#casa tidmouth act 1
bruhstation · 2 years
and to think that all of this started because thomas picked up a shiny golden whistle. really makes you think
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oldirontender · 2 years
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casa tidmouth act 1 vs casa tidmouth act 2
(for @bruhstation based on this one ask u did forever ago)
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sodor-spirit · 10 months
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I really enjoy @bruhstation Casa Tidmouth AU. The lore, art and character development is amazing and I always enjoy seeing it whenever it comes up on my feed.
So after going through Act 2 of Casa Tidmouth and seeing how much their Thomas was affected by the events of Act 1, I felt like drawing these two poor traumatised beans who are badly affected by both past and present events going on in their respective universes. (Hope I got your design right btw)
Good art and lore as always!
Act 2 Thomas belongs to @bruhstation
War Veteran Spirit Thomas belongs to me ( @sodor-spirit )
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Hi everyone! Remember when I said that I have another AU planned up my sleeve? Well, here it is!
TTTE: Ghost Pals!
Note: This page isn't completed yet. Updates will be added to this when I flesh out the AU.
Warning: Mentions of d34th and mπrd3r
It's inspired by @fraiserabbit , @sodor-spirit , @bruhstation and @dieselstooyou 's AUs! (Until The End, Casa Tidmouth, Sodor Spirits)
A heaven, hell and god definitely exist in this AU, and you can either go to the afterlife, be reincarnated, or become a ghost.
Ghosts are known to have special abilities depending on how he died.
And, inspired by “The School For Good And Evil”, have mogrification abilities, which they mainly use to turn into their old machines.
And if you see a ghosts without any massive blood or injuries, they are in a shaded form. It's an illusion that ghosts can use to look more approachable and appealing. When it's removed, the ugly horror of what's under the illusion is revealed.
Most ghosts don't understand why they didn't just immediately go to heaven, but some say it is because of a faulty God.
The story centers around Alfred (yes 98462)
So after he died he decided to haunt the island for 1: s××ts and giggles 2: malicious intent and 3: spite for the living, ESPECIALLY crovan.
But years later he, in his words, got “bored” of spooking people. But later on he figures out he's so stupid to not know that there's a bunch of other ghost on Sodor, which leads to some interesting adventures.
This is also a musical AU. So like, they kinda sing here—
That’s all I'll say for now so let's move on to the characters:
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Alfred (98462)
The most aggravating little s××t
Doesn't really believe that he did anything wrong.
Attempted to kill Henry, Gordon and possibly Crovan (his ex-crush)
Died attempting to kill Henry and Gordon (via explosion)
So now he can explode shiet
Got trapped in a tea kettle (haha loser)
First met Godred as a ghost.
Now haunts and hurts people out of spite and fun.
Trucks, cars, coaches, etc... are scared of him.
Views his newly found friends as companions or slaves.
Doesn't get along with Timothy. Thinks he's an annoying nuisance/insolent smiling prick.
Thought he was the first ghost on Sodor (stupid idiot lol)
He's basically like Beetlejuice, except he's not a demon straight from hell.
He starts these stupid shenanigans on Sodor for the fun of it, or at least... that's what he says.
Him singing “Jacks Lament” proves that there's at least a small tint of humanity that grew inside of him throughput his years of death, but why does he always try to discard this?
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Died from falling down a mountain.
The second ghost on Sodor.
Because he died falling off a mountain, and therefore can float and cause earthquakes.
Obnoxious, very self-important and stubborn.
When other ghosts started to come to Sodor, he attempted to act as their leader.
That is, until Timothy came.
People liked Timothy more than him because he was less bossy.
Timothy and him are unfriendly acquaintances.
Culdee is his childhood friend, and didn't meet him again until they both worked at Sodor.
He's probably depressed as hell.
Despite his problems, he much more normal and sane than everyone else in the group
Like he's just thinking, “How did I get myself into this— oh wait its because I DIED.”
Who knows, there might be a reason why he's such a pompous jerk.
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The leader of ghosts on Sodor
Is Thomas' older brother.
