#bye stumbles back into the cave
s1ngings4nd · 3 months
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r3ynah · 4 months
I just like the idea of Red hood having a medic, that always finds him whenever and wherever.
Like my boy danny, can and will go to different measures, so he can just find the boss of the crime alley alive and well.
Getting hurt? No you aren't, patched him up and forcefully tucked him into bed with a kiss, Getting depressed? No you aren't, Wrapped him in a blanket and just let him read his novels all day and feeding him, Getting kidnap? No you aren't, Cue the corrupted video of Danny breaking in the kidnapper's lair and just freeing Red hood, No blood was shed that night, well not from Red hood that is.
Danny was something else Red hood will tell you if you ever bring up his Medic into a conversation, he would stare at the man with heart eyes as he accompanied him to do random check ups on people under Red hood's care in his civilian persona. Danny may seem weak and brittle but he can give a punch if he really wanted to, He was mysterious but at the same time so open.
Danny was prideful as he wore the medal of being the only one that knows Red hood's real apartment, and the only one that could break in and enter without getting his presence known, just to make sure the crime lord was sleeping and eating properly.
Red hood practically made a joke out of this and would always tell everyone that his medic will be mad, if he isn't in bed by curfew, and he needed to be back at his house by 10:00 sharp or he'll get dragged and thrown, who knew the all so scary crime lord had a bedtime, criminals and civilians often leave him be when the clock strikes 9:50 pm afraid of enraging the meta medic.
"I am telling you B, I can't do that right now, its almost my curfew." Red hood sighed in frustration, he was currently standing in the middle of the bat cave, ready to run if batman tried to talk again.
"This is an important, case Hood, and it requires your participation" Batman stood still, face devoid of any emotions " Afterall it has something to do, with crime alley, there has been a meta spotted, and its creating havoc all around the place."
Jason, blinked, blinked twice, then thrice
"Is that it?"
"Jason, can't you see that this person's dangerous, they had already committed several crimes of arson, assault, and destruction of property, this person is abusing it's powers."
"No im not." An offended voice, called out from the side. all head turned towards the source of the voice, only to be greeted by 6'1 tall boy, who had black hair and blue eyes, and looked just round in his younger adult years. "In my defense they deserved it, won't give me a discount when i literally had a coupon." he rolled his eyes in annoyance.
"Who are you?" Batman asked, his guard up "And how did you get in here?"
"Red hood's medic and the meta you've labeling as dangerous, nice to meet you, and it wasn't that hard to spot this lair if you have x-ray vision" Danny greeted happily offering a handshake, which the dark knight didn't take, Danny retreated his hand in awkward silence.
"That was so sad" Jason cackled, as he pointed at Danny who gave him the middle finger.
"Shut, Its 10:30 pm, your bedtime was like 15 minutes ago, you don't get to talk until you're taller than me." Danny pointed at him.
"Fucking funny, im laughing" Sarcasm was laced in Jason's tone as he glared at Danny, before giving a sigh. "10:30 already shit, time does fly fast, when you're fighting a man in a furry costume" Red hood stated, as he walked towards Danny who only rolled his eyes.
"Bye B, i hope to not see you anytime this week or the next week." He nonchalantly waved bye to the older male, while walking towards his medic.
he turned his head to meet Danny's gaze, then smacked his arm making the man stumble. "Come on, now boss man do your thing"
Danny gave him, a glare before shoving him playfully, he then turned to look at empty air and practically ripped out a dimensional portal out of it, and pushed Jason in it who tripped.
"Bye Mr.Batman, it was nice meeting you" Danny bid farewell as he closed the portal on the Man who looked like he can use a break.
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britany1997 · 3 months
Fate Yields For No One
Chapter Four
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Were you wondering what the boys were doing while reader and Maria were bonding at the video store those two weeks? Wonder no more! Here’s what they were up to lol
I strongly recommend going back to at least read chapter 3 before reading this one, as some of the scenes will be the same, but from Paul’s perspective:)
Poly Lost Boys x Max’s Daughter Reader
FYFNO Masterlist
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California, 1986
Paul’s eyes widened as he realized who you were to him. You wished you could have stopped the word that fell from his lips.
Paul stared at you, his eyes raking up and down, taking you in. God you were beautiful, the others would love you. As his shock wore off, Paul felt a giddy feeling bubbling in his chest.
He had a million questions to ask you. Your favorite food, your favorite color, your favorite band. Paul had to know anything and everything. (Even if you liked Tiffany or something, he could get over it…eventually.)
As your lips parted, Paul prepared himself to be enchanted by whatever honeyed words you’d speak to him. He reached forward to caress your cheek.
Instead of leaning into the touch as he’d expected you to, you recoiled. His brow furrowed.
“Oh my god I totally forgot I have to go stock things in the back, so nice to meet you, bye!” He heard you blurt out before you moved away from him.
There were few times in Paul’s life when he was actually rendered speechless. This was one of them.
Paul’s brow furrowed, “what?” He whispered as he moved to stand in front of the desk’s swinging door you’d been headed for. Surely he’d misunderstood (wouldn’t be the first time), you had to at least talk this out.
He watched your face twist into a glare, “you’re in my way…” you bit out at him.
Paul’s confusion turned to frustration. “What?!” He repeated, “but we’re…I mean we-” he stumbled over his words, desperate and utterly flabbergasted.
“I know what we are,” you told him, “and I don’t care. So can you please move aside so I can do my job?”
Paul’s jaw dropped.
You…didn’t want him? Didn’t want a mate? Someone who’d love you unconditionally for eternity? Who’d do anything for you? God what was wrong with you?
He stumbled a bit as you pushed past him. “Hey!” He called after you, his ego more bruised than it’d ever been.
“This isn’t over you know,” he promised, resolved to win your heart, even if he had to recruit some…reinforcements.
You scoffed, oblivious to Paul’s plotting. “Seems like it is,” you replied before slipping into the back of the video store.
“What the fuck just happened,” Paul murmured to himself as he rubbed his forehead.
Maria whistled “tough break Paulie.” She bumped him with her hip before she went back to returning DVDs.
Paul scoffed. She didn’t know the half of it. “I gotta go Maria,” he muttered, stalking off with his tail between his legs.
She snickered softly as she watched him go.
Paul shook his head, he was gonna be in for one long conversation when he got back to the cave.
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Paul slunk across the boardwalk, hands in his pockets, as he made his way back to his bike.
His head nodded along to the beat of the music playing over the speakers. Paul started to tap out a four count on his thigh as he walked and hummed.
“Are you going to that bonfire Friday?” “I dunno, is Jason gonna be there?” “Ugh, probably” Paul huffed a laugh as he eavesdropped on the vapid boardwalk talk.
A bonfire on Friday did sound fun though. Should he and the guys throw a party? Who would they even invite? Maria? Maria, who worked at the video store with his new mate. He sighed. What a mess.
As he walked, his mind wandered to her pretty face. He wished she would have let him touch her. She looked so soft. He just wanted to hold her. He could be gentle!
He huffed.
Didn’t she realize he was hers? Didn’t she know he’d do anything for her? He’d be anything she needed? He’d probably even cut his hair for her if she asked. As long as she let him hold a memorial service after.
She was pretty, and soft (probably), witty and fiery, and she was right there at the video shop and she didn’t even want him. How fucked was that.
Paul frowned as he finally reached his bike, looking back over his shoulder in the shop’s direction. It’d been a while since he’d felt that hollow longing feeling of being alone.
But he wasn’t alone, not anymore. And whatever had happened back there, he and his boys were gonna fix it, he knew they would.
Paul revved his engine with renewed determination. ‘Just wait pretty girl,’ he thought, ‘cause we’re comin back for ya’
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When Paul arrived at the cave, each of the boys were too immersed in their own activities to notice.
On the couch, Dwayne was two-hundred and twelve pages into his thirty-first reread of Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov and from the way Dwayne was hunched over the book, quite literally on the edge of his seat with his brow furrowed, Paul could tell it was just starting to get good.
Though Paul could barely think over the harsh whirring sound of Marko’s sewing machine. He’d been occupied with making patch-work vests and skirts lately to expand his wardrobe. And while Paul appreciated having some extra pieces around he could borrow, after weeks of hyper fixated, non-stop sewing, the sound was worse than nails on a chalkboard.
David’s constant foot tapping didn’t help either. He was perched in his wheelchair throne, seemingly reviewing some ancient documents. By the way he was squinting and underlying, it seemed to be pretty important stuff.
But none of this was as important as what Paul had to tell them. He cleared his throat pointedly.
The whirring of the sewing machine slowed before coming to a stop, Dwayne looked up from his book expectantly, and a little annoyed, David continued his work, ignoring Paul entirely. “I’m calling a meeting,” Paul stated confidently.
“You don’t have the authority to call a meeting,” David said without looking up from his papers, “only Dwayne and I do.”
Paul wondered if he could explode David with his mind if he tried hard enough. How would he know if he never tried?
“Well it’s an emergency,” Paul gritted.
David met Paul’s frustration with a mocking pout. “Dealer’s out of the good stuff again Paulie? Tragic.” He turned back to his papers.
Dwayne seemed to sense Paul’s desperation, “what’s wrong Paul?” he asked.
“I have another mate,” he said hesitantly, “which means that you guys probably do to.”
David stilled at the same time Marko gasped, the curly haired vampires lips curling up into a bright smile.
“What are they like? Are they nice? Are they funny? Are they hot?” The shorter vamp bombarded Paul with questions, making him cringe.
Dwayne frowned, “Paul…” he began gently, “why aren’t they here with you?”
A broken look crossed Paul’s face, “she…doesn’t want me.”
Marko’s excitement was extinguished as he came to Paul’s side, lacing their fingers together. Dwayne softened, quietly reflecting on Paul’s words. David frowned.
“What do you mean she doesn’t want you?” he narrowed his eyes.
“Exactly what I said dude,” Paul strained, “she said she didn’t care!”
David leaned back, unconvinced. “Tell us exactly what happened, start to finish.”
Paul nodded and painfully recounted every moment from the excitement of meeting you, to the pain of watching you leave as he picked up his jaw from the floor.
David stroked his chin, “are you sure she’s a vampire? Human mates are rare, but they’re not unheard of,” he mused.
Paul scoffed, “duh she’s a vampire! She said, ‘I know what we are, and I don’t care.’ How would she know we were mates if she wasn’t a vampire?” He threw his hands up in frustration.
“Did she say, ‘I know what we are,’ or did she say, ‘I know what you are,’” Dwayne chimed in.
Paul scratched his head, what did she say? He’d been talking about what they were, but had she? He couldn’t quite remember. “She could have been saying ‘I know what you are,’” he decided.
David’s hands clapped together, “so she’s human, but she knows we’re vampires, or at least that you are Paul. Unsurprising, you and Marko have the combined subtlety of an airhorn at the opera,” Paul rolled his eyes. “That’s an easy enough fix,” David reasoned.
“Makes more sense too,” Marko added. “If she ran off, it was probably because she was scared. If I was a human I wouldn’t wanna fuck around with us to get bit either.”
“Why don’t we give her some time,” Dwayne suggested, “prove we’re not going to rush into the video store and drag her out to hurt her or anything. We could give her some space to calm down from her confrontation with Paul, and then we can all go meet her together.”
The boys nodded slowly, considering Dwayne’s plan.
“And,” Dwayne added, “if she’s human, we all need to be on our absolutely best behavior,” he shot a pointed glance at David.
David rolled his eyes, “I’d teach her to be on her best behavior,” he mumbled.
Dwayne sighed. “Let’s just give it two weeks, then we’ll go check in on her,” he paused his voice taking on a gentle tone once more, “I think we could all take some time to cool off.”
Paul tensed at that last part, but he knew Dwayne was right. You were a human and you didn’t understand. You couldn’t! They’d have to show you, go slow, ease you into things, be gentle…you were basically made of glass after all.
He sighed, ‘two weeks,’ he thought, ‘I can do two weeks.’
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He could not do two weeks.
Not gracefully at least.
By the end of those two weeks, Paul was practically feral. The second the Sun began to fade into the horizon, Paul was awake and attempting to drag David out of the cave.
As eager to meet you as they were, the boys had grown tired of Paul’s impatience.
Dwayne’s evenings consistently began and ended with “has it been two weeks yet?” The dark haired vampire had come so close to just buying Paul a damn calendar.
Marko had had to stick to Paul like glue to stop him from wandering off to the video store every night. On two unfortunate occasions, Marko AND David had to drag him back to the cave to stop him was barging in to talk to you. Paul was like a dog with a bone when he wanted something, and he wanted you bad.
But Dwayne has assured him last night that today was the day, and Paul was chomping at the bit. “Let’s go,” he groaned, annoyed and excited.
“Paul.” Dwayne chastised.
“Dwayne.” Paul mocked.
“Paul,” it was too early for this shit. “I know you want to see her, we all do,” Dwayne reminded him. “But I think we should wait until closing.”
“What?!” Paul huffed, “I’ve been waiting two weeks! Now we gotta wait longer? No way man!”
“Paul listen,” David groaned, “we can’t have a long, intensive conversation with her about vampire mates with random human customers running around, get it? It’s a private conversation.”
Marko nodded in agreement, “it’s doesn’t seem fair to drop all of that on her while she’s still at work either,” he added, “it’s better if we get ‘er as she’s leaving.”
Paul rolled his eyes, “whatever, I bet Fishy’s on my side.” He grumbled as he stalked off to his room.
“You think we should invest in one of those backpack leashes for him?” Marko asked, only half joking.
David scoffed a laugh, “don’t tempt me.”
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When closing time finally came, Paul’s eagerness had wavered. What if they explained everything and you still weren’t on board? Humans had tons of reasons to fear vampires after all, you might want nothing to do with them.
He shuddered at the thought.
He looked to his left to see Marko biting his thumb, equally nervous.
“A human mate,” he muttered under his breath, “what are the odds.”
David rolled his eyes, “if she’s a human I can use my thrall, why are you idiots so worried.”
Paul and Marko shot him dirty looks, but Dwayne placed a hand on his shoulder. As tough as David liked to pretend to be sometimes, Dwayne knew he was nervous too.
“No use waiting any longer,” the dark haired vampire reasoned, “c’mon.”
Dwayne lead the way, pushing the door to the video store open and letting the bell ring softly as the other boys filed in behind him.
The vampires maneuvered to the desk together, passing through aisles they’d walked through a million times over.
The silence was deafening as the boys’ thoughts whirled with what they’d say to you. How they’d explain the significance of vampire mates to a mere human.
Dwayne sighed, they probably had nothing to worry about. Even as a human, there’d still be a pull for you. And he could work with a pull, no matter how small.
He’d show you, he decided. Show you how amazing it could be to be cared for, to be protected. He’d treat you like a princess, he’d worship you if you let him.
God you must be his if he was already thinking this way. The tug at his heart grew stronger and strongernwith every step. If you only knew the effect you had on him, on them all. If you only knew you could have him wrapped around your finger.
When the boys finally reached the front desk, Dwayne’s musings were shattered by the vision of your tongue down Maria’s throat.
He watched as David’s jaw dropped when he was met with the sight of one of your hands tangled in Maria’s curly locks, the other caressing her hip.
He’d felt it, and by the looks of it, David and Marko had too. You were theirs, but you were tangled in Maria’s embrace.
The boys were too stunned to speak.
Until Paul abruptly broke the silence with a resounding “what the fuck.”
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FYFNO Taglist❤️:
(Let me know if you’d like to be added to my list for this fic, or to my main list)
@6lostgirl6 @misslavenderlady @ghoulgeousimmaculate @crustyboypix @anna1306 @arenpath @arbesa-mind @bookworm551 @chiefdirector @dwaynedelight @dwaynesluscioushair @sad-ghost-of-garbage @its-freaking-bats @kurt-nightcrawler @ria-coolgirl @solobagginses @vampirefilmlover @vxarak @mickkmaiden333 @bitchyexpertprincess @lostboys1987girl @f4iryfxies @bloodywickedvamp @softchonk @walmart-cereal @warrior-616 @katerinaval @memphiscity69 @rynsfandomsfun @fraudfrog @ghostedghostie @welcome-to-the-hole @people-are-strange-87 @blenna3967 @drascilla @jezabella8 @gothamslostboy @charlottieellis @ilikechocolatemilkh @simplyreading96 @mad-is-sad @justaspeachy @pookiesnatcher @jamie-poopoo @buzzybee-26 @cocopuffs1450 @sarcastic-sourwolf @kristel1990 @the-lonely-abyss @mihawksdemoness
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idyllcy · 10 months
baby, you can find me under the lights
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word count: 9.1k
warnings: slow burn, mentions of drugs
summary: Ah, it feels good to be loved.
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Hard. This is. Hard.
Jaime stumbles over his words as Khaji Da warns him for his spike in heartbeat, his head spinning as you stare up at him, blinking owlishly. You look pretty. Seriously, you look gorgeous. He's stumbling over his words just to ask you where his building was. It wasn't even as if he was asking for your number! Seriously, do people like you even exist—
You tilt your head at him, blinking.
asking you to repeat yourself.
nevermind. you do.
"Ah, uh, dios mio—" He pauses. "do you know where the school of biology is? It's my first day here, and—"
You point at the building on the other side, and Jaime sighs. "Oh my god. I'm stupid, so sorry—"
You wave your hand dismissively, smile on your face.
smile holds no menace. seeming to say 'me too'
"Thank you, but really—"
You raise a brow at him.
