#chuchu kin
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༊·˚ Chiyu Tamade Usernames
| chu-2-choose-u | chi-chi-chiyu | musical-dj | sweetie-chu | kitties-n-sweets | kitty-kat-headphones | emotional-dj | arrogant-artist | jewels-n-pearls | xdj-rx2 | dj-toriaz | ras-dj-leader | cat-eared-producer | ras-captain | masuki-cake-lover | chiitty | tamaitty | kittiyu | chuchu-tamade | instrumental-expertise |
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okami-zero · 1 year
*watches latest g-witch*
(Spoilers below)
Seeiously, though, this episode just... is a lot and hits rather hard and kins of drices home that Prospera is not obly an antagonistic/evil force, but also 1000% off her nut.
So not only is Eri IN THE FUCKNG GUNDAM, she is basically handling the datastorm for Suletta. Though, from the image shown, still BLUE, not RED. Hopefully we get an explanation why this is. (Besides just being like "oh she's IN the machine, so it's different; it was also blue when she was connected to Lfrith).
Also Sophie's whole thing was just... so fucking visceral. And her loss actually made me sad. Yes, yandere witch was not nice, but their hatred of Spacians is warranted to an extent. And for her to burn out trying to reach someome unreachable.. Oof.
Also, we once again have an antagonist who wants to rewrite existence to erase the bad things. And it just made me think of that one world in Endwalker that Meteion shows you in the dungeon...
But yea, some heavy shit dropped this week. Chuchu being a fucking BAMF, as always, but she (and Suletta) had a couple flashes to the battle at the plant that shoq things aren't 100% hunky-dory. (And I am actually GLAD that Suletta bug smuching a dude is starting to actually process for her, if only a little.)
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icedragonlizard · 7 months
King Dedede and Gooey dynamic interpretation
Ooooh... another dynamic post between two Kirby characters? Yes! It turns out that I actually have a lot of thoughts on how these two characters, enough to where I can create this entire post about it!
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At the start, Dedede felt uncomfortable when around Gooey. The reason why Gooey initially made him feel unnerved was because of his PTSD from being a victim of dark matter possession.
It was right around the ending of Dream Land 3 when Dedede first met Gooey, at the same time he first met Nago, ChuChu and Pitch. He was informed by the animal friends that Gooey originated from dark matter, which immediately made him nervous around the little blob.
For a while, Dedede kept his distance from Gooey, as he was afraid that touching the little guy could get him possessed again. Kirby and the animal friends told him many times that's not going to happen and there's nothing to worry about from Gooey. He was able to infer that they were right, but it was perhaps that he generally just didn't want to deal with anything that came from dark matter. That's how bad his PTSD from dark matter possessions was at the time.
It didn't exactly help that Dedede got possessed by dark matter yet again after meeting Gooey, during the events of Kirby 64, which marks his third and final time of experiencing a dark matter possession. Gooey of course had absolutely nothing to do with that situation, though, as he wasn't near Dedede's castle at the time.
Kirby and the animal friends have needed to help Dedede get over his fear of Gooey. Rick, Kine and Coo in particular have been acting like Gooey's dads, so they were the ones that helped Dedede the most in getting to know Gooey more and understand more and more that the little guy's connection to dark matter is no big deal when he's nothing like them, as Gooey means absolutely no harm to anyone.
It took several years for Dedede to stop being nervous around Gooey. He also wasn't the only one who felt uncomfortable around the little blob after being a dark matter possession victim, as Adeleine has largely been on the same boat since she was possessed by dark matter twice. However, once enough time has passed, both Dedede and Adeleine have eventually gotten over their unnerved feelings around Gooey, since their trauma of being dark matter victims started to heal and they've been around the little blue blob long enough to get used to him. They've become friends with him, now!
It was a few years after the events of Kirby 64 when Dedede no longer felt uncomfortable around Gooey, and shortly before the events of RTDL when he started to like the little blob a lot. That was when he started becoming endeared to how silly and goofy-looking Gooey was, to the point he started messing around with him.
Gooey, at first, didn't understand why Dedede (and Adeleine) was afraid of him at the start. For the first several years of his life, he was dumb and absent-minded, although he did slowly become more intellectual as time went on. As he started to become a bit more knowledgeable, he eventually came to understand why the monarch was unsure of him at first when he thought about his connection to his antagonistic kin. This made Gooey feel rather bad for Dedede and chose to be extra nice to him to make it clear that he means no harm, and he became very happy when Dedede started warming up to him.
Shortly before Star Allies, Gooey grew on Dedede enough to the point he now adores the little blob and will protect him. Dedede enjoys patting Gooey on the head and making funny faces with him. He now treats Gooey like he's pretty much one of his waddle dees.
During the events of Star Allies, Gooey even participated in the team that helped free Dedede from the possession of the Jamba heart. That did also help strengthen the friendship between these two!
Dedede now helps other people warm up to Gooey when they also get unnerved by him at first. Taranza is an example of this, as he found Gooey to be weird at first until Dedede helped to convince him that Gooey is a good boy that is very much worth befriending.
