robertsbig60 · 2 years
Getting My Price, When I Sell My House Fast in Dallas Tx.
While your home may be new or like new, and you know you could get your asking price, given the current market, if you could risk listing on the market, afford to prep for the sale of your house, complete any necessary repairs and then wait out the selling process. “Getting My Price, When I Sell My House Fast in Dallas Tx.” However, the pressures of time, changes in your financial status or…
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adore-laur · 7 months
— harry is your ex-husband and the father of your child, and the both of you are just trying to make it work 💛 (loosely inspired by taylor swift’s “gold rush”)
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For you, Nashville used to be a place where family and love resided. When Harry realized he found fulfillment in writing songs there, he suggested buying a house in the eastern part of the city where the historical streets and electric nightlife lent him endless inspiration.
That was during the honeymoon phase when you two were bound by a thread of intense desire. Shortly after, the newlywed phase came with spontaneous decisions you couldn't help but ride along with. Even the marriage itself was on a whim. Harry bent down on one knee after only one year of long-distance dating, never sounding more confident than when he asked you to be eternally his. Again, you agreed. But why? 
Let's just say he has a contrarian way of thinking paired with strong persuasion skills. 
Two months after getting married, you fell pregnant and welcomed a baby before the first wedding anniversary could even pass. To put it truthfully, it was unexpected. There was no plan to become parents so soon, especially since Harry was at the height of his career. Nonetheless, both of you adapted to his busy lifestyle for the family's sake. Everything was arranged around his schedule, yet you never thought twice about it. 
There's no doubt that Harry is a wanted man. Everyone needs something from him, whether an interview across the country or a tour on another continent. He accepted the business calls and flights with no hesitation, and you couldn't necessarily blame him since it's all he's known for over a decade. However, after a while, it reached a point where you weren't seeing him in person for several weeks at a time. 
When you were his girlfriend, it was tolerable. As a mother, it was unbearably desolate. 
He's a yes-man who shies under authoritative rule, and it affected every crevice of your private life with him. All you needed was for him to be present. That's not to say he was disconnected or couldn't bond with his baby during the instances he was around; it was quite the opposite. You had never seen him so enamored with another human before. Unfortunately, the limited time he was home without obligations tying him down was too much for you. 
Those exhausting nights spent alone trying to calm a crying baby, wads of dwindling cash being slapped in the babysitter's hand, keeping up with time zones just to call your husband for a short and measly conversation about nothing—it was miserable upon reflection. 
Harry had attempted to convince you to join him on tour with the baby, but you could clearly see in his eyes that he was hesitant. All the traveling, sleepless nights, and potential invasion of privacy would have been too risky for such a delicate part of your lives. 
Eventually, the bomb dropped. You had a nagging thought in your brain that wondered why Harry couldn't just trim the length of his tour so he could stay with you more often. Or at least try to visit every once in a while on his days off. It shouldn't be considered selfish to ask for such things, right? 
Well, you were terribly mistaken. Those dreaded questions you asked him over a late-night phone call turned into a screaming match. Words like weapons were thrown around, ones you still regret today. Harry had cowered while putting his guard up, claiming it was his job and that he couldn't always be home. Something along the hurtful lines of "I can't do two things at once" sealed the deal. 
So, while sobbing on your bedroom floor as your baby cried in the next room over, you suggested a divorce. It was later finalized with paperwork signed by both parties. One signature took substantially longer to get, but dwelling on that fact eats you alive. 
A lot has changed in the year since you've separated from Harry. You don't hate him anymore, for one. You never expected to fall out of love with him since his presence is too comfy, and his efforts to mend things are too admirable. Vulnerable conversations with him elicited a mutual agreement that you shouldn't shut each other out, especially with a child involved. 
Now, you successfully co-parent with him during the periods he's not touring. The child custody lawyer recommended the 3-4-4-3 schedule: Harry gets your daughter for the first three days of the week while you get her for the last four. The fourth day is swapped every other week to maintain an equal parental balance.
You would say it's going well so far. It's a little trickier now, considering this is the first time he's been on tour since the divorce, so the scheduling is constantly being rearranged. You've discussed the possibility of flying out to a few shows every month and then Harry flying out to Nashville on his days off. 
It's Friday, your day with your daughter, and Harry just so happens to be playing a second sold-out show in Nashville tonight. You couldn't attend the first one because of work, but you're here now, standing in front of his dressing room at the Bridgestone Arena. As you wait for him to finish getting ready, your daughter rambles about what she wants Harry to wear tonight. Wishes of princess dresses and tiaras are sprinkled throughout her incoherent toddler speech.
"Is that who I think it is?" Outside the closed door, Harry's deep voice makes your face heat, as you anticipate it to do whenever he's around. 
Your daughter's head snaps toward the sound of her father, her expression immediately lighting up. "Me!" she shouts excitedly, trying to wiggle her way out of your arms. 
"Uh-oh. Sounds like trouble over there," he says teasingly.
She giggles and reaches over to try and turn the doorknob, but Harry beats her to it. The door swings open, revealing your ex-husband in a tight-fitting silk vest with matching trousers the color of ivory. He looks like an actual angel sent down from heaven. You sometimes wonder what it must be like to be as beautiful as him.
Harry gasps dramatically when he sees who you're holding and scoops her into his tattooed arms, kissing her cheek repeatedly. "I haven't seen you in forever," he murmurs against her head. "I missed you so, so much." 
It's been almost two weeks since he flew out to visit when he had a few days free from performing. Rehearsals and meetings have been bogging up his time, so you know it's been killing him to go so long without seeing her. 
You silently admire their indescribable bond through a lens of what could have been. Your mind occasionally creates scenarios about him that you'd like to be true. In moments of weakness, you pretend there's still a wedding ring on your finger, and you even shamefully put it on sometimes. You pretend Harry is sleeping next to you at night by laying a pillow on the other side of the bed and letting your body naturally drift over to hold it. You pretend the songs he wrote about you aren't about the heartbreak and loneliness you caused, instead choosing to believe they're about someone else. 
"Picture," says your daughter, lightly hitting the phone in your hand and pulling you from your wandering thoughts. 
"Do you want to take a picture of him?" you ask her, placing the phone in her grasp.
She nods and fidgets with the side buttons. You take her from Harry's arms and help her hold the phone, telling her where to click while Harry sets down his mic pack and readjusts his outfit. 
"Ready? Tell Dad to pose." 
Harry puts one hand on his hip and sticks his leg out, his back's reflection visible in the mirror behind him. He tries to keep a neutral expression, but a smile grows as the camera flash goes off. 
This somehow feels… normal. 
You set her down so she can dawdle around the dressing room, then place your phone in your pocket. "Where is everyone?" you ask, accepting Harry's hug. 
He inhales deeply and tightens his arms around your shoulders. "Told them I wanted some alone time with you guys." 
When you swallow, it feels like there are thorns lining your throat. "That's sweet. I can imagine it gets pretty chaotic back here." 
"Mm-hmm," he hums, beginning to sway you side to side. "I'm happy you came." 
"So am I," you say, painfully aware of his warm skin against yours. "Sorry we couldn't visit sooner. Work has been really busy." 
Harry leaves a kiss so faint on your head that you almost don't register it. "Hey, don't apologize. You work hard enough. It means the world that you both came to watch me tonight." 
"Of course. You have no idea how proud I am of you." 
He still doesn't let you go, his big, comforting hands splaying across the expanse of your back. "The feeling is mutual," he replies, his gentle voice seeping into your senses. "Proud doesn't even come close to what I feel about you. You know that, right?" 
You can't help but brush the dust off his statement and dig for a deeper possible meaning. You still have love for him, you know that for sure, but is it too far-fetched to think he still has some for you? You already know the answer if the songs he wrote are any indication. 
In another life, you see yourself happily married and raising a child with him in the comfort of your home in Nashville. Waking up next to him every morning and padding across the wooden floor to the kitchen where you'd make tea and breakfast together. Finding a steady rhythm in terms of balancing work schedules and parenthood, eventually falling into a perfect domestic routine.
Yet deep down, you know it could never be. Harry's lifestyle wasn't made to clash with yours as much as you might have believed it all those years ago. The highs couldn't outweigh the lows. His life moved too fast while yours ran out of stamina trying to keep up. You carelessly jumped into his inviting waters too soon and didn't think of the devastating fate that would come crashing down on you. 
You would still die for his love just like everyone else, but you suppose it will fade over time. 
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woso-dreamzzz · 1 month
Nobody asked me buuuut here's some of my hc of what the mum's/sisters would do in the Melting Pot universe:
Alexia gives me business owner vibes, not sure what the business would be though
Jeni gives me lawyer vibes
Lucy would be either a CEO oooor a police officer
Keira could be a teacher
Alessia would still be in college
Leah could be a DJ or a firefigther
Lia could be an engeener (not sure what could be)
Katie could be a firefighter or a police officer (while coaching karate to kids on her spare time)
Caitlin could be a vet
Viv could be a writer or a mechanic (idk not sure)
Beth would be a kindergarden teacher
Mapi would def be a tatoo artist
Ingrid would be a CEO too....idk she gives me powerful business woman vibes or a Model
Caro could be a firefighter while Marta could be a paramedic
Ona could be a vet too or a pilot (idk)
Aitana gives me profesional chef vibes
Frido would be a model
the rest idk....
Okay so this is just going to be a big infodump of the ideas I have for the dynamics between all the families so this might be kind of long. I'll probably put them into a masterlist at some point but probably after I move out
So, Alexia and Jenni had the twins (Bambi and Pequeñita) together before having a fairly amicable divorce. Business owner Alexia but the businesses she owns is a chain of fairly fancy restaurants and Jenni definitely gives lawyer vibes. So, they broke up and Alexia got with Olga to have Jaume and Jenni had Osita.
They're fairly chill with each other and their custody schedule is flexible and dictated by the twins so Pequeñita usually stays with Alexia while Bambi tends to go between them (now more heavily with Jenni now that Jaume's been born).
Lucy and Keira's relationship is also on the rocks. They were planning on adopting just as Keira got pregnant but decided to keep both plans going and then when they were settled, they adopted again to get Pup. They had a good relationship but it's kind of fizzling out and they're only really staying in the same house for the kids while pursuing different partners outside (thinking about if Lucy's a police officer then Ona might be a new recruit and Keira teaching at a local secondary school and Laura is the new teacher there).
Alessia is the frazzled uni student that's part time employed at one of Alexia's restaurants as a waitress so she's balancing it all while also caring for her little sister, Tesoro. They're always riding the line between on time and late.
Leah being a firefighter so she's on quite long shifts sometimes so taking care of Bug and Bean sometimes falls to Jordan (her amicable ex and Bug's other mum) who's all too happy to look after them both.
Thinking also about how Lia might be working in or around the fire station too (maybe admin???) who adores her little Guppy, who comes into the station every weekend to make sure it's all clean and tidy.
Actually, now that I think about it. Katie and Caitlin both being firefighters as well but working on opposite shifts so someone is always around to look after Gremlin and Kiddo. Rue's Katie's ex and Kiddo's other mum who just kind of does temp work where she's needed. The breakup is still a little toxic because Katie almost immediately got with Caitlin and had Gremlin. Kiddo is still adjusting.
Viv has her own column in the newspaper that she writes around caring for Munchkin and making paper sharks with Liefje while Beth probably has a job where she gets to be quite social with other people.
Daan is Beth's ex and they kind of had a kid together but still kind of didn't because Ellie's the one signed on as Pipsqueak's other mum but everyone is still friends and Pipsqueak gets sent off to Beth and Viv's house for babysitting during Daan and Ellie date nights.
Ingrid is definitely giving powerful ceo vibes. She's loaded with cash and has a big house up a hill somewhere so all her kids + Nena can have their own rooms and spaces. Mapi's tattoo artist income is practically petty change to Ingrid but she likes that Mapi's still doing something she's passionate about. Nena moved in with Ingrid somewhere between Sunshine being adopted and Teeny being born and settles right in with the rest of the pack.
Caro and Marta probably had a really sweet meet cute in the park when Conejita came over to the patch of flowers Caro was sitting next to and started picking them. Caro saw Marta and knew she was a goner.
Aitana working as a chef in Alexia's restaurant and actually getting recommended the school for Estrella by Alexia, who in turn, got the recommendation from Mapi who got it from Ingrid, who only really moved to the area because she heard the school was really good.
Frido as a model or as Ingrid's cfo who is looking after her baby sister and being all powerful and hot at the exact same time. She makes it seem so effortless.
Mary also being a semi-frazzled uni student who's probably working on a masters or PhD and she does her studying while little Rugrat is teaching herself how to read over in the corner or pointing out Mary's spelling mistakes before she submits a paper.
Steph being a single mum who probably works for the same paper that Viv does and recommends the area for Mini and Clara to bring Harper and Bubs too. Harper gets put into a different school than Bubs but that's alright because Bubs is in the same class as Angel and Mini swears she's never seen Bubs so bright and happy before.
Jessie also being at the local uni trying to wrap up her engineering degree. She's dealing with the pressure a lot better than Mary and Alessia are and she's got such a sweet Duckie to take to the park to decompress after a hard exam.
Emma recently moved Squish to the area to finally live with Frida permanently. I'm not sure what they would work out but they probably have a nice little house that backs into a forest so they can have long walks with Jordan and forage for mushrooms and berries.
Kristie probably works as a beautician or something similar while Sam works outside (I'm not quite sure as what) so it's no surprise that their kid Chook rolls in dirt and has fantastic eyebrows.
