opbackgrounds · 2 months
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I like how Oda can inject humor into something as mundane as the Straw Hats running away from Oars. Zoro does a lot of the heavy lifting in this panel with his comedically serious expression, but even his pose, all upright and angular, shows that there's no real urgency here. Bonus points goes to Chopper, but on the whole there's a business-like practicality with the Straw Hats here that's at odds with the supposed seriousness of the situation, and that contrast is just plain funny.
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every-sanji · 28 days
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everychojuro · 2 years
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Mei Terumī
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the Fifth Mizukage deserves more respect.
Alot fo the fifth Mizukage story is told in databooks, diaolgue and off-screen
 Mei also to endure Mist's brutal academy graduation ritual at nine years old. Fourth databook
 Taking office as Mizukage, Mei had challenges while struggling to undo the negative effects left by the Fourth Mizukage and the village's own history.
Mei has two kekkei Genkai Lava & Boil Release
Mei is proficient in the nature transformations of Water, Fire, Earth, and Lightning Release
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Her power was enough to force Sasuke Uchiha into a corner and injure him despite his usage of Susanoo. She has also shown some skill in taijutsu
Mei can also come up with strategic attacks on the spot. Databook
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(say ok at it, Mei’s more of a long-ranged fighter)
She has also shown some skill in taijutsu, being able to intercept Black Zetsu from attacking the daimyō with a single kick during the Fourth Shinobi World War.
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She took a punch from Edo Madara’s Susanoo clones.
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But given the state she was in, she was pretty messed up; (Most of the kage vs Madara fight was off-screen for the most part so idk how hits she took)
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Also the shock wave of Madara Susanoo swing
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she is calm and oberseveant able to notice the difference in Ao ch473 
Lava style
It has no trouble melting chakra-based techniques, such as Susano’o.
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The great amount of steam generated after the fluid strikes can serve as an effective smokescreen, allowing for a follow up attack while the enemy is distracted ch466
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Boil release A significant amount of exposure was enough to partially melt  Susanoo ribcage.
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She also has the ability to alter the potency and acidity of the mist created by her Boil Release techniques, and is apparently not affected by the mist herself.ch466
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And even bypasses the Susano’s as Sasuke still got burned.
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         Water Release, she can create a large torrent that can extinguish a powerful Fire style jutsu used by Madara and quickly use the same water to form a giant dragon. Mei can also use the Hidden in Mist Jutsu to obscure the movements of herself and her allies  ch563
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she did far better then other shinobi on using water style against him (Although not the same size but similar to it.)
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Two years after the Fourth Shinobi World War, her mastery  enabled her to successfully protect her village from the massive meteorites that had broken off from the falling Moon. (the last movie)
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She lacks speed, defensive, durability feats and displayed extremely rare to none close to none taijutsu or physical skills (besides kicking BZ as far as I can remember). She's more exclusively about ninjutsu firepower.
I would love to see her navigate changing the ways of her village. Can’t recall if she and Ao face off with the Fourth Mizukage to fight him. But they did know he was controlled.
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kolodros · 7 years
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circa ch473 zangiev was spotted shining takamuras atrocious statue and I doubt he was able to escape the history behind it
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Chicago and St. Louis Compared
Mr. Beat compares and contrasts Chicago and St. Louis, who once competed to be the America's Next Top Model, er, I mean America's Next Top Midwestern City.
Here is Dave's video: to City Beautiful: your pick for two places to be compared? Your idea gets picked when you donate on Patreon: donate on Paypal: Beat's band: Beat on Twitter: Beat on Facebook: by Matt Beat. All images used under fair use guidelines or found in public domain. Music by Electric Needle Room (Matt Beat).
Thanks to US101 for also collaborating with me for this video.
To catch Sami's full rant: subscribe to his channel: credits:
99darkshadows credits:
Ayoub Dz
Paul Sableman
Dave Herholz
Hafiz Issadeen
Parker Botanical
Colin J Bird
Loop Trolley Construction
Daniel Schwen
Matthew Black
Ron Cogswell
Mr. Granger
Tech. Sgt. Christopher Boitz
Belinda Hankins Miller
Matt Kitces
David Bjorgen
Phil Roeder
Jon DeJong
Parker Botanical
Ron Reiring
Chicago, Illinois and St. Louis, Missouri
Two American Midwestern cities just 260 miles (418 km) apart, although if you 19ve seen Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, you 19d think they were a lot further away than that.
Wait, why I am comparing these two cities? Why not Chicago and Houston? Or St. Louis and Kansas City? Doesn 19t that make more sense.
Well kind of. But I 19m comparing Chicago and St. Louis because those two cities were once in direct competition to become the biggest and most important city in the Midwest. I 19m making this video in collaboration with Dave from the channel City Beautiful. On his channel, he has a video explaining why and how Chicago beat out St. Louis to indeed become THE biggest, most important Midwestern city. Be sure to check it out after you 19re done watching this one.
