#chat blanc headcanon
themonasterygates · 10 months
yandere! chat blanc 🌑 general headcanons
chat blanc x gn reader
content warning: yandere content, stalking, posessiveness/obsessiveness, mention of killing + guilt-tripping
word count: 884 words
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• before your meeting with one another, he was already so far accquainted with you but of course, you don't know have to know about that.
• you caught his attention with how alive your energy was, it drew him in to you. he's admire you from afar for countless of weeks, memorizing your habit of movements and your day to day schedule.
• when he finally does feel certain to approach you, he comes to you as a friendly, concerned hero and asking you where the akumatized person went. he finds himself purposefully putting you in a dangerous situation just to only save you and have you indebted to him. chat blanc yearns for any sort of validation that'll feed his big ego.
• after that encounter, you notice how chat blanc is always near you. everyday. whether it be if it's a slow day and no one gets akumatized, you'll see him patrolling no matter where you look it. it was like he was everywhere with you but you brushed it off as him doing his job.
• with how many times you've encountered chat blanc already, you find yourself growing closer to him. he always subtly flirted with you that would be unnoticed to the naked eyed but you had always managed to catch it. with time, you grow closer with him and so does your relationship circumstances.
• you quickly learned that he wasn't what he was on the surface level and what you had always perceived him as of. chat blanc has posessive tendencies which can be ruled off as him being simply clingy but he sticks to you like glue. he wants to be apart of everything you experience, be in every moment with you and to never have you leave his sight.
• when you're away, he has horrible seperation anxiety. he knows where you are, he always does. but that doesn't stop his anxiety. it's nothing specific but it all stems from his father's negligence (something that you don't really know much of but still, chat blanc opened up a bit to you).
• he loves to (exclusively) call you his "princess/my prince" with every chance he's given. lots of physical affection, no matter or wherever whenever you're with blanc, his hands would always be on you. snuggling, putting his heard on your shoulder with this arms around your waist. if he isn't touching you, he'll look at you straight in the eye with no doubt.
• he simply loves your hands in his. he absolutely loves to draw circles with his thumb on yours and give occasional squeezed. he'd lift the back of your hand up to his cheek and would close his eyes and pur at the feeling. he'd open his eyes, half-lidded, with such a pure and content expression on his face, your heart just melts at the scene. he'll lick your face all over like a cat grooming itself and then would play it off as a joke but you know he genuinely loves licking you.
• he loves to just bite you. your arm, hand, cheek, neck. he'll sometimes (almost all the time) leave your neck with hickeys (even if that isn't the intention at times), preceding to give you a bite mark along with it and then will be smugly oblivious of your annoyance.
• back to his possessiveness, chat blanc gets easily jealous to the people around you and prefer it if he can just isolate you from everyone else. even if someone is conveniently standing next to you, he'd scare the poor person off with all of his glaring as his mind travels to a much darker part of his brain on what to do.
• he brands you as "his", whether if you're dating him or not, he brands you as a "his" and vice versa. he feels entitled for your affection and is unable to handle rejection in any form. he holds you in such a high pedastal and would quite literally unconditionally love you as he unreasonably expects the same from you.
• he's willing (and wanting) to go through such deep lengths to keep you happy in any way. he'll do anything for you, even if it's something he despires doing, as long as it manages to get a giggle out of you, he'll learn to love it as you love it. chat blanc, with no hesitation, would and will kill for you. it can be a bully of yours years ago or someone simply mocking you, you'll always see them again on the news declared as "missing".
• he loves your humility and does not want to "corrupt" you in any way, so when you are suspicious of him relating to the recentissing people, you don't pry much as chat blanc goes out his way to guilt-trip you on your suspicions. "do you not trust me?"
• chat blanc is controlling and he knows just the right ways to make you vulnerable for him but he's desperate for you all the very same. he may have a cold front to others but you bring out a side of him that he didn't even knew he had. he loves you, and he knows it all too well, even if that sense of love that he discerns for you is twisted.
"my heart only beats for you."
