#child psychiatrist in bangalore
maarga12 · 3 months
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maargamindcare1 · 10 days
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casualvoidbread · 5 months
What Is the Role of a Therapist in Mental Health Rehabilitation?
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It is no secret that strong mental health can significantly contribute to an individual’s overall well-being. However, as we have repeatedly seen, mental health can be impacted by various factors. This realization highlights the Importance of Rehabilitation
When considering Rehabilitation, our attention is automatically drawn to identifying the best Psychologists/Therapists we can seek.
This Article Explains the Significant Role Therapists Play in Mental Rehabilitation. Role of a Therapist
Experienced doctors working with a well-known Rehabilitation Centre in Bangalore explain that in the realm of mental health rehabilitation, therapists continue to play a crucial role as guides and supporters. By implementing a combination of empathy, evidence-based techniques, and a compassionate approach, therapists ensure the safe recovery of their clients.
How Does This Happen?
Creating a conducive environment Therapists need to provide a safe and supportive environment where individuals can express themselves freely. This helps them understand their clients better.
Conduct specific Analysis Every patient's history is different. As such, getting closer to a patient and studying his behavior, responses and thought patterns helps the therapist to arrive at a tailor-made treatment program for each individual. 
Implement evidence-based approach There are many latest technologies driven treatment programs that therapists have used very successfully to get into the depth of an individual’s concern and address it smoothly. Rest assured, a patient's physical and mental comfort is not compromised at any stage of study.
Encourage self-reflection An expert therapist will give every opportunity to his client to self-reflect on his mental health condition and come out with probabilities of what could be the cause of his discomfort.
Advocating for good health and well-being Through frequent education programs, therapists share the secrets of maintaining good mental health and more importantly, sustaining it for longer periods. 
Mental Health Rehabilitation is not as easy as it is perceived to be. When matters get tricky and complicated, the best option is to visit an experienced therapist and seek his opinion. If you are Looking at the Best Choice, do not look beyond MaargaMindcare, recognized by many for its success in Rehab for Anxiety and Depression.
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akshayamedicalcentre · 8 months
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Child and Adolescent Therapy: Nurturing Young Minds for a Brighter Tomorrow
In today's fast-paced world, children and adolescents face unique challenges that can impact their mental and emotional well-being. Child and adolescent therapy, offered at Akshaya Medical Centre in Vidyaranyapura, Bangalore, plays a pivotal role in providing the support and guidance necessary to nurture young minds and ensure a brighter tomorrow.
Understanding Child and Adolescent Therapy
Child and adolescent therapy, also known as pediatric therapy or counseling, is a specialized form of mental health treatment designed to address the unique emotional and psychological needs of young individuals. These formative years are marked by significant growth and development, but they can also be a time of stress, confusion, and emotional struggles.
The role of a child and adolescent therapist is to create a safe and supportive environment where young individuals can express their thoughts and feelings, build coping skills, and work through various challenges. These challenges can range from academic stress, peer pressure, family issues, emotional disorders, behavioral problems, and more.
Why Child and Adolescent Therapy Matters
Early Intervention: Child and adolescent therapy provides early intervention for mental health concerns. By addressing issues during childhood and adolescence, it can prevent them from developing into more significant problems in adulthood.
Emotional Resilience: Therapy helps young individuals build emotional resilience and coping skills. They learn how to manage stress, express their emotions, and make healthy choices.
Academic Success: Many children and adolescents experience academic stress. Therapy can help them manage the pressure, improve focus, and achieve their academic potential.
Positive Relationships: Therapy fosters better communication and problem-solving skills, which are crucial for building positive relationships with family and peers.
Behavioral Issues: Behavioral problems, such as aggression or withdrawal, can be addressed and modified through therapy, leading to more balanced behavior.
Emotional Disorders: Children and adolescents can be susceptible to emotional disorders like anxiety and depression. Therapy offers strategies to manage and overcome these conditions.
Child and Adolescent Therapy at Akshaya Medical Centre
Akshaya Medical Centre in Vidyaranyapura, Bangalore, offers comprehensive child and adolescent therapy services, delivered by experienced and compassionate professionals. The journey begins with an initial assessment, during which the therapist evaluates the child or adolescent's needs, concerns, and goals.
Therapeutic sessions are tailored to each individual's specific requirements. The therapy may involve talk therapy, play therapy (for younger children), cognitive-behavioral therapy, family therapy, and more. The choice of therapy depends on the nature of the issues and the age and preferences of the child or adolescent.
Our therapists work collaboratively with parents and caregivers to ensure a holistic and supportive approach. They provide guidance to parents on how to support their children outside of therapy sessions, creating a nurturing environment at home.
The Role of the Best Psychiatrist in Bangalore
In some cases, child and adolescent therapy may involve consultation with the best psychiatrist in Bangalore. This is especially relevant when there are concerns about more severe mental health issues or when medication management is required.
The best psychiatrist in Bangalore, working in conjunction with the therapy team, can provide a comprehensive treatment plan that may include therapy, medication, and ongoing evaluation.
The Impact of Child and Adolescent Therapy
Child and adolescent therapy can have a profound and lasting impact on the lives of young individuals. By addressing issues during these formative years, it equips them with the tools and strategies they need to navigate life's challenges successfully. This, in turn, leads to improved well-being, academic success, and the development of healthy relationships.
Therapy helps young individuals build emotional resilience, allowing them to cope with stress and adversity in a healthy way. It provides a safe space for them to express their thoughts, feelings, and fears, fostering emotional growth and self-awareness.
