#came back from my break just to kristoph post
caliartcat · 3 months
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tfw you realize your boss and mentor is a fucking idiot
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kirinaru · 2 years
Honestly I’d really like to have a game that focuses on the 7 year gap from Kristophs’ POV. After all, he was a lawyer too!
I want to see what kind of cases he worked on and how he handled them, seeing as we only really got a glimpse of it in AA4. Especially how his values shifted - did he always use forged evidence, or was Phoenix his breaking point? And speaking of only getting glimpses, I’d also like for it to focus on his and Klavier’s background more, because all we can do is speculate. For example - why did Kristoph want to be a defense attorney? Did both he and Klavier want to go into law at the same time, or did one of them come up with it first? Given how close they seemed to be, did their parents raise them or did Kristoph take on raising Klavier for one reason or another? Plus, one thing that’s weighed on my mind since I first finished AA4: how did Kristoph end up using Klavier as a pawn? What led up to that, how did he feel about it?
Another thing not properly fleshed out were Kristoph and Apollo’s interactions. Maybe we could see how Apollo came to be hired (coincidence or careful planning?), and what kind of mentor Kristoph really was to him. And also I think it’d be fun if he brought Apollo investigating with him. I know in AA4 Apollo objects at first to investigating when he and Trucy team up, but I’d like to think he just never got used to it. (Maybe like a mix of ‘isn’t this a detectives job?’ and not wanting to mess up in front of Kristoph.) Plus I’m fond of the idea that Apollo saw him as a kind of father figure, even if Kristoph was a little strict with him at times.
And what about Kristoph and Phoenix’s friendship? I’d really like to see more development of that. I refuse to believe Kristoph only called Phoenix ‘Mr. Wright’ for 7 years (though that could just be him being professional), and I also refuse to believe that they only went to the Borscht Bowl for those whole 7 years. I also think Apollo and Phoenix should recognize each other more, unless Phoenix never visited Gavin Law Offices in all that time. Then there’s also Phoenix’s skill as a lawyer, which I think Kristoph would acknowledge deep down, despite stating the contrary in 4-4. Perhaps in a case he finds himself needing Phoenix’s help? Not that he’d admit it, of course, but Phoenix is pretty damn perceptive. Over the proceedings he wears Kristoph down into accepting his help, then in the end Kristoph (begrudgingly) thanks him.
In the end, maybe, just maybe, we can see a bit of post-AA4 content, where Phoenix comes back and finally gets those black Psyche-Locks to break. Not by forcing them, but by actually working through each lock, finally wrapping up the loose ends in Kristoph’s backstory and finally having him speak honestly with Phoenix.
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ronsenburg · 3 years
Hi! I wanted to ask you something about Klapollo. What topic/argument do you think could possibly cause them to break up or take a break from the relationship? I live for the drama and was thinking about maybe writing a fic but like I dont want to make either of them assholes, like Apollo bringing Kristoph up to hurt Klavier, for example. I don't think he would do that but I struggle to come up with something else.
Oh boy, I hope you’re not upset about this, but I wrote you an essay. I’m sorry.
Overall, I really like the klapollo relationship timeline because, compared to, say, narumi/su they have a much more normal, organic story. They meet, flirt, share a mutual trauma, get together! Totally normal! But I also think that they would have a much harder time than narumi/su finding the balance you need in a serious relationship and I can see them calling it quits for perfectly practical reasons that aren’t really anything to do with one being a jerk, you know? Here are my top things that I think they would have to navigate and maybe struggle with before a real happily ever after:
1. Money. You’ve probably seen my post where I talk about Apollo feeling uncomfortable with displays of affluence. I don’t think that this is an easy one to get past. AA6 Spoilers, but Dhurke and Datz literally raised them in hiding on the run in the mountainous jungles of Khura’in. They sent Apollo to the states as a nine year old. We don’t know what he did when he got here, but my money’s always been on the foster system. That doesn’t typically breed a sense of stability, financial or otherwise. 
From my experience (so take it with a grain of salt), children who grow up with very little tend to behave in one of two ways when they reach financial stability and/or achieve wealth: first option, they’re really bad with it. They spend it nearly as fast as they make it on things they didn’t get to have or experience when they were growing up. Second option, they never spend it. They know what it’s like to be without, so they save as much of it as they can so they have the security of knowing, if something happens, they won’t have to go back to the way it was before. I will always put Apollo in the latter category. He works hard for what he has and what he gets and, I think, things that signify extravagance make him uncomfortable. On the other hand, I think that the Gavin’s have always had some sort of wealth. Klavier and Kristoph have very different aesthetics to their spaces that we get to experience (Klavier���s office and Kristoph’s cell) but they’re both pretty lavish. Now, we can assume they each made their money individually in their respective careers but, honestly, Kristoph’s cell is so gaudy. To me, it screams “this is what I’m used to and I refuse to accept any less” which is an attitude that I feel comes more from a lifetime of that treatment. 
So if we accept everything that I’ve said above as true, trying to put a person who saves every penny they get and feels bad treating themselves with a person who spends money freely because it’s been a constant throughout their life? It can go poorly. Casually dating, maybe it’s not such an issue once Apollo says “please no more presents and can we just get takeout for once?” but if you’re talking about something more serious, where you have to live in the same space and pay joint bills and be confronted with the other person’s spending habits constantly, it’s a whole other thing. Please take it from me as a person in a long term relationship who loves their partner tremendously—everyone fights about money. Everyone. It would be very difficult for Apollo to feel comfortable, even if he knew that finances were in good shape and there was savings, etc. Things happen, people leave. Nothing gold can stay. Changing that line of thinking takes work. It would also be easier said than done for Klavier to just do an about face on his own habits for Apollo’s comfort. Being a celebrity makes money, but it costs money, too. There is a certain amount of lushness that people expect. That can’t just go away. These are things that become bigger problems overtime, no matter how much you love each other. 
Anyway, I would be really surprised if—even if you’re writing them as really happily married—Apollo doesn’t have a ‘emergency fund’ that even Klavier doesn’t know about. It’s a ‘just in case’. Just in case Klavier leaves him. Just in case he needs to get away fast. Just in case the world ends. It’s not a logical thing, something that he sat down and rationalized doing, it’s just there because it feels better to have it than to not. But that can be kind of hurtful if the other person finds out about it, so. There you go, a whole minefield of money related drama.
2. Apollo’s Abandonment Issues. He’s got them! What do you call and orphan twice over who also lost his very best friend? I don’t know, but if capcom doesn’t stop picking on my boy I’m going to kick them in the teeth. I will still never get over AA6 for telling us that Dhurke took Apollo in when he was orphaned as a baby, then abandoned him in the USA, then came back for him and got his hopes up, and then was actually dead the whole time! Hahahaha! What a trip! 
Anyway, you don’t come back from that super easy. People who suffer this kind of trauma usually have a really hard time trusting others, which is understandable. They also can have unrealistic needs from their partners, become codependent, or even just self-sabotage their relationships, pulling away first to try and avoid the pain because they think the other person will leave them. I think that last one is most likely for Apollo, especially given the disparity in circumstances I mentioned above. If Apollo can’t trust that Klavier actually loves him, can’t trust that he won’t leave him like EVERYONE ELSE HAS, then they can’t have a healthy relationship. Drama.
3. Klavier’s Emotional Trauma. Kristoph is a pretty big jerk to Klavier in the last case of AA4. He criticizes and undermines Klavier, threatens and admits to manipulating him. In the anthology, Klavier shares an “lol so funny!” story about Kristoph accidentally breaking a window while he and Klavier are playing ball. In it, he convinces Klavier that it was his fault and that he should take the blame and apologize for breaking the window! And Klavier does! That’s gaslighting, baby, and since the Anthology is supposed to be canon, we can take that to mean it’s been happening since Klavier was a kid. Think about that. An entire life of gaslighting and manipulative behavior! You don’t come back from that easily, either. 
People who experience emotional abuse can, among other things, suffer from depression and low-self esteem. They need affirmation from their partners and can have a hard time with letting people in or being honest (though not from a malicious mindset—more a “I’m going to say what I think you want to hear because if you’re happy, bad things won’t happen!”). They can also always be waiting for the other shoe to drop, so to speak. Sure things are good, but when will that end and the bad time start? It’s a self fulfilling prophecy: if all you can do is worry about things going wrong, then you aren’t actually enjoying when things are going right and you will cause the issues you’re so worried about. Drama.
4. Fame. Klavier has been in the spotlight since he was a literal child. If the Gavinners were already hits when Klavier was 17, they likely formed and starred their rise some time before then. A year, maybe two? Klavier spent his formative years in the spotlight. He quite literally doesn’t know any other way. Apollo, on the other hand, has never experienced the kind of scrutiny he’d be subject to when dating someone like Klavier. It can be really stressful and hurtful and just overall not a good time. And I’m not saying that Klavier wouldn’t be sympathetic, but I don’t think he would really understand how difficult it could be to have been thrust into that position out of nowhere, because he’s had years of dealing with it and was in a completely different place in life when it began for him. It’s not unreasonable to think that Apollo might not be able to take it. You can love someone and want to be with them but if you can’t adapt to their lifestyle, it’s not going to work. They could walk away rather than risk what might happen to Apollo if they kept it up. Drama.
5. Careers. They both have very demanding jobs. While sharing a similar profession can mean there’s a mutual understanding, it can also cause issues if you... never get to see each other? Schedules can be out of alignment (which could easily happen; their cases can’t always line up and they seem to require a lot of time investment outside of just normal hours). If Klavier goes back into music, that’s an additional time constraint. Why be in a relationship when you can only see the other person for moments here and there? What about the stress that comes with those jobs? That can cause drama.
6. Klavier looks like Kristoph. They are very different people, yes, but similar enough in some ways that it could cause tension. Maybe Klavier is tired and stressed and snaps at Apollo, and suddenly, all Apollo can see is Kristoph and all he can feel is the uncomfortable churning in his stomach that goes along with the memories of him. Someone he trusted, someone who let him down. That’s a difficult subject to broach, and it can fester like an infected wound if left intended. 