"Not you. Well, thank you, yes, but not the latter part." He sighs. "I've had a long morning."
You wave bye to him as you rush off into the building.
"Is she mute?"
no signs of vocal cord damage
"So she just." Jaime glances down at his watch, cursing as he realizes he's about to be late to class. "I'll ignore it. Put a tab on her."
got it. unusually high levels of dopamine and adrenaline detected in bloodstream.
"Ignore it." Jaime mumbles. "I just think she's cute."
In retrospect, Jaime has no idea why he would need to keep a tab on you, but he finds it especially helpful when he's met face to face with who the scarab calls you, except it's not really you, it's some person with flamboyant makeup drawn over their face, and Khaji Da insists it's you. All Jaime can notice is how you're a metahuman, a voice as honeyed as a siren's. He shakes his head to try and break free of your voice.
"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" You tilt your head at him, setting him down as you soar back to the supervillain. His jaw stays open before he closes it, realizing the situation.
a metahuman
"Well, I can't have her fight alone, can I?" Jaime sighs as his armor clasps on, flying next to you, lending you a hand as he blocks a punch. "Having trouble?"
"Appreciate the help." You smile, landing a kick to the villain's face, stepping on it as you send him into the ground. The back of your heel causes a crack to ring and the man's face to cave in, and Jaime stares, eyes wide as Khaji Da tells him that the man's alive and has a high chance of survival. "Are you visiting? Does my city owe a member of the Justice League something?"
"No," Jaime shakes his head. "I... I live here now. I just moved."
"You... alright." You mumble. "For all I know, you could be moving here for retirement."
"Hey, I am not that old." Jaime gasps. "I'm—"
Khaji Da stops him before he can reveal his age. A smarter choice. Jaime really needs to fix his blurting problem.
You raise a brow at him, leaning closer, tilting your head. "You're...?"
"Uh, top secret information." He smiles, trying his best to focus on your face and not the way you were practically sticking on him. It was bad enough that he thought you were cute. He did not need another reason for being head over heels in love with you. Seriously, he's not the type for love at first sight, what kind of witchery do you have?!
You huff, leaning back. "Alright. You do you."
"Are there many villains here?"
"Not really. Just pigface here." You point at the man under you. "Though, you'll probably bring in your fair share of supervillains, huh?"
"I don't have that many."
"Still have some." You hum. "Alright. See you around, beetle boy. I wouldn't recommend sticking around. The police kinda hate us."
Jaime looks at the unconscious man as you fly. "Wait, do we—"
The police arrive as he's cut off, and he races off himself. He did not want a bullet shot at him, but he also did not want to deal with the police so early on in a new city. That could be saved for some time that wasn't right now.
Besides, he has his bio seminar to get to. Seriously, what is with him and arriving late to class?
Turns out, Jaime bumps into you much more than he thinks is coincidental.
First, the two of you bump into each other at the cafeteria, then the two of you meet at the library, then at the gym, and then you share a building at the dorms? Seriously, what is with the two of you and meeting? At this point he might as well call one of you a stalker, and it is most certainly not him. He doesn't think it's you either, especially with how unnerved you are while bumping into him. All you do is wave hello with a small smile and head the other way. Seriously, he was looking creepy. You were cute, he did NOT want to be scaring you off before he could even befriend you. Besides, it's not like his body is— it's... Khaji Da, isn't it.
"¿hermano, la estás acosando?" Jaime mumbles to the scarab. boy, are you stalking her?
I don't know what you're talking about
"'kay, can we cut it down? Seriously, I'd like to not see her every day."
I thought you liked her.
"Thinking someone is cute does not equate to liking them." He groans, swiping his student ID to get his lunch.
I am simply creating more opportunities for the two of you to meet
"Can you not control my body for something like this?" He takes his salad, running a hand through his hair as he crashes into someone. "Oh, I am sosorry—"
You blink up at him, shaking your head.
she says it's fine
"Are you sure? Let me know if I can do anything to make it up to you, really." Jaime nods.
You wave your hand, dismissing him as you head upstairs to find an empty table.
increased heart rate detected
"Oh, dios, please be quiet." Jaime rushes out of the cafeteria, embarrassment all over his face, cheeks flushed with blood.
As he reaches his dorm, he hears the sound of something going off almost comically, and he freezes. Didn't you mention that there weren't many supervillains other than the guy that was arrested recently? Come on.
The cafeteria you were just at. No signs of human damage. The girl is fighting.
Jaime sets his salad down, opening the window, and jumping out, his suit sending him straight to the cafeteria, blasting a piece of wood out of the way as your hand finds itself around the man's throat as Jaime sets down next to you.
"I thought you said there weren't many supervillains here?" Jaime's arm shifts into a taser as he presses it to the man, knocking him out.
"But plenty of frustrated college students." You smile at him. "this one tried bombing the building."
Jaime blinks.
heartbeat steady. Not lying.
"What's your name, by the way?"
"Wouldn't you like to know, beetle boy." You roll your eyes.
"Do you not have a name?"
You tilt your head at him. "And if I do?"
"Why won't you tell me?"
"Who knows. Maybe you'll commit identity fraud." You smile, tapping his chest twice. "Though, you seem a little too tall to steal my identity."
"I won't, so could I please know the name of the partner I'll be working with to fight crime?" Jaime holds his hand out for you, leaning down slightly to stare at you.
"Kinda hard to tell sincerity through those gorgeous yellow eyes of yours, beetle." You give him your hand anyway, shaking it. "Unidentified. Though, the police like calling me Euterpe."
"Like the greek muse?"
"Yeah. In charge of music and stuff." You shrug. "You're just blue beetle because of the suit, huh?"
"Yeah." He pauses. "Are the police coming?"
"They always are." You hum. "Two minutes, maybe."
"How do they know when you don't call?"
"I don't need to." You tilt your head slightly. You point at the students outside the building that Jaime had passed. "They do."
"Are you the school mascot or something?"
"Time's up." You smile. "Alright beetle boy, time to get going."
You speed off into the air as Jaime chases after you. "You didn't answer my question!"
"You have a lot of questions for someone who's just arrived." You come to an abrupt stop as Jaime freezes into place.
"Seriously, how has the Justice League not cataloged you? They sent me a list of everyone in the city and—"
"God, B's just as crazy as I remember him being." You grimace. "I'm not on the catalog— too secretive for his liking. B would really rather not catalog me."
"Why's that."
You pause. "I have a handful of mutant genes instead of just one. Weird superpowers come with all of them. If you really want my file, go find Red Robin at the Titans' tower. He ran a whole sampling of my DNA and everything. The Titans Archive has my file."
"Why doesn't Batman have it?"
"Mm..." You pause. "No time?"
"That man is retired. You have to have a better explanation than just that."
"Can we take it to the dorms? I'm at the point where I think you know who I am anyway." You sigh. "You keep bumping into me on a campus this big. You're practically stalking me."
"I'm not—"
"You're going to have to prove that to me. I see you everywhere." You sigh. "I have a single complex, come on."
"Did you win the lottery?"
"You can do a lot with a voice like mine." You drop onto the roof, suit coming off as you do.
"How'd you get that off?"
"Illusion magic."
"Seriously, you're practically a green lantern." He grimaces. "Or a magician."
"Your suit just came off too, you know?" You raise a brow, swiping your ID. "Does the beetle do that? Can I see the beetle?"
"Next thing I know you'll be asking me to strip for you." Jaime jokes.
"Oh, well, not that I'd be against that, but—" You shut up when you pass a student.
"At least you have a filter." He mumbles.
"How old are you anyway? I was going to ask if you were a fourth year, but from the way you don't know where the bio building is, there's no way you are." You glance at the signs.
"First year."
"Oh, so like, fresh out of high school?"
"No, I took a gap year." he hums. "Now I'm trying to finish college and get into dental school."
"Oooh, big dreams." You mumble. "I'll let you practice on me when you're in dental school."
"It isn't cosmetology, you know?"
"Eh." You shrug. Your keys materialize in your hand as you unlock the door to your dorm. "The fake teeth can only last you for so long. Welcome to my dorm."
"What kind of luck do you have?"
"I told you. My voice." You smile. "Would you like to see it in action? Have the scarab read my lips for you. You'll need earplugs. What's your Starbucks order?"
"A cappuccino. Wh-what are you doing?" Jaime chases after you as you step out of your apartment again, knocking on the door across the hall. You toss him earplugs with a wink, knocking on your neighbor's door. Jaime puts them in as he watches you.
"What?" A guy opens the door, visibly annoyed.
Your lips part, sickly sweet words spilling down your tongue, and Khaji Da speaks.
"could you get me a grande cappuccino and sweetened peach green tea from the Starbucks downstairs? Set it by my door and knock when you finish, please?" You bat your lashes at him twice, and the guy blinks back.
Jaime watches in shock as something glazes over the guy's eyes and he nods at you, heading inside and coming out with his phone in hand, locking his door as he heads down the hall.
"That's one of my abilities." You smile. You reach for the plugs in his ears, and he flinches back slightly, pulling them out himself. "Sorry. Am I too much?"
"It's really hard to have a normal heartbeat around someone like you."
"Honored you would think of me as hot." You smile. "Do you want anything to eat? I cook."
"You got tamales?"
"Oh, I do! I just dropped by one of the cultural clubs' president's house, and she came back with a bag of them. I just don't know how to cook them. Care to help?" You rummage through your freezer, brows furrowed. "Here. Yeah?"
Jaime holds his hand out for you to hand it to him, and he hums. "You got a steamer?"
"Top cabinet on the left of the stove." You hum.
"Do they make you pay utilities here?"
"No." You hum. "Which is why I keep the lights and AC on the entire day. I only turn off the lights in my room when I sleep."
"How much... is it a year?"
You visibly freeze, closing the fridge. "I'd rather not discuss that."
"A lot?"
"I don't look at the bill when I send all of it as fake invoices to Wayne Enterprises." You laugh awkwardly, pulling the steamer out.
warning: rapid heart rate increase.
"Yes, Khaji, I know." He mumbles through his teeth.
"No, not you." He smiles. "How do I put this? I have a scarab in my back."
"Oh, I know." You smile. "It's pretty... visible when you're at the gym. there's like a huge bump on your back."
"You look at me at the gym?!"
"Hard not to when your back muscles look like that. You got a routine I can follow?" You wiggle your brows jokingly.
"Um, lifting seven hundred pounds worth of metal when a skyscraper falls over."
"Oh, I don't need to do that." You shrug. "I just tell the metal to get out of the way."
"Your voice works on more than just humans?"
You puff your cheeks, looking to the side. "Yes?"
"Do you have like, some cosmic control over the universe or something?"
"I could pull a my little pony princess celestia and tell the sun to go down right now." You bat your lashes innocently.
Jaime blinks owlishly, fear in the back of his mind, confusion on his face. You can what. What in the Mary Sue self insert is that voice of yours? It was like God himself made you extra special, even down to the genetics. A metahuman could have powers that strong? Though, how did you even discover that you could make the sun set? Something else snaps at the thought of your voice being so powerful. Can you command... food to cook?
"Couldn't you just cook the tamales with your voice?"
"I've never really tried that." You pause. "I don't know what works and doesn't work, I just know that I can make the sun set and moon rise."
You ignore him, pulling out a tamale. "Cook, please?"
You toss it in the air as it gets hot instantly, and before Jaime can react, Khaji Da is sending his body to grab a plate and catch the tamale. You blink as Jaime catches it (just barely) and the two of you exhale in relief as Jaime sets the plate down. You blink at the bag and then at the piping hot tamale on the plate, jaw-dropping.
"I never have to cook ever again." You mumble. "Oh my god... this is a revelation. This is so much easier than I ever thought it'd be."
"Though, it might be better to cook it on a plate next time." Jaime mumbles, setting the plate down.
burn detected on left hand.
Jaime grabs your wrist, unfolding your hand as he stares at the wound. "It's hurt."
"Oh, I can just—"
"Do you want me to wrap it for you?" Jaime stares at you, eyes gentle, and your heart soars. Holy fuck he's cute. Yeah, screw the voice thing, he's wrapping it up for you. You're gonna take advantage of this. God, you're going to combust. Holy shit, was someone allowed to look this cute? You need to go outside and touch grass, holy shit.
"Y-yeah! Sure!" You blink, eyes wide. "Please. Thank you. I'll uh, give me a second." You stare at the cabinet. "Open, please."
The cabinet door opens.
"First aid kit, land on the counter, please?"
The kit lands, and you call to close the cabinet as there's a knock on the door. Jaime lets go of your hand, turning to go to the door.
"I'll get i—" You place a hand on Jaime's shoulder, shaking your head.
"Stay, please."
Jaime finds himself stuck in place as you open the door, a smile on your face as you take the drinks.
"Do you need anything else?" It's the same guy as before.
"Nope." You smile. "Thank you."
Jaime watches as the man's eyes return to normal, a confused look on his face as he raises a brow at you.
"Should, I, uh, pay you back for the drinks? How much was it?" You blink prettily at him, and Jaime's heart stops when the guy waves you off.
heart rate quickened. indicated attraction to her.
Holy fuck, were you using pretty privilege on your flatmate?
He leaves eventually, and you place the drinks on the counter. "A hot cappuccino during summer?"
"There's AC in your dorm." Jaime mumbles. "Did you use pretty privilege on him?"
"Oh, silly boy." You laugh. "Everyone thinks I'm the most attractive person ever."
"How?" Jaime tries moving, realizing you had put him in place. "Can I be freed?"
"Thank you for staying still." You smile.
"You don't want a tamale?" He opens the first-aid kit, pulling out the bandages and gauze.
"After I burned myself? I'd rather not." You wince as Jaime disinfects the burn.
"How'd you manage to burn yourself?"
"Erm... not sure!" You hum. "but I cooked the tamale."
"Let's cook it the normal way next time." Jaime mumbles. "You want me to cook anything?"
"Can you cook?"
"Yes, most definitely." Jaime wraps your wound gently, brows pulled into a worried frown. "worked at my tía's diner over summer during my gap year."
"Wow, sounds fun." You hum.
"You ever worked?"
"No." You mumble. "My work is my superhero business. I have a gofundme to help. You'd be surprised at how long of a way a little fanservice goes. Can you just boil me some soft eggs?"
"Runny yolk?"
"Semi." You hum. "I have a sauce in the fridge to marinate the eggs in. Thank you."
"Do you enjoy cooking? You have every single sauce and spice I can imagine." Jaime rummages through your cabinet. "Also, what did you mean earlier by everyone thinks you're the most attractive person ever?"
"Beauty is subjective— yeah, I like cooking— so if I tell myself that I want to be the prettiest person in the world, then everyone sees me slightly differently. It's a little manipulative, but it gets the job done." You mumble.
"What about the creeps?"
"I can fight." You hum.
"Is there a reason you need to come off as that way?"
"Only when I'm in suit." You hum. "I look perfectly plain when I'm out of the superhero face."
"And what's this fanservice of yours?"
You smile, your cheeks pulling up but your eyes unchanged. "My onlyfans is linked on my twitter."
Jaime chokes as he turns off the sink, neck-snapping to look at you. "W-what?"
"That was a joke." You hum. "It's just a gofundme. I'm... I'm close with a good number of fans. It's like Superman, you catch my drift?"
"He does have a good relationship with the citizens of Metropolis."
"Yeah, and Batman's hated by all." You snort. "That's a joke. Gotham would kill for that man."
"They would?"
"Ask a Gothamite what they think about Batman and you get an annoyed grunt, but lasso them with the lasso of truth, and they'll admit that they're actually grateful for the man." You lean on the palm of your head. "Thank you for making me the most attractive person ever."
Nothing changes for Jaime as he blinks at you. He blinks a couple more times at you, wondering if his eyes were deceiving him, but you look the exact same. The realization causes a smile to break onto his face slowly, eyes warm and affectionate as he looks at you. You're already pretty to him. How beautiful.
"So? You like how I look?"
"You look the same." Jaime hums, jumping when the water nearly boils over, opening the cap as he places the eggs in. "shit."
You laugh, chest flushed with warmth, shy smile on your lips. Your chest feels overwhelmingly full, like a piece of it that had been lost was returned to you, making you whole again. God, he can't just say that to you and expect you to not fall for him. You grimace inwardly. Falling at the slight sign of affection. How classic of you. Though, your chest is warm, and that was always a good feeling to have. "Yeah?"
"Yeah." He blinks at you.
increasing heart rate—
"Please, not now." He hisses.
"Does the beetle speak?"
"To me." Jaime mumbles. "He's like a voice in my head."
"Could I suggest putting an earbud in to pretend you're on the phone so you don't look insane?"
Jaime pauses. "Huh. I've never considered that."
"Yeah." You mumble. "It gets people off your ass."
"How come you don't speak when you're walking around?" He raises a brow. "I thought you were mute until the scarab identified you as the hero."
You shrug. "It's easier."
"Easier for what?"
You shrug. "People don't talk to you much when you don't speak."
"Do you want me to peel the eggs for you?" Jaime lifts the pot into the sink.
"Oh, no, it's fine. Thank you." You hum, getting out of the seat. You wave him off as you pour the water out, focusing on the eggs. "Peel the shell off cleanly, please."
The eggshells detach perfectly, and you open your fridge, pulling out the sauce.
"Are you in any clubs?"