In cases where emotional disorders are present, such as anxiety and depression, therapy offers a path to recovery and healing. It teaches young individuals to manage their symptoms, develop positive coping mechanisms, and regain a sense of control over their lives.
The Role of Parents and Caregivers
Parents and caregivers play a vital role in the success of child and adolescent therapy. They serve as a support system and are integral to the therapeutic process. By working collaboratively with therapists, they can create a nurturing and supportive environment at home, reinforcing the strategies and skills learned in therapy.
Child and adolescent therapy at Akshaya Medical Centre in Vidyaranyapura, Bangalore, holds the promise of nurturing young minds for a brighter tomorrow. By addressing emotional, psychological, and behavioral challenges during these crucial formative years, therapy sets the foundation for a lifetime of mental and emotional well-being. If you have concerns about your child's or adolescent's mental health, seeking the support of child and adolescent therapy professionals is a proactive step in ensuring a brighter and more promising future for the young minds we cherish.
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jtsmedicalcentre · 5 months
Dr. Sweta Shah is Best psychiatrist At JTS Medical Centre in Jumeirah, Dubai. and she is specialized in training Child & Adolescent Mental Health, Family Therapy, as well as Behavioural therapy from the renowned National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore, India. In 2020, she is completed her Post graduation in Psychiatry. Additionally, she has experience in treating mental health problems in adults as well as children while she was practicing in Mumbai. Anyone who is suffering from anxiety, depression, or any other mental health issue then You can book an appointment by visiting Doctor Profile at JTS Medical Centre.
Contact us on +971562913634 or can email us at [email protected]
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4 Benefits of Including Yoga In Non-Academic Activities
Yoga is a set of physical exercises that aligns an individual’s mind, body, and soul. According to scholarly research, it has been proved that Yoga helps children improve their physical flexibility and keeps a check on their mental health.
It has also been noticed that it helps reduce the tendency to be impulsive among children, hence raising their concentration levels. It is one of the reasons why Yoga is included in modern education. 
However, before exploring the benefits of Yoga in modern education, let’s take a look at its origin.
Origin of Yoga and its practice in ‘Gurukuls’
The word Yoga has been derived from the Sanskrit root ‘Yuj’, which means ‘to join’ or ‘to yoke’ or ‘to unite’. As per yogic scripture, Yoga refers to the practice of particular physical exercises that leads to a state of liberation, known as ‘Moksha’. It was practiced among students in ancient ‘Gurukuls’ to control their emotions and mind. It also enhanced their physical flexibility. 
Only a few good schools in Banashankari  have included Yoga in their curriculum to benefit children in the following ways: 
Increases concentration levels in children
Apart from increasing physical fitness and flexibility, it is proven that practicing asanas and pranayama increases concentration in children. It helps keep their body and mind relaxed. It is also proven that Yoga reduces stress in children, which helps them devote attention to studies.   
Helps children control anxiety 
It has been noted that anxiety is one of the common problems in children today. According to child psychiatrists, the increasing competitive atmosphere in education system is one of the main reasons why children suffer from anxiety. 
In fact, there can be multiple reasons behind the growing anxiety in them. The practice of Yoga is one of the best ways to reduce stress in children. 
A specific set of asanas like ‘Surya Pranayama,’ ‘bhujangasana,’ ‘dhanurasana’ has been included in modern yoga exercises to control anxiety. Including these asanas in Yoga practices help children reduce anxiety while performing daily activities at school. 
Relaxes body and soul
The human brain plays a vital role in thinking, analyzing and controlling our actions. The practise of Yoga helps children to relax their mind and soul and control their body. It helps them to think rationally and logically before initiating any action. That is why every parent should select a school that prioritizes Yoga in their co-curricular activities. 
Enhances physical flexibility 
Physical flexibility is an essential requirement for sports. The set of exercises covered in modern Yoga enhances muscle flexibility, which reduces the risk of injury while playing sports. 
Yoga plays a vital role in modern education these days. Only a few good schools in North Bangalore like Royale Concorde International School, Mallya Aditi International School, and Vidyashilp School, include Yoga in their teaching curriculum. 
If you want to know more about these schools in detail, you can visit their official website.  
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brainchecker · 2 years
Why Choose A Psychological Counseling?
Psychological Counseling is a wide specialization inside professional psychology involved with the usage of psychological concepts to enhance and sell the effective growth, well-being, and mental fitness of individuals, families, groups, and the wider community. Psychological Counseling is to assist individuals overcome lots of their present & future problems.
Psychological Counseling is a method that involves people, one individual who needs a strategy to their problem, and the opposite person may be the professional or psychiatrist. The Psychological Counseling is a professional who maintains his client’s facts personally and listens to their issues and encourages them to move forward. Counseling helps improve students’ career problems and relationship disturbances. 
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Why Choose A Psychological Counseling:
Personality Assessments.
Performance Measurements.
Career interests and aptitude.
Child development & identification of special needs.
You can work with people and with groups.
Benefits Of Psychological Counseling:
improved your communication skills.
manage stress effectively.
improved your problem-solving abilities.
increased your confidence skills.
increased your decision-making level.
recognition of distorted thinking.
Improvement in emotional self-regulation.
Psychological Counseling practice in various settings and employ a whole lot of evidence-primarily based totally and theoretical methods grounded in psychological knowledge. Many Psychological Counseling offer psychotherapy services, but different career paths are also available. Research, teaching, and vocational counseling are only a few of the viable options to psychotherapy.