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ataraxianne · 1 year
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Apparently Adrien got the idea for Chat Noir's name from the bedtime stories his mother would tell him when he was little?? So my brain decided to hurt me
Sorry if this sucks it's the first time I try drawing in digital (you can tell)
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frickingnerd · 3 months
Adrien Agreste Masterlist
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cuddles & movies on a lazy afternoon
you watch a movie with your boyfriend but the two of you end up falling asleep while cuddling
identity reveal
the last thing you expected when you turned on the tv, was to see chat noir detransform into none other than your boyfriend adrien agreste
what the heart wants (but can't have)
despite your crush on adrien, you decide to help him get ready for his date with marinette. after all, you just want him to be happy...
the princess and her white knight
after your boyfriend gets akumatized, becoming the villain chat blanc, you try to hide from him. but cats are good at catching their prey...
a game of cat and mouse
as the holder of the mouse miraculous, you try to get your hands on claw noir and stop his reign of chaos. but he doesn't seem to take you seriously, instead proposing that you join him
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we could've had it all
seeing you with luka is enough to finally make adrien realize his feelings for you. only that it's too late now...
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dating adrien agreste
fake dating chat noir
sleeping with(out) adrien
adrien breaking up with you
adrien with a younger sister
adrien dating the new holder of the butterfly miraculous
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being in a poly relationship with adrien, marinette and luka
being in a poly relationship with shadybug and claw noir
love triangles
being in a love triangle with adrien and luka
being in a love triangle with adrien and felix
being in a love triangle with shadybug and claw noir
being in a love triangle with chat noir and claw noir
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papyrusgayfont · 10 months
* I want to believe that after Chat Blanc, the plants on Marinette’s balcony still continued to grow, at least for a bit, and that Adrien tried his best to take care of them
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* would’ve been the last thing of hers that he had left (until they withered away because y’know, no sun)
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writing-in-sin · 8 months
The Awakening drabble idea: Chat Blanc
A/N: My take on how Chat Blanc came to be in a fic idea based on the Awakening movieverse that I hope I can bring to life one day. Please enjoy!
Little kitty on a roof
Adrien is taken in by a dream of contentment, of friends and late night patrols with his trusted partner and the dark magic of Destruction. He dreams of yesteryears of warmth and laughter of a family, whole and hale. He's made to feel like he was more than an empty heart.
And then he claws his way out of the grave his body has become and tears the veneer of the ephemeral dream into shreds, coming alive to pain, confusion, madness--
All alone without his lady
-- and his own screaming.
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lady-de-mon-coeur · 1 year
A random headcanon: Gorilla asked Adrien for his autograph in Chat Blanc after getting to know he's Chat Noir.
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This is more of a rant, but something that still baffles me about the show is, The Collector being the ONLY episode besides the last few S5 episodes where the main heroes get ANY significant leads on who the main villain might be (ignoring Chat Blanc and Ephemeral, because those were more Gabriel’s luck strike than anything).
I understand why they lifted suspicion from Gabriel initially, but Master Fu should’ve 100% doubted the “he can’t akumatize himself” claim at some point later on (seriously, Gabriel only had to make an akuma, detransform, and renounce Nooro), but with how incompetent he was as a Guardian, I’m surprised he could even make the “Grimoire owner = Hawk Moth” guess. And the MULTIPLE TIMES he went into the Agreste mansion, no progress. The LEAST he should’ve done is ask Adrien about the whole ordeal with the Grimoire - Adrien stealing it from his own father should at the very least raise some questions.
(A bit tangential, but a headcanon I have is, the suspicion falling on his father back then is what made him want to know what Ladybug is up to at all times - it doesn’t excuse his romantic advances towards Ladybug or his S4 behavior, but I think it did contribute heavily to the whole Syren fallout, even if some of it was just Adrien being grumpy for no good reason. Of course, this wasn’t Ladybug’s fault, and Adrien didn’t have the full context for the accusation when the audience did… so that’s another thing I blame on Master Fu, he seemingly never clarified anything to Adrien about the suspicion of Gabriel being a genocidal maniac)
And after that… the one to make progress is Mr. Plot Device Felix. In SEASON 4!!! And the only thing they could come up with was Felix seeing the miraculous because Gabriel’s tie slipped - a gigantic win button handed to him on a silver plate (though admittedly, his plan of tearing Gabriel’s pants was pretty cool).
Just remember, the main drama of Season 5 was the romance between Marinette and Adrien, and trying to stop the psychopath from recreating the world.
