#caius olturi x y/n
zapreportsblog · 9 months
Hello. Can you make an obsessive Volturi Kings and female fairy or elf reader?
❝our little fairy❞
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✭ pairing : yandere poly volturi king x reader
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : (y/n) is a tree spirit who was out exploring one day when she flies into the broad chest of Felix volturi, curious on her being he takes her back to his kings where a bond is formed between the three leaders and their little fairy.
✭ twilight masterlist 2
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In a hidden corner of the ancient woodland, bathed in the soft, golden glow of the setting sun, a tiny woodland fairy (Y/N) flitted gracefully through the air. She was no larger than a dandelion puff, her iridescent wings shimmering with each delicate flutter. Her mission this evening was simple - to gather boggle cap tops and fragrant flowers to adorn her cozy little home nestled within the hollow of an ancient oak tree.
(Y/N) darted from one flower to another, her laughter like the tinkling of a distant wind chime. With nimble fingers, she plucked the petals of a dew-kissed wildflower, all the while imagining how they would brighten her tiny abode. Lost in her world of flora and whimsy, she didn't notice the towering figure of a man approaching.
Felix, a formidable vampire with rippling muscles and a chiseled jawline, moved through the forest with an eerie grace that belied his imposing presence. He was on a solitary walk, deep in thought, when an unexpected gust of wind swept (Y/N) off course. With a gasp, she collided with his chest, knocking the wind out of her, quite literally.
Startled, Felix instinctively reached out to catch whatever had just crashed into him. In his massive, open palm, he found himself holding the tiniest being he had ever seen. A creature so delicate, so ethereal, it could only be the stuff of legends.
"What a surprise we have here," Felix mused, his voice a deep rumble that (Y/N) felt rather than heard. He marveled at the tiny being he held, her translucent wings fluttering desperately to regain her composure.
(Y/N), on the other hand, was equally awestruck. Her wide, sparkling eyes took in the towering figure before her, his crimson eyes and pale skin telling her all she needed to know. She had heard tales of vampires, creatures of the night, but had never imagined she would encounter one up close.
As Felix examined her with a mix of curiosity and amusement, they both spoke in unison, their voices overlapping in a bizarre coincidence. "What are you?"
Their synchronized query left them momentarily dumbfounded, but it was Felix who broke the silence. "I'm a vampire," he declared, his gaze locked on her. "Now then, what are you?"
(Y/N) gathered her composure and replied, "I'm a fairy," her tiny voice ringing with a mixture of pride and wonder.
Felix's lips curled into a wry smile as he considered the possibilities. "Interesting," he murmured. "My masters, the Volturi Kings, would probably want to meet you. Would you be willing to accompany me to them?"
(Y/N) hesitated for only a moment before nodding. She had always been curious about the world beyond her woodland home, and this encounter promised an adventure unlike any she had ever imagined. With a sense of anticipation, she remained perched in the palm of Felix's hand as he set off on a journey that would change both their lives forever.
Felix returned to the imposing fortress of the Volturi, the ancient stone walls and eerie silence of the place contrasting sharply with the vibrant world from which he had come. In the palm of his hand, nestled amidst the swirl of his dark cloak, (Y/N) clung to a strand of his clothing, her heart aflutter with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation.
As Felix entered the grand hall where the three Volturi kings resided, his voice echoed through the cavernous chamber. "Masters, I bring you a most extraordinary guest."
Aro, the ancient and charismatic leader of the Volturi, turned his crimson eyes toward Felix, his features alight with curiosity. Marcus, the somber and introspective king, regarded Felix with a gaze as penetrating as the shadows that clung to him. Caius, the most imposing of the three with a demeanor as cold as ice, observed the proceedings with an air of detached indifference.
Felix recounted the story of his chance encounter with the tiny fairy, (Y/N), and how their simultaneous question had sparked this unusual alliance. As he spoke, Marcus, the most attuned to emotions among the Volturi, felt a peculiar sensation. It was like the faint stirrings of a bond he hadn't experienced in centuries.
