#i just wuv him like so much & i wish i appreciated him more when i was younger cause my affection for him has only grown
cheekbites-moved · 3 years
i just think gilbert is a really good character. like he’s got all this trauma and he just. doesn’t know how to deal with it (& he also just straight up doesn’t want to learn) so he represses it and doesn’t really act like he’s totally fine with nothing wrong. but he doesn’t acknowledge how actually not fine he is. and he is also just very soft and he cares about his loved ones so much. all his angry, more “dark” moments are founded on his loved ones being in danger, or getting hurt. and he’s just a very well-written character. he’s also just very well designed. both in a gay manner, but also in general. his coat and his hair are neat, and he looks like a soft dork. which is fitting bc he is. so anyway in this essay i will-
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Humming to himself, Crowley dusted the rich dark cocoa powder into the soft white flour, and reached for his trusty wooden spoon. Blending ingredients in a mixer tended to create a smoother batter, but Crowley enjoyed the feel of the spoon in his hand, the sound it made scraping the bottom of the bowl, the hands-on experience of turning flour and sugar and eggs into cake.
When the dry ingredients were properly combined, he made a well in the center and carefully poured in the buttermilk, eggs, butter and vanilla. Instead of the usual red food coloring, Crowley added in fresh beet puree – just enough to give the cake a velvety ruby hue. The rich cocoa would cover the hint of earth with a delicate chocolate flavor. The mixture was then evening distributed between three pans and scooched into the oven.
While the cakes baked, he set to work on the frosting. The softened cream cheese and unsalted butter whipped together beautifully. He settled on using far less powdered sugar than the recipe called for, wanting the tangy sweetness of the cream cheese to accent the cake all on its own.
“Would have asked about any preferences in decoration,” Crowley muttered to himself as he applied the crumb coating to the cake, once it was done baking and properly cooled, “but that would have tipped my hand.” Simple yet elegant seemed appropriate. After applying a thick final layer of cream cheese frosting, Crowley piped fluffy buttercream swirls along the rim of the red velvet cake. A soft pile of crumbled extra cake crowned the top, and he tossed more along the side to create a dusting effect.
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There was nothing left now except to take the photo.
Which, as fate would have it, turned out to be the difficult part.
He positioned the cake on the kitchen table, and snapped a few photos. Crowley hmmmed to himself.  It wasn’t quite up to his standard of food porn. Perhaps he’d take a few more, just to be on the safe side. Until one was suitably flattering. He was still adjusting the cake, playing with the proper angle and lighting for the perfect shot, when Sam and Dean strolled into the kitchen.
For a moment, they lingered at a respectful distance. But Crowley could sense their curiosity like a gathering storm of rose petals, soft yet burdensome.
“Can I help you two with something?”
Disbelief and delight were tugging a one-sided smile out of Sam. “Is – is that for Valentine’s Day?”
Valentine’s Day? Crowley narrowed his eyes at the elegant dessert. Bloody hell, the cake was red and white, wasn’t it? He hadn’t considered that when a bit of carefully applied questioning had disclosed the recipient’s cake preferences.
Crowley mulled the situation over. He couldn’t answer in the affirmative. That would mean he had intentionally crafted the cake as a celebration of gushy hearts and the sweet delirium of – internally, Crowley cringed – love. But he also couldn’t reply with a defensive and definitive “no”. That would only open him up to further, unwelcome inquiry.
He settled for the more characteristically dismissive third option.
“It’s Valentine’s Day?” Crowley steadfastly went back to attempting to capture the perfect photo with his phone. “I don’t bother myself keeping track of that sort of thing.”
Dean eyed the demon knowingly. “Yeah, well, our Netflix recommendations would say otherwise.”
Crowley glowered at the hunter.
“Whatever the occasion,” Sam offered up as his brother idled over to the cake, “that’s professional-grade baking. You’ve got a real talent. The frosting, the whole look? Seriously, I’m impressed.”
The arrow of this flannelled cupid hit its mark. Crowley felt a slight blush of pleasure, despite himself. Casual, unsolicited praise? From Sam Winchester? He seriously contemplated the possibility that Sam had been exposed to some sort of low-grade, poorly-concocted love spell that had bloomed into amiability, or maybe it had been released as a pink mist in the bunker’s common room, and Crowley had unknowingly avoided the worst of it. That seemed like the sort of malarkey that would happen around here on what, apparently, was Valentine’s Day.
Because Crowley found himself saying, “Thank you, Sam,” with actual sincerity. Moments such as these reminded Crowley that he was rather fond of these two boys, after all.
That was the moment Dean ran his finger along the edge of the cake, carrying off a large dollop of frosting from one side. The whole cake just looked so enticing! Dean was more of a pie man himself, but Crowley’s culinary expertise had the tendency to tempt him in surprising ways.
He was halfway to lifting the frosting-festooned finger to his mouth when he caught sight of the expression on Crowley’s face. Sam’s own face was a rotting lemon. Dean’s hand stilled, mouth still open.
“Um,” he muttered.
Dean looked at the offending finger, uncertain of what to do next. He started to put the frosting back where it belonged, thought better of it, looked for a napkin, and reluctantly settled for ashamedly completing the crime by depositing the frosting in his mouth.
Which was a mistake. Because now he knew the cake was friggin’ delicious, and Dean seriously wondered if maybe Crowley could manage his little photo shoot even if there was a slice of the cake missing.
As if he could read his brother’s mind, Sam shook his head in the most supreme disappointment. “Dean.”
“What?! Sorry!”
Reminding himself that murdering one Winchester brother would only end with him being ganked by the other one – though there were certainly times it seemed worth it – Crowley took a deep inhalation, and let it go. Cakes were ultimately meant to be eaten, even if it was by inconsiderate louts and lumberjacks.
“I’ll accept your apology, if you cut everyone else a slice before digging in yourself. I’m sure one of the photos I took before your little indiscretion will suffice.”
“Alright! Cake!” Dean cheered, while Sam just closed his eyes.
Crowley thumbed through the multitude of pictures he’d taken, and settled on the most appealing of the lot. Then he opened up his Bumblr app, and made a new post:
@petrichoravellichor – in honor of your birthday today. Heard from a mutual that you have a particular fondness for red velvet cake. Hope it’s to your liking. – C
He sent the message and image off with a satisfied smile, then set about getting plates and forks, as this cake was obviously not going to survive the interest of the Winchester brothers much longer.
As Crowley was pulling plates out of the cupboard and Dean was cutting into the cake, Castiel wandered into the kitchen, attention entirely given over to his phone. The angel had graduated from texting and emojis to social media and memes, and sometimes he could be found scrolling through Twitter and Instagram with a rapt fascination that would out-fixate even the most plugged-in FOMO-obsessed teenager. There was a chiming sound as he entered the kitchen, as notification of a new post.
“Dude,” Dean was grinning from ear to ear, “Crowley made cake!” He pointed with delight at the dessert.
Cas looked up from his phone, saw the cake, and halted in the middle of the kitchen. He narrowed his eyes, examining the red velvet cake on the table in front of him. Then he looked back down at his phone in consternation. Cas looked at the cake again. Looked back at his phone, and then slowly, he looked at Crowley.
The demon looked from the angel to the cake, his eyes increasing in size as realization dawned.
“Is that – ?”
“Don’t you say one bloody word, angel!” Crowley blustered, a rush of red to his face further colored by the mortification of such abject exposure. “Not one word!”
And before anyone could say anything else, Crowley shoveled a huge slice of not-at-all birthday cake onto a plate, shoved it into Cas’ hand, and quickly excused himself from the kitchen.
“What,” Sam wondered to the startled room, “was that all about?”
Cas continued to stand in the middle of the room, cake in one hand and phone in the other, attempting to come to terms with having inadvertently discovered a fandom mutual was also a real-life friend, and the one he would have least expected. Unsettled, he took comfort in the certainty their shared mutual would appreciate the well wishes on their birthday.
Dean shrugged, merrily flipped the serving knife in his hand, then waved the tip at his brother. “That’s Crowley for you,” he observed, good mood undeterred. “Dude would cut out his own heart and blend it to make red cake batter before admitting to it, but deep down, he’s just a big ol’ teddy bear who wuvs hugs. Speaking of which – you see that giant pink moose Eileen sent you? Friggin’ adorable.”
Dean proceeded to cut a huge slice for himself, leaving a worried looking Sam staring down at the blood-red cake. Then the hunter stepped around a disconcerted Castiel, patting the angel on the shoulder, and strolled out of the kitchen.
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Happy birthday, Petra! I’m sure you’re tired of your birthday comingling with Valentine’s Day, but when you said your cake preference was red velvet cake, what was I to do? ;)
If you’re wondering exactly why – or even how – Crowley became a member of the in-world spn fandom, you can find out here. This fic will be posted on AO3 in my Tumblr Ficlets after posting on Tumblr.
Image sources here: X
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mochikeiji · 4 years
Sunshine. [Hinata Shoyo]
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Genre: Super Fluffy!!!
Pairing: Hinata Shoyo x Reader
a/n: aaahh, happy birthday baby tangerine 🍊!!! Wuv u so much (-^〇^-)
One of the most captivating sights to be witnessed by your own eyes. The warmth emmiting from its rays can be felt to your skin, it was pleasant to let it shower you with its kisses soft kisses to get your days started.
It was like once it comes above, suddenly every thing would seem to be in color. Not exaggerating it, but as if the world was colorful in a deeper meaning. Everything seemed to have meaning, the tingle of happiness slowly raising inaide you in sync with the biggedt star from above. You can hear the delightful chirps of the birds— singing a happy song to welcome its arrival. The plants growing from its light, as if it was giving them a smile on their faces.
All these felt oh so familiar with your beloved tangerine lover.
You could only giggle at the sight of hus messy self, drowning in the bowl of meal you had prepared for him. It was early in the morning when you decided to get up once and make the two of you some goodies. He adored your cooking since you were in highschool back then. From just simple eggs and rice balls to a five star chef, he claims. Hinata loved and appreciated every thing you've done for him in the past until now.
Who's to say you were more grateful when you had him in your life?
People used to doubt your relationship with him as first years. He was gullible, reckless, he was the definition of chaos to everyone who has encountered him. They fear you'll end up expecting too much from the boy and you'll lead yourself on. Now who are they to say such things after having almost 4 years and still growing stronger with him? Priceless, that was all written in their faces upon knowing you two were living in the same apartment during college. You managed to have the man-child wrap around your fingers so easily, when it was you who had your heart protectively embraced and cared for in his arms.
He was far from just being the child everyone has come to love. He was always so bright. Not because of his hair, but his personality, the way he delivers such aura and presence. He was too bright to be looked at with a naked eye.
Hinata would often laugh at how you describe him, but it wasn't because he was making fun of you. No, he'd never do that. He was just so flustered that a surreal beauty like you could ever say such improbable words to a normal average guy like him.
Palms would always softly pat his cheek as a slap. You wouldn't hit him hard, just simply pat. But you would look at him with a firm look and a small frown graced on your lips. He's had those lines memorized by now whenever you would do that.
"You're so much more than words can describe."
How you wish you could let him have your eyes and mind sometimes. Then maybe he'd see and feel how you do for him. It was true that there was no match of words or compliments to describe how breathtaking he was. It always left you dumbfounded. All of his failures were still like his successes, and all of his successes were like a solar eclipse; you cannot look at it but you know its there. And it might've been too much if you could really see it. But darling, you were in front row seat of all of his adventures.
Forgetting your own meal that was now laid cold on the plate, the sunrise had already been rising from the window behind your lover as he was nearing to the end of finishing his meal. Perplexed on why your orbs began to form liquid from within, you began to wonder once more,
"How is he so...So him?"
It was a stupid, out of the context thought. But to you it had so much meaning. He looked so beautiful now that the rays of soft light was kissing the prominent features. Unconsciously taking in a deep breath. You couldn't breathe all of a sudden as all wonderful things and gifts from the unknown— all memories, has brought you to this point where you were with him. Where you will be, unknowest by you, soon to be at the road of forever with him.
His warm hand placed above yours, "Are you okay?" you really hadn't noticed the tears that had formed once you blinked them away, letting them softly trail down to your face. Hinata panicked for a moment and began rambling. All of his habits seem to have stuck with him, but that's what makes him more himself. He was so lost when you laughed, were you really okay or did you just lack sleep?
Wiping the excess tears away, he watched both visibly concern yet bewildered. He couldn't say you looked absolutely stunning every morning, not when you're crying. But you were smiling with your face highlighted by the warm rays, and he was letting this sight burn in his head, forever engraved.
After wiping off all the dramatic dampness from your face, you leaned in forward and placed a small, quick kiss on his cheek. He squeaked, his mouth falling into shock with a small blush blooming on his features as you settled back into your seat.
If there was anything you would describe the view now, was that he definitely was brighter than the sun could ever muster. And he was more than just beautiful to look at that anything else.
"Happy birthday, Sho. I love you so much. No words or actions could ever describe."
You saw the way his eyes twinkled at your small speech of love for him. Sometimes you would want to look away from him. He was too bright it began to hurt loving him to much. But whenever you let your eyes go blind, it was so damn worth it as long as it was your ball of sunshine.
He flashed his childlike smile, in that moment the two of you began to fall in love again, harder. And that was the reason how you two managed to prove so many wrong.
"I love you too, (Y/n). I can't wait to spend the day with you!"
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YGO Questionnaire Part 2 Electric Boogaloo
So, my gf/bf @howaboutalittlehelpneos tagged me to do this again a... good long while ago, and I had wanted to wait until I'd finished my GX rewatch before trying this again. But ouch oof I accidentally also got through all of 5Ds again before getting to this lol
But the 5Ds rewatch definitely reshaped a lot of my thoughts, so... cracks knuckles. This won't be spoiler free, fair warning~
Favorite Series: ugh the formatting killed my original essay on this but okay GX and 5Ds are pretty tied in my book, now-- I love them equally, but in different ways! GX fulfills my love for subversive coming-of-age stories with a heartwarming, humorous, and also soulcrushing touch, and I love how each season brings a new story and new characters-- it's like reading installments of a novel series, and I think the formatting works wonders for it as a whole. It has some absolutely phenomenal character writing, too-- even the characters I dislike are ones I can appreciate for what they introduce to the story! And honestly, not enough people give the first two seasons of GX the credit it deserves: they're half the charm, really. How are you going to feel the full impact of the heartbreaking content in seasons 3 and 4 if you aren't properly attached to the characters?
But on 5Ds's side of things... it fulfills my love for stories with time loops, found family, human nature, and of course, love and death and how they intertwine. I love how the leading characters are just a bunch of broken kids from broken circumstances who all find a home with each other, and of course, how it highlights class disparity and how fucked up the prison/"justice" systems are. Yea, sure, maybe it underwent executive meddling and all, but I genuinely love it for what it is and I wish more people appreciated it... my only problem with 5Ds is the untwist with Z-ONE and then the ending s m h I adore it overall and I could go off for a long while on it. Overall, these are my two instinctive recommendations for anyone getting into Yugioh!
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(look at these boys they're so important) Favorite Protagonist: Oh, believe me, absolutely nothing has changed here-- Yusei Fudo is and always will be my favorite protagonist, and my rewatch only solidified that.
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I just... love him so much? He's seen so much hell in his life and carries so much guilt on his shoulders, but he still has room in his heart to believe in others and to believe that anyone can defy fate and find hope even at rock bottom. I love that he's initially introduced as this quiet, brooding figure when he really just turns out to be a huge softie who wears his heart on his sleeve half the time and wants to bring about change for Satellite and its people. Plus I just really love that his greatest flaw is something that would ordinarily be a positive trait-- he's Overly self-sacrificial, to the point where he's basically setting himself on fire to keep others warm, and that's not really framed as something Heroic
Just... he makes me so happy. I have two Yusei charms that I ordinarily keep on my keys (one was a gift from Zenzen) and they're a constant source of serotonin for me. He's Peak comfort character for me. Best protag in my book Favorite Rival: Same deal here-- still Manjoume!
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look at him he's so important
While he spends a lot of the anime getting the good old damsel in distress treatment (getting suckered into a cult, getting knocked into a coma, becoming a zombie, getting fucking Killed, etc), I still think his character arc is really well-written overall and I only appreciated it even more when I watched GX again. I love the fact that he's got a soft heart he buries beneath the edgy facade, and that he's simultaneously really sharp and also kind of dense lol. He's just a fun character and watching how he evolves from episode one to episode one hundred eighty is such a satisfying journey.