Nowadays, Dedede welcomes Gooey to visit his castle any time he wants. He even lets the little blob sleep inside the castle sometimes. Gooey has multiple different places that he sleeps at, including inside Kirby's house and in the forests of Dream Land with the animal friends. Dedede's castle adds another place for him to sleep at.
Dedede even sometimes playfully calls Gooey nicknames like 'blue gumball' or 'little rascal' (he also calls Kirby that lol) to further show how much he's grown to love the little blue blob. He's willing to act like a very fun uncle to Gooey, and he of course appreciates that.
Gooey also experiences Dedede's big tight comfy bear hugs. Even though Gooey may not have the best texture for a hug, that doesn't matter for Dedede since he's wearing soft comfy clothes, which also make his hugs feel all the more comforting for good little Gooey.
There's become a point where Dedede even starts to project his feelings of Gooey onto other people. He sees and treats Gooey like a precious boy, and he believes everyone else should also see and treat Gooey like a precious boy, and anyone that doesn't is being a dummy.
So, yeah... that basically wraps up my dynamic for these two guys! Dedede was initially wary of Gooey because of trauma from being a dark matter victim, but then he warmed up to Gooey and grew to adore the little guy a lot! Gooey really is a lovable little thing, isn't he? He's not that much different from Kirby in that regard. Gooey can and will grow on you as far as other characters in the Kirby cast are concerned, and King Dedede is the biggest example of that.
Thanks for reading if you did! Stay tuned for more Kirby headcanon posts.
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[requested by no one! im an ibuki fictive so this is self indulgent]
hand crushed by a mallet - 100 gecs
Gimme Chocolate!! - BABYMETAL
Welcome to the Kitty City - Cyriak
Teenage Dirtbag - Wheatus
Freshman Boyfriend - h3artcrush
All The Things She Said - Poppy
stupid horse - 100 gecs
Cha Cha - Freddie Dredd
Joyfulthought - Mom
Where's My Juul?? - Full Tac, Little Mariko
haunt me (x3) - Teen Suicide
Don't Wanna Fall In Love - KYLE
bloodstains - 100 gecs
Nice Nice - Dazey and the Scouts
all i want is you - Rebzyyx, hoshie star
I Fucked Yr Mom - Sorry Mom
Maggot - Slutever
Philophobia - Sunday Cruise
morrigan - slaywitme
Memories and Dreams - Steve Gabry
Welcome to Freddy's - Madame Macabre
ChuChu Lovely MuniMuni MuraMura PrinPrin Boron Nururu ReroRero - MAXIMUM THE HORMONE
HOPEFULLY THATS GOOD?!?!?! sorry im diseased and love loud muisc
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DNI : endos, maps/zoos, anti-kin, anti-mogai, radfem, transmeds, basic dni criteria
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animeuserboxes · 3 years
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driftwoodmfb · 3 years
I got Another animation done today! This one is for Valentine’s Day
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Chuchu aesthetic for anon! If you’d like anything changed, please let me know!
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mutelinku · 6 years
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Chuchu Jelly Stimming.
Don’t play with Fire and Electric Chuchu Jelly!
(Feel free to tag with kin/me! I do not consent for this to be posted on MAP/pedo/ddlg/cglre blogs!)
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remade-lmao · 6 years
I keep seeing show by rock on my dash
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sb69canoncalls · 7 years
hiya!! im chuchu nd im rly looking for all my band members (i havent met ANY OF THEM ZZ) but im not comfy with doubles ;; please contact me (ESP IF UR MOA I MISS U,,)
AAA I FORGOT TO SAY IM OVER 18 ;;             
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hi..! i hope you're all having a nice day! or night? whatever time it is!!
i was wondering if it's okay to request for some chu² (bandori!!) inspired usernames? or even ras in general perhaps, im very attached to all of them, chiyu most of all... i. kin the entire band- I don't really have any specific aesthetics in mind.
it's definitely okay if not! thanks in advance either way..!! and again.. hope you're having a good day/night!
༊·˚ Posted!
Hello hello! I'm doing quite alright thank you for asking and I hope you're doing wonderfully yourself chuchu!! I did just Chiyu Tamade, but if you'd like RAS in general or any other of the girls feel free to rq again!! I hope you like them <33
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icedragonlizard · 7 months
Gooey headcanons
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Another entry for my "series" of general headcanon posts for singular Kirby characters! This time, it's the silly little blue blob, Gooey!
I love Gooey. He's among my favorites in the series. Therefore, that also means that I have a whole lot of headcanons for this lovable guy!
So why not get started on them already?
As usual, I will put a 'Keep reading' tag below because it'll be a long one like they always are. And also as usual, everything that is below this 'Keep reading' tag is purely just my headcanons and none else.
Gooey first came into existence during Dream Land 2, as a defect of dark matter that broke free from the rest of his kin. He broke free while the dark matter swordsman was busy breaking the rainbow bridges. At the time, the rest of dark matter didn't know Gooey broke free.