The bond, however, was not limited to him alone. As Marcus delved deeper into the sensation, he realized that it extended, tendrils of emotion, reaching out to touch not only him but also Aro and Caius. It was as if this tiny being in Felix's palm had ignited a connection that bound them together.
Marcus met Aro's gaze, and without words, he conveyed his discovery. Aro's eyes widened with intrigue, and he nodded in understanding. Caius, on the other hand, seemed indifferent to the revelation.
With an air of expectation, Aro approached Felix and the small fairy. He extended a slender hand, and Felix carefully transferred (Y/N) into Aro's palm. The fairy stood there, her heart pounding, as Aro examined her with a bemused expression.
"Interesting," Aro murmured, his voice a velvety whisper. "Such a rare and exquisite creature."
Caius, who had been watching from the sidelines, couldn't resist the pull of curiosity any longer. He reached out and gently cupped (Y/N) in his hand, his cold skin contrasting with her warmth. Her miniature form seemed even smaller against his massive palm, but she held her composure, her wide eyes flitting between the three kings.
Caius, Aro, and Marcus leaned in, their expressions filled with fascination as they admired the tiny fairy before them. And just as (Y/N) had marveled at their vampiric beauty, she found herself flustered yet enchanted by the kings' ethereal grace and handsomeness.
With her heart fluttering like a hummingbird's wings, (Y/N) realized that her adventure had taken an unexpected turn. She was now the center of attention among the most powerful vampires in existence, and the enchantment of their world was beginning to weave its magic around her in ways she could never have imagined.
Aro, the enigmatic leader of the Volturi, continued to study (Y/N) with fascination as she now stood in the palm of his hand. Her ethereal beauty and innocence intrigued him, and he couldn't help but find her presence captivating.
With an air of gentleness that contrasted with his usual demeanor, Aro began to speak to (Y/N). "My dear, I must explain that we are not like the creatures you are familiar with. We are vampires, though I’m sure our guard felix told you of our species. We vampires are immortal beings who feed on blood to survive."
(Y/N), who had never heard of vampires or their dark nature, simply nodded, assuming Aro was merely explaining his kind to her. "I see," she replied, her voice tinged with curiosity. "I am a woodland fairy, a guardian of the forest. We live in harmony with nature, nurturing the plants and creatures that inhabit our realm."
Marcus, the quieter and more introspective of the Volturi kings, couldn't help but feel sympathy for the tiny fairy. He decided to share another piece of information that would undoubtedly surprise her. "You see, (Y/N), there's something else you should know. Vampires have mates, like soulmates. It's a bond that goes beyond our understanding."
(Y/N) furrowed her tiny brow, not quite comprehending. "Mates? I've never heard of such a thing among my kind. We exist to protect and preserve the balance of the forest, but we don't have mates."
Caius, the most imposing of the Volturi kings, leaned in closer to (Y/N) and explained in a surprisingly gentle tone, "Mates are like soulmates as Marcus has said, and you just so happen to be ours therefore our souls are now linked to your existence, and we can't let you leave."
Confusion welled up within (Y/N). She loved the forest and being with nature, and the thought of not returning to her home saddened her. The three kings, sensitive to her emotions, proposed a solution.
Aro spoke, "We can build you a small house in our garden. You can be close to nature, and we can be close to you."
Although it was a generous offer, (Y/N) couldn't help but question it. "But why can't I go back to my home in the forest?"
Aro, ever the strategist, decided to stretch the truth to ensure her compliance. "The further you are from your mate, the weaker it makes the vampires. Eventually, it could even lead to our demise."
Hearing this, (Y/N) was filled with concern for her newfound friends. She didn't want to be the cause of their suffering. With a heavy heart, she agreed to stay in the garden with them, trusting their words.
Aro turned his attention to Alec and Jane, two of his loyal guards. "Alec, Jane, please retrieve the things from (Y/N)'s little house in the forest. We will make her feel at home here."
As the two vampires departed on their mission, (Y/N) couldn't shake the feeling that her life had taken an unexpected turn, and the enigmatic bond with these vampire kings would forever alter her existence.