Plus, props to him for being such a versatile duelist-- 50 wins in a row is HARD as is, let alone with a deck full of cards he just found laying around in the Arctic. Three ace monsters, three different archetypes... he's a really good duelist and I'm proud of him for it
Oh, but honestly, I don't really dislike any of the rivals-- I'm neutral towards Revolver and Reiji, but the remaining four (Kaiba, Manjoume, Jack, and Shark) compel me. yes I accidentally wound up liking Jack Atlas shhh Favorite BFF: Honestly, I really like most of the characters who fit this archetype-- Joey, Crow, Gongenzaka, Soulburner... I still lean a little bit more towards Joey, but I really appreciate all four of them. I'm gonna say Joey again, just because I find his evolution as a character the most compelling, but I appreciate the other three a lot. Soulburner has the best design though Favorite GFF: Oh absolutely still Aki, but I honestly... really love most female Yugioh characters? I'm assuming this is lead girls only, but like. I'm dumb and gay and I love Girls so this is naturally the most difficult one for me to answer lol
Aki just resonates with me the most because she's the prime example of how trauma doesn't always manifest in palatable ways-- when we first meet her, she's angry and lashes out at anyone and anything just because she wants the world to suffer in the same ways she's suffered, and then... we get to watch her grow from that, once she's free from Divine and able to heal the way she needs to heal. I know the second half of 5Ds didn't give her character the attention it deserved, but I'm still proud of her for winding up on the path she did-- seeing her channel her power and energy into wanting to heal and help others was just so good and was one of the few things I really Loved about the 5Ds ending.
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oh, but like. Asuka Tenjoin and Aoi Zaizen are very close seconds for me!!! Aki just has a vice grip on my heart Favorite Villain: Okay, it's still technically Vector-- I think he's the most entertaining, well-written, and effective villain out of all of the ones we've seen so far, but... I also want to add Takuma Saiou and then all of Yliaster as honorable mentions?
As someone fond of tarot myself, I was naturally pretty intrigued by Saiou the first time I watched GX, but my attachment to him only grew the second time around where I actually got the chance to understand his character better. Plus, like... the visuals with him are fucking astounding and he's always so interesting to watch.
As for Yliaster, I just... really love how the big bad of 5Ds turned out to just essentially be a broken man desperate to save anyone and anything and three robotic reconstructions of the friends he'd lost. I still think the untwist with Z-ONE was stupid and I much prefer the idea of him and Yusei being the same person, but I'm still compelled by the other three-- well. Paradox less so, because we don't get a lot of Paradox lore, but. Aporia and Antinomy for sure.
ugh Yugioh has some damn good villains
Favorite Card: now that I actually play the TCG game...
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Stardust is always going to be my favorite of all cards because it checks every box for me (my favorite YGO character's ace monster, space theme, what more could I want), but Aromaseraphy Rosemary has really become one of my aces in my best TCG deck! I'm still mastering irl plays, but I'm happy with my progress and I love my plant gang...
Favorite Episode: alright, here's where there's actually been a Lot of change, so...
Season 0: Episode 16: "Turnabout by a Hair's Breadth - The White-Robed Crisis" -- The more I think about this one, the more I love it; there's a... lot of corruption in the medical industry, and I've seen a lot of it firsthand, so just. Seeing a corrupt doctor get what he deserved at the end was cathartic, in a way? Plus, a Jounouchi-centric episode is always a good time.
Duel Monsters: Episodes 96-97: "Darkness vs. Darkness/One Turn Kill" -- this hasn't changed, I still love seeing Marik and Bakura bitch at each other for two whole episodes LMAO
GX: Episode 152: "Activate Super-Fusion! Rainbow Neos" -- This one hasn't changed and it likely never will-- I take so much pride in seeing Judai push forward, past the fear and guilt he's carrying, all to save Johan... it's cathartic and I never get sick of watching it.
5Ds: sweats. still all of Crash Town, but also episodes 137-147-- the Ark Cradle is one of my favorite parts of 5Ds and one of my favorite YGO arcs period, and even though each duel is a fucking gut punch, I love the emotional intensity and weight in each episode... It hurts but in a mostly good way
Zexal: Episode 143: "The Aloof Duelist 'Nasch': The Destined Final Duel" -- this one hasn't changed! Still hurts, still love it, I still weep over Ryouga Shark Kamishiro on a daily basis
Arc-V: Episodes 81-82: "Our Respective Battlefields/The Ultimate Falcon VS The Black-Feathered Thunder" -- Okay, honestly, this was hard because I... genuinely. really don't like Arc-V very much at all lol (it's just not my cup of tea, but more power to those who do like it!), but I thought this duel was a lot of fun! Shun is my absolute favorite from Arc-V and I really like the friendship he struck up with Crow a lot, so here we are
VRAINS (so far): Episode 25-26: "Virus Deck Operation/Three Draws Leading to Hope" -- honestly I am so biased because I just really love Blue Angel and I loved seeing her get a well-deserved victory like this lol. I'm not done with VRAINS, so this is probably gonna change, but anytime Blue Angel or Soulburner are on screen, I'm happy
Favorite Decks to Use: Aromages will always have my heart, but I adore Cyber Angels too! I'm building my Trickstar deck, my Synchron/Stardust deck (just waiting on Dawn of Majesty...), and my Magician Girls deck, too! Fusion, Ritual, Synchro, XYZ, Pendulum, or Link?: Synchros my beloved... but also Ritual Years in fandom: I've been here for just a little over one year now! and I wuv it... I'm never looking back Who am I tagging: no one I'm too shy
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queenmuzz · 4 years
Deep Blue Sea: Chapter IX
Lost in Translation
Read the full story on Ao3 HERE
You stood there, sweating half to death, as the priest droned on and on about “Mawage and Twoo Wuv” (he had a very noticeable lisp). You were stuffed into a corset that was much too tight, much too revealing, and your arms were itching from the taffeta. It was awkward and tedious, and you'd rather be anywhere else but here.
Fredrick stood in front of you, oblivious to your discomfort, beaming brightly, and for this reason alone you hadn't just picked up your floofy skirt and walked out.
“If anywon has any Owbjections to this union of man an wife, speak now, ow fowevew hold youw peace” The priest spoke out, and a moment of silence passed over the crowd.
In the distance, the sound of what seemed like barking dogs got louder, and louder..but they sounded odd.
arf! Arf! ARF! ARF!
And then the heavy oak church doors burst open, revealing two massive sea lions, their entrance causing the congregation to scatter. Seagulls followed, squawking noisily. It was complete chaos.
In the centre of the storm, being pulled by the two sea lions, was a wagon with a large fish aquarium. It looked as if Cinderella's fairy godmother had drunk a little too much gin and tonic when granting her wish.
There, seated up to his waist in sloshing water, was Vergil, as handsome as ever, lounging back as if he was King of the Ocean, and looking very dapper with his blue bow-tie that matched his scales. On his wrists were matching cuffs, which on any other man, would look like a knock off Chippendale's dancer, but just added to his good looks.
The pinnipeds made their way to the steps leading up to the altar and stopped. Vergil, calmly and with great conviction spoke loud enough for the priest and the wedding party to hear.
“I object”
“Now listen here,” Fredrick's father, red with fury attempted to say something, but Vergil shot him a glare that could have cut diamonds. The man turned pale, and stepped back, hiding behind his wife. (she was wearing a garish fox stole over a white dress)
Vergil's glare vanished when he saw your face, “Please, my love.... will you choose me instead?”
You needed no other persuasion, as you launched yourself at the man, for a passionate kiss. Vaguely, you could hear your mother shriek “THE DRESS!” but you couldn't care less as you leapt into the tank with him, and with a sound that reminded you of a dolphin click, Vergil commanded the lumbering beasts to turn around and pull the wagon out of the church, leaving the congregation flummoxed at what just happened.
You, on the other hand, were the happiest woman alive......
You awoke, your eyes wide in the early morning darkness.  You could still feel the pressure/pain of the corset squeezing your ribs, despite the fact you were wearing dry, loose fluffy pj’s.  The sickening sweet smell of lilacs still lingered in your nose. It had been so realistic...but it had all been a dream.
So, why did you feel so disappointed?   That the wedding was still going ahead as planned? Or…
You looked over to the surface of the water, almost as smooth as glass, reflecting the dawn sky, purples, pinks and oranges giving the water the appearance of being made of flame.  And at the edge of the inferno, his head resting in crossed arms on the platform, was Vergil, softly dozing. He must have been asleep for some time, as his hair was dry and swept back, aside from a few unruly strands that fell over his face in defiance.  His face looked calm, almost peaceful, and you idly wondered if that was how he truly was in the wild. The more you admired this side of him, the more you…
Oh no…
You loved him.
The realization hit you like a tidal wave, threatening to pull you down into an endless vortex of emotions, both good and bad.
With Fredrick, you felt like you were separated emotionally by a pane of thick glass that could never be shattered.  He’d listen to your problems, but everything was just a credit card swipe, or a written check away from being solved in his mind.  He respected you as a person, but as a partner? Never.
Contrast this to Vergil, who while most of the time, was literally separated from you by a pane of glass, had gotten closer to you than anyone ever had.  You’d laughed with him, discussed human and merfolk culture, tried foods, and built up a closer bond with him, closer than only a few other people including Fredrick .  And now, you were growing feelings for him.
Which led to the turmoil.  You knew there were several roadblocks to your feelings.  First was the fact that you were human, and he was a merman.  Despite the fairy tails, something like him turning into a human was an impossibility (and the fact there was no way in hell Vergil would ever want to).
And you were certain that he would never reciprocate your feelings.  He might be cordial, even friendly with you, but the fact was: he was your prisoner.  Anything he would feel would be tainted by the fact that he could never escape, despite him denying your requests to free him every morning.  (You still didn’t know why he said no, but you remember Doctor Griffon had something called a ‘leash’, did it have anything to do with that?)
This wasn’t right.  You shouldn’t feel this way.  You were practically a married woman, only a month and a half to go.  Fredrick would be home soon, and the final preparations were already in progress.  You couldn’t hurt your fiance like this, you couldn’t hurt yourself, and you certainly couldn’t hurt Vergil.
So, you made up your mind, you needed to set him free.  But if he kept saying no…. Well, you’d find a way to convince him, or find a way to get him home.  That way, he’d be happy and free.
Even if it broke your heart….
A slight splash took you out of your morose thoughts to see the still sleepy, yet piercing grey eyes watching you curiously.  His head was cocked to the side, and for a brief moment you panicked, terrified that mind reading was another merfolk ability.  But you needn't have worried, as he gave you a small smile.
“Did you sleep well?” he asked, and you faked a smile, masking everything you felt at the moment.
“Never better” It wasn’t a lie.   Even after the emotional rollercoaster you had been on yesterday, and the most awkward dream (you were pretty sure merfolk couldn’t command sea life), you felt more refreshed than you had in months.  You looked up at the skylight, still flooding the room with burnished bronze.
“I don’t usually wake up at the crack of dawn, it feels weird,” you stretched and yawned.  You got up to make some breakfast, (bacon did sound delish right now), but his hand gripped your forearm, causing you to freeze.  Oh god, merely his touch, which once had been easily brushed off, now had the ability to stop you dead in your tracks.
“I... “ he asked, attempting to put words into a sentence, “I haven’t seen the Dawnfather rise in a very long time, not since my capture,”  your chest caved in at that realization. He’d spent most likely a year or more trapped indoors, and the fact that he hadn’t gone insane was a miracle in itself.  A lightbulb went off in your head. Perhaps, even if he declined your offer of freedom, there might be a way.
“Hey Vergil,” you asked hesitatingly, unsure if he'd get offended, “I have an idea…. I, uh… how averse you are to be being carried?”
A few minutes later, you and him were sitting on your back patio, with him wrapped in a wet towel.  Surprisingly, despite his size he wasn’t too heavy to lift, and other than him being a bit slippery, you’d managed to carry him as if he was a fishy bride out of the house, and into the fresh air.  All nervousness you had about him being insulted at being carried around like a prized tuna vanished as he let the first rays of sun hit his face. His eyes closed, his breathing stopped to nearly nothing, and for a moment, you’d thought he’d fallen asleep, but then… he smiled. It was soft, gentle, and absolutely genuine.
“It has been far too long,” he murmured.  To himself, or you, you had no idea. It just made you feel so happy to see him look so content.  You let him sit in the late dawn light in silence for a few minutes, just soaking in the natural light and air, fearing that reminding him of your presence would shatter the moment of calm.  While he’d smiled at you before, this was unlike anything he’d done before. Was he like this in real life, out of captivity? Or was it just the reaction to being outside his little prison for once?  
“I… I can bring you out more often, now that the weather is much better,” you stammered, “Or if you’d like I could just let you go back home…” the sentence hung in the air, lingering for a moment, before being blown away.
“While I appreciate the offer, I must still decline,” his smile did not abate as he looked at you, but there was something different about it, some sort of sadness?  What was he hiding?
A robin chirped and landed a few metres away from the patio, pecking at the dewy soil, before breaking out into a song, as it’s mate came down to join it.  Vergil watched in fascination as the two of them hopped and sang to each other, in a cute ritual of courtship.  
“Do all birds do this?” he queried, “we do not see them very often on the open ocean, they’re usually either feeding or en route to a new location.  Their cries are not as musical, or perhaps they do not sing while on the wing.”
“Not all, some use their plumage to attract their mate, some do dances, some sing, and some do all three” you explained, watching as the birds flew off in tandem, before disappearing into the branches of a nearby spruce tree.  You closed your eyes, enjoying the first rays of sun, and listened to the distant chirping and song. For once, there was no wedding preparation, no business deals, just you, nature….and your feelings for the man beside you. You attempted to shove those intrusive thoughts back into the deep recesses of your mind, including the latter.  ESPECIALLY the latter.
A beautiful melodious sound seeped into your ears, one that confused you.  No bird that you knew of had that crystal clear tenor song. Perhaps you were just imagining it?  You slowly opened your eyes, worried that it would be carried away like a dream upon waking. In the clear sunlight you saw what it was coming from, and you were entranced.  Not a bird, nor the wind, nor a tune coming from your cell phone.
It was Vergil. Singing.
Isil shem’ore
Isil lin’ore
Mira pharar, mira ofar, mira kanar,
D’rashana karif’ore
Isil dilshonin sa oplalim
Sa kintal o sa polim
Sa racarto shipal o sa whelik
Nekalin parand’ore fa pishim
Ah, mira sifa, mira sifa
Winik fa pishim lin’more.
His eyes remained closed as he finished the haunting melody, leaving everything else seeming muted and drab in comparison.  You let the silence linger for a few moments, hoping against hope that perhaps he would go into another verse. And also because you had to take a minute to keep the tears from flowing.  You didn’t want to give him the wrong opinion of why you were crying.
“That was…. beautiful,” you slowly spoke, just above a whisper, as you quickly wiped your eyes.  Vergil smiled at you, just like he had when he had taken his first breath of fresh air, and you felt yourself heat up, and you hoped it was because of the intensifying sunbeams.  “That was Old Mer, right? Do you mind giving me a rough translation of it?”
He cocked his head and averted his eyes, and for a brief moment you thought you had overstepped your bounds.  “It’s… an ode to the rising of the Dawnfather, a celebratory song.” “You know,” you joked, “we have legends of the alluring sound of merfolk, whose entrancing songs would lure ships to their doom.  I guess there’s a kernel of truth in that.”
“Well, we never wished to draw attention to ourselves” he explained, “but when you humans are spending multiple cycles alone on your ships, I suppose any source of singing could be considered captivating”
You laughed of the mental image of some poor godforsaken sailors being lured in by a bunch of mermen singing the equivalent of a raunchy ballad. “Well, it’s absolutely gorgeous, would you mind singing it again?  I mean,” catching yourself, “if it isn’t against your customs or anything.”
He chuckled, and closed his eyes, and with that, began singing again, just as beautiful as before.  The only thing that worried you was that he was turning a bit red. You hoped that his stay indoors for such a long time wouldn’t cause him to sunburn.