Died after plunging off a viaduct near the harbour.
Is Thomas' ghost guardian
Arrived on Sodor via ship when he turned into a ghost.
Mainly creates bubble shields and stone walls or platforms.
And due to this, is regarded as weaker by the other ghosts.
Has a kind, gentle and optimistic exterior
But to some it looks rather...off puting. Something about his smile and his eyes say that he isn't all that much of a saint.
Welcomes everyone's BS with open arms (in other words, deals with the shenanigans that occur)
Seems to be wise and level-headed, accepting his death and saying that it's the way of life.
But he looks after Thomas so much...
And Neil often finds him sulking in him room with old photos of Thomas.
No one really knows if he's actually moved on yet.
Oh, the poor, wise man...
How long until his sanity finally shatters?
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Died from falling off a viaduct into the water. But most people don't know that.
He can control water and create hurricanes with it (for some reason, and his lamp holds a secret power)
Doesn't remember much. He could remember having a job at the heavens, giving people the lives they deserved.
Which should've been fulfilling, but it wasn't.
And the image of him spiraling down into the water, again and again..
His sense of sight has gone dead, and can only rely on the lantern he holds to lead his way into the dark.
If it isn't lit, we're going to have problems.
Proteus isn't his real name, and was just given by other people when he worked at this “heavenly place”. No one alive remembers seeing him or what his name was, much to his detriment.
He's got quite the hostile attitude and some anger issues.
Most people don't see his lost sense of identity and his misery.
Oh, the poor soul.
He can't remember anything. What he did to have his sight taken away from him, to be treated like a slave, and to die in such a horrid way...
What was he ever done to anyone?
Why was he only ever viewed and used as a tool for the success of other people?
S.C Ruffey, Smudger, and others are yet to be made in this AU :)
That's it for now, see ya when I make more on this AU 👋
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bruhstation · 2 years
gilded lily by cults...percy core song i think. <-deranged
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bruhstation · 2 years
It's very late so if this ends up being barely comprehensible I'm sorry but the Big James Thread Post just reminded me of this
I asked you a bit ago if you had seen Journey Beyond Sodor and like, the main reason I was asking is cause there's this one bit at the end
So the movie starts with "Somebody Has to be the Favorite", sung by James, interrupting and making fun of Thomas. Later, after Thomas has stolen James' train so he can fuck around on the mainland, he sings a reprise of Somebody Has to be the Favorite ("and this time it's going to be me!")
But at the end, after Thomas and James are heading home after having been freed from their captors (in the literal sense there. They both get kidnapped. Wild movie.) You get this dialogue exchange as a lead in for the final Reprise of the main theme, this time restructured as "The Most Important Thing is Being Friends"
Thomas: "I'm sorry I took your trucks James. I know you wanted to be the one to take them to the mainland."
James: "And I'm sorry for teasing you...I'm not really anyone's favorite engine. If anyone's the favorite Thomas, it's probably you."
really great essay!!! I absolutely agree with the things you've said here.... james constantly boasts about how he's a really important engine but it's all just his own way of reassuring himself that he has worth, that he has a meaning. deep down james knows he's not really THAT much a favorite nor is he the most special or important yet all of those heightened self image is because he is scared of being seen as not-very-important or liked.