The Volturi kings watched with a mixture of relief and elation as (Y/N) agreed to stay with them in their garden. The fact that they didn't have to resort to force or Chelsea’s manipulation abilities, filled them with a sense of contentment they rarely experienced. To them, she was more than just a rare and beautiful creature; she was their perfect mate.
As (Y/N) spoke animatedly about where she would place her belongings in the garden and how she would decorate it to fit her needs, the kings sat in a contemplative silence. Dark thoughts swirled in their minds like a storm on the horizon.
Aro, with his uncanny ability to see into the future, envisioned a world where (Y/N) would never leave their side. He saw himself as her protector, ensuring that she would never be harmed by anyone, and those who dared to threaten her would face the full extent of his wrath.
Marcus, whose empathy allowed him to sense the emotions of others, felt a growing sense of possessiveness towards (Y/N). He couldn't bear the thought of her being with anyone else, and the idea of her happiness being dependent on them was intoxicating.
Caius, who had always been the most cold and ruthless of the trio, surprised even himself with the intensity of his feelings for (Y/N). He imagined a future where they would be inseparable, where he would be her shelter from the world, and where anyone who dared to hurt her would face a punishment beyond measure.
Their fixation on (Y/N) was all-consuming, and they couldn't help but revel in the darkness of their desires. To them, she was the embodiment of perfection, the one they had longed for, and they were willing to do whatever it took to ensure she would never leave their side.
As (Y/N) continued to share her plans for her new life in the garden, the Volturi kings sat in silence, their minds filled with possessive thoughts and an unwavering determination to keep her with them, no matter the cost.
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zapreportsblog · 8 months
Hello love,
So could you please make an x reader where the reader ice skates but she has to do a show with a partner and it looks so good and romantic but the kings are there and they understand that it takes a little acting but they are still jealous.
Love ya ❤️❤️❤️
❝the star of the show❞
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✭ pairing : poly volturi kings x reader
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : (Y/n) is a talented figure skater, and she shares a complex bond with three powerful vampires: Aro, Caius, and Marcus. As she prepares for her impending transformation into a vampire, they decide to grant her one last opportunity to showcase her skills on the ice in a final performance. However, their feelings of possessiveness and jealousy intensify as they watch her skate with another man during the show, leading to a gripping emotional conflict that tests the boundaries of their unconventional relationship.
✭ authors note : Ayo yall like that summary, I’ve gotten decent right?
✭ twilight masterlist 2
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The ice rink was bathed in a soft, ethereal glow as (Y/n) glided gracefully across its surface. Her figure skating routine was a mesmerizing blend of elegance and power, a testament to years of dedication and passion. The audience watched in awe as she executed flawless jumps, spins, and twirls, her movements a dance of grace on the frozen stage.
In the dimly lit VIP section, three figures sat in silence, their eyes fixed on the enchanting performance. Aro, Caius, and Marcus, powerful vampires who had walked the earth for centuries, were bound not only by their immortality but also by their shared affection for (Y/n). They watched her every move with a mix of pride and anxiety, knowing that this was her last performance as a human.
(Y/n) had been living on borrowed time, caught in a twilight between her humanity and the vampiric world of her three companions. The decision to turn her into one of them had been made, but before the transformation, they had agreed to grant her one final moment of normalcy.
As (Y/n) gracefully glided across the ice, her eyes sparkled with determination and a hint of sadness. She had known this moment would come, the day when she'd leave behind the life she had known and embrace a new existence as a vampire. Yet, the love and connection she shared with Aro, Caius, and Marcus made the transition bittersweet.
Aro's keen eyes scanned the audience, and he couldn't help but notice a tall, striking man sitting in the front row. His strong arms were crossed, and his piercing gaze was locked onto (Y/n). Aro's brow furrowed slightly as he recognized the man as a fellow vampire, one who had expressed a keen interest in (Y/n) since her arrival in their coven.
Caius and Marcus, sensing Aro's unease, exchanged knowing glances. They too had noticed the newcomer, and their jealousy began to simmer beneath the surface. The trio had vowed to protect and cherish (Y/n), and the thought of another vampire vying for her attention stirred possessive instincts they had thought long dormant.