"Acapella Choir and Writer's United." You mumble. "I also hang out with the kids in musical theater."
"I forgot that was a major here."
"We're a surprisingly art-oriented school for one with such a good stem program." You seal the container again, putting it in the fridge. "Clean yourselves, please."
The dishes turn clean with a swirl, and you place them in the dish machine to dry.
"What's the magic word?" Jaime raises a brow.
You smile. "Can't say it."
"Why not?"
"Then it'll come true." You hum. "I think you've listened enough times for it."
"How come you don't fight crime with it?" He hums. "Your voice would do wonders."
You hum. "It wears my voice out."
"Do you speak to your professors?"
"Yeah?" You raise a brow.
"But you don't speak to students?"
"I speak when necessary." You shrug.
"So telling me where the bio building wasn't necessary?"
"No." You sigh. "Of course not. Oh, right. I never learned your civilian name. I can't just keep calling you beetle boy."
"Jaime. Jaime Reyes." He holds his hand out for you, and you take it, your own name spilling past your lips.
Jaime finds that you're not as much of a red flag as you came off as. You bump into him every now and then, nodding as you do, and then you rush off for your classes. Jaime only ever gets to speak to you while on duty, wrestling the criminals to the ground as you knock them out. He doesn't get to speak to you very much— the police have gotten much faster with arriving at the scene of the crime. Usually, by the time he's chased after you, you've already detransformed and gone to class. Seriously, your schedule is appalling. How many units are you even taking?
"Alright, I know you're in there. Come on, open up." Jaime knocks on your door for the nth time, and you finally, finally open it, sighing at him.
"What do you want?"
"To hang out? Seriously, I haven't made any friends since coming here other than you, and that's only because you and I fight crime together!"
"That does not sound like a me problem." You deadpan.
"I brought tea."
"Oh, why didn't you start with that?" You open the door fully, letting Jaime in. "I'll let you chill for a bit, but I have somewhere to go in a little."
"Where? It's 7pm on a Tuesday." He sets the tea on the counter, raising a brow.
"Frat party starts at 8 but you're technically supposed to get there starting 9. No one ever goes on time." You hum. "Did you want to stay the night?"
"No. That'd be a little..." He pauses. "Mami raised a man better than that."
You bark out a laugh. "That's sweet. Thank your mom for that, please. Not many women end up with such sweethearts of children."
"Are you calling me a sweetheart?" Jaime grins.
"Mm, sure." You hum. "Much better than half of the men on campus, that's for sure."
"Why are you going to a frat party?"
"For the vibes." You hum. "I also got news that something was going to happen there, so you gotta be prepared, you know? It's halfway across campus."
"Should I go?"
"If you want." You hum. "Give me a sec, I'll move everything to the island."
"Do you need help?" He cranes his neck as you disappear into the corridor.
"I'll be fine." You call.
Jaime watches as you move a bag and mirror onto the table, and he watches in silence as you start your makeup.
spike of dopamine in bloodstream. hermano, do something. ask her out.
"No!" Jaime hisses. "she's going to think it's creepy!"
"What's creepy?" You raise a brow at him, amusement on your lips.
"Nothing! Khaji is speaking." Jaime avoids your eyes.
"Is that the beetle's name?" You go back to the makeup.
You hum back, finishing with your makeup, pausing.
"Couldn't you have the magic do it?"
"Yeah, but," You sigh. "it only knows how to do my hero look."
"It's taught?"
"I can make it copy images on a screen, but I dont have that many products to work off of." You hum. "You want me to do your makeup?"
"I'm good." Jaime mumbles. "Is a frat party even safe?"
"Depends on the person. Is it icky? Yes. Is it fun to feel individualization in a crowd of strangers? Also yes." You hum.
"Don't you get hit on if you..." He pauses. "no. you're not in costume."
"I sure am going to get hit on if I transform, though." You hum. "It's happened before. They like spiking poison or toxins in frat party drinks. Can Khaji Da scan water for toxins?"
"He said yes." Jaime mumbles.
"Then go with me?" You smile at him awkwardly. "Please? Maybe you'll make friends there too. Hm? Didn't you come in complaining about how you didn't know anyone here?"
Jaime sighs. "I'm not drinking, though."
"Oh, yeah. Your boundaries still matter, obviously." You pause. "Don't Mexican families throw huge parties and drink there?"
"Sorry, let me rephrase that. I'm not drinking frat house beverages." Jaime corrects himself. "Someone's saliva could be in it for all I know."
"'kay, yeah, that makes sense." You mumble. "Are you just going to go in that?"
"What do you mean?"
"Mm." You think for a moment, staring at Jaime. "You know what. Yeah. The shirt's fine. Unbutton two buttons and you'll be fine."
"Do you need me to do it?" You raise a brow. "They won't let you in if you look too formal, but they also won't let you in if you look too casual. Well, that's a lie. They'd let you in if you were in a tank top, but since you can't... at least try and look like a frat boy."
"I'm hurt." Jaime scoffs as you step close to him.
"Can I?"
"Do what you must."
You reach a hand into his hair, messing it up first, blinking slowly at his face. Jaime holds his breath as you're practically stuck on him, chest pressed to his, and he swears his heartbeat is scarily quick right now. He stares down at your eyes as you stare at his hair, fingers pulling gently to mess it up more than it was. In fact, he should be—
warning: quickened heart beat.
There it is.
Jaime curses under his breath, and you stop, blinking up at him as he leans back.
"That's the scarab. My heart's beating too fast." He avoids your gaze again, looking up at the ceiling.
"So like, a defense mechanism?" You tilt your head. "Can I... unbutton your shirt slightly?"
"Yeah, uh, sure." He holds his breath as you slide it open slightly, freezing in place when you stare at his chest for a little too long. "You alright?"
"Yeah." You mumble, pulling away, hiding your face. "Yeah. I'm fine. God."
detected increased heart rate.
"You sure?" He tilts his head to get a better look at you, noticing your skin has flushed darker. Ah. So you were flustered too.
"You wanna go?" You finally speak up. "We should get going. It's across town."
"We can fly there. Well, you can."
"I'm not flying for a frat party."
"And you'll walk?"
"At least I won't be drunk." You mumble. "Besides, I can just sleep on one of the benches here. At least we don't have anti-homeless architecture on this campus."
"What's with all the crime on campus anyway?"
"Oh, you didn't know? Everyone here is tied into crime in some way." You smile, opening your fridge. "there's correlation between creativity and sociopathic tendencies, after all."
Jaime blinks slowly. "What."
stable heart beat. Not lying.
"Heros end up desensitized too." You pull out the whipped cream, squirting it right into your mouth as you swallow. You lick your lips as you set the bottle back into the fridge."Come on."
The school is shaped more and more like a prison, Jaime thinks. The architecture is shooting proof, and all the windows are bulletproof. He wasn't sure if it was because of safety worries or the amount of crime. The school wasn't known for crime, so it was a little strange being told that petty crime was common in the school. Well, maybe it was. It's probably less than whatever's going on in Gotham anyway.
"Is... petty crime common here?" Jaime winces at how uncertain he sounds.
"It's..." You pause. "It's not that common, actually. It just seems that ever since you came, our crime rate has gone up."
"Pinning the blame on me?" Jaime fakes offense.
"Yeah." You joke. "Any plans on how to make friends?"
"Any tips?"
"Find the people who are in the corner." You mumble. "Or something. I don't know. Get to know people over drinks. Just have the beetle scan the drinks for anything bad for you."
"What should I not touch?"
"The punch. The beer is usually fine. The beer tends to be canned."
"And the vodka?"
"It's alright. I take a shot of punch for liquid confidence, though." You hum. "But today I can't. I'll just have to shoot straight vodka."
"Or you could just, not drink?"
You shrug, getting to the door of the house, a guy greeting you.
"Ay! You're back!" He grins.
You grin back. "I brought a friend today. That's alright, right?"
"For you, sugarlips? Always."
You lick your lips, winking as you step into the house, Jaime in tow, his hand in yours.
half of the people here's bloodstream have high concentration of alcohol already. beware.
"Got it." Jaime mumbles, following behind you as you squeeze through the crowd. He gets a couple of looks, raised brows in interest and flirty winks. He wonders if you get this often too. Well, if you came and went looking like that, then surely you would. Maybe that's why everyone calls you a nickname. Jaime grows frustrated as he thinks of it. Did you have someone else?
"Sugarlips!" A guy wraps an arm around your shoulder, smiling. "Come back for more?"
"Brought a friend today." You point at Jaime.
The guy doesn't even bother looking at Jaime. "Your boy?"
"Not quite." You smile. "Hands off of him, though. You wouldn't mind telling the girlies that, would you?"
"No worries." He gives you a wink. "Should I tell the boys to keep their hands off too?"
Jaime nods at you, squeezing your hand gently.
"Please." you lick your lips, a smile on your face.
"Watch the punch for me, will you? Don't want anyone drugging it."
"We'll watch the punch." You nod.
"Of course, sugar." He laughs, nodding at Jaime as he heads back into the crowd.
"Well?" You tilt your head at Jaime as he stares at the punch.
Stick your finger in it for more thorough analysis. I can't tell anything without contact.
"Need a cup."
You grab a red solo cup, scoop the drink without the ladle and hand it to him. Jaime blinks twice at the liquid before giving up. Oh well, it's a frat party. What can he do about it?
"Is it always this messy?" Jaime sticks his finger in, waiting for the analysis.
"Occasionally it's worse." You hum. "So? Did you find anything?"
Unknown aphrodisiac toxin detected. Rohypnol drug detected. Liquid alcohol content 37%.
"Rophynol and an unknown aphrodisiac." Jaime repeats. "Alcohol content is 37%."
"Remove the flunitrazepam from the punch, please." You mumble quietly, the water swirling slowly from people's drinks. The powder hangs in the air as you open a plastic bag. "put the flunitrazepam into the bag, please." The powder swirls into the bag, and Jaime watches as you tuck it into your pocket. The crowd of people with drinks don't notice at all, not even when something bubbles out of their drinks.
"Then?" He raises a brow.
"Go have fun." You hum, flicking the cap off of the vodka. "Or have Khaji Da scan the people to figure out who decided to put the date rape drug in the punch, but not my problem." You pour yourself a shot. "I already figured it out when I walked in."
You tilt your head as you watch the vodka pour into the glass, eyes glistening as you do, eyes gentle and tired, and Jaime finds something in your eyes. He's not quite sure what it is, the spotty lights in the living room painting your skin different colors, but there's something about you, he supposes. Even in the way he takes your outfit in, finally, staring too hard at your face. Reds and greens dance across it, leading down to your shoulder. Something glistening on your arm catches his attention.
"You have powder on your shoulder." He reaches to wipe it. "who was it?"
"It's fine." You brush him off, putting the vodka back on the table. "Want a shot?"
Jaime furrows his brows, your name slipping past his lips. "who was it?"
Your name sounds like honey coming from him as you down the shot. God, you were down bad.
"Seriously, who is it?" Jaime knows at this point, only one person had touched your shoulder, but he wants to hear it from your mouth.
"Guy who had his hand on my shoulder. That's why he asked me to guard the drinks. Be right back." You smile at him, slipping into the crowd, going to find the girl he had his hands on.
Jaime tries following after you but loses you in the crowd, grimacing. You were probably looking for the guy who drugged everyone. "Khaji. Find her."
upstairs bedroom second on the left.
Jaime squeezes past the crowd to try and find you. If the guy was capable of drugging the punch, then god knows what he was capable of doing to you if you went alone. Sure, you can fight, but what if something does happen? He didn't want you getting hurt, even if he knew you could fight without a problem.
sounds like you like the girl
"Khaji, can you please," He slams the door open, staring as you have the man on the ground, heel pressed on his windpipe, the girl still unconscious on the bed. Jaime lets out a breath in relief as he steps over to you, Spanish spilling past his lips before he can think too much. "gracias a dios. ¿mi vida, qué demonios estás haciendo? ¡No huyas solo!" thank god. my life, what are you doing? Don't run off by yourself!
You blink in surprise as he breaks into scolding in Spanish, grabbing you by the arms, tilting your head to get a proper look for any bruises that could have landed on you, cursing you out for running off on your own, and you blink trying to keeping up with his words. At some point you press a hand over his mouth, pointing down at the man under you. Jaime follows your finger, remembering that you're stepping on a man's neck. You... crazy. Only you. He hears Khaji Da laugh in his head.
"We've really got a knack for speaking when you have a man's throat under your foot, huh?" Jaime mumbles, furrowing his brows. "Let him go."
"You called me mi vida." You press your chest to his, staring at him, batting your lashes. The pet name sends blood rushing to your head, drunk on the way it sounded so sweet falling from his lips. Did he mean it? Did he mean it when he called you his life? "Did you mean it?"
"It slipped out."
from your unconscious maybe.
"Khaji, shut up." Jaime hisses, face impossibly flushed. "Get off the man before he dies."
You step off of him, the man long passed out.
"Is he still breathing?"
breathing: stable
Jaime exhales quietly.
"So? Mi vida?" You smile cheekily, pointing at yourself. "Am I tu vida?"
Jaime tries avoiding the topic. You're a little tipsy right now. "You literally had a single shot. How are you already–"
blood alcohol content from breath: .06
"Seriously?!" Jaime grimaces as you stare up at him, expecting an answer, cheeks puffed out and frown on his face. "Will you get off of me if I say yes?"
"Depends if you're being honest." You grin, pressing your ear to his chest, listening to his heartbeat. "Push me off if you're uncomfortable."
"Seriously, you're drunk. You're probably not even conscious of half of the stuff you're doing." Jaime peels you from him, throwing you over his shoulder.
"EEK!! I'm being carried like a sack of potatoes!" You shriek, laughing. The alcohol is really messing with your brain. "I'll stay in the room. Go call for the guy at the door we greeted earlier. He'll know how to deal with this."
"I thought frathouses let things like this slide?" He sets you down on the bed next to the girl.
"Not this one. Especially not when he actually planned on doing something." You beam at him, eyes closed, lips quirked upward. "So, could you?"
"If you say the magic word." He tilts his head. He could have a little fun with you.
"That would make it a command." You mumble. "How about something I can give you? Go make a friend downstairs. Give him a friend, p—"
Jaime presses his hand to your mouth. "I don't need the help, thank you."
You blink slowly at him, licking his palm.
"Where'd you even learn that?!" He pulls his had away with a grimace.
"Go get the guy at the door." You groan. "I want to leave if you aren't going to make any friends."
"I'll take you home and then come back to make some friends if you really want me to." Jaime mumbles.
"It'll be too late by then. The police are coming soon."
"Noise complaints." You shrug. "They break up around 1 or 2 am, so it'll be soon."
"It's been that long?!"
"Go get the guy from the door!" You land in the bed with a thud, sighing. "God, before I kiss you or something. Hurry up."
"Huh?" Jaime freezes in his tracts, turning around to stare at you.
"Don't you wanna know why they call me sugarlips?" You pout, resting your pinky on your bottom lip as you jut it out. You pull it down with a pop, blood rushing to Jaime's head as you do. He needs to leave before he does something to you. God, his self-control could only last him so long.
"That's definitely the alcohol talking." Jaime mumbles frantically, shutting the door behind him. His ears and face feel eerily warm despite being sober.
Ugh, you were a force to be reckoned with.
He hauls you out eventually, flying you to the dorm instead of walking, worried that you'd get hit on, even as he unlocks the door with his ID, you mumble quietly, half-asleep, half-conscious.
"Wake up. I don't know where your key is." Jaime shakes you gently. "Come on."
"Call me mi vida again." You whisper.
He complies, setting you down, a hand around your waist for support. "Mi vida, get your key, will you?"
You fish out the key, unlocking the dorm room. "Wanna stay the night?"
"I'm two floors down. It's fine." He mumbles.
key replication made
"What." Jaime freezes at Khaji's update. "excuse me?"
"Hm?" You raise a brow, door half-open.
"Not you. Shower and go to sleep when you get in." He sighs. "Yeah?"
"Can I have a goodbye ki—"
Jaime shoves you into your dorm, slamming the door closed as he holds it in place, heart racing, cheeks flushed, lips parted as he desperately tries to catch his breath. God. You are such a force to be reckoned with. He's going to get a heart attack with you around sometime. You're twice as bad when you're drunk. But hell did he want to kiss you. Too bad you were drunk. He couldn't think of taking advantage of you like that, even if you were the one who asked.
Jaime makes a mental note to keep you away from alcohol next time.
The next time you see Jaime, the two of you are actually fighting someone again. Your suit is on, your voice stopping the metal from slamming onto the civilians as you evacuate them. Jaime focuses on the man himself, hand transforming into a blaster as he shoots at the villain. Didn't you say most of the crime was minuscule in comparison with other cities? Well, this was minuscule compared to how many beetles he's fought because of who he was. At least there weren't other beetles in the city.
"I thought you said there weren't supervillains in this city!" He yells at you, voice coming out altered.
"They don't come often!" You yell, turning your attention to the metal. "Fall, please."
The metal slams down onto the ground as you tackle Jaime out of the way.
"Why did you let it fall?!"
"I can't hold things up for too long my throat hurts!" You shriek, turning to face the floating criminal." Pass out, right now, please!"
The supervillain drops on the ground with a thud, and you exhale, faceplanting into Jaime's suit with a sigh. You stay there for a couple of seconds, catching your breath, groaning as you finally sit up straight. Jaime can feel the plush of your skin despite the suit's barrier, and it is not something to feel while the adrenaline after a fight dissolves in his system.