Magda and Pernille being lecturers at the university with really fancy credentials. Magda's been working there for a bit while Pernille taught in Germany and a job opened up so Pernille took it quickly, moving her and Princesse over to be closer to Magda.
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characteranalyst · 1 year
Phayu Character Analysis : The Man With a Borrowed Halo and One Foot in Hell
“My brother is far from simple, you’ll get burned if you don’t know how to play with fire” - Saifah
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Gather round LITA obsessed children for an in depth analysis of our resident Daddy Dom Brat Tamer Phayu who Christian Grey wished he was and tried to be. You either hate him, love him, want to be him or all of the above.
I know PhayuRain’s arc seems like on the surface just a fluffy little romance with no need for lengthy think pieces.  But I’m obsessed with their dynamic and I could not let the hyper-fixation pass before doing a character analysis. Phayu haunts the periphery of dreams and I am hoping that this analysis will help me exorcise this beautiful spectre so I can finally know peace.
As much as I would genuinely love to crack open his skull and unspool all of his thoughts and motivations I cannot do that. So disclaimer obviously this will just be conjecture and my opinion and I am going to try and stick as closely as possible to canon and refrain from falling into head canon territory.
I have read Love Storm but I’m only going to be referencing how Phayu behaves in the series because I prefer that version of him. Also this is going to be a very LONGGGG post. I have many thoughts on this man. Feel free to skim through or save it to read for some other time.
I am mainly going to be speaking about the main character traits that I have observed from him and how he relates to the rest of the characters in the series. I think I am going to make a separate analysis of his dynamic with Rain because going in depth with that would be too much for me to mention here. 
Alright let’s get into it.
We are given little to no information on his childhood and or young adulthood. What we do know is that his parents left him and Saifah an incredible house and the luxury garage so we can assume that they weren’t strapped for cash.  
Him and Saifah seem like two relatively well adjusted young men so I guess we can assume that there was little to no childhood trauma. In episode 6 during their pillow talk Phayu tells Rain that his parents are off living in Korat and enjoying their lives, I’m assuming. So I guess they’re not divorced. So he has no ‘separated parents’ trauma to deal with.
The only thing that gives us a little insight into how his childhood affected who he became as a person was when he told Rain the story of how his mother always used to argue with his father about how he could fix bikes beautifully but he could not build a house for them.
So Phayu decided that he was going to ensure that he was able to fulfil both by becoming a mechanic and an architect. I think from this we can conclude that Phayu is an overachiever and this displays his seemingly constant need to be perfect and the best.
I think this may also come from a child’s instinctual need to please their caretakers and make them proud. Phayu also seems like someone who has had a Type A personality from birth. In contrast to Saifah who seems like a little more laid back more go with the flow type.
From this little snippet of information we can also assume that his affinity for being a mechanic was either inherited from his father or taught to him and Saifah.
In conclusion it’s safe to say that Phayu does not really seem to have any trauma to speak of, he's just kinky.  I like the fact he doesn’t have any heavy trauma or unsavoury character traits (well I take this back he’s a little pushy and manipulative) he needs to get over. There is beauty in this simplicity where as a result, the majority of the narrative is focused on Phayu Rain falling in love with each other.
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One thing that stood out to me when we as an audience were introduced to Phayu was his air of mystery. Everyone knows of him of course because he has been knighted as the God of the faculty of architecture.  But we see quickly that very few people actually know him personally. We can see how this fact plays out in the series through the following examples:
Pun says that she has no idea what kind of business Phayu runs but it's ok because she likes a man with a little mystery. (Episode 1)
Phayu refuses to tell Rain what he likes to eat on their first date because he says that Rain has to know him a lot longer before he can ‘snoop for information’ as he puts it. (Episode 3)
Phayu shares only a little information about his life with his senior Mhok before abruptly cutting the conversation short so as to not reveal too much information about his personal life. (Episode 4)
Phayu only reveals deep information about himself and his parents and childhood to Rain after their second time during pillow talk. (Episode 6)
He also doesn’t really seem to have close friends except for Prapai and Saifah. I don’t really think Saifah counts because he’s more of an unwilling captive because they have to share everything that their parents left them. I really don’t think they would even be friends if they weren’t brothers honestly because of their differing personalities. 
I think this ability to guard what he reveals to people helps maintain his mystique. There needs to be a certain level of distance and holding people at arm’s length that needs to take place in order for people to project their fantasies onto him and build him up as some sort of God among men.
I think the reason people idolise Phayu and like him so much is because they like the idea of him rather than the reality of him. I think if more people knew who he actually was in reality, they would be put off by how intense he is.
Rain seems like the only person who had become disillusioned with the idea of Phayu. After the debacle in Episode 1 he sees Phayu not as his ‘cool handsome big bike bro” but as a pushy piece of shit bastard that tried to assault him. I also think some of his anger towards Phayu had to do with him being confused by his feelings for him;  creating a cocktail of confusion for poor Rain to sort out. So he was able to view Phayu as a person and not place him on a pedestal like other people do.
I think this is what PhayuRain’s relationship needed to flourish as well because Phayu needs someone who is able to challenge him. We are well aware of how much he loves brats. The worshipful gaze of Som and Pun would not be satisfactory for him because they had him on a pedestal and were blinded by their idea of him so they would readily submit to him without much push back.
He needed someone with a backbone who could engage in a sort of push and pull relationship with him and our adorable little firecracker Rain was the perfect match. Phayu has people falling at his feet daily; he was in need of much more excitement than that.
Like the story of the titular character Dr.Jekyll a well-respected scientist who used his alter ego Mr.Hyde to delve into the darker side of science without repentance or taking responsibility; Phayu has that same sort of duality. I think Phayu keeps his kinky side under wraps and he’s very careful about whom he shows that part of himself to. Presumably only his lovers or potential lovers get to see his ‘bad side’.
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So his DR JEKYLL would be, so to speak,the Phayu that is seen as a smart, capable, polite, helpful and well-adjusted young man, loved by all and sought after by many. This is the Phayu that would leave a random stranger his set square with an encouraging message about his future in architecture.
On the flip side his MR HYDE would be Dom Daddy Brat Tamer Phayu with a penchant for sadism and degradation.
At the end of the day both sides come together to make up who Phayu is as a person and there is nothing inherently wrong with his Mr. Hyde as long as he is able to channel it and engage with it safely with willing participants. Fortunately for him, he has Rain for that.
I really had a hard time dissecting this part. But I have come to the conclusion that Phayu deserves to be labelled as a morally grey or morally ambiguous person. I really have a soft spot for morally grey characters in media or literature. 
It makes the narrative far more interesting to follow. In real life however I would run in the opposite direction and call the police. But this isn’t supposed to be real, it's supposed to be a fantasy so I’m not going to go too much in depth about Phayu’s moral failings. This show doesn’t take itself too seriously so I’m not going to either.
Phayu is not a ‘nice’ person plain and simple and he knows it, contrary to Pun’s expository gushing in the first episode of the show when she refers to him as “super-duper nice”. After the spanking incident in Episode 2 (which was wild now that I think of it) where Rain declares that he is going to make him fall in love with him he says to himself;
 “You’re going to make me fall in love with you but do you know what kind of man I am.”
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I think Phayu says this because he knows himself thoroughly the good, the bad and the ugly. Phayu has overcome himself. He has recognized all his shortcomings, all his base desires, all his lowliness, all the self-imposed restraints he places upon himself and overcome them. 
Phayu also strikes me as someone who has engaged with his shadow self and explored the parts of his psyche that most of us would repress and compartmentalise because we are too ashamed of our darkness to engage with it.
He has looked his darkness in the face and come to terms with it. That is why he says, "Do you know what kind of man I am?", because he understands people’s perception of him lies in stark contrast to his unsavoury character traits.
I also think his dabbling in BDSM has given him the room and space to conduct such exploration of himself in a safe, sane and consensual way. I think the nature of BDSM can afford people an outlet to engage with their own darkness and sort through it so that it doesn’t manifest in their life in other ways.
In Episode 1 we see where Prapai likens him to the devil (jokingly) but under every joke there is definitely some truth. If Prapai is calling him that it must be the truth because as we know Prapai looks like his only close friend.
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We can assume that Prapai is incredibly familiar with Phayu’s Mr. Hyde as we can presume that they know each other very well so his assessment of dubbing Phayu as a devil must be accurate. 
Also head canon (I know I said I was going to refrain from going into head canon territory but please indulge me a bit) I’m sure they’ve fucked before in a bro-ish kind of way. I mean their both hot and bi and Prapai’s a sub in top’s clothing (I know Dom/sub and top/bottom are two separate things just enjoy the joke you know what I mean)  so it’s not far fetched to think they would have at some time fucked around a bit. 
Although I know Phayu is hardly the correct type of Dom for Prapai’s specific brand of subbiness. The point is I think that Prapai would be privy to Phayu’s true nature and how much of a little shit he can be when he isn’t using his powers for good.
In Episode 5 Saifah, the only other person we see having a close relationship with Phayu refers to him as a Devil as well.
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I just know these two have witnessed some shit over the years of knowing Phayu that warranted him being referred to as a Devil.
Discussing Phayu’s moral code is very weird because it’s obvious that he doesn’t really adhere to a normal set of rules. We can assume he’s not particularly religious because it wasn’t mentioned.
I think Phayu is very domineering and kind of manipulative but at the same time he commands an air of respect. He is not necessarily what you would expect from someone who is so widely lauded as an exemplary person.
What also struck me about Phayu was the fact although his moral code seems a little flexible he has a few hard and fast non-negotiable rules that may seem arbitrary to someone like Rain but to him it may as well be gospel. 
One of these rules in the show is seen where we see he has a big thing for respect. We see an example of this when he calls Rain after he picks up his car from the garage and he tells Rain that only ill-mannered boys don’t greet the owner of the house when they stop by. He also ends the call by telling Rain to be respectful. We also see his thing for rules when he tells Rain that he doesn’t like ill-mannered boys and that he should address him as P’Phayu emphasising the use of honorifics.
Phayu is also a man of his word in Episode 7 when Rain tells Phayu that he will unleash his wrath on him if he ever cheats on him. Phayu just laughs and says he will never let Rain down. He holds true to this in the Special Episode when Rain accuses him of cheating on him with Natsu he utters the same sentiment that he promised to never let Rain down. This man looked absolutely horrified at the accusation like he wouldn’t even dream of it.
I think his strict adherence to rules other than him being a Dom could also be influenced by his exposure and affiliation with the likes of P’Pakin and P’Chai.  He knows that there will be dire consequences if the rules aren’t strictly adhered to. This is why he curses Stop for mentioning the race in public and he reprimands Rain for thoughtlessly wandering into the illegal street race without permission to be there.
He’s so stringent about ensuring that Rain is polite and respectful but he thinks it’s perfectly fine to tamper with Rain’s car so that he would have an excuse to be his knight in shining armour and save him so they could hook up. The math is not mathing at all. I know he’s an experienced mechanic and he wouldn’t have tampered with anything that would have led Rain getting in an accident and getting injured but still. WEIRD BEHAVIOUR KHUN PHAYU!!!!!! Also don’t even get me started on him using the debt of fixing Rain’s car as some weird way to stalk him??? RED FLAGGGGGG!! His methods of courtship definitely need some fine tuning. 
In conclusion his contradictory moral code gives me whiplash trying to figure out where on the scale from angel to devil I should place him. But I think he’s just human. No one is all good and all bad and I think that Mame writes very human raw characters that make you feel something. I’ll give credit where credit is due.
This man probably never has New Year’s Resolutions because he’s already operating at optimal condition. Phayu is portrayed to be quite literally always in control. The only time he looks undone is after THAT SCENE in Episode 6.
We see this self-control manifest in the way he makes love to Rain in a very formulaic, worshipful and almost performative manner. Gently throwing Rain’s head back, holding his hands down and caging his body. Rain responds in kind to his dominance by always baring his throat in submission and allowing his body to go lax under Phayu’s ministrations.
It’s so gentle but he’s still being dominant and in control. While Rain always looks halfway between heaven and earth during these scenes Phayu always seems wholly present and tethered to earth (like a good Dom should be) creating a space in which his precious sub can feel safe enough to fly out of this stratosphere.
The subtlety with which he maintains control makes me absolutely feral. There is hardly any jostling or manhandling but it’s still forceful. I think a great example of the subtlety of how Phayu displays his dominance can be seen in the PhayuRain make-out scene in Episode 5.
The natural way he cages Rain’s neck to control the flow of the kiss.
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The way he stop kissing Rain when Rain tries to lead and he put a finger to his lips in a way that almost screams “Relax I’m in charge here.”
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Unlike our donut firecracker Rain (my sweet boy) that was ready to scrap at the first sign of disrespect, Phayu seems like he is not one to resort to violence if they could sort it out by just talking and coming to an amicable solution.
We can see an example of this where Phayu refused to be baited by Stop into fighting with him even though Stop was about to punch him at the night racing circuit in the beginning of Episode 6.
Also before the race between him and Stop where Stop was trying to rile him up. He was able to remain level headed while Stop immediately lost his cool and tried to fight him once again when Phayu insulted him.
I’m assuming this self-control is more nature than nurture. It seems like he is the type to have always been calm and self-contained. He doesn’t need to bark loudly because his competence and self-assuredness speaks volumes. 
He quite literally doesn’t yell often he just uses that husky dom voice. The only time he ever really raised his voice was when he was shouting at Rain in Episode 2 when he was worried that he could have gotten killed for sneaking into the illegal street circuit race.
