nottapossum · 1 day
I can't lie, I'm a sucker for Little!Alastor and we definitely get enough interaction between the two. So I'm just obsessed with Little Alastor and Little Angel having a playdate with their respective caregivers-
(also I follow you on wattpad if you couldn't tell from the same username :])
Oh, yeah! Hiii!! I freaking love your username!!!!
That would be an adorable playdate!!!
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🌹Husk and Rosie (the friend of Alastor that Husk actually likes) would place their little ones on a playmat in the center of the room while they hang out on the couch and chat.
Rosie: "So, how are things going with you and Angel?"
Husk shrugs: "I think it's going okay, for the most part... but, it's been an adjustment for sure."
Rosie: "That's expected. You seem to be doing a fine job so far though."
Husk: "I don't know, Sometimes Angel cries... Actually, he cries a lot. And I don't know why or what I'm supposed to do about it. It's frustrating, and...it hurts that I can't do anything... you know?"
Rosie nods: "Have you talked to him about it?"
Husk sighs: "I've tried, but he never wants to talk about it. I think he knows what the problem is, he just doesn't want to tell me."
Rosie: "If he's not telling you, it's probably because it's too hard to talk about... but the fact that he's crying to you about it says something. He trusts you to comfort him and help him feel better."
Husk: "You think so?"
Rosie: "I know so, I've seen you with Angel, sweetie. You're doing a great job. Don't ever doubt that."
Husk nods: "Thanks, Ro."
She'd be so good at giving him advice that works and being so comforting when he's feeling unsure of himself.
They may even become real friends. Who knows.
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🦌Angel and Alastor would just be staring at each other for a long time...
Angel with nervousness,
Alastor with a big creepy smile on his face.
Both would be nervous at first until Angel offers Alastor one of his blocks...
Alastor: *Looks at it, then at Angel confused.*
Angel points to the tower he's making. "You can add it to my tower...if you wanna."
Alastor tilts his head. "Tower? Wadio Tower?"
Angel: *Shrugs.* "Sure."
Alastor places the block on top of the tower. Luckily, it doesn't fall.
Angel smiles at Alastor. "You want to help me build more?"
Alastor nods, laughing evily: "More Towers!!!"
Angel laughs. "Yer funny. I like that."
Alastor smiles genuinely at Angel before building yet another tower together.
I gotta write them having a playdate as an actual one-shot or chapter.
They're both just so cute!!!
@todayimfour @trophyxtissues2 @im-not-paying-my-taxes @ask-dusty-boy @abby5577 @attagirljessy @legeufygeuber100 @stormy-is-hyperfixated @hinata-chan-utaitelover @thatswhat24
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sillys-little-space · 2 months
cg! Rosie and agere! Alastor or whatever :3
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I didn’t know if I should of posted this on my main or on here :P
I’m sure not a lot of people know but my main is @mistersillyyy ^_^🎀
here’s a lil edit o made as well
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tvbbosdarling · 3 months
Caregiver Rosie Moodboard !!
Ps I know I used the blood milk image for Alastor but I felt like it fits Rosie a bunch too ^^
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She definitely loves to cook for you.. Although all her food uses red in it, even if it isn't.. What's implied there's usually some red involved. Definitely calls you her angel- pun intended, she's also constantly cooing at how cute you are <3
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hype-blue-fixation · 2 months
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I been doin lil doodles of lil Al and CG Rosie
Prolly gonna do more but wanted to share!
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obvsi-bi · 3 months
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It's 4am
I live for these two
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lttl3babybug · 3 months
Do you have any CG headconnons for Mama Rosie and Uncle Alastor? I can't get them out of my head 🥺🥺
I certainly do! Thank you for the request 🐍✨ anon!! <33
Cg!Rosie & Uncle!Alastor headcanons!
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🥀📻Your mama Rosie is very fond of showing you off to her friends, she loves it! Seeing how giggly you get when meeting new people and seeing how they coo and aww at you
🥀📻So when she heard Alastor was back in town by god she was on the phone with him in seconds, curling the wire around her fingers while she bounced you on her hip
🥀📻You weren’t exactly paying attention to the conversation you just heard the word ‘Alastor’ and tuned the rest out
🥀📻You were just happily playing with some of your blocks, building a tower or a castle when your mama scooped you up and started messing with your hair, she insisted you looked all nice!
🥀📻Once she put you down and opened the door you saw him, Rosie introduced him as Alastor. The man from the phone call!!