"It was that easy!?" He rests on his arms, suit scanning the unconscious criminal.
"My throat hurts." You mumble, walking over to where the criminal was passed out. "Two minutes until police come."
"I'll fly you." He sits up with you, linking his arms behind your back and under your legs, wings fluttering as he soars into the sky. "Who pays reparation fees?"
"Taxes." You cough. "Ow."
"Stop talking!"
"Stop asking me questions— heUG." You reach to grab your throat, grimacing.
"Alright. Stop talking until we can figure out how to get your voice back without killing you." He groans. "At this point we might as well live on the dorm roof."
You grimace.
"Was your throat damaged when we met the first day?"
You shake your head.
"Oh, so you just hated me."
You lunge at him, annoyed.
initiating rough translation... "Are you crazy!? Do you know how much energy it takes to knock a supervillain out with my voice? You think I'm superman?! I didn't hate you the first day, I just didn't think it was worth the effort!"
"Don't lunge at me while I'm flying!" Jaime shrieks, nearly dropping you as he lands on the roof with a crash. "I didn't know! I can't analyze your entire genetic structure just from looking at you, you know?!"
"would you like to see me naked, then?"
"NO!" Jaime yells, leaning back as you shift on his lap. "Dios, now everyone's going to know that I landed on the roof. Hurry up on back to your place now."
"Jaime, pretty boy."
"What?" He tries to ignore the way the back of his head rushes with warmth at the pet name.
"I can't detransform without my voice."
Jaime freezes in place, blinking at you slowly as he lunges to grab you by the shoulders. "Speak. Detransform right now—"
"I CAN'T."
"You know," Jaime pauses. "I'm impressed that you can tell, Khaji. How are you reading her body language so well?"
unlike you, I have been observing her body language. she is a suitable person for you to date.
"WHAT." Jaime chokes, coughing to get the spit caught in his throat out. You jolt as he rests his head on your chest, coughing profusely.
Jaime, I need to see her in order to translate. Though, her heartbeat is abnormally fast.
Jaime looks up at you, where you're looking down at him, lips parted in embarrassment, eyes wide with confusion, skin flushed with warmth. Jaime probably doesn't look much better under the suit right now, his own heart fighting to break through his ribcage. You're just... so pretty. He stares at you a little too hard, eyes drinking in your figure, forgetting how close you are to him.
"Can I kiss you?"
That cuts Jaime out of his thoughts as he leans away from you. "I did not need to hear you ask if you could kiss me with the scarab's voice."
You blink at him owlishly, mischief dancing in your eyes.
"No." He answers. "Not with Khaji's voice asking me."
"will you go on a d—"
You grin at him cheekily, scooching close to press yourself to his chest again. You rest your cheek on his chest, lips curling upward as you bat your lashes. You like messing with him, he finds.
"Then my own?" Your lips pull further up, and Jaime swallows while staring at your lips.
"You didn't lose your voice?" He stumbles over himself as you blink.
"Not quite. It hurt for a bit, but my self-healing ability is quite impressive too. So?" You hum. "Can I?"
"Yeah, sure, mi vida," He mumbles, the helmet on his head coming off as he presses his lips to yours, lashes fluttering as your body arches to sink into him. His hand wraps around your wrist as he leans a little more in to get a better taste of your lips, another hand moving to the back of your head, tilting it as he stares at you through his lashes. He understands your nickname now, your lips do taste sweet, even when you haven't downed whipped cream. Ugh, he could spend eternity just making out with you, slowly, gently, without a care in the world. He pulls gently on your hair, leaning further in as he licks your bottom lip, exhaling more as his tongue darts past your pretty lips into your mouth. Your hand moves to press on his chest, whimpering as he tugs on your hair a little too hard.
You're just so pretty to him.
He lets out a sigh of satisfaction as you pull away for air, lips parted, eyes glazed over, a strand of saliva connecting your mouths.
Jaime reaches to wipe the saliva from your mouth with his thumb, smiling gently as he does.
God. Shit. He's in love with you.
unusually high levels of dopamine and adrenaline detected in bloodstream. quickened heartbeat warning.
"Can I kiss you again?" Jaime whispers.
"Yeah." You whisper back, smiling so hard your eyes crinkle.
Fingers in your hair and lips slotted against yours, Jaime thinks this is heaven for him. Even as the two of you have detransformed, still stuck on the roof of the dorms, your hands on his chest as he sinks further into your touch, smiling against your lips as you hum, the vibrations of your chest traveling to his as a pleasant buzz. Jaime closes his eyes all the way, and he only pulls away when you do, the gentle fondness still present in his eyes as he looks at you.
Yeah. That was what this is. Love.
The same love that was present in his mother's eyes, yet different from the love that was for his family. This love was newer— it made his skin crawl and his heart race, but it wasn't unpleasant. He felt giddy and boyish, falling for someone like this— he felt like it was having a first love, your cheeks flushed and ears red, shy glances stolen in a room full of people, only seeing you under the spotlight when other people existed. Jaime wanted to relish in this forever— the feeling of your skin pressed to his, he would stay with you forever if he could— If you'd let him.
"So?" You smile. "Know why now?"
Jaime pauses to stare at the way the sun shines through your hair and coats you in a glow of gold, his hands still on you as he looks up, a smile on his face. A laugh breaks past his lips at your smile, the happiness from finally having you in his arms sending blood through his body and genuine bliss through his system. Ah. Right. This was heaven to him— to have you in his arms and a smile on his face, the sun not even as bright as the way your eyes crinkle while looking at him, adoring him to the ends of the earth. Ah, it feels good to be loved.
"Mm..." Jaime hums playfully. "Maybe I'll know if you kiss me again."
"God, I think I just unleashed a monster."
"Your fault for being so irresistable, mi vida." He goes back to your lips, humming happily as he does.
Your relationship doesn't change much at first. The two of you are exclusive, yes, but neither of you have put a label on the relationship. Other than the making out in your dorm and occasionally while fighting, not much has really changed. You both have your classes, and you both have things that you are busy with. You wonder if you guys are just friends with benefits, then. Though, judging from the way Jaime looked at you, there was no way the guy thought you both were just friends.
Then, Jaime starts bringing food over to your dorm, clinging onto you while the two of you huddle on the couch with a movie playing in the background. You find yourself in his arms as you listen to his heartbeat at night, and suddenly the single dorm is a double, Jaime squished on your bed next to you, sprawled out with an arm around you lovingly as the two of you sleep. You're... definitely not friends with benefits. You're practically dating, huh?
"I'm here!" Jaime calls from the door, holding a bag of takeout with a bouquet in the other arm.
"What is it today?" You take the flowers from him with a smile.
"Bart visited today." He hums. "Said there was a good bagel place downtown he visited before."
"Ooh." You mumble. "Did you try it?"
"No, but I ordered something I figured you'd like." He takes out the boxes, sliding yours to you, smile on his face.
"Jaime, can I call you mi amor?" You tilt your head.
"You can call me whatever you want, mi vida." He hums. "Just you."
"Khaji, shush." He hisses at the beetle.
You open the takeout box, grinning at the bagel. "We should make this here."
"We should." He hums. "You'd probably make a better one too."
"Should have Bart judge it." You chew on the bagel, pausing. "Are we... dating?"
"Yeah. Why wouldn't we be?" Jaime pauses. "Oh. I forgot to ask you out, huh? Wait, I can prepare something nice and then as—"
"Jaime, go out with me?" You tilt your head, smile crinkling your eyes, your cheeks pulled upward with a foolish grin.
"Yes." he breathes. "Yes, mi vida. Forever and always, it's a yes."
You hum, pulling a flower out of the bouquet and tucking it behind his ear. "There. Now we're actually dating."
"Mi vida." He spins your chair to face him, arms gripping both sides, smile on his face. "Can I have a kiss?"
"For you? Always yes." You set the bagel down, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Though, I probably taste like bagel right now."
"You always taste good." Jaime mumbles, pressing his lips to yours.
And it's gentle, the way that Jaime loves. He presses his fingers into your skin and wraps his arms around you, relishing in the warmth you give him, and to him, you can do no wrong. Even if you make mistakes, he's there for you, slowly, gently, always there to anchor and weigh you down. You'll do the same for him, fingers threading through his hair, skin warm on his, a smile and voice reserved for him.
and god did Jaime love you for it.
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spicyspiders · 1 year
Hello! How are you?
Is it okay to request an Eldritch!König x male reader? I have been kinda feral about that- like imagine... Under that hood is full of tentacles😳
I always imagine him railing the readers ass while licking him with all his tentacles lovingly as he pound his ass so hard that reader might not even walk for a week(and i kind of imagine Eldritch!König have a slit and when he get aroused 2 dick tentacles come out:)) if you ever feel uncomfortable with feel free to delete this! Alright bye!!
I didn't put the slit thing, but I hope you still like it.
“We can’t stay here for long,” you panted out, leaning against the wall of the cave you had run into. Your legs burned and your shoulder ached from where König had shoulder checked you to get you out of the way of a flying stray bullet. You were filled with worry though, if your body was aching, you couldn’t imagine how König must feel. 
“Stay back,” König said in a low voice when you tried to approach. 
You followed his command, worry keeping your feet in place. “I need to check you for injuries,” you tried in a calm voice. 
“I’m fine,” he said quickly, “it only tore my cloth, not skin,” he finished, trying to reassure you. 
“König, it doesn’t matter,” you said in a stern voice, “I need to check for injuries,” you repeated. When you tried to step closer, you instead froze in place out of fear after a few steps. 
“Stay back!” He yelled. His gun fell to the ground with a loud clang but he stayed facing the wall.
You stayed in place but opened your mouth to whisper his name. When his name left your lips, you could see his hands clench at his sides. You watched his back as his chest rose and fell as he sucked in deep breaths, it felt like an eternity before he spoke again. 
“I don’t want you to see it,” he said quietly before letting out a sad, low laugh, “but I know you just did.”
When he pushed you out of the way, you thought it was a trick of the light, or from too much heat to your head. Where his hood had been torn something… emerged. You didn’t get a good look at it, but from what you did see, it was long and black. Whatever it was, it made the man that shot at you let out a scream when König turned to face him. 
You kept running to where you were now. You stumbled when you heard a scream ring out behind you, but you kept running until you made it to the cave. Again, the noise came from the man that shot at you, but this one was filled with terror. A scream that you sure was going to stick in your head for some time. 
“They are a fail-safe. I am always able to control them, but lately,” he paused, “I have had difficulty.” He spoke calmly, but his body was still tense. You wanted to reach out to comfort him, but you stayed in place. 
“Why?” You asked, placing your gun on the ground softer than König had.
“Because of you,” he finally turns to face you and you are finally able to see it.
You swallow down your fear to question him, “if this is because of me, is there any way I can help you?”
König steps slowly up to the man, backing him up until he comes in contact with the opposite wall, “you should be afraid of me,” he says softly.
König has been a mystery, there are not a lot of things you know about him. One of those many things is the color of his eyes. Even up close, they were too dark to see, but they were reflective. Not like how eyes can be in photographs, but like an animal’s eyes. 
You lift a shaking hand towards his face, freezing when one of the tentacles brushes your finger. “Why should I be afraid of you?” You ask. “Are you going to hurt me?” You question, not taking your eyes off of it. 
His hands clench at his sides again, “never!” He said fiercely. He speaks again once his hands unclench, “they want you,” he responds, an edge of something akin to fear in his voice. 
You keep your hand in place as the tentacles wrap slowly around your hand, all the way down until it reaches your wrist. “they’re you, aren’t they?” You look up into his eyes. 
“Yes, but-“
You cut him off, “then I have no reason to be afraid.”
This seems to make them happy as they pulse around your hand. You see something shift underneath the other side of his mask and then more tentacles are coming out. 
When they slither out of the other side, the ones around your hand loosen and your hand falls. What’s left behind is a colorless wet residue that cools in the temperature of the cool cave. 
König, now breathing harder, wraps his hands around your waist. The tentacles start at your face, running across your cheeks before moving down your jaw and neck. This must feel good to König because he lets out a breathy moan when a few of the tentacles sneak down the collar of your shirt.
They’re warm and wet, like slowly sinking into a warm bath as they feel your skin. 
Something like a kiss is placed on your lips by one of the tentacles when it runs softly across them. When you part them, it presses inside, past your teeth, and meets your tongue. 
König lets out another moan, this one louder this time that bounces off the walls of the cave. 
It’s heavy on your tongue, leaving the same residue on your tongue. When you swallow it down to get a feel for the taste, it pulses on your tongue. You lick your lips when it pulls out of your mouth, drinking in the sight of the man in front of you. 
He’s shaken up, his broad shoulders rising and falling as he gasps. The tentacles not of your skin pulse to the timing of his gasps, slithering slowly in the air. You look past them, down his body, reaching his groin, where a prominent bulge presses against the front. 
As your eyes moved down his body, the tentacles on your skin moved down your body as well. When they slipped down your chest and brushed your nipples, you let out a groan. At the noise, two of them stay there to rub around your nipples. When they eventually become two hard points under their care, your head tips back into the wall. 
With his hands still on your hips, he draws them forward, bringing your groins together. It’s a luscious friction that makes your cock fatten up in your pants. You were already growing hard when the tentacles were rubbing on your sensitive nipples, but König bringing your hips together made the job happen much faster. 
When you fully hard, your cock pressing painfully into the seam of your pants, the tentacles all leave your skin all at once. 
“Shh,” König coos, turning you around by your hips. 
You press your cheek into the cool stone of the cave. You fumble with your pants, opening them with shaky fingers, and from the sounds of it behind you, König is doing the same. 
They drop to the floor of the cave to pool around your ankles when you push them down. One of König’s hands leaves your hips to push his own down. 
All at once, just like how they left, they are back. Your whole body shivers before tensing up. One of König’s hands presses to your mouth, covering the noises you let out when they press to your skin.
He shushes you again before speaking into your ear, “just let them take care of you,” he says. 
You nod and drop your head back onto his broad shoulder. While his hands stay on your hip and cover your mouth, the tentacles slither down your back, this time wetter than before. You gasp and another shiver overtakes you as a few of them go down the crack of your ass. 
You’re not sure what to do with your hands, especially when one of the tentacles circles your hole. You move one of them up to the one König has on your mouth to wrap around his wrist. The other press to the cave’s wall. 
The tentacle is wet and warm as it circles your hole slowly. As it rubs around the furl on your hole, the other tentacles let it be and wrap around other parts of your skin. You moan into König’s hand when the singular tentacle finally pushes inside. 
It isn’t painful like a cock can be, but you still have to adjust to the new feeling. It’s wet and warm, coating your insides as it goes deeper. 
“You’re doing so good,” König says. He presses his forehead into your sweaty neck as the other tentacles wrap themselves around your body. One at your neck, another at your upper chest, and the rest you can’t keep up with when one of them wraps around your cock. 
It wraps itself snuggly around the bases, staving off an unwanted orgasm. You let out a whine into ​​König hand as the tentacle continues up, tracing the vein on the bottom. When it reaches the head, the tip of it rubs against’s the slit of your cock. You almost think it’s going to go inside, but it stays on the outside, smearing around the wetness leaking out. 
König lets out a groan, “delicious,” he whispers as the tip of the tentacle continues to rub at the slit of your cock. 
The tentacle around your cock tightens at the base when the tentacle inside you moves again. It goes deeper, brushing wetly against your prostate. It starts a slick pace once your prostate is found, pulsing wetly to slick its way back and forth.   
You don’t know how long it goes on, but it almost feels like a kind of sweet torture. The pleasure builds inside you that is never able to peak from the tight ring of the tentacle around the base of your cock. You’re shaking by the time the tentacle pulls out, leaving your ass a slick mess. 
However, the second it's out, König is pressing the head of his cock to your hole. 
Like you had to adjust to the feel of the tentacle inside you, his cock is no different. It feels like a thick burning line pressing slowly inside, one that you can’t help but press your ass back into.
König goes until he bottoms out, his balls meeting the skin of your ass. His hand around your mouth leaves. When it pulls away, both of his hands are pressing on top of yours to link your fingers together. 
You try to keep quiet when König sets up a steady pace, but it’s no use. Honestly, if anyone were to find the site of you two, they’d likely run away in fear of seeing the man fucking you. 
As he continues fucking you, the tentacles on your skin slicken up your skin, pulsing every time König thrusts in. And when the pace becomes a brutal slap of skin on skin, the tentacle around your cock loosens. 
It only takes a few more thrusts for your orgasm to shoot through you. The tentacles move to wrap around your upper body as your legs buckle and threaten to give out. 
König continues to fuck you. Fucking you through your orgasm as you shoot ropes of coming onto the cave wall. His thrusts begin to falter when your whimpers of overstimulation begin. His hips stutter to a halt when his orgasm overtakes him. As he comes deep inside you, the tentacles on your body twitch as if they’re going through an orgasm of their own. 
Still trying to get your breathing under control, the tentacles slowly retract from your body, leaving behind a wet, warm slick. 
König wraps his arms around your waist and you both fall forward into the wall of the cave out of exhaustion. He lets out a soft noise in response to your own that leaves your lips when his softening cock leaves your hole. 
When it leaves, his come soon starts to drip down your thigh, the warm dripping making you shiver in his arms.
“We must go,” König says, his voice coming out rough. 