Once upon a time, it was actually St. Louis that appeared to be destined to become the biggest, most important American Midwestern city. First of all, St. Louis is older than Chicago. It was founded by the French in 1764, after they lost the Seven Years 19 War. Basically, French settlers fled there from the east after the British took over their former territory. For its first 38 years, St. Louis was under Spanish control. So while the French lived there, the Spanish guarded the town during that time. In those early years, St. Louis established itself as a major fur trading center. In 1803, when it had maybe 1,000 people living there, the United States bought Louisiana from France after it briefly took it back over. St. Louis, being in Louisiana, was now an American city, and became the administrative capital of all of Louisiana Territory. After Lewis and Clark left St. Louis exploring this vast territory, others would follow, and the city became a hub for folks on their way out to the 1CWild West. 1D
St. Louis steadily grew, it 19s population nearing 5,000 by 1830. In 1833, when St. Louis was 69 years old, Chicago was finally born. I mean, St. Louis was a creepy old man by the time Chicago came around. While St. Louis was mostly a fur trading hub, Chicago quickly became a transportation hub, a way to connect the east, where most Americans lived, to the west. It was the site of the Illinois and Michigan Canal, completed in 1848 to connect the Great Lakes to the Mississippi River. After a couple decades, it became the most important railroad city in the country.
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opbackgrounds · 2 months
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You know they’re excited for a chance to beat up on their captain
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opbackgrounds · 2 months
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I do think it's kind of cute that Perona's ideal vacation spot is basically Thriller Bark, and funny that Kuma heard her say this and immediately decided to dump her on Mihawk
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opbackgrounds · 2 months
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I'm beating on a little bit of a dead horse at this point, but I really do love how Oda plays with size during this confrontation between Perona and Kuma. This is the first (and only) panel where they're shown together and she's confident enough to fight back. Look how big she is in the foreground, absolutely dominating the space between them. At first she was tiny and insignificant, but now she believes that the tables have turned. This is Perona at her most powerful, and it's depicted beautifully in the art.
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Except that power is a mirage. Literally one panel later she is once again made small, as Kuma cuts through her bravado simply by ignoring it. This is their last panel together, and Perona is made to look like an ant picking a fight with a giant. It's absurd, and the reader knows who's going to win before their "battle" even begins. The only way for her to be portrayed as less important would be if she were to disappear, which, without any fanfare whatsoever, she does
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opbackgrounds · 2 months
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It's cool to see all the way Oda plays with paneling and perspective to make Perona feel absolutely tiny next to Kuma
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Which I guess he is, at 22 feet and change to Perona's 5'3", but Kuma absolutely dominates the page in comparison to her
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And it's interesting to compare these images to Kuma in his backstory, where his imposing frame is presented as protective instead of threatening. If anything, the Kuma of the past went out of his way to seem smaller than he really was
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During his flashback, Kuma's often seen sitting or hunched over like this. In part so he can fit better into frames and around speech bubbles, but also because he's the sort of person who would go out of his way to appear less threatening to others. It also plays with the power dynamics between the various characters. Kuma may be ginormous, but it’s the World Government who hold all the cards, so he doesn't get to be presented as bigger than they are.
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opbackgrounds · 2 months
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I'd have to go back and check to be sure, but I think this is the only scene where Kuma uses his powers where we don't see the paw prints on his hands or the little lines around the person that's been poofed. Though those visual details wouldn't give away how Kuma's power works, I do think it was appropriate to hide them for a more dramatically opportune moment
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opbackgrounds · 2 months
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Oars has really inherited Luffy’s propensity for getting stuck at the most inconvenient times during big fights
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opbackgrounds · 2 months
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Which do you suppose is better at defying gravity while flipped upside down, Oars’ loincloth or Sanji’s hair?
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opbackgrounds · 2 months
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Mildly curious about the accuracy of the translation here. As written, it implies that Zoro already knows that all black blades have special properties, but I could see it also be Zoro saying that hardness is one of the special properties of this black blade in particular.
Also, the attitude that Zoro takes here fits well with the general themes of the series. Luffy does end up beating Moriah and saving the crew, but the Straw Hats as a whole still have to fight their hardest for that to actually happen. Salvation isn't something that comes to people sitting down waiting for it.
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opbackgrounds · 2 months
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Another curious aspect about Kuma being so damn big is that sometimes he's literally too tall to fit into the frame of a panel so it looks like his head's been cut off
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Throughout this scene Kuma's face has often been framed in deep shadow or seen from far away so you can't make out the details. This adds to his air of menace, but going so far as to not show his head at all is strange and offputting. I can't recall Oda ever doing the same with any of his other large characters, and I'd go so far as to call it symbolic, especially in that second panel where there was definitely room to fit his whole body if Oda wanted
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opbackgrounds · 2 months
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Chapter 473 marks yet another transition point in the Thriller Bark arc, and while the Straw Hats vs Oars is mostly straight up humor, Oda takes the time to remind the reader that there are actual stakes if they don't win this fight. It's appropriate that this speech by Zoro continues into the next chapter after Kuma's introduced, as it becomes immediately apparent that this new Warlord isn't someone to be trifled with. Oda ratchets up the tension with Kuma, then reminds the reader that the real importance isn't Oars, but the crew's missing shadows
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It's this sense for pacing that helps Oda transition from comedic and dramatic moments seamlessly. It's not jarring when the mostly funny Oars fight later turns deadly serious, because it's something Oda has primed his audience to be ready for
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