As the music swelled and (Y/n) performed a breathtaking combination of spins and jumps, the tension in the VIP section grew palpable. Aro, Caius, and Marcus could no longer contain their emotions, and their eyes locked onto the mysterious vampire in the front row.
The final note of the music echoed through the rink, and (Y/n) struck a graceful ending pose, her chest heaving with exertion. The audience erupted into applause, but her gaze remained fixed on the enigmatic vampire in the front row.
Little did she know that this final performance had not only captivated the human audience but had also ignited a dangerous spark of jealousy and rivalry among the three vampires who held her heart in their cold, immortal hands.
As the applause continued to echo through the ice rink, (Y/n) took her final bow, acknowledging the adoring crowd. The mysterious vampire in the front row stood and joined in the applause, his eyes never leaving her.
Back in the VIP section, Aro, Caius, and Marcus exchanged tense glances. The performance had been breathtaking, but the presence of the rival vampire left an uncomfortable knot in their immortal hearts.
(Y/n) made her way off the ice, her skates gliding effortlessly across the smooth surface. As she approached the VIP section, she was met with the intense, expectant gazes of her three vampire companions.
"A magnificent performance, my dear," Aro purred, his tone dripping with charm as he extended a hand to help her off the ice.
(Y/n) offered a weary smile, her heart heavy with the impending transformation that would sever her ties to the human world forever. "Thank you, Aro."
Caius and Marcus remained silent, their expressions tense and unreadable. Their thoughts were consumed by the stranger in the front row and the undeniable attraction he seemed to have for (Y/n).
Unaware of the brewing storm in the VIP section, (Y/n) excused herself to change out of her skating attire. The moment she disappeared behind the curtains, Aro, Caius, and Marcus huddled together in a private corner.
"We cannot allow another vampire to interfere in our affairs," Aro hissed, his usually composed demeanor fraying at the edges.
Caius, known for his quick temper, clenched his fists. "This newcomer seems intent on claiming (Y/n) for himself. We must put an end to this."
Marcus, the most contemplative of the trio, spoke up, his voice measured. "We've promised her one final night of normalcy. We cannot act rashly. Let us observe and gather more information."
Reluctantly, Aro and Caius agreed to Marcus's suggestion, though their jealousy and protective instincts continued to burn within them.
(Y/n) returned, dressed in a simple, elegant gown, her hair cascading in waves around her shoulders. She rejoined the trio, sensing the tension that hung in the air.
"Is something wrong?" she asked, her concern evident.
Aro forced a smile. "Nothing to be concerned about, my dear. We were merely discussing some matters of the coven."
(Y/n) nodded, though she couldn't shake the feeling that something had shifted. The presence of the rival vampire had cast a shadow over what was supposed to be her final night as a human.
As the evening wore on, Aro, Caius, and Marcus couldn't help but keep a watchful eye on the stranger in the front row. The rivalry that had been ignited threatened to consume them, and the complex bond they shared with (Y/n) hung in the balance.
The atmosphere in the VIP section remained charged with tension as the evening progressed. (Y/n) tried her best to enjoy the festivities surrounding her final performance, but the lingering presence of the mysterious vampire continued to cast a shadow over the night.
Aro, Caius, and Marcus, despite their attempts to stay composed, couldn't help but feel a growing unease. They watched as the rival vampire, whose name remained unknown to them, approached (Y/n) with a confident stride.
(Y/n) greeted him with a polite smile, unaware of the invisible battle of wills taking place among her vampire companions.
"Congratulations on your stunning performance," the rival vampire said, his voice smooth and charismatic. "I must say, I've never seen such grace and beauty on the ice."
(Y/n) blushed at the compliment, her heart fluttering. "Thank you. It's a bittersweet night for me, as it's my last performance before... well, before a significant change in my life."
The stranger's eyes locked onto hers, and for a moment, there was an unspoken connection between them. Aro, Caius, and Marcus watched with growing unease as the conversation continued, their possessiveness fueling their internal turmoil.
"Change can be both daunting and exhilarating," the rival vampire replied cryptically, his gaze never wavering. "But sometimes, it opens doors to unimaginable experiences."