it's kind of heartbreaking too. like he kept pushing himself to be someone he's really not (and doing jobs he's not really up for) and believes that he has something to show and prove to others so people can view him as someone special. and when those delusions of grandeur eventually crumbles and he resorts to being honest of how he truly views himself as "not really anyone's favorite engine".... it's all back and forth and back and forth. he constantly places his worth in how others perceive him and that's just tragic. I am so normal about him
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bruhstation · 1 year
Question: Why did Sonny stab Gordon? 🤔
HE DIDN'T!!!!!! (based off marvelous machineries) sonny was tied to his engine and pretended to get hurt, got saved by rebecca, and after that backed her and gordon into a corner to give baz and bernie some time on the other side of the island, revealing who he truly was. those stuff on their clothes are just dirt
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bruhstation · 2 years
Poor duck 😭 I don’t think I’ve felt this bad for a killer since my creepypasta phase 🥲
that's casa tidmouth for you. he does it for a reason
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bruhstation · 2 years
"drivers going missing" Can't wait to see Gordon become the saddest man alive ☠️
sometimes I wonder how he didn't absolutely lose his mind after seeing so many people that he care about come and go
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bruhstation · 1 year
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what playing god does to TWO mfs (explanation of their characters and relationship in act 1 under readmore)
at the start of casa tidmouth (tatmr), d10 is on this relentless quest on capturing lady. the reason of this is because he’s morbidly curious on what would happen if a mere human like him get into contact with gold dust. at that time, lady was putting on a disguise of a normal human working as a newbie in the northwestern railway, and d10 managed to figure out that she’s the lady of the legend thanks to various tales of her and the sodor’s rumours bulletin board. also because he eavesdropped on thomas and percy who wanted to help her look for gold dust resources.
throughout the beginning until mid of act 1, d10 plays this role of a saturday morning cartoon villain. every time he encounters the adventure trio, he always tries to thwart their plans using his 200 iq brain and rube goldberg machines (and incredibly incompetent dieselworks minions), though he always ends up failing.
another thing is that lady wasn’t really threatened by him. whenever d10 recites his essay on how he’ll capture lady, she would just smile and cheerfully respond to his genius plans. lady also perceives emotions and morality much differently compared to humans. she always believes that there’s a way out of every situation because... she’s a god! she has gold dust (albeit only a bit)! she’s not being mean or looking down on d10 or humans as a whole. it’s just the way she is. when humans panic over an injury, she nonchalantly believed it can be healed. when humans experience grief, she believed they’ll get over it soon. this is also because she never experienced companionship prior to arriving to sodor, so she had NO idea how to emotionally connect to others or understand how others feel. she just knows that her duty as the goddess of sodor is to help humans physically, not emotionally.
unfortunately d10 thought she’s looking down on him and always strives to improve his machines and plans to capture her. lady just plays along because she thought it’ll be fun to entertain a mere human like him. there are times where d10 managed to capture her (lady is still unfazed and goes along. she knew he’ll always fail) but as days and weeks progress, d10 slowly started to feel like his actions isn’t rooted in malice but rather because he just... wanted to do it. d10 felt uncomfortable about this relation because he had always thought of himself as this irredeemable, unstoppable force and is never bothered about it. he constantly wavered on his ideals whenever he thought of doing something nice for a change and always forced himself to think of himself as this tough, crazy maniac who’s a big evil genius to ground himself.
the days where d10 and lady didn’t have their one-sided rivalry, lady would just tease d10, tell him to relax his shoulders, and basically annoy him. it eventually evolved into days where they would have small talk about random things, like d10′s rube goldberg machines and lady’s godlike characteristics. lady thought that his machines are genuinely cool and awesome, something that he’s never heard anyone say before. d10 mentioned things about his fascination with gold dust and wanting to know more about its wonders or if it has any side effects... a goddess that learns about science, and an engineer that is interested in how magic works.
even though in their earlier interactions d10 always instigated first, it was always thomas that gave d10 the push he “needed” to kickstart his daily villainy shenanigans by exclaiming out loud something along the lines of “look! diesel 10!’s back!!!!”. so when he’s not present, d10 can’t bring himself to do..... mean bad toughguy things.
d10 initially thought that lady was sent by thomas to spy on his activities, but many convincing words from her proved otherwise. lady finally became honest on how she views humans and said that she found it hard to emotionally connect with others. her role as a god wasn’t to be worshiped, but to be relied on. strangely, d10 related to her. he always believed that there’s nothing science can’t answer. as long as he can use others using his knowledge and sheer willpower, he can achieve whatever he wants and quench any curiosity his brain comes up with. he pushed others away and others pushed him away because of his low sympathy and thought process that is considered “abnormal”. for the first time, lady truly understood the feelings of a human. d10 always takes his leave right before thomas arrives, though. he doesn’t want to make things complicated, but for the first time, he unconsciously felt like caring about someone else besides him.
