#chevy caprice classic
mlobsters · 11 months
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supernatural s6e19 mommy dearest (w. adam glass)
well my whole eve/victoria pedretti mind connection (also this afternoon was crying for a good 20 minutes while painting and rewatching the haunting of hill house) this disabling the exit to the bar and then everyone trying to eat each other reminds me of that church scene in midnight mass (was she even in that one? lol) but way less emotionally fraught. and shorter. adds to the list of gif comparatives of various stuff with spn that i may never get around to because making gifs is tedious work i don't particularly enjoy.
i think i'm delighted to hear licensed music because it's so infrequent now and it's a lot more fun than the score 😬
when i was a kid, i helped my dad fill shotgun shells using something like this (primarily for shooting skeet at a range though he also hunted)
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anyway. dean is using a literal tablespoon to put the phoenix's ashes in these special shells apparently. fear not, a well used shotgun shell reloader in the back there (lee load-all reloader only $79.99 at cabela's!)
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DEAN Why has it always got to be me that makes the call, huh? It's not like Cas lives in my ass. The dude's busy. (Cas appears behind him. Dean turns around, surprised) Cas, get out of my ass!
CAS I was never in your–
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wait hold up is this like that weird wording that i talked about before, out of your ass...
okay this must be a wording thing because they had pestilence use the same and i was very perplexed by the phrasing. SHERIFF MILLS I lose my job over this, I am taking it out of your ass! s5e21 DR. GREEN You mean my brothers. What they did to my brothers. No. The only reasonable thing to do here is to…take it out of their healthy young asses!
that's so strange. anyway. woo they can use more gay innuendo jokes because they have a non-brother dude who we're saying/joking/but actually saying has Feelings for dean to be on the receiving end (har har) 😑
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LENORE I remember. Your hunter friend almost killed me.
SAM Well if it makes you feel any better, uh, he turned into a vampire and I chopped his head off.
DEAN Yeah. With razor wire. Wicked.
dean's so proud
okay so thank fuck they didn't make sam kill another pretty lady that was a monster. we don't need madison 2.0.
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CAS We needed to move this along.
mr funny again
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CAS Something in this town, is, uh, it's affecting me. I assume it's Eve.
DEAN So wait, Mom's making you limp?
CAS Figuratively, yes.
CAS I don't know, but she is.
DEAN Well, that's great, because without your power, you're basically just a baby in a trenchcoat.
SAM I think you hurt his feelings.
don't be an asshole, dean. this is why i called cas a work friend :p
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my dad travelled a ton for work when i was a kid so he always had a company car. one of them was a chevy caprice classic like this one, but white.
well the baby in the trench coat decapitated someone. good enough for you, dean?
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reflection in the glass just reminding me of how model-pretty jensen's face is
are the kids gonna be monsters and try to eat sam and dean. okay the oldest "kid" has visible stubble and is 24. baby face and short stature and no pesky child actor rules
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CAS We need to find Eve now.
DEAN Yeah. Go. Me and Sam just gotta make a milk run.
CAS We need your help here.
DEAN Hold your water. We'll be back in a few.
CAS Dean, Dean. Millions of lives are at stakes here, not just two. Stay focused.
my face at the "stay focused": 😒 like being told to relax
DEAN Are you kidding?
CAS There's a greater purpose here.
DEAN You know what, I-I'm getting a little sick and tired of the greater purposes, okay? I think what I'd like to do now is save a couple of kids. If you don't mind. We'll catch up.
*schmoopy music*
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oh the brother mush intensifies! big brother tells little brother he should get some rest and they cuddle up to sleep. and sam looks at dean, dean smiles fondly. sam makes his thinking thoughtful face out the window as he (obviously) thinks about how dean took care of him haha
BOBBY They won't take long.
CAS You don't know that. They may find more wayward orphans along the way.
BOBBY Oh, don't get cute.
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CAS Right. Pardon me for highlighting their crippling and dangerous empathetic response with "sarcasm". It was a bad idea – letting them go.