So, for the next few weeks, you’d added a new habit to your morning routine.  You’d wake up earlier every morning, wrap him up in a wet towel and carry him to the back patio to soak up the sunshine.  Occasionally, you’d cook up some breakfast to bring out to him, sometimes you’d just sit out and enjoy the mid spring air.  And every so often, he’d start singing. Sometimes that song, sometimes others, but they were all beautiful. You really liked those times.  You tried to bottle those feelings you had for him, but you couldn’t help it, his smile and singing would reel you back into admiring him.
But not today.  You awoke to a deafening bang, and as you sluggishly panicked for a few moments, thinking an accident happened, before a flash of light from outside made you realize there was no issue, it was merely a thunderstorm.
You padded out, cheap instant coffee in a mug (despite your father’s insistence that you could afford better, your fellow college students had introduced you to your addiction) to the platform to see Vergil already primed and ready to go outside.  There was electricity in the air, and not from the storm.
“Sorry, looks like the weather’s not great for our usual get together.” you apologized, but his eyes seemed different, eager.
“I don’t mind storms, in fact, I enjoy them very much” he replied, “If you are not against the idea, I would like to experience it first hand.”
So, you sat there, soaked to the skin within a few minutes as the rain poured down.  You didn’t mind, especially when you saw the look on his face as the rain and wind hit him.  With the sun, he had seemed the very picture of contentment. But with the storm, he looked practically ecstatic.  There would be no singing today, especially with the howling of the wind and the roaring of the thunder drowning out everything, but you were willing to put your selfish desires away to watch him truly enjoy himself.
“It’s nice to have someone to enjoy the storm with,” you spoke, “my mother was always terrified of the things, father was always too busy, and my friends thought I was crazy to go outside during times like this.”
“I have always enjoyed storms, the sharp divide between the calm of the ocean, and the chaos when one breaks through the surface”  he responded, a nostalgic smile on his face, “my brother and I would enjoy these times as finlings, seeing who could stay above the surface the longest before being swamped by waves.”
“Your brother?”  you stiffened at the revelation.  In all the months you’d known Vergil, he’d never divulged anything about his family.  You’d never asked, letting him have as much privacy as you could give him, but you’d always wondered.  If there were family members, perhaps you could contact them, to find a way to free him safely.
“Yes,” his smile faded, “had you told me that I would miss his annoying presence, I would have said you had been playing with the pufferfish for far too long.  But now…”
“You had a falling out?” you probed gently.
“I suppose that would be putting it lightly,” he grimly explained, “you would have liked him, he was much more friendly with humanity than I ever was, even after….”
“Vergil, you don’t have to tell me anything, if you don’t feel comfortable,” you slowly told him, even though you were dying to know about this mysterious family member.
“No,” he replied firmly, his eyes going as hard as the driving rain, “you deserve to know this, after all this time,” and despite being soaked to the bone, and beginning to feel a chill, you focused intently on him.
“I resided with my brother, and my mother and father, most of the time to the north, where there were once innumerable fish.  A few seasons ago,” he paused, refusing to face you, “a ship with one of those infernal nets that scoured the bottom of the ocean passed through, and despite my parents best efforts to evade it, they both got caught up in it.” he took another deep breath, and you held yours. “By the time my brother and I were able to cut through the ropes, it was too late, both were suffocated by the mass of fish that crushed them.” His hand went out and began to draw on the sole dry part of the wood, sheltered by the awning.  “The ship had an unusual design on its hull, instead of the figure of the merfolk in better times, it was three marks…” he drew them out with his wet finger, three circles, one for each corner of a triangle, a jagged line connecting them. Your heart sank. The official logo of Mundus Inc.   “I was furious, I would have sworn to wipe out every damn ship off the surface of the ocean at that very moment.  But,” he pulled up his fins, hugging them close, “I knew that was impossible, so I decided to destroy every ship that carried that cursed mark.  My brother, Dante, soft hearted as he always was, told me that going on a rampage ‘wouldn’t bring mom and dad back’ as he said, but my anger clouded my judgement, so when he attempted to stop me, we fought.  It was a vicious battle, but in the end, I was victorious.”
“You didn’t...” you asked, horrified.
“No, I did not kill him, I’d already lost my parents, I was not going to destroy my last blood relation. We merely went our separate ways.  Although,” he sighed as the wind and rain began to wind down, “perhaps it would have been better had I lost to him, captivity can be rather humiliating,” he turned to you, his smile returning, “at least it hasn’t been as bad as I had feared.  I met you, after all.”
You flushed at his compliment, and you hoped he didn’t notice.  His disdain for your father, and humanity in general now made perfect sense.  Guilt by association flooded you. The fact he even tolerated you was more than you deserved for what the company you were about to take over had done.  And now to add insult to injury, he was being kept prisoner by the killer of his parents. How he had restrained himself from strangling you these past few months was nothing short of amazing.  The leash….. Perhaps that was the key to it all.  
You shivered, partially out of the thought of how he must have hated you, and partially at how chilly you felt, now that the storm was over.
“Are you cold, Sifa? ” his voice intruded into your despondent thoughts.  You looked up, to see him watching you in what seemed to be concern.
“A little…” you admitted, before the thought of what he said, “Sifa? What does that mean?”
Vergil was taken aback, as if he didn’t realize he spoke the word, before cautiously answering, “It’s an old mer term… it means, ‘human’.  Not in a derogatory term though,” he clarified as you picked him up to bring him back into the warmth of your home, “more of a nickname. You do not mind…?”
“I like it!  It sounds so beautiful!” you exclaimed.  Vergil’s reaction seemed to be one of relief, which was odd.
You came back, dressed in dry clothes, and with some time to think.  Perhaps, there was a way to get Vergil to the freedom that he so desperately craved.
Toweling your hair as Vergil scarfed down a plateful of sardines, you ventured, “Vergil, do you think your brother would want to know how you’re doing?”  
He froze, brows furrowed as he thought hard about it.  “He is fairly easy going, slow to anger, and quick to forgive,” he chuckled mirthlessly “a bit too quickly in my opinion.”
He seemed amenable to the idea of reconciling with his brother, so maybe… “If there was a way to contact him, to let him know you’re still okay, how would I be able to give him the message?”
There was an agonizing period of silence, before Vergil slowly reached for the amulet that was around his neck.  To your astonishment, he took it off and handed it to you, like it was the most precious thing to him.  
“This was a gift from our parents, I was given one, and Dante the other.  It was a way for us, being twins to ‘sense’ each other’s presence. Taking this to the ocean should alert him to me, and if he is amenable to a reconciliation, he will come.”  He looked at you, his gaze hard and fixed. “This information is not to be revealed to anyone aside from him.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it, Vergil, I’m honoured that you trust me enough with this”  and he softened, smiling at you, “I swear to you,” you firmly proclaimed “I’ll keep this secret safe.”
It was the third day you had taken out your personal sailboat out into the bay. The fates could not have aligned better.  The weather was perfect for sailing, the last of the wedding preparations had been completed, and your father was still out on business, leaving you with days of free time.  And due to it being mid week, any nosy pleasurecraft were nowhere to be seen.  
Well, it would have been perfect, if the guest of honour had shown up.  Three days you’d been sailing, looking like Captain Ahab searching for your Moby Dick, except he hadn’t appeared.  You’d spend all morning, docking around noon for a quick lunch and a phone call to Fredrick (He was planning to come home with your father, but business would keep him in Japan until the very last moment, much to your dismay), before heading back out, sailing far enough from the shore to give you some privacy, but close enough to the shallows so that it was safe for your small vessel.
Each day ended the same, with you coming home, looking at Vergil despondantly, shaking your head and handing back the amulet for him to keep for the night.   Your failure seemed to affect him as well, and you could have sworn his tail was losing its newly regained lustre. But he would always seem to be hopeful when he handed it back to you the next morning.
So, this afternoon was no different as you fingered the precious gem around your neck.  It felt wrong to wear it like that, but he had assured you that he didn’t mind, and besides, it would be less likely to get lost.
The only difference was that instead of eating a sandwich, or a smoothie, you had treated yourself, and bought yourself a pizza.  So you sailed around the cove, humming the tune that Vergil had sung for you, attempting to take your mind off the fact that you’d seen neither fin nor gill of his brother.  Part of you worried that perhaps this Dante wasn’t as forgiving as Vergil had said he was, or worse, he’d been captured as well....
You lurched forward, nearly face first into the wheel, as the boat lurched to a stop.  You picked yourself up, attempting to figure out what went wrong. You hadn’t hit anything, as the sudden stop didn’t feel like something blocking the boat, more like something pulling it.  You quickly checked your anchor, assuming that perhaps in your worry, you were unaware that you had set the anchor by accident. But nope, the metal contraption still lay on the stern deck, the chain only mildly disturbed from the sudden stop.
Perhaps kelp?  You closed the box of pizza, before grabbing your jackknife to cut whatever obstruction was holding your boat back.  Heading to the stern, you crouched down to see what the hell was going on. You’d passed this area before, and never had any issues, and yup, even in this shallow water, you couldn’t see much vegetation, let alone anything that could snag your boat.  Taking a deep breath, you plunged your head into the water to get a better look.
Of all the things you were expecting, a pair of eyes, white hair, and brilliant red scales wasn’t what that.  You stared shocked for a few seconds, a few dumbfounded bubbles blurping out of your mouth, before the man’s (who aside from fin colour, looked like a carbon copy of Vergil) hands reached out, and with a vise like grip on your shoulders, yanked you clear off the deck.
You panicked at the sudden submergment and began flailing wildly, but his hands never loosened.
All you could hear, over the stream of terrified bubbles that contained your screams, was a voice echoing through your skull.
Where the Hell is my brother?
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theonceoverthinker · 4 years
“When Will My Life Begin?” (Fair Game)
Summary: Tangled AU. Clover Callows has been confined to a tower for all of his life, and given the threat that his Uncle Tyrian says his semblance poses to his safety, he accepts that fate. It’s the only life he’s ever known, after all. But when he’s offered the opportunity to fulfill his greatest dream after a chance encounter with a thief -- or bandit, as Qrow Branwen insists there’s a difference between the two -- both Clover and Qrow will discover joys that they never knew life could offer them before. AO3
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Hey, everyone! For today’s Tangled AU update, I have another song remix, this time of “Mother Knows Best,” or rather “Uncle Knows Best!” Below are the lyrics and above is me singing them (Not to boast, but I hammed it up this time around singing/acting as Tyrian, so if you need a laugh, buckle yourselves in for something special and campy)! Just a note, I am using the Tangled album’s extended version of this song, so if you’re following along with the movie, you’re going to get an extra verse! Also, if you haven’t, ABSOLUTELY check out the extended version of “Mother Knows Best” from the album because that additional verse is hilarious and guilt trip-y and gives Mother Gothel even more meat to her already meaty character! I’m not sure why it wasn’t in the movie, but I’m glad we have it in some form regardless!
Finally, before I start, I just want to thank you all for reading the fic so far! I appreciate how much you’ve all taken an interest in the story and characters, and I hope you like this remix!
Meet me under the cut for the lyrics!
TYRIAN (SPOKEN):  You want to go outside? Why, Clover...
TYRIAN: Look at you, naive as a newborn Not even close to ready to move on You know why you stay up in this tower
TYRIAN:  That’s right -- to keep you safe and sound, boy I know you think you’re prepared for the world now And you think I’m naggy and a pest You might wish to go astray
TYRIAN: But for me, please stay Uncle knows best Uncle knows best Listen to me, Clover The outside world is best to fear Uncle knows best This tower’s your salvation You won’t find any better than here In the outside world I cannot protect you  From those who want  Your semblance’s gifts
TYRIAN: Waiting outside Are crooks with pointy teeth Please stop, no more, don’t do this to me I am right here I’ll never neglect you Clover, here’s what I suggest Save your face And know your place Uncle knows best
But who am I to say what’s best for you? Maybe you should leave this tower now I only wonder what it is I’ll tell your father When I die from a crushed broken heart Guess you won’t miss our morning breakfasts And from our sweet ‘good nights,’ you need a rest But out there you’ll see No one cares for you like me Uncle knows best
Uncle knows best I promised your father You would never come to harm But if you leave these walls Something creepy that crawls Will make off with your whole arm
Trust me when I say Your charms and wits won’t save you You’re too soft and rather plain Plus, to be honest You’re not the sharpest of tools I’m just saying cuz I wuv you
Uncle understands I am here just for you All I have is one request
TYRIAN (SPOKEN): Don’t ever ask to leave this tower again
CLOVER (SPOKEN): Yes, Uncle Tyrian
TYRIAN (SPOKEN): You know your dear old uncle loves you, right?
CLOVER (SPOKEN): And I love him, too
TYRIAN (SPOKEN): Such a good boy
TYRIAN (SINGING): Let’s make it clear You should stay here Uncle knows best
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marmolady · 5 years
Milestones and Memories
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Book/Series: Endless Summer
Main Pairings: Estela x MC/Taylor (f) 
Summary: Post-ending.  Snippets of a life on La Huerta and beyond, the trials of a world collapsing around them now far in the past. And Taylor and Estela have company on this road they travel... their little girl, Liv.
Read this one first! Livita
Warnings: Coarse language. Mentions of homophobia.
Word Count: 4956
Reviews and reblogs are hugely appreciated!
Tagging: @brightpinkpeppercorn @sceptilemasterr @bbaba-yagaa@edgydepressedchoicesthot@blightarts@princessstellaris@acidsugar0@taramitch96 @sapphovonchat @strangerofbraidwood  @noeschoices @queerchoicesblog  @mrsmontoya 
Taylor stirred at the sound of a sharp cry which grew louder as she tried to adjust her eyes to the darkened room. She felt Estela move beside her, barely awake.
“’s okay,” she mumbled, groggy, “I’ve got her.”
In the little sidecar crib beside their bed, baby Liv was hungry and intent on making everyone know about it. Taylor sat up, and leaned across Estela to pick up the crying infant. As she gathered Liv to her chest, pushing her singlet up out the way, she glanced at the clock. Almost quarter-past-five. Not too bad. Only two wake-up calls during the night was nothing to sniff at.
Estela emitted a soft, rumbling groan as she rolled onto her side. She huddled closer, spooning her wife, and gazed up at her and the baby with tired eyes. Her hand reached out, resting tenderly on Liv’s back as Taylor tried to settle her. “…Shhhh… Livita…”
“Oh, sweetness…” Taylor murmured, rocking the child ever so gently, “it’s okay. Mommy’s got you.”
The cries became quiet grumbles, and within a couple of minutes, Liv settled to nurse. Taylor heaved a grateful sigh and grinned.
“Well, it’s getting easier. We’re practically pros at this.”
Through the two months since her birth, baby Liv had been the light of her mothers’ lives. Secluded in their home outside Elyys’tel, the initial bonding period had been idyllic, which was just as well, for sleep could be elusive.
“I might take her for a walk, watch the sun come up. It’s not as if she’ll go back to sleep now.”
Taylor instinctively snuggled in, defiant at the thought of leaving her lovely bed. She pointedly ignored her wife sniggering at her. “God, you are a maniac.”
“Are you coming?”
“Ugh. Fine. But I’ll be talking Liv into sleeping in tomorrow morning.”
Estela laughed, reaching for the sling she used to tie the baby against her chest, before pecking Taylor’s lips with a kiss. “Good luck with that. But, honest, you’ll feel better for getting up.”
The gentle breeze was cool, the stifling heat that was so synonymous with La Huerta’s tropical zones having retreated with the previous day. Even after just a few steps outside, Taylor knew that Estela had been completely right; this really felt nice. She took her hand and let herself be led up the lush hills beyond their home. From the highest point, they could look over Elyys’tel and across the sea to Sharktooth Isle. For a beautiful sunrise, there were few more impressive spots on the island.
Estela sat down carefully, cradling Liv with one arm. The baby squirmed against her chest, eyes wide and curious in response to the light of day slowly spilling into her world. Estela unwrapped her and held her up in her arms. “See, Mama Taylor? It’s a beautiful morning.”
With a giggle, Taylor nuzzled in and tickled Liv’s belly with kisses. She heard a sudden gasp, and looked up. “What?”
“Do that again!
“What is it?
“She just smiled! Oh my god, Taylor; it was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen…”
“What? No! You do it- I wanna see!”
Having passed Liv to Taylor, Estela blew raspberries against the baby’s stomach. In no time at all, Liv’s small, rounded face was lit up with a wide smile- one that made Taylor’s heart race.