🥀📻Alastor was very shocked to meet you, obviously not expecting this when Rosie said she has someone special waiting for him
🥀📻Rosie let you cling to her the whole time he was over while she explained to Alastor who you were and why you were with her
🥀📻He continued to visit after that and started bringing you little gifts, at first it was a few little sweets
🥀📻Then a new dolly he just ‘found’ laying around, then a new stuffie and a new paci
🥀📻He was very nonchalant with the gifts, handing them to you and pinching your cheek to distract you while he went to talk to Rosie
🥀📻He thinks you’re adorable, just so cute in your little onesie and fluffy socks
🥀📻While Rosie is away he babysits you, making you bottles and supervising everything you do
🥀📻He brings a little radio with him so you can listen to music
🥀📻He’s your number 1 babysitter
🥀📻If Rosie is ever called to a meeting and needed immediately he’s down by your side as soon as he physically can be
🥀📻Even if that means bringing you to him
🥀📻If you do end up at the hotel you’re in his room or under the watch of himself and/or husk the entire time
🥀📻As much as he doesn’t want to admit it he’s got a soft spot for you, how could he not!
🥀📻Rosie shows him all your drawings, even the crayon scribbles from when you’re feeling icky and need to have a time out
🥀📻His favourite one is the one you gave him however, a picture of him, you, and Rosie all together. You’d even written under the drawing of him, ‘Uncle Al’ with a big smiley face
🥀📻He could’ve just melted at the sight but no, he has a reputation to uphold, so he folds it up and puts it in his pocket before patting you on the head, thanking you and sending you off on your way.
🥀📻The drawing is framed on the wall in his room
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comicfive · 3 months
Can I gets a Rosie caregiver board from hazbins hotel? :)))) thankkkk youuuuss- Princess 🌸
here you go space cadet! :) again, i havent watched hazbin or anything! so I hope it's up to your expectations! i hope you enjoy it, sweetie!
Caregiver Rosie Moodboard
(color specific: light red & white, paci inclusion)
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thank you for the request :)
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altlucicg · 2 months
Very random but
@cannibal-auntie appreciation moment because they are very nice and I love them!/p
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wilmaslittleflower · 6 months
Hi hi!! Oh my gosh! Can I get a a cg!spencer Reid or or cg!aaron hotchner? Please? It's okay if not!
- @littlerosiesoot
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notes; hi rosie! I really loved making this because Spencer and I love him! I’m making an Aaron one as well!! I hope you enjoy!
paci credit; pacishop._.babytime on ig!
taglist; @koithelittle @littlerosiesoot @littlesakura-anon @sillylittlekibbie (wanna be added? Send me an ask or dm!)
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nottapossum · 4 months
SOOOO UUHHH??? THAT FINALE!!!!!???? The undying love I have for Rosie is insane she has the most comforting CG energy I neeeeeed your headcanons -☀️
Best Caregiver ever!!!!!! I Love her energy! ❤️
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The way she dusts off his jacket, scolds him lightly and teases him- it's so pure! I love their friendship!!
-She will always sing to Alastor either to calm him down or to entertain him. There's nothing that works better. He loves music!
-She will fuss over him constantly. He never lacks attention when around her.
-She will baby talk and tease him constantly, telling him how adorable he is. Al will pretend to hate it, but he actually loves it.
-She knows Alastor so well. She may even understand him more than he does himself. She studies people and takes mental notes of them constantly.📝
She will not forget anything about a person, when you're her friend, she is dedicated!
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-She's the only one Alastor will listen to. No matter what anyone else says, he will not be fazed by their caregiver tendencies and voices. Only Rosie could ever tell him what to do, and he will actually listen.
-Shes not the type to dish out punishments unless it's absolutely necessary. She will always try to reason with Alastor and talk to him first. Try to understand what's going on and figure out how they can fix whatever the problem is.
-She will always remind Alastor to use his manners and to play nicely. (He's not always sure how to do that last part, but he's doing his best)
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She's so kind and understanding of all people. 💕
She really seems like the type of person who never judges so long as you don't judge her.
-She calls Alastor her little Wendigo 🥰
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She immediately puts herself in a parental role when she feels one is needed. Even if it's not asked of her.
-She talks to Vaggy about Charlie and Alastor and has asked her to keep an eye on him while he's at the hotel, she even gave Vaggy her number in case he needs her or they need her to talk to him.
-She would love to babysit Charlie and Vaggy if asked, and she made sure Vaggy and Charlie both knew that she's always willing to babysit!
-Her and Charlie are also good friends, and Charlie goes to her when she needs advice or just to rant.
-Charlie calls her Auntie Rosie. And she encourages it.
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Full Alastor and Rosie post coming soon!
Feel free to send in your own headcannons 🌹🦌
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sillys-little-space · 1 month
Cg!Rosie Stimboard
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8-bit-daycare · 5 months
“Awe, hi little one! It’s been quite a minute, hasn’t it? But Miss Rosie is here to take care of you, darling. Do you want to color together? Pick one of these!”
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“How’s that, love? Do you want any more?”