While Kirby, Rick, Kine and Coo were retrieving the rainbow drops and stopping dark matter's plans during Dream Land 2, they never encountered Gooey during the game's events and thus they weren't aware of his existence at that time, nor was he aware of them at all.
During Dream Land 2, Gooey was just aimlessly wandering around, completely oblivious to the troubles that was going on at the time. As he wandered around, he used his tongue to snag whatever food he came across to eat. The very first thought that popped up in his mind since his birth was being hungry. The first word that ever came out of his mouth was "hungry!" as that's what was in his mind. He'd then talk to himself about the foods he's eaten and how good they tasted.
In essence, Gooey continued to wander around Popstar and ate whatever food he stumbled upon for the remainder of Dream Land 2, as he was entirely disconnected from Kirby and the others fighting and stopping the rest of his evil kin. To him, that basically didn't exist.
It was some time after Dream Land 2's ending when Gooey was encountered by Kirby, Rick, Kine and Coo for the first time. They found him hiding inside some large bag (basically one of the 'protective bags') when they returned to the forest areas of Dream Land. Then, they soon observed his long tongue and that he loves to eat a lot just like Kirby does. He made them intrigued and curious.
Kirby was interested in befriending Gooey, and so he'd find even more food to feed him. This made Gooey acknowledge someone else's existence for the first time. He became attached to Kirby, as well as the animal trio when they also fed him. This gave him the first idea of friendship, even if he had trouble remembering their names at first. After feeding him enough, Gooey followed Kirby and the animal trio around, since he developed a sense of fun being around them.
Gooey got his name from Kirby and co. At the start, they asked him what his name was, and he said he didn't have a name. When Kirby touched him for the first time, he talked about how 'gooey' his skin felt. Coo then ultimately declared to coin him with the name 'Gooey'. This is what Kirby, Rick, Kine and Coo decided to call him from now on at that point, although Gooey himself was oblivious to it at start. It was often that he didn't immediately react when they said his name.
Kirby and the animal trio continued spending more time with Gooey for a couple of years. Within those couple of years, Kirby had also met and befriended Nago, ChuChu and Pitch. Gooey got to meet them.
Also within those couple of years, Gooey was shown more types of food he could eat, including fish. Kirby and Rick would often go fishing and feed it to Gooey, and eventually he grew to love the taste of fish. Fish became his favorite food to eat, and whenever Kirby or one of the animal friends decides to go fishing, it'd quickly get his attention.
After those couple of years took place, Dream Land 3 happens as dark matter makes its next attack. This time, Gooey actually joins Kirby and co in stopping dark matter. He didn't really know what was going on, but due to the attachment he already developed for Kirby and the animal friends, he decided to stay close to them and follow them to wherever they went. This was his first major adventure ever!
During the events of Dream Land 3, Gooey was easily influenced by Kirby, and so he'd attempt to imitate a lot of the things Kirby was doing. This included eating whatever Kirby ate, as he also ended up copying abilities like Kirby does, and he also combined these copy abilities with the animal friends just like what Kirby has been doing.
As he experiences new things during Dream Land 3, Gooey generally became a more curious being as he tried to touch more things with his tongue. Unfortunately, this ended up getting him into some brief strife with a couple of the animal friends during the game's events.
One time, he got ahead of himself and licked ChuChu out of curiosity, which resulted in her punching him (depicted in Sand Canyon's opening cutscene). He also licked Pitch out of curiosity one time when the group was in Cloudy Park, which resulted in the little green bird furiously pecking at him a bunch of times. This is where Gooey first began learning that some actions have consequences, and so he decided to keep his distance from both ChuChu and Pitch since he didn't want to repeat the altercations that he had with those two.
Right after Kirby and the gang freed King Dedede from his second time of being possessed by dark matter, Gooey joined Kirby in the final fight. He teamed up with Kirby in fighting dark matter, and then helped him in the fight against the master of dark matter, Zero.
It was at that point when Gooey learned to fly by spawning orange petals around his body, as well as shooting stars as an aerial attack.
During that fight, Zero was capable of sensing that Gooey originated from his kin. This caused Zero to point that out, as he then called Gooey a traitor several times for daring to help Kirby fight him. Kirby was shocked at the revelation that Gooey came from dark matter, as he didn't know beforehand, but that didn't change his opinion on Gooey at all since he knew that he was a friend and helped him regardless of the revelation. Gooey was hurt by the harsh remarks that Zero made at him, and so that motivated him in trying extra hard to help Kirby in the fight, as they both worked together to destroy Zero.
After beating Zero, at the ending of Dream Land 3's events, Kirby told the animal friends at the revelation of Gooey originating from dark matter. At that point, there was a short moment where Gooey had a sense of self-doubt. When it clicked to him that he's part dark matter, he wondered if that meant he was a bad person, especially when he remembered the strife he had with ChuChu and Pitch. Fortunately, Kirby and the animal friends assured it did not mean that. They assured him that he wasn't like the rest of his kin and they don't think he's bad at all. Eventually, Gooey then made up with ChuChu and Pitch as he apologized for licking them before, and they've quickly warmed up to him ever since. They all appreciate Gooey for helping!