The thing about dominance and control that I think people like Stop with fragile egos get wrong is that they think it comes from a place of aggression, peacocking and forcing people to bow to your will. This is however not the sort of dominance that will truly gain you respect and have people willingly obey you.
Phayu’s dominance and control comes from a place of nurturing and caring and people only defer to him and his authority because he has proven time and time again that he is capable of shouldering the responsibility of what this control entails and he has consequently gained their respect because of it.
No matter how level headed he is and self-control he possesses he’s still a man and he has been socialised to exist as a man. So he’s not above engaging in a motorcycle race with an asshole like Stop to prove a point and because of his pride.
I like how this moment humanised Phayu and showed how no matter how above petty human emotions he seems, he’s still liable to fall victim to making decisions based on ego.
However, I like that he was self-aware enough to realise that he was indeed only participating in this race because of his pride because he says to Rain when he tries to stop him some things just don’t have an explanation. 
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We can contrast him racing Stop because of his pride and him kneeling before Stop and crawling to save Rain from being hurt. Although he has an ego he was more than willing to put pride aside to ensure Rain’s safety.
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(SIDENOTE- I died watching the kidnapping ordeal in episode 7 that shit was so unserious. The picture of Rain that Stop sent Phayu lives in my head rent free and I cackle from time to time because of it.) 
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Physical appearance is often a major part of the halo effect. People who are considered attractive tend to be rated higher as possessing positive traits in contrast to people who aren’t considered conventionally attractive.
I think beauty can be blinding and make people more willing to overlook people’s misgivings. As the halo effect states people are more likely to project good qualities on to people they deem to be conventionally attractive.
As I said when I was addressing his air of mystery; because people are so predisposed to projecting all these good qualities on Phayu the distance and the space that he creates between him and other people can be filled with these projections and good qualities so that they build him up in their minds as this amazing person.
This man radiates and secretes ungodly amounts of sex appeal without trying. So I think his general attractiveness is one of the reasons as well why Rain had a hard time getting people to believe that Phayu was a pushy manipulative little asshole in the beginning.
Do I think Phayu would have commanded the same level of respect that he does without also being pretty? I don’t know to be honest. I do however think Phayu is an unintentional cautionary tale about the dangers of projecting good qualities on someone just because they’re attractive and being blind to their faults.
I mean I’d be that confident too if I was rich, handsome, talented, smart ANDDDDD could fuck like a porn star but I digress. Very much a quiet confidence to him as was elaborated on when I spoke about the air of mystery. He is evidently very capable and consequently people rely on him and I think his self- assuredness comes from the fact that he can back up his claims because he has every right to be self-centred.
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Without mincing words this man is very conceited. However although he is conceited he doesn’t lack empathy and he doesn’t seem too self-involved as evidenced by the way he ensures that he takes care of the people he cares about.
We see in Episode 4 how Phayu puts Rain’s needs before his by ensuring that Rain focuses on his school work and ensures that his development and advancement as a person comes before pursuing a romantic relationship with Phayu.
He ensures that Rain understands how slacking on his work in pursuance of other things will affect his work life and he lectures him while still comforting him after. I really liked this scene in Episode 3 because Phayu is able to help Rain because he’s older and more experienced and he’s gone through it before. I also like the fact that there isn’t a hint of condescension in his voice, just concern and wanting to ensure that Rain becomes the best version of himself.
Phayu shows how much he cares about Rain and is invested in making Rain a priority in his life in so many little ways. We can see in Episode 5 how Phayu leaves an important meeting to answer Rain’s text messages. Also in Episode 4 When Rain finishes his project early after an all-nighter and instead of sleeping he goes straight to Phayu. Phayu ensures that there is reciprocity in their relationship by saying that you missed out on sleep to come see me, so I'm going to hurry up and finish my work so we can hang out.
He makes an effort to help Rain finish his models like he promised to do in his speech in Episode 5. Also in Episode 4 he apologises to Rain for his phone dying and for making him wait for him in the rain. In Episode 6 after he almost gets in a fight with Stop the first thing he does is ask Rain if he’s alright even though he was the one that almost had a brawl with Stop.
I think we really see throughout the show how the way Phayu interacts with Rain takes on a sort of paternalistic tinge. The title of Daddy is incredibly fitting and I really just think this is him being a good Dom.
That’s why I think this is the reason Phayu looks so touched and taken aback when Rain and him first meet and he holds the umbrella for Phayu while he’s changing his tire. Phayu’s so used to being relied on and being assumed to be competent and well put together. He’s used to giving without expecting anything in return. So when Rain does this small act of kindness in an effort to repay this Good Samaritan, Phayu becomes fascinated with him. 
Was he possibly a whore? Not as much of a whore as Prapai but he has definitely spun the block. Whereas our beloved service top Prapai has built a gated community in which he resides on said block. Phayu had a condom stashed under that toy car so we know he was getting some action.
He was probably not a whore whore because as he said to Rain in the bathroom scene:
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We all know why he’s particular. I don’t think he would have been able to find a lot of people willing to put up with his domineering attitude and controlling nature long term if they didn’t have that sort of kink no matter how insanely hot he is.
But there were definitely others before Rain if we can take cues from the offhanded comments of the other characters in the series. Saifah tells Rain in Episode 3 when he’s waiting for Phayu that there were others before him. Was it a lot of others though? The world may never know.
Saifah comments on the fact that Phayu has been single for a long time and Saifah tells him if he wants to be happy like him he should get in a serious relationship. So we can assume that long term romantic relationships for Phayu have more than likely been few and far between. He probably was not celibate though as we see how he was going to have a one night stand with Rain.
We see Saifah saying that he feels bad for whoever is making Phayu smile like that and how he warns him not to be too mean to Rain because he will run away. We can assume that others have been perturbed by how intense Phayu was in the past and they have run off.
I’m sure Saifah knows Phayu very well and even if he isn’t aware of the details of his kinkiness he knows Phayu has a thing about control and a mean streak. At least that’s what Saifah computes it as in his vanilla mind. I’m sure this poor man has heard and seen way too much. JUSTICE FOR SAIFAHH!!!!!!
Lastly before they get together Phayu constantly tests Rain to see if he can handle what a long term relationship with him would look like. I’m sure this comes from things not working out in the past and Phayu wanting to ensure that Rain can handle him.
We can see that Phayu may have abandonment issues from things not working out in the past with his romantic pursuits when in Episode 5 he’s scared and panicked and sad when Rain runs away after they have sex for the first time. I have three theories about this:
(1) He didn’t want to lose Rain because he’s a unicorn and he may never have hope of finding someone so perfect for him again.  
(2) He was abandoned before because he was too much and overbearing and it triggered him.
(3) He’s big on communication and he feels slighted that Rain ran away before they could discuss how their relationship would develop after they had sex for the first time.
It could have quite possibly been a combination of all of the above. Phayu seems like the type to be fully invested in a long term relationship and he seems like someone who loves deeply so I think him testing Rain was him just trying to ensure that Rain was worth the investment before he got too attached.
“Rain before you design a house you need to design your life first”- Phayu
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I get the impression that Phayu’s view on life is that everything can be curated and tailored to his liking if he tries hard enough. He’s definitely not a go with the flow kind of person. Every single move he makes is intentional. Looking at his two professions being an architect and his side of job of being a mechanic; these are two things that require moulding, precision.
Architects are able to create and design and bring their vision to life and make it tangible. It’s a very creative profession with the added bonus of having something you designed realised in real life.
Also mechanics are constantly tinkering with engines and in control of powerful machinery. Whether they work on maintenance, diagnostics, or repairs, they have to perform those tasks with exacting detail. That is because this careful work on important vehicle components could save someone’s life.
This speaks to Phayu’s pedantic nature with the added element of not wanting to deal with the consequences of disappointing Pakin. These machines are kind of like a puzzle to be solved.
But the catch is those things aren’t really his and they don’t truly belong to him.
In Episode 3 we can infer that sometimes clients may criticize his designs and he has to mould it to their liking instead of relying on his own vision.
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In Episode 1 Prapai tells him your babies are so beautiful (referring to the motorcycles) but Phayu corrects him and says that they don’t belong to him.
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But I think that although he doesn’t own these things and that he may be required to tailor the design of a house to someone else’s liking still these tasks scratch his itch for moulding and creating.
Then *enter stage left* a wild Rain appears, a blank canvas unmarred by past sexual or romantic experience. He has no expectations and no idea how anything works so he’s able to become a sort of pliable clay that Phayu can use his deft fingers to mold to his liking consequently making Rain his.
We can are shown how their relationship is mutually beneficial and how it works for them. Different folks have different strokes.
The glint in his eyes and the way Phayu all but shivers in excitement every time Rain tells him he can’t do something. 
Episode 4 – "I’ll teach you"
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Episode 6- "I'll train you to be the best rider"
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In the infamous Daddy scene in the special episode he says "When I teach I teach to the core" 
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It’s not explicitly stated but I’m sure this man got off constantly at the fact that he was Rain’s first everything when it came to sex and romance and he is constantly in charge of moulding him.
We can definitely see how much of a diligent student and quick learner Rain is and how Phayu is consequently able to enjoy the fruits of his labour. (SIDE NOTE: I’m sure Phayu wasn’t prepared for the monster he created in Rain.)
I love the reciprocity in their relationship as Phayu shows Rain just how desired he is and worships him constantly.
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Phayu strikes me as a man who knows exactly what he wants and  how to obtain it and when he finds it he will hold on to it and never let it go. We are given countless examples of Phayu’s blatant possessiveness over Rain once they begin their unorthodox courtship.
When after their first time Phayu says to Rain that he must repeat the phrase “Rain belongs to P’Phayu.”back to him.
This man heard that Pun was in Rain’s general vicinity and immediately drove to him to stake his claim. Also when he admits to being “insanely jealous” of Pun ever since he heard that Rain used to have a romantic interest in her.
He removes Saifah’s hand from Rain’s shoulder in Episode 4 and tells him to get back to work after Saifah suggests that he could teach Rain how to ride a super bike.
I do think this possessiveness is also in part because Phayu realises how much of a rare find Rain is and he will do everything in his power to ensure that they stay together forever. I also think in contrast, Rain’s possessiveness has more to do with him constantly having to fight off potential suitors because everyone is in love with Phayu (well the idea of him). 
I appreciate however that his possessiveness isn’t portrayed as particularly toxic because in episode 5 when Phayu is having lunch with Sky and Rain and Rain tells Sky he loves him after he told him that Phayu and him were dating.
Instead of getting unreasonable jealous of Rain and Sky’s obviously platonic relationship, Phayu simply says that he has no reason to be jealous because he knows that Sky and Rain are just friends.
I think if they ever decided on venturing out and engaging in a threesome it would 100% be Rain’s idea in order to satiate his own curiosity. Phayu would go along with it (ever indulgent of his sweet boy) but he would probably have to be in control the entire time while simultaneously barking orders at the third party about how to pleasure Rain properly.
I know PhayuRain and their kink list is longer than the elevator ride to hell but I’m going to focus on what in my opinion is Phayu’s poison of choice. That is sadism and degradation.
More specifically emotional and psychological sadism mostly. I don’t think he’s particularly opposed to physical sadism though. In the special episode he said he punished Rain until he was sore but Rain liked it. Although this is vague and he could have been sore for different reasons we see in Episode 2 when Phayu is berating Rain for breaking into the illegal race that isn’t above spanking Rain.
I don’t really know for sure if Rain is a masochist though I think he is definitely willing to try things with Phayu but he didn’t really seem to enjoy the spanking but I guess that was mostly because they didn’t know each other that well.
So I think while Phayu is mainly an emotional sadist and he prefers it he partakes in physical sadism with Rain because I think Rain would prefer that more based on his personality. This is mainly because of his obvious praise kink.
(CC: Rain’s blissed out expression when Phayu whispered “keng mak” i.e. “Good job” in his ear in the bathroom stall scene after Rain had followed his instructions.)
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So the degradation that comes along with emotional sadism may not be Rain’s cup of tea.
After the incident in Episode 3 where Phayu told Rain to change ‘ngo’ to ‘narak’ ; I think he realised how insecure Rain was about being called stupid and that this was a hard limit for Rain. We can see as the story progress after this incident where Phayu either calls him “naughty boy” or some version of good boy.
I do think that this is an example of how Phayu is willing to tailor and transform his kinks and compromise to ensure that Rain is comfortable. He realised that Rain responds far better to praise and made the necessary adjustments.
We also see Phayu’s penchant for degradation and humiliation in  Episode 3 where he buys Rain extra small underwear. Although they were the correct size for Rain, Phayu had to throw  in a little dick size shaming for his own amusement. The smug little smile after he riles Rain up about this speaks for itself. 
However I wanted to fight him when he made my baby Rain cry in episode 5 after he made Rain think that he didn’t want to be with him anymore. Although I kind of feel like this was sort of more punishment for the fact that Rain ran off after their first time in Episode 4 and made him worry. I guess it’s safe to add dacryphilia to their long ass kink list. Phayu you sadistic little shit. 
If we also listen to the words of Phayu in his little speech before they make out in episode 5, I swear the only thing missing from this was Phayu getting down on one knee and proposing to Rain. 
He says:
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We can see that he enjoys this and gets off on being the one to tease and degrade Rain. He knows Rain’s limits and he ensures that he follows up any degradation with praise as a  salve to any open wounds he’s caused with his words. I think Rain eventually adapts to this part of Phayu however because in Episode 7 he tells Phayu that he is willing to let Phayu tease him forever. 