“Oh, my Livi! My happy girl! Is that funny? Is Mama ‘Stel funny?” she babbled in wonderment. “Oh, my girl, you have just the prettiest smile in the whole wide world!”
They tickled and played peekaboo, completely enraptured in the totally new feeling of connection with their little one. When they finally looked up from a beaming Liv, the sun had already emerged over the horizon.
“And you wanted to just stay in bed…” Estela couldn’t help but smirk.
“I’ll give you this one,” Taylor conceded, scooting closer and resting her head on her wife’s shoulder. “I don’t even mind that we missed the sunrise.”
Estela inhaled blissfully as she pressed a gentle kiss into Liv’s wispy hair, and then turned to Taylor. She whispered against her lips. “...I’m so happy…”
Taylor smiled into a sweet kiss. “Guess that makes all three of us, hey? All these milestones… moments that we’ll never get back… I don’t wanna miss a single one…”
 “Can the birthday girl do her trick?”
“Please, she is not a performing poodle!”
Diego pouted, but caught Taylor’s eye. She grinned discreetly and brought Liv over to him.
“If you don’t mind death glares from uptight Uncle Al, go ahead,” she said.
With a happy squeal, Diego leaned in close and started singing under his breath. “Na na na na na na na na…”
“Batman!” Liv squeaked, her hands flying up in the air.
“Yaaaas, queen!”
Aleister rolled his eyes, amid cheers from everyone else.
“Na na na na na…”
“Oh, for heaven’s sake!” he grumbled, as the whole group got in on the act.
“Na na na na na na na na na na na…”
A pause. All eyes on baby Liv.
“Chyeah boi!”
Taylor giggled and kissed Liv’s beaming face. “You’re so clever, babygirl! Mama’s gonna go and get a special cake, just for Livi… can you say ‘cake’? ‘Ca-ake?”
The infant’s face was a picture of bewilderment.
“Okay, that one was a bit tricky. But I know you know this one…” She pointed towards Estela. “Who’s that? Is that Mama?”
Recognition lit up Liv’s eyes. “Ma-ma,” she said, flailing an arm out in the direction of her other mom, who caught it gently and kissed her fingers. Liv gave a happy chortle. She looked up at Taylor. “Mama!”
“That’s right, also Mama…”
“Mama… Mama… Mama… Mama… Batman…?” Liv babbled.
Aleister, walking by, scoffed. “Didn’t I say you would confuse her with this nonsense?”
Estela just laughed, light and utterly carefree, and tickled her baby under the chin. “Oh, Livita! He’s just grumpy because you said ‘Mama’ before ‘Uncle Al’.”
Then came the cake, lit with a single glowing candle that seemed to hold Liv in a trance, only broken as her mothers simultaneously leaned in to gently kiss her head.
Taylor whispered through the other voices that began to raise in song. “Happy birthday, angel…”
 Squealing as she went, Liv paddled wildly, her tiny arms sending splashes in all directions.
“You’re doing it, Liv!” Taylor cried, arms outstretched, ready to scoop up her happy toddler. The child reached for her, a look of satisfaction on her cherubic face, and Taylor wrapped her into a hug. “Yay, Livi! Such a clever girl!”
A couple of feet away, Estela watched, beaming with pride. “No fear at all. Figures.”
She ducked under the calm sea waters, and Taylor pulled an exaggerated face of feigned confusion.
“Oh no! Where’s Mommy gone, Liv? Where’s Mommy?”
“Oh no!” Liv mimicked, turning her head this way and that. “She gone!” Boldly, she put her head under the water and paddled forward, secure in the knowledge that her mothers would let no harm come to her. Some two years old, she spent her waking hours exploring the big wide world, and testing the boundaries of her wriggly little body. The seas around La Huerta were just another playground to her. Confidently, she swam down and wrapped her arms around Estela’s shoulders, hugging tight as they surfaced together.
“Found Mommy!” she hollered.
With effortless strokes, Estela swam out further, unable to stop herself from grinning as Liv babbled contentedly from her safe perch on her back. She felt the toddler let go, endlessly trusting, tiny arms reaching gleefully skywards.
Taylor streaked forward until she was just about keeping up. She was a strong swimmer, but Estela was basically a porpoise.
“You be careful, Miss Liv!” And, of course, the toddler just laughed.
As Estela slowed to tread water, Liv fell forwards, hugging around her head and getting a face-full of wet hair. She nuzzled her face in.
“… Wuv you Mama…”
Estela’s mouth fell open, her eyes grew wide and then scrunched shut, teary. “Livi…” she gasped. “I love you too. I love you so much.”
“Woah, did she just…? Oh my god!” Taylor swam over and put her arms around her wife and daughter.
Giggling over her mothers’ excitement, Liv swung her arms back and forward around the back of Estela’s head and kissed her, before reaching out to Taylor. More confidently, she cried, “Wuv ‘ou Mama!”, and echoed Taylor’s delighted squeal.
“And I love you, Liv! Lovely, lovely Livi!” And Taylor kissed her, and kissed her, and kissed her some more, while Liv shouted with laughter, the whole time bouncing up and down on Estela’s shoulders.
“Wuv ‘ou! Wuv ‘ou! “Wuv ‘ou!”
Liv yanked her arm away from her mother’s grasp, her fierce glare never faltering. “I hate you!”
As if slapped across the face, Estela recoiled. She tried to steady herself, but her voice trembled as she spoke. “Liv, go to your room right now. Don’t you dare make me tell you again.”
The small child’s breath was an angry pant. She stormed into her room and slammed the door. “I hate you; I wish you weren’t my mom!”
Estela shuddered and buried her face in her hands, still crouched on the floor beside the front door, where she’d been restraining her daughter. And then she felt Taylor’s arms around her shoulders, and the gentlest of kisses against her temple.
“She’s upset… she didn’t mean it…” It seemed inevitable that one of them would cop those three words, the ones that stung like barbs in a parent’s heart. But on Mother’s Day of all things… Shit, thought Taylor. “Estela…” she whispered, “love, what happened?”
Staggering to her feet, Estela let herself be led to the couch, and she wrapped her wife in a hug. Damn, she needed that hug. Indignant shouts and screams rang out from Liv’s room. Out of the corner of Estela’s eye, she spotted the card that Liv had given her that very morning, the first she’d ever made all on her own, and could no longer hold back from weeping.
Taylor rubbed Estela’s back. “Deep breaths…”
“She kept running away from me,” Estela said with a sigh. “It’s simple and it’s stupid, but that’s all it was. She wanted to go after Taari and those other kids who thought they’d spotted the new sea guardian, and she wouldn’t hear ‘no’. I turned and she was gone… I caught her trying to hide away in one of their boats.” She roughly wiped her eyes. “And I… and I yelled at her. I grabbed her by her arm and dragged her all the way home.” A pause, and then her voice shook when she spoke again. “I… I think I scared her, Taylor… God, I’m used to people looking at me like that, but her…” Tears came anew. It was all new and frightening. She’d never lost her temper with Liv, no matter how hard the small child pushed her. And push she did; Liv was sweet and affectionate, but she had a will of iron.
“…Hey… when she’s calmed down, we’ll talk it out together. Look at me, baby… she knows you love her, that you’d never hurt her. Livi loves the bones of you. She looks at you like you’re her hero.” Taylor kept up her gentle caressing, kneading her wife’s shoulders, so tight and tense. Mother’s Day was always hard. “I guess we skipped through the terrible twos and got the terrible fours instead. She did go too far. Maybe we’ve gotta be stricter; it’s just been so nice to feel like we can have a loose rein on her.” She shook her head, lost in thoughts for a few moments. Their little Liv led a carefree life, oblivious to just how dangerous the world could be. They’d tried to give her that. Estela had been adamant that they give their daughter at least a few years before shattering the illusion. La Huerta these days was paradise, but even in their safe haven, the shadows remained. “Estela? Maybe it’s time we really talk to her about your mom? I know she’s still little, but she’d understand why today is hard for you.”
Estela’s eyes squeezed shut. Her mom would have been better at this. She’d have known how to handle Liv- she’d survived her own headstrong daughter after all. She’d know exactly what to say. Since her own child’s birth -really, since the pregnancy began- the aching feeling of missing her mom had taken a new depth for Estela. For all those years, grief had been anger, but it was only after that passed that the hollow sadness could take its place. For however much she felt herself moving on and letting go, there were some days when all that emotion returned with a vengeance… and with it, the fear of losing someone else dear to her heart. Liv could not have known why she’d overreacted as she did…
“Maybe…” she whispered. It occurred to her that the cries had quietened. Her own anger had fizzled out, and more than anything, she wanted to hold her little girl. “But right now, I just need to talk to her about what just happened.”
As her wife rose to her feet, Taylor looked at her with admiration. “Do you want me to come with you?” she asked.
Having considered for a moment, Estela nodded her head. “Yeah… yeah, I do. We’re a family, and we’re in this together. She needs to see that we’ve both got her back, and each other’s.” Hand-in-hand with Taylor, she approached Liv’s bedroom, her heart pounding. Here goes nothing…
 The banging of a small fist on the door woke Taylor from her slumber. A glance to the clock beside the bed told her that it was six on the dot; the earliest agreed wake-up time for special occasions. From behind, Estela nuzzled against her neck, and even sleepy as she was, Taylor’s lips curved into a smile.
“Happy birthday, mi amor. Thirty-three…”
Taylor rolled over with a low ‘hmmph’, facing her partner. “Bullshit,” she murmured. “Technically, I’m only eleven.”
“If you say so. Not too old for being jumped on by a small bribona?”
Liv bashed more forcefully on the door, and Taylor laughed.
“All right then, Livi!” she called, “Bring it, girl.”
The door flew open and Liv vaulted onto the bed, one arm outstretched, reaching to hug Taylor, the other in plaster and a sling. In her hand was a colourful piece of folded card.
“Haaaappy birthday, Mommy!”
“Oof!” Taylor grunted. Jesus, that child always seemed to find a way of sticking her knee into tender organs… “Thank you, sweet pea.” She wrapped her arms around Liv and found herself the recipient of a clumsy and rather wet kiss. “Just be careful of your arm… and my kidneys…”
After a few affectionate bounces on Taylor’s midsection, Liv tumbled sideways so that she was sandwiched between both of her moms. She hugged Estela’s arm with her left, and with her plastered right hand she offered the card to the birthday girl.
“For you.”
“Oh, thank you! Did you make this?” Taylor admired the messy illustration of a smiling sun looking down on a family of two women -one of whom wearing a party hat-, a little girl, two dogs and a purple cat. “Or was some clever artist spying on our family?”
Liv giggled. “It was me, silly! And, uh, Mama Estela helped.”
“I just held your hand steady, mija. This was all you, Liv. You might actually be better with your left hand now.”
“Olivia Andromeda Montoya, you are such a talented artist!” Taylor gushed. “See, I can tell it’s you, because you’ve even drawn your blonde streak in your hair.”
The ‘blonde streak’ was a lock of Taylor’s hair that had been woven into Liv’s. The recently adopted fashion statement had come about on the day of her aunt and uncle’s wedding, at which the small girl had briefly dabbled in hairdressing. Inspired by her cousin Reggie’s dissatisfaction with his recent neat-and-tidy haircut, Liv had decided to help him out, utilising scissors, Jake -dead to the world after a long string of flights and several whiskeys-, and a big pot of glue. Her hair styling debut had been met with mixed reviews, but before her antics were found out by any of the attending adults, she’d managed to scissor off a great chunk from the back of an unknowing Taylor’s head. In her childlike naivete, it had been a compliment; she wanted to look like both her mothers. There had been some amount of shouting, a little bit of horrified screaming… but in the end, good humour prevailed. As far as Estela was concerned, that her daughter had such ingenuity was something to be proud of, especially as her actions had been made only out of love. After the initial shock and a much-needed discussion about haircuts and consent, Taylor -who now wore a pixie cut- found herself touched by the gesture. When she looked at the lock of blonde hair hanging by her daughter’s face, she saw an honest and loving tribute to their bond.
She opened up the card and read ‘Dear Mama Tay, have a day with hugs and kisses, you are 33, love from Liv, Ps I love you lots’.
“Honey, that’s really special.” Taylor leaned in to give Liv a great big kiss on the forehead. “I must be the luckiest person in the world.”
A deep frown across her face, Taylor emerged from the Principal’s office. Of course, there was a first time for everything, but the first phone call to pick up her daughter from school after she’d slugged some other kid in the nose… that wouldn’t be one for the albums. Liv sat in the chair, just outside the door, her legs swinging nervously. Six years old, perhaps small for her age; even faced with an unavoidable reprimand, her dark eyes shone with defiance.
Taylor held out a hand. “Come on, Livi. We’ll talk in the car.”
With the little girl not forthcoming with details as she sat strapped into the car seat, it fell to Taylor to break the silence. Damn, she hated this. Their little angel had an attitude on her, but she’d never before been in real trouble. There had to be a good explanation for her to suddenly be lashing out.
“Why did you hit Jamie, Olivia? Did he do something to upset you?”
Liv scowled. “He’s a butthead. That’s why I hit him.”
The venom in the tiny child’s words took Taylor aback. It wasn’t exactly surprising that there might be something of an aggressive streak in her, but it certainly hadn’t surfaced before. “You broke his nose. That’s very bad.”
“I know how to hit good. Mama ‘Stel showed me.”
Fucking great, thought Taylor. “Hmmm…” she said instead, “I think when she showed you that, it was so you could protect yourself in an emergency. You only hit when there’s nothing else you can do to stay safe. We don’t just punch people because we’re mad. I know you know that.”
Liv was quiet, looking pointedly out the window.
“I’m gonna need you to give a real apology to this boy when you go back to school…”
“Mommy, I hit him ‘cause he deserved it. I’m not sorry.”
Taylor bit her lip. She didn’t like the attitude, but her instincts told her there was something beneath it.  “Honey, what happened? Whatever this kid said or did, we can work out together how to fix it- without hitting.”
Liv’s brown eyes welled with tears as she looked down into her lap. Through the mirror, Taylor saw her daughter’s distress and immediately felt an aching desperation to wrap her arms around her.
“Hey, Liv… it’s okay. You can tell me what happened when we get home. It’s okay, sweetness; we’ll work this out over a cuddle.”
Mother and daughter sat side by side on the couch, Liv huddling up close, her head hanging. Taylor pecked a kiss to the child’s forehead and waited for her to open up.
“Mom, Jamie was being really mean. For, like, a long time. He says that I’m a lez-bean because I have two mommies, and we are all gonna go to hell for being disgusting. I don’t even know what that means, but he says it like its bad.”
Taylor sighed heavily. This was something she’d expected they’d encounter at some point, but certainly not this early on. She put an arm around Liv, giving her a gentle squeeze.
“That must have made you sad. Some people don’t understand that families can be made up of any combination of mommies, or daddies, or grandparents, or friends, or aunts… or… you get it, yeah? What matters is that we love each other.”
“So… we won’t go somewhere bad?”
“Darling, no. People who think things like that are too busy being angry at the world to remember what really matters. I don’t believe hell is a real thing, but I know that if it was, you definitely wouldn’t go there for loving another person.”
Liv finally looked up to her mother’s face, beseeching. “And, uh, he said more mean things.” She winced. “About Mama Estela.”
“Oh.” Taylor felt her heart sink further. Of course, standing up for her loved ones would be what would get Liv into hot water. Like mother, like daughter.
“He started saying that her beauty stripe makes her look like an ugly monster, and then all the other kids started saying it too. And pretending to run and hide at pick-up time.”
“Oh, Liv, I’m sorry.”
Liv sniffled and wiped her nose. “Today he drew a stripe on his eye and chased everyone around. So I hit him in the face.” She tugged on Taylor’s sleeve, her wet eyes pleading. “Please don’t tell her. I don’t want her to be sad.”
Taylor bundled the child into her lap and snuggled her close as she cried, stroking her silky hair. “I promise I won’t. But I need you to do something for me, okay?” She held Liv out, and gently tipped her chin so that their eyes met. “Next time someone’s being horrible like that, I need you to walk away. You’ve gotta walk away, ‘cause you deserve better than to have to listen to that kind of talk. And then I need you to tell a teacher what’s happening, ‘cause kids like that need to be dealt with. By a grown-up. Not by you and those flying fists of yours. Do we have a deal?”
“Deal.” Liv flung her arms around Taylor’s neck and hugged her with all her diminutive might.