But Apollo sounds like Kristoph sometimes. We saw it in AA5, which is, of course, an extreme circumstance. But it can come out from time to time in other ways. A phrase that slips out, the way he intones certain words, the way he signs off in his emails—little things that are harmless, but can still act as triggers. 
Sometimes you need to get away from things that can remind you of your past in order to work on getting over them. If you are in love with someone who shares a similar trauma, who brings those issues from the past to light frequently just by being themselves, it might not be a healthy situation. I don’t think they would need to throw it in each other’s faces for it to become an issue. Drama.
There are more, but I probably took this more seriously than you intended. Whoops! Anyway, I hope that helps??? Maybe???? I hope you get them back together in the end because they deserve to be happy though!!!!!!!
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queen-ofsunflowers · 3 years
DadWorth AU: Part 2 (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney)
More DadWorth AU! And here we finally get into the details of the games, so the parts that remain the same will be briefly touched upon. This is gonna be longer than the last post, so here we go!
 < Part 1  | Part 3 >
Turnabout Sisters
Things actually start a bit before the game does, and its with Kay at age fourteen and ready to start high school. (to me her birthday is in December, so she would be fourteen by the time the school year begins). And she has a certain one in mind.
I’ve mentioned before that Kay ends up idolizing Mia and follows her cases. Being surrounded by law for the past couple of years and wanting to help people (because Kay has yet to learn about the true Yatagarasu), Kay decides that she wants to be a defense attorney like Mia as opposed to a prosecutor like her dad and Miles (I am one of few people that I think subscribe to the idea of Defense Attorney!Kay... but that’s where we’re going here.)
Miles hestiates when he learns that Kay “wants to be a lawyer”, but after pressure from both Franziska and Gumshoe, he agrees to the idea. After studying and working hard, Kay ends up getting accepted to Themis Legal Academy in the defense attorney course -- something she hides from Edgeworth because she’s afraid that he’ll disapprove. But this is something that she really wants to do. i have an idea, shhh--
So, Kay’s first day of school just happens to fall on September 6. If anyone recognizes this date, it means Edgeworth is going to be home late, as he almost always is when he’s working on a new case. Because this is where we hit Turnabout Sisters.
Kay’s first day of school goes pretty well. It’s all getting to know you stuff, so it’s gonna be easy. Everyone tries to keep Kay from finding out about the details of Edgeworth’s newest case throughout the course of the day, but this fails because Miles doesn’t know that Kay looks up to Mia. So he gets very much confused when she gets upset upon learning Mia Fey had been murdered when he goes about their usual conversation about his latest case the next morning.
So, she’s upset and Miles has no idea why. On his side, he finds out the defense attorney for this case is Phoenix Wright. So he’s not doing so well because the past is coming back to bite him in the butt, and Kay goes to school feeling like crap. And things only start to get worse from there when two students in the prosecutors’ course decide its a good idea to mess with one of the students in the defense attorney course.
Enter Sebastian Debeste and Klavier Gavin. (i know klavier’s a good guy, but he still needs the character development to happen) They are not the nicest of people when Kay first encounters them. She’s down, and they decide its a good time to kick her while she’s down.
She confides in this to Ema, who gets super mad about this. She knows that she needs to tell an adult about it, so she somehow manages to tell Gumshoe about this (how they know each other, i’m not sure, probably happened after she met Kay.) And then Gumshoe goes to Miles while they’re investigating the next day and tells him that Kay’s been having a tough time adjusting (Ema had left out the bullying bit, since Kay had made her promise not to tell, thinking it would make things worse.)
Miles takes things into consideration a little bit (he’s too focused on his case), and promises to pick Kay up from school the next day if Gumshoe drops her off (an idea that came up from Gumshoe mentioning it would be a good idea to have someone she trusts there after a bad day.)
The date is September 9, Gumshoe drops Kay off at school as planned while Edgeworth goes to trial. And everything for both of them goes downhill from there. Edgeworth gets his ass handed to him by Phoenix and gets his first loss. Kay’s bullying continues. Too absorbed in his loss and the repercussions of it, Miles forgets about Kay entirely. Kay’s left outside of Themis, heartbroken and her trust in Miles barely even remains. After about an hour or so, she calls Badd to come and get her since she knows he’ll always be there if she needs him.
Miles hears Kay come home, and gets confused when she runs past him and up to her room. Badd explains everything and how Miles is an idiot.
So, Badd’s pissed at Edgeworth. Gumshoe gets mad at Miles when he finds out about what happened with Kay. von Karma is pissed at Edgeworth for losing at case to a rookie of all things. Kay’s upset with him because of what happened. Franziska’s mad at him on both fronts. The media is having a field day with his record being broken. It’s the second worst day of his life.
Turnabout Samurai
So, time goes on since the horrible, no-good very bad day. Miles is trying to deal with everything and everyone being mad at him. He’s becoming emotionally unavailable and Kay’s not helping at all since she’s pulled away from him. Since he forgot about her, she thinks he doesn’t care about her anymore. She just stays out of his way.
Miles is emotionally out of the window and does just what he needs to do to keep Kay happy or so he thinks. He’s too absorbed in his work and stressed out from his previous loss to try and reverse the damage caused to his reputation. Meanwhile, Kay’s bullying at Klavier’s and Sebastian’s hands continues. She doesn’t know what to do about it (even though Ema continually tells her to tell someone, Kay doesn’t want to make things worse.)
Things come to a head for her right around the same time that Edgeworth gets assigned the Steel Samurai case against Phoenix Wright. Kay’s absolutely done with Sebastian’s and Klavier’s treatment of her and remembering Ema’s words, she acts.
Kay ends up punching Klavier in the face when he pushes her over the edge, much to everyone’s surprise. They both get dragged down to the office by a teacher after the fight escalates a little (if it even can be called that, only physical blows traded was Kay’s punch.)
They’re in trouble, they start arguing over who started it, etc. The teacher (who I should note is Courte) puts an end to it, believing that they are both to blame for what happened -- Kay for retaliating the way she did and Klavier for antagonizing her in the first place. With the principal’s agreement, both of them are sent home for the day after their guardians are called.
For Kay, she immediately gets called back by Edgeworth while waiting. Edgeworth is in the middle of the Steel Samurai case, so he can’t do anything. He actually grows irritated over what Kay did, not listening to her explanation over what happened and only saying that they’ll talk about it when he gets home. Kay tries to find someone else who 
Meanwhile, Courte takes Klavier aside and tries to find out what happened to cause the whole mess in the first place. Something got into his head that this was how it was supposed to be with defense attorneys and prosecutors (what this is or who that was that planted it is up for debate). He’s told that he’s wrong. They’re both on the same sides of the law, and they’re both there to find the truth -- not to fight about it until there’s a victor. They are allies. Not enemies.
And then Klavier comes back and overhears Kay’s conversation with Edgeworth with Courte’s words echoing in the back of his mind. Klavier’s just like... “okay, she may be a defense attorney, but i don’t think she’s that different from me at all”. Kristoph is a terrible guardian, but the only one that can take care of Klavier, and he understands a bit of what Kay is going through right now because of that.
And immediately feels like shit for how he treated her prior. So when Kay goes to apologize to him from ya know... punching him, it’s him that starts apologizing. And after a very, very long conversation, they decide to start over and Klavier invites Kay to eat lunch with him and Sebastian the next day and even offers to see if he can get her a ride home. Kay reluctantly agrees.
And so their friendship starts there.
It takes Sebastian a bit longer to warm up to Kay like Klavier has, but eventually takes to her when she doesn’t hesitate to point out the mistakes he makes. She corrects him without missing a beat. Kay’s not hesitant to call him out on bullshit when needed. As a result, Sebastian’s a bit smarter than compared to canon.
So, the chaotic duo of Ema and Kay grows to include Klavier and Sebastian. (ema has no reason to hate klavier yet, that’s not until phoenix is disbarred if my theory is right, but his attitude does tick her off sometimes).
Things are starting to get better for Kay, that’s for sure. Miles, on the other hand... not so much.
We all know what happens with him. Unnecessary feelings, questioning just about everything that you know and who you are, etc. This doesn’t go unnoticed by Kay, who wants to try and do something to help. What that is, though, she doesn’t know yet.
Turnabout Goodbyes
Winter break is coming up, and it’s pretty clear at this point that Sebastian and Klavier (the latter moreso than the former) are in tight with Kay and Ema. Kay wants to do something to fix her relationship with Edgeworth, leading to a suggestion of being honest with him about how she feels. If he listens (unlike their guardians), then that means things could turn around.
Kay declines this idea as the first thing they decide Kay should do is tell Edgeworth that she’s in the defense course. She’s still wary about what he might say or do if he finds out she’s going to be a defense attorney rather than the prosecutor he thinks. She does, eventually, agree to talk to him about how she feels. Confessing to being in defense does still linger in the back of her mind.
Christmas starts to draw nearer and nearer, and the two usually spend it together (a tradition born from the first one they had. As bad as that time of year is for Miles, he tries to not let it show for Kay’s sake. Kay doesn’t know about DL-6 and he wants to keep her as far away from it as possible.) So Kay is confused when he heads out Christmas Eve.
Kay has no idea who to turn to... except for one person. So, Christmas morning, while Gumshoe does his best when it comes to figuring out the truth with the investigation, Kay runs all the way down to Wright & Co. Law Offices. (Edgeworth had talked about Wright before in conversations that Kay overheard. That, and it was talked about that he was the only one who managed to take down Edgeworth at school.)
This is the first time that Kay meets Phoenix face-to-face, so he’s pretty confused about as to why a teenager is banging down his door on Christmas asking for help. But, he’s not someone whose going to say no, so he and Maya head down to the detention center with Kay.
Imagine their shock when they learn that the person Kay was talking about is Miles Edgeworth. Who immediately turns around and refuses their help. At all. Because he wants them as far away from this as possible.
Phoenix and Maya leave with Kay, and two out of three are not about to give up so easily. So, yeah. Kay’s finally part of the main storyline.