Gooey grew a greater sense of happiness knowing that Kirby and the animal friends love and appreciate him, and that him being part dark matter didn't mean anything bad for him at all in the grand scheme of things. And so at that point, he's been living life happily for a while. He continues to be hanging around with Kirby and the animal friends.
After Dream Land 3, Gooey then came to know some of Kirby's other friends throughout the years. As time went on, he got to know King Dedede, Adeleine, Ribbon, Bandana Waddle Dee and Meta Knight. They all got to meet Gooey and experience the kind of being that he is. That being said, however, he stuck with the animal friends the most.
Gooey (and the animal friends) had no participation in the events of Kirby 64, but he was shocked when he was informed about the incident when meeting Ribbon. It stunned him to know that a Zero 2 existed, but Kirby took that monster down just like he took Zero down.
For a long time after Dream Land 3's events, Gooey chills out with the animal friends. Kirby goes through a bunch of adventures without their help. As Kirby has gone through adventures such as Amazing Mirror, Squeak Squad, and RTDL, Gooey and the animal friends relaxed around in Dream Land. They helped keep Dream Land's forests in order while Kirby was out defeating baddies in adventures.
Gooey can be considered an 'honorary' animal friend, since they've basically accepted him as one of their own. He's been sticking around with them for about as long as he can remember. He's even come to view Rick, Kine, Coo and Nago all as dads/uncles of some sorts, as he's come to view ChuChu and Pitch as something of siblings.
Kirby and the animal friends are essentially Gooey's influences. Gooey really looks up to Kirby and imitates his behavior in a lot of ways. Kirby is where Gooey has learned to be kinder and friendlier over time, as he wants to make Kirby proud! He's developed a silly side thanks to the animal friends. The animal friends all have a knack for mischief in varying degrees, and so Gooey observes their goofy antiques and develops a sense of goofiness himself. They notice it, too!
When Gooey first came into existence, he started out as pretty dumb and absent-minded. He has gradually grown intelligence as time went on. However, even later on, he's still quite scatterbrained here and there, and it can be easy to drag him into shenanigans. One could easily drag Gooey into committing some mischief with them, and that's what the animal friends ended up doing sometimes. Gooey is good-natured, of course, but he often participates in mischief that the animal friends partake in, and he admits that it can be quite fun!
Similar to Kirby, Gooey isn't very verbal. He does talk, but he doesn't talk very much. He's grown to be more coherent in his speech over time, though. Early on in his existence, there were many times where his speech would eventually go off the rails and he'd end up saying non-sequiturs, but he's been working on it as he grows to understand speech more and more. That being said, even nowadays, he can still easily get sidetracked, especially if he suddenly thinks about food.
Eventually, Gooey would come to meet Kirby's enemy-turned-friends. When it comes to forgiving ex-villains, Gooey is just as easily forgiving as Kirby is! He's also always glad to make new friends. When Kirby befriended Daroach, Magolor, Taranza, Susie and Marx, he introduced them all to Gooey, and he was glad to befriend them too.
During Planet Robobot, Gooey (and the animal friends) laid low. He successfully kept himself sheltered during that invasion, and luckily kept out of sight from any of the invading robots. After Robobot's events ended, Gooey didn't have any hard feelings, and thus he had no problem forgiving and befriending Susie after the game's events.
When it comes to interacting with others in the cast, Gooey has an overall good perception. Some may have had complicated relationships with him at the start, but they all grow to warm up to him when given enough time. In the modern day of my headcanon universe, every other dream friend is more or less able to get along with Gooey. Most of the cast can consider Gooey to be a friend! This is another aspect of how Gooey is similar to Kirby... he's pretty lovable like Kirby is! In the end, no one really ends up beefing with Gooey.
Gooey's closest friends are absolutely Kirby and the animal friends, though. Those are the ones he's spent the most time with by far. They're his greatest influences. He wouldn't trade them for the world!
Kirby and Gooey are practically inseparable buddies. They have so many things in common, from eating a lot, to neither of them being super verbal, to both being playful, and they both just have a lot of dumb fun together if nobody else is around. It wouldn't be wrong to consider them to be brothers. Out of all of Kirby's friends, Gooey is the one to hang out in his house the most often. Gooey looks up to Kirby.
Rick and Kine tell Gooey lots of jokes. Rick would sometimes turn into his stone form to let Gooey ride on him as he rick-rolls around, while Kine sometimes lets Gooey ride inside his mouth as he swims around.
Coo is the most dad out of the dad figures that Gooey has. There's also Rick, Kine and Nago for that, but Coo is the most responsible out of them. He's also been showing Gooey all of the nature in Popstar.
Out of the animal friends, Nago is the one that spoils Gooey the most. He loves hugging onto Gooey and playing with him like a ball. He dotes on Gooey more than anyone else does. Nago is generally lazy and not very verbal, but Gooey is more or less his little buddy.
ChuChu and Pitch, basically acting like sibling figures for Gooey, enjoy his company. They love messing around with him, and they sometimes cajole him into doing some sillies with them. Gooey has grown to appreciate them to the point he would take a bullet for them.