You nod and wordlessly begin to pull up your pants when he pulls away from you. You miss his warmth when he pulls away, but he stays close when you both exit the cave, his arm brushing yours on each step as you continue forward.
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messedupfan · 11 months
Chapter 2
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Summary: Wanda is putting herself back together bit by bit. Vision doesn't make it easy.
A/n: I'm really enjoying writing this series. I hope all of you enjoy!
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When Wanda arrived home, she was too distracted to entertain her brother further. She tried to get rid of him but he refused to leave until she agreed to let him help her fix the side of her house. “Okay!” she said, exhausted. “You can do the work! Now go, please,” she had begged. He then offered to take the boys for the night and she let him. With the reminder that they had to be back before four the next day to spend the week with their father. 
Wanda hardly slept that night. She drank the beverage you had bought for her as she smoked a couple of cigarettes and worked on the plans for a new room in her house. As she worked she thought about what the space could be used for. The place itself had four bedrooms and her office space on the second floor. The first floor consisted of a living room,  den, laundry/utility room that led to the garage, and kitchen/dining area. Then, there was the basement. Vision had claimed it as his man cave especially after she gave it quite the makeover. He has been out of the house for a while and has yet come to tear it down. Wanda doesn't have the heart to do it herself just yet, but she knows that the boys could use the space. 
As she drew the space with large windows, because the house never felt like enough light was coming through, she realized the space could be the dining room she had wanted. Wanda woke up the next day in her office, to her brother nudging her awake with worry. All she does is show him the blueprints and walks away to clean up and take care of her hangover. 
When Vision arrived to pick up the boys he noticed the tarp covered hole on the side of the house and matched in angrily. “I did not give you the house so you could-”
“No Vis, you did not give me the house. You lost it in the divorce,” Wanda corrected. “This is my house, I can do as I damn well please.”
The boys raced down the stairs before Vision could say anymore. He was many things, but he was not going to curse Wanda out in front of the children. It pained Wanda to come to the realization that the boys know this about their father and feel the need to protect her. That was her job. She was supposed to protect them and herself. “Get in the car boys,” Vision says sharply. 
“Give me a hug,” Wanda says and the boys took turns in holding their mom in a goodbye. “You boys be good for your dad, okay?” They both agreed and reluctantly walked out the door to the car. 
“What were you thinking when you destroyed this house? I was supposed to have people over for the game tonight! Now I have to cancel!” Vision says, frustrated as he stared at the broken wall. 
Wanda shook her head and shrugged, “Should have thought of that before you tore this family apart.”
“You’ve changed,” he observed with a scowl. “I don’t like it.” 
“Good, now go,” she says, waving the direction to the door. “And don’t think your entitled ass can host game night here again. I want you to get your shit from the basement when you bring the boys back home next weekend.” 
Vision laughs and rolls his eyes, pretending that he doesn’t believe that she is being serious. “Or what?”
“I’ll throw it out or give it away,” she states calmly. Her calmness throws him off. Wanda took pride in watching him stumble on his words. “Bye, Vis,” she says as she walks away from the conversation. He slammed the door to make his exit known and Wanda began to shake as she lost all the strength she had for the conversation. Tears rushed out aggressively and she sobbed in fear of what her ex-husband might do since she stood up to him. 
The rest of the week flies by as she is drowning in work and her new side project. She completely forgets about her arrangement with you until she is cleaning her house on Saturday and finds the bottle you bought her along with the pack of cigarettes she hadn't touched since that night. She checked her watch and saw that she would be cutting it close but she could still make it on time. Wanda passes a mirror and sees the mess that she is. Her hair is tangled and unruly. She was in her stained cleaning overalls with an old t-shirt with holes. Part of her thought she should change. But the thought quickly left her as she figures she isn't trying to impress anyone. So she leaves as is. Playing out an argument with you in her head if you have anything to say about it. 
When she arrives, you are leaning against the building, smoking a cigarette. Wanda exits her car, “Alright, let's go inside and pick something for you.” 
You put out the cigarette with a laugh,“Not bad, huh?” You hold the store's door open for her.
She shakes her head as she walks past you, “Not bad at all. Thank you.” Standing close by her, you follow her through the store. Spotting the next drinks you're going to recommend to her if the two of you continue this little game. “Here it is,” she stops suddenly and you crash your chest into her back. 
“Sorry,” you blush. 
“It’s, uh, it's no problem,” she blinks a couple of times before handing the bottle to you so that you can look it over. Just when you had thought you had tried it all, you find the brand to be unrecognizable. “I’m actually surprised to see this here. It's hard to track down unless you know someone. It's from my mothers' country. She used to have family send her a year's supply every Christmas.”
You nod, understanding why you've never seen this before. “It’s good?” You ask. 
“I wouldn't recommend it if it wasn't,” she confirms. And you agree to try it, asking what's the best way to serve it. “A shot or… oh! There's a few cocktails that are really good. I don't know them off the top of my head though,” she taps her lips in thought. “You’re not a creep right?” she asks suddenly. 
You laugh awkwardly, “I would like to believe I'm not but I can't definitively answer that.”
“Why not?” 
“Because I don't know what behavior I exhibit that you would define as creepy,” you explain. 
Wanda nods once as she understands, “Good point.” She plays with her lips in thought and shrugs. She grabs her pen and pocket sized sketchbook from her overalls and writes down her number. “If you start to be a creep, I will block you. Then you can have a definitive answer for the next person who asks.” 
This makes you laugh again, this time it's more genuine. But not because you are mocking her thinking, the conversation just amused you. You take the slip of paper she holds out, “I promise not to be creepy.” 
“Good,” she takes the bottle over to the counter and purchases it. You put her number in your phone as you wait. “Same time next week?” She holds the bag out for you. 
It takes you a second to work out the schedule in your mind. The other day, you agreed to do a favor for your friend. It was free labor on the weekends but he said he and his sister were covering the costs of all materials. He just needed an extra set of hands. Normally you wouldn't have agreed since Saturday is the day you drop off or pick up your daughter. That way the two of you can have fun together on the weekends. Doing this favor, she would have to spend her weekends either with a sitter or onsite, which his friend said he was willing to accommodate for. However, you did owe him a really big favor and he said his sister was going through a rough time. You didn't mind helping, you were just concerned about your daughter's time being compromised. And now Saturdays might include this. “Uh yeah, I might be a little late but it should work out.” 
“You know what,” Wanda waves her hand, “You have my number now. Let me know when.” 
You smile gratefully, “Thank you, I definitely will.” You open the door for her as the two of you leave. “I’ll see you soon,” you wiggle the bottle in the air and get in your car. 
“I’ll see you soon,” Wanda shouts from outside her car. She returns to her house and sighs as she looks at the mess. She gets back to cleaning so that her boys can come back to a nice clean home. 
It has been years since she's had this motivation to keep the house clean. The house wasn't a bad episode of Hoarders but it wasn't the set of some popular family sitcom either. She wanted to be better about keeping the house clean now that it was mostly on her. Of course, she will teach the boys to do some chores when they're a little older. But for now, she feels they deserve the mother they had a few years ago. The kind that kept up with house chores and made dinner instead of getting the takeout everyday of the week. The boys always came back from their fathers talking about Vision and Virginia's cooking. It saddened her. 
Several years ago, her and Vision would cook together. They wanted it to encourage the boys to want to learn how to cook. Vision is Tommy and Billy's hero. Anything their father does, they want to do as well. So, in order to raise good boys, Wanda asked Vision to cook dinner with her as much as possible. He was reluctant at the start but eventually gave in and even found a liking to the craft. They took a few cooking classes for date night for a time. It was one of the few activities that Vision and Wanda hardly fought during. 
As the boys got older, they started to get curious and it led to Wanda and Vision teaching them basic steps in the process. Wanda stands in the kitchen as the rose colored lenses fill her memory of only the cute moments she shared with her family once upon a time. The laughter that filled the room, the fun messes that caused the noise, the delicious meals and treats after. She remembers it all with a broken heart. 
It doesn't include when Vision wasn't paying attention to Billy and the boy reached for the knife his dad set down on the counter, it fell and luckily only the butt of the knife hit the little boy's foot. In shock, he burst into tears and screamed his head off. Wanda watched both her life and his flash before her eyes as she witnessed the incident from across the room. She rushed to his side in fear, making sure he was fine and trying to console him while Vision screamed at the boy. Blaming the entire incident on the curious six-year-old. 
She isn't reminded of the night Vision came clean about his affair. He told her while she was washing the dishes. He was griping on and on about how she was lost and needed professional help. That he was exhausted from carrying the family on his own. That it felt like he lost his daughter and his wife in the same day. That she needed to get over her grief already and take care of the family she did have. Which, to a point, he wasn't wrong. She did need to open her eyes. But that didn't make his cheating right. 
Wanda crumbles by the kitchen island as she thinks about the day they took the first house tour, how he spun her in the kitchen with excitement. She curls into a ball on the floor, praying that a hole comes and swallows her, when her phone buzzes in her pocket with a notification. It's a greeting from you. Then another message, asking for the cocktail recipes. She is shaking as she reads the messages. She can't respond, she isn't in the right mind. Instead, she goes to Vision’s profile to scroll through his recent posts. 
The first one is the back of her boys and his son holding their hands as they walk in the direction of a sunset. His new wife was obsessed with aesthetics almost as much as he is. The next one is an announcement of another pregnancy. Vision’s hand rests on top of Virginia's over her stomach. Wanda drops her phone in tears. He was gone, she couldn’t fight for him back and she had to accept that she lost him. 
After another hour of wallowing in her self pity, Wanda picks herself back up off the floor, takes a couple of shots from the bottle you bought her, and she gets back to cleaning. She reminds herself that she doesn’t need him as she scrubs the counters. She needs her boys. She needs herself. She needs to get out of this self pitying rut about the loss of her marriage. It was clear, she was the only one still affected by this. Vision and her boys have moved on. So should she. 
In the morning, Wanda wakes to a spotless home for the first time since she left the house to deliver her daughter. The feeling is way more refreshing than she ever thought it would be. Around lunch time, as she's preparing a meal for herself, she remembers that she hasn't responded to you yet. She searches for the cocktail recipes that her parents had given her years ago and types them out for you. She would have sent pictures but they were written in her mother's native language. It wasn't a common language in the States like Spanish, French, or German. Options she was given when she was in school. So, she didn't assume that you could speak it. 
After a couple of hours, she receives a thank you message with a picture of one of the cocktails looking a little off to her. A thought of inviting you over crosses her mind until the boys are running through the front door. She greets them both with warm hugs. “Where’s your dad?” she asks. Last night, Wanda had started the tear down of the mancave to make the move for him a little easier.  
But when she looks out the kitchen window with the view of the front house, Vision is driving away with a middle finger in the air. She covers her boys eyes as they try to peer out the window. She closes her own eyes and takes a few breaths to calm the burning rage. “What should we make for dinner?” she asks them and they look at her confused. 
“It’s only the afternoon noon,” Billy points out. 
“It’s too early to start dinner,” Tommy continues. 
“I know,” Wanda laughs and moves hair out of her boy's faces. They need a haircut soon, she makes a mental note. “We need to go shopping for the ingredients.”
“Oh,” they drag out the word in unison as they feel relieved that their mom isn't going insane just yet. They look at each other as they think about the meal their dad says they can't ever make because their step mom is allergic. They make the suggestion and Wanda feeds off of their excitement. She pulls out her phone to find the recipe and grabs a notepad and pen and offers it to either boy. Billy takes it because he claims he has better handwriting. Tommy, insecure about his spelling, doesn't fight his brother on this. 
Wanda says each ingredient and tells him how much to mark down next to them and when the list is ready, they leave for the grocery store. Shopping with the twins goes much smoother than it ever has. They're focused and excited to make the dish. Something she never thought she'd see in ten-year-old boys. It fills her with pride. She remembers seeing cooking as a chore and she hated doing any of it growing up. She's happy that her and Vision found a way to make it something fun and that the boys look forward to it. 
Then, it saddens her that she's deprived them of this for the past two years. She has to shake herself out of it before she lets the negative feelings consume her again and rob her boys of the meal they're so ready to make. 
Back home, the three get all of the ingredients ready and although it's still too early for dinner, they decide not to wait any longer to make the dish. They barely even let it sit before serving themselves. “Thank you for the meal boys,” Wanda kisses each of them on their heads, “I love the both of you so much.”
“We love you too, mom!” Billy says happily. Tommy stays silent and he nudges his brother. 
Tommy makes an ugly face, “Yuck! Love is for sissies!” 
“Hey mister!” Wanda scolds her son. “You will learn one day that love is what makes a person brave. And I don't want to hear you using that kind of language again. Are we clear?” 
“Yes ma'am,” Tommy says into his plate as he plays with the remaining bits of food. 
“Okay, now both of you go get cleaned up. We're going to have a family movie night,” Wanda says as she collects the plates from the table.
Chapter 3
Taglist: @princessprudy @sayah13 @agaymilflover @awkwardmandalorian @bentleywolf29 @evenbeingcrazy1998 @olsensnpm @artisannat @thisischaismagic @wqndanat @madamevirgo @likefirenrain @tearsofglitter @feltlikethat @the-writer-arcane @natashasilverfox @karsonromanoff @aloneodi @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @jovialsublimecomputer @natasha-maximoff @iliketozoneout @doudouneverte @druggedduck @notbornbutforged @when-wolves-howl @lifespectator @justyourwritter69 @wandaromamoff69 @awesomelygayasf @nekoannie-chan @diaryoflife @wuwu96 @wandanats-goodgirl @sincerely-indi @blueredg52 @sisiwritesfanfics @lizziesplant @fuzzyuniversityeclipsefriend @arcturusseer
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favouritenuisance · 4 months
"write a descreptive with the title "getting busier and busier"
cringing but i couldn't show this to her in person so fuck what do i even have to lose? dignity? uski toh lag gayi mf, qafi waqt se
Getting busier and busier
Life is odd. Strange. Life is strange. So is time. What is life accurately if not the passage of time? For I like to say, time is a passage. The Labyrinth. The Labyrinth, the glorious child of the devil's advocate... the son of logic, Daedalus. Time is a passage, and that passage is the Labyrinth, I like to think. If life in my equation of love and death is a passage of time and if taken my passage of time The Labyrinth into picture then.. Life is the Labyrinth, and, I like to think, death is the minotaur. You can run little bird and you can fly big wolf and you can hide, you can hide but you cannot escape it... for even those that claim they did, live only as legends and myths in our world, their flesh and blood unknown to our eyes. Life get's busy, and it gets colder and darker and busier. Just like how the Labyrinth grows narrow and its trees and weeds try stumbling your feet, life gets busier and time starts cramping. But even The Labyrinth has its caves and rooms of comfort and love. Just as life has its swords and daggers it also has its breads and honey. This story is a dramatic one. A romantic one. For I ask you, what else is the point of mundane feelings in the mundane and monotonous mortal rumble and tumble of the roughness of a regular life? This is of my muse, and of the many caves and rooms of warm comfort she allowed me to live through along the roughs and tumbles of the Labyrinth. A soft, grassy terrain in a small, comfortable cave with warmth radiating through its rock hard walls, the air in this welcoming cave, moist, moist and sweet and joyful to breathe in. A safe haven, a comfortable few breaths with the full knowledge that the dangers of the raging minotaur be harsh as ever... A comfortable position to sit in, with full knowledge of the horrors of the Labyrinth. In the life I lead, my love, that was but a simple hug from you...
A quiet drive in the back seat of a taxi- sitting in the cave comfortably- whilst looking down on your face, your head on my chest joking about the rate at which my hear beat- warmth radiating through the rock hard walls of the cave- with your hair all in my face, and the ghost of your lips on my forehead whispering savoury melodies to my keen ears. In the amalgamy of constantly intensifying wars of sex and death that which is life, in the thorns of the trees and the horns of the minotaur, you gave me soft moments to cherish and smile upon till my face was sore, you gave me a cute cave to want to enter in and sit in till my legs grew weary. As life got busier and busier and crueler and meaner and busier and busier... you gave me something to look forward to, you showed me how good it can get. BYE THIS IS THE DEFINITION OF CRINGE LMAOAOAOOAOAO SOMEONE TEACH ME HOW TO WRITE AND NOT COME OFF AS A 4TH GRADER HAHAHA
@oh-my-gufking-god @i-hate-myself-for-doing-this
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starpotionz · 1 year
Subway stops
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Rise! Donnie x Gender Neutral! Reader
IM BACK BITCHES! Sorry it took so long, life got crazy man. But I’m at college now so yippee! And I finally present you with my long awaited Donatello one shot subway stops
The first time you ever met Donatello was precisely 8 years and 6 months ago. A very specific amount of time, but since that first moment where small tear filled eyes meet the gaze of wide shocked ones you’ve counted the days between each meeting you inevitably have with the purple terrapin. Especially after you two became romantically intertwined, but I digress.
You met him when you were 6. One of your front teeth had fallen out earlier that morning so your cheery mood couldn’t even begin to be dampened. Clutching tightly onto your mother’s hand, your tiny feet stumbled across the concrete floors of the New York Subway station. She had just retrieved you from your mandatory after school extracurricular activity and wanted to get the both you home as soon as possible. It was Dad’s turn to make dinner that night. You remembered him mentioning it that morning before your mother took you to school.