She helps Phoenix and Maya on their investigation and in the process does learn about DL-6. And her heart just breaks when she learns that her guardian went through all of this. Which is why Kay is relieved when Miles finally 
In the meantime, Phoenix and Maya are trying to figure out what Kay’s connection to Edgeworth is since neither of them explained. And all they can get Gumshoe to say is that Kay is someone that knows Miles rather well. (something that’s supported with Kay knowing about Edgeworth’s fear of earthquakes.)
Kay’s in the audience during this case, primarily because Miles expresses that he doesn’t want her anywhere near von Karma (especially for something that would technically be her first trial). But she’s also not going to leave, so she just watches. Kay gets excited when Phoenix starts tearing von Karma’s case apart. (at this point, Kay only vaguely knows von Karma from Reminiscence. She knows that he’s Miles’s mentor and nothing more than that.) 
She helps with the DL-6 investigation. The one thing I should note  surprises her the most about it is the date which it takes place. Added angst for this whole case (primarily comes from my headcanon birthday for Kay) -- It’s revealed that Miles was careful on December 28th to not let Kay know what was going on with him since it was also her birthday.
Kay has only known Larry for two days, and he’s already giving her a headache (and making her question how Miles and Phoenix are friends with him a little bit). But she’s super excited that he was able to help in the end. She also finds the story about the class trial super sweet, remarking how it reminds her about how Edgeworth used to be like when they first met.
She ultimately is incredibly worried about Miles as the case goes on. Especially with how he thinks that he killed his father. The man Kay knows would never do that -- even on accident. She wants to help as much as possible, even if she can’t stand with the defense. She also wants to stick it to von Karma after everything he’s done. Especially after the confrontation in the evidence room, where Kay lets loose more information than she should, so von Karma (along with Maya and Phoenix) end up finding out about Kay’s relation to Miles.
Phoenix asks her about this later, and Kay explains everything. She begs him to get Miles a Not Guilty verdict since she doesn’t want to lose yet another father of hers. He promises her that he’ll try.
So we get to the final trial day. Kay thinks that Phoenix calling the parrot as a witness is one of the most hilarious things ever later on, but in the moment, she thinks he’s gone crazy, but it works. Miles is declared innocent and she couldn’t be happier... until he flips the switch and confesses to DL-6 after von Karma brings up
Kay gets so mad and upset about this. She corners him in the defendant’s lobby, which is not a pleasant conversation. She knows that Miles is innocent. They’ve been fighting this whole time and he’s just willing to give up that easily? Kay feels like she’s being left behind all over again. She doesn’t understand why Miles won’t “believe in me, who believe in you”. And she storms out. So there’s a bit more guilt on Miles’s shoulders, and a small bit of incentive for him to actually get a not guilty.
So, it cuts to Kay in the hallway making her way back to the gallery. She’s relaying to what’s going on to her friends over a text conversation (understandably, they’re all pissed) when she bumps into someone on her way back.
Yeah... Kay runs into von Karma again. And knowing what she does about him, Kay’s just fucking pissed. There’s a confrontation between the two where Kay comes to understand why Miles is so afraid of this man. He puts an immense amount of fear into her. She just wants to get away.
Kay hits his shoulder by accident in the process and notices the amount of pain it causes him after she runs off. So, long story short, Kay manages to figure out where the second bullet is before Phoenix does, and the trial concludes similar to how it does in canon, but with Kay’s intervention. She’s beyond relieved that Miles is free and von Karma is arrested.
She also feels horrible about yelling, and decides to take her friends’ advice to heart. She almost lost Miles once, and if that ever happens again, she wants him to know the whole truth.
The first thing Kay does after Miles is declared innocent is confess everything to Miles. She’s stammering and nervous and is barely through it when Miles cuts her off because he already knows Kay’s studying to be a defense attorney. She’s not as slick as she thinks, Gumshoe had mentioned multiple times that Phoenix could be someone Kay could learn a lot from, etc. That, and he is Kay’s guardian. He keeps in contact with the school.
He’s not disappointed in her either, which is the one fear that Kay had. He understands not following in your father’s footsteps. If it makes her happy, then that’s fine with him. He is surprised that she finally told him the truth, though. Kay promises not to keep anymore secrets from him. She wants to trust him again.
Things end well between them... as well as they could be after that whole mess, but their relationship is steadily on the mend and all is right with the world.
...until February.
Rise From the Ashes
Kay gets dragged into this one by Ema when she comes by in tears over Lana getting arrested. Kay mentions what happened back in December and says that Phoenix might be able to help, so Ema drags her down there. Phoenix is responsible for two teenagers rather than one. Again.
let’s just pretend that they don’t have school for whatever reason
Not much changes other than Kay’s involvement in SL-9. People keep bringing up the fact that Ema was not alone. And Kay’s thief skills starting to show up a little bit. Again, she won’t discover the truth about the Yatagarasu until later down the line. 
She also wants to kick Gant in the shin more and more as the case progresses.
When it gets to the point where they find out that Miles is going to resign,
It’s only during the last day of the trial that Phoenix (and by extension, everyone else but Maya) finds out about Miles’s connection to Kay when he brings up the fact that there was another witness present when Ema was attacked. And Miles isn’t able to hide who it is any longer.
So, Kay has to testify. And it’s not fun. It all ends with her asking them to leave Edgeworth alone, since he didn’t do anything wrong (or he didn’t know that he was doing anything wrong -- something that is later provable.) So, this case is full of family feels, and Phoenix feels like shit for having to do this.
But in the end, Kay’s memory is a bit more clearer than Ema’s, which leads to Gant’s arrest being a bit easier. Ema still leaves the country to study forensics in Europe, and there’s a tearful goodbye and promises to stay in touch between her and her friends. But the impact that the case leaves on Edgeworth does not change. He feels like he isn’t fit anymore -- as a prosecutor or as a guardian for Kay since he couldn’t protect her.
So, the night of February 25, Kay’s woken up in the middle of the night by Miles. She’s half-asleep, and really doesn’t understand what he’s saying at the moment. He’s saying that he has to leave for a while, and tells her that he cares about her. She’s just like “okay” and ends up falling back asleep.
The next morning, Kay wakes up and the house is just about empty. She can’t find Miles anywhere. She just thinks that he’s busy with a new case that needed him in the office early, or they needed him to help clear up what happened yesterday or something, so she doesn’t think much of it.
That is until Gumshoe picks her up from school early. He never does this. No one really does this without warning, like if its a doctor’s or dentist appointment or something.
Her entire world falls apart when he tells her about the note that they found on Edgeworth’s desk that morning.
Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth Chooses Death. 
And that ends Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. Kay doesn’t interact with the story all that much, but we already have Egdeworth’s perspective on the game for the most part. A lot of this takes place from Kay’s POV... including Justice for All. Which I have some... interesting things in mind for.
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Reigniting Sparks
Post-Apollo Justice/Pre-Dual Destinies
Recovery takes time, and no one knows that better than these two.
Inspired by the art of @collabwithmyself - will reblog with specific links. Check the notes!
Warning: death mention, references to eating disorders
“Wright, you have to snap out of this!”
Phoenix chuckled, but it was no longer the jovial laugh that he once gave when little Pearl found what she thought was a clue, or the nervous burst that came when he was called out on his bluffing. It was a dark laugh, warped and twisted by the dark age of the law. “What do you mean, Edgeworth? Snap out of what?”
Edgeworth stammered for a bit, trying and failing to form words as he simultaneously tried to fight back tears. “This... persona of a dark bitter enigma. It’s not you!”
There it was again; that dark bitter chuckle. “Of course it’s me. Who else would I be?”
Phoenix felt a hand on his shoulder before Edgeworth dared to speak again. “No, this is not you. You are foolishly optimistic, naïve to a fault, yet also so, so intelligent. You’ve always been one of the brightest people in the world, in wits, personality and outlook...”
“That’s not me anymore!” Something snapped in Phoenix. He was no longer chuckling, being aloof and sarcastic about the situation. This was anger. “That was a foolish version of me that blocked out the world! Who thought that, if only everyone had someone on their side, then the world would be a better place! That the truth would always be revealed, and that justice would always be served.” Phoenix began to deflate, his words broken as he began to have to fight through tears to get them out.
“Wright, look at me.”
Phoenix turned toward Edgeworth. He hadn’t really looked at his best friend in years. He looked healthier than Phoenix last remembered him. He was no longer frail from Von Karma’s strict dietary expectations for his protégé. The color had returned to his cheeks, and his hair regained it’s shine and luster. There were a few hairs that appeared to be silvered from age rather than Edgeworth’s natural brownish-grey, but it fit him. Rather than seeming to show age, it was a sign of wisdom and growth. To most people, the glasses would appear to be a sign of age, but Phoenix knew that Miles had always needed glasses; he was just self-conscious about wearing them. Phoenix was so proud of how far his friend had come.
But this wasn’t about Edgeworth; this was about Phoenix, and Miles wasn’t going to let him off the hook that easily. “I know you’ve been hurt. Kristoph Gavin took what was most important to you, and it weighed on you. But the truth has been revealed. He’s been caught, thanks to you! We can move forward now.”
Phoenix tried to ominously chuckle again, but he’d lost his bite, and it came out more as a scoff. “Can we move forward? You say my disbarment started the dark age of the law, but it’s not the only part. There’s that young prosecutor who didn’t trust that the courts would find the truth so he took the blame for the murder of his mentor. Forged evidence is at an all-time high with a mindset of the ends justifying the means. And that’s just been these past seven years! These issues date back to SL-9 with Gant forging evidence, or even further. I mean, the reason Von Karma killed your dad was because he revealed how Von Karma had his ‘perfect record.’” The tears were pouring openly. “No, the world is a dark and cruel place, and the only way to survive is to be just as bitter and cynical. You were right.”
Edgeworth looked with such concern at his friend as Phoenix buried his face in his hands and let the tears flow. Edgeworth watched, uncertain of what to do. Doing so, he began to notice things about his friend that he hadn’t before. For one, he was so thin. It was clear that he’d skipped too many meals, embarrassed to admit he couldn’t buy food for both himself and Trucy. His skin had turned a dull grey, and the spikes of his hair didn’t stand out on their own. It was as though Phoenix had burned to ash.