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I love how they are both willing to adapt and compromise to better serve each other’s needs. Phayu constantly keeps Rain off kilter constantly guessing, constantly teasing him but at the same time he ensures that Rain understands that Phayu loves him and he is valued.
Phayu is constantly and reflexively adjusting himself to meet Rain's needs from moment to moment and I applaud him for it. Good job Daddy you get a gold star for all your hard work.
This definitely has to be one of my favourite things about Phayu. I’m sure Rain isn’t the first person Phayu has attempted to have some sort of D/s relationship with and at the core of this is communication, consent and boundaries. 
D/s relationships especially 24/7 ones involve copious amounts of consent and negotiation and communication but I know that the show couldn’t necessarily explicitly address the fact that they are in a 24/7 D/s relationship so we don’t get any sit down moments where Phayu and Rain discuss it blatantly. However I would assume that at some point Phayu sat Rain down and explained to him what their dynamic is and what was expected of him.
We definitely see how much Phayu values communication in the Special Episode when Rain misreads a situation. Where he sees Phayu talking to Natsu on the couch in Phayu’s home. I mean to be fair sparks were flying between them. I don’t know  if that was just a Boss thing because good God this man can generate sexual tension with a  wall. (Went off on a tangent there moving on back to communication.)
I think that Phayu understands that Rain has a sort of inferiority complex that is made worse by people being constantly baffled as to how Rain ended up with a guy like Phayu. Rain also most likely due to immaturity and lack of life experience has a problem with communication and conflict resolution. 
Phayu has to drag the confession out of Rain about why he’s upset with him. We see where this man has quite literally done nothing wrong yet still he gets on his knees to apologise and tries to make it up to Rain. 
I love that Phayu possesses the maturity to  never allow misunderstandings to remain unaddressed and fester. Although Rain may lack the maturity to speak up and directly tell Phayu what is bothering him in any given situation, Phayu ensures that they talk it out so that their conflicts do not go unresolved and that resentment does not have the opportunity to set in. 
Phayu is an unapologetically shameless and sexual person. This comfortability in his sexuality and his lack of preoccupation with other people's opinion of him allows him to exude a calm self assurance and striking sex appeal subconsciously. 
This comfortability with his own sexuality was displayed many times throughout the series. In Episode 3 when that are at the porridge shop and Phayu goads Rain into being unashamed of the fact that they were in public and on a date with each other.
In Episode 5 after Rain told Sky that he was dating Phayu he said he was happy that Rain told his best friend about them because he understands that he would be apprehensive in case Sky would start to see him differently. I like that he lets Rain come out on his own time and he doesn’t rush him. Lastly in Episode 6 Phayu proudly introduces Rain as his boyfriend to P’ Chai at the street race. 
Phayu is a readymade character who has presumably gone through the stage in his life where he would have explored his sexuality and unusual proclivities and has come to the point of acceptance. I think that is why he is portrayed as someone who knows exactly what he likes and enjoys and is unashamed of it.
This is why he seems to be such a safe place for Rain to explore the full spectrum of his own sexuality.  There is never any judgement in Phayu's eyes when they uncover another one of Rain’s off the walls kinks. We just see at most a sort of mild amusement and an instant willingness to acquiesce and indulge Rain.
Phayu being out and proud made Rain feel like it was ok to have these feelings so his apprehension about identifying as such quickly dissipated.He’s constantly willing to teach, indulge and hold Rain’s hand through this journey and I just think that’s so neat. 
Everyone deserves to have a safe place like Phayu when dipping their toes in and navigating the troubled unpredictable waters of sex and sexuality especially when coming to terms with their own queerness. 
The simple answer to this is control. This is important because I don’t see Phayu as someone who particularly chases after power but control? Yes most definitely.Power is the ability to make something happen. Control is the ability to make something happen the way you want. We are all created differently but Phayu needs control at all times in the same way we need oxygen to survive. It’s just the way his wires were crossed. 
Phayu could have easily just admitted to Rain on their first meeting that he remembered him and he could have left it to chance how their encounter would have gone. He could have also gone through the Prapaiesque route and  just pursued Rain himself. 
But he was different; he made sure that he was in control of  their dynamic from the very beginning. The aforementioned options left far too many variables that could have thrown a wrench in Phayu’s end game which was getting Rain. 
He even somehow managed to get Rain to pursue him and have him think that it was his idea. Even though he was the one who liked Rain from the very beginning.
This desperate all-consuming need to be in control at all times is tempered by Phayu’s ability to adequately shoulder the responsibility that comes with that control. Everything he does is calculated. There is always an end goal. Consequently he thrives and is most content when he has someone like Rain to be in charge of in a sense.
The contentment and ease that seems to overtake Phayu when he and Rain are in an established relationship is a sight to see. He’s no longer untethered; he's firm and grounded.
There isn’t too much angst and the denouement/final conflict just concerns external factors and has nothing to do with Phayu Rain’s romantic relationship
The plot is just romance; from the meet cute in the rain to the established relationship. I love how we just felt like we were along for the ride to watch two men fall irrevocably in love with each other and fit together perfectly like puzzle pieces.
I’m going to be honest I don’t think there was much life altering character growth with Phayu. When we meet Phayu he seems like a fully fleshed out character who knows what he wants and isn’t ashamed of his proclivities and sexuality so there is no room to explore there or for any consequent development. Phayu is a static character with no change in behaviour, and his values and attitudes remain pretty consistent throughout the entirety of the text and the series. 
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I don’t think I’m getting over PhayuRain anytime soon. If you got all the way to the end I hope you enjoyed my ramblings. Let me know if you guys have anything to add. The plot as well as the characters in this show were a far cry from perfect but I keep coming back to it so they must have done something right. 
660 notes · View notes
papakhan · 10 days
Episode 1
Fuck it, I'm gonna do it anyway. Here's all the notes I took when watching episode 1 of the godawful fallout tv show. enjoy. I'm gonna run through this with notes I made while I watched the show so formatting might be kinda weird, I haven't done anything like this before so bare with me. I will try to explain things as if you the reader have not seen the show. This is gonna be very long and heavy on the hate and the spoilers.
Content warnings:
gif of the fight scene violence
self harming
Things I liked:
Vault Dwellers reusing the same wedding dress and everyone who'd worn it writing their names on the inside. that's sweet
"don't lose your head" vault poster during a firefight
Johnny Cash
I like Brotherhood Clerics but they totally fucked up the ranking system
The vault dwellers just painting over the blood on the walls
Horses are canon now
Goofy wasteland urban legends like "a feral ghoul does not abide a chicken"
That's literally it. Now it's time for everything else. I'll break it down into character bits since that's what the show does
So Cooper Cowboy ghoul man is divorced and he's at this birthday party in I'm guessing Hollywood overlooking LA. It's a beautiful sunny day :) Bare in mind that in this scene the nukes drop so Bethesda has already fucked their own lore of the nukes dropping at 9:40am in Boston would mean that it should be 6:40am in California. Sunrise in California in October is 7am, btw. So already we're fucked. Real "design documents are a waste of time" behaviour on display here.
Anyway, nuke goes off. Now let me ask you something. What's one of the most infamous things about nuclear bombs? The flash, right? A nuclear explosion is bright enough to blind a person. Fallout 4 understood this, at least a little, where the flash of light from the bomb would fill your screen even if you weren't facing it, which is how nukes work. Closing your eyes in the face of a nuke would be pointless because the light would pass through your eyelids. There's even reports of people who held up their hands to shield the light and could see THEIR BONES THROUGH THEIR HANDS. That's how bright they are. They are horrifying weapons of mass destruction.
The nuke that hits LA is not a nuke, the flash of light on Janey's face (cooper's kid and the ONE SINGLE PERSON who notices a NUCLEAR FUCKING BOMB) is more akin to a camera flash. again. she is the only fucking person who notices a nuclear bomb go off, everyone else at the party is distracted by a TV of all things.
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In the time between the ""flash"" of the bomb here's everything that happens before Cooper and co feel the shockwave
Janey notices the pathetic flash and looks up.
She holds up her thumb in the "vault boy" way
Cooper comes out of the house and walks over to Janey
He crouches down beside her and says some bullshit along the lines of "i got some cake for my favourite cowgirl"
Janey says "was it your thumb or my thumb?"
Cooper looks towards the source of the nuke and slowly stands up, watching it for a moment
He says "that's just a fire janey" as the smoke unfurls into a very obvious mushroom cloud
He realises that it was not. just a fire
then they get hit by a shockwave
This takes almost a full minute and none of the segments is supposed to be slow motion. Listen I know that light moves faster than sound and heat but come on. It's way too slow and also. dead fucking silent. also the shockwave comes before the mushroom cloud but who cares.
Anyway cooper gets on a horse with the girl and rides off down the road in the direction of LA. good job dude.
I've already read up about yknow who it was who wanted the nukes fired and I know that it was Barb who wanted the nukes dropped on America for?? vault tec profit??? so uh. why did she let Janey go to a birthday party with Cooper?
x3 Incest jokes may not seem like a lot but it was 3 too many for me. I hate the "good karma" noise that played when Lucy got arranged married. I said I liked the vault poster of "don't lose your head" but I hate the way Lucy keeps getting her inspiration from Vault Boy I'm sorry but its annoying and dumb to me. Interconnected vaults in LA is also. dumb. you're telling me The Master didn't notice these fucking things? you're kidding. Look at it, it's not even hidden in a cave or anything its just out in the open.
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Way to retroactively make the Master look like a moron, though I know they do this to Mr House later on. ugh.
Her intro makes it sound like she's supposed to have Tagged Skills in repair, speech and science but she displays none of this in the later episodes I have seen, in fact her speech seems like utter dogshit so what was the point in introducing her in a "game protag" way if none of that was gonna get used later?
Anyway, lets get onto the raiders. If you know me, you know I love raiders. They're a cool and interesting critique of individualism and "might makes right" and also aesthetically just kind of fuck.
Now, knowing what I know about Moldaver and her being the current ?leader of the NCR remnants, that implies that the people she has led into Vault 33 are former NCR citizens or soldiers, right? right?
So the ""fall of shady sands"" according to the show is 2277 and yeah sure okay that's during new vegas' time and sure okay right todd howard promised that this didn't de-canonise fallout new vegas. however. it's 2296 meaning it's been 19 years since Shady Sand's.......decline. and 15 years since New Vegas where we last saw the NCR. And i know that the NCR aren't exactly the good guys To suggest that in less than 20 years the citizens of shady sands have been reduced to Bethesda-style raiders who:
Are unable to use utensils such as knives and forks
Can't grow crops
Don't know how to use cups
Will rape a woman, wipe his dick on a curtain, and then try to murder said woman
Shoveling fistfuls of cake into their mouth during a firefight
Threatening a pregnant woman
In another episode one of these guys is interrogated/interviews and shows their asshole to the guy talking to him.
is fucking ludicrous
Anyway Monty looks like Jerma
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Anywayyyy how come only Lucy's pipboy picked up on the radiation from these outsiders huh? everyone else was wearing a pipboy during the wedding, they sat next to each other, those geigar counters would have been going off. what? they had them on silent out of respect of a good Christian wedding? if you try to convince me that's the explanation I will eat your liver. Bethesda raider style
anyway no.2 girlypop (lucy) straight up pulls a knife out of her wound which is medical petpeeve no.9394328 for me but then its immediately resolved by a stimpak. I hate how stimpaks in the show are used exactly how they are in the game. I was under the impression that it was a video game mechanic and not how it actually worked in the narrative. What's next? Jet gives me extra action points or some shit? I'm so tired
the fight scene sucked. the choreography of the raider guy shooting a vault dweller through the head of another vault dweller just kind of looked like shit and seemed impractical, clearly just there to be like WOAH THATS COOL it wasn't cool it looked clunky and weird. do not fucking tell me that fallout is supposed to be clunky and weird I will kill you.
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the doors cutting the raider in half was also dumb since its been routinely established that the dull and ominous "thunk. thunk. thunk" heard deep in the bowels of a vault is a door that's trying to close but there's something stuck under it, if they could just slice a whole man in half then they could cut through a table or skeleton in game. Also irl I'm a health and safety officer and that moment made my toes curl. lol
It jumps from Lucy to Max and then back to lucy but I'm just gonna continue talking about her shit here. quick fire round because I've been yapping too long already
Her little brother looks way too old to be acting like a teenager this much.
Chet (Lucy's cousin and ex boyfriend. gross) wants to come with her thank god he doesn't
why doesn't she give a shit about the sky
Why doesn't she give a shit about the ocean
"stupid blimp is back" is at the very top of my notes, lol. anyway I still don't understand where they got this thing from
Latrines made out of stacks of tires is so dumb. like I cant even explain how dumb that is. surely rubber has better use for that. surely. just shit in a hole in the ground like everyone else please for the love of god
I know the twist with Daine and let it be said, having your first on screen transgender character cut themselves with razors to get out of the military is not, in fact, Bethesda trying to be on the side of transgender people, it is in fact them making fun of us, okay? do we understand?
hiding baby max is a fridge made me so angry I blacked out. do not remind me of "kid in a fridge" ever again.
Anyway Bethesda finds it so difficult to keep the BOS consistent to the point that they are all so different from each other with little to no explanation as to why they've changed so much. In fact it feels like to me that at some point between fallout 3 and fallout 4 Bethesda has totally mixed up the BOS and the Enclave, since now the BOS hate ghouls for no reason and want to colonise the wasteland. This is just that again. Once more, no design doc behaviour.