King Dedede and Adeleine were both initially uncomfortable around Gooey because they were both victims of dark matter possession. When they first learned that Gooey was part dark matter, they kept their distance because they thought touching him would hurt them. However, they then learn that's not the case, and as time goes on, they warm up to Gooey and become his friends. In Dedede's case, he comes to love Gooey a lot to the point of wanting to protect him!
Gooey met Ribbon shortly after Kirby 64's events. At first, Ribbon was shocked to learn that he came from dark matter, until it was made clear to her that he meant no harm. The two then became friends! While they wouldn't necessarily become besties, they do enjoy each other's company, and Ribbon quite likes the amount of similarities that Gooey has to Kirby. She even finds it very adorable that Gooey really looks up to Kirby, because she does the same!
Bandana Waddle Dee comes to love Gooey. He thinks the blue blob is funny and lovable! A lot of times, it could be Kirby, Bandee and Gooey hanging out. Just like King Dedede, Bandee would also fiercely protect Gooey from anybody that has any intention of harming him!
Meta Knight also gets on well with Gooey. While these two don't interact super frequently, Meta Knight has observed Gooey being super close with Kirby and appreciates him for that. He also comes to see Gooey as an amusing little thing, and even gives him the greenlight to visit the Halberd. His crewmates also like the blue blob!
I do have an earlier tumblr post going over Gooey's dynamic with Marx, but yeah. Gooey is someone that Marx will actually play nice with for the most part. Gooey has no problem letting Marx treating him like one of his beach balls! These two have dumb fun together.
Out of all the dream friends, Dark Meta Knight is the one that is most distant from Gooey. And even then, he's indifferent at worst. At first, he didn't really consider Gooey to be worth a passing thought, but as time went on, he eventually came to not mind the blue blob. Gooey is one of the few fellow dream friends that DMK is capable of tolerating.
Daroach likes Gooey quite a bit! He may have been possessed by a dark matter offshoot in the form of Dark Nebula, but unlike Dedede and Adeleine, he's never been uncomfortable of Gooey when learning he came from dark matter. He thinks Gooey is a funny little thing and likes to mess around with him. Gooey thinks Daroach is super cool and is always glad to see him. Daroach even let him wear his hat one time!
Magolor is buddies with Gooey. A lot of people give Gooey head-pats, but Magolor perhaps does it the most out of anyone. He also enjoys making Gooey laugh and sometimes tricks him into doing good-natured funny things. Magolor is someone Gooey has a fun time with!
Ever since Gooey learned that Taranza and Susie have apparently been through very tragic stuff, he's been very kind to them both. They were both a bit weirded out by him at first, until they warmed up to him when they got to know him more. They both appreciate him for how kind and chilled out he is. Taranza doesn't even mind if Gooey licks him! And when Susie shows up to Popstar for vacations and finds somewhere to relax at, she welcomes Gooey to relax with her.
The mage sisters and Hyness all treat Gooey like a noble little being ever since they learned about his origins. They call him a 'voidling'. He doesn't understand a lot of things about their religion, but he likes them a lot! He was glad to have helped save them during HiAD, and just like all the other ex-villains he befriended, he befriended them too.
When Kirby brought Elfilin to Popstar to show him all his friends, Gooey was a peculiar case. At first, Elfilin was nervous of Gooey when he saw that long tongue, but then came to learn that Gooey is a sweetheart and would never want to harm him. The two become buddies! Gooey has acted as emotional support for Elfilin when he learned that the little chinchilla has apparently been through stuff.
That's basically how Gooey interacts with the rest of the notable cast! As you can see, he's not on bad terms with anyone in the notable cast. His 'worst' relationship is with DMK, and even then they're not on bad terms. You can't really go wrong with Gooey! He's similar to Kirby in a lot of ways, and one of those ways is that none of the other dream friends have any real beef with him. Some of them might've been weirded out by him at first, but he always ends up worming his way into their hearts in the end. He's quite a lovable little guy, isn't he?
When Gooey's favorite food became fish shortly before Dream Land 3, that's been his favorite food since. Kirby hasn't stopped fishing for him. The animal friends have also been doing it for him, too. Not just that, but as time went on, other people also go fishing to feed Gooey. King Dedede has come to do it, and heck even Magolor has done it.
In my headcanon universe, Gooey is capable of alternating between focusing his eyes or going cross-eyed. If there's something nearby that he thinks is worth his attention, he focuses his eyes. But if he senses that he can just relax, he stops focusing and goes cross-eyed. He can pay attention if he needs to, but he often just wobbles around.
He's capable of doing a lot of tricks with his tongue. Some of those tricks weren't even intentional, because sometimes he just does silly things with his tongue without even realizing it. He can grab things with this tongue and then fling them around like ragdolls. He's also done things like using an parasol and even using a hammer with it!
Gooey has a few places that he sleeps at during nights. The two most common sleeping places for him are in Dream Land's forests with the animal friends, and inside Kirby's house as he sometimes sleeps with Kirby. Other places that Gooey occasionally uses as sleeping places include Dedede's castle and nearby Magolor's ship, since they've allowed him to do that! He might not have a singular area that he considers a home, but he overall considers Dream Land as his home.