BOBBY Come on. You don't let Sam and Dean Winchester do squat. They do what they gotta. You know that.
haha pissy cas again, a treat. and ain't that the truth, they're gonna do what they want to do, come hell or highwater
oh my god the extended family reunion and the exchanged looks with sam and dean. WE GET IT, GUYS. feeling soft about big brothers taking care of little brothers. saving lives, reuniting families
this is so interesting, in a way, because i had no idea that cas had this darkside situation going on. the thing with the souls, the torturing. i know nothing about his character arc! when i know a lot about sam and dean's
lol so one of the kids was a monster. all gone, the mushy feelings
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EVE You look upset. If it makes you feel any better, Ryan was bound to work on you. Little wayward orphan, like yourselves. There's nothing you can do about it now. So let's talk.
samantha smith's voice (eve as mary here) reminds me of someone in hill house. i think elizabeth reaser (played shirley [also esme in twilight])?
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this whole thing is a lot. glad dean had some amazing forethought to consume some of the ash to make himself poisonous to her eating him LOLL
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cas finally gettin something cool to do
demons *gasp*
so is cas working with crowley? i admit to tuning out a little when eve was talking about the soul battery stealing plan
well i guess that answers that. something weirdly satisfying about crowley scolding cas, what's that about
while i was looking up sam's boots, because i'm a weirdo, this site boldly declared dean winchester smells like some particular fragrance. i thought that was weird to be so specific without a source mentioned and so then i go searching the internet for dean winchester cologne. and ended up some pinterest link that is a youtube video of a con thing with j2 and jackles saying he wears tom ford "wood" (note: it's oud wood, but oud means a type of wood. agarwood wood.) and "it works" and then padalecki asking where he sprays it. i think for my sanity it is best i continue to avoid bts/con related content
like, nothing on the hey i know you front. suddenly started getting exclusively side characters actors i've never seen in anything else
also i guess eve is dead? that was anticlimactic. like a slightly longer than usual monster of the week. i guess we can't be working under the threat of being sent to hell all the time
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automotivealchemy · 1 month
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Chevrolet Caprice LTZ Full Sized Sedan Concept
What if...Chevrolet returned this icon back to the market as their flagship full sized sedan?
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danu2203 · 9 months
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chadscapture · 2 years
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Chevy Caprice Classic Wagon
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magicmindless · 10 months
Could you tell us some hc you have of Mousse or Whippa? And if you can count some hc you have of Duke if there is part of 2 (or if you have some now)
Sure, I’ll do headcanons for Mousse first and then Whippa’s will be later.
A HC list but it’s just Mousse
I used to care about him, but then I stopped caring, and now we’re here (he was actually pretty tough to think about ngl)
- Mysterious, stoic, and tough as nails if dared to be trifled with but is pretty calm for the most part
- Him and Whippa grew up in a high-middle class family with strict parents. They were known as the “Golden Children” growing up since everything they did seemed perfect when it was really all just a façade
- They both got bullied by the other troublemakers since in their area the upperclass wasn’t very respected (eat the rich amirite?)
- The two were friends with NuMarcus when they were young. They don’t really talk much now. Maybe an occasional bar visit for drinks now and then but that’s about it
- When their parents passed away during their teen years, they stayed with their uncle who didn’t really care about what they did so they started getting into crime
- It’s rumored that their parents were the leaders of an organized crime gang in Oniontown which was how they acquired so much wealth, but Mousse and Whippa can’t confirm since they weren’t very close with their parents, but they have their suspicions
- One time when they were in jail, they were visited by a head chief and detective who needed some information about a certain criminal they were said to have connections with
- Realizing their street smarts and how many connections they had, they were released from prison as long as they swore to never commit crime again
- The nightclub Mousse and Whippa run now was a bar owned by their uncle, and they took over when he retired. They had some money to revamp the place and it’s much more popular now… at least among criminals
- He’s a fan of alcohol, mainly bourbon and whiskey. Nothing about him really changes when he drinks though
- Pretty puzzle smart, and knows how to crack almost all codes like Morse code, crypto, stuff like that
- A fan of reading mythology and old classic literature, though he prefers audiobooks over actually reading since it’s less tiring for him
- Has a weird thing against tourists. He isn’t sure what it is he just doesn’t like them, but tolerates them at best. Maybe he just doesn’t see the big deal in traveling
- Then again, he’s a pretty low energy sort of person, so being around people tends to tire him out easily
- For whatever reason he has the immunity of a sickly Victorian child. It ain’t uncommon for his voice to be much lower than normal or for him to have random coughing fits while investigating someone
-Debating on whether he smokes or not but honestly he probably does
- Has a Chevy Caprice which is really cool, like the cars you see in old detective movies
- Likes photography as a side-hobby. Of course it’s helpful with his job, but he mainly just likes it for personal enjoyment. He has an old Polaroid camera for this hobby as well
- Really skilled at chess. Like, really good. He used to do chess tournaments back in the day for sport and keeps his trophies up on shelves and things
- He likes flowers but not many people know because he’s kind of embarrassed about it. His favorite flowers are hellebores, specifically black hellebores because of their role in Greek Mythology and their overall symbolism
- Isn’t a fan of things which are too overly “positive” (ex: “live laugh love” signs), he’s too much of a realist for that sort of thing
- Tends to talk to himself when he’s alone like a philosophical narrator reflecting on his life in an old detective novel
- He’s not sure if he’d have any other job besides the one he has now, but he assumes he’d probably just work in his uncle’s bar until it shut down, and if that happened he’d just work at another bar or hotel even
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cinamun · 1 year
I know this has nothing to do with the OTP ask but I just wanted to rack your brain a little but... how has your passion for this story, remain unwavering? I am trying to get back into writing and making my work into a visual piece but I always get defeated before I begin? Maybe it's from me trying all the fancy apps and stuff but like... what's your method to the madness? Love you, sis. ❤️
First and foremost, LOVE YOU TOO SIS!!