If Are You Looking for Psychological Counseling Near You? Contact BrainChecker Is the Best Option for you, we Provide Best Psychological Counseling In Nashik, Pune, Mumbai, Nagpur, Bangalore, Delhi, Chennai, Noida, Ahmedabad, Goa, Hyderabad, India.
Contact No. +91-99700-57774
Website. https://www.brainchecker.in/psychometric-test
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awakeningwellness · 3 years
Awakening Wellness Retreat
The Awakening Wellness Retreat is one of the best rehabilitation centers located around the Gurgaon and New Delhi sector, focusing on the mental health community and has thereby succeeded in serving a diverse range of clients in the past 10 years. With a multi-specialty team of qualified and experienced professionals, we offer a caregiver therapy available with 24/7 support. Our biopsychosocial model of treatment along with the psychotherapy and medication process ardently ensures a supportive and a speedy recovery.
 The Awakening Wellness Retreat Rehabilitation center mainly focuses on the mental concerns of our clients having at the different stages of their lives and preventing them from reaching their complete potential of turning into an addict and becoming a part of the society and their families. Using certain comprehensive assessments for behavioral, emotional, psychosomatic and neurological disorders we help each of our patients individually. Providing individual group therapy, family and marital counseling sessions, crisis intervention and management of stress, management of chronic pain associated with the stress and poor mental health, we focus and start from the absolute basics.
 Our team treats a variety of mental conditions such, which are as follows:
●        Adjustment Disorders
●        Anxiety
●        Phobias
●        Panic disorders
●        Depression
●        Bipolar Mood Disorders
●        OCD
●        PTSD
●        Schizophrenia
●        Personality Disorders
●        Dementia
●        Geriatric Psychiatry
●        Drug Addiction
●        Alcohol Addiction
●        Autism
●        Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
 We understand that mental health is very important for well-being and to lead towards a successful life. An individual who is emotionally and mentally balanced is absolutely capable of working productively and making ever significant contributions towards their society and community. On the other hand, the mental issues are absolutely non-negligible and form a negative impact on the way we individuals think and behave and react in our personal goals and satisfaction levels.
 If an individual is left without the treatment process, their mental health will surely decline which can cause effects on their life emotionally, socially and in their interpersonal front too. By seeking the help of our team, you can address them in a safe and secured, totally supportive and confidential environment. We also provide tele-counselling sessions with our international patients comforting and guiding them from their homes.
 Having years of experience in treating alcohol and mental disorder patients, our team consists of clinical psychologists, psychiatrists and special educators, where we use the evidence based therapy sessions and als special interventions bringing a positive change in your life. The age groups we tend to undertake are: Child, Adult and Adolescent.
 Key Takeaways:
 ●        Medications are usually provided by the expert and experienced in-house doctors keep the record of the patient in mind.
●        Psychotherapy which includes family, group and individual.
●        CBT
●        Mindfulness training or other complementary and alternative medicine therapies which are repetitive transcranial with a magnetic stimulation.
●        Neurofeedback and Biofeedback.
●        Services for international patients.
 We are one of the premium rehabilitation centers having patients from Noida, Faridabad, Chandigarh, Jaipur, Goa, Pune, Mumbai, Indore, Bangalore, Chennai, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Dehradun, Ahmedabad etc. Also, we have our international patients coming from The United Kingdom, The United States of America, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Uganda, New Zealand, Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Malaysia etc.
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maarga12 · 2 months
How to Choose the Best Psychiatrist Near You?
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It is not just about taking care of your body to stay healthy. Its also about taking care of your mental health as a stressful mind can deeply impact your physical health. Hence, if and when you come across a situation where you find yourself mentally uncomfortable, it is the right time to seek the opinion of an expert who specializes in treating mental disorders. In other words, see an experienced Psychiatrist.
However, choosing the best psychiatrist in Bangalore is nothing short of challenge.
This article presents some essential tips on how to choose the best psychiatrist.
A strong mental health today leads to a brighter tomorrow
It is of paramount importance that you connect with the best psychiatric doctor in Bangalore who can study your mind very closely and in depth. Here are few points that can help you as you begin your search for one:
Look for recommendations and referrals It is quite common to begin by seeking recommendations or referrals to the best medical expert to consult. Psychiatrist is no different. Hence, get in touch with your family doctor, friends for recommendations.
Testimonials from satisfied patients Nothing better than hearing to satisfied patients on how their experience was with their psychiatrist. This is a great way to move forward.
Location Convenience matters. It is always good to choose a psychiatrist who is located close by so that you can meet him without having to travel much.
Insurance covered Not all psychiatric treatments are covered under health insurance. If you have a psychiatrist who is with the insurance network, nothing like it.
Feel the pulse It is definitely a good idea to ask questions when you communicate with your psychiatrist. This way, you can assess his expertise and experience and ensure yourself that you are in safe hands.
Mutual Respect Since the issue has to do more with the mind, trust your instincts and assess how comfortable you feel in engaging your potential psychiatrist.
Emergency Care Choose a psychiatrist who is available at all times. During out of clinic hours, he should be able to advise you on phone in case there is an emergency situation.
Cost and payment options Look for a psychiatrist who is reasonable and has comfortable payment options as you would have to plan ahead in case of long-term treatment programs.
Finding happiness begins by healing from within. Mental disorders, if ignored, can have a deep impact on your health. Hence, do not indulge in assuming things and drawing conclusions. At Maargamindcare, an elite team comprising of the top ten psychiatrists in Bangalore will ensure that you thrive, mentally and physically.