Edgeworth mulled over Phoenix’s words before voicing his deduction. “We’ve switched places.” Phoenix lifted his head looking quizzically at Edgeworth. “Wright, when we reunited all those years ago, I didn’t know what you saw in me. I was cold and bitter; I felt I was beyond saving. But you, you saw the good in me. You convinced me that life was worth living, and that I deserved to take care of myself. I... I resisted it so much at first, but I wanted what you had. I wanted to see the good in the world. So I worked toward it. It was slow, and I had to take it one step at a time. There were even times I relapsed and reverted back into old habits. I still struggle with that.
But now you’re where I once was. You’ve shut out the world and all the good it has to offer. And now that I’m in your shoes, it hurts to see you in mine. I will do anything to light that fire in you again. I know it’s still there. I see it when you’re talking to Trucy or gushing about how proud you are of Apollo and Klavier.” Edgeworth took Phoenix’s hands in his and looked in his eyes. “Phoenix Wright, it is safe for you to love again.”
If Edgeworth had been in possession of Phoenix’s magatama, he would have sworn he saw a final psyche-lock break. While the tears were still falling, they were now tears of relief and joy as a smile spread across Phoenix’s face and he wrapped Edgeworth in a hug. They just stayed like that for a moment. No words needed to be said. The past was gone, and the future could wait. For now, they could just stay in the moment.
When the moment passed, Phoenix looked Edgeworth in the eyes. The determined fire was back in his eyes. “Alright. Where do we begin?”
Edgeworth chuckled. “First, we get that mane of yours under control. I don’t even want to know how long that beanie has been hiding that rat’s nest.” Phoenix laughed a genuine laugh as he rubbed the back of his neck and gave a sheepish grin. It was the most beautiful sight Edgeworth had seen in years, and he couldn’t help but laugh along. “Then, we work on getting you your badge back. Now that it’s been proven you had no idea the evidence was forged it should be easier, but because it’s been so long they will probably insist that you pass the bar exam again.”
“Oof, yikes. Going to be tough remembering what’s textbook procedure and what it’s actually like to be in a courtroom.”
“Don’t worry; I’ll help you study.” In that moment, Edgeworth realized somewhere along the way he’d placed his hand on top of Phoenix’s. He started to pull his hand away, but Phoenix grabbed on, so he stayed, even if he felt heat rising in his cheeks.
Phoenix looked away sheepishly. “You know, I spent seven years building these walls and forming this persona; it’s not just going to go away like flipping a switch. It’s going to take time for me to break habits and rebuild.”
Edgeworth gave a soft smile. “Of course I know. I spent fifteen years building my own walls and my own stoic persona. You were there for me every step of my journey; I will most certainly be here to support you through yours.”
Phoenix walked around to join Edgeworth on the couch. He rested his head on Edgeworth’s shoulder, and in turn Edgeworth rested his head on Phoenix’s. They just stayed there for a while, knowing that they���ve supported each other through thick and thin, and that support was only going to continue growing through time.
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turnaboutimagines · 4 years
scenario: meeting their doggos
Featuring: Miles Edgeworth, Dick Gumshoe, and Kristoph Gavin
A/N: ace attorney men and their dogs give me life... that’s all.  this got way too long, but welcome to the blog!!!  you only get to make one inaugural post, might as well start it off with a bang.
Miles Edgeworth.
It’s a beautiful day outside, so it’s no surprise.  Now, what is surprising is spotting a certain magenta suit that belonged.  Prosecutor Edgeworth always seems to be working, so you initially decide to let him enjoy his rare moment of solitude...  Well, that is until you spot the little fluff ball of a Pomeranian ambling along beside him, anyways.
Unable to help yourself, you decide to approach him in order to meet his canine companion.  You catch his eye halfway to meeting him, his typical resting glare softening and his shoulders straightening ever-so-slightly as he pauses in order to wait for you.
“Ah, good afternoon, Mr. Edgeworth!  I didn’t know you had a dog,” you say, bending down and allow the small dog to sniff your hand.  His tail wags as he brushes his cold nose against your hand and you melt.  “And especially not one this cute!”
“Ah, yes... good afternoon.  And I do, indeed.  His name is Pess.”
You tear your eyes off the dog in order to look up to his owner, a hopeful smile on your face.  “C-Can I pet him?”
His throat tightens from your expression and he forgets how to speak for a few moments—his oration abilities seemingly flying south for the winter.
“... But of course,” he says with a gracious nod.
And with that you begin to lavish the small dog in attention.  Scratches behind the ear and chin quickly gave way to him rolling onto his back, inviting you to give him some belly rubs.  Your voice instinctively raises an octave as you coo at him, “You’re just too cute!  And sooo fluffy!  A certified good boy!!”
It seems like he’d made the right decision in taking his dog out for a walk here this afternoon.  He has to avert his gaze, face the tiniest bit flushed from how pleased he is to see you dote on his beloved Pess.  The strange way he feels around you only seems to intensify as his heart seems to pleasantly hammer away in his chest.
(But if anyone’s too cute here, it’s you.) 
The realization of what he just thought is not lost on him as his eyes widen in panic, face quickly flushing bright red.  Logic was his strength, but emotions?  Haha, no.  Definitely not.  Initially, he’d chocked up such intrusive thoughts to mere happenstance, but this was becoming a pattern—one that he was unable to deny any longer.
"Nngh...  I seem to have forgotten an important thing at my office, now if you’ll excuse me—”
Before you can even open your mouth to say goodbye to them, the man is strolling off with Pess trotting along beside him, struggling to keep up with his long strides.  
Dick Gumshoe.
You can’t help but let out a sigh as you sit down on the bench with your Samurai Dog in hand, ready to chow down on what promises to be a delicious treat.
That voice... you’d recognize it anywhere and in spite of its frantic-quality it still made your heart skip a beat in your chest.  You look up only to see a Shiba Inu barreling toward you at full speed with your detective crush running behind him, determination written all over his face.  Your grip slackens and, before you know it, the dog is up on the bench beside you and practically inhales the hot dog from your hand.
Gumshoe’s shoulders sag as he reaches you and grabs the end of Missile’s leash, brows knitted together as he gives you the puppy dog eyes.  “I’m real sorry about that, pal.  Missile here’s got a real nose for those Samurai Dogs, you see, and he can’t really help himself...  I-I’ll buy you a new one, I think I have two bucks on me...”  He quickly begins patting his coat’s pockets, trying to remember where he put his mostly empty wallet...
“I-It’s okay!  Please don’t worry about it, detective.”  You offer him a reassuring.  “Just stay clear of the next block, otherwise he’ll clear out the whole stand,” you say with a small laugh, meaning it as a joke.
Yet the detective only pales in response and you get the distinct impression that that’s happened before.  You can practically see the flashback to his salary being cut in his eyes.  Poor man...
Clearing your throat, you decide to change the subject as you look to the cute dog sitting next to you on the bench, tail now wagging in post-Samurai Dog satisfaction.  “So... this is Missile, huh?  Is he your dog or...?”
“Kinda, sorta!” he says, quickly perking back up with pride.  “He’s a K-9 unit down at the precinct, but I've been training and taking care of him.”
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Missile!”  You say, turning to the Shiba beside you and giving his head a gentle rub.  “Did you enjoy your treat, buster?”
He lets out a happy bark before leaning forward and licking your cheek.  When you giggle, he begins to cover your face in sloppy dog kisses and you only laugh more.
Detective Gumshoe brings a hand up to clutch his shirt, right over his heart, as a silly grin breaks across his face.  His cheeks flush red as he watches you and Missile get along so adorably.
Jeez Louise, does he have it bad for you...
Kristoph Gavin.
Your heart pounds in your chest as you stare at the immaculate front door to the large, equally pristine home that belonged to your boyfriend.  It was supposed to be a date night in, cooking a quality meal together and enjoying some wine afterwards.  He’d warned you ahead of time that he had a dog, Vongole, and that she's a bit picky when it came to people.  Just like her owner.
You just hope she’ll like you...  You’d been dating for over a month now and it was feeling like things in your relationship were starting to become more serious and this date felt like it was going to be a make or break point for the two of you.
Working up your courage, you ring the doorbell right on time.
“Please, come in,” Kristoph says, a gentle smile on his lips as he steps aside to let you in.  “I hope it wasn’t too hard to find?”
“N-Not at all!” you say, taking a step inside and quickly slipping off your nicest pair of shoes.  “Your directions were perfectly clear.”
The door shuts behind you.  “I’m most glad to hear it.  I know that your sense of direction isn’t one of your strong suits.”
You give him a look only to be greeted by that pleasant smile of his, but before you could fire off a playful retort back there was a flash of gold in your peripheral.  You turn to face the golden retriever that comes trotting up to you, long, silky fur brushed to the point of shining like real gold.
She sniffs your legs and you hold your breath, standing still as you let her inspect you on her own terms.  You can practically feel Kristoph’s gaze as he carefully observes you interacting with his dog for the first time.
“And this is Vongole, the ‘best friend’ I’ve told you so much about.”
Her tail begins to wag tentatively and you let out your breath as you kneel down in front of her, running your hands through her soft fur.  She headbutts you before nuzzling up against you, angling herself to where she wants you to pet her.  You let out a small laugh as you do as she demands, already smitten by her.
“She’s absolutely beautiful... and such a sweetheart, too!”
You hear him approach in approval as he crouches down on her right side and joins you in lavishing her with attention, “Yes, she certainly is, isn’t she?”  One of his hands brushes against yours as he offers you a charming smile, laced with a double meaning unbeknownst to you.  “It seems like you’ll get along just fine, my dear.  Just as I expected...”
Your face grows warm, but you can’t help but smile—feeling honored to have both of their approval.
