#case in point the mods of this blog cant be assed to start early and some do not like starting early
And really, the only way for me to respond to that? I can't fight fire with fire. So I'll just hide all my old OCs instead, and bring in a new batch just to spite em <3. Also considering not attacking those on my hitlist who draw early. Just a thought :). And very easily, you can tell if someone's been prepping for attacks if, in the first second of the website going up, you upload a high quality piece that you couldn't have made in 1 minute. At least hide your shit better if you're gonna cheat
please touch grass it's not that deep -edit There were additional parts: "anon who does not care about getting free art here! Just thought that you needed an OC to join artfight, so I really dont care about getting art. I just wanna draw other's characters in the set time limit. It gives me much more joy. And I'm going to enforce the rule my way XD. And to those who say that people wanna prep: it's one week. Isn't one week enough to save images? Some may even argue it's enough to do some art. I bet mod is an early art maker. How does it feel to have no intergrity?" "Adding onto that, the reason why I hate people drawing early in artfight is that it's disingenuous. You're not actually drawing my OC in the month of artfight. So why then? Why post it on artfight instead of gift art on another website? Just for the points? And to all those people who say that 'they don't have time' motherfucker my summer break ends in June. There's no summer hols in July unlike for the rest of the world. I have a more reasonable excuse to start drawing early and I'm not." "Because guess what? I have integrity bitches. I do the right thing even when no one's looking. And if you can't even do it for a simple art trading game that I'm not trusting you with my pets. Secondly, starting early ruins the spirit of artfight. Why submit it to the website that's only for every July? Why not do a yearly art trading game then? 'But oh anon, people will get burnt out' then what are you doing before July???? I have so much more reasons as to why I hate people who start early"
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