Your father’s cooking by all means wasn’t perfect, but he was definitely the better cook out of your parents. Your mother’s stride quickened as she weaved through the thick crowd of New Yorkers.
In the corner of your eye you saw an old poster for the 5th Lou Jitsu movie on the wall. Your interest was immediately peaked and you slowed down your jog to stare at it longer. You stood there admiring the poster as your mother’s grip slipped and she continued through the crowd without you.
It was a few moments of uninterrupted admiring went bye till you reached to squeeze your mother’s hand but it wasn’t there. She was gone and you were left all alone.
Alone ……
Shocked to your core, you numbly glance back at the Lou Jitsu poster hoping it’ll bring you comfort.
Someone shoved into you as they were heading towards their own destination and the impact brown your resolve. You started bawling and ran towards the least crowded area you could see with your blurry vision.
Everything was caving in on you, ringing all around. There was no way out. No salvation. No mom to comfort you.
No one
No way out
“Um.. A-are you ok?” A small voice inquired. You shoved you face farther into your arms. During your panic you had fallen and closed in upon yourself for some semblance of comfort.
“ ‘mn not ok. I’m lost and I don’t have my mommy a-and someone shoved me and I-I-I” you could barely get out a full sentence before the tears came out like a flood.
This startled the other child and he sat down next to you rocking back and forth. “I’m not the best at comforting others, but I promised my brothers I’d try so uh don’t cry…..please.”
You glanced up from your arms and sniffed “…..you really aren’t good at comforting”
“HEY! AT LEAST IM TRYING! Empathy isn’t really my thing” he snapped. Looking at his face you realized he was a turtle… or well a turtle who looked human. Or was he a Herman looking turtle-ANYWAY back to the turtle boy thing.
“Well..” you pondered “what is your thing Mr. Turtle” Your lips upturned a bit at his frustration, he may not be good at comforting but he was really funny to talk too that’s for sure.
“I’m glad you asked peasant for I am the greatest GENUIS SCIENTIST, DONATELLO! You can applaud now. Go ahead.” He boasted as he waved his three fingered hand at you, urging you to clap.
You snickered as a laugh bubbled from your chest, “Oh yea? Great and powerful scientist Donatello. What science do you do?”
“I invent things obviously” he rolled his eyes. Donatello’s face went blank for a moment, his eyes focused ahead as he mulled over a thought. He looked back at you and thought once more before speaking again.
“You can call me Donnie, not even my dad calls me Donatello.” He fiddled with his fingers “-WAIT! you never told me your name”
“My name? Oh uh-“ you uttered your name to Donnie and he nodded as he repeated it.
“Well now that we are properly acquainted-“
Donnie stopped his sentence as both of you hear your name being frantically yelled. The woman sounded heartbroken and desperate to find you. Wait, you knew who that was.
“MOMMA!” you jumped up as you faced her direction. You couldn’t see her from where you were but she was here. She had really came.
“Is that your mom?” Donnie asked. His words startled you as you quickly turned around to face him.
“Yea it is” Your tone got quieter, but an idea popped into you head and you jumped up startling the port turtle, “ Hey, let’s be friends ok? I think your funny so um meet me here tomorrow ok?” You proposed with stars in your eyes.
“Oh uh yea ok.” Donnie nodded, taking over your proposition, “Yea I’ll see you tomorrow right here”
“Right here!” You smiled at him and grabbed his hands to swing around with your own. Your mother cried your name and you yelled back to her that your coming.
You took one last look at Donnie before you let his hands go and went back to your mother’s waiting arms. As you were walking , you turned around to walk backwards and yelled “TOMMOROW!”
Donnie gave a small smile and cupped his hands over his mouth to yell back “TOMORROW!”
He waved as you turned back around rushing towards your frantic mother. Yeah Donnie was definitely looking forward to tomorrow. After all, he had his own special friend to hang out with and show how cool he was.
Tomorrow was gonna be amazing.
It took me two years BUT ITS DONE HAHAHAHAH also Imma change my name cause I’m not felling my old one anymore. As always Thxs for reading and Cowabunga
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vorish-wonderland · 11 months
Now hear me out:
Mer person reader (can be a smaller fish species or something like a crab) who happens to stumble out of their little safe haven, which had a very small entrance only they could fit in, and come across the twins (or just Floyd)
Reader is kept as a pet in a fish tank/bowl and is stuck with the Leech twins, forced to be a temporary snack. D:
Hehe, bye~ *rolls out until they come back with new idea*
- 🌽 anon
lmao what if I can't decide which idea is better and just combine both ahaha
Includes: soft/safe vore, unwilling prey
★✦Yummy Crab...✦★
You're a crab merperson... a rather rare sight, but hey, you're fine being lonely. Kinda peaceful, actually. You live in a cave with a tiny entrance that only you can really fit through. You like it! It's snug and cozy, and you're completely safe and protected in there!
Or at least... you were.
One day, when you decided to leave your little cave to go get some food, you got grabbed by someone...
"Oh my... now what do we have here?" It was a moray, so... you basically assumed you were going to die right then and there.
"Ooooo~! A tasty little crab!!" There were two of them. Identical. "C'mon, c'mon, let's eat it! It looks so good~!"
"Hang on, Floyd. Let's think about this for a moment... I have a much better idea for us."
That smile. That stupid smile. You would, unfortunately, get very used to that stupid, sinister smile.
You've been in a tank on land for the past year. At least those stupid twins constantly make sure you're healthy and comfortable... and they make sure you have good food, so... at least they know how to take care of you.
But it's not like that makes your situation any better...
After all, you're basically a pet, and not to mention a-
"Little craaaab~~! Hehe, I'm baaaaack~!!" You're grabbed out of the tank quite roughly.
"What do you want, Floyd?" You sigh, kicking your little segmented legs. You would pinch him... if you had claws. You see, being a crab merperson, you don't really have claws like a crab would, you have arms in their place. Really unfortunate, given your circumstance.
"I'm hungry is what's going on, little crab."
"Yes, again! Maaan, do you not know how hunger works~?" He holds you close to his face.
"Of course I know what hunger is... but you and your brother don't always have to eat me... you could eat actual food." You roll your eyes, already being stuffed into his mouth.
"Oh shush, I eat actual food... I just like eating you too~"
It's hard for him to actually fit all of you in there, but unluckily for you, he's got a second pair of teeth to help with that...
And just like that, there you go, all the way in, and swallowed.
"Theeere we go~" Floyd sighs and pats his stomach. "I'm nice and full... and you're safe and comfy~!"
"I wouldn't say 'comfy'... or safe."
"Whatever, you know I wouldn't hurt ya~!" He pauses. "...mostly because Jade would get mad at me... but regardless~! You know you don't have anything to worry about~!!"
You look around, already starting to get a bit bored... I mean, there's not much to do in here, is there?
"Can I at least have some water in here?"
"Comin' right up~!"
That's right. At least they're not actively trying to kill you...
So, when you think about it, you could definitely be in a much worse scenario...
But you're still allowed to be angry about it.
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2dmenenthusiast · 10 months
Last Night on Earth Pt. 8
(Ethan Winters x Gn!Reader)
bye this part took a million years to write and im sorry!!! There's also no Ethan in this chapter since this covers the Not a Hero DLC, but he will be back in the next one or the one after! I hope you all enjoy it even though I'm not super satisfied with this chapter hah
Alsoo quick note for chris's characterization, im sort of switching it up a bit? They made chris super rigid in re7 and re8, which is understandable considering all he's been through and all that, but I want him to keep a bit of his personality from re5 and vendetta. So if it switches up a lot, thats why!
Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3 Pt. 4 Pt. 5 Pt. 6 Pt. 7 Pt. 8 Pt. 9
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"Just so you know, if the mine collapses on us and we get trapped, I'm not giving you permission to eat me."
Chris sighed as you put your headgear on, switching to the nightvision to make sure it worked and promptly blinding yourself.
"Hopefully it won't have to come to that. You were debriefed, correct?"
You gave him a thumbs up while turning your rifle over, closely examining it. The weapon felt heavy and familiar in your hand.
"Lost contact with the first team, Lucas, the Connections. I pay attention."
Chris didn't seem amused at all. Just raising his eyebrows before diverting his attention forward.
"Just follow my lead and keep an eye out."
"Right. And if we end up weaponless and cornered I can defend us with the stick up your ass."
He huffed, and you straightened your shoulders as the elevator came to a stop, and you stepped back into the mine. You were immediately flooded with the not so far away memories of Eveline worming her way into your brain as the caves had collapsed around you and Ethan. The long claws of the monster that had slashed through your back, and apparently killed you. Your chest felt tight, shallow breaths clouding your mask as an overwhelming anxiousness clouded over you.
That’s right.
You died down here.
Chris’s hand landed on your shoulder.
“Hey. Are you alright?”
You gulped and quickly nodded, pushing down every instinct to run and silencing all of your screaming thoughts. Your breathing calmed, and you locked eyes with the Captain.
“I’m fine. Can we get this show on the road?”
He just gave you a look and walked ahead. You took that as your que to follow. You weren’t surprised to see a couple molded monsters still brambling around. Just because Evie was dead didn’t mean the mold wasn’t still alive. From what you’ve read, you knew she didn’t necessarily control it, she was more of a conduit.
You were quick to react when one stumbled around the corner, your feet stepping into a trained and remembered stance while your arms raised. Two silenced bullets took the monster’s head off. Chris said nothing.
Both of you worked as a team to take out any creatures you saw, and you were like a well oiled machine. Chris would go left while you went right, watched your six while you went ahead. Ethan was a good fighter for a man who’d been thrown into a situation he’d never been in before. But everytime you came across one of those things, a twinge of fear would spike through you before you had to force it down and push forward.
Now? You felt strong. Confident. Chris was a well trained soldier, one you could hopefully put your full trust in. And working with him reminded you of how damn good you used to be at your job. It gave you a sense of pride.
Of course, you deflated a bit when a molded came out of nowhere, and Chris absolutely annihilated it with a single punch to its head. He had barely even made a grunt of effort when its head squashed like a moldy grape on impact, and you were glad he couldn’t see your face through the mask, otherwise he’d see your jaw currently touching the floor. When he moved ahead without another word— like it was completely normal— and realized you weren’t moving, he stopped and turned to face you.
“Christ, you punch fuckin’ boulders for a living?”
He cleared his throat.
You moved past before he could properly answer, knowing you wouldn’t be surprised if the answer was yes.
Imagine if that was part of your drills.
“Alright, maggots! Give me twenty boulder punches!”
The mental image made you snicker, and you ignored the curious tilt of Chris’s head. When you heard a cough in the distance, it made you freeze. Chris silently pointed forward, his gun raised, and you followed him up a set of metal stairs and into a familiar room. You instantly recognized the grimy tubs and the smashed computer on the floor from when you found out Lucas was working with The Connections, and the memory made you clench your teeth. You held so much anger for that slimy bastard that it made your chest hurt.
What was different about the room, though, were the two soldiers clad in the exact same gear you both wore laying on the floor. One awake and clearly injured, while the other one lay prone. You assumed he was probably killed by one of the creatures lurking down here. Chris immediately moved to help, while you stood back.
“We’re gettin’ you outta here.”
The soldier shook his head. “Leave me. It’s too late,” he strained, and his head moved back to expose the explosive wrapped around his neck.
“We’re all walking out of here, alright?”
“I got news for you.” The body you thought was dead sat up and slapped something around Chris’s wrist, and you immediately recognized the voice. “That’s not gonna happen!”
Your gun was aimed at his head before you could even think about it, and so was the Captain’s, but Lucas quickly threatened to blow him up if he even tried anything. You wanted to scream, curse him to hell and blow his fucking brains out. But, you kept your cool with a shuddered breath. He couldn’t see your face under the mask. It was possible he didn’t know it was you.
He took off his head gear, and when he cast his gaze towards you, you almost froze.
“You. Get over here. Or I uh, might get a little trigger happy with this switch, here.”
His thumb hovered over the button to the detonator, and you hesitantly made your way forward. Securing a similar bomb over your wrist, you stumbled away from him before he could do anything else. Not like he needed to be close to you to kill you now. One push of a button, and you both were both done for.
How funny. You spent what felt like an eternity tonight barely making it out of this hellhole by the skin of your teeth, only to throw yourself back in. But, it was your choice. And you’d be damned if you let Lucas get away.
“Now you can try and take that off all you want, but I’d advise against. My hand might slip and uh… boom!”
Chris shouted his name while he pressed on the detonator, and the soldier’s head exploded in a visceral mess. The force knocked Chris on his back, and everything screamed in you to react. To do something. But you were scared to even move, not knowing what Lucas would do if you did, and too afraid to find out.
“Now here’s the deal. Y’all don’t follow me, and I won’t have to bounce your heads off the ceiling. The same goes for your other little soldier friends, too. Adios, muchachos.”
Lucas laughed, and as soon as he stepped out the door, particles and gas began filling up the room. Another one of your brother’s sick tricks. You grabbed Chris’s arm and helped him to his feet, while a female voice spoke through your earpiece.
“I’m picking up airborne spores. It’s the E-type mutamycete. Your mask will switch automatically to rebreather mode. Make sure you’re keeping an eye on your oxygen tank.”
“Thank you, beautiful, disembodied voice.”
You and Chris rushed through room after room to get away from the gas, the woman warning you whenever your tank got too low. It was like a race against the clock, the longer you spent in the infected air, the closer you were to infection and maybe death. Once you were finally free of the contamination, you let out a deep breath and noticed that Chris wasn't even phased. Of course, he's got a couple decades on you. He's probably been doing this almost as long as you've been alive.
"You should head back and get that bomb on your arm deactivated," the voice said.
"Absolutely not," you interrupted. Chris just gave you a look. "There's no time, we're not letting him get away."
He sighed, but didn't protest. "They’re right. We can't let him get a head start."
"Understood. Just be careful."
When she got off coms, Chris cleared his throat. "You're calling the shots now, I take it?"
"What? Can't give up control?"
He let out a huff that bordered on a chuckle, and wordlessly continued forward. You wished you could get a read on the man. He had obviously seen and experienced things you couldn’t imagine, working for an organization that dealt with dangerous bioweapons on the daily. If this was the man he is now, you’d like to imagine who he was before he was exposed to such a harsh life.
The further you got into the mine, the more you ran into those creatures and were exposed to contaminated air. You were surprised Lucas didn’t lay more traps for you along the way, but you guessed he didn’t need to when the sweet promise of death was currently strapped to your arm.
Finally, you walked into a larger room with abandoned mining equipment scattered everywhere, along with some type of control system in the middle. There was a clown face painted on it, a big red button making up its nose, and there were three metal shutters— two on your left and one on your right. Blue, red, green.
“What color you feelin’?”
You pointed to each door. “Green. Red. Blue. Which one?”
Chris sighed. “Red, I guess.”
You gave a thumbs up and started towards the door, when Chris placed a hand on your shoulder.
“Stay behind me, okay?”
“Aw, look who wants to protect me.”
“Yes. From yourself.”
The shutter rose, and whatever humorous air lingered around you was immediately weighed down by the seriousness that suddenly radiated off of Chris, and you knew it was time to get serious, too. You immediately realized why he was deemed Captain. He oozed authority. Every move and action was purposeful and swift. Not to mention he was an absolute brute. He could probably wrap his arm around your head and crush it like a grape with his bicep.
Soon, you came across a gated cell door, and one of Umbrella’s men was locked behind it. His arms were trapped on either side of him in one of Lucas’s machines, and his clothes were covered in blood.. You could only imagine what horrible things he had planned for him.
“Hey, you alright in there?”
The man lazily lifted his head, letting out a pained groan.
“We’re gonna find the key and get you out, okay? Don’t worry.”
You hoped Chris was right. That you could save some of these men. But knowing your brother, you had a strong feeling that you wouldn’t. You wouldn’t voice that, though.
Taking an elevator up into another large area of the mine, an eerie feeling immediately shot through you, and you wondered if Chris felt it too. You also wondered how the fuck you were supposed to find a damn key in this place!
“Chris, I don’t—”
He quickly shushed you, and you paused. He shushed you?!
You opened your mouth to say something else, but stopped your own thoughts from spewing out when he pointed to a green crate. Dismembered mannequins sat inside, and an arm was taped upright with a single key dangling from the hand.
Well now you just felt stupid.
Your arm reached out to grab it, but before your fingers even grazed the key, the crate was raised up high in the air and out of your reach. You dropped your hand to your side with a defeated sigh.
Of course.
“Fuckin’ asshole.”
“We have to find some way to get it down.”
He wandered off, you assumed to find the controls to bring the crate back down, and you shook your head. You solved enough of Lucas’s puzzles for the rest of your lifetime. You weren’t about to participate in any more when the solution was much simpler.
“Nope. Fuck this.”
Raising your pistol, you aimed carefully and pulled the trigger, watching the bullet hit the mannequin hand at lightning speed before the key fell out of the crate and into your open palm. You turned to Chris, who stood silently, and dangled the key from your finger. For your own satisfaction, you imagined his face was currently slack-jawed in awe.
The loud thumping behind you mixed with the ground shaking under your feet cut your celebration short, and you turned to see a large, smoking figure brambling towards you.
“Oh, fuck.”
This thing was way bigger than any other creature you had dealt with, smoke emanating from its white skin as it only seemed to get bigger with every step it took towards you. You both attempted to shoot at it, but you were immediately met with a message in the top left corner of your mask.
“Oh, that’s just awesome!”
