#byrce Quinlan
abruisedmuse · 5 months
Me and the girlies getting ready for the ship wars, the fandom debacles, and the people that will hate on hofas for not enough acotar.
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queenvreads · 10 months
REVIEW: House of Sky and Breath by Sarah J. Maas
*Contains Spoilers*
5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
SJM really did say, "Hold up, let me write this real quick..." 💁 800 pages later.. This is the way.
Bryce and Hunt are trying to get back to their normal lives after saving Crescent City, but the Asteri are keeping a close eye on them, waiting for a chance to strike. Unfortunately, peace doesn't last long, and soon they find themselves caught up in a rebel plot that threatens to turn everything upside down.
Despite its massive length, every chapter left me wondering what the heck is going to happen next. It did feel slower than HOEAB at times, just because it's such a big world, and there is so much that unfolds in this book. I was eager to get to the action.
I am fully invested in these characters; they are my life now. Bryce and Hunt FINALLY get together. How they lasted that long... beats me. When they did come together, though, it was ⚡🌶️⚡🌶️⚡. The puzzle that is Danika keeps being pieced together, and we get to learn a lot more about her and how it's all connected to Bryce.
I really loved the secondary characters and how their stories started to shine in this book. Like ITHAN, my precious boy, and Ruhn and his romance with Day, aka THE HIND? WTH. I almost thought it was the Harpy at one point because she was in the Viper Queen's den, and when she wanted Murdoc to leave them in the dungeons, I thought she was going to free them.
The only part that fell a little flat for me was the Sofie/Emile plot. It was kind of like the Kristallos/Lunas Horn storyline in HOEAB but wasn't as impactful, IMO. The story started with Sofie's story, and then all the characters got brought together to find Sophie and Emile, but in the end: 1. Sofie is dead. 2. Emile is just a regular human boy, no powers 3. We didn't get much else regarding what a thunderbird is. Only that Hunt can channel similar power with his lightning.. so maybe that will be touched on more in book 3.
Mind-blowing moments of the book:
ALL IN ALL, this wasn't the same kind of action like at the end of HOEAB. I wasn't bawling my eyes out at any point like with Lele's sacrifice and Bryce's drop scene, BUT that ending, DAMN. House of Flame and Shadow is going to be NUTS, I know it.🔥🔥🔥
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kingandfireheart · 3 years
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Sandriel: I know what a treasure you are Bryce Quinlan, the only daughter of the autumn king
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spaceshipkat · 4 years
Is Birth Control ever mentioned in Crescent City? Cause based on your recaps and what I have read so far it doesn't seem to be mentioned at all. Also how does Byrce afford to go partying and do drugs every week? I thought her salary wasn't that great? I do like her brother and loathe his frat boy description. I wish he had been the main character instead.
this is the only mention of birth control: 
Bryce kept her face neutral. “No. Jesiba and Micah are working together. Hunt and I are mere pawns.”
“Micah Domitus is a monster,” Ember [Bruce’s mom] breathed.
“All the Archangels are. He’s an arrogant ass, but not that bad.”
Ember’s eyes simmered. “Are you being careful?”
“I’m still taking birth control, yes.”
“Bryce Adelaide Quinlan, you know what I mean.”
“Hunt has my back.” Even if he’d thrown her under the bus by mentioning her leg to them. 
condoms are never mentioned, despite the fact Bruce does have sex a lot, but hopefully we’ll get a mention in book 2 when Brunt finally bone. as for how Bruce can afford to go partying all the time…? your guess is as good as mine. 
i hope that Ruhn continues to be a good character in future books, and i hope the same for Flynn and Declan, since these three characters are pretty much the only ones i like in the book (i do also love Juniper and Fury, but i feel like we barely get to know them, so hopefully this will be remedied in book 2). i also hope that Declan and Flynn become endgame. i’d be worried sj///m would try to pair them off with Juniper or Fury, but luckily Fury and Juniper are a couple. 
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Casa de cielo y aliento (Ciudad Medialuna 2) - Sarah J. Maas (2022) [Editorial]
EL PODER MÁS MORTÍFERO. LA PASIÓN MÁS INTENSA. EL DESTINO MÁS CRUEL «Byrce Quinlan y Hunt Athalar han hecho un pacto: mantendrán las cosas en un nivel… platónico… hasta el solsticio, mientras procesan todo lo que ocurrió en la primavera pasada. Pero ¿podrán resistir la tensión electrizante que existe entre ellos, cuando ésta es suficiente para incendiar Ciudad Medialuna hasta sus cimientos?…
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darling-book-mage · 2 years
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❝That's the point of it. Of life. To live, to love, knowing that it might all vanish tomorrow. It makes everything that much more precious.❞
❝We've been friends from the moment you thought Jelly Jubilee was a dildo.❞
✧ Rating: ★★★★½
✑ Wow this book was THICK! House of Blood and Earth has such intricate world building that I have to admit I was a little lost in the beginning. SJM broke my heart so many times in this book. There was so many plot twist that I was left saying "WHAT?!?" Danika, Connor, the rest of the pack of seven devils... we were finally giving Connor a chance!....Then that happened, like WTF? I absolutely adored Lehabah and syrinx.
✑ Bryce Quinlan is a total bad ass half fae-half human that can kick some ass. I love her personality, her loyalty and she can wear some heels. Then we meet Hunt Athalar, a really powerful angel with lightning powers. I love the friendship between Byrce and Hunt ♡ Their acceptance of each other.
✑ Then there's Ruhn Danaan and Tharion Ketos, I love Ruhn's love for his sister. Ruhn do go to the ends of the earth to save her. Tharion is just an awesome mer that I seem to really like plus he sent an otter to Bryce, a freakin otter, I would have squeeled with her too.
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abruisedmuse · 4 years
Finally starting Crescent City. I'm 100 % ready to fall in love with Hunt Athalar.
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