Just then, the front door creaked open.
“Livita, are you okay, mija?”
“Mommy!” Liv jumped up and ran into Estela’s arms and nuzzled against her chest. “I’m okay.”
Taylor joined them. “Our little lady has been putting bullies to rights. Apparently, she’s inherited your strong right hook. But we’ve had a talk. It’s all fine.”
“God, Livi, I thought I told you- emergencies only?” Estela left several fierce kisses on the top of her daughter’s head. Getting a call that her beloved Liv had been sent to the office for fighting, protective instincts had flared up in an instant. If she’d have been hurt…
Looking up, Liv looked sheepish for the first time. “I’m sorry. It felt like an emergency. I know what to do next time, I promise.” She reached and softly kissed Estela’s long facial scar. Some dumb bully couldn’t stop her from seeing something beautiful. “I love you…”
“I love you too. My brave girl.”
“And Mama Tay?”
Estela chuckled and tugged Taylor closer so that Liv could impart the requisite sloppy kiss on her face. “And Mama Tay.”
“And Batman?”
“Well at least I got a mention before Batman…” Taylor rolled her eyes, laughing. It looked like Liv would be all right. She’d have another talk with the Principal when the suspension was over, but for the time being, it was hard to deny that having a few extra days with their daughter at home felt like a special treat. Taylor had made a promise to herself a long time ago that she’d cherish each moment, each memory made together. It wasn’t always easy, but feeling the arms of the two loves of her life around her… Liv’s suspension wasn’t the worst thing in the world.
Liv was biting her nails as the car pulled up at the gymnasium, her nerves plain to see. Now seven years old, she had grown but remained petite. Her dark hair, so long that she could sit on it, had been lovingly braided into a bun. Almost constantly overflowing with bravado, her apprehension could not go unnoticed; her eyes gave it all away at a glance.
“Livita… it’s okay to be nervous.” Estela sat down in the seat beside her daughter and took her hand. The big brown eyes that looked up to her were desperately seeking something… reassurance? “You can do this. But if you really don’t want to, no one’s gonna push.” She paused, her thumb stroking Liv’s hand. “Why don’t you tell us what you’re most worried about… maybe we can help?”
With a shuddering exhale, Liv started to speak, breaking the silence she’d held since they’d started the drive to her very first gymnastics showcase evening. “I don’t like people staring at me. When people stare at me… it’s never ‘cause they’re thinking nice things. It’s ‘cause they think I’m weird. If I screw up, they’ll laugh at me more.”
Taylor reached out from the front seat, and stroked the little girl’s knee. “That’s not what’s happening tonight, honey. I’m here, we’re both here; and Uncle Diego, and Uncle Al, Auntie Grace and Reggie, -and Tio Abuelo came all the way from San Trobida- we’re here to support you. We’re going to be watching you because we’re proud of you. And because we love you.”
Liv’s bottom lip trembled.
“Olivia,” Estela spoke more firmly now. “Forget about everyone else. No one who talks garbage about you is worth caring about, you hear? When you’re up, look out and find me. I’ll be there, on your side. Always.”
At those words, Liv looked up. Her eyes met with Estela’s, gaze suddenly steely and determined as she nodded. “Okay. I’m ready.”
Sometime later, Liv’s family had gathered in the stands, ready to cheer her on. She had indeed drawn quite the little crowd of supporters, including her cousin and best friend, Reggie, who had come straight from school. As Liv stepped shakily out onto the floor, her caught her eye and poked out his tongue.
“Reginald!” Grace reprimanded lightly, unable to keep the laugh from her voice. Manners be damned, the grin that flashed across her niece’s face made it clear that Reggie had done exactly the right thing.
Uncertainty still in her eyes as she took to the balance beam, Liv searched the stands for her mothers. As she knew they would be, there they were, hand in hand, pride in her written all over their faces. She met Estela’s gaze, sending back a look of fierce confidence. A slight wobble, but then she caught herself with a deep breath. And then Liv turned a perfect cartwheel, finishing to the sound of applause with the broadest of grins across her face.
Now brimming with confidence, Liv seemed to fly through the showcase, and all the while she could feel the loving eyes of her family on her through every movement. She finished with a back handspring- pulling it off for only the third time ever- and skipped off the floor, triumphant, straight into Estela’s arms.
“Mom, did you see me? I did it!”
“You killed it out there, Livita.”
Taylor joined in the tight hug, feeling the elation that shone out from her beloved child. “Hon, you looked incredible! Give me five, girl!”
Their hands met, and they were united. Together, and loved, and unafraid.
Sunlight brought colour into the hills over Elyys’tel, though for the time being, it was all too distant for the baby in Estela’s lap to make out. All baby Liv knew were the two people who stayed close to her, tickling, cuddling, kissing her.
Taylor reached for her phone and took a quick photograph. “I know some things are best not experienced through a camera lens, but she is not gonna stay like this for long. If that little smile isn’t worth capturing for forever, I honestly don’t know what is.”
Sucking contentedly on Estela’s fingers, Liv soothed herself after what was almost too much excitement. She kept glancing around, seeking eye contact with her mothers. When Taylor leaned in for yet another kiss, her smile returned, wide and gummy. She cooed, reaching out to touch and tipping over onto the dewy grass, guided by two pairs of hands until she was wriggling on her belly.
Estela scooched up against Taylor and looked out over their home, her head resting on her wife’s shoulder. She found herself grinning like an idiot at the feeling of her little Liv grasping at her feet. How much more perfect could life even get? “So, uh, you ready to keep going? There’s a whole lot of beautiful morning left for us to take in.”
Gently, Taylor took her wife’s face in her hands, touched by her easy radiance. Being absolutely blissed out on their family life could do that. And she kissed her, long and sweet. When she came away, she lingered with her face but a breath from Estela’s.
“That sounds wonderful,” she said, and then she couldn’t resist pecking one more kiss to her beloved’s lips, and another to Liv’s head as she bundled the infant into her arms. “What do you say, Livi? How about we go make some memories…”
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gigglesnortbangdead · 5 years
001: Scooby-Doo cinematic universe; 002: A/C; 003: Papa Katakuri
001 | Scooby-Doo Cinematic Universe:
Favorite character: Daphne
Least Favorite character: Scrappy Doo, obvi
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Daphne/Velma/Shaggy/Fred, Daphne/Velma, Shaggy/Fred, Shaggy/Velma, Shaggy/John Cena
Character I find most attractive: Velma
Character I would marry: Velma!!
Character I would be best friends with: Fred
a random thought: the fact that Bobby Flay is canonically Fred’s uncle keeps me up at night (and if I was allowed to put my six favorite ships, Shaggy/Bobby Flay would be up there)
An unpopular opinion: Matthew Lillard is the best Norville “Shaggy” Rogers!!
My Canon OTP: probably Velma/Shaggy in Scooby-Doo! Curse of the Lake Monster
My Non-canon OTP: my OT4 is forever Daphne/Velma/Shaggy/Fred, I cannot say this enough 
Most Badass Character: Scooby-Doo! Talking dog, loves food, very brave, a stoner
Most Epic Villain: [SPOILER!!] Ben Ravencroft from Scooby-Doo! and the Witch’s Ghost
Pairing I am not a fan of: Fred/Daphne, they never have a good dynamic!!
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Often it’s Daphne! Lately they do a good job with her, but they sometimes make her not super smart, petty and jealous of everyone, and (worst of all!) mean to Velma!
Favourite Friendship: I want to put my OT4 again, but-SWERVE-it’s Stephanie McMahon and Daphne!! (Also Fred and Daphne, because they have chaotic mlm/wlw friendship vibes)
Character I most identify with: Shaggy
Character I wish I could be: Daphne
002 | AC:
When I started shipping them: I’m gonna say June 14/15, 2019
My thoughts: Look! Obviously they’re hot, dumb, and in love, which is my Number 1 priority. But as a ship, they allow for an engagement with spirituality which I don’t normally see in fanfiction (unless that’s what the fic is, like, setting out to do), so they came into my life at kind of the perfect moment, when spiritual engagement (and specifically erotic spiritual engagement) was something I was thinking about a lot. Also great opportunity for angst, which I appreciate! And, despite being well-formed characters, I think they’re set up as very easy to project onto (which has upsides and downsides)! Also I think they’re better than the show (and I haven’t read the book), so sometimes I feel weird saying I’m a Good Omens fan. 
What makes me happy about them: That they ~love~ each other! But also that they’re so different but also really happy with that. Also their ease with gender fuckery. Also the clothes!!
What makes me sad about them: They’re so different D: they have to be apart D: D: D: D: and they.... ahu..... they can’t talk..... ahhuuu about how they... ahuhuu wuv each other..... ahuhuuu... for so long!!
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: The whole “if I experience sexual pleasure, I’ll fall” thing is not for me. But also I get that people do it for very personal reasons, so you go, team! I also have a hard time with “Heaven is worse than Hell” fics because like.... it’s Hell, guys. If you want to engage with the idea that Heaven is worse because it Should Be Better, than that could be cool, but i think it’s mostly just like “demons are cooler, and the angels are kind of subdued.” (That said, again, I see why people do it, and I’ve read some that I do like, and I just try to not think too much about those parts.)
Things I look for in fanfic: Aziraphale has a vulva because I’m weak, hurt/comfort, period porn, long passages about how sharp and sinuous Crowley is and how soft and warm Aziraphale is, Crowley being good with kids and Aziraphale being like unf he’s good with kids, service top Crowley but shhh don’t tell anyone, intricate rituals and erotic rites and deep theological dives, and obviously and most importantly: Aziraphale’s oral fixation 
My wishlist: I WANT (and am planning) A WESTERN! 
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Am I a dick if I say no one???? Like i love them being with other people, but “ending up” just makes me :( [IF I HAVE TO CHOOSE I GUESS WITH GOD]
My happily ever after for them: just, like, kicking it. 
003 | Papa Katakuri ajsdkdfjaasdjk:
How I feel about this character: He is trying his best for his family, which I think is very noble! One thing I think is important about him is that he clearly does not understand his children, but this is not a problem at all! He doesn’t try to understand them (which would cause a lot of conflict and drama--because what does it mean to understand another person?!), and that is not really what his kids need from him: love, home, and support. And he really loves his wife, and the strength of that love kind of makes me want to cry when I think about it. He is a good but not perfect father, which makes him the best kind!! 
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: his wife! omg
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: His relationship with his son!
My unpopular opinion about this character: asdfjls I have no idea what people think about this character. My favorite song in the movie is the Karaoke Love Song he does with his wife, maybe that’s unpopular? 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish he had had more scenes with his daughter and granddaughter, I guess? 
Favorite friendship for this character: H I S  W I F E
My crossover ship: Papa Katakuri/Snake Plissken
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sunshinesteviee · 6 years
you remind me of you // tom holland
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: just cute fluff ugh my heart bc dad!tom
Summary: Tom loves his kids a lot
A/N: hiya!! so basically i was listening to you remind me of you by jack johnson and it made me think of dad!tom. tbh this isn’t my best work, there’s not really a whole lot of storyline in it, but i just needed some dad!tom fluff and here it is. i hope you guys like it anyways lol. let me know what you think :)
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Tom woke up to the morning light filtering in through the window. With a soft groan and closed eyes, he reached over to his wife’s side of the bed, only to find it empty.  His fingers grasped at the empty sheets, wishing her warm body was still next to his. It was then that he realized the house smelled like bacon, and he knew that it would only be a few moments until his children came crashing through the bedroom door to wake him up. He always appreciated when his wife would let him sleep in, even if it didn’t last for very long.
“Daddy! Daddy!”
Just as predicted, shrieks of excitement came from his children as the bedroom door flew open. Small feet hit the hardwood floor and seconds later, his two boys were pulling themselves up into his bed. Tom pretended to be asleep, keeping his eyes closed as he made obnoxious snoring noises. His younger boy, Parker, had found his way onto his dad’s chest and was leaning over him, poking at his cheeks in an attempt to wake him up. Connor, who was older by a little less than two years, was pushing and pulling at his dad’s shoulder and arm.
All of a sudden, Tom sat up, his eyes flying open and his arms wrapping around his boys as he tackled them into his arms. More shrieks came from the kids as Tom laughed and let them go, his hand running through his hair. He mumbled a, “Good morning, boys,” as he pressed a kiss to each of their heads.
“Daddy, it’s time for breakfast, come on!” This time, both of the boys were tugging his hands and pulling him out of bed, down the stairs to the kitchen.
As soon as they made it to the kitchen, the boys let go of their dad’s hand and went to sit at their spot at the table. Tom stopped in the doorway, watching the scene in front of him. His wife was at the stove making pancakes with their youngest perched on her hip. Making his way across the kitchen, he slid his arms around his two girls. “Mm good morning, my love,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to his wife’s cheek.
“Good morning, baby!” Her tone was cheerful, even though it was still fairly early in the morning. He was constantly in awe of how she did everything.
Eleanor reached out toward her daddy, making grabby hands until he plucked her out of his wife’s arms with a, “Good morning to you, too, sweet pea!” He spun her around, making her squeal with joy. Her little hands held onto his neck tightly as she leaned in to give her daddy a hug.
The almost-three year old pressed a sloppy kiss to Tom’s cheek and exclaimed, “wuv you, daddy!”
“I love you too, Ellie.” Tom pressed a kiss to her head as he placed her in her seat at the table, brushing a few of her curls out of her face. She was the only one who had gotten his hair. The boys had a little bit of curl to their hair when they were younger, but they grew out of it. Luckily, it didn’t seem like Ellie’s curls were going anywhere.
Aside from the mess of curly chestnut brown hair and the constant daydreaming, Ellie was an exact copy of her mother. She was the prettiest little thing, and she had a heart of gold, which Tom attributed to his wife. Not to mention, she definitely had his wife’s gorgeous eyes. His wife liked to joke that she’d made an exact clone for when Tom and the boys were getting too out of hand.
Even though Ellie reminded him so much of his wife, he also could see the person that she was growing into. Ellie was sassy and spunky, and she wasn’t afraid of anything. She was uniquely, entirely, her own person, and Tom loved that.
It was that way with each of his kids. His kids reminded him of himself at times, and his wife at others, but most of the time… Well, most of the time, they reminded him of themselves. There was no one else like them.
He loved that he could see bits and pieces of himself, of his wife, in their children, but they were each very clearly their own person. Connor liked to copy Tom, to do the same things that he did, but he did them with his own little twist. Parker talked with same cadence as Tom, but in his own little four year old way.
Tom loved his kids with everything he had in him, and he always did his best to make sure they knew it. He worried that because he was gone a lot for filming and press tours that his kids wouldn’t always feel the love he had for them. Whenever he was home, Tom spent every second that he could with them.
He would run around in the backyard with Connor and Parker, making a mess, chasing them around, while his wife and daughter sat on the porch watching. He’d take Ellie out for some ice cream and a father-daughter day.
Whenever Tom wasn’t home, his wife would always promised the kids that their daddy loved them, even if he wasn’t home all the time. She’d promise that their mommy loved them, too. When they woke up crying in the middle of the night, missing their dad, Tom’s wife would give them a cuddle before facetiming her husband.
Tom would answer the call to see his little girl sniffling with tears running down her cheeks, and his heart would break knowing he couldn’t be there to dry her tears. It was always, “Hi, peanut, why are you crying?” And, “Daddy will be home soon, little love, don’t you worry. Mama’s gonna dry your tears ‘till Daddy’s home, okay? I love you, peanut.”
Anyhow, sitting around the kitchen table with his family, Tom’s heart was full. His little people, the ones that were just like him, yet oh-so different were having their own conversation. And his best friend, the lovely person who had helped him make these tiny people, sat next to him, her hand in his. His family was all he needed.
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amyscascadingtabs · 6 years
love you
1064 words // read on ao3
Amy Santiago-Peralta has been a mom for nineteen months and three days; longer if one intends to count the almost nine months she spent growing the child who’s currently bawling their eyes out because they’ve been forbidden to play with the packet of batteries they somehow managed to get their hands on. She has officially zero clue what she’s doing.
At least that’s how she feels as she makes fruitless attempts to calm the toddler down from the tantrum. It doesn’t matter how many times Amy tries to repeat in a soothing voice while bending the item out of small but determined fists that no, batteries are not toys and are in fact very dangerous to be playing with, her daughter’s not listening. It’s driving her nuts.
