation of trauma and recovery (at least this is the conclusion I ended up with). And the entire time I felt so involved with the story and the way it is read as if piranesi is writing to us directly through the whole thing, which in a way he was or was writing in hopes of someone reading it which idk I just adore this, I think it just is such a fun way to involve the audience. And I like that we can directly see his growth through the story, from childlike wonder to his better understanding and the great reveal at the end. I do agree with your sentiment of growing older cause this does reflect that aspect in such a large way.
Piranesi as a character and who he becomes at the end i just can’t help but cling to. There’s so much I want to say about his entire character, who he was and who he became but GAHH I DONT HAVE THE WORDS. Please just know that I love him dearly and I am completely attached to his character. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about him since I started reading (though to be fair this is only day 3 haha). Either way, I love him so fucking much jfc I am clinging to him with my entire life!!!!!!!!
I think most importantly I love the message of the book. I love the setting and the way it utilizes this as a way to push its message, or at least the message I got from it in the end. That trauma can and will change us against our will and despite becoming entirely new people, we still must care for our self as if we are caring for the people we once were. And even in the situation where trauma is not a factor, we still do change as people from who we once were when we are younger. I feel like I am not wording that good at all haha but I tear up thinking about it a bit. You cannot ever go back to being the person you once were and that’s okay. It just means you should strive to care for your current self because that person you once were is still apart of you and you should strive to care for them and yourself in turn. (I also find it so weird and ironic that I was just discussing this topic with a friend sometime last week, where I described how detached I feel from my younger self to the point where she is apart of me but I am not her and that I feel like because I’m the one that lived in the end, I will take care of the body she left me and the people she left behind in her shape. So when I read that part about Piranesi taking care of Matthew, I had to actually take my break at work just to sit and dwell on that. IT SCARED ME A BIT AT HOW ACCURATE IT WAS TO HOW I FEEL BUT GOD DO I ADORE THIS BOOK FOR IT. its just odd that i had been meaning to read this book for a few months now but i only just chose this week to read it. funny how it all works in the end)
I feel as though I’ve gone way off topic lolol but yes!!! I ADORE this book in its entirety!! I love the world building and just everything about it makes my head spin with glee!!! I definitely want to do a reread sometime soon once I get the book (I typically listen to audiobooks at work!) because there’s so many parts I loved that I’d want to further dive into. I JUST. THIS BOOK. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. There’s very much more I want to say but this is as much as I could get out of me atm!!!
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takethebodymarc · 7 months
i need them to recreate the one direction album while they're there
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troonwolf · 1 year
legitimately everytime a new thing became tumblr popular over the last ten years I’d be like “looks like shit isn’t even actually gay” and I gained such a pavlovian response towards Ignoring everything you guys like for it being boring and not actually gay, that when you guys got into actually gay shows (ofmd etc) I didn’t believe they were actually gay and just continued to ignore you until I saw a gifset of two men actually physically kissing
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thesillyvivi · 3 months
hey btw also uh. ifi ever like reblog something or anything like that from someone who looks cool but is atually a weirdo pls let me know. namely spardashitters. i cannot let myself keep falling victim for this
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ienveeus · 11 months
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Find me doing author stuff on TikTok or message me to chat fdhuibuifg
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iknaenmal · 1 year
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you live in pangea, the ancient supercontinent? 🤨
Yeas !
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stunfiskz · 4 months
i dont know what part of my brain is in charge of me wanting to kill myself every time im afraid i made a fanwork thats potentially ooc
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st4rstudent · 5 months
ALRIGHTY SO- (I'm so sane and normal about these toons and cogs I swear) as I said before, personally I really like to think that brian's brain is a motherboard and/or wires/neuron like things covered in a silicone mold that made it shaped like a brain-! It would explain why when he starts getting more and more frustrated during his battle he starts overheating and eventually leading to his brain exploding at the end- (which leads me to believe that mayhaps his wiring needed some extra cooling to help him prevent that, perhaps being the reason why he has a dome head in the first place so that way it could be liquid cooled by being placed inside of- whatever brian has inside of there shchsdhs) which in turn would make the silicone brain a pretty solid idea-!! Keeps all his wiring n electricical brain bits all nice and dry, but also gives him a little flair and from the looks of it, seems like a fairly efficient way to help stop any overheating caused by his emotions or stress- (I mean he literally starts going red with rage, that's gotta be some hot pieces of parts in order to do that even with some cooling factors in place-) but what's really got my gears turning is that if he does have a sort of wiring inside of that brain mold of his, it would basically be the like- in between of cog parts and toon-ish parts-! Assuming that his wiring would help out his processors n act as any neurons should, they would not only help out his thought process (him being the self proclaimed smart man that he is /lh/lh) but it'd also allow him to feel things-!! Neurons are the main units of the brain and nervous system, they help the brain feel any sensory input from the outside, send signals to help the body control motor functions, and in general just relay electrical signals throughout the brain all the time- Which sounds very much close to what the cog equivalent of a brain could also do (and does for brian)-!! I know all the cogs have brains and all their inner bits, but I justshfhs I think it would be really cool if brian's brain had just a little bit more brain-like functions-!! I don't know if I'm making any sense here, but- if he can think, that man can feel too-!! Probably more than the average cog, but he would also probably just decide not to draw much attention to it-!! I know this started out as silly snowglobe dome talk, but in all reality I'm so very interested in the complexities that the cogs and toons have-!!! Doesn't mean I don't think it'd be silly to shake that man around and see what happens, that'd be silly- even more so to bonk him with hammers- BUT I JUSTSHFBS I THINK-!! THE COGS DESERVE SOME MORE THOUGHT INTO HOW THEY COULD ACTUALLY FUNCTION N FEEL THINGS AND WHAT THE INNER WORKINGS OF THEM COULD POSSIBLY LOOK LIKE-! BRAINS HELP SHAPE WHO WE ARE AS PEOPLE… SO I THINK IT'D BE COOL TO UNDERSTAND HOW THAT WOULD WORK WITH THE COGS AS WELL- but yeshdhghs I'm . very sorry that this got so much longer than I intended, but thank you very much for letting me ramble out my thoughts-!! I hope you enjoyed hearing some of my thought process SHCHSDHS
OHHTHIIS IS REALLY GOOD. i never even thought about him possibly having a heightened ability to feel things like touch . i imagine with his brain also moving around, there's probably other pieces in there that would also be shifting which would increase the need for it to be in a somewhat cooled down area.
BUT YEAH . it's all very interesting to think about!
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duncebento · 2 years
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bts from todays shoot ermmm
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onlineviolence · 1 year
OC ask game.
6 - what is the thing your oc likes the least about themselves?
Ooooh ther s a few
like for one!/&:&:&;'fjfj(fuck you
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