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deathnoting · 7 years
abecedarian (6/26)
some more wammy’s gen 1 nonsense :~)
previous parts: a b c d e
f. fire (c. 1989)
This is a game: B picks the lock on the door, or climbs in through the window, or prowls in the shadows of the attic staircase until L emerges to accommodate some unavoidable bodily need, and then he goes into the room and he hides. The closet is roomy and the soft cotton of the shirts that hang or lie in crumpled piles makes him feel swaddled. In there he becomes a smaller child with fewer manias. Beneath the desk is cozy and rank, and within the stifling bulk of the curtains is an opportunity for inciting ghoulish phenomena, but B’s favorite spot will always be under the bed. The sound of L breathing above him makes it easier for him to sleep. The sound of L asking, with long-suffering exhaustion, for him to, “Please, just get out,” makes him feel present on the earth, unable to suddenly lose sync with the planet’s orbit and float away.
L will drag him out by his hair. L will shove a hand over his mouth and wrestle him across the floorboards, trying to avoid a scene but making one anyway, clattering at the apex of the west wing so that anyone asleep below them will not be asleep much longer. L will sometimes just ignore him, hold his eyes closed, kick away his creeping fingertips with the resigned inattention of someone batting away a fly, and do his best to sleep. If he manages to, B will crawl out and stare at his face, the downward slope of his nose, the distinct bulge of his eyes, jut of his chin. B will think of how to reform his features into those features. He will think of how to make one thing from two. L will breath quietly for him, and he will breathe for L.
He doesn’t wonder why L doesn’t tell Q or R about this game. He doesn’t wonder about anything L does, he just accepts it as a facet of reality as immovable as the names that are stuck to souls like fly-paper, and the deaths that are stuck to those names.
L Lawliet is going to die in sixteen years. Beyond Birthday is going to die (?) in — years.
He leaves that space blank. He has nothing to put there.
L goes to and returns from Bangalore.
B wakes him on his first night back, just after one AM, while the dark is still beginning to open. The mice are seeking answers and the owls are giving them. He takes L’s hand in his and squeezes until he is batted off, then squeezes again. Half-asleep, L is unstudied and strangely sweet, hair especially clumped, drooling onto his pillow. He looks like a child instead of an independent investigative entity. He looks like he could snap in half. B grabs him by his nose and plugs his nostrils until he wheezes himself awake.
“I want to show you something,” B says.
L’s pupils dilate, then shrink. He blinks until his eyes focus. “And you thought this would be a good time?”
L sighs, sits up. He’s still bleary, though he tries not to be. The circles beneath his eyes have deepened since B started haunting his bedroom, but he has become less afraid. That’s what happens with ghosts: you get used to them.
“What is it, then?”
“It’s a mystery.”
L blinks. “You think you can get me to go along with it if you just use that word?”
“I think I can get you to go along with it no matter what words I use.” B smiles with all his baby teeth. “I’m a clue. You’re a detective.”
“I’m not,”—
“This is the only chance. I’ll tell you a secret tonight, or I’ll never tell you, but we have to go now.”
“Go where?”
B flares his nostrils emphatically.
L opens his mouth, then closes it. He doesn’t ask anymore questions. He doesn’t like B, but he likes knowing things that other people don’t. He stands and begins to dress, shedding the blanket to pull on a tattered pair of denims that waits by the foot of the bed. B’s pulse flutters at the severe immaculateness of his skin.
“I did some research,” L mumbles, as he fastens the button. “Combining the incident with the dog, the information on file after your interview with that psychiatrist, and my own testimony, I would have more than enough evidence to have you transferred out of the care of Wammy’s House and into a children’s psychological hospital.” He gives B a false and unnecessary smile. “If I ever felt the need.”
B sucks on his teeth. A fear of his lives within that threat, but it is not the one L thinks it is.
“Come on,” he says. “Come on come on come on.”
L comes on.
The field behind the abandoned barn is yellowing and bare, pocked with stumps and crushed beer cans. Teenagers from town drive out here to fumble over the center consoles of their parents’ middle class cars, or sit on the hoods and tap ash off the ends of their cigarettes, hollering and laughing and seeing none of the things that move in the dark. It is empty tonight. B made sure.
The walk from Wammy’s isn’t long but it is full of brambles and sharp stones, and neither he nor L wears shoes. The matchbook is so light in his pocket that he has to keep reaching in to make sure it’s there. Something shudders in the bushes beside them, and L stiffens.
“I want to say up front that if you’re taking me out here to kill me, you better uphold the sanctity of our organization and not do a hack job of it.”
B tugs him by his sleeve, leading him down a footpath that he knows by sensation and not sight. “You wouldn’t want me caught?”
“I won’t really care if I’m dead, will I?”
“You don’t believe that anything of the soul survives?”
“I don’t believe in the soul.”
B laughs, skittering and high-pitched.
“Is that funny to you? Excuse me if I don’t get it.”
B glances backwards and sees him crowned by the waxing moon: silhouette crooked, disgust unconcealed.
He says, “You will.”
When they arrive at the barn, L crosses his arms over his chest and glances around, feigned impassivity overshadowing his nerves. “Well. Glad I woke up in the middle of the night for this.”
B doesn’t respond, just gets out the canister of petrol from where he’d tucked it beneath the old haystack and unscrews the cap. There were many steps to this plan before the one they’re on. There was theft and deception and skullduggery. There were kids in a Ford Fiesta that had their windshield smashed with a brick on their way to this field. There were crickets in the tall grasses that warned him not to, but B had and B does.
L’s mouth opens and his posture loses its disdain, gains something comparable to horror, but softer. “You,” he breathes, as B lifts up the canister and pours the contents over his own head.