Jake’s working late at the precinct, leaving her on solo mommy duty for the night. This would have been completely fine if Leah hadn’t been overtired from refusing to take her afternoon nap, and Amy hadn’t had a ton of administrative paperwork she would appreciate an opportunity to catch up with, and someone hadn’t left this goddamned pack of batteries out on the couch table for a pair of curious hands to find and it’s not fine.
It’s awful. It’s awful and she wants to be the ideal mother who possesses the skill to calm her own daughter down from meltdowns by the most exemplary methods, all listed in one of her many parenting binders, but it’s seven p.m. and she’s alone with Leah and she’s wiped out after an intense half workday and a nowhere near relaxing afternoon. So she does what every other parent desperate for a quiet moment to themselves would do; she places her child in front of a Peppa Pig video on the iPad and retrieves a pink pacifier from the emergency box of them. She tries her very best not to break out in tears of relief when the heartbreaking sounds of her daughter’s crying ceases and changes to random bouts of laughter when something particularly funny happens on the screen.
Amy knows she can’t possibly be doing everything wrong. If she was, there is no way this kid would have developed from a tiny human who refused to fall asleep somewhere other than on her father’s chest for the first month of her life to the always inquisitive and energetic toddler with the goofiest grin on Earth she is today. She just wishes it was easier, and she wishes Jake was home, because he’s ten times more skilled than she is at making their kid come down from her peaks of unmitigated rage, and he’s also ten times more skilled at calming her down than she is herself.
A high-pitched sound of laughter catches her attention as she’s about to pick up her phone to text him and ask if there’s any way he could make it home earlier tonight. It’s only a few seconds long, but it’s enough to warm her heart in a way she never knew before this child and it’s enough to make her smile again. “Mama?” “Yeah?” The texting and the paperwork will have to wait, because her daughter has abandoned screen and pacifier to try and climb up onto her mother’s lap. “What is it?” “Bah?” “Bath?” Leah nods. “You know what, Lee, I think you’re right. It's almost bedtime.You’re so smart.” She lifts the little girl the last bit, and relaxation fills her when the kid clings her arms around Amy’s chest to hang onto her mom like the monkeys on her own t-shirt. “How do you feel about bath-time and oatmeal, then pajamas and stories?” The toddler nods an enthusiastic yes, the mocha curls on her head bouncing as she does.
Forty-five minutes later Amy’s blouse and jeans are soaked from bath water, forcing her to change into her own pj’s, and Leah’s chair is in dire need of sanitation from oatmeal stains. Even though it goes against what the binder on sleep says and breaks all the rules about how kids need to learn to fall asleep in their own room, Amy’s too tired to argue when her daughter asks to fall asleep in her parents bed tonight, and she is prepared to agree it’s much more comfortable to read stories in there than cramped into a tiny children’s bed. So they’re breaking a rule for the night. They read The Very Hungry Caterpillar three times over and Amy tries her best at voices even though Jake’s better at them by far, feeling grateful she’s not judged too harshly. The toddler is busy turning the pages and watching the pictures with wide eyes, fascinated enough by the story to ask to hear it again and again even as her eyelids start falling. “Then he nibbled a hole in the cocoon, pushed his way out… He was a beautiful butterfly!” She closes the book after they’ve reached the end of it for the third time and kisses her daughter’s forehead. “Beautiful, like you.” “Buh-fly”, Leah repeats with a drowsy voice. “Me buh-fly?” “I’m pretty sure you’re what we call a human, baby. But you can be a butterfly if you want. Just don’t fly away too far.” “Why?” “Well, your dad and I would miss you a lot if you flew away.” Amy lets her left hand run through her daughter’s curls again, admiring the little individual who’s so much her own person already and clearly here to ask questions. “Why?” “Because we love you. More than anything else in the world.” The toddler nods as if this makes sense to her after all the times she’s heard it. It’s what comes next that’s the surprise. “Mama?” “Yeah?” “Wuv you.”
Just like that, Amy’s heart grows so wide she feels like it might explode. Two words, two new words in her daughter’s still restricted but ever growing vocabulary, and there are tears of joy and of love, sheer and unrestricted love, falling from her eyes. “I love you too”, she whispers back. “More than you'll ever know.” She gets no response this time, because Leah’s already fast asleep with her head on Amy’s chest.
Amy Santiago-Peralta has been a mom for nineteen months and three days. She has no clue what she’s doing, but in moments like these, her cluelessness lacks importance. It’s still the best thing she’s ever done.
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somewhereapart · 6 years
Sing A Song of Forgetting
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Author’s Note: Iris-verse. When Rumplestiltskin catches up with Robin and Regina, she's faced with an impossible choice. For OQ Angst Fest, Sunday, Prompt 14: Did you think I wouldn’t find out?
Review on Ao3 or FFnet.
She hadn’t feared the Black Knights as much as the rest of the men, not once she and her father had crossed the border into Sherwood, and especially not after their overturned carriage was discovered in Dead Man’s Pass and she was thrown a lavish funeral, the kingdom plunged into mandated mourning.
Her father had worried about them, but Regina had trusted Robin’s word that the Knights rarely ventured into this part of the woods. That they would be safe here.
Instead, her nightmares had been twofold: Her mother somehow returning from her banishment, having found a way out of wherever the mirror sent her; and this.
They’re standing in the middle of camp, Robin’s men with bows drawn but all frozen in place by Rumplestiltskin’s magic. She can feel how badly Robin wants to move, how he wants to rush to protect her, and she feels the desperate panic of knowing she brought this on him, on all of them.
They’ve hidden her away for months, and she’d thought, hoped, that maybe Rumple had decided she wasn’t worth following. She wasn’t a very apt student, he’d said it to her more than once—she’d hoped he’d decided to move on to someone more suited to the task. More interested. Someone who wanted the darkness.
She’d been foolish to hope.
He’s standing there now, with his golden skin and his tarnished soul, tilting his head and giggling, “Did you think I wouldn’t find out, dearie? Where you were? What you’d done?”
“What do you want?” she asks, trying to be strong, firm. He always wants something.
“Don’t,” Robin manages, his voice choked through the magical restraint.
She doesn’t look at him, tipping her chin up instead and forcing herself to keep her hands at her sides, fisting them there as she fights the urge to cup one protectively against the tiny, secret life growing inside her. Rumplestiltskin can’t know about that.
Rumple is perfectly content to ignore Robin’s plea as well, eyes on Regina as he says, “I want you to return to the castle, of course. I have a plan in motion, dearie, and you’ve not yet played your part.”
“I’m dead,” she tells him tartly, just in case he’s forgotten. They’d mourned her. She has an empty sarcophagus on the edge of the castle grounds. Surely she can’t be expected to go back.
“They never found your body,” Rumple reminds her. “You could have survived, spent all these months with some kind villager who didn’t know just who they were nursing to health. Just think of the celebration—the Dead Queen revived! Why, you’d be a miracle!”
It’s not implausible, but she’s made her decision—she chose a new life, a new family, and she tells him so.
“Find someone else to fulfill your plan, Rumple; I’m sure there’s a line of apprentices a mile long. I’m through with the darkness.”
He moves like a shot, in front of her in an instant, until they’re nose to nose, his hand tight around her throat, choking her as he hisses, “You’re through with the darkness when I say you are. And I don’t say.”
Robin is fighting the magic, she can see him twitch out of the corner of her eye, and for a moment through the rising panic and the growing thump of her pulse in her ears, she has to admire his strength. The strength of his love for her.
Rumple sees it, too, turning his attention away and letting his hand drop with it. Regina sucks in much-needed air and tries not to cough. Tries to stay strong and stoic.
The Dark One’s hand hovers over Robin, sensing something and giving a shivery little “Ooh!” of appreciation that makes her skin crawl. She wants to slap his hand away, can feel magic sparking under her skin, sizzling toward her fingertips for the first time since she left the castle walls. She can’t beat him, but oh how she wishes she could try.
He turns his smile on Regina and trills, “Soulmates. How thrilling.” He steeples his fingers, drumming them together as he considers and adds, “Although potentially problematic when it comes time for you to kill him. I don’t imagine you’ll agree readily to that.”
“What?!” she nearly shrieks. “I would never.”
“Well, it’s him or your father, dearie,” Rumple tells her and her head takes a single, dizzy spin. “You’ll have to choose one day—or I can make the choice for you, here and now. It would probably be kinder.”
She shouts like a scared child when his hand plunges into Robin’s chest and pulls out his heart, glowing red and fierce in his hand. All she can think is Daniel, and her firm façade crumbles like dust. She can’t go through it again, can’t lose Robin, too, can’t have another love die because of her, and so she begs, pleads with the imp, “Wait, no! Please! I’ll do anything!”
Rumple tilts his head and her eyes well with tears, knowing she’s likely just signed away her own warrant to returning to her imprisonment by castle walls.
“Please, don’t hurt him. I just wanted to get away, I just wanted love!”
“Well, we can’t have everything we want, can we?” His hand squeezes and Robin groans, and Regina weeps.
“Please! A deal! Let’s make a deal!”
Robin’s eyes go wide, a silent protest as Regina tips her chin up again and insists through her tears, “I’ll barter for his life. Tell me your price. I’ll do whatever you need me to do, just let me stay here with him. You can teach me here, I’ll… I’ll do whatever it is when the time comes.”
Rumple’s nose wrinkles, his grip loosening on Robin’s heart; she can hear the little wheezing breath of relief he lets slip.
“I’m afraid it’s not that simple, dearie. And the longer you stay here, the less I can trust that you will play your role.”
“I will, I swear it.” Her heart is beating hard, fast, imagining what dastardly deed he’ll set for her (she thinks of plucking unicorn hearts, of killing that first apprentice, of her first nip of the darkness, and just prays that Robin will be able to love her despite her darkness).
“No,” he sighs. “You won’t. You’ll have to kill the thing you love most, Your Majesty, and you’ll have to do it willingly.” Her hand shoots unbidden to her belly, protecting her child on instinct as Rumple muses, “Of course, I figured it would be dear old Dad not your soulma—”
His gaze flits down to her hand, and she drops it, fear chasing up her spine as he tilts his head, squints at her, his hand sinking back into Robin’s chest and leaving his heart behind. He’s caught a better scent now.
Regina prays. It’s never done her a lick of good but she still sends up a desperate plea to the fairies that they protect her now, that they hide this child from wicked eyes that might detect it.
As usual, her prayers fall on deaf ears; it’s not a moment later that Rumple points a finger at her and says, “You’re with child.”
“No,” she denies, but he’s having none of it.
He moves in close again, and quickly, taking a deep whiff of her (it makes her stomach turn to think he might be able to smell pregnancy on her). “Oh yes,” he murmurs. “Yes, you are.”
His hand drops to where hers had been, and she jerks, pulling her belly in before he can get one scaly hand on her. It does her no good.
“A fresh one at that,” he teases, taking a step back. She can see Robin behind him, cheeks red with effort as he fights against the magic, fights to protect her—protect them—even though he’s powerless to.
Their eyes lock, and hers well with tears again, fear like she’s never known before slithering beneath her skin.
“Oh, now, that is a problem,” Rumple murmurs. “You won’t kill that for me.”
“No,” she bites. “I never will. I’d die myself first.”
He squints at her for a moment, then says, “Hmm,” and perks up, his shoulders rolling, one hand flourishing as he becomes downright jovial. “I’m feeling benevolent today. Why don’t we make that deal?”
“Not my baby,” she warns. “I won’t give you—I want them both safe.”
“Yes, yes, safe as houses,” Rumple dismisses with a wave of his hand. “You do what I ask—return to the castle, fulfill your role, and then—”
“I won’t kill him,” she reminds. “I won’t kill either of them.”
“You won’t have to; you won’t love them anymore.”
“You won’t even remember them,” Rumple tells her. “Can’t risk you trying to go back on our deal when you get lonely, or just want a bit of twu wuv.” He mocks her, his voice going babyish and high, but Regina can’t be bothered to be upset about it considering the prospect he’s laid before her. “You’ll have never gone into that little tavern, never met your soulmate, never left the King. Nobody will remember your little affair. It’ll be as if you were never gone from the castle.”
It’s worse than them dying, she thinks. Never having known him, not even having the memory of their love as cold comfort on the nights she’s forced to lie beneath that vile man. Feeling lonely and miserable, and like not a soul in the world loves her enough to fight for her. She doesn’t think she could bear it.
“And if you play your part to the letter, once you’ve done what I require, I’ll see to it that you find your way back to each other. You’ll fall in love again as soulmates do, and all will be right as rain.”
She chews her lip until she tastes blood, looking to Robin and finding him staring back at her with such desperation that she feels wretched for even considering. He manages a tight, choked, “No” and a “Regi-na… don’t.”
But she can’t see any way around it. If she refuses, Rumple will just kill him now. Even if he doesn’t and they managed to run, they’d never be free from the Dark One. He’d find them. He’d wait until the baby was born and then come back and threaten them all over again.
Her hand rises to her belly, still flat under the protective weight of her palm as she asks, “What about the baby?”
“Oh, he’ll keep,” Rumple tells her, like the child is a piece of jerky in the camp stores. “And he’ll be right there waiting when you find each other again. When you spend your first night of passion together—” he says it with a scandalized, grinning flutter “—he’ll begin to grow once more. A little reunion surprise. You just do me this one eensy-weensy favor, spend a few more years married to the King—just until the time is right—and then you’ll get all of this back. I think that’s more than fair, don’t you?”
It sounds terribly unfair to be honest, but Regina knows the Dark One. She knows his tricks. And all that considered, this is actually incredibly fair.
She looks at Robin, his head tilting in what she’s sure is a desperate attempt to shake his head, and she knows he’ll hate her for this. For the few seconds until he forgets it all, he’ll hate her. She shouldn’t do this, but she can’t see any other way.
“You’ll never bear for the King, not while you’re carrying the thief's child,” Rumple adds, almost an afterthought, but she knows better. He’d helped her snuff out the castle’s last heir, the idea of carrying that man’s child unthinkable when she’d still had hope of escape. He knows how badly she wishes to not be trapped into being a broodmare for a royal line. He’s trying to sweeten the deal.
He doesn’t have to. She’s going to take it, she has to, there’s no other way out of this that keeps them all alive and together. But accepting it feels like such a betrayal—giving up on their love, on the life they’ve built, on those stolen moments in the castle, the quiet nights here at camp.
They’ll all be gone, forever. The thought makes tears flood her eyes, grief at the loss of her second chance at love rendering her speechless.
“I don’t have all day, dearie,” Rumple sighs. “So do you accept, or do I—”
“I’m sorry,” she warbles, eyes still on Robin’s as his go desperate and fearful. “I love you, I will always love you, but there’s no other way.”
He lets loose a sound that breaks her, but she forces herself to look away, telling Rumple, “I accept your deal. Just do it.”
After that, it’s all smoke, and darkness, and vengeance.
The next time she sees Robin, she’s a fallen monarch, broken with grief for her lost child, blackened heart freshly returned to her chest, her hands still shaking from letting loose a panicked (and ultimately useless) fireball in the direction of a flying monkey.
It’s felled from the sky by an arrow, and there’s something itchingly familiar in this tone of her savior’s voice as he says, “Milady, you’re injured.”
She turns toward his offered hand and for a moment, she can’t speak, a sensation swelling up in her middle that she can’t name. A little flutter of rightness, of attraction, of… affection… that makes no sense.
It feels foreign in the midst of her grief over Henry, a little flutter of rightness that flickers in a world that feels so wrong.
She refuses his hand, mutters, “It’s Your Majesty, and I’m fine,” and pushes to her feet.
And then she falls in love with him all over again.
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kuriiiiiiiiiii · 6 years
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Pridecember Day 25 - Christmas
“Seto can we keep him”
“But he likes you”
“Atem, please, can you get them out before they invade every bloody corner of the castle”
Christmas kuribohs? Bah, humbug! :)))
A merry Christmas to all! Warm gooey hugs for everyone who has spoiled my dashboard with fabulous art and writing and love and Pride in general :))) I had the best time with you guys and am looking forward to a great year ahead! Wuvs you all wery much!!
