#character: gu jiu si
movielosophy · 1 year
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Destined | married
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carlyleandco · 1 month
okay my fellow Cdrama fanatics, I’m in need of some recs as someone who is still fairly new to the scene…
Historical Cdramas I’ve enjoyed
Story of Minglan ~ this show is my Roman Empire…like I don’t go more than a couple of days without thinking about it. Love how much depth there was to the characters and their relationships. I got so much satisfaction from watching Minglan run circles around every one else using her intelligence and wits. Every time Gu Tingye popped up in the background as her backup support I lost it! Talk about power couple.
Love Like the Galaxy ~ first historical Cdrama I have watched and apart from Minglan, I think it has ruined the rest for me. This drama has so many layers. Niao Niao is an intelligent, and opportunistic female lead. She is unabashedly herself, and the story is not afraid to depict her as unlikeable at first instance. I deeply appreciated the focus on female relationships and family. And Ling Buyi has ruined all other antiheroes for me lmao
Destined ~ I thought this one would be on par with Minglan at first, but it did lose its way in the latter half. I felt the female lead was relegated to the background, which was frustrating as they built her up to be this shrewd businesswoman and then we never get to see her in action. I did appreciate how wholesome and untoxic Jiu Si was as a romantic lead. I thought her relationship with the SML could have been drawn out more, however.
Romance of Tiger and Rose ~ I don’t think this drama is anywhere on par with the above three, but I still enjoyed it. Definitely a fun and unserious romp. Zhou Lu Si is just so likeable in all her roles.
Xianxia I’ve enjoyed:
Love and Redemption ~ I literally fell down a hole with this drama. I could not stop watching. Even though the female leads starts with that token immaturity Cdramas are known for, it’s explained in-world and she goes through a noticeable growth/stepping into adulthood arc. I also LOVED how powerful she was and how often she got to use her powers. Also the romance? Sifeng?!!? Yeah I was a mess. However, one thing that irritated me was the lack of agency Xuan Ji had toward the end of the show.
Eternal Love ~ it’s a classic for a reason. I loved Bai Qian’s resolve, steadfastness, and maturity. Her relationship with Ye Hau blossomed naturally, and they had different obstacles to face as a couple as opposed to what I have seen so far.
Love Between Fairy and Devil ~ speaks for itself, and I love enemies to lovers.
Extra: points if the female lead is powerful, or is on a journey to realising her power. Whether that’s through her intelligence, empathy, or in the case of xianxia, actual mystical power. Bonus points if she’s a character like Xuan Ji who can go supernova and destroy everyone lol
Historical dramas I have not enjoyed:
The Sword and the Brocade ~ I didn’t even finish this one. My overall impression was, having already finished Minglan prior, eating cardboard after having been to a 5 star Michelin restaurant. Everything was so bland and dull, even down to the cinematography.
Princess Silver ~ I dragged myself to the finish line with this one. The plot just became so utterly ludicrous and relied on the audience being invested in the main leads without actually letting them spend screen time together. I also hated that we had glimpses of the female leads power but that she never got to fully realise this. Just overly contrived and trite.
Xianxia I did not enjoy
Ashes of Love ~ this was the first xianxia I ever watched some years back. Given I was new to the genre, I think I found some of the characteristic features a bit jarring and I stopped watching Cdramas as a result. If I watched it again now I may be able to make it through. Ultimately, I just could not stomach how naive the main female character. I understand this is typical, but it was another level of nauseating that I have not found an equal to since.
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dramashii · 1 year
A blessing in disguised; CW: Destined
I wasn't really planning on watching this. I saw it in my homepage while scrolling for dramas to watch. I didn't even read the synopsis nor did I see any trailers prior to watching the 1st ep. I simply clicked on it because I saw it was starring Bai Jing Ting and that is enough of a reason. 12 eps later and I am really enjoying this. You can say I was destined to watch this.
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God-Sent Marriage
Destined is 40-ep historical romance Cdrama starring Bai Jing Ting and Song Yi. It's about two unlikely people who got married because of a misunderstanding. Now, they have to embark this crazy journey together called marriage while also solving family, business, and political issues. I've actually only seen this trailer first and I thought this was simply going to be a light-hearted drama. However, this exists, so angst will also be involved in this series.
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Bai Jing Ting's character Gu Jiu Si and Song Yi's character Liu Yu Ru are polar opposites. Gu Jiu Si is so chaotic and childish, and doesn't really have many worries as he is the only son of wealthy merchants. Liu Yu Ru, on the other hand, has endured many hardships since she was young because of this she has developed a calm and level-headed personality. Together, they are a match-made in heaven.
This drama is a feast to the eyes. The cinematography is great.
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I am a sucker for dramas were the leads get married first and then they fall in love much later on. The first 12 eps are literally an embodiment of this trope. You get to see how their dynamics change from being strangers, to friends, and then to sworn brothers (iykyk). I like how they compromise and at least try to make their marriage work. Liu Yu Ru was supposed to marry her first love, but because of a misunderstanding, she married Gu Jiu Si. She lamented over the what ifs with her first love for one episode and then moved on because she knows there's nothing that could be done, and it's better to try to get along with her husband (which is fair and logical).
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The romance is great as leads are both nice to each other. I also enjoy that for the first time in a long time, I actually see a family in a drama that enjoys each other's company. Gu Jiu Si's parents have a great relationship with each other, they love their son, and dotes on their daughter-in-law. It's refreshing to see this.