L steps toward him, expression contorting, fingers crumpling over something that isn’t there to be grabbed. B watches him through the stream of petrol, yellow and stinking bright. His eyes burn, but he won’t look away from the place where fear wars with fascination across L’s face, crumpling his brow and grinding his jaw. He is deformed by pity. By the time he manages to shake himself into action and knock the container from B’s hands, it’s already done. He’s fully doused. Highly flammable. It is a question with a straightforward answer. It is a gift that B is giving to L, and all L has to do is accept it.
“Yo—u’re,”—B’s never heard L’s voice shake like this.
He tucks it away to obsess about later, and reaches into his pocket. The matchbook says Century Automotive on it, with a phone number and address. L doesn’t catch it, just lets it hit him in the chest, and then blinks down at where it falls to the ground, as if he cannot comprehend its arrival. He shakes his head in tiny jerks.
“Come on,” B goads. “It has to be you. I want to show you what I can do. I want to show you what you can do to me.”
L takes a step backward. “No, there’s no way. You’re insane.”
B picks up the matchbook, and holds it out to him. “No, I’m something else. I think I’m something else. Don’t you want to know what I am?”
L keeps on shaking his head. “No, no, I don’t. I really don’t.”
“Come on,” B says, grappling for his wrist. L jerks away so fast that B trips after him, falling heavily onto his hands and knees and coming away stuck with dirt and stray grass. “You’re not playing right,” he breathes at the ground.
“This isn’t a game,” L snaps down at him, voice rending with a tenor of panic precious in its rarity. “You’re asking me to light you on fire.”
“Yes,” B says. His eyes keep stinging more and more. He wonders if he’ll go blind and for how long. He tries to keep his grip on L, but he’s kicked off easily. He is small and L is large. He is burning and L is cold cold cold. “Please.”
L picks the matchbook up off the ground and runs, turning jerkily and plodding on bare feet, tripping into and around things, incompetent in the night with his daylight eyes, not even heading in quite the right direction, but going so fast. Not looking back.
B’s sinuses burn. When the tears come, he doesn’t argue with them. He sits in the scrubby grass, sniffling and trying not to vomit, but the smell makes his stomach roll, skin irritated, burning and healing, burning and healing. He’s deflated and very cold. The moment he’d planned with such excruciating care flickers out of his future, replaced by a long walk home, reeking of gasoline. His face clogs, nose stinging, phlegmy and impotent. L was supposed to set him alight, and he was supposed to work a miracle. He feels a miracle bottled up within his ribcage, desperate to get out.
He cries until his head throbs and his throat scrapes. He cries until he remembers, with sobering pleasure, that L had taken the matchbook. L had taken the matchbook so that B wouldn’t have it.
So that B wouldn’t—
Burn. He doesn’t want him to burn.
B drips petrol through the house. Dawn blurs purple behind him, and the floorboards do him no favors. A’s waiting for him at the top of the stairs, a dense Richard Dawkins open in his lap, miniature torch clamped between his teeth. He doesn’t look surprised to see B, but he winces with the smell of him.
“What’s—oh. God. What did he do to you?”
B blinks at him. “Nothing, unfortunately.”
“You’re….” He breathes deeply. “Well. Come on.”
He takes him to the washroom at the end of the hall, turns both the taps so that the pipes clatter within the walls and the steam rises slowly. B sinks into the bath, but the water alone doesn’t get him clean, so A coats in foamy soap and scrubs, shaking his head, chewing his lip, looking ready to make some apology that he doesn’t owe and that B doesn’t deserve. There exist certain misunderstandings between them that B is hesitant to correct. A shampoos his hair with tender hands and he is reborn out of the ashes that he never became.
“You shouldn’t—you should just give up on him. Some people are better off left alone.”
B slumps down in the water, bubbles tickling his chin. “I’m not one of them.”
“I know. But he is.”
“He’s me.”
“He’s not.” A shoves his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “Just, factually.”
“I’m him. I’m becoming him. I can feel my fingers getting longer.”
“Normal growing pains.”
“There’s a bump rising in my nose.” He points.
A takes his slippery jaw in his slippery hand and turns his face one way, then the other. “There isn’t.”
B jerks out of his grip. “Maybe you just can’t see it. Maybe only he and I can see it.”
“Do you really think,” A asks, with a depth of sympathy that disgusts him, “that he can see it?”
B turns the hot water up.
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akshayamedicalcentre · 9 months
Dr. Pavana S P | Famous Psychiatrist in Vidyaranyapura, Bangalore | Lady Psychiatrist in Bangalore
Dr. Pavana S P a best psychiatrist in Bangalore who has been practicing for the past 16 years. Her expertise in treating mental illnesses and Mental Disorders. If your looking for a psychiatrist in Vidyaranyapura, Bangalore then visit Akshaya Medical Centre.
Dr. Pavana S P, an accomplished psychiatrist with 15 years of experience, excels in treating mental illnesses. Her successful career is a source of pride and achievement.
After completing MBBS and DPM from Ambedkar and MVJ medical colleges, she pursued MD in Psychiatry from Texila University, USA. Further enriching her skills, she undertook a Fellowship in Child and Adolescent Counseling from NHCA-Singapore.
Dr. Pavana possesses a deep understanding of diverse societal challenges. She's a certified CBT Trainer and has a background in Drug & Alcohol De-addiction (NIMHANS) and as a District Mental Health Programme Officer (DMHP) in Kolar for 5 years.