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klapollys · 5 years
favorite headcannons -
trucy’s middle name is artemis (https://phoenixwrxght.tumblr.com/post/186290522530/aa-headcannons-23)
apollo being trans is literally like, my favorite thing i think it’s rad
i really like the idea of phoenix being some portion of hispanic? i think it’s cool
athena,, with freckles,,
klavier and ema are super close you cant convince me otherwise
kristoph probably had naturally blonde hair but when he was younger, klav wanted to be just like kristoph so he bleached his hair (he REGRETS IT)
i’m pretty sure that trucy already fucking knows about her and apollo like cmON?? shes not dumb, thalassa probably mentioned her first marriage at one point
larry and trucy are really close
unoriginal but phoenix with heterochromia is rAD bro
maya is probably chubby tho like cmon that girl fuckinng inhales burgers like there’s no tomorrow (and there’s nothing wrong with that!)
godot? more like goDONT
franziska’s older sister ran away from home when fran was really young, she hasnt seen her since
i really like the idea of gregory edgeworth being the estranged son of manfred von karma, i know it makes literally no sense but cmON
franziska’s mom died shortly after she was born
gregory’s wife died shortly after miles was born and her name was melanie fuck you i like angst
manfred probably loved his wife
i know hes a souless asshole but,, cmon
athena probably has some form of autism, i know its a far stretch but her breakdown reminds me of a sensory overload
raymond emits bi + trans energy
tyrell badd is ace
simon blackquill is ace
aura is canocally a lesbian idc what u say
metis probably had autism
one of my favorite headcannons ever is that miles thought he was aro and ace his entire life but turns out he was demi - he figured this out when wright came back into his life
the reason why gumshoe and maggey arent in the latest games is because they got married and are busy trying to raise their twins :)
the judge has a wonderful wife and daughter who happends to be a defense lawyer and will brag about his family and his grandkid at any moment possible
kay breaks into mile’s chief prosecutor’s office sometimes and leaves little gifts and notes and it makes miles smile
franziska wears louboutins because she’s a badass
franziska adores trucy and often sends her very expensive gifts from germany
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guilty-love · 4 years
Part 2 of my Secret Santa present for @apodictic-twinkle! Hope you like it <3
April 20th 2026, 05:47 PM Apollo Justice’s apartment
He had never expected his first trial to end like this.
It has already been devastating to Apollo to find his former idol to play the part of the defendant in a trial, to be called a murderer. He could not believe it that Phoenix Wright of all people would murder an innocent traveler, someone he simply played poker with. Killing him over something trivial like a lost game of cards…
But that hadn’t even been the worst part of the trial. His mentor, Kristoph Gavin, had been there, to support Apollo when he needed support, to whisper words in his ear when he felt like losing track of the whole trial. But having Kristoph Gavin around in the courtroom had made things worse and turned everything upside down.
When Apollo has walked out of the courtroom that day he hadn’t known what had happened. How had it ended up with Kristoph Gavin being the culprit? How had it happened that, all of a sudden, he had lost his job?
Of course, those were silly questions. Apollo knew the answers to them. It was thanks to his drive to seek justice that he has uncovered the truth behind the crime, about the dark deeds his boss had done and, as it has to be, he had made sure Kristoph Gavin got what he deserved.
But that didn’t make Apollo feel any better at all.
Even when his idol, Phoenix Wright, stepped over to him to thank him, even when Phoenix offered him a job in his agency – Wright Talent Agency? Really? – Apollo couldn’t bring himself to smile. In the aftermath he didn’t remember anymore what exactly he had said to Phoenix Wright. The only thing he remembered was the feeling of needing to get out of this place, as fast as possible.
He was back in his apartment about two hours after the trial had ended. Usually Apollo tried to be careful with his suit, because as a lawyer you need to look your best when you meet your clients. But after this catastrophe of a first trial all he could think of was getting rid of the stuffy clothes. Especially the jacket which held his attorney’s badge.
He threw it into the corner of his bedroom, not paying any attention to it.
He picked some comfortable clothes from his closet, just a comfy pair of cargo pants and a white shirt. Pulling it over his head ruined his perfectly styled trademark bangs but he couldn’t care less, really. He needed to get his mind off of things, needed to distract himself from what has happened today. He didn’t want to think about it any longer.
He only managed to hit the power-button on his computer to boot it when his phone started ringing, notifying the lawyer that yes, he had received a text message. He really wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone – he had talked enough already in the courtroom – but when he read the name ‘Daichi’ on the screen Apollo quickly fumbled with the phone to open the message.
[Daichi:] Hey! Hey hey hey! How is it going, Mister Lawyer?! How was your first trial?!
Apollo sighed. Of course his best friend would want to know how it had been going. He had apologized so many times for not making it, but the current project he was working on at Cosmos Space Center had made it impossible for him.
He really didn’t feel in the mood to talk about things. But he couldn’t just ignore Daichi’s text message now, couldn’t he?
[Apollo:] I won.
He dropped the phone on the surface on the desk again and turned his attention towards his computer, opening the folder that contained all his music. He needed something to take his mind off of things now, something to keep him busy enough to not have him think about this terrible day.
But of course, receiving only a two words message would not satisfy Daichi.
[Daichi:] You won?! That’s amazing! I told you you would be fine, Apollo!
[Daichi:] But then again, you didn’t really answer my question. How was your first trial despite the fact that you have won?
The lawyer groaned. He really really didn’t want to talk about it, but he knew Daichi wouldn’t let go if he didn’t get an honest answer. He’d be worried about Apollo and pester him until he finally got the truth out of him.
[Apollo:] You want to know how it went? It was terrible!
[Apollo:] Not only did I have to defend my idol who was blamed as a murderer in the trial, no.
[Apollo:] Turned out that my boss was the actual culprit! And now they arrested him and I have lost my job!
[Apollo:] And on top of that, I get the feeling that my idol’s daughter has handed me forged evidence, which I can’t proof for certain, but Mister Gavin’s reaction was quite suspicious.
[Apollo:] So yeah, I won, but that victory came with a price I didn’t want to pay.
[Apollo:] And I really don’t want to think about it anymore or talk about it. I just need some time for myself…
Apollo knew he was being unfair. He was angry and hurt and scared and he had held it together so well until now. Had managed to appear brave and strong in front of Phoenix Wright, when he had offered him a job, had even managed to crack a smile when people had talked to him. He had kept it together on his way home but being home, in his own apartment, all by himself he couldn’t keep up the façade any longer.
He knew that he was being unfair to Daichi, who wasn’t even around, to get Apollo’s bad mood shoved into his face. But the lawyer couldn’t help it.
He sobbed, pressing the phone against his chest, squeezing his eyes shut. He just needed time to think. Needed time to breathe. He had been so happy about his job as a lawyer, so happy to finally earn his own money, to be successful in something he loved. And now that happiness lay in pieces in front of him.
Daichi did not write back that day and Apollo was grateful but also sad about that.
 April 21st 2026, 10:59 AM Apollo Justice’s apartment
The next day, Apollo slept in. He needed the rest, feeling exhausted from the day before like he had been running a marathon, only to collapse once he reached the goal. He didn’t manage to move once he woke up, just stayed under the warm blankets, staring at the ceiling. Usually his mind would be racing, would be working nonstop, letting him think about all the things he had to get done that day, the appointments that were due.
But that morning, Apollo’s mind drew a blank.
He took his phone after a while to look at the time. It was already quite late and he should get up eventually, to have some breakfast. Or brunch. It was definitely no longer time for breakfast. He noticed, with a mild surprise, that Daichi hadn’t written him. Of course, Apollo had asked for some time for himself but Daichi usually wasn’t the kind of person who would simply accept that and let it go.
Maybe work kept him busy?
Apollo sighed and lowered his phone again, going back to staring at the ceiling, forcing his mind to do what it always did. Thinking about the next steps.
He had no job. Which was bad. He needed a job to earn money, to keep his small apartment. To buy food and things he needed to live. To upgrade his music equipment. But at least he had his attorney’s badge and he won his first case. So he got something good to put in his survey. On the other hand, his former boss and mentor had turned out to be a criminal. That was bad. Terribly bad.
It could mess up everything he had worked towards so hard, could ruin his whole career.
He couldn’t let that stop him. But at the same time, Apollo felt drained. He needed a break. He needed help. But he hated asking for help. He didn’t even know who he could ask for help.
The ringing of the doorbell woke him from his trance. At first, he thought he had only imagined the sound. When the doorbell rang again he knew that no, he hadn’t just imagined things. Someone wanted to see him.
It took Apollo two more rings to get out of bed and walk over to the door to open up. He was amazed how stubborn the person outside was. As if they knew exactly that Apollo was home. He wondered who it would be. The post man? Nah, that guy usually left after trying once. Sometimes he tried twice, but never more than that. A neighbor who needed something from him? But what could they need? Sugar? He hadn’t taken a package for anyone lately, so no, that couldn’t be it.
In the end, the only way to find out who it was was for him to open the door.
Apollo cursed himself for sounding surprised. He really should have expected his best friend to show up at the steps of his door. After all, Daichi was that kind of person. He would leave you alone if you asked for it for a few hours only to crash at your place the next day, his arms loaded with bags of-
“…what do you have in those bags?”
“Breakfast, of course!”
Daichi didn’t wait for Apollo to ask him inside. He simply shoved his best friend aside gently, by nudging him with his shoulder, and walked into the living room without asking. There, on the small coffee table he dropped the groceries he had brought – bagels and croissants and sandwiches and cookies and, most important, two steaming cups of coffee.
“You didn’t tell me that you’d come over”, Apollo noted, his voice still exhausted from the day before. He closed the front door and followed Daichi into the living room, sinking onto the floor in front of the coffee table that was loaded with a mountain of food.
“Yeah, cuz you wouldn’t have let me in if I did.”
It was a bold statement but Apollo ducked slightly. Daichi knew that he was right about his guess and Apollo knew it too. If Daichi would have announced himself Apollo would have told him to stay away and probably even wouldn’t have opened the door at all.
Still, the smell of the feast Daichi has brought and the steaming cup of coffee made Apollo’s stomach growl. He hadn’t eaten anything the day before either, because he had felt sick to the stomach. Now his body started to crave food – and even more important, caffeine.