Quotes from the BOS i think suck ass
"Duty of the Brotherhood of Steel is to secure the wasteland"
"Flesh is weak by steel endures"
"Violence is a tool we use it to bring order to the wasteland"
When Max is getting interrogated for being a suspect for cutting Daine with razors, mentions "send me to Eden or wherever" and it confused me so much. The only Eden I knew about was John Henry Eden from Fallout 3. Turns out I think what they're trying to reference is New Eden a BOS base from. Fallout Brotherhood of Steel 2?? of all fucking things?? really strange I can't imagine what else he could possibly be referencing though. This is literally just thrown in for the loreheads and I hate it.
Anyway after being a suspect for cutting Daine with razors and also failing his classes Max gets a promotion! this is not explained. They also brand him which people a lot smarter than me have discussed at length about why branding a black guy on screen in your fallout show is a bad idea. Read it here.
I don't really understand why the BOS all do shit in latin now, I know some of them had latin names in fo1 but IIRC Frank Horrigan of the Enclave was the only person in the og games who spoke latin. it feels like Bethesda wanting to capture the interest of people who liked the Legion. maybe that's a reach but given how much right wing propaganda is in the coming episodes I wouldn't put it past them.
Cooper again
I am not calling this idiot The Ghoul that's fucking dumb. what like he's the only one? ever? dumb. whats up with him being buried huh? did Todd not want to tell Nolan that ghouls arent actually zombies and arent actually undead? that just wanted him to jump out a coffin because oooh spooky zombie. honestly just kill me.
My notes: "Don't tell me the ghoul is in that grave I can't take it"
this guy gets dug up once a year and gets pieces of him cut off and put back?? why? for what purpose? how is he down there without eating or drinking? is it a kid in a fridge moment where ghouls don't need to eat or drink, well he drinks a whole lot of water in episode 3 so that's afucking lie. get real. the glowing IV? what is that??
the yodelling is really gonna piss me off, isn't it.
Not him ending the episode on the same quote he said to his daughter. whatever.
Rating: 3/10
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Nobody's Girl - Chapter Seven.
Happy Monday to you all, besties! Huge thanks as ever for your support and lovely comments. Welcome new readers to the story, too! :)
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Previous chapters - One Two Three Four Five Six
Taglist - In the comments, please DM to be added/removed
Words - 3,905
Warnings - Adult content throughout, minors DNI!
Spring in New York. After months of cold and snow, it was a welcome change for all. It did, however, carry with it a certain shadow. The shadow in question? Filomena Changretta, who would be bringing Luca’s kids over for the first time to Brooklyn rather than him going to them since he and Emily had become an item. He thought it was time his children met the new woman in his life, and by extension, that meant their mother meeting her as well when she dropped them off.  
“She’s going to hate me, isn’t she?” Emily asked, lying in bed with her man a few hours prior to their arrival, Luca only having returned to her four hours ago from attending wiseguy related endeavours.  
He drew his lips in tightly, eyebrows raised as he hummed. “Yeah, pretty much. Not that I care, but yeah. She will.” Her eyebrows pulled together a little more, eyes rounding slightly. “That don’t mean you gotta worry about it either though, doll. Just expect she ain’t gonna take to ya.” 
“You look like you want to say more.”  
He glanced up to the ceiling, sighing. “She’ll likely meddle, tellin’ you of my many misdeeds towards her. It ain’t enough for the broad to have divorced me, taken my house and a massive chunk of my cash. She don’t wanna see me happy with nobody else either.”  
Shaking her head in puzzlement, she continued idly stroking the centre of his chest. “I don’t understand why, though. You two have been broken up for, what is it, a year this month?” 
“It is,” he confirmed, again staring at the ceiling.  
Reaching for his jaw, she turned his head, forcing him to look at her. “So why?” 
His forehead creased, shutting his eyes for a moment. “I shouldda told you this months ago, the exact reason why I wasn’t the best husband to Filomena.” Taking a breath, he had to hope she’d still look at him as adoringly after she knew of his indiscretions during his marriage. “I cheated on her. More than once.” 
“How many times?” she asked. 
“A few,” he uncomfortably revealed. 
Her heart sank to hear his admission, her face falling a little bit, swallowing hard. “I appreciate you being honest and telling me that, but I need to know, have you...”  
“Shhh, don’t even speak it,” he cut in with, turning to hold her face in his hands, kissing her lips. “No, I haven’t. You and you alone is all I want, cara mia.” 
“Am I, though?” she asked, shaking her head with the uncertainty she suddenly felt. If he’d strayed from the woman he’d been betrothed to, the one who had given him his children, too, no less, then what chance did she stand? “How do you know that you won’t?” 
He sighed again, thumbs circling her cheeks in loving caress. “I know. Trust me, EJ. I know ‘cuz you’re everythin’ I didn’t know I wanted, and everythin’ I’ve come to realise I needed. I ain’t ever strayed from you, and I don’t plan on doing so either.” He rested his forehead to hers, continuing. “You ain’t nobody’s girl any longer. You’re mine, but more so, I’m fuckin’ all yours, baby.”  
Truly, he’d given her no reason at all to not believe him, and she had to give him credit, too. He knew that his confession could maybe alter her opinion of him, and he’d revealed it anyway. Filomena could easily have used the information as a spite tactic, and he could have lied his way out of it. Who would call him into question if he did? Most people were terrified of him.  
Nobody would have negated the truth Luca wanted to portray, but what he’d given her was honesty, no matter how ugly. She couldn’t discount him for that. Covering his hands with hers, she leaned to his mouth, kissing him softly. “That was a big gamble, telling me the truth. I see that. It’s just... my history of trusting the wrong people.” 
He nodded, kissing her again. “And I ain’t sayin’ I’m perfect, far fuckin’ from it. You’re gonna have a lot to deal with, being with a guy like me, but me straying is the least of your worries. Trust me on that.”  
They lay in a happy tangle of limbs a while longer before getting up, Luca heading to soak in the bath, Emily finding herself almost pulled in with him after she brought him a mug of coffee, fending him off.  
“No, stop!” she giggled, batting his hands away. “I have eggs cooking out there!” 
“Then don’t be comin’ in here with those damned legs and getting my pulse all jacked up, then!” he spoke, grasping her thigh, Emily pulling his hand away to give him a stern look. 
“Well, the very concept of me being able to walk in means the legs have to come with me,” she teased, leaning to kiss him. “I can’t just disassemble myself like a mannequin and shuffle in here.” 
He snorted, taking a sip of a coffee. “You’d leave one helluva snail trail behind if ya did.” 
She closed her eyes, resting her hand to her forehead, hearing his chuckle rumbling. “You’re filthy.” 
“But you love me.” he called as she exited, still grinning. After he’d dried off and dressed, they sat and ate before continuing packing, the very point of the children getting dropped off with him being so that he could take them up to his house in the Catskills, a nanny, housekeeper and chef also on his payroll (but who stayed in residence with Filomena) going along, too. Angelo and his wife Greta, as well as their two boys would also be up there as well, Emily wondering how big the house was, exactly, to sleep that many people.  
“Hold on, gotta picture of it somewhere,” Luca said after she’d voiced that thought, going into the phone table drawer and shuffling around. “Here.” 
Her eyes almost fell from her skull. “Honey, that isn’t a house. It’s a mansion!” 
He looked completely nonplussed. “Yeah, and?”  
“it’s just the way you spoke about it. You made it sound like a quaint little place upstate, not a sprawling estate!” 
He shrugged, taking the photo back. “A place can be both spacious and quaint.” He then beamed a huge grin, chewing on his toothpick. “And just you wait ‘til you see the size of the bed I’m gonna bounce that pretty lil’ ass all over.”  
A beautiful mansion, and great company to enjoy it with. She had become friends with Greta, Angelo’s wife over the last few months, the women looking forward to having some relaxing time together away from the madness of their daily lives while their men were off hunting. Mostly, though, it was spending time with Luca outside of the city that she was most looking forward to.  
It was a shame that just over two hours later, she’d learn of a spanner being thrown into the works. 
Waiting down in the near empty (save Maggie and the maintenance guy) speakeasy, she watched the black town car containing his children pull up, the kids alighting with their mother. His eldest boy was through the door first, Luca grabbing his head and kissing his mop of black hair.  
“How’s my son?”  
“Not too shabby, pop,” Guiseppe replied, turning to look at Emily. “Woah, check out those stems. What a Sheba, huh dad?”  
Immediately, he found himself clipped sharply around the head by his father. “Less of your lip, boy. And put your eyes back in your goddamned head.” He might have acted in reprimand, but Emily noticed how hard Luca was trying not to look entertained. He’d been much the same at twelve. 
The boy rubbed his head, his brows knitting. “Sorry, I was just saying.” 
“Say less,” Luca warned, opening his arms as his daughter hurried through the door to him.  
“Daddy!” Milania cried, grasping him tightly.  
“Mio piccolo amore,” he spoke fondly, kissing her head. “You miss me?” 
“Always,” she replied, basking in the adoration of her beloved father, her face not so warm as she turned to Emily. “Who’s she?”  
“Hey, enough with the sass. This is Emily, my girlfriend.”  
The word fell from his lips just as the adversary walked in, placing Alessio down, the little boy running to be lifted into his father’s arms. “This is your girlfriend?” Immediately, the girlfriend herself felt her insides prickle with discomfort.  
“Hello to you too, Filomena,” he muttered with sarcasm. 
Her mouth fell open, looking Emily up and down several times. “For the love of the virgin Mary, Luca! How old is she, like eighteen or somethin’?” 
“Twenty-three,” he corrected, his jaw beginning to tighten, handing Alessio to Emily when the child began to struggle in her direction. 
“Hey, little guy!” she cooed, trying to inject a little lightness, the tension rapidly thickening between her man and his ex. Also, for the sake of her nerves. She truly wanted no part of any conflict between Luca and his ex. “Oh, goodness, aren’t you cute! You look just like your daddy, don’t you?” 
“I do!” he announced through a gummy grin, beginning to fiddle with her necklace. “You smell like flowers.”  
“Oh god, she’s a child, still!” Filomena exclaimed, her voice filling the space shrilly. Emily couldn’t even look at her, so kept her eyes on the little boy in her arms as he chattered to her, feeling supported by her man touching a supportive hand to her back for a second. 
Luca rolled his eyes at Filomena’s observation, beginning to gesture with his hands. He always did when he was becoming agitated. “Don’t start this right in front of ‘em,” he warned. “She ain’t a kid, I know exactly what you’re doin’, Fil. She couldda been thirty-three and you’d still take issue.”  
“Hey kids! The soda place up the block will be open now, how about Emily and me take you guys up there, huh? Come on, let’s go!” A rapidly moving Maggie spoke as she approached, Emily breathing a sigh of relief to be saved like that. Also, she was of the same opinion, that the children really didn’t need to witness their parents about to verbally tear one another to shreds.  
“I’ll see you in a little while,” she spoke, Luca nodding as he leaned to kiss her quickly.  
“Thank you, mi amore.” he spoke, nodding with gratitude at Maggie as well as she herded the two biggest of the brood out, little Alessio very content to be carried.  
Filomena at least waited a beat until they were all out the door before her head swivelled around again, fixing Luca with a snarl as she scoffed. “Mi amore? You can’t be serious about that kid.” 
“Wouldn’t be havin’ her meet my children if I wasn’t. You need to fuckin’ knock it off, too, callin’ her a kid when she ain’t.” 
She scoffed again, shaking her head. “She’s twenty years younger than you!” 
And therein was the problem. “Yeah, and don’t that just chap your ass, huh, Fil? Jealousy ain’t ever looked good on ya.”  
He had her there, his ex-wife chewing her cheek in fury at the slowly delivered, condescending drawl, incensed over the fact that the first woman he’d gotten serious about after her turned out to be fifteen years her junior. And a knockout. Still, she had an ace up her sleeve left to play. “Well, I suppose I’ll get to know all about her over the weekend. You don’t gotta nanny, Sylvie is sick with a cough so it’s gotta be me lookin’ after ‘em.” 
“No way,” he warned, pointing at her sternly, “ain’t no place for you up there with your meddling. Forget it.” 
“Can’t,” she spoke, her mouth twisting into a sinister grin, “Alessio has an ear infection, needs his drops puttin’ in every four hours. Are you really tellin’ me you’re gonna be available for that, every four hours, for the next three days?” 
“I’m his fuckin’ father. Of course, I will,” he hissed, looking at her with fury. 
She laughed, and it set his fists to clenched, flexing his hands as he began to pace before her. “You ain’t gonna be around! You’ll be off hunting in the day with Angelo, and riding your new filly all damned night! No, I’m not chancing that it spreads to his throat and eyes, too. I’m comin’, and that’s the last of it. You know how he don’t like being away from his mommy when he’s sick.”  
His gaze cast up to the ceiling, taking a long, deep breath. He hated that she had a point. She wanted his temper to blaze, though, for him to yell, to lose control of his emotions. It was what she thrived upon. So simply, he didn’t let her have the win. “Fine, come along if you must, just stay outta my way. Choose a bedroom as far away from mine as you can get, though, ‘cuz yeah, you’re right. I will be, and I’d hate for us to keep you up.”  