Really shows that our heroes have their priorities straight.
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m3nt4llyr4v3d · 2 months
Chat Blanc Doesn’t Matter
(to the person who actually saw it)
You’ve probably seen this said already but I have to express how frustrating this is dear LORD
Lemme preface this by saying: I think it’s hilarious that the fans come up with better headcanons than the writers
I completely believed the idea that the reason Ladybug was growing distant from Chat was because of the whole Chat Blanc thing. Sure, it was really alluded to twice in the entirety of season 4, but it honestly wouldn’t have been the first time something important was brought up only a few times, so it was reasonably believable. It’s falls in line with Chat Blanc affecting Marinette in multiple ways, her wanting to distant herself from Chat to prevent that timeline, whether subconsciously or on purpose. Meanwhile, her distance from Chat and his feeling of inadequacy on the team could possibly lead to his akumatization anyways. It was poetic really
And then the writers turned to us and said “oh no, it’s not that! It’s just that she has a lot of responsibilities and… that’s it!”
Kuro Neko happened in this season.
The episode where Marinette, for a brief moment, thought that Chat was akumatized.
And she barely has a reaction.
Look, I’m aware that if that was actually Chat, he wouldn’t have the ring and would be a bit less of a threat… theoretically, I mean being akumatized can replicate his powers regardless but whatever. But I feel like this “revelation” should have a stronger reaction? She saw the world get completely destroyed the “last time” this happened, why isn’t she more affected by this??
And in Season 5, she “rebounded” her crush, so now she likes Chat because of the events of season 4… except that would be an issue because it never once occurs to her that a relationship with Chat would lead to that future?? Chat Blanc literally says their love destroyed the world, how else could she have interpreted that? And yet she constantly goes on about what she likes about him and tries to pursue a relationship with him in her civilian identity and she doesn’t think about the potential consequences once?? (I can’t believe the season 4 finale affected her in that regard and Chat Blanc didn’t)
And of course, like others have said, every single iteration of Chat in white doesn’t freak her out. I guess seeing Paris destroyed, flooded, and seeing herself DEAD and her own body DISINTEGRATE IN FRONT OF HER EYES didn’t really affect her at all, nah just a normal Tuesday
No, Chat Blanc doesn’t matter one single bit to Ladybug, because for some baffling reason they’re shoving that all onto Chat, who WASN’T THERE! They had to make him have a nightmare adjacent to it to even do this!
Which, by the way, Marinette couldn’t have told him about any of what she saw therefore making him scared of a potential future based on her words. That would mean that this potential future she saw would have any meaning to her whatsoever, which it clearly doesn’t
what are the writers smoking, genuinely
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xhanisai · 1 year
my thoughts on episode derision
That episode was such a fucking ride! Just like many others, this kinda hit home for me too! 
First off, you all know me- I’m such a huge fan of Kim because I love what a clown and idiot he is and see him like a himbo. But MY GOD. Throughout the episode, I wanted to fucking murder him. I wanted to tear him apart for the way he treated Marinette. I know that he wasn’t trying to be malicious and that he’s one of those people (before he apologised and decided to change) that believe that everyone should have the same humour of him and that he doesn’t have to respect boundaries and shit like that- BUT I WANTED TO THROTTLE HIM. HE IS ONE OF MY FAVES AND I WANTED TO KILL HIM!!!!!
People always forget how brutal 12/13 year olds can be whether the kid is being intentional or not! But I’m so, so SO glad Kim apologised afterwards and decided to change for the better. Mad respects to him! I’m so glad he understood what he did was wrong and the way he thought was wrong too. 
As for Chloe.
Oh my dayssssss- CHLOE.
Genuinely, to some of you people- how can you believe that she would ever, ever do something nice or kind for either Marinette or Adrien out of selflessness? She TORMENTED Marinette and pretty much everyone else for like four years! I already knew it was bad from what was hinted beforehand in the show and never understood the whole ooc “hmmph! ofc i knew lila rossi was lying and dupain-cheng is telling the truth that’s why i’m on the latter’s side and now will be her new bestie BYEEEEE alyA!” fics. 