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Another aspect of this show which I enjoy is the different views on marriage. Historically, marriage is a life sentence. At a time when women were mostly at a disadvantage this could be a death sentence. This is exactly what Liu Yu Ru's mother is facing. She has no choice but to be under her husband's whims. But Liu Yu Ru is different because she married into a family that respects the women's contribution in the household. Her mother-in-law holds an influential position in their family business, and even takes Liu Yu Ru under her wing. She guides her and introduces her to the world of trade. Gu Jiu Su is also supportive and encourages her to have her own dreams and ambitions, and not to be shackled in their marriage.
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The biggest criticism I have towards this show is the villain. He's your typical villain with a sad backstory who hates the male lead because he wishes to have the life he has. I spoiled myself as to what his motivations are and I am simply annoyed. I wish he would go away but alas, this is not a drama without annoying characters.
But overall, this drama is everything I want in a romance drama. I've seen the trailers for the upcoming episodes and the angst fest will begin. Hopefully, it will still be as good as the 1st 12 eps.
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pctaldrunk · 1 month
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@meihuasmight asked :
Do any of your muses have a special nickname you give them in your head?
What are J.GY's favorite things to do?
:3 (for the question meme) - send me questions about my character (accepting, pls specify <3)
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Oh my god, so many. It's like a unique christening for my muse to gain a nickname in my head. Some of it is just the canon nickname (Xiao Jiu for F.eng J.iu!!!!!!!!!!!!! A-Yu for X.ue Y.u!!!) or the popular chinese fandom variant which is usually a homonym or a meme (86 for B.ai L.iu, Er Jie Jie (lmao) for C.hengze, Cabbage for B.ai C.houfei (Da Baicai...the funniest name I done heard in a drama in YEARS), Yaomei for A-Yao, Fafa and Lian Lian for H.ualian, etc. etc.) but sometimes it's just what's fun to say in mandarin haha (my ocs esp have this. jin si is the obvious "jin si que" or canary, tang tang is "tang tang xiao gu liang~" or 糖糖小姑凉~ which is 5 whole words, not a proper noun, and not at all shortened but????? and xueqing is "xue bao" which is coincidentally the chinese name of...............................o.laf the snowman).
A-Yao likes to read, quite a bit. He reads extensively and in many genres, but he just...never gets the time to properly curl up with a book. Cleaning and other house chores is a relaxing activity for him when he chooses to do it. If he's particularly stressed sometimes he will Deep Clean (tm) if he has the time. I think he does rather enjoy and dabble in the entertainment arts (tm) (music and dancing) as well, but for the obvious reasons they are kind of tainted for him. But this is the whole reason I have a ballet verse for him, so it deserves a mention 😂I think he also enjoys messing with the ancient arts (tm) of perfumery and spices, which back then would have intersected a little with medicine and herbology, probably dabbled a tiny bit in architecture, and is also a decently strong interior designer. Anyway, he also enjoys playing chess, especially if the opponent is someone he wants to get to know. He also enjoys maths (i'm already saying 'ick' in my own head, sorry yao yao).. He definitely...doesn't like to be anything but occupied, honestly.
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hunxi-after-hours · 1 year
introducing the candidates for danmei awards 2.0 (2022)
I’m hard at work on (procrastinating on the writing of) this year’s danmei awards, so I figured I’d introduce all of the candidates since I’ve gone pretty far off the map at this point and don’t expect anyone to recognize most of these titles asdlfkads (别问,问就知北极圈的冷)
a table of contents!
《小蘑菇》 Xiao Mo Gu by 一十四洲 Yi Shi Si Zhou
《不小心救了江湖公敌》 Bu Xiao Xin Jiu Le Jianghu Gong Di by 六木乔 Liu Muqiao (有声漫画 audiomanhua season 1)
《无双》 Wu Shuang by 梦溪石 Meng Xishi
《问鹿三千》 Wen Lu San Qian by 光合积木 Voicegem, 吼浪文化 Houlang Studio, and 斗木獬编剧工作室 Doumuxie Screenwriting Studio
《师弟还不杀我灭口》 Shidi Hai Bu Sha Wo Mie Kou by 子鹿 Zi Lu
《默读》 Mo Du by priest
《督主有病》 Du Zhu You Bing by 杨溯 Yang Su
《海中爵》 Hai Zhong Jue by 七药 Qi Yao
《哏儿》 Gen’er by 南北逐风 Nan Bei Zhu Feng
《杀破狼》 Sha Po Lang by priest
《金牌助理之弯弯没想到》 Jin Pai Zhu Li zhi Wan Wan Mei Xiang Dao by (nominally) 非天夜翔 Fei Tian Ye Xiang and (mostly) 传奇火箭队 The Legendary Rocket Team
#1: 《小蘑菇》 by 一十四洲 (full length crash course here)
genre(s): apocalyptic science fiction
mediums: original novel on JJWXC, audiodrama by 729声工厂 / 729 Voice Studio on 猫耳FM