His laughed rolled like thunder at the look on her face, leaning in close. “Yeah, bet there’s still one part of me that you miss, huh?” Sauntering out with his usual cocksure swagger, he left her standing there stewing in contempt, telling the security guys to load up their belongings into the car. Heading down the street, he didn’t much relish having to tell Emily that their long weekend would be plus an unwanted guest, entering the soda shop and beckoning her with a backward jerk of his head.  
“You don’t look happy, handsome,” she spoke carefully upon exiting the shop, wondering just how intense the fight he and Filomena had likely gotten into had become. 
His mouth twitched in grimace, pulling his toothpick out. “Yeah, I ain’t got the best news to deliver. She’s comin’ with us.”  
Her face dropped in an instant. “She’s what?” 
“Alessio is sick, got somethin’ up with his ears, gotta have drops put in every four hours, yadda, yadda. She don’t trust me to fuckin’ look after the kid, the nanny is sick as well, so she’s insisting on inflicting herself.” He paused, resting his hands to her shoulders. “She ain’t gonna ruin anything though, doll. Promise. She knows to keep outta my way, yours too by extension.” 
Her lips thinned, Emily really not happy about having to share her weekend with a woman who hadn’t even bothered speaking directly to her, not even introducing herself before going right on in after her guy regarding their age gap. “Alright. Really, it isn’t, but alright.”  
Leaning to her level, he kissed her forehead. “I know, baby. I know. You just gotta pretend she ain’t there. If she comes out with any of her poison, walk away, alright?” 
She set her face straight with a nod, widening her smile. “I will. Come on, let’s hurry the kids and then get up there.” 
Truly, she’d thought that the toughest thing about that weekend would be how to begin bonding with a fourteen-year-old girl, and two boys of twelve and six. Now there was an ex-wife thrown into the mix, too. A spiteful one. 
A near three-and-a-half-hour drive later and they’d arrived, Angelo and Greta already there, the latter looking perplexed as she alighted the front steps of the mansion, holding her arms wide towards Emily.  
“What the good god is the viper doing here, dolly?” she asked with concern, kissing her cheek while watching Filomena and the children exit the second car.  
“I’ll tell you in a sec, please tell me there’s alcohol here?” 
“Only gin and whiskey, as well as the wine in the cellar.” 
Grabbing her hand, she nodded vigorously. “Yeah, that’ll do.”  
“All of it?” Greta snorted, the women climbing the steps while the guys handled the baggage. 
“Twice over.”  
She winced with a little hiss, taking her through the house back to the rear porch, where she’d been enjoying cigarettes and gin rickey’s in the sun. Walking through the house, Emily’s jaw was on the floor, her head turning left and right to take in as much as possible. To say it was decadent would have been an understatement. Luca had definitely downplayed it thus far. Speaking of Luca... 
“Doll, I’m gonna go spend some time with the kids, take ‘em down to the lake, alright? You okay with Greta?” 
“Of course, she’s fine with me. Go, you get outta here and be with your brood,” the woman herself grinned as Luca greeted her with a cheek kiss.  
“Show her around and all that. See you later.” He winked, departing, his shoulders drawn up. He hadn’t seemed so tense on the way up, but now the reality was setting in, having to be under the same roof as the woman he loathed, she saw clearly it had begun to gnaw at him.  
Emily turned to her, her face pensive. “He wasn’t so bad, driving up. Now? I can see his irritation rising.” 
Greta sighed, ushering her through the final large room to the back door, a huge glass construction between two frames of filigree wrought iron. “Yeah, he had the twitching jaw thing happening, I noticed. Yeesh.” Sitting her down at the table, she poured out a drink, adding an extra slug of neat gin from her little hip flask for good measure. “So, what’s the story?” 
Taking her cigarette case out, Emily offered one across the table, the woman lighting up before Greta was filled in on what had gone down back in Brooklyn. The elder of the women balked, snorting once her young friend had finished. “So, what are we, chopped liver? We couldn’t have handled looking after the kid?” 
“Exactly! Mind you, I doubt Luca would have even suggested it out of respect for me. He even said as much before Filomena dropped herself on us, said the kids would be with the nanny when they weren’t with him, and he didn’t expect me to lift a finger.” 
Greta’s eyebrows rose. “That’s progressive of him.” 
“Eh,” she sniffed, “I think he was probably more worried I wouldn’t blow him if he’d offered my services as substitute mother without at least asking me first.”  
Her words roused laughter, the immaculate brunette lifting her glass to her pristine red lips. “Oh, my good god, I love the fact you’re coming outta your shell more, being in our world. You’re still a polite little sweetheart who wouldn’t say boo to a goose, but still, you’d have never come out with such a statement back when we first met. Shows confidence.” 
“I have to be,” she exclaimed, taking a drag on her cigarette. “Being Luca’s girl, I can’t sit there blushing and shrinking from everything or I’d never survive! That includes being able to say out loud with every confidence, and like the lady I am, that my man knows not to jeopardise the luxury of being able to put his dick in my mouth.”  
Greta was in soft fits, clapping her friend’s little display of wry comedy. “You make me laugh, dolly. Oh, you do!” 
“If I don’t laugh right now, having the ex-wife shadow looming, I’ll cry. Believe me.”  
Raising her glass, she beamed. “Then to laughter!” Sipping her drink, she watched as Emily made a thoughtful face, biting the corner of her lip as she looked out over the sprawling grounds towards the lake.  
“I wonder if Filomena likes to play blackjack?”  
“Oh, you’re too much!” Of course, Greta knew well Emily’s talent with card counting.  
Winking, her eyes went back to the lake, just about able to pick out Luca and the kids walking the shoreline, except for Alessio, who was perched atop his father’s shoulders. “I like to think I’m just enough. So, you called her a viper when we arrived. Was that out of loyalty to Luca, or did she ever do something to irritate you?” 
“Honestly? The gal has every right to be hostile toward her ex, given the circumstances... which I probably shouldn’t say too much more on,” she began, Emily waving her hand casually. 
“You’re alright, I know about the other women.”  
Greta swiftly lifted her sunglasses, gaping a little. “He told you?” 
“Yes, he did,” she replied, reaching to the fruit bowl and tearing a small handful of grapes away.  
Her friend was mildly stunned, and made no effort to hide that. “Wow. Didn’t see that coming. Anyhoo, like I said, can’t blame her. Well, in the here and now I can because she needs to be making nice for the children, but instead she’s toying with him, as usual.  
“But I digress. I actually used to get on pretty well with her, but after they broke up she called me up and gave me hell, assuming I knew all about his infidelity. I didn’t know shit! Ain’t like he was gonna advertise it to me. I mean, some guys in their world, they have the wife and then they have the gooma, the side piece, but as far as I can gauge, Luca just fucked around at random. No regular side chick to speak of.”  
“He preferred whores, professionals at sex, women who knew what they were doin’ with a dick and whose silence he could easily buy.” 
Turning, they both watched Filomena approach, her chin lifted as she walked slowly over to the table, a smug smile tilting her lips. “That don’t mean those are the only dames he went for, though. If he saw a gal at the speakeasy who he liked the look of, he’d just make his move. I heard that from the women themselves. Even if they were with his own guys, if he wanted to fuck ‘em, he did.” 
Emily felt a cold wave wash over her, to know the man she loved so much had been that sexually reckless, especially with women so close to the guys who worked for him. She tried to remember what that very man had told her just hours before, though, about Filomena and her meddling. “Hmm,” she hummed, clearly entertained by Emily’s pinking cheeks. “Didn’t know that much, did ya?”  
She could feel her throat tightening, swallowing hard as she looked up at the scorned woman, who’s commentary continued. “I asked him once, you know, how many women he’d bedded behind my back. He said he lost count when he hit triple digits. He was a fuckin’ prolific man whore, my ex-husband. And you look at him like the sun shines outta his ass, you poor gal. He’ll get bored of ya, eventually. Don't think the same won’t happen to you once you’ve knocked out a couple of his kids. Probably before then, if he ain’t already.” 
“Fil, come on, hon. Enough now, yeesh. You don’t gotta drag Emily into this.” Greta advised, rubbing her head with her hand, her eyes finding her friend in support, and what Emily couldn’t bear to see. Sympathy. Because she couldn’t hide the fact that the former Mrs. Changretta wasn’t lying. 
Luca had told her that his ex would do this, but what he hadn’t mentioned was that her poison would be nothing but the truth, Emily getting up and swiftly exiting the situation with tears pooling her eyes.  
Exactly what Filomena had wanted. After all; hurt people, hurt people.  
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cosmicpuzzle · 1 year
Saturn 🪐Transit in Aquarius 2023- What you should be careful with?
Saturn moved to sidereal Aquarius on 17th Jan 2023 bringing changes for each one of us. Here is what each rising/Moon sign should be careful with.
Aries : Existing friendships may get severed. Relations with elder siblings and close friends may be strained. Health needs to be watched out for. Investments and speculation need care.
Taurus: Relations with boss may be tested. Travels to foreign countries could be delayed. Your employer could change. Partner could be under some work stress. You may not get much reward for your efforts now.
Gemini: Relations with father could be strained. Your luck could come slowly now. Travel to foreign countries or other states may prove challenging or challenges arise during travel. Visa renewal issues could arise. Relations with siblings are difficult. Your co workers may not be very supportive now.
Cancer : Relations with spouse and spouse's family could be under stress now. Not the time for making entry into stock markets as Saturn hits both 8th and 5th house. Conceiving children could be delayed and relations with children could be burdensome. Your partner's income could be restricted.
Leo: Relations with spouse , father and family could be strained. Spouse could have some stress (with their job or health). Legal issues could drag on and divorce cases may prolong. Your own health needs attention with Saturn aspecting ascendant.
Virgo: Relations with co workers will be tested. You could change your employer now. You may have to carry out other's work too. Your health could be in focus now. Relations with in laws and father in law is strained now. Journeys to foreign countries will be delayed. Some block in your regular exercise or gym could arise.
Libra: Relations with children can be strained. Your love life can be seriously blocked now and any advances made will tend to get rejected. Not a time for dating but persons older in age could approach you. Delay could be there in conceiving child. Investments and speculation may give losses.
Scorpio: Relations with family and mother could be strained. Mother's health needs care and attention. If you are in school, studies could be affected. There is possibility of change in residences. Your own health needs care and attention. Relatives may be cold now.
Sagittarius: Relations with younger siblings could be strained or they may physically move to faraway places. Your love life could be blocked. Plans to conceive children would be met with delays. If you are in school/college your studies could get affected. You may take some short term courses if you are employed.
Capricorn: Money matters will be tested. Personal finances could be under strain. You may not have money to spend. Relations with family could turn sour. Your own plans to start your family will be delayed. Relation with in laws, your income and partner's income could be restricted. Tough time for cash flow.
Aquarius: Your health will be tested as Saturn is on your ascendant. Relations with team mates and younger siblings could be difficult. You may change your employer now or you may be unhappy with your workplace.
Pisces: Your sleep cycle would get affected. You may have to wander in foreign countries. Your work is restricted now and your income could be under strain. Your relations with elder siblings or friends could become distant. You may move away from your family.
Results depend on your individual time periods and scores of Saturn. For complete Saturn Transit Reading- DM
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delilahcalicocat · 20 days
I love your fics 🔥. Would you do a Sammy Guevara x reader angst, where reader and Sammy were engaged but then he cheated on her with Tay Melo and even left reader for Tay and now they flaunt their relationship all around AEW and right in front of reader. So reader gets back at them during one of her in ring promos by dropping a pipebomb (Like CM punk & Aj Lee did)
A/N: yes of course! And I made the reader CM Punk's little sister, and I'm glad you enjoy my fics!!
{I'm Done.}
{Rating: Angst, Fluff}
{Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of divorce, Y/N calling out Sammy.}
{Pairing: Sammy Guevara x ExWife!Fem!Reader}
your contract with AEW was far from over. But you had to work with your Ex-fiancée and his Wife. Who'd purposely flaunt their relationship to rub it in your face.
It really fucking annoyed you, to the point you called off sick one week.
While your brother was in the WWE, Living it up at WrestleMania 40 night 1. You were fighting for Collison.
You had just beaten your opponent, Lady Frost. And requested a mic.
You cleared your throat, before sitting in the ring like your brother did.
"Y'know. My contract is far from up, but I don't care about that. I care about the two assholes trying to get under my skin. I've moved the fuck on. I don't care anymore. So I hope that the fucker who's champion. Lies in this ring tonight crying that he lost his title. Have fun Sammy and Tay." You said before walking backstage.
"Y/N what the fuck were you thinking?!" Dax Harwood questioned you
"Forgive me, but I'm sick and tired of them flaunting their stupid fucking relationship. I'm leaving this goddamn company." You spoke
"Y/N, it doesn't have to be this way.. if you leave... Your brother will freak out." Cash Said
"Cash, Dax. I just can't anymore. I'm sick of Sammy and Tay doing this shit.." You said.
"Y/N, please... your the one who helped us when Julia Hart attacked us.. we're still in hot water with House of Black.. we need you.." Dax pleaded
"Fine... I'll stay... I guess I'll tell Kenny and Tony in the morning to see if they'll do something.." You sighed begrudgingly
Without another word, both Cash and Dax. Hugged you. Not in a romantic way. Just a hug because you needed it after the night you had.
"I'm sorry for going off. I'm just done with Tay doing that.." You apologized
"You're fine, you should eat something though it could be that too." Cash said
"Let's just go to catering together." You smiled as the three of you walked off
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
A woman who left Alabama to join the Islamic State in 2014 now says she regrets her actions and is hoping to return to the United States.