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hellsitegenetics · 4 months
Well since you mention valentine's professions of love, I think it wouldn't be right if I didn't take this chance to extoll the virtues of moths. Firstly, they're adorable. Some of them are really fuzzy and have cute antennae. The rosy maple moth and the common silk moth are both very very cute. Secondly, (as this blog proves again and again) there are SO MANY of them in such a huge variety that you're bound to come across one that tickles your fancy! Take the Atlas Moth for example! It's got a wing span of nearly 25cm! That's like the size of a small bird! (You have no idea how much I want to pet a large moth species. Not the caterpillars though. Never touch random caterpillars. In fact, some moth caterpillars have hairs and stuff that you definitely do not want to touch due to them being poisonous.) Thirdly, moths are culturally and historically important! Silk has been a major industry for centuries upon centuries. The techniques of silk production and the actual moths themselves are the subject of myths in various cultures. They were once so jealously and secretively guarded that there are legends of how they came to be spread to different parts of Asia. I cannot stress how big of a deal silk was throughout the history of the world and how the trade of silk influenced international relations for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Oh and the thing is, common silk moths aren't the only silk-producing moth! There are several moths in the Saturniidae family that make cocoons of silk which are also used in modern, commercial silk production -- some of which don't result in the death of the chrysalid.
Look, I know whatever string of nucleotides this ramble produces will not end up matching the genetic sequence of a moth, because that's just how these things work but... I hope that people will look upon all the moths that do show up going forth with a fond and grateful eye because moths are truly magnificent creatures. Happy Valentine's Day!
String identified:
c t at' , t t 't gt 't ta t cac t t t t t. t, t' aa. t a a a a ct ata. T a t a t c t a t ct. c, (a t g aga a aga) t a A t c a g at tat ' t c ac tat tc ac! Ta t Ata t a! t' gt a g a a 25c! Tat' t a a ! ( a a c at t t a ag t c. t t cata tg. tc a cata. act, t cata a a a t tat t t at t tc t t g .) T, t a cta a tca tat! a a a t ct ct. T tc ct a t acta t t a t ct t a ct. T c a a ct ga tat t a g t ca t a t t at Aa. cat t g a a a tgt t t t a t ta c tata at , t ta a. a t tg , c t a't t -cg t! T a a t t ata a tat a cc c a a , cca ct -- c 't t t at t ca.
, at tg ct t a c t atcg t gtc c a t, ca tat' t t tg t… tat a t t tat gg t t a a gat ca t a t agct cat. a at' a!
Closest match: Parapoynx stratiotata genome assembly, chromosome: 8 Common name: Ringed China-mark
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tsukishimasbaby · 4 months
Alastor with a baby regressor who always wants to be held and gets really fussy when he's not in eyesight of her
CG!Alastor with Clingy Baby Reader
A/N: This is literally me. I am a clingy, fussy baby!!
Alastor remains patient with you, because he knows you can’t help it. You just love him so much and you’re so reliant on him.
However. Sometimes. It can get a little bit much. He’s an overlord! He has important things to do! He feels bad, but sometimes he has to leave you with someone else.
He’ll usually leave you with Husk or Rosie if he really has to do go something important. You cry and you beg for him not to go, but sometimes he just has to. :(
He gets you a stuffie so that you can feel connected to him in someway whenever he has to go somewhere, even if it’s just for a few minutes.
You still cry and beg, but it makes things a little bit more tolerable.
Usually whenever Alastor leaves, you just cry it out until you get sleepy and you take a nap. And when you wake up, Alastor’s usually there again!
You cling to him desperately, even more so than usual, every time after that.
Other than that, whenever you guys are just doing normal things, walking around the hotel, he keeps you right next to him!
He’ll happily carry you, especially if you’re super little.
He honestly thinks how attached you are to him is super cute. He likes how much you rely on him.
If he’s holding you while he’s talking to someone else, occasionally he’ll just plant little kisses on your head in the middle of talking just so you know he didn’t forget about you.
Gets a crib in his room so that he can keep an eye on you at all times. Or, if you really wanna be right next to him at all times, he’s fine with sleeping in the same bed and holding you all night too. He just doesn’t care for physical touch, but he’ll do it for you!
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magicalregression · 4 months
General Hazbin Hotel hcs
Hello fellow agere hazbin enjoyers. I come with hcs for the main 6. Pls enjoy
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🛡 ~ Charlie ~ 🛡
She's a little. Regresses to like 6-7 y/o and is so sweet and innocent.
Still wants to help everyone, and spends her time drawing posters to attract people to the hotel.
Her main cg is Vaggie for obvious reasons, though she will also gravitate towards Angel if he's around.
Eepy baby. Once all of her energy is gone, pick her up and she falls right to sleep.
�� ~ Vaggie ~ ⚔
She's a caregiver. Vaggie also will babysit the other littles in the hotel if needed, though she has an obvious preference for Charlie.