in a world where genetic mutations threaten to destroy humankind and a man-made aurora dances across the sky each night, a sentient mushroom goes undercover in a human city to recover a part of himself that was stolen. a book that investigates humanity and personhood, sentience and benevolence, the role of order in a lawless world, how to face despair and the end times with dignity and meaning. also, mushroom-based comedy
#2: 《不小心救了江湖公敌》 Bu Xiao Xin Jiule Jianghu Gong Di by 六木乔 Liu Muqiao (有声漫画 audiomanhua season 1)
genre(s): wuxia
mediums: manhua on bilibili comics, audiomanhua by 回声漫响工作室 Huisheng Manxiang Studio on 猫耳FM. both ongoing
when Liu Jianghe, a feared demonic sect leader, turns up half-dead on Lu Qingyun’s doorstep, the reclusive jianghu doctor reluctantly saves Liu Jianghe’s life. but Liu Jianghe’s enemies are almost as numerous as his secrets, and soon, the two are dragged into the turmoil of jianghu intrigue and conspiracy. Lu Qingyun has his own hidden past, Liu Jianghe his own mysterious motivations, and neither of them are held back by something as silly as moral scruples. an audiomanhua about the vortex of jianghu politics, in which every single character is a villain
#3: 《无双》 Wu Shuang by 梦溪石 Meng Xishi
genre(s): wuxia, political intrigue
mediums: original novel on JJWXC
a few years after the end of 《千秋》 Qian Qiu, unrest returns to the newly-founded Sui Dynasty as domestic intrigue and foreign plots threaten to fracture the hard-won peace. Feng Xiao, an unbelievably handsome government official who moonlights as the sect leader of the demonic Fajing Zong, finds his unexpected match in the frail wandering Daoist Cui Buqu. But beneath Cui Buqu’s waning health are more secrets than Feng Xiao can guess at, and the fate of the Sui Dynasty rests on these two setting aside their rivalry long enough to work together. a book about roasting your rival first, saving your dynasty second, and maybe, just maybe, falling in love in the process
#4: 《问鹿三千》 Wen Lu San Qian by 光合积木 Voicegem, 吼浪文化 Houlang Studio, and 斗木獬编剧工作室 Doumuxie Screenwriting Studio (full length crash course here)
genre(s): wuxia, xuanhuan
mediums: audiodrama on 猫耳FM, ongoing
an intricate, interlocking serial narrative following four intertwining stories: a famous zither master investigating a new, mysterious rival, a cat yao impersonating a prince and the assassin sent to kill him, the obsessive quest of an emperor searching for a lost dao and the person who lived inside it, and two spirits seeking their forgotten pasts. oh, and a former king-turned-talking-rabbit. an audiodrama about fate and loyalty, devotion and trauma, memory and grief, love and loss
#5: 《师弟还不杀我灭口》 Shidi Hai Bu Sha Wo Mie Kou by 子鹿 Zi Lu
genre(s): xianxia, transmigration
mediums: original novel on 长佩 Changpei, audiodrama by 米波文化 Mibo Culture on 猫耳FM. AD trailer 1 translated here, AD trailer 2 translated here.
when college student Zhong Yan is drawn into the world of the xianxia novel he just finished instead of studying for his exams, his sympathy for the book’s antagonist lands him a near-impossible mission: stop the antagonist from killing more people, or risk the consequences of failure. now, if only he hadn’t transmigrated as the antagonist’s useless shixiong, who is also the witness of his first murder...
a book about how kindness can change the path of fate, often when you aren’t paying attention. also, an audiodrama about 锦鲤 letting loose asldkfajsdf
#6: 《默读》 Mo Du by priest
genre(s): crime fiction, detective fiction
mediums: original novel on JJWXC, audiodrama by 729声工厂 on 猫耳FM (currently banned), donghua and live action adaptations in progress that will never see the light of day because this book contains trenchant commentary about social issues and cycles of violence perpetuated by wealth and power (and therefore too transgressive for the censors rip)
ETA 12/23/22: the 《默读》 AD has returned! more of it has likely been censored, but I’ll take what we can get.
when a series of complex cases begins to shake Yan City, police inspector Luo Wenzhou must team up with Fei Du, the cryptic heir of a business empire, to uncover what may be a larger, decades-spanning conspiracy tying the crimes together. at the same time, a mysterious radio station releases reviews of classic novels in Western literature that all feature plots, events, themes, and crimes that bear uncanny resonances to the cases they are investigating. a book about the dark side of modern society, and the slow, grueling path out of the abyss and toward the light
#7: 《督主有病》 Du Zhu You Bing by 杨溯 Yang Su
genre(s): wuxia, political intrigue
mediums: original novel on 长佩 Changpei, audiodrama by 米波文化 Mibo Culture on 猫耳FM
the unlikely childhood friendship of a court official and an assassin must weather the rise and fall of regimes as well as grasping reach of their own backgrounds if they are to reach a distant, elusive happy ending. a book where the question “can things get worse?” is responded to with a hearty “always!” 
