#cadri's fic
cadriona · 1 year
Rated: T
Pairing: Beidou/Ningguang
Word count: 1.3k
Yet for as inhuman, as undefinable it was, the god… it followed Beidou. From a distance, usually, but for as long as Ningguang’s known her, the pirate was blind to its presence. So was everyone else, really. But it knew that Ningguang could see it, and it mocked her so— draped across Beidou with its too many teeth, luminescent eyes and the whisper-song of the sea's allure. Or: There was a wild, eldritch god that only Ningguang could see, and it follows Beidou like a spectre. Ningguang does not approve.
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ourdawncomes · 3 years
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After writing that fic exploring Thora in battle from Solas’ perspective I wanted to talk more about it in a headcanon format. A lot of it has been touched on before because her distaste for it on a moral and purely visceral level influence her decisions as Inquisitor. The following contains discussion / references to vomit so don’t read this if it makes you ill thinking about it!
As a warrior her talent is middling. Adding to this, her style is obviously self-taught at the beginning of Inquisition and obviously clunks. Her greatest talents both in the Carta and as Inquisitor were her negotiation skills and discretion rather than her abilities as a warrior, but you’d be hard-pressed to find a member of the Carta who didn’t know how to kill a man ten different ways.
Unlike in-game, she begins with a specialisation: Beserker. She adopts the style at the suggestion of Lantos when she’s still a girl due to blood and gore often making her sick. As she’s gotten older she’s learned to stomach it a little better, but there are still fights where after she’s woozy, or in worst case scenarios is physically sick. Getting blindingly angry (or blindingly something, she doesn’t actually always use rage) helps distract from the messy parts.
More than physical exhaustion battles leave her emotionally exhausted, often with unshed tears in her eyes and looking peaky. This is more pronounced when fighting humanoid opponents, Red Templars included, and later spirits.
She tries to hide all this at first, thinking it makes for an unleaderly, unheraldy first impression. The first person who catches her is Solas, who helps disguise any pauses with the excuse that he’s checking the Anchor on her hand. As Inquisition goes on the rest of the party does figure out it’s not just the Anchor, with party members like Iron Bull cottoning on quickly. She wouldn’t explain it to all of them, even as they become better friends, opening up to those she feels would best understand.
At Skyhold, rather than recruiting people to train her in a new specialisation, a Beserker from Orzammar is sent. I leave who open, I’m partial to the idea of Oghren (albeit the canon-divergent Oghren who exists in my head and wasn’t written as a bad joke). This improves her technique and makes her deadlier, although Thora’s never a master warrior nor does she particularly want to be. Her skills as Inquisitor and Herald lie always in her negotiation and compassion.
The quest that’s hardest on Thora to the point that she actually has trouble reaching what she needs to fight is Here Lies the Abyss. As I’ve mentioned before, Thora doesn’t see spiders in the Fade but the faces of her companions as they appeared in In Hushed Whispers. The entire time after the little nightmares show up, she’s having to put down people who look like her friends. At one point she has to stop to heave up every last drop of bile in her stomach.
Beserkers yell. A lot. At the end of a day where they fought a lot, Thora has a scratchy throat (often raw if she was sick, but most days she manages to control her gag reflex) and will sound noticeably hoarse, especially given her usual voice is round and warm.
Thora protects through damage output and crippling moves. She’s at a level where most opponents are at a disadvantage, more accustomed to fighting human-sized enemies. Often when people threaten others in the party her first move is to hit them from behind in the knees. It immunises the threat pretty efficiently, but it isn’t pretty.
Her main party through Inquisition rotates through Blackwall, Solas, Cole, Sera, and Cadri, sometimes having a bigger party than the game allows if discretion isn’t an issue. She works best with a sword and shield warrior to supplement the protection she can’t provide and a lot of barriers. After Solas leaves there are growing pains as she learns how to work with other mages after fighting side-by-side with him for three years. Ian will join the party as the only mage who sticks around.
To get the jump on enemies she sometimes leaps off a cliff and brings her hammer down on her enemies in a surprise attack, shielded by a well-timed barrier courtesy of Solas.
In case the above hasn’t made it clear yet: Thora hates violence. After Trespasser, the loss of her arm, and the dissolution of the Inquisition, she makes the decision that she’s going to avoid killing. She reluctantly takes up a hammer and relearns when Dagna’s prosthetic is functional, but she doesn’t reach for it much these days.
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cadriona · 1 year
Chap: 3/3
Rating: T -> M
Pairing: Guiping
Guizhong was gone, and surrounded by the remnants of her pyyric victory - Ping was alone.
aoeighaoieh sorry it took so long to end was thesis crunching bUT ITS DONE NOWWW ENJOY THE ANGST IM SORRY FOR THE ONIONS
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cadriona · 1 year
Rating: M
Pairing: Beidou/Ningguang
Words: 8k
Beidou works at the docks, Ningguang is a doctor, and their child Kazuha is a shy little one who ties this family together. This is a lie. Or: When Kazuha gets kidnapped by a third party, the masks come off.
