#cause idk if i wanna do the same approach i did for the ozlice one where i pinpoint a specific scene/momentm
cheekbites-moved · 3 years
i just think gilbert is a really good character. like he’s got all this trauma and he just. doesn’t know how to deal with it (& he also just straight up doesn’t want to learn) so he represses it and doesn’t really act like he’s totally fine with nothing wrong. but he doesn’t acknowledge how actually not fine he is. and he is also just very soft and he cares about his loved ones so much. all his angry, more “dark” moments are founded on his loved ones being in danger, or getting hurt. and he’s just a very well-written character. he’s also just very well designed. both in a gay manner, but also in general. his coat and his hair are neat, and he looks like a soft dork. which is fitting bc he is. so anyway in this essay i will-
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