She is such a horrible person and I LOVE HOW MUCH WORSE SHE’S GETTING. She’s just so lucky that Adrien vented out most of his angry steam against Dark Cupid before meeting up with her otherwise I doubt she would even be alive hahahahaahah! It’s just so insane when you realise how she pretty much controlled the ENTIRE school, especially those USELESS ASS TEACHERS. It was pretty realistic and makes me wanna scream! Man- Alya and Adrien joining the school really did change not only Marinette’s life for better, but pretty much everyone else’s in the school! Those two really are amazing!
And there’s Adrien.
OhhhHHHHHHHHHHHH EVERY HEADCANON I HAVE OF HIM IS BECOMING TRUER AND TRUER WITH EVERY EP! GO ON YOU OVERPROTECTIVE SLIGHTLY YANDERE BOY WHO IS TRYING TO DESTROY ANYTHING THAT HURT THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE!!!!! I felt like his anger and the way he first reacted was so Chat Blanc of him and it just resonated so well with me. His first thought every time someone hurts someone he loves? MURDER. And I fucking LOVE IT. GIVE THAT BOY SOME DARKNESS. DARK ADRIEN AU SO REAL LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
He was so overprotective, so patient, so sweet with Marinette and just so understanding <3 He absolutely has been observing her from the start when he started school and knows the best ways to approach her and talk to her and ugHHH <3333 THEY ARE SO PERFECT! He’s so happy and loves being by her side but he cares about her wellbeing and happiness the most and finding out how much she suffered in the past???? UGH LILA IS SO LUCKY HE DIDN’T FIND OUT SHE THREATENED MARINETTE.
And also, his wording to Marinette towards the end really struck me. The whole thing of his fears, mainly the “I’m afraid of losing you”. I believe that this may be foreshadowing in the future...
AND AND AND! THE WAY HE ENDED HIS FRIENDSHIP WITH CHLOE!??!!? DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE THAT WAS SO SATISFYING!!!!!!! I have been WAITING for this MOMENT! YES KID! CUT OUT THE TOXIC PEOPLE OUT OF YOUR LIFE! PROTECT THE GIRL YOU LOVE! EVEN IF YOU DON’T GET TO MURDER LIKE YOU HOPED TO LOL. Again- she’s so lucky that Dark Cupid got the worst brunt of his anger because if Chat Noir came face to face with her first? I doubt she’d still have a face after that.
I’m just loving how we’re seeing him becoming more overprotective, impulsive and immediately choosing murder over and over again this season and I really feel like we may be seeing Chat Blanc again sooner than later AND I AM LIVING FOR IT. I genuinely feel like something horrible is going to happen to Marinette and he will LOSE it. 
And then there’s Marinette!
Oh my god, poor, poor Marinette. 
She wasn’t just bullied- she was fucking tormented. For over three years straight. And pretty much no one was there to help her or protect her from her situation and she went through so much fucking shit! She was so traumatised to the point where she has become the way she is!!!! Her hyperfixation with Adrien wasn’t just because she loves him- it’s so she doesn’t get hurt again! My heart fucking broke for her! THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD NOT FALL FOR DUMBASSES MARINETTE!!!! I UNDERSTAND THAT YOU WERE LIKE 12/13 BUT GIRL!!!!!!! 
Her life was literally in such a dump and it didn’t help that her parents probably didn’t realise the full story of it and that the teachers were so fucking useless and UGH!!!! Marinette literally went through such a horrifying experience and it’s no wonder she has PTSD! 
I’m so glad that she at least had Soqueline <33333i fucking adore Soqueline she’s the big sister that Marinette probably always wanted! She should have been a temporary miraculous holder honestly! Girl tried her best to protect Marinette and even got suspended unfairly! I LOVE YOU SOQUELINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <33333333333333333333 
I just hope that soon, SOON Marinette will realise that she’s so loved and that she’s surrounded by people who want nothing but the best for her <333 She was hurt by malice and hate in the past but now she’s surrounded by love and kindness <3333 And Adrien was hurt by grief, solitude and abandonment too but now he’s surrounded by life, love and friends <33333 
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viscari-a · 30 days
MariClaw AUs
AU thinking let's go. Bad boy x sunshine is a classic dynamic and I saw MariClaw (marinette x claw noir) and the possibilities are endless. Since I'm a love square shipper this is going to be MariClaw and Marinette x Emo!Adrien! Highkey I headcanon that Adrien became emo because Marinette did it first so I'm not going to dive into mechanics of why Adrien is emo but Marinette isn't. I would say 'maybe he watched too much anime' but the brand of claw noir feels a bit more more wattpad bad boy (back in 2016) than shoujo bad boy, depending on the shoujo. He's been pining for literal years AU
maybe she once gave him a bandaid, maybe he's always seen her from afar and curiousity became love, who knows! Point is, he's liked her for SO long and when he's given the chance to go to school, he's super excited because that's the school she goes to!! Cue manga cliches and the title is probably something like "The New Delinquent is Actually a Softie at Heart and He's is in Love With Me???" It could be so cliche, with very lighthearted and cute romcom moments. maybe a secret admirer AU!!