*punts some beiguang yalls way*
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cadriona · 1 year
Rating: T
Word count: 3k (complete)
Pairing: Kujou Sara/Raiden Ei (pre-relationship?)
Ei left the mafia when there was nothing left to keep her there, instilling the Raiden Shogun in her place. She should've guessed that the robot would malfunction one day, even if the injured tengu that came knocking at her door was wholly unexpected.
a littol mafia-ish au where ex-mafia-turned-gamer ei finds an injured Sara on her doorstep :D
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cadriona · 1 year
Rating: T
Chapter: 1/5
Characters: Vash, Milly, Wolfwood, and Meryl
Additional tags: Amnesia, Vash the Stampede as Eriks (Trigun), Post-Episode: e12 High Noon at July (Trigun Stampede), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Found Family, Sad Vash the Stampede (Trigun), Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, Cryptid Vash the Stampede
Relationships: Background Vashwood, Background Millymeryl
He falls, he dreams, he wakes up. Or: The Thompsons picks up an amnesiac from the ruins of JuLai.
*yeets here and runs*
ok in my defense its anon'd because i don't want people to get an email from me that isn't beiguang or genshin just yet...?
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cadriona · 1 year
Chap: 3/?
Pairing: Beidou/Ningguang
Summary (superhero/vigilante au):
Some action, some secrets, and some reassurance and cheer.
Or: Beidou and Ningguang do be duking it out on some unfortunate soul’s apartment roof lmaooo
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cadriona · 1 year
Rated: T
Words: ~4k
Pairing: Beidou/Ningguang
Even as the cogs of Liyue harbour churned on, writing pages upon pages in the annals of history in a script penned by the Tianquan herself, an easy rhythm was found. Two souls, two people, but shared pain and shared love. And well, they were the Tianquan and the Captain of the Crux, of course they’d find some method to send messages to each other across any distance, no?
In a universe where soulmates share pain, an assassin tries to take Ningguang's life.
Gift fic for @joismarinn005! ♪(^∇^*)
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cadriona · 1 year
Chap: 2/3
Pairing: Guizhong/Madame Ping
Rating: T+
Archive warnings: Major character death (canonical)
The war drums beat, and Celestia leans back to watch the tragedies unfold.
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cadriona · 1 year
Chapter: 1/2(?)
Rating: T
Pairing: Guizhong/Madame Ping
The Liyue Adepti are used to a life of solitude, and Ping was much the same. Enter Guizhong, and her invitation to help protect a growing Guili Assembly and all the fragile humans within.
Guizhong entered Ping's life with a whirlwind chime of bells, and what came after.
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cadriona · 2 months
tagged by @lisascumslut78, thanks for the tag!
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
uhh at least 43? 39 are unanon'd, but at least 4 are anon'd i forgot the exact number lol
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
537,345 somehow????
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Genshin impact! but other fandoms that i've written for are trigun stampede and naruto lol, and then atla by dint of crossover and two unmentioned as they form a crossover that i want to discard to the back of my mind
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1: 5 times Ningguang saved Beidou and the 1 time Beidou returned the favour (genshin) 2: Mora for a myth (genshin) 3: [redacted] (naruto) 4: Beidou walks off the gangplank (by accident, really) (genshin) 5: Yelan: Spymaster, gambler, self-proclaimed matchmaker (genshin)
5. do you respond to comments?
Yea!! although sometimes it takes a bit to kick my brain into gear to mass respond. Typically needs the right frame of mind, but then i can chug through replying to quite a few!
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
either Take my heart for it was already yours or Your soul's drowned into silence, No one will rouse you, both genshin with MCD ahaha oops
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Fever, soup, and tiny baby chirps maybe??? i've quite a few with happy endings but this one was pretty cute
8. do you get hate on fics?
Probably! but people have been nice in the comments section and i love all my readers dearly :D
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
ahaha yes >u> um. uh. in my defense generally its inspired by art (taro's art specifically) or for event weeks so imgoingtoduckoutofthisquestionnowplsandthanks
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
Yea! The one thats most out of nowhere is Rebirth, Revision, and Revolution, an atla x genshin fic where post apocalypse in genshin verse due to celestia, ning, beidou, yelan and keqing have been reincarnated into the elemental nations! i... really need to finish it lol, there's 3 chapters of *hopefully* 4 up, but the Book of Fire is not cooperating
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not exactly? i know there are counterfeit fic sites and at least one of my fics are there, but idk if that counts
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
yea! with the funniest tags too
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
I... don't really recall doing so?
14. what's your all time favourite ship?
