#clara osto
trastornadosrevista · 2 years
Musicking-88 presenta "Lost and Found", su álbum debut
“Lost and Found” es un álbum con diez canciones compuestas por el productor Musicking-88.
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Se puede notar, y esto afirmado por él mismo, una gran influencia de Peter Gabriel, Tears for Fears y Prince. Se podría decir que, principalmente, el resultado es un álbum de synthpop, no obstante, también se pueden ver algunos elementos del pop rock y el art pop. En resumen, «Lost and Found» abunda en sintetizadores y voces cargadas de vocoder, llenos de melodías pegadizas, lo que nos presenta un escenario bastante nostálgico y atmosférico. En cuanto a los detalles técnicos, de producción y grabación estuvieron a cargo del artista en su propio estudio en la provincia de San Juan, en donde ya ha realizado trabajos similares para terceros. La instrumentación, estuvo casi totalmente a cargo del artista, ya que contó con la colaboración de algunos músicos, entre ellos el guitarrista de sesión argelino Wassim Rahmani y el guitarrista argentino César Ambrosini. El álbum tiene cierto aire conceptual, ya que las canciones poseen cierta conexión y secuencia entre ellas; además, varias de las letras son adaptaciones de poemas escritor por el poeta británico George MacDonald.
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Musicking-88 es un proyecto del músico, compositor y productor Jorge Ostos, radicado en San Juan, Argentina. Esta propuesta artística presenta un estilo que incorpora elementos de varios géneros musicales como el rock, funk, pop progresivo, new wave y synthpop. Una de las características más resaltantes de este proyecto es el uso del vocoder en la voz principal. También los solos de guitarra eléctrica, junto con los sintetizadores, tienen una clara presencia en su música. Ostos, como músico multiinstrumentista, se encargó por completo no solo de la composición sino también de la ejecución de todos los instrumentos, con algunas excepciones donde aparecen invitados internacionales.
En cuanto a las letras, Musicking-88 propone una mezcla entre poesía, ideas existenciales y creencias espirituales.
Para escuchar el álbum por Spotify:
Fuente: Info extraída de su gacetilla de prensa
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hotpotrandomfics · 3 years
Really, anything on him. This is a cool take on PJO.
Well I am more than happy to throw a few headcanon at you.
Ciel Ambrose Silverstein Headcanon
When Ciel was around 12 he fought in the Titan War, acting a support role as an archer conducting ambushes with many of the older campers. His best friend, Justin and he were running with some of the demigods who were escaping some monsters and Chronos forces. Ciel, barely understanding magic from his siblings of Hecate, casted a wall of fire and cutting himself off from his friends to act as a distraction. The monsters and demigods chased him down, the boy escaped into the sewer, slipping through the maze of tunnels before climbing up after nearly day of hiding. Ciel would go on his own surviving and conducting gorilla tactics while assisting mortals who were about to be eaten, one being a young girl named Eleonora Bergstrom, a daughter of Freya. Two days later he made his way back to the field camp where his friends were, Justin and Clara were beyond pissed but happy their new friend survived and made back with only a few injuries.
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notihatillo · 5 years
Este resumen de noticias llega a, ustedes por cortesía de @NotiHatillo /La Ceiba de Ramón Muchacho /Alcaldía de El Hatillo
El Hatillo 19 de Mayo del 2019
Alcalde Elias Sayegh informó de Inestabilidad eléctrica en diversas zonas del Hatillo.
Alcaldía de El Hatillo rindio homenaje a las enfermeras en su día, estas abnegadas trabajadoras de la salud estuvieron compartiendo con el alcalde Elias Sayegh en un merecido homenaje este pasado viernes.
Como todos los años la comunidad de La Unión celebró el día de su Patrono San Isidro Labrador con una emotiva procesión en honor al Santo. Autoridades del Hatillo estuvieron presente en este homenaje.
Ciclo de agua por Hidrocapital se mantiene hoy Domingo en el municipio.
Continúa el plan de bacheo y restauración de arterias viales en el municipio.