It could also be super angst/fluff. Marinette thinks the whole thing is a prank, or doesn't think he actually likes her, and it's the slowest burn or the most comedy romcom. OR it's the first person who appreciates her slash doesnt bully her (the standards are low here, kids, cause i'm going on the assumption she's heavily bullied), and it's a story of self-acceptance! All of these ideas assume that Adrien has the bravery to approach her and talk to her though :> (not quite romantically, thats up to you. Personally, I think he's too shy to be able to blatantly flirt) Integration of Claw Noir is possible is so many ways that I'm not going to go into it. He joined the Supreme to get back at her bullies + protect her AU I once read a villain!chat blanc fic where he and her are soulmates and he does questionable things like follow her around and is kind of wary but also curious. This would have the same vibes! Could also be more wholesome/pining where he stays in the shadows. Plus hurt/comfort when she realizes, plus the fact that his powers are corroding him! Sick fic potential Can also be a lovesquare enemies to lovers (+ mistaken/secret identity), if Ladybug is part of the Resistance and Claw Noir is with the Supreme ;) The Balcony cliche AU
Marinette has mixed feelings on the Supreme but there's one hero who she sees a lot (potential for pining on Claw's part) and it bothers her so much that one day she meets him on the balcony and gives him food and it becomes a Thing! Traditional Marichat vibes but with a more kuu/tsun-dere Noir
Reverse crush AU There's a certain brand of danmei where the MC is really really shy and it's a lot of angst until the ML realizes that the stoic MC is just shy and is actually the cutest, kindest person ever. This! Is! EmoAdrien x Marinette!! One of the potentials, anyway. Marinette thinks Adrien hates her because he keeps glaring/staring at her (and all the stares she's used to are judgemental ones), only talks to her in clipped sentences, and never goes near her. Then, something happens!! Maybe he gives his umbrella to an abandoned cat or something, idk. Point is, she gets more interested and it's a slow burn-ish progressive romance :) Now the above [she thinks he hates her] except he keeps partnering her with projects and events and everything and she's really confused by the mixed signals so can he please stop. I think everyone collectively died when EmoAdrien realized + quietly blushed in the movie so flirting would be SO fun here because both of them would get really embarrassed.
Secret Identity AU Maybe the secret is that he's Claw Noir or the secret is that he's Adrien Agreste but either way it'll be fun :> Maybe she hates his alt persona so he dies a little inside everytime she makes a comment or a jab and this can be either very comedic or very angsty or both Dengeki Daisy AU, same scenario, enough said. Would probably be more interesting if its Claw Noir + OG Adrien / Chat Noir + EmoAdrien, just to have more of a switch. (In Dengeki Daisy, MC has online friend A who she's never met, and a classmate B who she kind of hates. She talks to A about B, where she rants about B and A comforts her. A and B are the same people).
Manhwa style
Sweet, strong, feminine, girlboss MC? With a the stoic, rich, powerful, smitten ML? say less. He might be more of a tsundere than stoic, though. Gabriel Agreste is definitely the hidden boss. Could be the above but also a villainess/reincarnation/transmigation AU. Reincarnated into a game like an RPG or Stardew or something could also be fun, and bonus points if Mari liked him (as a character) before transmigation!