seems like there’s a lot of things lady and d10 share in common.
and just like that, a friendship between them formed. lady is still her unwavering, cheerful self, but she began to think about her own feelings more rather than let others slide. d10 is still his maniacal, crazy engineer self, but he started to think about wanting to use his genius brain for something sliiightly less destructive. rebuilding the dieselworks, perhaps? one can only imagine. he still thought his machines were awesome, though, and he doesn’t think he can become a 100% good guy. d10 is the first person that made lady experience more “human-like” emotions, while lady is the first person that wasn’t scared of d10 and paid more attention at how intricate his machines are instead of how much they’re safety hazards.
things were starting to look good!
and then the first part of the dotd arc arrived.
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bruhstation · 9 months
i realise something
casa tidmouth bwba is like the odyssey where thomas, like odysseus, wants to go home but is ping ponged around the world. But instead of losing crewmembers he gains some (ace and nia). Does this make sense
funny you said that junie XD I've had homer's two epics in my reading list for quite some time now! the format of them being poems are a bit challenging for me to process the stories but I managed to get through goethe's faust so I'll just have to believe in myself
and of course!!! of course it does make sense!!! >:] now that you've mentioned it, odysseus and cstm thomas has quite a lot of similarities, from their ever-struggling journey to how they "lost" their people one by one (though like you mentioned thomas does gain new allies). both odysseus and thomas have their respective gods following them (calypso and lady respectively) especially when the fact that there are so many ancient greek myth and legends in the odyssey and how cstm has this reoccuring urban fantasy themes to it...
does this mean that act 1 is "the illiad" while act 2 is "the odyssey"? :0 the illiad focuses on the trojan war (similar to how busy act 1 of cstm is with its worldbuilding and setups to thomas' prime and downfall), while the odyssey is about odysseus' journey way home (similar to how act 2 is more mellow and thomas trying to fix things/pick himself back up while getting thrown all over the place)... oh I gotta pick up the odyssey again!!! then the illiad!!!
now I can just imagine thomas confronting diesel 10 for the umpteenth time and solemnly saying "my name is nobody... nobody I am called by my coworker, coworker, and by all my coworkers..."
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bruhstation · 1 year
Hello, Senja! What are the heights for the Steam Team in casa tidmouth act 1 (Thomas, Percy, Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Toby)? I'm planning on making art of them but Im having difficulty calculating their heights ^^
gotcha! here’s the list
thomas: 5’7 / 170 cm
edward: 5’10 / 178 cm
henry: 6’1 / 185 cm
gordon: 6’2 / 188 cm
james: 5’11 / 180 cm
percy: 5’7.5 / 171 cm
toby: 5’10.5 / 179 cm
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bruhstation · 1 year
I'm just gonna assume someone beat me to asking Henry x Gordon, but in case that's not true that's my submission for the ship ask game. If it is true how about Edward x James (mostly just curious since I think it's popular but I don't go through the main Fandom tags very often)
no one has asked for henry x gordon before! as for that ship....
1. What made you ship it?
(spongebob screaming image) I LOVE OLD PEOPLE WHO ACT LIKE BICKERING OLD MARRIED COUPLE!!! also it's all thanks to many episodes such as "henry's special coal", "henry takes the express", and "it's good to be gordon" :3
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
their dynamic for sure. they constantly tease each other in so many episodes and my brain was like "okay. this train stuff is getting crazy!"