Usuarios de la empresa INTER denuncian fallas continuas en la prestacion de ese servicio de Internet y Tv en el municipio, sin embargo los cobros se mantienen igual a pesar de las fallas.
Sin esperanzas, usuarios de CANTV denuncian la situación de ausencia de tono en las líneas telefónicas, son miles de abonados que siguen pagando por un servicio inexistente y cuando buscan información solo les dicen que la falla es por falta de respuestos, avería en cable etc etc. Pareciera que no hay intención de solucionar el problema. Pero los cobros por un servicio inexistente no cesan y los suscriptores consideran que estan siendo objeto de una estafa por parte de la empresa telefónica. Un grupo de abogados estan preparando acciones legales contra la CANTV.
Y la perrita y la gatica que hacían vida desde hace muchos años en el supermercado La Muralla están resguardados, ahora se buscan adoptantes para estas mascotas.
Tal Cual. Guaidó sobre acercamiento en Noruega: “No confundamos los objetivos con los mecanismos.”
Guaidó: “Sí fuimos a las reuniones, pero no a entablar nada. No hay nada que entablar. Vamos a hablar con todos los que sean necesarios para lograr la libertad de Venezuela,”.
Presidente (E) Guaidó: “Nuestra agenda es muy clara, pública y notoria (…) No nos van a confundir. No nos van a joder, ya basta que nos vean la cara de tontos. Venezuela va a tener su democracia y libertad muy pronto”.
Juan Guaidó: “Agradecemos al Gobierno de Noruega, pero los venezolanos ya no nos dejamos engañar”.
NetBlocks: YouTube, Google y Bing presentan bloqueos en Venezuela tras visita de Guaidó a Guatire.
Rafael Guzmán desde Guatire: No queremos cualquier diálogo que le alargue la vida a este régimen.
NTN24: Grupo de Contacto busca “camino electoral negociado” para Venezuela.
Tal Cual: Representantes del MAS, Copei, Cambiemos y Avanzada Progresista se reunieron con el Grupo de Contacto a quienes explicaron su visión de la situación nacional y las alternativas que vislumbran para salir de la crisis política.
Sumarium. Maduro dice que ganaría “por paliza” otra elección: “La que viene es la de la AN”.
Tamara Suju publicó video de las celdas de tortura de la DGCIM.
El Nacional: Ex director de PC Barinas denunció que recibió amenazas del oficialismo.
Juan Carlos Gutiérrez, abogado de Leopoldo López, logra salir de Venezuela antes de ser detenido.
Así actúan los colectivos chavistas: CNN tuvo acceso exclusivo a sus líderes en Caracas.
Reporte Ya: En Aragua, autobuses hacen colas kilométricas por escasez de gasolina.
Kilométricas colas para surtir gasolina al Norte de Barquisimeto.
La Patilla: Transportistas trancan vías de Mérida por falta de gasolina.
El Pitazo: En Acarigua paralizan actividades por escasez de gasolina.
Reporte Ya: Tres horas en promedio para poder llenar el tanque de gasolina de 91 octanos en Anzoátegui.
La Patilla: En Maracaibo familias comen dentro de sus carros mientras hacen cola por escasez de gasolina.
El Pitazo: GNB pide cédulas para controlar las colas por escasez de gasolina en Cabimas.
GNB impidió a la periodista Pableysa Ostos realizar la cobertura de las colas por la escasez de gasolina en Pto. Ordaz.
Hacían cola por gasolina en la Valencia-Puerto Cabello y se fue la luz.
PDVSA sostiene que está bajo ataque con ‘Fake News’, pese a las colas registradas en todo el país.
Dip. Biagio Pilieri: “Un país petrolero pero sin gasolina por culpa de este régimen inútil y corrupto”.
Tal Cual: Gestión de Maduro llevó las toneladas de oro del BCV a mínimos históricos.
Reporte Ya: Colectivos atacaron campamento de Rescate Venezuela en Trujillo.
El Nacional: Destruyeron y saquearon el auditorio de la UDO en Cumaná.
Gustavo Marcano informa que los 50 países que reconocen a Guaidó aceptarán los pasaportes vencidos.