For the vast majority of the time, Gooey sticks around in Dream Land. It is rare for him to leave Dream Land. The most notable instances of him leaving Dream Land include during Star Allies where he goes throughout the cosmos with all the other dream friends, and also whenever he's given the chance to visit the Forgotten Land. Elfilin has likened Gooey enough to be willing to open up portals for him to enter the Forgotten Land! He did the same for the animal friends, too.
Gooey's first visit to the Forgotten Land was with the animal friends. He loved it! He doesn't remember everything, but he does remember he had fun! Even though he doesn't usually leave Popstar, his visit was really fun, and he'd have no qualms with visiting the new world again!
At many towns and other areas in Dream Land, Gooey might come by and roll around for fun. This also applies for when he shows up at Merry Magoland. Magolor doesn't even mind it if Gooey is just there to roll around instead of playing on the attractions, as he appreciates Gooey's company in general! He likes Gooey enough to the point he made two masks based on his likeliness, with the secondary one being his 'mock matter' form. Gooey laughed at the masks.
As far as Gooey's birthdays are concerned... he doesn't actually remember what his real birthday is. No, seriously, he doesn't. When Kirby first asked him what day of the year was his birthday, his response was that he genuinely doesn't know. However, Kirby and others believe that he deserves to have a special day to celebrate him every year! And so they quite literally made up a birthday for him. Gooey accepted this, and always becomes excited when that birthday comes each year! That they did that shows how much they care! And he really appreciates them for that! It makes him so happy.
I'd say that about wraps up all the headcanons that I have for Gooey! Ha, I love this silly little doofus of a blob. I think he's a little underrated in the Kirby fandom, and so maybe I'll have done him justice with this giant post of headcanons that I have for him.
Gooey is the fifth Kirby character I've done this kind of post for. I've also done this kind of post for Susie, Magolor, Taranza and Marx, so go check those out if you'd like! I would certainly appreciate it if you did.
To be honest, I'm not sure what character I might do this kind of post for next. If I'm being real, the five characters that I've done this for are also five of my favorite characters in the series. So whatever Kirby character I may do next, I might not have quite as much headcanons for them, I'm not sure. I've had a lot of investment in these five!
If you've read all of this, I thank you very much! See you around!
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kinukos · 3 years
chuchu from kirby for kin rec :3c
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I forgot about her omg
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musashi · 3 years
Excuse me if some have been asked before and/or are repetitive and feel free to not answer some but anyhow..
What's your favorite kin memory with your loftwing?
Do you selfship with your kintype, an oc/si or with simply your irl self (like kin separated in that regard)?
In regards to the previous one kinda how do view some relationships with your kintypes like if you feel uncomfortable with one character do you avoid the ship with those and vice-versa?
Do you have memories with delia?
What are some of the memories of your kintypes that are the /most/ different from the show/game?
What are some of the posts/vines/etc that you like to quote the most? Or are the most burned in your mind?
How was the whole wing ceremony? And also how were the classes? How were the other students? What things did you do the most with zelda and/or groose?
How is cheeseburger? He radiates happiness and comfort please give him a head kiss from me if he likes those
thank you!!!
What's your favorite kin memory with your loftwing?
haha i never know how to answer “favourite memory” questions cause i don’t think i can ever pick favourites when it comes to anything i’ve experienced.
mmm... meeting him was definitely up there, but i feel like my fave memories with him are just finding some nowhere island and taking a nap in the sun.
Do you selfship with your kintype, an oc/si or with simply your irl self (like kin separated in that regard)?
i can’t really get into self-shipping longterm or in depth because the kin aspect really does just overtake it for me fghdghf. if i try to picture myself, i always just picture my kintype, usually because my kintype/my f/o is usually my OTP in any given series. i only fall for people i already loved ^^; 
In regards to the previous one kinda how do view some relationships with your kintypes like if you feel uncomfortable with one character do you avoid the ship with those and vice-versa?
not really, unless they’re skeevy ships to begin with. part of being kin for me is believing in the multiverse so i’m just like yeah, a universe exists for me to date everyone xD
Do you have memories with delia?
tons :’3 i lived in her restaurant! she was my super cool boss who i absolutely did not have a crush on. 
i was very much married to james, but there was an understanding that i would be a little in love with delia for the rest of my life. she was one of my best friends.