And let me insert a last call for exchange postcards - uhh so thanks to the print store I ended up printing two times as many postcards as I needed I’m sure they would look great plastering my wall IF YOU WANT A POSTCARD PLEASE SHOOT ME A PM and I would appreciate if you could send me something (anything! including rainbow kuriboh fruitcake) back :)))) (smushed)
*Long tedious list of individual appreciative smushes follows under cut*
Thought I would grab this opportunity to goo up a few people in appreciation :))) hope you guys don’t mind the spam (smushes self in advance)
I’m super new to the fandom (yah like everyone else YGO was my childhood but you know :)) and now you’ll probably learn all about the exact extent of my noobness... please just judge me... gently u-u
List in alphabetical order and I probably am definitely missing people so if you think I should be gooing you as well just smush me very hard and I’ll come apologetically flattening at your feet u-u ok here it goes
@amerutan for the tea and cookies... thanks so much for hosting Pridecember and sharing your amazing art :))) I am having fun!!
@duelmepharaoh​ my amazing Sensei who babysits my plot bunnies, feeds me and indulges me u-u (in time I’ll start posting the dragon AU stuff (what, there’s more??) I’ve been shoving down his throat to test for poisoning... thanks for putting up with all my spam sensei i’m not done with you yet u-u)
@egyptiansapphiredragons whose tail I always nom... *sends over tail care balm in apologies
@fictionalsadist who sent me a lovely Christmas present!! I absolutely love your writing u-u lemme read your present a few more times and get the steam out of my head (starts giggling obnoxiously to herself) (gets dragged out by shadow realm police)
@hiramiyugioh @hirami respectable Godmother, who feeds me up with inspiration and is always there to give love to my every brain hole u-u your Capsai would forever hold your door frames for you!! (???)
@mooguriklaine-art @mooguriklaine whose brain child Skynet!Atem brought me to tumblr in the first place *goos the Moogu affectionately! while keeping respectful distance from Skynet hovering protectively behind her :)))))*
@nenya85 Haven’t really talked to you, Goddess (save for AO3 comments on your fics, if you remember me :))))) but yours was actually the first long Pride fic I read and your writing totally anchored me to this bottomless pit. Your interpretations of the characters had to be one of my favorites... so it was always an honor to me when I see you in the notes for one of my posts u-u please don’t mind me as I secretly stalk you some more!
@onenatroll who flattens and supposes me u-u i love you(r art...and you!) so much you can’t imagine... come over here so I can nibble on your nori (goo turns very creepy shade of pink)
@toxichathor whose amazing fics got me started on drawing ygo art... please take good care of yourself Dr Hathor u-u
There’s also those of you deities whom I secretly stalk but am yet too intimidated to talk to u-u let me just wish you all a very merry Christmas, and hope we would cross paths more in the coming year!
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jacqy-tanoto · 7 years
My Evidence In You Pt.4
Yeaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy I’m back! Idk if anybody even still remember my fanfic, but I have a lot of ideas, and Imma write it anyway~ so here you go!
“Mmh...” you mumble as you slowly open your eyes, there you are lying on Saeyoung's bed, with his arms tightly wrapped around your naked body, you blushes as you remember what happened last night, you didn't remember how it ended, could you have passed out? As you try to remember you wiggle yourself out from Saeyoung's arms but every time you move Saeyoung just tighten his embrace you turn your head slightly to look at his sleeping face and call his name”Saeyoung...” as you stroke his cheek to gently wake him up “Saeyoung wake up...” but that didn't work, somehow you stroking his cheek and calling his name wake something else up, “Mmm....yeah MC I wuv.....mmm.....amazing....” you feel something is tickling your bottom area, panicked, you try to escape but he is too strong, and you are too sore, as your boyfriend molest you in his sleep, you thought of one way to wake him up “SAEYOUNG WAKE UP!!!” you head butt him straight to his nose “GAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!” Saeyoung finally wakes up “Wha...what?? MC?? Whyyy??? I was having a great dream” a vein popped in your head, you took a pillow and hit him with it “WHAT.WERE.YOU.DREAMING.ABOUT?? You almost sleep rape me! Pervert! Pervert! PERVEEEEERRRTTTTT!!!!” tears of fear start to come out from Saeyoung's eyes as he receive your wrath “OW! I! OUCH! OMG! STAHHPP! I'M SO SORRY BUT I CAN'T CONTROL IT OW OWW!!!” after a while you finally stop, “Haaa....haa....” both of you are out of breath, “I'm sorry...” Saeyoung apologize to you as he stares at you with his best puppy eyes look, you tried to pout and look away, but he is too adorable that you can't help to crack a smile seeing your smile, Saeyoung lean in closer and hug you “Please don't be mad okay? I just... love you so much that even my dream is filled with you” he whisper those sweet words straight to you ear, his voice is so husky that it made your heart jump, “Like I can actually stay mad at you...” you kisses his cheek “Good morning Saeyoung...” he gives you the brightest smile, like the sun shining the world “Good morning” the two of you exchange your first morning kisses, happy, with hearts full of love and hope.
A piping sound can be heard from the kitchen, Saeran rush over and take the kettle of boiling water, he then pour the boiling water into a pot of grind coffee as you and Saeyoung came in “Good morning Saeran!” your voice startled him and when he twitches he spills the boiling water to his hand “HOT!! SHIT!!” you rush to his aid “Are you okay? You should run some cold water to it!” Saeran quickly moves away, his face is so red you'd think he spilled boiling water to his own face “Leave me alone!” he turns away and went tot he sink to cool his burnt hand “Y'all so noisy even in the morning! Seriously... you have other people sleeping in this house now Saeyoung, be more considerate with your night activity's noises okay, we do NOT want to hear it... especially not your brother, what? Do you want to give him more psychological trauma?” said Vanderwood as he came into the kitchen and make him self a cup of coffee, hearing that Saeyoung face turns pale as your face turns beet red “Wait...what? What...do you..men..?” you ask Vanderwood again to make sure he's saying what you think he's saying “W-wait!!! In my defense.... I DID want to put soundproof wall in my bedroom but I forgot, but I though I did but it turns out I'm wrougghhh!!” you kick him in his tenderloin and as he falls to the floor you bowed to both Saeran and Vanderwood “I'm...so sorry... this is really embarrassing I'm so sorry... I swear it will never happen again!” you apologize “Wha...wait... what does that mean??” Saeyoung gather all the strength he has left to ask “Silence! No Phd.Pepper and Honey Buddha Chips for you today! I'll take them all home with me today! And I'm not coming back here for while!” you walk away from him but he grabs you “Wait!!! You can't leave...” “I can and I will” you replied “No, you don't understand, uh..” Vanderwood who were watching you guys while enjoying his morning coffee finally speaks up “You are not yet free from danger” suddenly your anger and embarrassment disappear, “What do you mean?” Saeran who has been quiet all this time sighs, he pour coffee into the cup he's holding and offers it to you “I believe it's because of the fire that burn down half of the prison building in Bangnam area yesterday... some prisoners took this opportunity and escape” the room went silent  for a while “It's the prison where all of the member of the agency we used to work with is imprisoned, including the leader, there's a high possibility the agents who are still on the run are behind this...” Vanderwood explains “Yes, but I have hacked into the database, the leader were moved to Ryong Nam prison the day before, and when I hacked the CCTV I saw that 'fire' starts really close to where all the members' cells, if they want to free their team mates, they won't do such stupid things, sure, because of the fire some can get out, but most of them definitely will not be able to survive” Saeyoung stands beside you as if to calm you, “So you're saying, whoever did this actually want to...” you don't even dare to finish your sentence “Seems like one of your ex client want to make sure their secret is buried to the ground....” Saeran casually say the dreadful truth, a shiver runs through your body, Saeyoung hugs you from behind as he says “I will not let them find us, so... could you please grant my selfish wish and stay with me until we take care of this?” his words calms you down, there's no hesitation in   his words, you nodded and feel his embrace tighten.
------------------------------------- 17.23 Participant: Yoosung, Jaehee, MC ------------------------------------
Yoosung : MC! Jaehee! Thank god you're here, I have arrived in front of the apartment building, which floor is Rika's apartment again??
Jaehee : 2602, we're almost finished with the packing
Yoosung : Oh no...sorry I came late T_T
MC : That's okay, I'm glad you came here to help! It's the thought that counts
Yoosung : MC you're so kind... gosh I can't believe something like this is happening, when we JUST move on from a tragedy....
MC : Yoosung.. cheer up, I believe we'll be okay, we'll get through this together like we did before
Jaehee : Agree, no use in getting gloomy... let's believe that this is the last arc of this event...
MC : Agree!
Yoosung : LOLOLOL 'last arc' sounds so cool.... but yeah you guys are right, let's trust Saeyoung and Vanderwood! Oh, the lift is here, I'll be there soon!
Jaehee : Very well, I shall get back to work then
MC : Me too!
[Yoosung left]
[Jaehee left]
[You left]
“There you are!” you feel a warm embrace as you signs out of the messenger “Why are you sitting in such dangerous place? This is the 26th floor!” Saeyoung protest as he tighten his embrace from behind the railing of the balcony, you were just sitting on top of the railings to get some fresh air “Don't worry, I won't fall!” you giggle as you hear his protest “Hell yea you won't! I'll never let go even if it means I'm the one who's going to fall! Now down you go!” Saeyoung lift you up easily and put you on the ground “If you're going to fall from rescuing me... then I'll jump to your side and we can fall together” you playfully pinch his cheek “No! You can't! If that's what's going to happen then I'll rescue both of us instead no matter what it cost” you lean closer and put your head on his chest “I like that, we can also work together and rescue both of us” he stroke your long hair lovingly “Yeah, that's an even better idea” Saeyoung stroke your chin and lean in closer for a kiss “My guys have wrapped up all of your belongings, and Rika's belongings separately, MC, I'll have assistant Kang delivered to the respective addresses, you're sure you don't need any of Rika's old document?” Saeyoung freezes in the air and you pulls way from him “Oh Jumin! Thank you so much for your help, ahh... you even came here yourself despite your busy schedule...” a little bit flustered you step away from the still frozen Saeyoung “Ah~ I bet Jumin actually come here to run away from meeting with his father again huh?” Yoosung appears from behind Jumin with his bright smile “Yoosung! You're here!” “Hiya! It's been a while MC! We talked a lot in chat room but rarely meet, you... look even more beautiful than the last time I saw you..” a hint of blush appears Yoosung's cheeks and so does yours “Yoosung... you're making me blush” you shyly reply “Well, there are people who said that women in love looks more beautiful, and it's actually can be explained scientifically, when a person's in love, the happiness from being in love triggered some kind of hormones that will spread pheromones that will make the opposite sex attracted to said person...” both you and Yoosung stares at Jumin with your jaws dropping “Wow... you know a lot stuff huh Jumin? That's impressive!” you claps your hands in awe “Not more than me! Hey Jumin, I know you know what was about to happen why do you have to come in and ruin iiiitttttt??” Saeyoung pouts like a child “Because I have important thing to say to MC and should I remind you who asked for my help to move all the stuff in this apartment?” Jumin's answer makes Saeyoung's shoulders drop “Fine... Thanks... I really appreciate it....” Saeyoung sighs.
All of you went inside the apartment and finish up packing, you agreed to move in with Saeyoung, on two conditions you want to put all of Rika's documents somewhere save, and you also want to take some of your stuffs, Saeyoung already bought you a bunch of clothes and even under garments he also offered to buy you more so you don't have to leave his house, but you feel bad to accept it, so you insisted to come back to the apartment to take your stuff, and being the overly cautious person he is Saeyoung insisted on asking for Jumin's help, who surprisingly agreed without a fuss, you wondered if Saeyoung actually blackmailed him, but you decided to believe that Jumin sincerely want to help, everyone except Zen is there, he still has to practice for his upcoming musical The Phantom of The Theatre, where he'll be playing this rich handsome man who finally meet with his long lost first love when he watch her perform in the theatre, she was stalked by this scary man and he has to rescue her, it's a very good premise and you can't wait to see it. You look around the empty apartment there are a lot of memories here, even though you're just there for a few months, through the phone Saeyoung had guided you to find a lot of things in the apartment which you have no idea where they are kept, there's  the window that Saeran broke to get into the apartment, there's the corner where Saeyoung shut himself in from everything, there's the desk where Rika's secret is hidden, a lot of things happened in this apartment, although mostly is not a pleasant things, you can't help but feeling a bitter sweet feeling to leave this place, maybe it's because this apartment is where Saeyoung first opened up to you, and where your love truly blooms “MC...come on, it's going to rain soon” Saeyoung appears from your side, he offers you his hand, which you took with a smile, then all of you went back to yours and Saeyoung's home.
It took only one moving truck to take all of your stuff from the apartment, but 4 luxurious cars to take you and the rest of the RFA plus Vanderwood and Jumin's bodygurds to Saeyoung's house, the rain is pouring hard, the first and the last car are vacant by Jumin's bodygurds, Jumin is on the third car with Jaehee and Vanderwood, while driver Kim is driving, you, Saeran, Yoosung, and Saeyoung are in the second car, Saeyoung insisted to use his bulletproofed car to take you and Saeran, and since Yoosung has never be inside  bulletproof car, he insisted to join too, at first you thought there will be an awkward situation but surprisingly Yoosung and  Saeran bonded with each other pretty well, you guys shares laughs and you swear you saw Saeran smiled through the mirror, everything went so smoothly until Saeyoung suddenly stopped his car “....all of you, stay in this car, MC take the wheel if you must, and go to Jumin's place” his face is dead serious, not long after that he get off the car, and you can see Vanderwood is following her, you squint your eyes and saw a man sitting in front of Saeyoung's door, he looks terrible, his clothes seemed burnt, half of his air are gone, he looks like he's dying “Could it be...” you whisper “Yeah, one of the agent survived.... hey where are you going woman??” Saeran's voice can not stop you from getting off the car and go to Saeyoung's side.
“He could have something useful for this case!” you can hear Vanderwood's voice from afar “I can't completely trust him! We don't know what really happened yet what if the agency actually did planned the escape? What if he actually a part of the people who burn the prison?? I saw the CCTV, nobody should be able to survive that in close radius, and every member of the agency are put really close with each other!” Saeyoung replies harshly to Vanderwood, while the burnt man is looking at both of them, as if pleading that they'll help him “Sae...” you hesitate to call his real name, “Seven!” you calls him with his old agency's name instead “MC? What are you out here??” Saeyoung looks shocked “That man is the survivor right?” the rain is drenching the four of you, mist starting to come out every time you speak, “This is one of the agent that survived, he said he came here for help, but SOMEONE is being too paranoid and refuses to help” Vanderwood sneers at Saeyoung “Well, can you guarantee that he's not up to no good?” Saeyoung snaps back at him “Saeyoung, the man is dying! He can't do anything to harm you, can't you see?” you squat down to check on the man, suddenly you no longer feel any rain drops, and somebody wraps a large warm suit around you, you look up and see Jumin, holding an umbrella looking straight at you “You'll catch a cold if you stays in this rain...” he then looks at Saeyoung “I have my bodyguards on standby, if something is bout to happen, they'll take action, there also no single person is around except us, so I think he's not here to make a trouble...” with a heavy sigh, Saeyoung finally agreed to take him in, “Fine, let's go, MC stay close to me...” he looks at you pleadingly “Understood” then Jumin make a gesture to his two bodyguards, and they lift the burnt man and take him inside after Sayoung opened the three layered security system.
It's the next morning after the incident, Yoosung and Jaehee spent the night at Saeyoung's house, and you guys have a marathon for a sitcom series “How I Wed Your Mother” at the 3rd episode of the first season Saeran joined in, and he's currently sleeping on the floor, you fell asleep halfway through season 3's finale, but it seemed like the three of them stayed up longer, luckily it's the weekend so they don't have any school or work to do. You get up and went to the kitchen when suddenly you hear a police siren, it's getting closer and closer, and in just a split off second  you hear something that makes your hear stops “LUCIEL CHOI, YOU ARE UNDER ARREST FOR MURDER, GET OUT OF YOUR HOUSE AND SURRENDER IMMEDIATELY”.
It all went by so fast, you rushed to Saeyoung's room but Vanderwood stopped you, when Saeyoung walk pass you he give you a sad look and say “I'm sorry... please... wait for me...” your screams did not stop him, Yoosung and Jaehee tried to stop him, saying there must be a mistake  but Saeyoung had opened his security system and the police blocked them, Saeyoung surrender himself and let the police took him, without even looking back once and you are left there, confused and devastated.
