#c: death
harusuki · 1 year
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TIMESTAMP ROULETTE the sandman episode 6: the sound of her wings
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bitofthisandthat · 1 year
@wolfpackmuses [ From HERE ]
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The mercenary nodded curtly, pulling her sword with a sharp, but quick screech from behind her baldric. She looked forward at her target ahead, keen eyes focused at them, but not at the white wolf adjacent to her. True to her word, she did not even utter a word or grunt to signal to Death that she was going in, she simply sped ahead in a quiet, swift leap, practically flying at her oblivious opponent.
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A soundless land behind the opponent, and her sword dispatched him in an instant, with a clean swipe before he knew what hit him. And down he collapsed in lifeless heap. Before she could root through his pockets for the prized item he carried, she whisked off again at the tiny sound of another target in the tree, probably his cohort. There was the soft sound of leaves rustling above, a few dropping in a poetic contrast to the bloody, veiled action above. Droplets of blood dripped subtly onto the branches under the shadows. There was a loud crack, and three branches being hit one after the other before the cohort's roar in pain was silenced for good...Down he went to the ground, but with no trace of the eagle, who had been concealed among leaves and shadows. Not a single leaf fluttered below her.
She did, however, appear in the shadows next to Death with a smug, but stoic look on her face, her voice cutting into the silence like a bucket of ice.
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"How is that."
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thehalebeta · 8 months
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The noise was startling, aching temples cower beneath sharp fingers, pressing firmly to deter the pain. A huff leaving her lips, Cora raised the espresso to her lips, wincing at the harsh taste. She was exhausted, awake from the full moon, aching limbs and tired eyes fixate against the city hall. She hears them approach, but is less deterred than normal , her patience would normally be tested. "What do you want?" @ofmortis
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kxipvrkers · 5 months
sender cleans blood off of receiver's body ft. @ofmortis
"give it to me straight. that your blood? or someone else's?" kai asked, interest peaked and an eyebrow raised. the pad of his thumb drags over her brow, not quite cleaning it away but more smearing it. then, the heretic lifts his thumb to his lips, popping it into his mouth to clean away the blood with a satisfied hum.
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 4 months
De-Aged Danny, gesturing to a dazed Bruce inside Wayne Manor: And this is Bruce! Otherwise known as the Himbo! Reporters: Hmm, yes, interesting... Bruce: What the- Danny: I'm not sure what that word means. I heard it from Dick, but no one will give me my answer, not even Jason, who is easily bribed. Bruce: Why are there reporters in my house!? Danny, innocent and childlike: They asked to come inside, Bruce! They seemed like really nice people, so I thought it'd be polite to give them a tour. Bruce, filled with infinite patience: I really wish you had asked me before you did that, chum. Danny: But why? We don't have anything to hide... do we, Bruce?
Or, in order to rise to the Ghost Throne, Danny has to complete a series of trials to prove he is capable of ruling (or any other reason, Danny just needs to do trials to prove himself).
The last trial, issued by Clockwork, is thus: discover the Wayne Family secret in two weeks without the use of any of his powers.
He has one shapeshift to pick a form that could endere him to the Waynes, but only one before he starts and he has to get close to the family by his own wits. Danny, after studying the family and reading of one sentence summary of each Wayne, picks the body of a six-year-old little boy that looked like a child Jason Todd.
Bruce: That child is up to something. Dick, third favorite: I don't know, Bruce; he acts like a normal kid. Jason, #1 favorite: I doubt the old man's ever met a normal kid. Tim, least favorite: Bruce is right, but can you please not talk like the villains from Chicken Run.
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gayward-son · 8 months
the fact that Lucius and Pete reuniting with a full-on tackle hug and Pete complimenting Lucius's new beard is a literal parallel of Stede's fantasy of reuniting with Ed. and then Stede is so adament on making sure Lucius doesn't push Pete away not just because he doesn't want Lucius to make the same mistake he did but also because they give him hope that it's possible. they literally recreated a scene out of Stede's wildest fantasies at a time where Stede believes that Ed has moved on from him and that their love is impossible do you get it
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hellonearthtoday · 3 months
canon is dead I rule the world. dsmp you are MINE
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dsmpblrs ocs shared between the 5 (five) singular people that inhabit this fandom
I'm taking the chance to just talk about my personal dsmp au that is basically canon if you don't think about it
I don't think we as a community wrote enough about demon ctommy. he was always my favorite it just gives him this evil vibe that I think is sooo funny and I always see it in ctommy art but never in literally any fic. and that's fine but imp or whatever-he-is-Tommy will always be real in my heart. in my head he used to be a bird hybrid, but when he died for what was supposed to be the final time they took his fucking wings and gave him cunty demon horns and tail. Death made him emo. for the sake of this narrative his wings used to be white too. Pair this with religious ctommy and you get peak
ctubbo. I think about him a lot. I think personally he wears armor under his coat. You'd think it start to get hot under there, and it does. his solution is to just Never leave the Arctic.