“We don’t need to talk”, Daichi suddenly announced, which surprised Apollo. “I read the newspaper. Guess I have a certain idea of what was going on. Heavy stuff, really. But that’s why I am here. You need some good distraction and I brought something help you getting distracted.”
Apollo glanced at Daichi, wondering what his friend had brought over that was supposed to help him feeling better. He reached out to take on of the steaming cups, warming his cool fingers on it. He took a sip, slowly because the drink was still hot, before he finally asked.
“And what exactly did you bring?”
Daichi pulled a little device from the pocket of his jacket, grinning happily. It wasn’t big, only about two and a half inches long, fully silver and with the logo of GYAXA on it. It took Apollo a moment to recognize what it was, but when he did he frowned in confusion: “A flash drive?”
“It’s a new song I have been working on!”
Apollo lowered his cup, frowning even more. He knew very well what Daichi meant when he said he had been working on a song. And he probably brought it to make another collaboration, like they had in the past, before he had become Kristoph Gavin’s pupil.
“Daichi, you know that I have no time for music…”
“Why not?” Apollo’s mouth shut when Daichi suddenly interrupted him. He stared at his best friend, confused. Why not? Did he really ask why not?
Before Apollo could answer, Daichi continued talking: “Listen, I know that you are in a shitty situation. And I know that you are not fine. I can see it in your face.” Apollo lowered his gaze, feeling called out. “But that’s okay. What had happened yesterday was terrible! Neither of us thought that your first trial would be so… so difficult! Chaotic! Hey, and if you feel like crying, cry! If you feel like yelling, yell! But let me try to help you. You need to get your mind off of things first before you can start feeling better. So let’s work on this song together, okay? I really need you. I have been working on this for weeks but it’s still not the way I want it to be. Because I can’t do this alone. I need my partner for this. I need Otoroki.”
Apollo let out a deep sigh, which turned into a soft chuckle.
“You always know how to get me, huh?” He shook his head. His body felt still weak, from the exhaustion and the lack of food, but his mind started to buzz again. He could feel the excitement coming back, the eagerness to create something, not alone but together with Daichi.
“Fine then. Let’s finish that new song of yours. But first –breakfast!”
 June 15th 2016, 08:58 AM Wright & Co. Law Office
Apollo swallowed. He stood in front of the door to the Wright Talent Agency and knew that he should be knocking. In fact, he had been standing in front of the door for the last thirty minutes, but whenever he raised his hand to knock fear washed over him.
For the fourth time now Apollo lowered his hand again and took a deep, slow breath.
“I’m Apollo Justice and I’m fine.” He muttered. “I’m Apollo Justice and I’m fine.”
He raised his hand, but this time not because he wanted to knock on the door. He pulled out his phone, unlocking it and checking his text messages. There weren’t really any interesting messages, nothing new that could help him distract himself a little longer from stepping inside that office – or agency – and announce that yes, he was willing to take up the offer Phoenix Wright had proposed to him.
He wanted to put the phone back into the pocket again when his eyes caught sight of Daichi’s message he had sent that morning. He had read it already several times and whenever he did it brought a smile to his lips.
He clicked onto the message to read it, one last time.
[Daichi:] Heads up, Apollo! You can do it! You are Apollo Justice and you are fine! Now go and get that new job of yours! Trust me, it will be worth the trip!
His enthusiasm was contagious, it always had been. Daichi had been a good friend, since the first day they had met. But especially during the last two months, after losing his job and losing the will to go on it had been thanks to Daichi that Apollo had managed to get out of his slump.
They had hung out together, spent a lot of time together. Daichi and Apollo. Terranica and Otoroki.
Apollo took another deep breath and put the phone back into the pocket. He straightened his back and tensed his shoulders before raising his hand and stepping inside the office, towards a new and unknown future.
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mjau29 · 6 years
Not A Goon (Kris Letang)
Requested: yes | no
Request:  May I request a tanger imagine. Thanks. :)
A/N: previously posted on my main blog tyzerman91
Word Count: 1260
Warnings: Language
“You a Pittsburg fan?” “More of a Leafs fan.” “Well, no one’s perfect.”
Watching Kris fight never got easier. Some were less hard to watch, but never easy. Tonight the Penguins were playing your home team and you knew, you just knew a fight was going to break out. The Penguins still high on the Championship win and the Leaf, with their hoard of rookies.
You’d begged Kris before the game to avoid a fight. He wouldn’t listen.
“Just, try to keep out of it.” You half asked, half demanded. “(Y/N), I’ve told you. I don’t get a choice.” Kris sighed. “You have a choice.” You snap. “You’re still healing from the fight two weeks ago. Don’t be stupid, Kris.”
It was the second period when it happened. Crosby tripped Matthews, and the air in the arena changed. It was Martin who came out. You felt sick to your stomach.  You prayed Kris would just let Marin at Crosby. Not because you wanted him hurt, but because when it comes down to it, you’d rather it be him than Kris. You weren’t attached to Sid in the same way you were Kris.
But Kris is Kris and didn’t let that happen. Malkin was already in the box.
He was bleeding. They cleaned him up while he was serving his penalty. You had the rest of the second and all of the third period to get angry. And you were very angry. Normally you waited with the rest of WAG’s, but tonight you made your way to the locker room.
A few of the Leaf’s acknowledged you.
“You look pissed (Y/N).” Marner greets you. The kid is always happy. “Letang is going to get torn apart.” “Take it easy on him.” Matthews laughs. “This is the one time I’m happy to not be in his place.” “No promises.” You snap without meaning to.
“Shit, Letang (Y/N) is walking in and she looks pissed,” Phil yells into the locker room. “Yeah, maybe keep your gear on. She might kill you.”
“Clear out guys. 10 minutes.” Sidney orders. It takes only seconds before the entire locker room is empty, save for you and Kris.
“I fucking asked you.” You take a couple deep breaths. “You know, you know I hate when you fight. But I’ve never asked you to not do it.” “Babe.” He reaches out. “No. Don’t touch me.” You step back. “I’ve never asked you to let a fight go, even when watching you fight tears me apart. And the one time I do, because you’re still injured, you don’t fucking listen. Why? Do you like getting hit in the face? Do you enjoy it?” “Baby, I’m fine.” Kris stands. He’s still in his skates and gear. “No. You’re not fine.” You feel the tears spill over. “I thought I could do this. But I don’t think I can. I don’t think I can watch you fight. I can’t watch you put yourself, your health, your life on the line. I’m so sorry.” “(Y/N)? What are you saying?” Kris’ hand falls to his side.
You don’t answer. You can’t make yourself form the words.  So instead, you turn and walk out of the locker room without a word. Breaking your heart with each step. A strong hand wraps around your arm, forcing you to stop.
“No. You don’t get to leave like that.” Kris says softly. “I’m going to shower and change, then we will go home together. We’re going to talk. And then, after you’ve listened to what I have to say and I’ve heard what you want to say, then and only then if you still want to leave you can. I won’t stop you.”
You sit in his stall waiting for him to finish. Which he does in record time. 7 minutes after Sidney had cleared the locker room, Kris was fully dressed and wrapping an arm around you, leading you from the room to the car.
The ride is quiet. And not the quiet you’ve come to enjoy after a game when Kris is winding down. No, it’s the tense quiet that makes it impossible to relax.
The drive to Kris’ house takes much longer than usual. Game traffic is something that you don’t experience, seeing as you leave long after all the fans. You do eventually arrive home. Kris parks his car, get out and walks to your door opening it for you.
Kris sits on the sofa and motions for you to do the same. You sit in the chair.
“Alright. I understand.” Kris says but his eyes show hurt. “I’ll go first if that’s ok.” “Sure.” You say quietly. You don’t have anything to say. “I know you don’t like when I fight.” “You can say that again.” You mumble. “But sometimes, it’s just part of the game. I can’t just sit back and let guys on the other teams take cheap shots at my guys. If I did then it would open it. Guys would be laying our players out like rugs.” Kris is wringing his hands. “And yeah, normally that’s Malkin’s job. But he was in the box. Someone had to do something. Martin would have taken Sid out. You know that.” “You should have let him.” You snap. “You don’t mean that.” Kris says softly. “Yes, I do. Sid shouldn’t have tripped Matthews.” You sigh. You really don’t mean it. Sure you don’t think Sid should have tripped him, but you wouldn’t wish harm on anyone. “Careful, Babe, your Leaf’s fan is showing.” Kris smiles. “ So are you mad that I fought or mad because I fought a Leaf?” “Kristopher Allen!” You exclaim. “You know it’s because you fought. It doesn’t matter who. I don’t want you to fight ever. Especially when you’re already injured.” “It’s just part of the game.” Kris repeats. “And I understand that. But I’d prefer you to leave the fighting to Malkin.” You say seriously. “But I know that you’re going to fight. I don’t like it and I never will, but I know you are going to. So I suck it up. But tonight? Tonight I specifically asked you not to. Not because you were playing the Leafs, not because I hate seeing you fight, not for me. I asked you not to because you are still hurt. I asked you because I knew if you got into another fight, you could possibly be injured further and not be able to play. And I know that not being able to play would kill you. You’re not a goon. Stop acting like one.”
“I’m sorry.” Kris apologizes. “I didn’t mean to make you worry…” “Nah, no worry here. My boys can handle themselves.” You joke. He laughs and pats the sofa next to him, you get up and sit next to him. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you on his lap.
You sit quietly on the sofa, snuggled up with Kris. He’s the first to break the silence.
“I’ll try to keep the fighting to a minimum.” Kris kisses your head. “When I’m injured, that is. No promises when I’m not though.” “I can live with that.” You say. “After all, it is part of the game.” “Thank you for listening.” He nuzzles your neck. “Thank you for understanding where I’m coming from.” You run your fingers along his arm.
“You a Penguins fan?” Kris asks out of the blue a few minutes later. “More of a Leafs fan.” You respond, just like the first time you met. “Well, no one’s perfect.” He laughs and everything is all right.
