#camisado linked under ‘FIGHT’
http-byler · 1 year
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hale-13 · 3 years
Works Master List
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(Updated June 30 2021)
2020 Whump Bingo (25 Works)
Camisado (Apologizing Before They Pass Out)
A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out (Becoming Giggly From Blood Loss or High Fever)
Death of a Bachelor (Touching Clothing and Hand Comes Away Bloody)
Don’t Threaten Me With a Good Time (Moving in a Way That Causes Pain and Tensing Up Against It)
This Isn’t The Worst Thing You’ve Seen Me Do (Chugging Caffeine to Try and Fight the Inevitable Crash)
Lie of Omission (Touching Their Head and Feeling Their Own Temperature Rise)
Homeostasis (Shivering Long After Everyone Else Has Stopped)
Vent Your Spleen (Breathing Hard to Concentrate Through the Pain)
Brain Fog (Becoming Unusually Clumsy and Fumbling Simple Tasks)
Idiopathic (Spacing Out in the Middle of a Conversation and Needing to Regain Focus)
According to Plan (Free Space!)
Ripped to Shreds (Collapsing or Falling Asleep and Looking Far Younger)
Night Terrors (Scared or Ashamed Because of Their Nightmares)
Type and Cross (Head Lolling as They No Longer Have the Strength to Hold it Up)
Bronchioles (Trying to Communicate Even Though They Can Only Speak a Few Words at a Time)
Nuclear (Another Character Spots their Hands Shaking so They Hide Them)
Failure to Thrive (Looking Unusually Ruffled, Hair Messed Up, Bags Under Eyes)
Transverse (A Helpless Look Right Before They Collapse)
Aura (Needing to Pause to Close Their Eyes Because They’re Light-Headed/Exhausted/Headache)
Resuscitated (Staggering/Walking Gracelessly Before They Can Catch Themselves)
Hyponatremia (Making Excuses to Linger Because They Don’t Want to be Alone)
Amygdala (Trying to be Subtle While Leaning Against Objects to Stay Upright)
Vonnegut (Voice Hitching as They Speak)
The Softest of Endings (Dozing When They Shouldn’t - Startled Awake)
Summer of Whump 2021 (COMPLETE)
Triple Axel (Day 1 - Freezing) AO3
Enterobacter (Day 2 - Food Poisoning) AO3
Submersion (Day 3 - Drowning) AO3
Slipping Through the Cracks (Day 5 - Broken) AO3
Hold Onto the Faith as I Dig Another Grave (Day 6 - Buried) AO3
Ultraviolet (Day 7 - Sunburn) AO3
Ulcerated (Day 8 - Force Feeding) AO3
Euarthropoda (Day 9 - Bugs) AO3
Caved In (Day 10 - Trapped) AO3
Hold Fasts (Day 11 - Whipping) AO3
Caliber (Day 12 - Death) AO3
In The Atmosphere (Day 13 - Sacrificed) AO3
Violation of Order (Day 14 - Hair Grabbing) AO3
Better Together (Day 15 - Sleep Deprivation) AO3
Conditioned (Day 16 - Hair Washing) AO3
Shackled (Day 17 - Collared) AO3
Syncope (Day 18 - Collapse) AO3
Scare Tactics (Day 19 - Fear) AO3
Zero Days Without Incident (Day 20 - Defiance) AO3
Dazed and Confused (Day 21 - Panic) AO3
Five Stages (Day 22 - Grief) AO3
Febrile (Day 23 - Sick) AO3
En Pointe (Day 24 - Stitches) AO3
Detached (Day 25 - Isolation) AO3
Strangulated (Day 26 - Asphyxiation) AO3
Trapezius (Day 27 - Injured) AO3
State of Grace (Day 28 - Display) AO3
Airway (Day 29 - Control) AO3
Engulfed (Day 30 - Crying) AO3
One Shots
I’m Not Scared (of the dark) (Complete 8/14/20)
(Not my best work fyi - and I kinda hate it - but it was my first so I felt guilty not including it...)
Peter is just so tired. The world is too loud, his head is too full. Maybe his coping mechanism to keep things quiet and calm isn’t the most well adjusted but Mr. Stark is dealing with the fallout from the Accords and he can’t inconvenience anyone anymore.
Chaptered Works - Completed
We Can’t Have Faith For Everybody (10 Chapters, Complete 5/1/21)
It starts like this:
MJ and Flash, hands cuffed to each other and Peter, wrists and ankles held to the wall by thick metal cuffs and dangling in a way that’s surely to leave his shoulders aching.
The first week Peter, verbally, gives as good as he gets. He never lashes out physically and always does what their captors want the first time they ask. He still spends most of his time that he is in the cell chained uncomfortably to the wall. After the first week someone, apparently, decides that Peter is weak enough from the constant abuse and malnourishment that he is no longer chained up after his sessions; just dropped unceremoniously onto the dirty floor and left for MJ and Flash to care for.
Chaptered Works - In Progress (Coming Soon)
When the Dust Settles (? Chapters, Publishing in Oct/Nov)
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