Now let's get into it:
It took a loooooooooong time lmao! No fr, it all started as just random gameplay with this particular story. I've been writing for years (I was a sims 2 storyteller too, chile I'm old ok?) and this game just helps deliver the visuals in a way that I love. I wouldn't say its been unwavering. I've caught massive, months-long writers block with my current story. But let me back up...
It wasn't until I started getting attached to my OCs that I really started to focus more on the story part of the gameplay. Once I got attached, then I became very dedicated to how the story unraveled. There have been major plot twists, wild arcs, tons of emotion and then you get to a point where its like "what else can I add to this?" "what else could I lead up to?" And that is where I would get stuck. This is probably why Indya and Darren have kids now lmaoooo I couldn't think of anything else after all the hell I put them through!
I would say, its normal to feel stuck or defeated at first (I mean, it sucks but its normal). I really don't have a method other than I geek out over this damn game, I love to write and I love to bring my thoughts to pictures. If you love it WE will love it. Also you don't have to stick to a script, it can start rough and get to where you want it to be. You don't have to have bomb screenshots, take time to really flesh things out, or don't! A lot of things I've included in this story were included because of something in the replies, I changed my mind, or let things just ride. Think of your story like a cold engine in a 1987 Chevy Caprice Classic, it might take a few jump starts, but that bitch is gonna turn over!
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niennanir · 2 years
About twenty years ago my car got stolen out of my driveway at night while I was at home. This sounds super scary as an opener but even as I stood in my driveway and said “where’s my car?” I knew the answer to the question.
The car, an 89 Chevy Caprice Classic, had originally belonged to my grandmother, who sold it to my mother, who sold it to me. I bought it because it was cheap, and also reliably maintained. I did not factor in the fact that my father could potentially have a key to it.
The police never did find the car. It disappeared from the face of the earth and I think that was the most disquieting. I still have the title to it. But this was the literal straw that broke the camel's back. For weeks I had been getting calls in the middle of the night, if I answered, there would be a few seconds of silence and then the call would disconnect. I filed a police report but the calls were all from payphones. The same officer who took that report took the one on my car. He was not the officer who took the report when my mailbox was vandalized or when my window was broken but he could see them on his police record from my address.
“Miss,” he said with a sigh. “It’s fair to say you got a problem. Any idea which ex boyfriend it is?”
There’s no real way to describe what it’s like to explain to a police officer that the criminal terrorizing you is your father. Nobody wants to believe that, cops don’t even want to believe that and they’ve actually seen it before. But the car was a line in the sand. It was safe to say I had a problem. And I was going to have to be the one to solve it. 
I quit my second job, I made my mother switch jobs, I sold my house and one of my two businesses. I left my church, I disconnected my phone. I moved two towns away. I told my uncle and my brother where I was and gave them both strict instructions to never give that information to anyone. Ever.
I, in effect, rolled a new character. 
Thanksgiving is five days away and this year I’m thankful that I can see my cousins again after 20 years. I’m thankful that I don’t have to check for a tail every time I go more than 5 miles from home. I’m thankful that I’m no longer in a self imposed and administrated version of a never ending witness protection program. 
I still forget sometimes that he isn't coming for me any more. I still check who’s behind me in the reflections of shop windows. I still look under the car before I approach it in a parking lot. I still never sit with my back to the door. I will probably always do these things. But this year I’m thankful that I wouldn’t have to.