like in "henry takes the express" gordon was sulking because henry got assigned to take his express and henry was like "fuck did I even do bro!!!" AND THEN with his 2000 iq brain henry pulled a psychology game on gordon by saying "oh well.... the flying kipper can only be pulled by strong engines.... I guess you're not up for it" AND GORDON BLASTED THROUGH THE DOORS OF HIS BERTH AND LEFT A HOLE THAT LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE THE OUTLINE OF HIS FIGURE okay I made the last part up but you get the idea. they're both so damn silly. it's like they're trying to outjoke one another in any given chance yet both end up being the clowns at the end of the day
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
not sure if this is unpopular but damn I wish people would stop treating henry like he cannot defend for himself and write gordon as the person who would constantly come to his rescue. bro's got a really sharp tongue especially in the earlier seasons!!! but oh well I know exactly why this issue came to be
now about edward x james
1. Why don't you ship it?
DON'T GET ME WRONG tbh I kind of like 2x5. a handful of friends and mutuals here draw awesome content of it. it's just that.... it doesn't really click for me personally? probably because I hc james to be aromantic and have edward be put in the 2x3x4 polycule
2. What would have made you like it?
if more people knew that there's more to edward besides being a nice perfect old guy and more to james besides being a self-absorbed ""tsundere"" I would've liked it more.
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
many friends and mutuals drew such kickass art of 2x5.... especially @/shelli-gator and @/wreckontherails. and despite me not shipping them, edward and james have a friendship going on in casa tidmouth (it's a twist to the trope I've mentioned in point 2 with edward keeping secrets for the sake of everyone contrasting with james having enough of this whole "ignorance is bliss" thing)
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bruhstation · 2 years
Dawg when you say missing do you mean actually missing or are the straight up dead I can’t sleep at night because of this😭
edward and henry are not dead LMFAOOOOO they went missing (alongside a few others) after act 1. in the end of act 1, they were transferred to other railways - henry to vicarstown, edward to wellsworth - after the stunts that d10 pulled that shook sodor. but the thing is... the managers over at those places said that they weren't there. they're not even picking up gordon's calls (thomas was still busy thinking about percy and lady). their apartments are trashed yet empty. and they're not the only ones to vanish, too. complaints came in, many people became furious/miserable, news and rumors spread everywhere, business in sodor's railways start to get messy, etc. and so begins act 2. enter rebecca nassif, bright yet clueless, and nia wanjala, friendly yet extremely cautious.
if they're dead then I might as well end casa tidmouth right there because the story's as good as finished. also their disappearance is what drives act 2 and eventually ties thomas' journey together. thanks for the inspiration, mattel executives!
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bruhstation · 2 years
Now that I realize it, how did Act 2 affect Diesel-
great question. long essay coming! here's a quick rundown:
diesel is the reason why montague is the way he is in act 1. as I've mentioned before, before the events of casa tidmouth, diesel spread horrendous rumours about montague and his family after he almost got into an accident with the trucks on his first day. he had no idea that people on sodor weren't too concerned about railway accidents because for some magical reason they always turn out to be okay the next day. so as a form of revenge, he told everyone that montague is careless and almost got diesel killed, called the strike trio names, and so on.
after everything's solved (albeit NOT smoothly), montague considered diesel a friend, though this is proven to be just a huge farce because he absolutely despises his guts. somehow he can't bring himself to kill him, mainly because people could suspect him because of his stained history with the diesel driver (and diesel have to survive because casa tidmouth just isn't as darkly hilarious without him). diesel nowadays just wants to stay the hell away from montague because he's learned that he shouldn't terrorize random railway workers just for the heck of it
the thing is, both diesel and montague have similar upbringings. they both come from strict families with strong ideals and long histories. the difference is that while diesel rejected all of that for a simpler and free life, montague followed his family blindly and even did all the heinous axe murders out of desperation despite it taking a toll on him. they both fail to see eye to eye about this because of their shared history as shown above, though.
however in act 2, diesel is beginning to see how much him and montague are the same. diesel saw how much the great western legacy is intertwined with him, how he's so desperate to gain the glory of the collett lineage again, and how he's throwing away even his own morals just to make his family happy. montague's just tired of holding a grudge towards diesel since he has something more important to focus on: his family's secrets behind his back. both of them are going to get character development.... even if it's not always the most positive.
does diesel respect him or pity him? does montague even want to reconcile with diesel? will they become friends? acquaintances? have mutual respect even though they're not exactly friends? frenemies even? who knows! let's see how things play out.
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bruhstation · 2 years
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gordon gresley in act 1 of casa tidmouth vs act 2 of casa tidmouth
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