#8: 《海中爵》 Hai Zhong Jue by 七药 Qi Yao (full crash course here)
genre(s): PIRATES, secondary world fantasy, political intrigue
mediums: original novel on 长佩 Changpei, (free!) audiodrama by 株木琅玛工作室 Zhumulangma Studio on 猫耳FM, audiodrama ongoing
when a smooth-talking, deep-pocketed rival ship’s captain offers him a deal he can’t refuse, Hailian reluctantly agrees to assassinate someone for the mysterious Fang Tinglan. drawn into the complex tangle of Fang Tinglan’s schemes, Hailian must navigate intrigue, betrayal, and his own lost past to find his way to some place he can call home. a book about fighting and falling in love at the same time
#9: 《哏儿》 Gen’er by 南北逐风 Nan Bei Zhu Feng
genre(s): contemporary, entertainment industry
mediums: original novel on 长佩 Changpei, audiodrama by 音熊联萌 VoiceBear Alliance on 猫耳FM
in a few days, Ye Ling will graduate from the illustrious Tsinghua University with a master’s degree in thermal engineering, so in a few days, he’ll no longer have the time to pursue his extracurricular dreams of performing 相声 xiangsheng / crosstalk, a form of traditional Chinese stand-up comedy. but when the brash, bold, and charismatic Xie Shuangchen barges into his life, Ye Ling’s heart is swayed — and what if he decides to pursue his dreams? what if this is what he’s meant to do? a book about making it as working artists in Beijing while falling in love. also book about 相声 xiangsheng and Chinese opera, and adapting classical forms to the modern era
#10: 《杀破狼》 Sha Po Lang by priest
genre(s): political intrigue, alternate history, steampunk wuxia
mediums: original novel on JJWXC, audiodrama by 729声工厂 on 猫耳FM, live action adaptation trapped in censorship hell
from the moment the powerful fuel 紫流金 ziliujin was dug out of the ground, the path of history was destined to change. in an aging and weakening Liang Dynasty, two young men come of age as the kingdom’s foremost general and the court’s most capable minister. but malevolent forces both external and internal, domestic and foreign threaten to destroy them before they can save the dynasty they inherited. a book about saving your kingdom while extremely burnt out by the traumatic events of your youth. also, steampunk mechas and navigating the industrial revolution in the middle of war
#11: 《金牌助理之弯弯没想到》 Jin Pai Zhu Li zhi Wan Wan Mei Xiang Dao by (ostensibly) 非天夜翔 Fei Tian Ye Xiang and (mostly) 传奇火箭队 The Legendary Rocket Team, aka Fuck the Rocket according to their subtitles
genre(s): contemporary, entertainment industry
mediums: original novel on JJWXC, (free!) audiodrama by the 传奇火箭队 The Legendary Rocket Team on 猫耳FM
so full disclosure, I never read the original novel, and the 《弯弯》 audiodrama should be considered a lot of things but a faithful adaptation? lol absolutely not (their own words)
this is actually a 网配 wangpei audiodrama from 2015, and the energy on it is utterly unhinged. it is simultaneously a love letter to and satire of 非天夜翔 Fei Tian Ye Xiang’s novel 《金牌助理》 Jin Pai Zhu Li, a novel that follows the misadventures of hapless aspiring musician Xiao Yi as he finds a day job to pay the bills while struggling to make it in Beijing. said day job? working as a personal assistant to the extremely frosty, extremely handsome superstar actor Lu Zhou. absolute hijinks ensue
this audiodrama is far ahead of its time, and also completely upends traditional adaptation by rewriting the script satirically and cranking up the speed. I screamed; I laughed; I definitely missed a turn while driving. words can’t really describe this production for its sheer insanity, so I’ll just link it above and call it a day
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tentative-wanderer · 2 years
Popular danmei books I ditched due to ➡️personal⬅️ tastes:
(Been a while since I attempted reading these, so if there are minor inaccuracies below, that’s why.)
• First-Class Lawyer/Yi Ji Lǚ Shi 一级律师 by Mu Su Li: the trials in the book are not bound by the laws of our real-world countries, and that’s fine, but I doubt that any fair legal system will allow major surprise evidence/arguments to be sprung on a party during the trial. To address each side’s reasoning properly during the trial, parties have to receive and get to know each other’s general arguments before the trial. How can you prepare a proper defence if you don’t understand the reasons and evidence behind the accusation? How can the prosecution deal with the defendant’s counter-arguments if they don’t know what they are until the last minute? Furthermore, evidence has to be submitted for approval by the court before the trial to filter out irrelevant, bias-inducing evidence.
—From what I remember from my law course, that’s roughly how it works in the U.K., and I think that’s a fair way of doing things so I’d bet most civilised societies do that. The surprise-evidence plot twist smelled too illegal to me, so I was put off from reading the rest of the book.
• Priest’s books:
1. Sha Po Lang 杀破狼: stories with ancient yet non-xianxia/wuxia settings tend to bore me. Ancient yet non-xianxia/wuxia means the plot likely revolves around politicking and sometimes war, which I don’t like when they come in large (and male-dominated) spades because they’re too dry for me.
2 & 3. Tian Ya Ke 天涯客, Liu Yao 六爻: I love xianxia and wuxia so I thought I’d love these, but I just couldn’t keep reading far enough. Things were happening, but they weren’t riveting. I couldn’t get attached to the characters.
4. Zhen Hun 镇魂: I couldn’t get into it, partly because “modern + superpowers” isn’t a setting I usually like. (I do like it if it comes with a generous serving of humour, like in Depressed Husbands Want to Live a Peaceful Life by Green Wings.) Things were happening, but they weren’t riveting.
5. Mo Du 默读: part of the reason why I couldn’t get into it is because it’s a police story. Strangely, I love mysteries but not danmei police investigation novels, though I hope I’ll come to like them one day. (But I like police investigation fics! I guess I need to feel an attachment to characters first before they get involved in policing.)
• Criminal Psychology/Fan Zui Xin Li 犯罪心理 by Chang Er: it’s a police story, so the same reason as the one for Mo Du applies
• Qiang Jin Jiu 将进酒 by Tang Jiu Qing: same reason as Sha Po Lang
• Golden Stage/Huang Jin Tai 黄金台 by Cang Wu Bin Bai: same reason as Sha Po Lang
• Thousand Autumns/Qian Qiu 千秋 by Meng Xi Shi: I found the protagonist, romantic relationship, and events (as far as I managed to read them) bland
• Little Mushroom/Xiao Mo Gu 小蘑菇 by Yi Shi Si Zhou: interesting setting, but there are three things preventing me from liking the book:
1. I usually don’t like danmei books that are wholly set in a futuristic dystopia. I don’t read danmei to enjoy imagining a world/society that’s similar to ours but more oppressive/painful.
2. The protagonist’s personality is too mild for me, and the love interest’s personality isn’t a type I like either.
3. Female suffering. I can’t forget that part of the book because it’s so realistic (kudos to the author), it feels like shit that would actually happen if our world were to face those conditions. Good for the story, but I read danmei to feel semi-free from gender inequality, so it’s not great for me personally.