Gaming AU! Gaming AU. Maybe they meet in a game, on Discord, or because they're always playing at the same time and get matched? This is so beautifully canonical. Especially when Adrien is home schooled, he probably gets really attached to his online friend. And if they're both bullied?? they're each other's comfort (be careful to not let this be co-dependent, unless you're going for that). Can have secret identity AU. But, in my personal opinion, the super cute option is to also have them realize on their own! Maybe they've been doing discord calls for ages and recognize each other's voice. Maybe he's been telling her about the school and they realize they're going to attend the same one! Tbh this doesnt have to be mariclaw but the vibes are cute
Extra notes
Yeah Claw Noir doesn't have to have superpowers in all/most of the AUs
Marinette is a loner/bullied in most of these AUs because otherwise it feels a bit too much like a Mary Sue/self-insert (cute competent popular girl meets famous pretty emo boy who hates everyone except her). Can it be done if she's friends with Nino and Alya? Yep. Heavier themes on friendship where Alya (and maybe Nino) are more wary at first but grow to like him and help him be more self-confident. Less romance focus, more character development/trauma healing
If we're going with canon then for all of these, a true happy ending would involve the Supreme being dealt with, but I don't want to deal with that (plus I don't think we know who he is, anyway)
I realize a lot of these are a flavor of Chat Blanc but I had already written it all anyway
Personally, I am a sucker for smitten x insecure and EmoAdrien x OGMari fit that to a tee. Emo x Sunshine I have mixed feelings on because boi have I read a lot of that, but if it's done well it's super cute and MariClaw does that really well!! I could probably think of more AUs but I've already spent at least half an hour purely typing I pretty highly doubt I'll write any of these since they feel like longer fics + I don't have enough canon info on Claw Noir to comfortably characterize him; if anyone wants to write or draw something based on these then feel free to!
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fragileizywriting · 2 months
personally i think the only way to win against chat blanc is to be just as unhinged as him. this is my headcanon. (what better way to fight someone who's been consumed by an akuma than to just send out a teenage girl, tbh.)
i have so many ideas of him trying to collect marinettes and either keep them for himself or just love them so much that he cataclysms them— until he finds a universe where, upon seeing him hold his fingers right under the pulse of a terrified marinette— the lady noire who's followed him through the portal decides to play an uno reverse card on him.
"do it," she goads, shines in her eyes like stars. she brings her own fingers up below her throat. "i'll make sure to cataclysm every single marinette that will ever exist so you can never get your hands on another ever again."
chat sobers up so slowly, realizing what she's implying, horrified with what she's willing to do
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ladyofthenoodle · 10 months
personally i headcanon that chat blanc does not have a penis because why would he. more at 11
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taldigi · 1 year
13, 14, 16, and 21. Bring on violence
worst blorboficiation
omfg. Nathalie by a long shot. Literal terrorist. Cool motivation, still murder. Retroactively worse considering sentimonster development. People posture "oh adrien deserves a good mom!" and like.. no, nobody needs a mom. But having good adult role models is very helpful. Sabine could easily fill that role- and if they weren't cowards, they could fufil the mirror of "Marinette comes from a family of bakers but is into fashion" with "Adrien comes from a family of fashion designers but is into baking"
that one thing you see in fics all the time
Lila. People use her as a crutch for villainy. She's 14 ffs, not a megacorp bajillionare d20 on max charisma stat.
Person who is reading this? if you're gunna use Lila as a villian, don't. It's not new, it's not interesting, it's not even fun anymore. Use someone with already established bullying tendancies: (Kim, Chloe, Alya) Find someone new, corrupt a current chracter.
If you need Marinette expelled or excommunicated, do something that would actually get her expelled- she accidentally broke something valuable due to her clumsiness. Taking the fall for another classmate? One too many late arrivals. A failing grade due to ladybugging. Was caught tyring to break through a window to get out.
you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Zoe. She's a result of bad writing and merch sales, has like.. no personality. They should have grabbed an established background character and elevated them. what about weathergirl? or sabrina?
What if Sabrina being given the bee- or even the dog again- gave her a new perspective, and her growing up and getting a spine is what drove Chloe to become friends with Lila?
Zoe feels narratively useless, and the impact of her arrival is negligible. She brings nothing new or interesting to the table.
part of canon you think is overhyped
Chat Blanc. Like I get it- and like much of the show, it's good potential... but he's not that great, interesting, or even well-executed. The plot with bunnix isn't good either.