What are some of the memories of your kintypes that are the /most/ different from the show/game?
i’m always pretty canon compliant ngl fdgfdghfd
What are some of the posts/vines/etc that you like to quote the most? Or are the most burned in your mind?
it changes on any given week but i do have an all time fav tag for shit i cant stop saying dghgdj
How was the whole wing ceremony? And also how were the classes? How were the other students? What things did you do the most with zelda and/or groose?
oh this might be long i love talking about skyloft rip. am saving your first question for last.
how were the classes. well. i was asleep. i don’t remember a lot. they were basic stuff you’d expect, language and math and sciences and all the Typical Shit. but then also flying and swordsmanship, which i was Good At. i took an archery class one year but zelda was always better than me lol. skyloftian sign language was required because it was the best way to communicate on birdback but i was mostly mute so my mom taught me it when i was like, 7 and i showed up there and owlan was like “Link what are you doing here” and i just shrugged and signed “easy a” and fell asleep. i am... a good student. 
my relationship with my classmates was that i was just... kind of there? i was well-liked because i have always had this weird charisma, but it was like this. quiet charisma. i didn’t have a lot of close friends, but everyone definitely would respond to my name with some variation of ‘ohhh, LINK! that guy’s cool haha’ my reputation was mostly being zelda’s arm decoration but not her actual boyfriend. i don’t think anyone could actually tell you anything about me besides that i was link with the red bird, and i was quiet and tired and zelda liked me way too much. 
my junior year is when i really became close with all of them, when zelda and i started doing that thing where we tried dating a bunch of people just to date but it didn’t work out because we were in love with each other lol. her mingling with the others meant i mingled too because i couldn’t spend 5 mins away from her. fledge and pipit and i got pretty close, zelda and karane were basically sisters. the thing i always joke abt is the fact that i dated kina, which is hysterical to me to this day. peatrice was always There but acting like she didn’t want to be there. i need you to picture peatrice while we’re all swimming but she’s just, like, on the shore tanning while the remlits bother her. 
that was this summer of just, like, doing idiot teenage boy stuff. getting way too drunk in our rooms at night over break. sneaking onto the roof of the academy to stargaze. getting caught cause cawlin drunkenly tried to fight a chuchu w his fists. you know. normal kid stuff. i also think the others were maybe trying to include me more cause it was the year i lost my parents but i mean it worked, i was a lot happier with people around even if i didnt mind all those years it was just me and zelda.
most of mine and zelda’s friendship was just doing what we’d do alone but together. when we were younger we would explore the more adventurous areas of skyloft and play pretend, a lot of days we’d stay in and read shoulder-to-shoulder. i didn’t like talking but i loved reading, if that makes any sense. we’d take turns reading to each other. as the years progressed we’d go flying together, we’d study together, we’d fall asleep in each other’s rooms and sneak into them when we were frustrated or lonely or just needed to not be alone. i don’t really know, what DIDN’T we do together?? we shared everything ;_; <3
my earliest memories of groose where i wasn’t like “what is this guys deal. why is he so mad.” were. ok so. groose and i should have been friends sooner because he’s super into woodworking and i whittle stupid little sculptures right. ok. except, we live in the sky, and i don’t know if you noticed this, but trees....... well. there are not a lot in the sky. wood is a very scarce resource, and we need it, for like. houses and things. so jakamar gets all of the wood in skyloft because it’s his birthright or whatever, except groose and i find out about this, and we show up at his house twice a week begging for woodscraps, and he slips us some Illegal Fir(tm) beneath the table and as soon as we leave the premises groose tries to kick my ass and take my share. and this happens forever.
i think groose saw me as like, this sworn enemy of his but i was mostly very confused just kind of sitting there like huh. where am i. wait whats he talking about? and then i’d walk away. when i was a kid he was scarier but once we got older he kinda stopped throwing punches, all bark no bite. 
and then we went to the surface and he moved into my house. not even in a polyam way and like at one point he had a wife and was still living with us. i forgot to mention he built the house also. he built our house and would just like, wake us up every morning with the best fucking eggs i’ve ever eaten in my life. groose was just in mine and zelda’s marriage. everyone was fine with this. 
i dont actually remember a lot of what we did after getting to the surface. just that his cooking was amazing and he gave the best hugs and he could pick zelda and i both up and ferry us around on his arms like we were little songbirds. oh and he was always the one who picked me up and carried me to bed when i’d fall asleep at fi’s dais talking to her. i fell asleep there a lot. 
ok. breathes in. 
my wing ceremony is probably my fondest memory ever? probably. the race itself felt like aepon was literally just DRAGGING me thru the clouds its such a blur. groose kept trying to body me but he’s lowkey scared shitless of my bird it did not work. i just remember being like. no time to think time to go time to go time to go OH i won
the ceremony itself felt... like... dreamy? like something from a fairytale, i don’t know. i don’t know how much of it is coloured by the retrospective of what it called to action and foreshadowed. zelda and i had been growing so much closer in the weeks leading up to it, and i don’t know, like, when i fell for her if it was sometime then or the day i met her when i was 6. but at some point everything just kinda got tilted on its side around her and every second i spent with her made me feel like my head was stuffed full of cotton candy. in a fun way.
on skyloft, wing ceremonies have a pretty romantic connotation. not always, but a lot of the girls dream about performing it with the “strongest” knight in their class, and a lot of the knights feel the same. there’s a lot in the history books about hylia’s feelings for her chosen, a lot of speculation about how she stayed close to humanity because she learned to love from him. so to stand in place of the two of them, to a lot of people, carries the same note as standing in the place of two starcrossed lovers, breaching the gap.