TBC Obviously, didn’t have the time nor skill to draw some fanart to act, as the ‘VNM’ mode hahaha but if i had some ideas i will add some!
If you’d like, feel free to leave some comments, suggestion for me :D 
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empressfiend · 7 years
Light Of My Life (A Magnus Bane Birthday Fic)
Magnus Appreciation Month December 8th: Birthday Read on Ao3.
#humanau #childrenau #angst&fluff #hurt&comfort #party #presents #sappy
Snow flitted about in a flurry with the wind, little soft flecks caught on the rusting steel of the swings and the building mounds on the ground. There were small boot indentations in the otherwise smooth and flawless mountains of snow of the abandoned playground which just made Magnus sadder because he was alone on his birthday.
He had left the orphanage around sunset and it was currently nearing dawn and no one had looked for him. His heart was in pain and his eyes were swollen from all the tears he had shed. The snow below the swing set had turned icy and slippery from his presence. He had slipped on it when he stood up around lunch because he was getting hungry and he didn’t try to get past it again.
In the seven years he had spent in the orphanage, no one had bothered to greet him a happy birthday and in the four years he had started going to school, no one had bothered either. He was sad and he was lonely and he didn’t know why he felt so much worse about being abandoned today since it wasn’t anything new.
He had made a few friends though so perhaps he wished they cared…
This year there were three big families that had moved into the neighbourhood and he had become friends with all of them. He didn’t know why they liked him but he was happy that he wasn’t left by himself anymore. His friends had all celebrated their birthdays joyfully together and he had thought the same thing would happen to him but it didn’t.
No one had called. No one had texted. No one had asked about his plans. No one had even said anything on the days that led up to his birthday. And today, no one went to see him.
He didn’t know what was sadder: that he didn’t have friends to greet him before or that he did have friends and no one greeted him anyway.
A cough racked through his little body and he suddenly shivered from the cold. He pulled in his small ill-fitting dark purple jacket around him and huddled in it to protect from icy wind. His mother had bought it for him when he was five and it was so big then and so small now. Too much time had passed and he had grown since but he still wore it because it was his favourite and one of the few things he had that shown his mother’s affection towards him before she stopped caring too.
He sniffled a little as tears started to fall from his eyes again and sneezed miserably. His warden would get mad at him for this and he would probably be told to suffer through his sickness because he had brought this upon himself but he didn’t find that he minded. In fact, he had half a mind to just die here from the cold since it was obvious no one cared anyway.
The sound of gravel and ice being crunched in the distance startled him and he neatly fell out of the swing to land face-first on the mushy snow. He gasped in pain when he felt a sting on his hands and he wiggled around to see that he had managed to wound himself in the process too. His spirit dropped even more and he curled up into a ball in the snow whilst he started to cry in earnest once more.
He didn’t hear the sound of snow being stepped on nearing him through his terrible howls and he flinched so violently when a hand touched his face clumsily that he shot up from the ground only to slip on the slush and fall right back down with an almighty thud. His spine tingled in pain and he clutched onto the seat of a swing to haul himself back upright, tears drying on his face as his crying stopped abruptly from the shock.
Magnus turned warily to look at the female voice that had gasped, scared that he’d be chastised, lectured, or beaten for what he had done but he didn’t get to see the woman because his eyes had stopped at the sight of his best friend; black curls fell loosely to cover bright hazel eyes and a wide smile was partially hidden behind a big scarf. His own lips tugged up as he noted that his best friend was wearing the scarf he had knitted and he hurriedly wiped at his damp face to cover up his tears. “Alec!”
“Hey Magnus,” Alec turned a bit shy and held out a small cupcake topped with glitter. “Happy birthday!”
Magnus felt tears prick his eyes again and he began uncontrollably bawling. He could see Alec turn concerned and try to approach him but he couldn’t stop himself. His heart was bursting from the overload of emotions and it was all he could do to cling on to Mama Maryse when she hurriedly rushed over to carry him in her arms.
He let himself be wrapped in a fluffy neon pink towel that was probably Izzy’s and obediently shuffled into a seating position when he was set down. His tears were still pouring from his eyes and his sobs continued to wrack his body but he was really happy and he wanted to let Alec know because his best friend was looking incredibly sad as he was pulled into a hug.
“Th – thank you.” His voice broke and he heaved in a big breath to take in more air so he could speak properly. “Thank you!” He gasped and he managed to smile through his mess of emotions when Alec nodded against him to show that he had been heard and understood. “Wuv u, ‘Lec.” His mumble was near-uninterpretable but he knew that his best friend could feel the feelings behind his words.
The car stopped a moment later and he saw the car door to his side open through his blurry vision. His smile quivered as he looked up at Mama Maryse and he rubbed his eyes roughly. “Sorry.” He apologised sadly. “I didn’t mean to dirty your car and… Alec…” His eyes were lowered but they quickly shot up when Mama Maryse cupped his cheeks gently and he was given a sincere and warm smile.
“Silly Magnus, you must not be so conscious at such a young age. Now, dry your tears, Alec has a surprise for you. But before that, I will be dressing you up in cleaner clothes because the birthday boy mustn’t get sick.” Mama Maryse smiled genuinely.
Magnus blushed a little as his nose was bopped gently by a manicured nail and he obediently used the towel to clear away the tears from his face. A wet tissue was handed over to him and he looked gratefully at his best friend for the assist when he found himself with a face-full of wet tissue being used to scrub at his face. His giggles grew in volume as Alec pounced on him and he was rendered incapable of movement, only able to watch while his best friend studiously cleaned his face, neck, and hands up.
The wound on his hand stung a little as Mama Maryse rubbed a cotton ball on it and placed a Band-Aid on it but it was okay because his heart never felt so full. He stripped off his favourite jumper and wet pants then changed into new clothes that he had seen Alec wear before. Mama Maryse looked proud as he bounded out of the car with Alec in tow, her arms full of his dirty clothes that she promised to wash and return.
“Ready?” Alec asked excitedly, a wild grin on his face as he bounced on the balls of his feet.
It was infectious.
Magnus gripped onto his best friend’s hand and nodded enthusiastically. With a nod from Mama Maryse, he was dragged along by Alec through the house. It was huge and fancy and homely and he loved every moment he got to spend in this home. He dearly wished it could be his home too. His eyes zoomed into a glittery pink dollhouse to the side he hadn’t seen before but he was pulled out into the backyard too quickly to have a proper look at it.
All thoughts of the dollhouse fled from his mind when he saw the grand transformation of the boring barbecue area that they would regularly have lunch and dinner at during weekends. Instead of the boring old wooden chairs and wooden table, there was a long marble table filled with food and light blue benches where all his friends sat waving at him and Alec.
The grill was smoking and the mini bar from the living room had been turned into a dessert corner. There was also a lot of toys and games scattered around the grass but best of all and what really hit home was the huge tarpaulin that had caricatures and anime faces of his friends and their families with him smack dab in the middle wearing purple glitter all over his face and on his stylish clothes.
He could see the amazing skills in drawing that Mama Jocelyn and Clary had used for the thing and he could also identify the messy Star Wars space car-airplane-thingy that Simon had drawn. Izzy’s touch was there too with the excessive pink glitter that carved out his name and then Alec’s neat writing of ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!’ right above.
It was perfect.
Alec tugged him again, eyes wide and anticipatory, and he granted his best friend a big bear hug. He heard an ‘oof’ and they toppled down onto the grassy ground with blinding grins. Footsteps came thundering towards them and in no time they were a big messy puppy pile rolling around on the ground. Izzy and Clary’s sweet perfumes clouded the savoury smell from the grill and he couldn’t be happier.
“Alright, alright.” Papa Luke’s voice sounded from above them, hearty and warm. “We’re all starving and the guest of honour needs to take the first bite!”
Magnus popped his head out from the tangle of limbs and stared up hopefully.
“Yes, that means you, little magpie.” Papa Luke confirmed.
“I’m a magpie!” Izzy’s hand shot up from below.
Papa Luke chuckled and bent down to extract Magnus. “You’re also a princess, little Isabelle.”
“And a scientist!” Izzy cheered.
Magnus twisted around to look behind him as he was carried away and saw Alec glaring half-heartedly at Izzy. He giggled a little when Izzy just winked and twirled so her pink and purple dress floated gracefully in the air. His attention was pulled back to the front when Papa Luke patted him and he gaped at the food on the table.
It was amazing!
On the far left, there was a mini bronze three-level stepladder that had four tiny black cauldrons filled with sauces and right beside it was a miniature drink fountain filled with fruity water and small mason jars complete with wacky straws and each of their names printed on the front. There were four plates of different raw meats on top of ice shavings and a big sized mortar and pestle filled to the brim with mac and cheese at the centre. To the far right there was a three-tiered tea tray stuffed with mini hamburgers and four quiver dishware he was sure Mama Maryse bought for Alec with shrimps skewered into tiny arrows.
The usual Star Wars-inspired ceramic plates they had all made in Mama Jocelyn’s art workshop were on either side of the table along with the royal gold utensils Izzy had insisted they all have. What was unusual was the small pots of charcoal and foil under mini cooking grids they each had too. He tilted his head in wonder and pointed at it. “What are those for?”
“Ah.” Papa Luke looked infinitely pleased. “Those are my idea. I figured you’re all old enough to have mini-grills so you guys can cook your meat on your own today with that! You can also make some s’mores there for dessert.”
Magnus felt his jaw drop and he excitedly smacked Papa Luke’s big arm. “I want to cook meat!”
“Yesss!” Simon popped out from the side with a grin. “I’m so ready to see this!”
“Is it the grill?” Izzy crawled onto the bench on the other side, her eyes sparkling. “Did he choose the grill?”
“Mommy!” Clary shouted from behind. “Magnus chose the grill!”
“Oh dear.”
Magnus giggled again as he was settled onto the bench and tugged Alec to his side when he saw his best friend wander over. He was proud to have chosen the grill because everyone seemed to want that too. His eyes lit up when Papa Luke lit up a fire and bit his lip when the flame was lowered to the charcoal.
There must have been some magic involved because charcoal didn’t catch fire quickly but it did now. He clapped his hands excitedly with his other friends – even Alec clapped – then grabbed the tong that was offered to him. His hands shook slightly as he grabbed a slice of beef and he leaned back a little, scared, when he placed it above the flaming pot.
“Oooh!” They all exclaimed when the raw meat turned brown and curled up.
“It’s like a movie!” Simon shouted cheerfully.
Magnus carefully took a bite of the meat and moaned happily. “It’s magic.”
“No,” Izzy denied with a stern shake of her head. “It’s science!”
Clary rolled her eyes in a very Alec-way and hastily started to grill her meat.
The other adults slid into the bench with them at this point. Papa Luke was beside Clary with Mama Jocelyn across her to Magnus’ right and Mama Maryse beside Alec across from Simon.
Drinks were passed around to them in the mason jars and Magnus quickly took a sip of his. He licked his lips at the taste of the fruit juice and smiled happily as he took another meat for his grill while Mama Jocelyn placed two hamburger sliders and two shrimp skewers onto his plate. His stomach fluttered happily at the kind gesture and he ducked his head shyly.
A nudge to the side made him look up and he met Alec’s bright hazel eyes staring at him. He blushed for the second time that day and pulled his best friend in for a hug. His head was tucked in comfortably between Alec’s shoulder and neck and he melted into the embrace. He pulled away after a moment and slid over one slider and one skewer to his best friend’s plate.
“Yeah?” Magnus faced his best friend again.
“Are you happy?”
Magnus paused in surprise. He opened and closed his mouth and then he beamed. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m so happy!” His best friend’s smile mirrored his and he felt incredibly blessed and infinitely happy to have met Alec and his other friends and their kind parents. He was pulled into another hug by Alec, this time short but sweet. “You’re the best friends I could ever ask for.”
“That’s because you deserve the best, Mags.” Alec said simply and happily with a wide smile.
Magnus let the words sink in and the light feeling in his chest grew exponentially until he was laughing hard, harder than he ever had before. His friends grinned at him, confused but pleased, and the adults looked at him fondly, and the stars shined above them.
After so many cold, frigid birthdays spend alone, lonely, and sad, he finally had this perfect one with newfound friends who loved him, adults who cared for him warmly, and food made with so much affection for him. He found himself happy that night, so happy that he spared no thought for his lost family and the cruel neglect he would face back in the orphanage when he returned.
His grin remained for the rest of dinner, up to when they were all messily grilling s’mores and gorging on home-made ice cream while the adults lit up fireworks for them to watch. And there it remained when he took a shower in Alec’s bathroom, snuggled into his best friend’s sleepwear, and laid down in the middle of the puppy pile that consisted of his friends, their stuffed toys, pillows, and duvets inside the tent erected in the living room.
When the adults left them with the flickering light of fake lanterns that filtered through the thin material of the tent from outside and the night fell ever more thickly, he noticed that the heart pendant he had been gifted that was made by Mama Jocelyn and Clary from the ideas of all his friends was glowing purple. His throat clogged up as he lifted it up to eye-level and he let out a few tears as he remembered what Alec had whispered to him one night they had a sleepover with just the two of them.
“I think it’s stupid that we can’t give hearts away. If I could, I’d give you mine so when you’re lonely and sad and alone, I’ll be there to light up the darkness for you.”
A hand closed around the pendant gently and Alec shifted closer with a gentle smile. “It was supposed to be only my gift to you but I didn’t know how to make one so I had to get everyone’s help.”
“I love it.” Magnus whispered back.
“Yeah?” Alec grinned. “The pendant was Clary’s idea. I told her I wanted to give you my heart and she said this could be a way. And then Izzy overheard and she insisted to have it glow and that she knew how to make it happen.”
Magnus giggled softly. “I’m sure she saw it from a fairy tale or something and found a scientific solution for it.”
“Yep.” Alec twisted his lips and gravely nodded then brightened up again. “Simon added those wings on top of the heart… I’m not really sure what they are for but they look nice so…”
“They do.” Magnus assured.
Alec turned pleased. “But, you gotta remember that even if they all added their ideas into this pendant,” The pendant was revealed again. “This is still only my heart.”
“Of course.” Magnus swallowed thickly, incredibly touched. “Alec’s heart.” He placed a gentle kiss on the glowing pendant and knocked his forehead onto his best friend’s. His heart was thudding rapidly inside his chest and he wanted to say so much more but his lips stayed sealed as he was rendered incapable of speech from how overwhelmed he felt.
They slept soon in each other’s arms without another word said though the need to return the gesture didn’t die away. So a year later on Alec’s birthday, Magnus successfully made his own glowing hazel heart with Mama Jocelyn’s help and it became a tradition after that.
All of them eventually took lessons with Mama Jocelyn – Clary was the perfect helper, always lending them a hand when they were having a hard time – and after two years, he, Alec and Simon were able to create charms for the bracelets Clary and Izzy made.
The three of them made Izzy a microscope charm, Clary a paint palette and brush charm, Simon a lightsabre charm, Alec a bow and quiver charm, and Magnus a spell book charm though, only Alec and Magnus exchanged tiny glowing omamori charms in private.
They continued to add to their charms every year, and soon it wasn’t just charms that Alec and Magnus exchanged in private but letters, trinkets, and gifts both expensive and cheap when they finally started to date that by the time they hit mid-twenties, there were so many gifts they collected over the years that it was ridiculous.
It was okay though because Magnus had become an incredibly successful fashion designer and Alec had perfectly assumed his role as CEO of Lightwood Industry so their huge two-story mansion had a special room just for their gifts to each other along with five special showcase drawers.
Four of them presented the charms from their friends and ones they made with them for each other while the one that stood at the very centre of the room exhibited the small trinkets and jewellery they had gifted each other through the years. In the middle of that were two small pillows that cushioned two very special rings they had made for each other in secret and then given upon proposing simultaneously like the sappy, lovey-dovey idiots their friends accused them to be.
And it was those rings that Magnus and Alec looked down on, hands interlocked with each other, their marriage rings glowing on their fingers that they swore to each other and everyone else contained their souls. Their lives had begun to weave together the moment they met and had become forever intertwined together the moment each of them confessed their love for each other as they did right then.
“I love you, Magnus, love of my life.” Alec whispered fervently.
Magnus tipped his head back and kissed his husband’s lips. “And I love you, Alexander, light of my life.”
Ao3 | Buy Me Coffee
I’ll write you a story/fic on Fiverr!
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