Is kinda hard on the littles when need be, can be very strict. This is especially true for bed/nap time, mealtimes, and baths. No stinky, overtired littles on Vaggie's watch.
This just popped into my head but cuddles where she uses her wings as like a blanket thing or just lets the little snuggle into it yes yes
Tends to clean up after playtime. She wants to be madder, but could never be truly angry with her babies.
🕷 ~ Angel Dust ~ 🕷
Angel is both a little and a babysitter. When he regresses, it's at a similar age to Charlie, maybe a bit older to around 7-8.
His energy levels highly fluctuate depending on his emotions before regressing. If he had been in a stressful situation or recently come back from work, he's very tired and kinda just wants to be alone with whatever he's entertained himself with. If he's not in a high emotion environment, he's full of energy!
Likes playing tag and hide and seek with the others. Sometimes forgets that he's much bigger than everyone, though, and may accidentally cause some booboos.
As a babysitter, he takes his job very seriously. Might not be as strict about meals or naps (definitely lets them just have as many sweets as they want), but will take tea parties and games very seriously.
📻 ~ Alastor ~ 📻
I know a lot of people like little Al but for personal reasons, he is a caregiver lol. He has too soothing a voice and mannerisms with Nifty for me to not harp on it.
Takes his little out to Overlord meetings or to visit Auntie Rosie. When they go see Rosie, she always has a new outfit for them, whether a onesie or full outfit, there's always something. At the Overlord meetings, he'll let them sit in his lap or between him and Rosie. The others don't mind bc I say so.
Alastor doesn't like touch he doesn't initiate, and you are no exception. That being said, if they find a way to pull on or play with his ears, the most he'll do is let out a long sigh before letting them continue.
Calls them a little Overlord. "Come now, little Overlord, it's time for bed." and "Little Overlord, what have I told you about sneaking up on others?" and the like.
I have the most thoughts about him but will keep this short for everyone's sakes
🧹 ~ Nifty ~ 🧹
A little. She has the biggest fluctuation though and will be either 2 or like 7, no in betweens.
Always has energy. She's bouncing off the walls. Because of this, Angel is the last person asked to take care of her because he'll give her candy and then she gets even worse. He's also a little cautious because of the one time he made her cry, but Nifty just kinda drifts over to him anyways.
Husk usually gets stuck looking after the lil bugger. It'll start as Alastor's problem, then he conveniently disappears and Vaggie gives her to "kitty" (it's not that they don't love her, they do, she's just a lot lol). I imagine little Nif and Husk have a similar dynamic to Boo and Sully in Monsters Inc.
The only way to get her to sleep is with radio static. The white noise calms her down. Bonus points if you give her a fluffy plush to hold as well.
🐱 ~ Husk ~ 🐱
Husk doesn't really like children, even of the regressing variety. It's not that he hates them, he'd just prefer to not have to interact with them as much as he can. The most he'll do is babysit, but even then he's a little clueless.
Tends to get stuck with Angel the most, but he prefers Nifty just because he's been around her the most over the years.
Has the bar stocked up with different juices and milk and other drinks for kids. Also has a wide variety of sippy cups with different themes for different littles. Charlie likes the ducky one, Angel has one with crabs on it, and Nifty's are all plain. Everyone uses the space themed ones, though, so he has the most of those.
He has a little nook under the bar that someone could use as a little hiding space as well. If the littles are playing hide and seek and someone goes down there, Husk is the last to snitch.
If you wanna see specific scenarios or hcs about certain characters, feel free to send in an ask!!
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lttl3babybug · 4 months
Rosie with a baby regressor that loves to be held
YESSS, I love Rosie. Mama Rosie my beloved, anyway enjoy :33
Cg!Rosie & Clingy!Regressor!Reader Headcanons!
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🥀Rosie is the best cg this side of pentagram city
🥀She is incredibly understanding about everything
🥀So when she noticed how clingy you were, she was totally down to have you attached to her hip 24/7
🥀She first noticed it when you’d had a particularly rough day and were regressing quite young
🥀She’d put you down for 2 seconds to pick something up and boom! You were in hysterics
🥀Crying for mama to pick you up again
🥀Or if you’re a non verbal regressor making small whining noises and grabby hands at her
🥀Of course she immediately obliged
🥀She rested you on her hip and shushed you, wiping away any tears and brushing the hair out your face
🥀Happily parades around with you on her side at all times
🥀If it’s not possible for her to have you in her arms she’ll be holding your hand, giving you that comfort of her still being there even if you’re not in her arms
🥀You sit in her lap while she’s chatting with friends, she’ll be humming you a little song while her friend talks and she listens
🥀Bounces you on her knee when you’re feeling fussy until you’re giggling and happy again
🥀This woman loves you
🥀She loves holding you
🥀She loves showing you off to her friends
🥀She adores you, so much
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