ribcagesutures · 1 year
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“O yüksekten korkuyor ama baş döndürücü olmayı seviyor.”
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yoonia · 6 years
Carousel was awesomeee I love your plot, your writing, l love every single letter here and great to know you as one of my favorited writer ❤ love you keep going 😍
Thank you so much for reading!! Well, I am so flattered to know that you enjoyed everything. Thanks for the support, love ❤❤❤
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nefertitties · 7 years
I love the fact that you, like me, like so many of us, Marina -                                           (I can't speak - my throat is frozen!) you, like light! like snow! - (i try to say it, but i almost choke, as if i'd swallowed ice!) - that you, you too had piano lessons. a parody of learning! the gods above both laugh and weep - as though a candle could be taught the art of burning! you and the piano, two equal darknesses, just didn't get on: two perfect, separate rings, miserable in the mutual deaf-muteness of mutually exclusive foreign tongues. two sombre and suspicious specialists - a hostile and impossible encounter. you and the piano - two potent silences, throats still too weak for speaking or resounding. yet your degree of orphanhood was greater and settled the matter. piano? - a mere prisoner of silence, until some collaborator presses the C sharp with her little finger. you stood alone - no need of such liaison and music's struggle was, for you, to find a way, without disturbing pain's foundations, to open up a bleeding wound of sound. doh for a-do-lescence! doh, marina, for declamation, destiny all those new dawning days! alike, we bow heads in the child-piano-player's achetypal pose - like you! like you! - to seize the piano stool, useless Gedike's caorusel, and instead to send the snatched-off beret into a whirl so that it whistles round and round your head! that's all, for good luck's sake, i meant to do: to let for once the lovely words come leaping out - marina, i'm like you, like you! ... i meant to shout with joy, but see - i'm weeping
Bella Akhmadulina to Marina Tsvetaeva,   Music Lessons
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