At some point he started developing resting bitch face, because it used to just be resting (autistic face of neutrality) but now he kind of just looks tired all the time. Not like Tommy's rbf where he looks like he's kinda pissed and has a headache 24/7. but at least they're semi matching now. bff's!!! (?) I can't write too much about ctubbo because my cutbbo is like 20 billion contradictions stacked on itself. he's not as simple as my ctommy.
He doesn't wear the red bandana anymore but he can't tell you why and he's not insecure about the scar on his face but he's not proud of it either. I FORGOT TO DRAW CRANBOO AND HIS WEDDING RINGS IM AN ANTI WHAT THE HELLL okay ignoring that blunder, their wedding rings are meant to be on their horns 💔 you can't fucking see cranboos singular (1) horn because it's out of frame, they're too tall.
SPEAKONG OF CRANBOO!!!! snakes in his hair because Hahhaa hattte eye contact????? Medusa???? get it guys get it do you guys get jut
The snakes talk to him. Take that as you will. He's a chronic suit wearer and will literally not wear anything else unless it's under or over the suit. he would like to never try anything new ever he needs this constant in his life or everything will fall apart and the world will end. He knows how to kit up and wear armor but just as a joke he wears random bits of armor in places he literally needs it least. as a fashion statement. Tommy doesn't wear any armor usually bcz who gaf he's not doing that shit
in my perfect world the egg plot in dsmp actually got used better and becsme more than a background plot. it could've been everything. anyway my dsmp au is egg war las Nevadas craziness and I'm right goodnight
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 3 months
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Nina thinks that Crowley and Aziraphale make a great couple ❤ C+A 😊
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hinamie · 2 months
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i have so much band!au content in the pipeline my brain is Rotting but enjoy these two for now
jjk band!au
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eddiepeaches · 16 days
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ok actually I'm not done
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userjoel · 1 year
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THE LAST OF US — 1.01 tidbits,  joel+sarah ver.
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53v3nfrn5 · 6 months
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The Lockheed AC-130 in action
Due to the cloud of smoke left behind after flares are released, this aircraft is widely known as “The Angel of Death”
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lakrimasx · 9 months
Being miserable is so familiar, this is who I am
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akans-dead-at-sea · 7 months
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It's alright
30 second timelapse:
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wonda-cat · 1 year
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My c!Tommy exile arc zine is finally here! With illustrations inspired by @/alliumcola
I'm selling physical versions of this artbook for an extremely limited run of just 15 copies on Etsy.
Once they're sold, they're gone forever, so be sure to pick one up if you're interested or if you'd just like to support me and my work. 🌼
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pedulum-chronometry · 1 month
So far I don’t think I’ve seen anyone talking about this…. But Niko is implied to be Sedna come onto land for a mortal life or maybe some sort of physical incarnation of her.
Like at first I thought it was just a narrative parallel, you know, both the young girls with recently dead fathers but that igloo scene at the very end just smashed me over the head. She isn’t like her; she is her.
I went back to rewatch some scenes for reasons and guess who is inexplicably afraid of the stormy weather? Guess who avoids the father murdering his daughter case after learning he likely chopped them to pieces? Guess who observes Mick the walrus looking for sea glass after easily finding the red glass needed to find the washerwoman? Guess who spend the entire series wearing fingerless fucking gloves?
Even the story of Sedna- told through monochrome!? like a certain other monochromatic character- shows a dark haired girl become a white haired goddess. I just….
And her mom also might be the 002 boss woman we see give the boys an exception at the end?? She has such a reaction to her name, she can’t NOT know Niko. And at the end we see the dandelion sprites in the igloo no longer needing a jar to contain them. We see FULL gloves on the monochromatically dressed igloo occupant holding the good luck charm that Niko dies with? Like if she isn��t Sedna then she sure as shit won her favor somehow
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