BEIGUANG thank you my queens for rekindling my joy for writing
15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
the naruto fic, the beiguang vigilante fic, the anon'd trigun fic, uhhh oops
16. what are your writing strengths?
not entirely certain! i think im usually decent at balancing humor in the right situations and worldbuilding?
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
actually getting the brain to settle down to write ok while true, setting that aside, probably not knowing what to cut (i tend to want to put all the details i can think of in the fic, which isn't really conducive for a variety of reasons)
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
depends on if i'm actually familiar with that other language or not, and how easy it is for the reader to get at translations (hover text or subscripts, depending), i myself probably won't be capable of doing so.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
...naruto >u>
20. favorite fic you've written?
mora for a myth for all the worldbuilding i got to cram in! and maybe in that vein, the atla x genshin cross :D
tagging @yuniemaki, @canonical-transformation, @xnarja, @fishareglorious and anyone else who wants to give this a go!its currently past 1am so i can't really remember names rn, sorry orz
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cadriona · 6 months
Rating: G
Characters: Beidou
Word count: 2,694
The Alcor sets anchor by a small island near Mondstadt, and Beidou happens upon an old, neglected sundial. This isn't that story. Or: Beidou, growing up, and her meetings with a mysterious woman who calls herself Haishan.
Here be the fic I had the pleasure to write for Stormbreaker: a Beidou Zine!
Hope yall enjoy :D
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cadriona · 6 months
And thus here be the completed three-chap fic I have for the @vashwoodbigbang!
Rating: M
Pairing: Vashwood
Total word count: 40k
A time traveller and an immortal walk into a bar, a ship, an inn, a truck, and leave their footsteps in sand and blood alike. A time traveller and an immortal walk toward their fathomless tomorrows, one conjoined by plantsong and forgotten promises. Or: The Eye's experiments gave Wolfwood the tendency to slingshot backwards through time towards Vash the Stampede, and they meet and meet and meet again.
OR: the author gets to throw Wolfwood at Vash multiple times across time through the power of ✨trauma✨ because who doesn't love some trauma bonding and falling for the other person along the way?
Features beautiful art by @lionalicelives here!
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cadriona · 1 year
Rules: Post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to AO3 (Sort by date posted.) If you have less than 10 fics posted, post what you have!
Tagged by @yuniemaki​ *throws heart emojis your way-*
1: synaesthesia
There were legends that in the days of yore, humans were physically connected with a length of red string.
2: A final melody (oh singer of the dust)
The Liyue adepti were a peculiar bunch, often choosing to dwell in solitude while watching over their own domains than mingling at any provocation. 
3: here in the sky with dust in my lungs (I yearn for you) (RATED E)
For all that Ningguang was known for her wealth, her position, and her palace within the clouds, they were but a few of the many facets that made up the Tianquan.
4: Drunken dreams of storm-wrought beginnings
The Emerald Maple Inn was a small, decrypt combination of a teahouse and inn in the middle of nowhere, and it was in this middle of nowhere that the Crux fleet had decided to bed down for the night.
5: Take my heart for it was already yours
 Justice was blind.
6: The three times Yelan met Shenhe and the one time Shenhe met Yelan
The first time Yelan met Shenhe, Shenhe had met Jinyi— a fisherwoman going to Bubu pharmacy for infection poultices because she had accidentally cut her fingers on the fins of a particularly feisty carp. 
7: Rhythm amidst the Reeds
 Beidou was not a coward.
8: Upon that horizon, a ship setting sail
The dockyard was lightly smoking when Tianquan set down her Geo platform.
9: Sojourner's Sweet Dream (RATED E)
 There was a little shrine on Yujing terrace.
10: Joy of Returning
The sky was an empty blue, devoid of clouds, devoid of birds, and absent of the large, floating Chamber that Ningguang had once called home.
Tagging: @canonical-transformation, @fishareglorious, @sobmeister, @mireillexy, @hunnybunnyerza and anyone else that wants to give it a go!!
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cadriona · 1 year
and finally chapter 3 aka the epilogue is out!
in which yelan is suffering through the “find out” after the “fuck around” that was trying to get beiguang together.
(they owe her so much alcohol)
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cadriona · 2 years
Drunken dreams of storm-wrought beginnings    
Rating: T
Pairing: (pre-relationship) Beidou/Ningguang
Wordcount: 6.8k
When Beidou and a few members of her crew stopped at the Emerald Maple Inn to wait out a storm, she didn't anticipate a red-eyed, white-haired woman stumbling across the threshold with two disciples in tow.
Beidou enters the scene half-drunk, and Ningguang enters the scene half dead. This is fine, because somehow they made a contract out of it anyway.
...idk why it didn’t embed properly, its not set to user-only?
*yeets beiguang into a xianxia au just because i can*
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