(Y/n) was intrigued by his words, and a part of her couldn't help but be drawn to the enigmatic newcomer. He seemed to understand the complexities of her situation, something she hadn't expected from a stranger.
Meanwhile, Aro, Caius, and Marcus exchanged frantic, silent communication. Their jealousy had transformed into a deep-rooted fear that this vampire could steal (Y/n) away from them, disrupting the fragile balance they had maintained.
As the night wore on, (Y/n) continued to engage in conversation with the rival vampire. They shared stories, laughter, and moments that felt oddly intimate, leaving her both enchanted and conflicted.
The tension among the trio of vampires reached its breaking point. Aro, his eyes flashing with a mix of anger and desperation, stood up abruptly and approached (Y/n) and the rival vampire.
"My dear, it's time for us to depart," he said, his tone cold and final.
(Y/n) blinked in surprise, torn between her connection with the newcomer and her loyalty to Aro, Caius, and Marcus.
The rival vampire nodded politely and stepped back, his eyes never leaving (Y/n). "Until we meet again."
Aro, Caius, and Marcus escorted (Y/n) away from the rival vampire, their grip on her both physical and metaphorical. They couldn't allow anyone, not even a charismatic rival, to come between them and the woman they had grown to love.
As they left the event, (Y/n) glanced back at the stranger, a sense of longing and curiosity tugging at her heart.
In the days that followed the memorable night at the ice rink, (Y/n) found herself torn between her growing connection with the mysterious rival vampire and her unwavering loyalty to Aro, Caius, and Marcus. Each moment she spent with the newcomer ignited a spark of curiosity and attraction, and she couldn't deny the profound effect he had on her.
Meanwhile, the three powerful vampires were consumed by jealousy and fear, unable to shake the feeling that their complex bond with (Y/n) was slipping away. They had protected her since coming about her, and the thought of losing her to another vampire was unbearable.
The day of (Y/n)'s transformation into a vampire arrived with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. She had chosen to undergo the change willingly, knowing that it was the only way to be with the three vampires she loved. They had made her feel special, cherished, and she couldn't imagine her life without them.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, (Y/n) stood in a secluded room within their grand estate, surrounded by Aro, Caius, and Marcus. The newcomer was conspicuously absent, as he had respected their wishes not to intrude upon this significant moment.
Aro, the leader of their coven, stepped forward, his dark eyes reflecting both pride and sorrow. "My dear (Y/n), are you certain of your choice? Once this transformation begins, there is no turning back."
(Y/n) nodded, her voice steady but her heart racing. "I've never been more certain of anything in my life. I want to be with all of you, no matter the cost."
With that, Aro, Caius, and Marcus encircled her, their cold, marble-like hands gently touching her skin. They closed their eyes in concentration, and the process of transforming her into a vampire began.
A rush of sensations flooded (Y/n)'s senses as her body underwent a profound metamorphosis. The pain was intense, but she clenched her teeth and endured it, knowing that this was the price she had to pay for eternity with the ones she loved.
Hours passed, and finally, the transformation was complete. (Y/n) opened her eyes to find herself surrounded by her vampire companions, their expressions a mixture of relief and affection.
Caius, his voice filled with emotion, spoke first. "You are now one of us, (Y/n). Welcome to immortality."
Tears glistened in (Y/n)'s eyes as she embraced each of them in turn. She had made her choice, and she had no regrets.
In the weeks that followed, (Y/n) adjusted to her new existence as a vampire, learning to control her newfound powers and cravings. The mysterious rival vampire, though never forgotten, faded into the background as she focused on her life with Aro, Caius, and Marcus.
But fate has a way of weaving unexpected threads into the fabric of our lives. One day, as (Y/n) explored the coven's sprawling estate, she stumbled upon a hidden chamber. Inside, she found a portrait of the mysterious vampire, his eyes hauntingly familiar.
Her heart raced as she realized the truth: the enigmatic newcomer was not just a rival but a figure from her past, a connection that would challenge the bonds she had forged with Aro, Caius, and Marcus.
As she stared at the portrait, a new chapter in their complicated story began, one filled with secrets, revelations, and a love that transcended time and immortality.
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