Her impactful contributions extend beyond clinical work. She's conducted over 500 training programs for health workers, school teachers, police personnel, and general practitioners on mental health issues. Her expertise is well-recognized through radio, TV programs, and newspaper articles.
Dr. Pavana's dedication extends to her YouTube channel "Mind Zone," a platform fostering mental health awareness.
Through her rich experience, versatile expertise, and unwavering commitment, Dr. Pavana S P has become a beacon of support for mental health and well-being.
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rakumschool · 4 years
The Importance of Professional Teaching for Visually Impaired Children
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Many child care professionals still believe that orphanages are bad for children. Supposedly, young children fail to develop as they should, socially and  psychologically. The prospective harm is even more certain if children are  admitted as infants and remain for several years. Supposedly, this bad  reputation is based on careful research, not Oliver Twist stories of gross  maltreatment. Early in the 20th century, leaders in child care expressed the  view that family care is preferable to orphanage care of needy children. This  view seemed based on personal preference rather than a careful comparison  of their relative merits. The available reports were mostly anecdotal or isolated  case studies. A blind school in Bangalore employs qualified teachers. 
By 1930, trained social workers helped place children in orphanages or foster  care but they seldom evaluated general outcomes. Psychologists had already  standardized ways to measure individual intelligence or social maturity but  these tools were seldom used outside of schools and clinics. Some clinical  psychologists and psychiatrists evaluated selected orphanage children on  an individual basis. But this did not constitute evaluations of orphanage  programs as such. One important exception is the large scale survey  conducted about 1929. Clinical psychologists were used to comparing  individual intelligence for several thousand orphaned children and home-raised children and they got comparable results. However, the former showed  greater gains in body weight than the home-raised children. No study of this magnitude has been conducted since that  time. A blind orphanage in Bangalore arranges periodic checkups for children. 
Psychological theories about child development and ways to handle children  had only a slight, indirect bearing on orphanage practice. For example, so-called Behaviorists during the 1920s studied the emotional development of  children. Their limited findings encouraged regular, somewhat rigid, eating  and sleeping schedules. No systematic studies on the validity of these  teachings were conducted in the orphanage setting. Freudian theories had  some impact on child-rearing methods after the 1930s when child-centered theories became popular. Psychiatrists with Freudian views  recommended self-demand schedules, plus liberal weaning and toilet training methods. The aim  was to prevent frustration, which might cause neurotic habits. Again, these  suggestions were derived mostly from case studies of adult neurotics rather  than the systematic study of orphanage youth.
A bleak view of orphanage care developed within professional child care ranks.  It was based more on selected clinical studies than on systematic evaluations  or comparisons. In brief, it claimed: -- Any amount of orphanage experience is harmful. The damage is greatest  during the first years of life and increases dramatically with the length of stay  in an institution. Besides being irreversible, the resulting damage affects a  wide range of psychological and social traits.
Since the concept of "maternal deprivation" is central to arguments against  orphanage care, it deserves careful study. Its theoretical importance stems,  of course, from basic assumptions about the needs of developing children.  All of us agree that growing children need strong, interactive relationships with  responsible adults. Besides giving emotional and physical security, such ties  help the child grow and learn to cope with an ever-changing world. In most societies, the child's parents are considered the  optimal social arrangement for child care and mothers are expected to play  the central role. A charitable trust in Bangalore receives huge donations from  doners. 
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jtsmedicalcentre · 5 months
Dr. Shweta Shah is Best Psychiatrist in Dubai and she is specialized in training Child & Adolescent Mental Health, Family Therapy, as well as Behavioural therapy from the renowned National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore, India.
In 2020, she is completed her Post graduation in Psychiatry. Additionally, she has experience in treating mental health problems in adults as well as children while she was practicing in Mumbai.
You can book an appointment by visiting Doctor Profile at JTS Medical Centre!
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sumithahemavathy · 2 years
Differences between ADHD and Autism | Best Autism Treatment in Bangalore | CAPAAR
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Best ADHD and Autism Treatment in Bangalore | CAPAAR
The first glance is not always enough to understand the difference between ADHD and autism as they share many common traits. Trouble regulating emotions, impulsive control challenges, struggle with basic functions, and tough reading social cues are the most common challenges found in both ADHD and autism.
ADHD and autism can crop up together. Signs shown by autism, also known as autism spectrum disorder or ASD can show different signs of severity. Autism varies in symptoms that can differ from one child to another. So, what are the significant differences between ADHD and autism? Read on to learn more.
 What is the actuality?
ADHD is a neurodevelopmental condition that makes a child pay attention, sit still, concentrate, and retrain impulsiveness.
Autism is a wide range of neurodevelopmental challenges that result in difficulty in thinking, communication, and social skills. Monotonous behavior is also a part of autism spectrum disorder or ASD.
 What are the early signs to notice in your child?
Get the best ADHD and Autism Treatment in Bangalore at CAPAAR by the best ADHD and Autism specialist in Bangalore. Below are the few things to look out for ADHD in your child,
·       Is daydreamy, forgetful, and gets easily distracted.
·       Struggles to complete tasks and be organized.
·       Trouble following instructions.
·       Disinterested to stay in one task if it does not seem interesting.
·       Frequent meltdowns and tantrums due to frustration and impulsive condition.
·       Difficulty in coping with social skills.
·       Impatience to wait for a turn.
·       Tough to stay quiet during independent work times.
·       Always on the go, meddles, and fidgets with anything around.
·       Play rough and act blindly without thinking about the physical consequences.
·       Cause interruption and sudden inappropriate babble.