"If I need to sit in prison, and do my time, I will do it.… I won’t fight against it," Hoda Muthana, now 28, told The News Movement from the Roj detention camp in Syria, according to The Associated Press. "I’m hoping my government looks at me as someone young at the time and naive."
Muthana, who was born in New Jersey to Yemeni immigrants and was raised in Alabama, ran away from home at the age of 20 to join ISIS. Raised in a conservative Muslim household, she told her family she was going on a school trip but instead flew to Turkey and crossed into Syria using funds from secretly cashed tuition checks.
Once she arrived in Syria, Muthana says she was detained in a guest house reserved for unmarried women and children.
"I’ve never seen that kind of filthiness in my life, like there was 100 women and twice as much kids, running around, too much noise, filthy beds," she recalled.
She said the only way out was to marry an ISIS fighter, and she eventually married three, giving birth to a child. Her first two husbands, including the father of her son, both died in combat. Muthana says she divorced the third.
But the former American now says she regrets everything except for the birth of her son and hopes to return to the U.S. and become an advocate against extremism, making the case that she was brainwashed by the terrorist group when she left Alabama in 2014.
The Islamic State at one time held swaths of territory in Iraq and Syria and at the height of their power became famous for brutal executions and terrorist attacks that they frequently boasted about on social media. During that time Muthana appeared to be a vocal supporter of the group in interviews with Buzzfeed News and on social media. Posts from 2015 on her Twitter account showed her encouraging more Americans to join the extremist group and carry out attacks at home, including drive-by shootings, vehicle rammings and targeting large gatherings on national holidays.
She now claims that her phone was stolen from her and the posts were made by supporters of ISIS, but she would now use her experiences to speak out against extremism.
Muthana had her citizenship revoked in 2016 by the Obama administration, which argued her birthright citizenship could be canceled because her father was an accredited Yemeni diplomat at the time of her birth. That decision was maintained throughout the Trump administration, which continued to ban her from returning to the United States.
Attorneys representing Muthana have claimed the move was in error, arguing that her diplomatic accreditation ended before she was born. But U.S. courts have upheld the position of the government, while the Supreme Court declined her appeal to hear the case last year.
She now remains in a detention camp in northern Syria that houses thousands of widows of Islamic State fighters and their children. She continues to claim that she was a victim who will now advocate against extremism.
"Even here, right now, I can’t fully say everything I want to say. But once I do leave, I will. I will be an advocate against this," she said. "I wish I can help the victims of ISIS in the West understand that someone like me is not part of it, that I as well am a victim of ISIS."
Hassan Shibly, an attorney for Muthana’s family, argues it is "absolutely clear that she was brainwashed and taken advantage of." He added that the family believes she should be allowed back to repay her debt to society and help others from "falling into the dark path that she was led down."
"She was absolutely misguided, and no one is denying that. But again, she was a teenager who was the victim of a very sophisticated recruitment operation that focuses on taking advantage of the young, the vulnerable, the disenfranchised," he said.
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reinarandraw · 1 year
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“Sam is here for you, Boss,” Fang called from the manager office’s door.
OFMD Rare Pair Week 2023 @ofmdrarepairweek​
Day 01: Coffee Shops / Roommates / Confessions [art & 1.5k oneshot]
You can read a quick oneshot for this fill on [AO3]  or you can read it under the cut
“Sam is here for you, Boss,” Fang called from the manager office’s door.
Izzy looks up from Queen Anne’s Coffee daily cash book on his laptop and takes a deep sigh. For four weeks on every Wednesday around 4-5 PM, a man dressed in nice suits always visits their coffee shop and makes the same order. A medium size cup of hot black coffee. He’s polite, charming, and always leaves a big tip. 
Sam only wants Izzy to brew his coffee.
Four weeks ago Izzy was forced to cover the afternoon shift because Ivan needed to go A&E due to food poisoning. Around 5 PM, a man dressed in an immaculate suit entered the slightly crowded coffee house. Although he was accompanied by a tall bald man who seemed to be his assistant or bodyguard, his presence stole everyone’s attention. He walked with the confidence of a man who was used to living in the spotlight. He smiled at Izzy when it was his turn to order.
“Hello, one black coffee please,” the man said with a low rumbling voice that managed to shake his core.
Izzy didn’t believe in love at first sight, but maybe it was possible for someone to fall deep for someone’s voice.
Izzy learned the man’s name is Sam and he also learned that Sam was very peculiar with his coffee.
“God damn, this is the best coffee I’ve had since I arrived in London,” Sam told him with a big smile. He sounded American. “You, sir, are a genius. Can you tell me how you brew this?”
Since there was no line, Izzy humored the man and answered his question. By the end of his explanation, Sam was so happy with him, he left a tip in the tip jar.
“What the fuck? That’s enough to buy another cup!” Izzy pointed out.
“For your excellent coffee and your excellent impromptu tutoring,” Sam told him. “Until we meet again,” he said with a wink.
That wink almost gave him a heart attack.
Sam’s next visit was during Fang’s shift. Because Sam asked Fang so nicely for Izzy, Fang did his best to drag Izzy out from his little office. The next one was during Ivan’s shift and Ivan immediately came to find him without being asked by Sam.
And now is Sam’s fourth visit.
“Boss, your crush is waiting,” Fang teases him.
“I don’t have a fucking crush!” Izzy denies as he walks out from his office. He does have a crush on Sam, but no one needs to know.
“You should ask for his number,” Fang suggests while following Izzy.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Izzy dismisses him. “I’m not a fucking teenager.”
“Why not? He seems to be around our age,” Fang argues. 
“He’s a customer.”
“Then why were you two flirting with each other all the time?”
Izzy’s steps come to a halt. He turns around to face Fang. “What?”
“You chatted with him even after you gave him his coffee,” Fang explains. “You hate small talk.”
“It’s not small talk. He asked me about coffee!” Izzy insists.
“Sure.” Fang nods his head even though he has a mischievous smile on his face. “Just ask for his number, Boss. It’s been five months since your divorce with Ed.”
Izzy grumbles. He doesn’t like to think about his ex-husband Ed. Thankfully, their divorce wasn’t that messy because he could prove Edward was cheating on him with Stede fucking Bonnet. Edward was also happy to give the ownership of Queen Anne’s Coffee to Izzy since he claimed he was bored of managing it. Edward lived and worked with Bonnet in Gentleman Dining now, off with his fancy rich boyfriend. Good fucking riddance.
“Just ask, Boss,” Fang says, “the worst he can do is saying no. I’m pretty sure Sam likes you as well.”
The thought of someone like Sam liking him makes his heart soar. “You think so?”
“Me and Ivan think so,” Fang says.
The coffee shop is a bit crowded at this hour, yet Izzy finds his eyes falling on sam. It’s hard to ignore the man since his double breasted suit looks too expensive for the neighborhood. His easy going smile greets him, making his ridiculously good looking face shine even more. Izzy tells his heart to stop beating too fast.
“Welcome to Queen Anne’s Coffee,” Izzy greets him as he puts on his apron.
“Hi, Izzy,” Sam answers, “one black coffee as usual, please.”
Izzy immediately moves to the coffee machine and starts to make Sam’s coffee. He’s acutely aware of Sam’s eyes on him. He doesn’t understand why Sam’s gaze makes his hands tremble.
“You don’t need to be nervous,” Sam says to him.
“Fuck, yeah. Sorry,” Izzy mumbles.
“Is something wrong?” Sam asks, voice fills with concert that compels him to tell this man his woe.
Fuck, fuck. How should he approach this? It’s been too long since he asked someone out. Can he just ask for someone’s number out of the blue?
“Izzy?” Sam asks again when Izzy seemingly has stopped working. Izzy looks up and stares directly at Sam’s eyes. “Can I ask for your number?”
Sam is still smiling at him, but his eyes look a bit confused. “My number?”
Shit. Did Ivan and Fang misread the whole situation? Fuck! “Yes. Your number,” Izzy confirms. Fuck, he hopes this won’t be too embarrassing.
Sam leans to the counter. The confusion is gone, replaced by amusement. Izzy doesn’t know if this was better or worse. “You want my number?”
“For fuck’s sake, if you don’t want to give it just say it!” Izzy cut the chase, face starting to get warmer. “No need to be a dick, you twat.”
Surprisingly, Sam breaks into laughter. “Oh my god, this is the best day of my life. No one has ever called me a twat right to my face.”
Izzy frowns. What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to make fun of you,” Sam explains. “You caught me off guard with your question. People don't just go to me and ask for my phone number. They usually go to my assistant first."
Izzy stares at him dumbfounded. Is this a rich people thing?
"Do you have a napkin so I can write down my number?" Sam asks.
After he gives the napkin, Izzy continues to prepare Sam's coffee while the other man jots down his number. At the end, they swap the coffee with Sam's phone number written in a neat big number.
"That's my number while I'm in London," Sam tells him. "Do me a favor and don't give that to anyone. There are only four other people who know that number."
Ah, so this must be his personal number. Izzy feels honored to get this number. "How long are you going to stay in London?"
"For another month at least," Sam replies. "But I just closed a big deal so I'm sure I'm going to go back and forth between New York and London pretty often for a year."
That sounds promising. Another reason why Izzy was reluctant to make a move was because he wasn't sure how long Sam would be here.
"If I don't immediately reply to your message, it doesn't mean I'm not interested," Sam tells him. "I'm probably busy. Having clients all over the world also means I have virtual meetings at odd hours so I have a weird work schedule. But rest assured, I'll reply as soon as I have the chance. I promise. I really like to get to know you better, Izzy."
Izzy wants to say more but a new customer has entered the coffee shop.
"That's my cue to leave," Sam says. "I'll be waiting for your text."
With Sam's gone, Izzy goes back to his office to continue his work. It's close to seven when he's finally done with administrative work so takes a break by browsing through the newsite. It's good to keep updated with the recent news. Who knows what fucked up shit the British government is brewing right now.
His eyes catch a newly published article about how a big American holding company would start their business here in the UK. The article includes the photo of smiling people whom Izzy mostly doesn’t recognize except for one person.
Sam was there in the photo.
Izzy already feels  his brain is short circuiting when he sees Sam. His mind makes a mental somersault when the article said that Sam is none other than Samuel Bellamy, the founder and chairman of Bellamy Group, a multinational corporate group from America. 
His mind is completely blown when he googles Samuel Bellamy, he’s not aware of Fang knocking on his door.
“Boss, I’ve been calling your name but you don’t say anything,” Fang says. “Are you ok?”
Izzy turns to Fang. With a look of horror, he says, “I just asked the phone number of the sixth richest man in the world.”
Izzy doesn’t know whether he should be thrilled or horrified by this revelation.
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robertsbig60 · 2 years
Increase Move-In's At Your Senior Living Community
Increase Move-Ins At Your Senior Living Community
Increase Move-In’s At Your Senior Living Community Senior Living Communities are always looking for ideas to increase move-ins. To “increas the move-in’s at your Senior Living Communities“ is not really as complicated as you may think. Whether you manage a sales team or handle the Senior Transition process for a senior living community, you’re probably wake up in the morning thinking about…
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justforbooks · 1 year
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Gordon Lightfoot, the singer and songwriter, who has died aged 84, became one of Canada’s best loved musical figures, winning 16 of his homeland’s Juno awards. He scored eight Top 5 albums in Canada during the 1970s (including the 1975 compilation Gord’s Gold), four of them reaching No 1, and Sundown (1974) topping both the Canadian and the US chart.
He was held in huge esteem and amassed an impressive track record of having his songs covered by many of the leading artists of his era. The melancholy and lonesome Early Mornin’ Rain would become one of his signature compositions, covered by many artists including Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan, Neil Young and Paul Weller. Dylan, who would perform various Lightfoot songs in his own concerts, commented: “I can’t think of any Gordon Lightfoot song I don’t like. Every time I hear a song of his, it’s like I wish it would last forever.” Marty Robbins took Lightfoot’s Ribbon of Darkness to the top of the US Country chart in 1965, Harry Belafonte delivered a dramatic rendition of Oh, Linda, and Peter, Paul and Mary had a US Top 30 hit with For Lovin’ Me.
If You Could Read My Mind became his most celebrated song, a plangent meditation on the breakup of his marriage to his first wife, Brita Ingegerd Olaisson; they later divorced. His own version reached No 1 in Canada and No 5 in the US – his other chart-topping singles were Sundown, also a US No 1, and The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald – but the song went on to spawn more than 100 cover versions by such luminaries as Barbra Streisand, Johnny Cash, Olivia Newton-John, Glen Campbell, Liza Minnelli and Herb Alpert. “It was a kind of unrequited love song, partly due to love’s rollercoaster,” Lightfoot reflected.
If his personal life fuelled his art, he suffered for it too. In the early 70s his relationship with the backing singer Cathy Smith caused him a great deal of anguish – “men were drawn to her, and she used to make me jealous,” he confessed – but also prompted the writing of Sundown (when Smith was out partying without him) and Rainy Day People, a US Top 30 hit. Smith was later jailed for administering the cocaine and heroin mixture that killed John Belushi at the Chateau Marmont hotel in Hollywood in 1982.
Born in Orillia, Ontario, Lightfoot was the son of Gordon Lightfoot Sr and Jessie (nee Trill), who ran a laundry service. Jessie was quick to spot her son’s musical potential, and by the time he was 10 he was singing in public. As a boy soprano, he sang in local oratorio productions and in the church choir, and performed at music festivals. Aged 12, he appeared at Massey Hall, Toronto, after winning a singing competition. In his teens he learned to play the piano, drums and folk guitar, and was also a gifted track and field athlete.