As the thing got closer to Chris, you grabbed his wrist in a death grip and yanked him out of its path.
“We gotta run!”
The idea of running away didn’t seem to compute with him for a moment, but he had no choice as you were dragging him away and towards the elevator. You practically leaped inside and slammed your hand down on the button, slumping against the metal wall in relief once the doors slid closed and you began descending
“Your guys can take care of that thing. Holy shit.”
He wordlessly put his hand out towards you, and it didn’t click until you suddenly remembered that you went through all that for a stupid key. You placed it in his hand, and he didn’t hesitate to move forward once the elevator doors opened. The man was still in the same place you left him, (Of course he was. Not like he could just walk out of there.) and Chris quickly unlocked the door. You carefully examined the room as you went forward, making sure there weren’t any traps waiting for you to trip on, while Chris went to console his comrade. You didn’t like this. It felt too easy.
“Everything’s alright now,” Chris said.
The man shook his head. “That’s just what he wants you to think. I’m just the bait. And you both fell for it.”
Couldn’t have told us that sooner?
As soon as he finished speaking, the room began to fill with contaminated air, and Chris muttered a curse to himself. You noticed this strain was stronger than it was previously, your oxygen going down by the millisecond.
“Take my filter. Hurry!”
“But you’ll die!” 
The soldier shook his head. “I’m dead anyway.” 
He said it like he accepted it a long time ago, and you were hit with the familiarity of it. It was only hours ago you felt that way, too.
It was almost too quick to catch, but a spinning blade zoomed forward and began descending towards the man’s head. Chris screamed Lucas's name in protest and shot at his crude invention, but it was no use. So, you stood, and watched in horror as this man met an inevitable, painful death.
The blades sliced through his neck, and his head hit the floor with a disgusting thud as blood spewed onto the ground. You’ve watched plenty of people die, but you don’t think you’ve ever seen it done so horrifically. The sight made you nauseous. You couldn’t imagine how Chris was feeling.
You realized then not only was this a trap for you and Chris, it was also a sick show of control. Even if Chris wouldn’t die from Lucas’s gadgets, he still wanted the satisfaction of putting the man through hell by making him watch his comrades die. And that sickened you the most.
Does he ever talk about this stuff? Does he confide in anyone about what he’s seen? You hoped he did. After seeing what he has, you wondered if he ever slept. You couldn’t most nights after you went on leave, even less when your whole life and family was flipped upside down. You began to think about how similar you were. He dealt with bioweapons for a living, and you lived under the constant watch of one for three years. He probably had plenty of stories. Could probably tell you things you couldn’t even imagine.
You felt sorry for him.
Bending down, he took the high grade filter off the mask— since he clearly wouldn’t need it anymore— and held it out towards you. Your eyes widened.
“Are you serious? I can’t take it. You need it!”
He shook his head. “I’m not letting a civilian die!”
“And I’m not letting you die! This is not a negotiation!”
He said your name through gritted teeth, but as you watched your oxygen get lower and lower, nearing zero, you snatched it out of his hand and attached it to his mask before he could move away, the piece fitting in with a satisfying ‘click’.
“Are you insane?!”
You don’t know why you did it. Why you constantly felt the need to put the lives of people you barely knew in front of your own, but you never regretted it. Even if it meant your own death. You watched as your oxygen finally hit zero, and you swallowed thickly, ready to choke on your weak attempts to breathe.
But nothing happened.
You blinked in surprise. Why do you feel perfectly fine?
You imagined Chris was just as surprised by your lack of struggling to breathe, and you proceeded to lift your hands towards your mask. He snatched your hand..
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
“Just let me try somethin’, okay?”
He continued to protest, but you didn’t listen, the seal of your mask coming undone as you lifted it off your head and took a breath.
Nothing. Not even a cough.
“What the hell…” Chris muttered.
“Come on, there’s no time to talk about it right now. We gotta get out of here before your oxygen runs out.”
He nodded and followed you until you were back in the main area of the cave, but your mind was still reeling. Why weren’t you affected by the contagion? Was Lucas tricking you? No, that didn’t seem right. The goal was to kill you, not scare you. So what did that leave?
Were you…? No. There’s no way you were immune.
You didn’t realize Chris was speaking until he tapped your shoulder, and you blinked out of your zoned out state.
“Can you explain what happened back there? Why didn’t you mention you were immune to the virus?”
You stuttered for a response. “I-I… I don’t know what happened. You’re about as clueless as me.”
Your coms came to life with the sound of a familiar female voice.
“It could be due to your prolonged exposure to the E series, your body naturally created the antibodies needed to fight the virus on its own.”
You shook your head. “That’s insane. That’s…”
You thought back to when Ethan said you died, how you came back and felt better. Then back to when you got the vaccine, and how you didn’t feel any effect. You must’ve already been cured when you woke up. Still, that didn’t explain the miraculous healing of your injuries.
“We don’t have time to dwell on it now. Keep your headgear on, though. We don’t want Lucas finding out that it’s you.”
You nodded and placed your helmet back on, while Chris muttered what he’d do to your brother when he found him.
“Just remember we need him alive, Chris,” the woman said.
You grit your teeth, trying not to let your emotions spill out. You knew that’s what Umbrella wanted, to get information out of him. But like hell you were letting him walk out of here alive. And you didn’t care who you pissed off by killing him.
Doing a quick ammo check, you and Chris decided the green shutter door was next on your list, doom settling deep in your gut as the door slowly screeched open. You were met with a short set of stairs leading through a narrow pathway, and resigned yourself to standing behind Chris. There was no way you'd be able to walk next to him in here.
The layout was almost like a maze, walking down one path only to turn and walk through an identical one. You felt like you needed a map to navigate this place. Of course, more contaminated air was blowing through the vents, but with your newfound immunity, you didn't worry about it much.
In the distance, from what you could see through the thick fogginess of the air, smoke began rising from the wall as mold seemed to congeal together to form a tall, monstrous creature. The smoke reminded you of the big guy you ran into earlier, and when you tried to shoot at it, the same message in your mask popped up.
"Shit, it's regenerating too fast. Normal bullets aren't gonna cut it!”
"I'm open to suggestions," Chris said.
Your brows rose in surprise. He did have a sense of humor! A very dry one, but still there.
Your coms buzzed to life. "You'll need RAMRODS to stop it from regenerating lost tissue. You have to fall back."
You frantically looked back and forth, the monster beginning to trap you into a corner, before you grabbed Chris's arm.
"This way!"
You had no idea where you were going, but anywhere was better than near that thing. You took down the hall and turned the corner, repeating the same thing over and over until you were sufficiently far away. You took a breath, and hoped to fuck you'd get out of this soon.
"You keep doing that."
You raised your head to look up at him. "Huh?"
"Pulling me out of danger. Like you need to protect me."
Your eyes slightly widened and you stuttered for an answer. "I-I mean… I was a soldier, you know."
He didn't say anything, just hummed to himself before walking on ahead. Faces flashed in your mind, and you squeezed your eyes shut as your grip tightened around your gun. Now wasn't the time.
You began to debate if you were lost as you went further into the mine, and you prayed to fuck that Chris knew his way back. 
“Did you know that was gonna happen?”
Your steps slightly faltered. “What do you mean?”
“Back there, when Lucas killed that man. Did you know he was going to die?”
The question made you pause, and you swallowed the lump that formed in your throat.
He didn’t say any more, but you felt your answer was dissatisfying without an explanation.
“I grew up with that psycho, and I had to experience every sick trick he had once he was graced with Eveline’s influence. Once I saw that man, I… I knew he was doomed. I just didn’t want to say anything because even if I did, I knew you’d wanna try and save him anyway. I knew you wouldn’t just let him die without a fight.”
He didn’t speak for a moment, and you almost spoke again to try and fill the silence when he interrupted you.
“Would you have saved him? Even knowing all that, would you still have at least tried?”
You didn’t have to think about it as you nodded. “Of course.”
“Good. That’s all I need to know, then.”
The trip through the rest of the cave proved almost fruitless, minus the box of RAMRODS you found just chilling in a random room. You didn’t bother to question why they were down here in the first place, because at least now you had something that could deal with those high regen bastards. You were able to make your way back to the shutter entrance with little difficulty, only running into more of Lucas’s puzzles, as well as tiny little bug fuckers that you could only compare to something out of an old video game you used to play.
What was it? Half… Half something…
As soon as you went through the last shutter, you were immediately met with darkness. Your mask automatically kicked on the nightvision, and your sight was nothing but shades of green. When you tried to step forward, Chris put his hand on your shoulder.
“Wait.” He gestured towards the ground, pointing at the pressure plates.
Of course.
“Guess we gotta be extra careful.”
It didn’t take long to run into similar traps, including automatic gun turrets and fucking lasers. There was also a point where you and Chris had to shove around mining carts, your muscles straining whilst you used your legs as leverage to push them out of your way.
“God, this is fucking stupid.”
You gripped the handles of the last cart and shoved it forward, watching as the wooden wall beyond it gave away and revealed a hallway behind it with more lasers.
“He’s been watching too many spy movies, I swear.”
Crouching and stepping over the lasers, you opened the door at the end of the hall to reveal a room that was entirely filled with them.
“Yeah. Way too fuckin’ many.”
“Just try to focus on moving through them.”
Despite Chris’s words, that piece of logic was almost thrown out the window when he saw one of the missing soldiers lying in the middle of all the chaos.
You grabbed his arm before he could move. “Hold on there, big guy. Even if we get to him through all this mess, there’s no way Lucas is just gonna let us drag him out of there. We have to turn the lasers off.” You grinned to yourself and placed a hand on your hip. “I bet you're glad you brought me along, huh?”
“Something like that.”
“Fine, you stay here, and I'll shut them off.”
Chris shook his head. “Absolutely not. I’m not letting you—”
“Are you forgetting my background? I’m not just some helpless civilian you have to look after. Besides, I don’t need your burly shoulders bumping into every goddamn trap in here and setting something off.”
He crossed his arms over his chest. “Burly?”
“Have you looked in the mirror?”
You heard a distant cough, and were quickly reminded of where you were. Right. Injured soldier, needed saving, blah blah blah. Holstering your weapon, you were careful and precise with every move you made, being sure not to make any sudden movements. Fuck getting this far only to die by damn lasers.
You made it to the man with ease, avoiding touching him, but asking him to give you a sign that he was okay. He gave you a thumbs up, and you relayed it to Chris who stood across the room watching you like a hawk. Finally able to stand up straight, you walked over to the control switch and pulled it down, the lasers disappearing right after. You heard Chris let out a relieved sigh before walking over to the man and helping him to his feet.
“Hey, you still with us?
Marquez nodded. “Yeah, thanks. I was beginning to think we’d be left behind.”
“Please, he’s too stubborn for that,” you chimed in, earning a look.
Once he was standing on his own two feet, he began limping to the exit, and you and Chris remained close behind.
“Lucas is a fucking psycho. Not sure what’s worse— him or those things.”
“Definitely him,” you said.
Chris hummed. “Let’s just focus on getting you out of here.”
Beyond the door he took you through was a smaller room with a ladder leading upwards, telling you that this was the way out. As soon as the words came out of his mouth, the bomb that you both failed to notice on his neck came to life, a red light blinking furiously.
“Fuck! Get this thing off me!”
He was tugging and scratching at the bomb, desperateness and fear clear in his voice. And once again, there was nothing you could do but watch him die. His head exploded, blood spewing from the base of his neck as his limp body fell to the floor. Chris just stood there, looking at the lifeless form of his comrade, before both of your masks projected the image of your brother.
“Now, I don’t know about you, Christopher, but—” he stopped, eyes widening a bit before a sick smile spread across his face.
“Ohohoho! Now this I did not expect. My dear ol’ sibling is working with Redfield.” He clicked his tongue. “How fun. I would’ve prepared somethin’ a bit more grand if I knew you were gonna be coming.”
Your eyes narrowed and your jaw clenched, but Chris wouldn’t let Lucas change the topic.
“Three of my men are dead because of you, Lucas. This ends, and it ends now.”
“I don’t think so. It’s about to be four— no, five dead soldiers in a minute,” he laughed, and his image faded to static.
It was only then that a timer appeared in your interface, counting down from ten minutes as the bomb on yours and Chris’s arms began blinking with the same red light. Panic settled deep in your stomach, and you heard Chris speak into his earpiece.
“Okay, we got a situation here.”
“We’re on it, Chris,” the woman said. “Head back to the central cavern and wait for further instructions.”
“Don’t let me down.”
“Ah, yes. I love waiting while my arm is about to be blown to smithereens.”
You did as the woman said and made your way back, running into creatures along the way that only seemed to be there to waste your time. Every time you looked at the timer, it only seemed to be going down faster, and almost a whole minute had gone by since you first looked.
Nine minutes. We got nine minutes. That’s plenty of time. Plenty of time to get this stupid fucking thing off of me!
“Alright, good news.”
Oh, hallelujah.
A couple images popped up on your screen. “Our video logs from the first unit show canisters of liquid nitrogen nearby. You might be able to deactivate the bombs by freezing them.”
She let you know that the canisters were behind the red shutter, and you wasted less than no time rushing through it. You knew it probably wasn’t smart to be going through the area so hastily, and that you should remain calm, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to. But when you looked at Chris, he was as cool as a cucumber. Like this was a normal Tuesday afternoon for him. You’d be jealous if you weren’t so focused on the death trap currently strapped to you.  
When a molded creature stepped in your way, grit your teeth and put three bullets in its oversized head, pushing its body to the side whilst it fell forward. When it landed and squirmed and your feet, you stomped your boot right onto its mushy skull, goo and viscera spraying the ground.
“Get the fuck outta my way!”
Chris grabbed your arm and tugged your forward, and as this section of the cave began to look more familiar, your eyes slowly widened. This is where that big fucker was that you had to run away from earlier. He was nowhere in sight now, but you didn’t bank on him not showing up eventually. You were never that lucky.
“The liquid nitrogen is just beyond that room.”
An anxious feeling crawled through your stomach and up your throat, and you looked at the timer again. Less than seven minutes. Okay, not bad. But, as soon as you tried to go beyond the room like the woman in your ear said, a stack of blue crates fell directly in front of you, effectively blocking your path. Words were crudely spray painted on them, and you almost broke a few teeth from how hard your jaw was clenching.
You heard something grotesque forming behind you, and didn’t even want to look. Instead, Chris looked for you.
“Well. That’s lovely.”
With an infuriated growl, you grabbed the AR that was strapped to your back and let bullets spray from the creature's middle and up to its head. If Lucas was going to kill you, he certainly had to try a lot harder than this!
You tried flanking the creature, but the area proved to be too small and too crowded for it to work effectively. It was full guerilla mode, and you gave it everything you got. There wasn’t a single bullet wasted, pumping everything into its rubbery form. The more you hurt it, the more the creature seemed visibly affected. Parts of its body began to split open, pouring blood and other viscous liquids that you didn’t want to hazard a guess as to what they were.
Fucking disgusting!
You were soon at its back, its eyes set on Chris, and fear spiked through you. The more he backed up, the closer it got, and he was going to be trapped in a corner soon if you didn’t think of something fast. You looked around, picking up an oversized rock out of one of the mining carts, and aimed at its giant head.
“Hey, ugly!”
The stone hit with a disgusting “thwack,” clattering to the ground as the monster stopped moving. Its feet stomped against the ground whilst it turned towards you, and let out a visible huff.
“Oh, shit.”
Chris desperately shouted your name as it barrelled towards you, swiping its hand against your side and sending your body slamming into a pile of stones. The glass of your head gear shattered on impact, oxygen hissing through the opening, and you gasped for air when white hot pain surged through you. You found it difficult to even breathe. With a pained grunt, you propped yourself up on one hand and gave a thumbs up.
“I’m okay! Just kill the bastard!”
He didn’t need to be told twice, leading it a sufficient distance away from you as he shot RAMROD bullets into its thick head. While you were concerned about how much time was remaining, you found yourself more concerned about the man fighting in front of you. You knew you probably didn’t need to worry, but you couldn’t help the deep-seated feeling from bubbling up inside you. And despite the pain you felt, you wouldn’t just sit and let him take care of the rest of this mess either.
Struggling to your feet, you took a shaky breath and resumed your attack on the creature, but were stunned into stillness when Chris landed an uppercut to the thing and sent it flying through the air.
Is he Captain America or something?!
Its fat limbs flailed, struggling to roll onto its stomach to get up. It didn’t make it that far before its skin began bubbling under the surface, and it exploded into mushy bits.
“Target down, Chris. Now find that nitrogen!”
She sounded as desperate as you felt.
Rushing up to the Captain, you both worked to push one of the crates over, your salvation just beyond it. Chris didn’t even give you the opportunity to let him go first, grabbing your hand in his instead and plunging both of the bombs into the liquid nitrogen. You could feel how cold it was through the thick fabric of your glove,and you flexed your fingers to make sure you could still feel them.
“That did the trick.”
“Take it off before it thaws and restarts!” she urged.
You gripped the bomb and yanked it off your wrist, throwing it across the room as the light began blinking again. It exploded as soon as it hit the opposite wall, and Chris’s own bomb followed suit. An immense weight was immediately lifted off your shoulders, and you placed your hands on your knees with a deep sigh.
“Thank fuck.”
“Hey.” Chris put a hand on your shoulder, prompting you to stand up straight and look up at him. “You okay?”