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winter-animosus · 2 years
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I may not seem like it, but I do have a couple of dream cars........ One of which is the 1991-92 Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser and the other is a classic from That 70s Show, the 1969 Oldsmobile Vista Cruiser!
I don’t know if I’ll ever have either one in real life, but my sona can at least drive them. X3
They were both taken from GTA mods but I’ve made extensive edits and modifications to both. Heck, the Custom Cruiser was originally a Chevy Caprice, it didn’t even HAVE the Vista Roof on it!
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cl0udgangg · 2 years
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My 1st car “ 1988 chevy caprice classic “ 💚
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danu2203 · 2 months
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chadscapture · 2 years
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Chevy Caprice Classic Wagon
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classiccars572 · 26 days
71 Caprice NOT For Car Show? Top 5 Secret Nava Donk Chevy | Hood Builds
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hopperwall12 · 5 months
Cloth Fashion Face Masks Doesn't Have To Be Hard. Read These Ten Tips
Only 6,456 Impala convertibles were built, but the Impala series as a whole continued to sell strongly -- a true American favorite, and the most popular model nameplate in automotive history. Caprice was promoted in ads as "the uppermost Chevrolet." No more Biscaynes were built, making Bel Air the base model and Impala the mid-range, with Caprice presiding at the top of the pile. And, as historian George Dammann has pointed out, a Caprice or Impala optioned to the hilt was hardly less nice than a Caddy -- little wonder Chevy dealers had little trouble moving the big cars out the door. Many of the treasures you would find in a lakeside camp or mountain hideaway are here: a freshwater pike mounted over the fireplace, a pair of snowshoes in the corner, a fishing rod by the door. You can wear the versatile fleece accessory around your neck, over your face or as a hat. For example, the vertical lines of wall cabinets, windows, the shower stall, and doors can make a room look taller; horizontal lines in the edges of the vanity and tub can make it look broader.
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Except for wagons, all Caprice models came with standard rear fender skirts to accentuate the car's sweeping lines. That little engineering imperfection would loom large when the gas crisis arrived late in 1973, and frantic motorists had to sit in long lines to get at the pumps. Fuel tanks held 22 gallons of gasoline -- and owners had to make frequent trips to the gas station for fill-ups, as these biggies were far from frugal. A good ventilating fan is a relatively small investment that will make any bath -- especially a shared one -- more comfortable and will help preserve your home's infrastructure. Do you need more space in the master bath or just a savvier floor plan that lets two people share the room more comfortably? Light colors reflect light and make a space or an object look larger and airier; dark colors absorb light and make them look smaller and denser. Universal design creates a space that works for every family member at every stage of life. Despite this, shoppers willing to pay more to move up to a Bel Air or Impala were indifferent to the '71 Biscayne line; only about 22,000 went out the door.
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Caprices were no slouches in the sales race, either, with 178,455 rolling out the factory door. Caprices had nothing less than a Turbo-Fire 400 V-8, with variable-ratio power steering and Turbo Hydra-Matic. Still, a total of nearly 668,000 big Chevys was nothing to sneeze at. Front bumpers on the 1973 Chevrolet Impala and other full-size Chevys protruded because of the new federal mandate to withstand a 5-mph impact. True https://perfectbrowniesale.com/kawaii-chic-incorporating-rabbit-ears-sweatshirts-into-your-everyday-outfits/ remained, including the Impala Sport Coupe that continued the roofline introduced in 1973 -- rather reminiscent of the original '66 Caprice's roof treatment. Full-size Chevrolet production (including station wagons) topped the million mark this season. Three luxurious Caprice models now were available, including a new pillared four-door sedan. The 1972 Chevrolet Caprice came as a pillared 4-door Sedan or a Hardtop Sedan. https://hkadventurebaby.com/exploring-the-cuteness-of-kawaii-hoodies-and-pajama-sets/ promoted the Caprice Classic's "enviable luxury," aimed at "people who think driving is something the car should do." Oddly, the Caprice Classic four-door sedan was outsold by coupe and hardtop sedan counterparts, both of which cost more. Chevrolet's general manager, John Z. DeLorean, left GM this year to begin his ill-fated venture with the stainless-steel sports car that bore his own name.