At 18 he went to Westlake College of Modern Music in Los Angeles, where he studied orchestration and music theory. He left California for Toronto to launch himself on a musical career, working as a bank clerk to help pay the rent.
He was a member of the Singin’ Swingin’ Eight, who appeared on the Country Hoedown TV show, and played folk music in coffee houses. His first commercial recordings were released in 1962. His own composition, This Is My Song, which he performed with his singing partner Terry Whelan, appeared on the live recording Two Tones at the Village Corner, and several months later he released (Remember Me) I’m The One, another original though somewhat middle-of-the-road song, billed as Gord Lightfoot. It reached No 3 on Toronto’s CHUM radio chart. A follow-up, It’s Too Late, He Wins/Negotiations, took him to 27 on the CHUM chart.
Falling under the influence of the up-and-coming Dylan and a fellow Canadian singer-songwriter, Ian Tyson, Lightfoot began developing a more poetic, folk-style sound. In 1963 he travelled to Europe, putting in a stint as host on BBC TV’s Country and Western Show.
On his return to Canada in 1964, his reputation received a major boost when his songs Early Mornin’ Rain and For Lovin’ Me were both recorded by Ian and Sylvia Tyson and Peter, Paul and Mary. He signed a deal with Albert Grossman, the influential manager of Dylan and Peter, Paul and Mary, and released his debut album, Lightfoot!, in January 1966. This was for the United Artists label, but it was when he switched to the Warner Bros label Reprise at the start of the 70s that his career took off. His first Reprise release, Sit Down Young Stranger, reached No 12 in both Canada and the US, kicking off his spectacular run of 70s success.
His sales tailed off in the 80s, though he was constantly in demand as a live performer, and he enjoyed some belated chart success with the album Harmony (2004), which reached No 13 in Canada. However, the demands of the touring lifestyle found him dependent on whisky and pills. He would undertake arduous sailing and canoeing trips to dry out, and in 1982 finally gave up alcohol and took up daily gym workouts.
He survived a number of medical emergencies. In 1972 he was diagnosed with Bell’s palsy. In 2002 he almost died from a ruptured aneurysm in his abdominal aorta, and four years later suffered a minor stroke that temporarily impaired his guitar-playing. In 2019 he suffered a hematoma in his left leg, requiring surgery.
Lightfoot was inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame in 1986 and the Canadian Country Music Hall of Fame in 2001. In 1997 he received the governor general’s performing arts award, and he was made a Companion of the Order of Canada in 2003. In 2012 he was inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame.
His second marriage, to Elizabeth Moon, ended in divorce, and he then married Kim Hasse in 2014. She survives him, along with his six children, Fred and Ingrid from his first marriage, Gaylen and Eric from relationships between his first two marriages, and Miles and Meredith from his second.
🔔 Gordon Meredith Lightfoot Jr, singer and songwriter, born 17 November 1938; died 1 May 2023
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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colleenmurphy · 6 months
Stomping thudding footsteps signaled that the Master of the Manor was home. Nearly three hours late but Fred was home nonetheless. The Lady of the Manor, as she liked to call herself, otherwise known as Minnie Sheehan-Malone, was thinking of just how expensive the car repairs were going to be this time. Jimmy had to have been drinking at The Club.
The Club. Ugh.
"Think of the family, Minerva. Think of our reputation."
The steady sound of Minnie's delicate chopping on the island block of their cavernous kitchen stopped. Knife still in hand features set and mind ticking like a bomb she studied her husband of nearly thirty-eight years.
"Our reputation can fly the fuck away, Lemual. If reputations were everything I'd have married Jimmy Murphy."
Flicking her knife towards a seat at the small table in the corner she motioned Freddie's drunk self to sit down. The lumbering string bean as she called him these days plopped himself down rather ungracefully into the wicker back chair.
"You're one to talk about reputations considering you're the one that set her up with that Flannery boy. He beat her senseless at the summer house and you blamed her."
All five feet of Minnie was standing on edge now, her right hand still holding the knife in a death grip her rings flashing from under the cold white bulb that hung in the kitchen. Something about being modern, Fred had said when they renovated the formerly beautiful brownstone. Just like everything else in his life Frederick Malone had have the very best of everything. The newest most top of the line..thing. That's all he viewed the people in his life as, that's all he ever saw them as. Pieces of window dressing to help him climb the social ladder. Minnie had had enough.
"Let her be happy this time. You got what you needed from the poor girl."
A look of disgruntled disgust flashed over his once handsome booze soaked features.
"Oh here we go. The poor Mother's Baby schtick. She's twenty-five years old, Minnie! She can't always be your little girl."
Who else had their daughter had then? Fred had missed damn near every event in her daughter's life. Except her wedding to Frank Flannery. He had been 'out of the country' aka in rehab during the divorce proceedings, Minnie had seen to that.
"Well, she certainly isn't yours."
Was her cutting reply that set him off in a blind drunken rage that ended with a pan full of chicken marsala on splattered across the kitchen as she brought a white hot stainless steel pan upside his head after he knocked the knife from her hands. The police had ruled it self defense, the insurance paid out partially and Fred was cremated and scattered at sea without ceremony. Minnie sold the wreck of a brown stone, gave the cash to Colleen and her new lawyer boyfriend - a fiery little prosecutor working for the DA's office named William Edgerley and she was setting sail for the French Rivera. She had someone waiting on her in the Lerins Islands.
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nakedmonkey · 11 months
HELLO! 13 and 17 from the OTP ask game for Sadie/Katherine 💜
-- @the-frankenman-writes
Hi! Thank you for these!!! <3
13) do either of them have the other’s stuff lying around their house?
Okay. So I think that early on, when they're first fooling themselves into thinking it's super cash sex and no feelings, they're both VERY careful not to leave things in the other's space. Because what would it mean, to get comfortable enough to leave a sweater or something?? No. That's too close to a thing, and their thing isn't A Thing. But a little later, because they both have a possessive side, it becomes purposeful. Because if Sadie finds Katherine's earrings on her nightstand while/during/after hooking up with Jack--well, Sadie can do with that what she wants. After Katherine's divorce, when the initial freakout of having that boundary removed simmers down and they're sort of tiptoeing around the idea of taking things more seriously, it progresses slowly; someone suggests leaving a change of clothes for convenience, and perhaps Katherine offers Sadie's the empty side of the closet one day. No one's using it anyway. There's no real conversation about it, because omg can you imagine? I'd liken their progress to gaining the trust of a feral animal. Baby steps until it's just a regular part of their routine.
17) What is something stupid they probably did together?
Aside from their entire situationship? Driving lessons. Sadie thought it'd be a good idea. She thought, if anyone can wrangle Katherine Hastings into the driver's seat and mold her into a safe enough driver, it's her. She severely underestimated the degree to which Katherine's horniness rises when she's behind the wheel, so, you know, once they move past fucking in the car mid-lesson, they have to also navigate Katherine's refusal to take Sadie even remotely seriously when asked to demonstrate hand signals, which then makes Sadie lose her cool and she starts getting mean, which then gets Katherine going all over again, and that's before they even drive on an actual street with other people. It's a very long, excruciating, frustrating, exciting process that would have been done and done if Katherine had only hired an instructor.
OTP headcanon asks
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beantothemax · 10 months
Coraline au but everyone experienced the horrors in some capacity and everyone else in the cast has to deal with that
The brainrot doesn’t stop. It just goes somewhere else and turns most of the cast into kids/young adults. Except Osvald he remains a dad here.
The basic gist is that Temenos is a kid going to move into the Orerush area of New Delsta after the tragic deaths of Roi and the Pontiff Jörg. He’s 14, snarky, has so many issues and was supposed to be living with his distant relatives but apparently they refused. So. Now he’s living with Partitio and Papp. Fun.
Temenos does not go and attempt to talk to Partitio at all during his time in the house and instead just explores around the house and the neighborhood and learning that all the kids his age are weird in a new interesting flavor.
We have especially Crick who he finds absolutely a delight to tease. Better than staying in the house and being hyper aware that the Yellowils definitely took him in because they were strapped for cash and not because they actually want to give him a good home environment. Hah! Why would anyone want to go and help him?
Then of course the usual Coraline stuff happens and Temenos goes through out of the desperate need for adventure and- And it’s amazing! Roi and the Pontiff are alive and everything is so much brighter here!
Of course that is just a disguise for the horrors but don’t mind that.
Also Featuring:
-Ambiguously divorced Roque and Papp
-Throné and Hikari being Temenos’ cousins and them bonding
-Partitio trying his best to be a good brother
-Ochette having so many animal friends and it being hilarious in retrospect
-Mahina and Akala being the talking Owl and talking Fox
-Temenos wielding an umbrella and beating the hell out of the creatures in the Other World.
-Hikari, Ori, and Oboro sibling propaganda but Hikari had something happened to him in the one year gap that Oboro, Rai Mei, Ritsu, and Hikari didn’t talk. Despite Hikari being good friends with Partitio he absolutely refuses to go near his house and avoids Rai Mei and Oboro like the plague. Which is pretty bad on Oboro’s part considering that he is technically Hikari’s legal guardian. He talks frequently enough with Ori and Ritsu at the very least.
-Likewise, Throné had something happen to her and her siblings and it left her being the only one who came out of the old house Partitio and Papp bought 2 years ago. She is traumatized and now carries a knife and lives with her friend Castti.
-Mugen quite literally going up to Oboro several years ago and saying “You want him? Take him. You get no say in the matter.”
-Agnea, Ori, and Partitio getting up to fun shenanigans and periodically explore the forest
-Osvald being a good dad to Elena and practically just adopting anyone younger than him as his kid. You cannot escape this.
-Castti still has an axe here. She chops wood for fun :]
-“Wait fuck right I’m the adult.” - Oboro almost all the time
ah yes. just what the octopath gang needed. more horrors to experience.
there are!! a lot of things here!!!! throné and hikari being temy’s cousins is always appreciated and. uh. how do you explode a forest ‘periodically’.
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sapphiredhearts-a · 1 year
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esme cullen headcanons : human life
despite what is in the illustrated guide - when esme fell out of a tree when she was younger , carlisle was not the doctor who treated her ( bc that is weird ) . everything else about her childhood is much of the same - she was a happy & mischievous child . very bubbly & outgoing - yet never unkind . she was always willing to see the best in people , which made her very naïve . yet she never backed down from adventure or a challenge .
esme's father was the one who introduced her to charles . he worked with charles' father & thought the two would be an amazing match . nobody could have told how he would act after marriage . charles was aloof , sure , but he seemed to be a stand-up guy in terms of providing for a family . he was never overly affectionate with esme during their courtship but she chalked it up to nerves . after all , it was almost an arranged marriage so esme figured he would warm up .
charles began abusing esme almost immediately after they were married . esme for her part tried her best to be a "good wife" as she had been taught by her mother . but nothing she did could curb the man's anger - which got noticeably worse every time he had a drink . scared he would come after her family & growing up in a society in which divorce was not an option - esme did not let on what was happening behind closed doors . she took to wearing long sleeved dresses & staying indoors more .
it didn't take long until esme was a shadow of her former self . her parents noticed but every time they asked questions charles would speak for her . she was stressed because they had not yet had a child , she was so worn down looking because she worked so hard to make sure the house was put together . she was just growing up , there was no need to worry .
when charles left for the war - esme started to come back to herself . and she started to realize that this was not the life she wanted . but , she did not know where to go . her parents would be scandalized if she came home & she did not put it past charles from dragging her back home when he returned . so , she stayed & the abuse continued as soon as he returned . this time it was worse as he suffered from trauma after what he had seen .
it was less than six months later that esme realized she was pregnant . despite who the father was , esme was overjoyed . she had always wanted children - and many of them at that - and this seemed an answer to her prayers . after telling charles he seemed to change . he stopped drinking for a time and became the loving man she had thought he would become when they first got together . esme started to believe that the family of her dreams was not out of reach .
as per usual in relationships such as these - the peace did not last . in fact it didn't last more than two weeks . it was then that esme realized that he would never stop & he certainly wouldn't have qualms about hurting their child . so while charles was at a bar one evening she packed her meager belongings , stole his cash fund , and ran .
she had to move three times before she finally found a stable environment . she posed as a war widow under the name estee solomon & became a school teacher . she loved her life & felt things would finally turn around . she often wished she could write home to her parents - she did not know what the story back home was about her disappearance or if they even knew she was alive - but she refrained out of fear charles would somehow find her again . her son's safety was worth more than the family she missed .
the day esme welcomed her son , fondly named william after her father , was the best day of her entire life . she cooed over his curls & kissed his face all over . she lived and breathed for her child .
the boy fell sick soon and esme was frantic in her attempts to try & find a cure . lung fever the doctors said , there was nothing they could do . so she sat helplessly as she watched the life fade from her perfect child .
the grief hit hard and fast after she buried her son . esme did not see a way out of her endless suffering . life had been cruel to her at every turn & she had left everything & everyone behind for her son's safety - only to lose him two days after birth . she stopped showing up to work or answering the door to well - wishing friends & neighbors . she was a ghost , a shell and she did not feel she had anything left to live for .
she remembers the day she decided to jump off a cliff at her favorite beach well even after she transforms . she remembers it was raining lightly & she had a brief thought that if there was any sun she may have made a different choice . although , perhaps it would not have mattered either way . she did not think of anything else when she jumped - waiting only for blissful darkness & peace .
she did not expect to reawaken .
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