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Bryzzo: One Last Kiss
I saw this prompt (“Just one last kiss and I’ll never bother you again.”) a few months ago and I decided to write it.
I finished about 90% of it and I honestly don’t think that I’ll ever get around to completing the other 10%. So, I decided to post it here as is.
I’m in the beginning of taking a writing hiatus, so I thought that I’d share something now.
Summary: Anthony doesn’t want to walk away from Kris before he knows what it’s really like to kiss him.
Kris looks at some photos from his engagement party and it’s his mom who points out that he’s not smiling in any of them. He explains that it was a really long, chaotic, and tiring day. His mom, Sue nods like she understands, but Kris knows that she’s skeptical. She can’t contain her happiness when she stumbles upon a picture of Kris and his best friend Anthony. Of course, it’s the only picture where Kris’ eyes are shining brightly and he’s grinning genuinely.
“Mom, don’t,” Kris begs.
She looks offended. “I didn’t say anything, Kristopher!”
“Your body language has already given you away. Me and Rizz are just friends and it’s all that we’ll ever be,” Kris lets her know.
“You can sit here and deny your feelings all that you want. But this picture doesn’t lie, sweetheart. You look completely miserable with your fiancée and I’m not just talking about last night,” His mom declares.
“I don’t want to fight about this,” Kris says.
“I can take a hint. I’ll get out of here and leave you alone,” Sue replies.
He doesn’t stop her from leaving, but Kris does feel a little guilty for snapping at his mother. He doesn’t want to confront the complicated nature of his feelings for Anthony, so he took it out on her instead. Kris picks up his phone so that he can call and make amends, but then his doorbell rings. He opens the door and he immediately launches into an apology. Kris blushes when he realizes that it’s Rizz who’s standing on his porch, not his mom.
“Did I catch you at a bad time?” Anthony wonders.
“No, not really,” Kris answers.
He notices that Rizz has a pizza box and a six pack of beer in his hands when he steps aside to let him in. It’s not uncommon for them to spend weekends eating and drinking while watching sports together. Anthony sits down on Kris’ couch like he always does and he makes himself comfortable. Kris grabs a few plates, napkins, and his bottle opener from the kitchen. Rizz turns the game on and then he uses his shirt to remove the top from his beer.
“Civilized people actually use bottle openers,” Kris argues.
Anthony shrugs. “I guess I’m not that civilized.”
Kris grabs a slice of sausage pizza and he tries to focus on the game. But it’s hard for him to pay attention because Rizz’s large hand is resting on his knee. It’s a pretty platonic gesture, but it’s still making Kris’ heart race. It’s bringing back fuzzy memories from his engagement party. He had a little bit too much champagne that night and it went straight to his head. Kris vaguely remembers backing Anthony against the nearest wall and kissing him after everyone (including his fiancée) left for the night.
“You don’t want a beer?” Rizz asks.
Kris shakes his head. “No, I don’t think me drinking is a good idea.”
“Because of your engagement party?” Anthony assumes.
“Yeah. The details are a little hazy, but I mostly remember what happened,” Kris responds.
“We should probably talk about that,” Rizz suggests.
“Ugh, do we have to?” Kris complains.
Anthony mutes the TV. “I’ve always tried to ignore the way that I feel about you because I could tell that you were doing the same thing. There was an implied mutual understanding that we’d be friends and nothing more. It wasn’t an ideal situation, but I accepted it. I came to your engagement party to give you my support because I just want you to be happy. I was ready to finally let you go and then you ruined everything by fucking kissing me! I swear that I can still taste your mouth, Kris.”
“I had too much to drink and it obviously impaired my judgment. I’m sorry that I kissed you and made things weird,” Kris apologizes.
“I just want to know why you waited until then to do it. We’ve been drinking around each other for years and you’ve always been able to control your urges. What changed?” Rizz questions.
Kris shrugs. “I don’t know.”
“Yes, you do. I can always tell when you’re lying,” Anthony reminds him.
“I couldn’t live the rest of my life not knowing what it was like to kiss you,” Kris admits.
Kris has been trying to suppress his affection for Rizz ever since they first met. Being with Anthony wasn’t part of the life that Kris’ dad had planned for him. Playing baseball professionally, getting married, and having kids was the strict plan. A devastating leg injury in college ruined the baseball dream and Kris has been desperately trying to please his father, Mike ever since then. He doesn’t want to further break his dad’s heart by not giving him a daughter-in-law and some grandchildren. So, Kris is sacrificing his own happiness by not being with the man that he truly loves.
“Do you even love her?” Rizz quietly asks.
“Of course, I do. But am I head over heels in love with her? No,” Kris earnestly answers.
“Then why are you getting married?” Anthony wants to know.
“It’s complicated,” Kris says.
“It’s really not though. It’s clear that she’s not the one for you, so you have no business marrying her,” Rizz points out.
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore,” Kris remarks.
“Fine,” Anthony concedes.
“You practically drank that six pack by yourself. Maybe you shouldn’t drive home tonight,” Kris mentions after the game ends.
“You don’t have a guest room and there’s no way I’m sleeping on this slightly hard couch,” Rizz argues.
“We’ve shared a bed before,” Kris comments.
“Yeah, but that was before I knew how it felt to have your lips on mine,” Anthony whispers.
“Are you saying that you don’t trust yourself to behave?” Kris questions.
Rizz smirks. “You’re the one that kissed me, remember? So will you be able to control yourself?”
“I think I can manage,” Kris remarks.
When Kris wakes up, he’s completely surrounded by Anthony. His arms are draped around Kris’ waist and their legs are tangled together. He has to go pick up his fiancée from the airport soon, but Kris absolutely doesn’t want to leave his bed. Rizz’s body feels warm and perfect next to him. A small shiver runs through his body when Anthony’s lips softly brush against the back of his neck. Kris tries to maneuver out of Rizz’s embrace without waking him up, but he’s unsuccessful.
“Stay,” Anthony mumbles into his shoulder.
“I can’t,” Kris protests.
“I’ll make it worth your while,” Rizz whispers lasciviously.
Kris bites his lip. “You’re not making this easy for me.”
“That’s the point,” Anthony tells him.
“I want this, I want you so badly. I wish that I could have you,” Kris admits.
“I’m all yours, Kris. You can have me,” Rizz insists.
“It’s unfortunately not that simple, Anthony,” Kris argues.
“I don’t know why you keep making this so hard,” Rizz says.
“Because you’re not part of the plan!” Kris blurts out.
Anthony raises an eyebrow. “What plan?”
“The one for my life,” Kris answers.
“Does the plan for your life not include you being happy? Because I know that I can make you happy,” Rizz guarantees.
“If you were a woman who could bear my children, you’d perfectly fit into the plan,” Kris explains.
“I–That’s what this is about?” Anthony asks.
“Yes. And I really have to go now. We’ll talk later,” Kris promises.
‘Later’ turns out to be several weeks later. Kris has kept himself busy with wedding planning and he has purposefully been avoiding Rizz. They have of course seen each other, but usually it’s in a group setting. He needs to move on from Anthony, so he’s trying to distance himself from him. Kris knows that it’s completely not fair how he has been evading Rizz though, so he wants to talk to him man to man. He’s not much of a confrontational person, but Kris owes it to Anthony to be open and honest. He nervously paces around his apartment as he waits for Rizz to come over. The doorbell rings and Kris’ heart feels like it’s going to beat out of his chest as he walks over to the door. He smiles nervously at Anthony as he invites him in.
“We need to talk,” Kris announces.
Rizz rolls his eyes. “No shit.”
“I know that I’ve been acting like a bit of a jerk. I’m sorry,” Kris apologizes.
“Just tell me what’s going on,” Anthony softly comments as he sits down next to him.
“You’re my weakness, Rizz. I won’t ever be happy if I continue holding on to you,” Kris states.
“What are you talking about?” Anthony asks.
“I can finally be the kind of husband that my fiancée deserves if I get over you. I think space and distance will help me with that,” Kris explains.
“So you’re breaking up with me?” Rizz questions.
“That sounds harsh. It’s not like that,” Kris argues.
“You barely talk to me and you basically just said that you don’t want to be around me anymore. There’s only one way to interpret that,” Anthony retorts.
Kris sighs. “I’m so sorry. I hate that it has come to this.”
“Your happiness is all that I’ve ever wanted, Kris. So, if this is what you really need . . . ” Rizz trails off.
“I think it’s what’s best for me,” Kris quietly says.
“Can you do me a favor before I go?” Anthony requests.
“What’s that?” Kris wonders.
“Give me one last kiss. I’ll leave you alone just like you asked, but I don’t want to walk away before knowing what it’s like to kiss you when you’re sober,” Rizz whispers.
Kris can’t bring himself to say anything, so he just licks his lips. If this is the goodbye that Anthony wants, then he’s going to give it to him. He scoots closer to Rizz on the couch and then he leans in slowly. Anthony tilts Kris’ chin up a little bit and then he tenderly caresses his cheek. He takes his time running his fingers along Kris’ strong jaw line. Kris shivers at Anthony’s soft, gentle touch. He brings their lips together and Kris closes his eyes.
Rizz isn’t caught off guard by an intoxicated Kris this time, so he can completely take control. He slips his tongue inside and he patiently explores Kris’ sweet mouth. This kiss is the best one that Kris has ever had and it’s not even close. He buries his fingers into the collar of Rizz’s shirt to bring his body closer. Kris climbs into Anthony’s lap and he lets out a moan when Rizz sucks on his tongue. He positions his hand onto Kris’ lower back and then it ‘accidentally’ slips down to his ass. Anthony squeezes the soft flesh while also deepening the kiss. Kris feels euphoric and light-headed; and it’s not from alcohol consumption this time.
“We should probably stop,” Rizz whispers against his lips.
Kris nibbles on Anthony’s bottom lip. “Yeah, we probably should. But I don’t want to.”
“I can’t give you anything more. Not under these circumstances,” Anthony whispers.
Anthony cuts him off. “I have to go. Goodbye, Kris.”
                                                  Two Months Later
“I can’t get Jessica pregnant,” Kris tells his mom.