·       Can overreact to some sensory inputs like how something tastes, smells, sounds, looks, or feels.
 Look out for the following symptoms in case of autism,
·       Avoids physical or eye contact with no speech, speech delay, or repeated phrases.
·       Lack social skills and easily get upset with changes in a simple routine.
·       Shows Communication difficulty, anxiety, frustration, and sensory processing issues.
·       Makes extreme repetitive body movements like flapping hands, rocking, etc., to soothe themselves.
·       Has obsessive interests and reacts strongly to various sounds, smells, or tastes.
·       Constant moving around and fidgeting with things around.
·       Is distressed to understand self and others’ feelings, safety, and danger concerns.
·       Sometimes there are advanced verbal signs but struggle with nonverbal cues.
 What is the probable emotional and social impact?
The concern with ADHD is that there are challenges in following social rules and end up having no friends. Constant negative feedback and protests for not following instructions demotivate and impact their social esteem negatively. They feel bad and unworthy of themselves.
While in ASD, there is repetitive behavior and a lack of communication and social understanding. A child with even a slight cognitive challenge finds it difficult to interact with friends and communicate to understand and relate with others with social intimations.
 Who can help in such cases?
Professional help can be looked for where they assist in overcoming such challenges with the help of early intervention and proper therapies given at the right time by the best autism Center in Bangalore.
In the case of ADHD, pediatric neurologists, pediatricians, developmental and behavioral professionals, and child psychiatrists can watch out for anxiety, diagnose ADHD and prescribe appropriate medications. Clinical child psychologists offer behavior therapy to manage actions and interactions. Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps a child to overcome emotional hassles. Learning differences and milestone achievement that co-occur with anxiety are also assessed.
When it comes to ASD, to diagnose and identify the possible early signs of autism and provide early intervention, professionals like pediatricians, neurologists, child psychiatrists, development-behavior pediatricians, and psychologists come into service. Social workers and clinical child psychologists provide social skills training and therapies to improve social interactions. They evaluate a child on learning gaps, provide cognitive behavior therapy, and diagnose other related issues that can coexist with autism-like ADHD.
Pediatric neuropsychologists detect autism and relatable issues like ADHD, and anxiety and prescribe medication for the same. Occupational therapies are provided to help children to learn skills and take control of difficult situations. Sensory integration therapy and sensory diet make them respond to sensory inputs positively. Speech therapists in Hulimavu, Bangalore work on language and rational language skills to help them communicate and understand others easily.
 In what way can the school help?
A child can be accommodated in a specific category and made eligible for certain relaxations. A child with ADHD can be made comfortable in school with a few exercises like providing a quieter space or a seat close to the teacher to avoid distractions. A non-verbal sign, signal, or flash card can hold their attention. Daily activities can be performed with a picture or written schedules. Helping them break long assignments into smaller sections. They must also be given a chance for regular movement breaks.
Similarly, a child with autism can be accommodated in a special category with appropriate relaxations as each autistic child is different. They can be seated close to the teacher with easy access to study materials. There can be a space made available with limited audio and visual distractions. Color codes and visual prompts can be used to teach new lessons along with stories to represent new situations and ideas to deal with them. Sensory activities and diets can be planned for the day. Such children can be relaxed with some wait time and given options to control their anxiety. 
 What measures can be taken at home?
To deal with ADHD at home, it is better to initially set expectations and rules for your child. Create structural daily routines where tasks can be broken into smaller chunks. You can teach your child to stay organized to get things done and use visual props like sticky notes, pictures, and checklists. Grant more movement breaks, and flexibility during homework and assignments. Make an organized space for them to study, eat and sleep. They must be given a warning about any change in schedule and ways to adapt to the new schedule and situation.
When you have an autistic child at home, you can similarly create daily plans and expectations. Help them break routine tasks into smaller ones with visual props. Most importantly, they must be taught to handle meltdowns. Visual prompts and role-plays are helpful to a great extent to signal and transit from one situation to another. As ASD is different in every child, the support provided at home also varies with each child. Parents need to work closely with clinicians and psychologists to create a unique support plan for their children.
To know more about "Best ADHD and Autism Treatment in Bangalore" visit: www.capaar4autism.com
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innoclazz-blog · 4 years
A note on specific learning disorder (Math Learning Disorder (Dyscalculia)
Learning disability is a vague tem used to explain the difficulty in perceiving, storing, musing the data from their brain. It is often a state of confusion instead of lacking intellectual ability. But disaster is that most of these children are being pushed to back benches as the teachers and parents think these are idiotic population with low IQ. This is not exactly the case when we think of scientific perspective. Retrospective studies has proven that learning disorders is nothing to do with other skills. World has witnessed extraordinary talents who were very poor in Mathematics but good at music, sports, etc. A psychiatrist would describe a learning disorder as disorganization of pattern and flow of information from and to the brain leading to confusion rather than saying a child is not understanding anything.
There are various learning disorders among the scholars but for most of the parents and children Arithmetic or specific mathematical learning disorder or dyscalculia is a nightmare. It is condition associated with poor coordination of brain function with calculations, numbers, mathematical patterns and complexities. Children oftenget confused to recognize simple mathematics symbols and concepts, for instance addition of 2 numbers like 4+4 could wrongly perceived to as 4x4, so the expected result 8 becomes 16. Some children might manifest with difficulties in the most basic computations.