zelda was a hopeless romantic, and she told me later she had this whole plan--to wake me up early, to run drills with me until i was a puddle, to perform the ceremony with me, and to use her 5 minutes alone with me to solidify us as something more than best friends. she had this whole fucking move planned where she was going to drape the sailcloth around my shoulders and pull me in for a kiss, and instead she got wicked nervous and screamed half her sentences and pushed me off the statue. this, predictably, only made me more in love with her. i had exactly 0 plans to ever tell her how i felt, because something something childhood friends to lovers, something something mutual pining, something something what if it ruins a good thing something something, valiant hero of courage who.
when we were flying after it, she said she’d remember that day for the rest of her life, and i remember thinking, yeah, that’s what i’m feeling. i’m living, right now, through a precious memory, something i’ll never forget. and everything that happened after that was, uh, the worst time of my life, but somehow it doesn’t. colour the memory a different shade. i still just think, like, this is this last beautiful moment i am having with this girl i love more than anything in the world before we stop just being kids living our normal lives. she is the goddess reborn and i am her chosen hero who’s heart has defied death itself, but right now we are teenagers who don’t know that and are playing pretend as them, as we always have. the joy of that--of pretending to be who we are, the bliss in that ignorance, our beautiful last hurrah. something about it sticks with me. 
How is cheeseburger? He radiates happiness and comfort please give him a head kiss from me if he likes those
DOESN’T HE??? i will. i came home and he was loafing and i started crying because he looked so sleepy.
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redfreesias03 · 4 years
“Even if it rains・rains・rains・rains, sunny・sunny・sunny・sunny days are coming. A mwah-mwah directly towards you・you・you・your cheek!”
OR: Looking for the bright spot in life.
ame・ame・ame・ame ga futte mo hare・hare・hare・hare no hi ga kuru KIMI・KIMI・KIMI・KIMI no hoppe ni    DAIREKUTO ni CHUCHU
Even if it rains・rains・rains・rains, Sunny・sunny・sunny・sunny days are coming A mwah-mwah directly towards you・you・you・your cheek
kanashii toki wa ohisama nosete OMURETSU tabemashou DEKOBOKO michi mo    shagande goran ohana ga saiteru yo
When we’re feeling sad, let’s eat omelettes Loaded up with sun! Even if the road is rough, try squatting down— Flowers are blooming there!
shumi wa DAIETTO    tokugi wa RIBAUNDO ganbatteru PAPA to MAMA     WoWoWoWo♪
“My hobby is dieting, my special skill is rebound weight gain” You’re doing your best, mom and dad!    WoWoWoWo♪
ame・ame・ame・ame ga futte mo hare・hare・hare・hare no hi ga kuru KIMI・KIMI・KIMI・KIMI no hoppe ni    DAIREKUTO ni CHUCHU
Even if it rains・rains・rains・rains, Sunny・sunny・sunny・sunny days are coming A mwah-mwah directly towards you・you・you・your cheek
Ame・Ame・Ame・Ameri ga iru yo niji・niji・niji・niji wo watatte KIMI・KIMI・KIMI・KIMI to issho ni aruite yukou
Ame・Ame・Ame・Ameri is here I’ll come and cross・cross・cross・cross the rainbow To walk with you・you・you・you
TONBO no you ni    eda ni tomatte anata wo miteita no yowaiko mo ite    ijimekko mo ite docchi mo samishisou
Like a dragonfly, I stopped on a branch And watched you. There are weak kids and bullies— Both kinds seem so lonely
juugyou ga kyuushoku to uta dake nara ii na ganbatteru BOKU mo ima    WoWoWoWo♪
It’d be nice if my job was just eating school lunches and singing— I’m also doing my best right now    WoWoWoWo♪
getsu・ka sui moku kin    doyou WAKUWAKU nichiyoubi no yuugata wa SHONBORI demo・demo・demo ashita wa kyou yori    suteki ne CHU CHU
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, a thrilling Saturday On Sunday evening, I’m feeling down But・but・but tomorrow will be     more wonderful than today, mwah-mwah!
Ame・Ame・Ame・Ameri ga iru yo niji・niji・niji・niji wo watatte KIMI・KIMI・KIMI・KIMI to issho ni aruite yukou
Ame・Ame・Ame・Ameri is here I’ll come and cross・cross・cross・cross the rainbow To walk with you・you・you・you
ame・ame・ame・ame ga futte mo hare・hare・hare・hare no hi ga kuru KIMI・KIMI・KIMI・KIMI no hoppe ni    DAIREKUTO ni CHUCHU
Even if it rains・rains・rains・rains, Sunny・sunny・sunny・sunny days are coming A mwah-mwah directly towards you・you・you・your cheek
kocchi muite CHUCHU
Look this way, mwah-mwah!
No real notes, except this song was done in-character as “Ameri-chan”, the mascot girl for insurance company American Home Direct (hence the ‘direct ni’ reference in the chorus.) 
Also, thank you to reddit user TulipWaltz for scanning the lyric booklet! 😀
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chu2divination · 4 years
HI CHUCHU!!! not a rq but i’m here to tell u ilysm and i’ll come here whenever i need kin stuff i swear kehehe
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