• Tong Qian Kan Shi 铜钱龛世 by Mu Su Li: the plot and characters weren’t attractive enough
• Supernatural Movie Actor App 灵异片演员app by Xi Zi Ji Jiu: the horror wasn’t horrifying enough and the protagonist tried too hard to seem impressive
• Qi Zi 契子 by Yi Xiu Luo: the systemic inequality within spousal relationships in the book is too huge and oppressive for me to enjoy the story
• Ru Xi 入戏 by Tong Zi/Zhe Yi Mei Zhen: racist, and based on the part I read, it looks like it’s on track to treat its female characters badly too
• Welcome to the Nightmare Livestream 欢迎进入梦魇直播间 by Sang Wo: 1) it feels too game-like and unrealistic (some books, but not this one, have fantasy settings that feel viable, like they could actually exist); 2) I’m not attached to the protagonist, and 3) there is very little interaction between the protagonist and love interest.
• Pan Guan 判官 by Mu Su Li: I wasn’t attached to the characters
• Quan Qiu Gao Kao 全球高考 by Mu Su Li: I wasn’t attached to the characters
Danmei books that fit my tastes:
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drwcn · 4 years
How To Name Your Chinese Characters: 
I’ve pasted the Top 100 common last names in alphabetical order, and bolded the ones that appear in CQL:   
B: 白 Bai C: 蔡 Cai ; 曹 Cao ;  常 Chang ; 曾 Ceng ;  陈 Chen ;  程 Cheng ;  崔 Cui ; D: 戴 Dai ; 邓 Deng ; 丁 Ding ; 董 Dong ; 杜 Du ; F: 范 Fan ; 方 Fang ; 冯 Feng ; 付 Fu ; G: 高 Gao ;  葛 Ge  ; 龚 Gong ; 顾 Gu ; 郭 Guo ; H: 韩 Han ; 何 He ; 贺 He 洪 Hong ; 侯 Hou ; 黄 Hua ; 胡 Hu ; J: 贾 Jia ; 蒋 Jiang ; 姜 Jiang ; 江 Jiang ; 金 Jin ; K: 康 Kang ; L:  赖 Lai ; 李 Li ;  黎 Li ; 廖 Liao ; 梁 Liang ; 林 Lin ; 刘 Liu ; 陆 Lu ; 卢 Lu ; 路 Lu ; 吕 Lü ; 罗 Luo ; M: 马 Ma ; 麦 Mai ; 毛 Mao ; 孟 Meng ; N:  倪 Ni  ;  牛 Niu ; P: 潘 Pan ; 彭 Peng ; Q: 钱 Qian ; 秦 Qin ; 邱 Qiu ; R:任 Ren ; S: 邵 Shao ; 沈 Sheng ; 史 Shi ; 石 Shi ; 施 Shi ; 宋 Song ; 苏 Su ; 孙 Sun ; T: 陶 Tao ; 谭 Tan ; 唐 Tang ; 田 Tian ; W: 万 Wan ; 王 Wang ;  汪 Wang ; 魏 Wei ; 吴 Wu ; X: 邢 Xing ; 夏 Xia ;  蕭 Xiao ; 谢 Xie ; 徐 Xu ; 许 Xu ; 薛 Xue ; Y: 阎 Yan ; 严 Yan ; 杨 Yang ; 姚 Yao ; 叶 Ye ;  余 Yu ; 于 Yu ; 袁 Yuan ; Z: 张 Zhang ;  赵 Zhao ; 郑 Zheng ; 钟 Zhong ; 周 Zhou ;  朱 Zhu ;  庄 Zhuang ;  邹 Zou ;
Above are all single character last names, but there are some double character Chinese last names, seen below (list not exhaustive): 
独孤 Du’Gu ;  公孙 Gong’Sun ; 南宫 Nan’Gong    欧阳 Ou’Yang ;  司马 Si’Ma ; 上官 Shang’Guan ; 宇文 Yu’Wen ; 长孙 Zhang’Sun ; 诸葛 Zhu’GE ; 
Light*: 光 (guāng) - light,  亮 liàng - bright / shine, 明 (míng) - bright, 曦 (xī) - early dawn, 昀 (yún) - daylight, 昭 (zhāo) - light, clear,照 (zhào) - to shine upon,
Fire: 焰 (yàn) - flames, 烟 (yān) - smoke,炎 (yán) - heat/burn, 烨 (yè) - dazzling light,  
Water: also see “weather” OR “bodies of water” under nature; note the words below while are related to water have meanings that mean some kind of virtue: 清 (qīng) - clarity / purity, 澄 (chéng) - clarity/quiet, 澈 (chè) - clear/penetrating, 涟 (lián) - ripple, 漪 (yī) - ripple, 泓 (hóng) - vast water, 湛 (zhàn) - clear/crystal, 露 (lù) - dew, 泠 (líng) - cool, cold, 涛 (tāo) - big wave,泽 (zé),浩 hào - grand/vast (water),涵 (han) - deep submergence / tolerance / educated
Weather: 雨 (yǔ) - rain, 霖 (lín) - downpouring rain, 冰 (bīng) - ice, 雪 (xuě) - snow,  霜 (shuāng) - frost 
Wind: 风 (fēng) - wind
* some “Light” words overlap in meaning with words that mean “sun/day”
Season: 春 (chūn) - spring, 夏 (xià) - summer, 秋 (qíu) - aumtum, 冬 (dōng) - winter
Time of Day: 朝 (zhāo) - early morning / toward, 晨 (chén) - morning / dawn, 晓 (xiǎo) - morning, 旭 (xù) - dawn/rising sun,昼 (zhòu) - day,皖 (wǎn) - late evening,夜 (yè) - night 
Star/Sky/Space: 云 (yún) - cloud,天 (tiān) - sky/ heaven,霞 (xiá) - afterglow of a rising or setting sun,月 (yuè) - moon,日 (ri) - day / sun,阳 (yáng) - sun,宇 (yǔ) - space,星 (xīng) - star
Birds: 燕 (yàn) - sparrow, 雁 (yàn) - loon, 莺 (yīng) - oriole, 鸢 (yuān) - kite bird (family Accipitridae),羽 (yǔ) - feather
Creatures: 龙 (lóng) - dragon/imperial
Plants/Flowers:* 兰 (lán) - orchids,  竹 (zhú) - bamboo, 筠 (yún) - tough exterior of bamboos, 萱 (xuān) - day-lily, 松 (sōng) - pine, 叶 (yè) - leaf, 枫 (fēng) - maple, 柏 bó/bǎi - cedar/cypress, 梅 (méi) - plum, 丹 (dān) - peony
Mountains: 山 (shān), 峰 (fēng) - summit, 峥 (zhēng),
Bodies of water: 江 (jiāng) - large river/straits, 河 (hé) - river, 湖 (hú) - lake, 海 (hǎi) - sea, 溪 (xī) - stream, 池 (chí) - pond, 潭 (tán) - larger pond, 洋 (yáng) - ocean
* I didn’t include a lot of flower names because it’s very easy to name a character with flowers that heavily implies she’s a prostitute. 