“You’ve been trying to?” She asks.
Kris blushes. “No! But she thought that we should get checked out before we get married. So, we’ve been visiting doctors and I’ve been getting all kinds of tests done.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, sweetheart,” Sue says.
“She’s pretty broken up about it,” Kris admits.
“Of course. Have the two of you come up with a solution?” She wonders.
“That’s actually why I’m here. I’m wondering if this is a sign that we’re not meant to be together,” Kris reveals.
“There have been plenty of signs suggesting that,” Sue lets him know.
“This kind of feels like the final one though,” Kris remarks.
“Jessica is a nice girl and you both deserve to be happy. It’s clear that you both need to go your separate ways in order to find happiness,” Kris’ mom gives her opinion.
“You’re right,” Kris agrees.
Kris feels slightly lost after he breaks off his engagement. Despite being slow to anger and mild-mannered, Kris has a major falling out with his dad. He yells at him about trying to control his life and he comes out as bisexual. Kris tells him that he’s in love with Anthony and that he’s going to chase after his own happiness now. He feels equal parts relief and sadness. Kris has always obeyed his father and done things to please him. He’s not quite sure how to handle putting himself first now.
Now that he’s finally ready to move forward with Rizz, Anthony has of course moved on. He’s dating some kid named Javier who looks like a fucking model. Kris only knows this because he has been stalking Rizz on social media. He can’t help but to think that this is what he deserves after how he has treated Anthony the last few months. Kris isn’t selfish enough to enter back in Rizz’s life and possibly ruin him being happy with someone else. He realizes that just because he couldn’t make it work with somebody else doesn’t mean that’s also true for Anthony.
“Why didn’t you tell me that you ended things with Jessica?” Rizz asks over the phone.
“Well, we weren’t exactly talking. And I saw all of the pictures of you and Javy on Instagram. How’d you find out anyway?” Kris wonders.
“I ran into your mom at the grocery store. She couldn’t wait to let me know that you were single and finally ready to give us a chance,” Anthony tells him.
Kris turns red. “Oh my God! I’m going to kill her!”
“It was nice hearing that from her. But I would love to hear it from you,” Rizz mentions.
“But what about your boyfriend?” Kris questions.
“He wasn’t my boyfriend, Kris. Javier was just a hot guy that I was fucking because I was desperately trying to get over you,” Anthony explains.
“Oh. Well, in that case. I’m completely in love with you and I’m at the point where that fact doesn’t terrify me anymore. You’re all that I want and need,” Kris softly confesses.
“Fuck. I’ve been waiting on you to say that forever,” Rizz responds.
“I know!” Kris comments.
“I want to see you,” Anthony lets him know.
“Then come over,” Kris invites.
Kris opens the door and he barely closes it before backing Rizz up against it. He has been thinking about kissing him again ever since Anthony rushed out of his apartment after their last one. Kris captures Rizz’s mouth in a fierce kiss filled with passion and desperation. It finally feels like everything is right in Kris’ world now. Anthony sneaks his hand underneath Kris’ t-shirt to stroke the bare skin of his stomach. He quivers at Rizz’s possessive touch.
“Wait. I’m not trying to cum in my pants against your door like this,” Anthony blurts out.
Kris laughs. “You sure? Because we have plenty of time to do other stuff.”
“I’ve waited for what feels like my entire life for this, Kris. So, I want us to take our time and do it right,” Rizz explains.
“I like the sound of that,” Kris agrees.
Anthony caresses Kris’ cheek. “I want to savor every single touch, every kiss, every lick, and every bite.”
“Shit. You’re actually making me weak in the knees right now,” Kris declares.
“Then I guess I better carry you to bed,” Rizz responds with a wink.
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stephanieturo-blog · 7 years
Media Switch Up Week 3
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Photo courtesy of periscope.tv 
Have you ever had writer’s block? That was me this week until things finally clicked this morning. Originally I was planning to post about Snapchat, but from my class’s recent online discussion group, it seemed like everyone was writing about it. Definitely showed my millennial side by not wanting to do what everyone else was doing…sooooo mainstream and not cool (and yes, that’s my attempt at sarcasm). Instead, I took to Google search and typed in “top social media apps” (because I’ve got tons of creativity in my searching skills). Not surprisingly, Snapchat was there, along with Facebook and Twitter. But then, as I kept reading, I saw Periscope.
To be totally honest, when I first read the word “Periscope” I immediately thought of a submarine. That’s just how this Navy girl’s brain works. #sorrynotsorry 
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PACIFIC OCEAN (Feb. 20, 2012) SEALs and divers from SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team (SDVT) 1 swim back to the guided-missile submarine USS Michigan (SSGN 727) during an exercise for certification on SEAL delivery vehicle operations in the southern Pacific Ocean. The exercises educate operators and divers on the techniques and procedures related to the delivery vehicle and its operations. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Kristopher Kirsop/Released) 120220-N-ZK869-163
This is my favorite submarine shot. I mean, tell me that isn’t an awesome photo – especially with the SEALs swimming in the foreground. But I digress…
Periscope – the social media kind – is a live-streaming video app. I usually watch videos on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. But as Periscope is owned by Twitter, users can link their broadcasts to their Twitter accounts to get more views.
Matt Mansfield, a writer for Small Business Trends, put together this nice guide for newbies like me. It’s a how-to for becoming your own broadcasting station via Periscope. While going live, you can interact with your viewers with chat – similar to Facebook Live’s comment section. Once you complete your broadcast, it can be played back for the next 24 hours, but then…it mysteriously disappears…
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Yep – that would be the extent of my magic skills…and actually your video is simply removed from the app, but you can always save it elsewhere on your phone and post it online via another app (like Facebook, where I post all my videos…because they don’t disappear after 24 hours…*sigh*…can you tell I really prefer Facebook? (Full disclosure: I was one of the first 10 schools to have access to Facebook when it got started…NBD.)
When the app first came out, Twitter reported that more than a million people across the globe signed up in the first 10 days. News channels jumped on it as a great way to utilize an easy broadcasting platform. I think about all the equipment a reporter and videographer used to travel with…
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Photo courtesy of Camel City Dispatch
Bulky cameras, tripods, microphones, a reporter and a videographer. Now a reporter can simply grab his or her phone and be on location for the latest breaking story.
And plenty of other folks jumped on the bandwagon too. According to The Telegraph, “the Rolling Stones used Periscope to broadcast their secret show in LA […] and more than 40 authors have done live broadcasts on Periscope, showing fans where they write their books and often reading from currently unpublished work.” For a book nerd like me, that sounds pretty cool!
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Of course, if you aren’t a news outlet, a high-profile magazine or a celebrity, your average every day Joe Schmoe can still have his moment in the spotlight. As outlined in the Periscope Guide, when you sign up for Periscope, your Twitter username becomes your Periscope username (so choose wisely!). But you can also just create a Periscope account. And in the age of #selfies, Periscope has hit the mark on indulging our narcissist tendencies.
So, just for fun, let’s close out on a sure-to-be-classic song all about selfies….mmhmm…enjoy!
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learnprogress · 7 years
BREAKING: Trump Implicated in Lawyer’s Death Threats. The Details are Horrifying.
According to Buzzfeed, one of Donald Trump’s employees made threats against a lawyer’s family back in 2009. Trump was furious at the lawyer representing investors in his failed casino, so someone from his staff threatened that man’s family.
The story starts in 2009 after Trump’s casino business went belly-up. Investors stood to lose billions from the failed enterprise.
But Trump didn’t care about that, it was just another failed business for him to walk away from. He told talk show host David Letterman, “I wasn’t involved at all in management.”
Trump had been chairman of the board though, and Ivanka Trump was also on the board. Trump led this business and its investors into ruin, and he denied any responsibility.
As you can imagine, the investors weren’t happy. So they sued Trump for their losses.
Trump apparently didn’t appreciate the lawsuit, because someone issued threats against Kristopher Hansen, the lawyer for the investors. The anonymous caller told the lawyer to back off.
“My name is Carmine,” said the caller. “I don’t know why you’re fucking with Mr. Trump but if you keep fucking with Mr. Trump, we know where you live and we’re going to your house for your wife and kids.”
Hansen speculated that the call came from one of Trump’s bodyguards. He handed over the call to the police for further investigation.
An FBI investigation showed that the call came from a New York City phone booth across the street from the Ed Sullivan theater. And Trump just happened to appear on The Late Show With David Letterman in the theater that day.
According to Buzzfeed, “Three former employees of the show told BuzzFeed News that guests were asked to arrive in advance of the 4:30 taping, though accounts differ on just how far in advance.” It seems pretty clear who was behind the call.
POLL: Is Trump a monster?
Some of Trump’s staff threatened a lawyer involved in a lawsuit over Trump’s failed casino business.
The poor man feared for his life and the well-being of his family after the threats.
Is Trump a monster for threatening this man over a lawsuit? Share your opinion in our poll.
Poor Hansen was badly shaken after that call. The Holmdel Township Police Department had to send a car to his home for three days to monitor his home.
Hansen refused to talk to Buzzfeed about the incident. It seems he wants to forget the whole affair.
Trump also refused to comment, or confirm whether or not he ever employed a bodyguard named Carmine. The White House also didn’t respond to any of Buzzfeed’s calls or emails about the incident.
But Trump’s longtime lawyer Michael Cohen did respond to an email. He called the allegations “utter nonsense.”
“I am not personally aware of any individual who provided security to Mr. Trump with that name,” wrote Cohen. “I am also not aware of any inquiry made by the FBI, or any agency, regarding this matter.
Buzzfeed also noted that Trump’s had other enemies threatened in the past. Trump has a pattern of intimidating people that take him on.
Trump is a thug who threatens his enemies and rivals. Please help expose Trump’s nefarious past by sharing this story on Facebook.
The post BREAKING: Trump Implicated in Lawyer’s Death Threats. The Details are Horrifying. appeared first on Learn Progress.
from BREAKING: Trump Implicated in Lawyer’s Death Threats. The Details are Horrifying.
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