The line would disappear after the '72 model year. In fact, the ten-millionth Impala was sold this year. Gone was the Caprice coupe, the last two-door version, and the Impala wagon. The 1973 Chevrolet Caprice Classic four-door Sedan found more than 58,000 buyers as the line gained popularity. Marchesa did that with some marvelous gold pieces in her fall 2012 line. Brown’s goal in creating the Black Pyramid clothing line was simple: he wanted to express his artistic vision through standout clothing designs. https://bulletproofsoft.net/from-dreamland-to-closet-how-rabbit-ears-sweatshirts-bring-fantasy-to-life/ -of-the-line wagon, as before, was the Kingswood Estate with simulated wood along the bodysides. A burgeoning interest in the environment has designers also culling tones from the outdoors such as pale green and blue to offset light wood and metal furnishings. “I about shit myself when I saw Chris Brown with my jacket that said ‘Cro-Mags’ on it,” he told Metal Insider. A leather and crystal bracelet could perfectly complement your leather jacket.
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usaautoexp · 2 years
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كابرس موديل 1979 1979 chevy caprice classic ماشي 113 الف ميل حسب العداد السعر شامل الشحن 48 الف ريال شامل الشحن الى أي ميناء بدول الخليج علي المطر واتساب 00966504929232 اتصال 0013139771115 الجمرك والقيمه المضافه يعتمد علي تقييم الجمرك للسياره وليس علي سعر شرائها ملاحظة : اغلب معارض السيارات الحديثه بأمريكا تطلب رسوم اضافيه عند الشراء سواء رسوم معرض او تسجيل ونحاول الغائها قبل شراء السياره وأن لم نتمكن من إلغائها عند الشراء يتم اخبار المشتري بذالك ويتم التواصل مع المعارض بعد استلام العربون لمتابعه عروض السيارات الحديثه زياره الحساب ‏@usa.autoexp ‏USA AUTO EXPORT تويتر - فيس بوك – سناب – انستقرام – يوتيوب – تك توك ‏@USAAUTOEXP مؤسسة معتمده مسجله رسميا بالولايات المتحده الأمريكيه لشراء وتصدير السيارات والمعرض بالسعوديه ‏@USAAUTOEXP 1_ جميع السيارات موجوده بأمريكا نوفر ونشتري علي الطلب من أمريكا 2_ يسلم المبلغ بالسعوديه معرض يوسف حبيب المطر بالمنطقه الشرقيه أو معرض بن زويد بمكه المكرمه أو عن طريق حواله بنكيه إلي حساب المعرض . 3_ يمكننا إنهاء جميع الإجرائات للسياره بالميناء سواء بميناء جده أو الدمام للسيارات وارسال السياره الي منزل المشتري وايضا انهاء جميع الاجرائات بأي ميناء بالامارات ( أختياري ) 4_ الاسعار شامله الشحن فقط من غير التامين بالباخره والتامين ( أختياري ) علي_المطر https://www.instagram.com/p/CkfWIOuu657/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jtem · 2 years
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Vintage (well it’s old) Chevy Caprice Classic
Irony alert: This gas guzzler was parked at one of only two EV charging stations!
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[Verse 1: Freddie Gibbs]
The liquor got me lurking and looking for a lame nigga
To set up for my next lick
In the Chevy, about to roll up the stress, with a Tec
And what he got on his neck, got him a death wish
It's kinda funny cause he used to be my nigga tho
We was breaking bread, flipping bricks like a year ago
Shit can get into a nigga's head when his digits low
Make you wanna send one of your friends to his funeral
Maybe me and him was never friends in the first place
Don't mean a thing cause we share the same birthplace
Same city, same hood, but we down to kill each other for a dollar
Cause we want it in the worst way
Money talk and bullshit gon walk a marathon
And I ain't scared of getting killed cause I'm getting mine
And if they ever try to raid, I'mma hit the fuckin pigs with the K's
I ain't tryna do a lick of time
Spend all my last money, the bills too high
His jewelry, his whip game, the wheels too fly
I'm thinking about murder every time we cruise by
Heard he got like 84 elbows of blue fire
In the basement, muthafuckas still think basic
Thinkin' I'mma show up and erase 'em, but I ain't gonna chase 'em
I'mma be up in his crib waiting
"Bitch where the cash? I can taste it"
Put em on their faces: what you know about kidnapping
And holding a nigga's whole family for ransom?
When your stomach empty it's easy to understand it
Got me out here taking them penitentiary chances
"Born in this world of tears, will die laughing"
Put that on the headpiece right above my casket
Still in the game, my batteries still lastin
Bout to put some gas up in my Caprice Classic, and...
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