Astuteness: 睿 ruì - astute / foresight, 智 (zhi), 慧 (hui), 哲 (zhé) - wise/philosophy, 
Educated:  博 (bó) - extensively educated, 墨 (mo) - ink, 诗 (shi) - poetry / literature, 文 (wén) - language / gentle / literary, 学 (xue) - study, 彦 (yàn) - accomplished / knowledgeable, 知 (zhi) - to know, 斌 (bīn) - refined, 赋 (fù) - to be endowed with knowledge
Loyalty: 忠 (zhōng) - loyal, 真 (zhēn) - true 
Bravery: 勇 (yǒng) - brave, 杰 (jié) - outstanding, hero
Determination/Perseverance: 毅 (yì) - resolute / brave, 恒 (héng) - everlasting, 衡 (héng) - across, to judge/evaluate,成 (chéng) - to succeed, 志 (zhì) - aspiration / the will
Goodness/Kindness: 嘉 (jiā) - excellent / auspicious,磊 (lěi) - rock / open & honest, 正 (zhèng) - straight / upright / principle,
Elegance: 雅 (yǎ) - elegant, 庄 (zhuāng) - respectful/formal/solemn, 彬 (bīn) - refined / polite, 
Handsome: 俊 jùn - handsome/talented 
Peace: 宁 (níng) - quietness/to pacify, 安 (ān) - peace, safety
Grandness/Excellence:宏 (hóng) - grand,豪 (háo) - grand, heroic,昊 (hào) - limitless / the vast sky,华 (huá) - magnificent, 赫 (hè) - red/famous/great, 隆 (lóng) - magnificent, 伟 (wěi) - greatness / large,轩 (xuān) - pavilion with a view/high,卓 (zhuó) - outstanding
Female Descriptor/Virtues/Beauty: 婉 (wǎn),惠 (huì), 妮 (nī), 娇 (jiāo), 娥 (é), 婵 (chán) (I didn’t include specific translations for these because they’re all adjectives for women meaning beauty or virtue) 
Adverbs: 如 (rú) - as,若 (ruò) - as, alike,宛 (wǎn) - like / as though,
Verbs: 飞 (fēi) - to fly,  顾 (gù) - to think/consider, 怀 (huái) - to miss, to possess, 落(luò) - to fall, to leave behind,梦 (mèng) - to dream, 思 (sī) - to consider / to miss (someone),忆 (yì) - memory, 希 (xī) - yearn / admire
Colours: 红 (hóng) - red, 赤 (chì) - crimson, 黄 (huàng) - yellow, 碧 (bì) - green,青(qīng) - azure,蓝 (lán) - blue, 紫 (zǐ) - violet ,玄 (xuán) - black, 白 (baí) - white
Number:一 (yī), 二 (er) - two, 三 (san) - three,  四 (si) - four,  五 (wu) - five, 六 (liu) - six, 七(qi) - seven, 八 (ba) - eight,  九 (jiu) - nine, 十 (shi) - ten
Direction: 东 (dōng) - east, 西 (xi) - west, 南 (nan) - south, 北 (bei) - north,
Other: 子 (zǐ) - child, 然 (rán) - correct / thusly
《Jade》: *there are SO MANY words that generally mean some kind of jade, bc when ppl put jade in their children’s name they don’t literally mean the rock, it’s used to symbolize purity, goodness, kindness, beauty, virtue etc*  琛 (chen), 瑶 (yao),  玥 (yue),  琪 (qi),  琳 (lin)
凡 (fan) - mortality 
色 (se) - colour, beauty. In buddhism, “se” symbolizes everything secular
了 (liao) - finished, done, letting go 
尘 (chen) - dust, I’m not… versed in buddhism enough to explain “chen”, it’s similar to “se”
悟 (wu) - knowing? Cognition? To understand a higher meaning
无 (wu) - nothing, the void, also part of like “letting go” 
戒 (jie) - to “quit”, but not in a bad way. In buddhism, monks are supposed to “quit” their earthly desires.
极 (ji) - greatness, also related to the state of nirvana (? I think?) 