An overview
When we look at an average on the need for the subjects that requires most of the supplementary education support,Mathematics takes upper hand. Children would love writing an exam without mathematics in their schedule. In other words, schools and universities have to stress more on this subject than any other subject in most cases but this again depends on the individual differences where some children feel numerical subjects are so easier than a descriptive subject like literature, biology, general knowledge etc. that needs a lot of memorization. Fortunately, few of the kids are so good in Mathematics because it doesn’t work on memorization of information 
  Types of mathematical learning disorders (biological classification)
There are numerous types of mathematical learning disorders but 3 of the main types are proceduraltype, semantic memory disturbance type and the spatial type. In a procedural type, childrenusually present a delay in comprehending some simple arithmetic strategies that may be due to verbal working memory deficits, Semantic is the one in which children exhibit difficulties in retrieving of facts because of a long term memory loss. On the other hand, spatialtype affects the right half of the bargain where children present a deficits in the spatial representation of number.
  Management tips for dyscalculia management
Open and clear communication between the parents, child and teachers is most important. It is advisable to provide an individual attention to such children as these children generally takes 10 minutes to conclude a simple calculation in the place of 3-4 minutes. In some cases, children don’t even like to participate in mathematics class sessions which would even be more worrisome for the parents and teachers. In such a scenario it is a good idea to channelize them to something
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raman123me-blog · 6 years
Pediatric physiotherapist in kolkata
We have the ability to give a scope of administrations, some of which are:
Extensive formative appraisal
Screening for and conclusion of social issues
Screening and conclusion of Autism and Asperger's disorder.
Restorative administration of ADHD,
Conclusion and treatment for a mental imbalance.
Parent Training to advance positive child rearing, particularly for youngsters and youths with social or scholastic issues
Downs disorder: development and bolster facility
Administration and follow-up of neuro-inability patients like neuro degenerative scatters, complex epilepsy, acquired clutters
Cerebral paralysis including follow up center,
Formative screening and observing of ordinary youngsters alongside well infant/wellbeing check ups.
School Liaison to encourage and advance thorough improvement of youngsters in school
Give preparing to guardians and instructors for compelling conduct administration
Guardians, relatives, carers, educators, schools or some other intrigued individual or association, keen on welfare of youngsters may get in touch with us for any worry that they may have or in the event that they are anxious to advance wellbeing and prosperity
Asimayan Nandi with Dr. Gillian Saloojee, Senior SANDTA tutorMan Behind Child Development Center
Dr. Anjan Bhattacharya
Specialist Developmental Pediatrician
In control Dept-of Paediatrics(Academics),
Apollo Gleneagles Hospital,Kolkata ,India
Youngster Development Center
Apollo GleneaglesHospital, Kolkata
Cerebral Palsy Services
What is CP?
Experimentally, Cerebral Palsy implies youngsters who have some injury (scar) in the mind and endure inabilities out of that.
Be that as it may, for everyday utilization, any kid with disfigured body parts, who is confronting inability attributable to this distortion, is thought to have CP. These gatherings of kids are assembled under the term of Neuro-handicap (ND).
How to treat CP?
All aspects of human body works couple. Every one of these exercises are co-ordinated by the cerebrum. At the point when at sound state, we underestimate these capacities. We just have a tendency to welcome the estimation of our organs, when we miss them. For instance, one doesn't need to be helped to remember the misery confronted when one loses one's voice amid an assault of say, "influenza" or when one breaks his/her arm and mopes in a mortar cast for 3 months or somewhere in the vicinity!
Envision, if a kid needs to endure the misery until the end of time! That is the reason it is so vital to convey the correct treatment to their shore.
Despite the fact that solutions are helpful extras, the complete treatment of CP/ND includes master target evaluation and institutionalized administration strategies. One without the other may not just demonstrate deficient, it might at some point hurt as well!
Bobath Method is one of the many institutionalized strategies use to lighten issues of CP/ND youngsters on the planet. At our Child Development Centre,Apollo Gleneagles Hospital , Kolkata (CDC, AGH) we utilize Bobath strategy, at whatever point demonstrated, with great clinical result.
All parts of a kid's CP/ND are productively overseen by Child Specialist specialists prepared abroad in this order. For instance, we gloat of having Developmental Pediatrician at CDC, AGH for Care Co-appointment of such kids .
Early Detection and Early Intervention is our exceptional quality.
We bring the best of the administrations that the nation can offer. We orchestrate a Specialist Orthotist, master in helping kids with the fantastic devices fundamental for a portion of these kids influenced, from Mumbai. We additionally welcome a Consultant Geneticist specialist from Bangalore from one of the prime foundations of India , who has filled in as a Consultant at the plain best of the focuses in the UK.
We have the entire help of a tertiary multispeciality healing facility, where we can bring the tyke the help and advantage of Pediatric Super-pros [Developmental Pediatrician, Pediatric Neurologist, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Pediatric Nephrologist, Pediatric Endocrinologist, Pediatric Intensivist, Pediatric Hematologist, Pediatric Cardiologist, Pediatric Rheumatologist, Pediatric Ophthalmologist, Pediatric Dentist, Audiologist, Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Special Educators, Counselors, Nutritionalists, to name a few] all under one rooftop.
No big surprise that we give so much additional esteem contribution with enhanced result.
We are additionally dedicated to inquire about and proceeding with therapeutic instructive movement through Apollo Clinical Excellence Forum and through our dynamic encouraging system of the department.The grin we convey to these youngsters and their nears and dears gives us the force to move forward with these intricate issues, which were viewed as inconceivable in not all that far off past!
Our team is providing the best Pediatric physiotherapist in kolkata at a very reasonable prices and give some guidelines regarding exercise in child’s daily life
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