You nodded, lifting your hands to take off what remained of your mask. You didn’t notice it until now, but the pain in your side had slowly faded away, and when you pressed your hand against your ribs, you felt nothing but a dull ache.
What is happening to you?
“You ready for this?”
You locked eyes with the tinted glass of his mask and smirked, huffing out a quiet chuckle.
“I’ve been waiting for this moment for the past three years. I’m more than ready.”
Chris nodded, hand clapping against your shoulder.
“Alright. Let’s get this fucker.”
tagged: @taytaylvr @xdarkcreaturex
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haveihitanerve · 3 months
Day 1 Gregor/ Overlander:
She was running late. She always was. “Hey darling.” she cooed to the newest baby in the building. “He's growing bigger everyday.” Grace smiled. “He is. Shouldn't you be-?” “yep bye!” she called and hurried out. The wind was whipping around wildly, which is what she blamed for what happened next. Coco never saw the hole. She would regret that for eternity.
“Haha man you can't throw for your life!” he called. “Oh shut up and just go long!” Chase hollered back. He shook his head but did as his best friend asked, running faster, until suddenly he tripped and fell into the pit. At least, that's what Mickey thought it was, until he didn't stop falling. 
“Come back!” Sophie whined. “Its getting dark!” “oh hush you big baby.” he shot back. “Please brother.” she whined. “Fine. If you can catch me!” then he took off. He heard her startled shout then the leaves crunch as she gave chase. But she wouldn't catch him. Fred hated that, for one moment he was running, the next he was falling.
As he hurried across the laundry room, Gregor heard a metallic klunk and then a giggle from Boots. "Great, now she's dismantling the dryer," thought Gregor, picking up speed. As he reached the far wall, a strange scene confronted him. The metal grate to an old air duct was wide open, secured by two rusty hinges at the top. Boots was squinting into the darkness, but then a wisp of, what was it? Steam, smoke? The strange vapor surrounded boots, she held out her arms and leaned forward curiously. “No!” gregor yelled and lunged for her, but boots tiny frame seemed to be sucked into the air duct. Without thinking, gregor thrust his head and shoulders into the hole. The metal grate smacked into his back. The next thing he knew, he was falling down, down, down into empty space. 
She hummed as she walked, skipping lightly over a root in the ground. She breathed in deeply. She loved Virginia. Suddenly she spotted a small cave, hidden inside a large boulder at the edge of the field. She cautiously stepped forward, walking inside. It was dark. Very very dark. She stumbled and fell. She landed hard on the ground but when she looked up, she spotted a light. She walked quicker and quicker, until finally she was flat out sprinting towards it. Just as she reached it she tripped, sprawling head first into vines. She looked up to find a man watching her. He was pale, paler than any man she had ever seen, and he had purple eyes. “Hello.” she said quietly. “I'm Hope.” the man blinked. He examined her and after a second answered. “Hamnet.”
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handgiven · 6 months
stop with whatever roles fit?
gentleness action prompts / @talentforlying em holds john back from walking back out into the fray
what is it, to be a speck of dust when one was once a galaxy? what is it, to be small and frail and blown away by the wind, should the wind decide, when once you lured and held the wind in your hand when it was but gentle breeze? what is it, to know greatness to then suddenly fall through it and land on scraped knees and palms and with shards of divinity in your hair?
it can feel all the smaller, all the more powerless, when still you pick yourself up and push to a stand beside the man who would be infamous. not behind him, not in the front, but right there by his side as if the two of you were equal, as if you were not a holy cavity waiting to cave in on itself. vulnerable hands curled into balls, nails digging into skin that bleeds and that becomes infected with the rust seeping in. that becomes filthy with dust that sticks to the wound and colors it black where it would have once been golden. a creature slumped to the side with a weight of absent wings, eyes bright and big, but misted over, haunted with something beyond their comprehension. stuck between two states of being, neither one of which is completely his.
an angel cast out of heaven, leaning on nothing besides the one sinner who would not stop believing in him, no matter the holy quiet loud in his face, no matter the bright halls that ate away at skin, no matter the darkest vault that showed him the angel of god's presence twisted into a thing that could barely remember what it was like to bask in the divine light. an angel whose halo would come apart with a snap, and the both of you would carry bits of it with you to earth, unaware. microscopic particles of angel dust, that fall apart in a haze, in a half-llfe not unlike uranium, momentarily creating a vision of sanctity that no longer is there. a vision, and nothing more.
a figure left to feeling weak. left to bleeding and hurting and dying. a figure left to mending and aiding and grasping on straws to keep alive. if not for his sake, then for john's. a balancing act as it came to be. one upholding another. teeth, hands, furrowed brows. focus and concern. blood. one for the other. both as one. wet and rugged hand of who was once angel does reach for the other's, as john makes his own stumbled move towards the would-be holy battle. but he's just a man, there's no honor, no glory here. merely slaughter. merely damnation. the hand that holds onto the other's is gentle but firm. desperate. begging.
"they are my family, john. if anyone ought to see them, it's me." he can almost feel a phantom blade upon his throat. but what does he have to lose besides john, anyway? a speck of dust, when positioned just right, may reflect the glow of the universe. a speck of dust can go up in the last blaze of holy light. a speck of dust finds a way, john constantine taught it that much. "it will be alright. i'll be seeing you, my friend." a squeeze to the hand, not a good-bye but auf wiedersehen.
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deathfavor · 10 months
@legacychosen said: don't you see? you matter to me. (emma @ izana)
concern for others sentence starters
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Izana's eyes turn towards Emma, but there's an absentness to them. He's looking at her, but he's not looking at her. See what? See that she feels obligated to have some dramatic reunion like in the movies? Does she think now that she's managed to stumble into him that they're going to be one big happy family now? The thought makes his stomach curl, disgust squirming in his chest. He wants to laugh as much as he wants to sneer, but he settles for his usual distant expression. A king standing high above the land of filth.
" You were three, Emma. " His head tilts to the side, wisps of white hair fluttering as he offers a vacuous smile. How much would she possibly remember? Besides. The Izana she knew and the Izana that was still ALIVE were two very different people. He'd killed him only a few days into life in the orphanage. And like all the other children, they stuffed their dead selves under the floorboards and became something new. Very, very few survived. Maybe some only lost parts of themselves, Izana didn't care. It didn't matter.
This was the Izana now. And Izana that she didn't know behind name. And that was about it, because what else was there? Izana knew the truth. No one else did. No one besides a supposed step-mother and a dead brother.
" I matter to you? You're saying that to a stranger. " Izana replies and he's pretty sure if Kakucho was here, he would be frowning at him. But Izana has not filter or system that stops him like it does other people, so he lets the words fall. At least, words that he wants to let out rather than the secrets that hang in his chest like spiders on their webs in an underground cave.
He lifts a hand with a small wave. " I'm going now. I've got things to do. Bye Emma. " Izana starts to turn away back towards the busy sidewalk. In a few steps, he could disappear into the crowd. In a few steps, he could wonder if he'd ever see her again.
Oh well.
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Not Like You (Master x Reader x Missy)
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"Go through that..." The Master gestured. "Off you pop!" You blinked at the portal looking energy before you. "So you can understand why I'd be reluctant to step into something that you refuse to explain nor pass through yourself, right?" You chewed your lip. "Oh come on! Tick tock! Tick tock!" The Master flailed his arms wildly as he moved towards you. "Don't make me push you!" "Promise me it's nothing weird and it's harmless!" You demanded. He paused, pondering it. "Nothing weird and...harmless." He sucked his teeth. "Nah! Can't promise you that- bye!" "Wai-wah!?" You screeched as the master pushed you. 
Your full body seemed to tingle before your eyes opened as you regained your balance. You immediately took in your surroundings. You weren't in the Tardis anymore, that was for sure. It actually looked more like a cave. That was when you heard a scoff. "Won't even fall for me? Ugh! Pitiful!" You froze at the voice. That voice was familiar and you had missed it more than anything. You slowly turned as your eyes watered with tears. 
You gasped, covering your mouth, to see Missy standing before you. Leaning mostly on one leg and her arms crossed with a smirk. "Missy?" You managed out. "The one and only!" She posed. "Do you know how long I've been waiting for you to show up? You're off gallivanting around and I took the opportunity to sneak away and return before you notice I was gone and you haven't made it easy by being late!" "I-I don't understand." You said, your eyes still wide. Missy sighed. "I kept the other you in my time occupied so I could meet you. I am from your past, no?" Your hands trembled. "I can't believe you're here." You sobbed. "I hope those are happy tears, poppet-" Missy was cut off as you ran toward her and squeezed her tightly in a hug. The action startled her as she looked somewhat confused at her hands, not really knowing what to do. After a moment, she hugged you back. "Are you alright?" She asked. "I miss you so much." You replied.  "Poppet, I'm pretty certain I was the one who sent you here. " Missy said. "Although I could only hope I'm prettier. Doubt I could get prettier but it is a lottery." She chuckled to herself. "You're different." You said drawing her attention back to you as you broke away. "I don't recognise you. He's a whole other person. I don't even know if he remembers being you." You wiped away a tear. "I know you said you change but I didn't expect a whole other person." You explained. Missy wiped away another stray tear. "Regeneration is always confusing for us at first but the memories, even if a little fuzzy at times will be there. A new body is always going to take time to get used to." Missy searched your eyes. "Are you worried I have forgotten you?" "I think you've forgotten what I meant to you." You said shakily. Missy hummed in amusement. "Well aren't you a silly sausage? That isn't how it works poppet. It might feel foreign but you'll still mean very much to me." "I miss you." You whispered. "As would I," Missy lifted your chin to meet her gaze. "I haven't left, poppet. I might look different or act different but, if anything, trust me when I tell you that I'm still with you." Missy held your face in her hands as she gently pressed a kiss to your lips. The Master looked up at the sound of a whir. You stood before him, teary-eyed but smiling nonetheless. "Have fun?" The Master asked. You caught his wrist as he -dramatically- stumbled back, unable to turn away. "Thank you." You whispered. "Of course, love!" The Master replied almost dismissively. "No really," You tightened your grip on him. "thank you." You hugged him tightly. The Master was still. After a moment you felt his arms wind around you as he kissed the top of your head. "It's alright, poppet." You smiled tearfully. Perhaps the Master wasn't so different after all.
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green-eyedfirework · 2 years
Whumptober 2022 Masterlist
No. 1 A LITTLE OUT OF THE ORDINARY Adverse Effects | Unconventional Restraints | “This wasn’t supposed to happen”
homing beacon + outtake
No. 2 NOWHERE TO RUN Cornered | Caged | Confrontation
safe passage + end note
No. 3 A HAIR’S BREADTH FROM DEATH Gun to Temple | “Say goodbye.” | Impaled
bladed threats + follow-up
No. 4 DEAD ON YOUR FEET Hidden Injury | Waking Up Disoriented | Can’t Pass Out
plunder + alt pov
Alt 4 Touch Starved 
teeter + end note
No. 6 PROOF OF LIFE Ransom Video | “I’ve got a pulse” | Screams from Across the Hall
good faith + follow-up
No. 7 THE WAY YOU SHAKE AND SHIVER Shaking Hands | Seizures | Silent Panic Attack
confession + alt pov
No. 8 EVERYTHING HURTS AND I’M DYING Stomach Pain | Head Trauma | Back from the Dead
ruination + alt pov
No. 9 THE VERY NOISY NIGHT Sleeping in Shifts | Tossing and Turning | Caught in a Storm
safe harbor + missing scene
Alt 7 Protective 
pollinated + end note
No. 11 “911, WHAT’S YOUR EMERGENCY?” Sloppy Bandages | Self-Done First Aid | Makeshift Splint
gemini + end note
No. 12 WHAT COULD GO WRONG? “Mayday, mayday!” | Cave In | Rusty Nail
extraction + outtake
Alt 12 Carried to Safety 
finders keepers + alt pov
No. 14 DIE A HERO OR LIVE LONG ENOUGH TO BECOME A VILLAIN Desperate Measures | Failed escape | “I’ll be right behind you.”
silver bird + missing scene
No. 15 EMOTIONAL DAMAGE Lies | New Scars | Breathing through the Pain
pride comes + alt pov
No. 16 NO WAY OUT Mind Control | Paralytic Drugs | “No one’s coming.”
rock-a-bye + alt pov
No. 17 HANGING BY A THREAT Breaking Point | Stress Positions | Reluctant Caretaker
have no mouth + outtake
No. 18 LET’S BREAK THE ICE “Just get it over with.” |  Treading Water | “Take my Coat”
pride comes + alt pov
No. 19 ENOUGH IS ENOUGH Knees Buckling | Repeatedly Passing Out | Head Lolling
a fair thought + alt pov
No. 20 IT’S BEEN A LONG DAY Going into Shock | Fetal Position | Prisoner Trade
plunder + alt pov
No. 21 FAMOUS LAST WORDS Coughing up Blood | “You’re safe now.” | “Take me instead.”
rock-a-bye + missing scene
No. 22 PICK YOUR POISON Toxic | Withdrawal | Allergic Reaction
slipping + alt pov
No. 23 AT THE END OF THEIR ROPE Forced to Kneel | Tied to a Table | “Hold them down.”
a fair thought + outtake
No. 24 FIGHT, FLIGHT OR FREEZE Blood Covered Hands | Catatonic | “I don’t want to do this anymore.”
pillage + outtake
No. 25 SILENCE IS GOLDEN Lost Voice | Duct Tape | “You better start talking.”
slipping + outtake
No. 26 NO ONE LEFT BEHIND Separated | Rope Burns | “Why did you save me?”
safe harbor + outtake
No. 27 PUSHED TO THE LIMIT Muffled Screams | Stumbling | Magical Exhaustion
silver bird + missing scene
No. 28 IT’S JUST THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG Anger Born of Worry | Punching the Wall | Headache
blind spot + alt pov
No. 29 WHAT DOESN’T KILL ME… Sleep Deprivation | Defiance | “Better me than you.”
good faith + alt pov
No. 30 NOTE TO SELF: DON’T GET KIDNAPPED Manhandled | Hair Grabbing | “Please don’t touch me.”
pollinated + alt pov
No. 31 A LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL Comfort | Bedside Vigil | “You can rest now.”
crumpled paper + alt pov
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thegeminisage · 1 year
ok, i'm gonna try this stupid sand seal plushie minigame again. now that the game has been out awhile there are video guides! one mad lad used recall which is SUCH a brilliant idea
I DID IT......wow recall really was the hack
wah whenever i catch sight of the light dragon....my heart..............
how tf u supposed to get in this lil monster tower...
YOOO this shrine where you have to melt ice blocks to get in...thats neat dude
also this lil construct guy who waited 10k years to tell me 😭
this well is DARK which is how i found out the mirror of twilight fabric actually glows! that's so cool!!!
shrine IN the well. absolutely sick
oooh, i stumbled on a yiga hideout...my third one!
one left in the gerudo area now
noooo my bike despawned...rip
i finally broke the bike. it fell down mount drena lol i think that's very fair
DINRAAL!!! girl i need your claw...ugh but she's too far away >:(
you know what, fuck it. i got some charges. i'm gonna go for it with the bike
i got my HEAT ARMOR............i got my BIKE
wow. i'm gonna stay up here forever. this is great
like i knew you could ride them unlike in botw. that got spoiled for me. but to actually do it...
heh heh heh i almost fell off taking a selfie. nvm about my totk reservations this is WAY better than botw this rules
SNAGGED myself a claw! HELL yes! (i don't want to go back to the spring of power)
oh sick i think she's going down into the chasms..........girl bye
ugh this reminds me i am sooo behind on pics & vids i need to post...
okay. my fire armor still sucks but i'm gonna try that fucking gleeok fight again. i wanna kill one so so so bad and there was just a blood moon so it'll be awhile before it comes back if i get it...i can explore lake hylia...
so the good news is. i have 200 arrows. the bad news is. even with a full set it's STILL. DAMAGING ME. WITH HEAT!!!
NOOOOOOOO i got it down to a SLIVER of health and i think it's about to do the attack that killed me before!!!!!!!!!!! IM SCARED
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my god you can fly up on the fireballs and i GOT IT WITH ONE FINAL SHOT...........oh my god finally FINALLY 110 hours into the game i have killed the hylia bridge gleeok
cut down a tree i needed to climb for a korok seed. BUT, i used a stake to put the tree back in the ground. i love this game!!!
lol i found blood moon guy again. dude........
i've worked my way around to the original zonai ruins! i remember looking at them from a nearby mountain or maybe sheikah tower in botw and thinking how cool they seemed...i had to fly over a bunch of guardians to make it, lol
i bet this goddess statue will ask after the mother statue too. which is a huge bummer bc i need to trade in my shrines for hearts lol
man look ok this is what i mean about totk. there used to be like a ton of enemies here and now theres Nothing. i cant believe theyre not doing Anything with theeee original zonai ruins. i see chests here i can't get so maybe there's at least a quest later? :/
killed this black hinox so fast the music didnt even have time to start >:) i've only done that with red ones prior to this
SUPER cool "open ceiling" cave between cora lake and lake hylia. looks like something out of ffxi (honorific) lol. i bet it's so pretty at night
338 korok seeds! i found almost 100 seeds today lol. im turning them in and going to bed
AGH I WAS SO CLOSE....two seeds away from what i think was my last upgrade!! or maybe there's one more row of shields.
and of course 562 seeds to go. at least i'm almost halfway...
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