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erhaartreblogs · 3 years
The Husky and His White Cat Shizun Art Reblogs
Welcome to 2ha Art Reblogs, a sideblog by @unforth. I reblog (almost) all art I see for the fandom. Feel free to ping me if you need anything!
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cast (sub tag: luo yunxi)
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Unpopular opinion but i love love love the ELOD cast. Hopefully they keep the same actors going forward bc i cant get attached to any new ones. Idk what it was with these characters. I absolutely love the life/quirks they bring into their characters. I really hope they keep the same cast.
VG AND DD - i really cant see anybody but them playing Donghua and Feng jiu. I fell in love with these two in Ten miles and ELOD sealed the deal. I dont care about anything. These two for Donghua and Fj only. I will not accept anyone else.
Baron Chen - I loved how sassy he is and just feel like him and new bai zhen operate. I love them.
The sweet baby that played A li? God, their relationship with Fj are my favorite scenes. They are too adorable!!
The new cheng yu!! She and lian song were so hilarious and sweet. Her friendship with fj was adorable!
DYLAN KUO! - He killed it with Su Moye!!!! I loved his dynamic with Fj in the dream. Ndnsnsndnd. I loved his scenes with Donghua too. Highlight of sad Dream of Aryana part!
I loved Si Ming and Lian song in 10 miles and I loved them in this!! Thank god they changed Lian Song's hairstyle in this.
Mi Gu and Jingwei too! I loved them in this adaption.
Bai Gun Gun as well!! We didnt get enough screen time of this cutie!!
I hope they keep the og actors for Ye Hua and Bai Qian too. Jsnsnsns
Who am i kidding? I loved the style of this show much better than Ten miles of peach blossoms. The clothes, cgi, etc. I love this show so much!!
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kikotsukino · 7 years
Eternal Love / Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms / Three Lives Three Worlds
Eternal Love (Chinese: 三生三世十里桃花; pinyin: Sān shēng sān shì shí lǐ táo huā lit. Three Lives Three Worlds, Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms) is a 2017 Chinese television series starring Yang Mi and Mark Chao. It is based on the xianxia novel of the same name (released as To the Sky Kingdom in English) by Tang Qi. The series was broadcast on Zhejiang TV and Dragon TV from January 30 to March 1, 2017.
Episodes: 58 
Date: Jan 30, 2017 to Mar 1, 2017  
Studio: Gcoo Entertainment, Jaywalk Studio, San Weihuo 
Network: ZJTV
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Xianxia
Plot:  Since Bai Qian is the future Queen of the Fox Tribe, she was quite mischievous (at a very young age) and because of this, her mother in particular insists she go study Taoist Cultivation at Kunlun Mountain, with Master Mo Yuan. As the school only allows male students, Zhe Yan(High God) used his magic to disguise Bai Qian as a male to hide her identity, which, only a few people saw through her disguise (Mo Yuan is one of them), even knowing Bai Qian is a female, Mo Yuan(High God) accepted her as one of his disciple anyway because since the moment she stepped into the Grand hall of Kunlan Mountain, the sacred/magical artifact: Jade Purity Fan of Kunlun chose her as it master, and Mo Yuan knowing this cannot be handed over to one outside of Kunlan Mountain, he accepted her as his disciple because he sees that she’s fated to be his disciple. From there on, she was given the rank ‘Seventeenth’ and another identity known as Si Yin.
Although she is not a very hard working student, but she does show a high respect for Mo Yuan, and Mo Yuan does dotes on her, even to the point that he would subject himself to the heavenly trial in her stead for her to become High Immortal (and gets severely injured in the process), after this, she becomes quite studious.
After a devastating war, between the Ghost Tribe and the Celestial Tribe, the celestial tribe paid a heavy price when Mo Yuan (God of War) used his spirit to seal the demon lord (Qing Cang). 70000 years later, in an attempt to re-seal the demon lord who broke free, Bai Qian have succeeded, but her memories and celestial powers was sealed up by Qing Cang, where she was sent to the mortal realm and became a mortal (which was part of her heavenly trial to ascend to ‘High God’ status) with the alias of Su Su. In the mortal world, she meets Ye Hua and the two fell in love. In order to prevent the same tragedy (that happened to Sang Ji and Shao Xin) from befalling, Ye Hua attempts to fake his death while hiding Su Su from the Nine Heavens. However, Ye Hua's plans were eventually thwarted and Su Su was brought to the Nine Heavens. Su Jin, who is jealous of Ye Hua's devotion/love for Su Su, intentionally creates a series of misunderstanding between them and causes Su Su to lose her eyes. Thinking that Ye Hua has betrayed her, the devastated Su Su jumps off from the Zhu Xian Terrace, returning her back to her goddess status.
When Bai Qian body was found by Zhe Yan in the Ten Miles of Peach Wood, she was saved, however her very depressed self requested for Zhe Yan to give her the amnesia potion so she can erase her memories/forgets Ye Hua.
Three hundred years later, the two meet again as deities. Another lifetime another world, Ye Hua recognizes Bai Qian as the only woman he loves but the latter remains indifferent. Ye Hua begins to pursue Bai Qian for a second time to regain her affections, and eventually succeeds when his love is requited. From beginning to end, time continues to flow and the lines of their fates continue to cross: an entanglement of three lives and three worlds and a road of peach blossoms.