Honestly, it could have been a good intro to "Kwami powers without humans as a filter is dangerous" via Gabriel forcing Nooroo to make an akuma. That would keep identity intact, overpower Chat's willpower, and be an incredibly devastating event.
Hell, even if they kept him dead silent, it would have been way more interesting and intimidating. I can't take him seriously with his tearful "uwu save meee huuu" and wiping tears away.
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bebackthen · 10 months
HELP !! - calling miraculous ladybug roleplayer(s)
after absently deciding to listen to an hour long miraculous recap, and some gentle nudging from my amazing wonderful partner, i have finally jumped head first into the miraculous fandom. and after binging seasons one through three (currently on four), i have decided i NEED to find some good roleplay partners to satisfy my thirst for good writing. the roleplay will contain spoilers for s4 and s5, as one of the reasons i joined the fandom is because of (spoilers under the cut)
sentimonster adrien becoming canon!! i, as someone who is probably neurodivergent, find it much easier to relate to nonhuman characters for some reason- and finding out that adrien was a sentibeing made me explode. i am in dire need of someone who can play gabriel and(optionally) marinette, as i want to do some angst with the potentiality of adriens amok being in hawkmoths hands. as the show does NOT give me enough. adriens issues also do not get enough screentime, and finding good fics to satisfy my hunger is hard. so might as well write my own i am a literate to novella roleplayer, and am able to give examples via dms if interested, id prefer if my partner could match my writing length but i dont mind some shorter replies if the situation calls for it. id prefer to have the roleplay on discord (my @ would be given via dms) but i do not mind roleplaying here, i just will be unable to reply for most of the day due to my job since i only use tumblr on my laptop. as ive not finished s4 and s5 i mayy be a little behind on some of the bigger lore (i am nearly halfway done with s4 at the time of writing this) but i am willing to discuss things as i do not mind minor spoilers. after all, it was the spoiler that adrien was a sentimonster that made me want to give the show a try in the first place! anyway, comment or DM me if interested !! oh and headcanons and ships are welcome!! ive got a few myself. i love a good adrienette/ladybugxchat as good as the next guy
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OH and id prefer a more mature roleplay, i want that heartbreaking angst!! the show teases us with chat blanc and Ephemeral (urghgh i cant wait to see the context to this one..) and the movie with adrien yelling at gabriel and UGHH i just want good angst. id even settle for someone playing marinette who would do gabriel/hawkmoth as a secondary character as long as its included edit: oh and btw id play adrien (if that wasnt clear)
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xatsperesso · 1 year
It is very smol, but hopefully will get bigger
Obey me:
What if the boys know mc before going to rad?
Miraculous ladybug:
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun:
Iruma is taken (series)
Wicked phase teachers headcanons
Don't mess with the teachers of Babyl
Wait, do they know?
What if we just fake it?
He's wHAT?!
Sleepover: Gambling edition
Put yourself first
Buddy Daddies:
If you wanna send me ideas I'm all ears, just please read my do's and dont's bellow the cut
My Don'ts
Please guys dont ask for NSFW stuff. I know some of y’all can traumatise me and I refuse to be traumatised
I really can't do romance. So unless you want the most hurt comfort were hurt is 75% of the story and it ends in tears, please dont ask for romance
I have the right to refuse writing any fic for whatever reason, and if your ask isn't anon I'll give you a heads up telling you that I'm not writing the fic
I will probably expand on this list, but that’s all I have for now
Other than that, go nuts, but don't show nuts.
The fandoms that i will write for are NOT limited to the following fandoms
Obey me
Miraculous ladybug
Spy x family
Gravity falls
Buddy daddies
Again, not limited to those but I have the worst memory when it gets to what i read/watched/played, so really shoot your shot. You may be the reason I'm expending on this list
Also if you just wanna chat or rave over the newest chapter or that one gremlin that lives in your mind rent free, or just wanna confuse the hell out of me, my asks are always open
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aniron48 · 1 year
Re: last reblog, I’m offering a fic for the Fandom Trumps Hate auction this year! If you have a prompt/trope/headcanon for the Bond or Benoit Blanc fandoms that you’re dying for someone to write for you, and you think my writing might be a good fit, you can check out my FTH auction page here! Also happy to chat if you have something you’d be interested in and have questions!
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