Ranking: 10/10 <- I know this is actually/probably the first time I’ve given a full mark to a series review, perhaps it’s even my first time doing up one on my end! But, I just really have to considering, I am really into/obsess with this drama on my end. It’s definitely one of the best, if not, the best I’ve seen. I cannot count how many times I have re-watched this on my end, I’m so glad I gotten into this drama because I don’t regret watching it. It has really given beyond on what I have hoped for, and more (so this is definitely my all time favorite Chinese Fantasy Romance Drama) Aside from a few characters that gets on my nerves (but what series doesn’t have those characters to add in the drama?), I do love a lot of characters in this (which I will do a list later (in this post) to show some of the chara’s I love/hate). What I am impress with is, the writer actually manage to solve everything (without any plot-holes) by the end of the story. Like, all the obstacles was removed, with no more questions left. At first, I actually had a question that was on my mind since the beginning and then when it was revealed I was like "ohhhh... so that's why...". I love how the love story was executed, and how each character did their roles well. I love Ye Hua’s love/devotion to only Bai Qian(Su Su), and no matter what happens, he loves her, and only her. There are times where I think the writer might do something stupid which adds to more drama, but in the end, it surprises me in a very good way, like when Miao Qing secretly add the love-potion into the soup that she made for Ye Hua but Ye Hua didn’t drink it because he knows there’s something in that soup, and I’m like “Yes!” and when Su Jin created that fake Su Su to seduce Ye Hua (when Ye Hua was doing his heavenly trial in the mortal world (without his memories at all)) to anger Bai Qian, he still didn’t disappoint me, because he’s only been waiting for one woman i.e. Bai Qian because he made a promise with her when she visited him when he was 11 years old that they will get marry when he’s older, his whole life, he waited just for her, and I’m like “awwww”. Seriously, Ye Hua didn’t disappoint me, and I love that about him! I also love how Ye Hua gives me a feeling that I can believe in him and that he's strong from beginning to the end... Strong in terms of character, and his power level was consistent and doesn’t disappoint, I also love how the battles are executed...(honestly Mashima can take a lesson from this -.-).
On my end, I’m a sucker for a good romance story, and Eternal Love has it all! I love how it was truly a touching love story for the main pair (Ye Hua x Bai Qian), with a lot of obstacles that comes their way (that made me cry), it was an emotional roller-coaster  but what I love is where there are times I have my doubts but the writer didn't disappoint and gave me more to show me how much they only love each other. I love the scenery and the effects, omg.... where am I going to find another series like this?! I love the music too! There's alot of characters I love but there's also those I hate with a passion but glad they got what they deserved in the end..but in the overall what I love the most is, the pairing/otp I love can get a HAPPY ENDING that they deserve, because that's the most important!!! It made me feel so happy for them!!!
(1) Favourite Character(s):
Ye Hua (no.1 fav on Male side):
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Mo Yuan:
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Bai Qian (no.1 fav on female side)
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A Li:
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Zhe Yan:
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Bai Zhen:
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Di Jun:
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Feng Jiu:
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(2) Characters that gives me a sense of reliability (in terms of power-level) :
Ye Hua:
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Mo Yuan:
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Zhe Yan:
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Di Jun:
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(3) Other Characters that I like:
Mi Gu:
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Lian Song ( Ye Hua’s third Uncle ):
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Nai Nai:
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Kunlan First Disciple (Die Feng) :
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Kunlan 16th Disciple (Zhi Lan):
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Kunlan 9th Disciple (Ling Yu) :
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Kunlan 2nd Disciple:
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Li Zhing:
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Yan Zhi:
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Di Jun Star Lord(Si Ming):
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Ye Hua’s two Star Lord Tian Shu & Jia Yun:
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(4) Character I HATE with a passion:
Su Jin:
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(5) Other character(s) I hate/strong dislike:
Miao Qin:
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Su Jin maid:
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Xuan nu:
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 OTP: Ye Hua x Bai Qian:
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 Also love:
Mo Yuan selfless love for Bai Qian
Di Jun x Feng Jiu
Daddy Ye Hua
A-Li’s attachment to his mother (Bai Qian/Su Su)
 Neutral (where sometimes I dislike at times):
Heavenly Lord:
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Additional comment: Within the Celestial Tribe, only the Dragon Clan, the Pheonix Clan, and the Nine-tailed fox clan are well respected within the Celestial Tribe.
Although Ye Hua is the Crown Prince of the Celestial Tribe (Nine Heavens), I guess he’s also part/representation of the Dragon Clan(?) since his true form is a Dragon <3
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And Bai Qian is the White Fox (Nine tales) ~
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Bai Feng Jiu as the red fox (Nine tales)
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Sigh, too bad, I didn’t get to see Zhe Yan’s true form (since he’s the Pheonix) <3
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movielosophy · 1 year
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Destined | Mom, I’ve been bullied!
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astoldbykeisi · 6 years
终极一班5 opening
sorry but this will be freaking long. i waited for a year for this freaking sequel. so my thoughts so far:  
- we have 2 sunshine boys in this series
- i'm still pissed that ming jie returned, not as hua ling long but as a different character
- did gu zhan travelled to the silver dimension? 
- na ge shei freaking changed his weapon???
- qiu qiu will be demonized omg
- someone please return ares hand to lei ke si please
- i don’t find it weird now that da dong is not around (hello KO One remember and Angel N Devil)
- but i find it weird that ya se is here
- why give the boss position to lan si luo and not gu zhan???
- lan si luo omg
- wait, is that jiu lai???
- i have a feeling ming jie’s new character will annoy the hell out of me
and most of all
well, if rumors are right, this will be the last season of KO One
excuse me while i delete some more files in my laptop to make way for this
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movielosophy · 11 months
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Destined | Proud
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movielosophy · 1 year
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Destined | reputation
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movielosophy · 1 year
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Destined | Why did you come back?
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movielosophy · 1 year
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Destined | There he is, Gu Jiu Si.
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