Amnistía Internacional Venezuela reconoce al SNTP con el premio Activismo Destacado 2019.
EFE: Jesuitas alertan de riesgo de xenofobia en frontera de Colombia y Venezuela.
Acnur considera que crisis venezolana no tiene precedentes en el hemisferio, pero descarta la constitución de campos de refugiados en América Latina. ?
NTN24. Embajador de Guaidó en Colombia: Situación con militares sublevados está “prácticamente solucionada”.
EFE: Obispos de América dicen que abrazan “el dolor” de Venezuela, Nicaragua y Haití.
El Nacional: Policía española sospecha que hay 13 integrantes del grupo ETA en Venezuela.
EFE: Timochenko pide a FARC defender proceso de paz pese a recaptura de Santrich.
AFP: Evo Morales arranca campaña presidencial con promesas de desarrollo.
Europa Press: Cristina Fernández de Kirchner será candidata a vicepresidenta de Argentina.
Macri sobre Cristina Kirchner: Volver al pasado sería autodestruirnos.
OEA convoca a sesión extraordinaria para analizar la situación en Nicaragua.
The New York Times: Trump ha solicitado el papeleo que le permita avanzar rápidamente con indultos para algunos criminales de guerra estadounidenses.
AFP: Protesta de «chalecos amarillos» en Francia llega sus seis meses en franca caída.
Reuters: Convocan a elecciones anticipadas en Austria tras comprometedor video de vicecanciller.
Holanda se impuso en el festival de la canción de Eurovisión.
Reuters: Con pañuelos verdes, equipo fílmico protesta en Cannes contra ley de aborto en Argentina.
Djokovic y Nadal se medirán en la final del Abierto de Italia.
El Nacional: Pitaron a Antoine Griezmann en su despedida del Atlético.
AFP: Guardiola define la temporada del City como «un año increíble».
EFE: Instalan en Panamá primer purificador de aire de la región con microalgas.
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Óculos de sol: como escolher o certo!
Novo Post https://patricinhaesperta.com.br/moda/oculos-de-sol-escolher
Óculos de sol: como escolher o certo!
Óculos de sol: como escolher o certo para seu tipo de rosto, estilos e durabilidade.
Se a sua ideia é comprar óculos de sol e você está experimentando uma variedade de pares e se olhando para no espelho, estas dicas vão levar você para outro nível. Alguma vez você já pensou sobre a proteção UV? Durabilidade? Visibilidade? O formato de seu rosto e cabeça?
Há muito mais à ser levado em consideração na hora de comprar um óculos de sol do que somente a boa aparência! É um acessório que tem por finalidade, proteger os olhos dos raios solares.
Eles proporcionam conforto, previnem o envelhecimento precoce e outras doenças oculares. Também podem ser usados, por vaidade e elegância.
Um óculos de boa qualidade deve bloquear os raios UVA, UVB e UVC, que podem atingir os olhos e são todos invisíveis. Ou seja, muito mais do que um acessório de moda. Confira abaixo mais sobre isso…
Como o próprio nome já sugere, eles são para proteger seus olhos! A exposição excessiva à radiação UV pode causar uma variedade de problemas para os olhos, tais como cataratas, queimaduras e até mesmo câncer, bom, você já deve ter ouvido falar disso por aí!
Se você quiser que os seus óculos de sol proteja você de tais riscos, procure pares que bloqueiam pelo menos 99% dos raios UVB e pelo menos 95% dos raios UVA. Também perceba a quantidade de cobertura que os óculos proporcionam.
Olhe o quanto você pode ver em torno da armação, quando você está usando o óculos de sol, o sol fica por cima ou pelo lado? Parece estranho, mas isso é muito importante de saber antes de realizar a compra.
Não compre óculos de sol se eles estão rotulados como “cosméticos” ou não fornecer qualquer informação sobre a proteção UV.
Procure resistência à riscos, muitas lentes têm revestimentos muito frágeis. Se você está gastando muito dinheiro, você quer que eles durem bastante tempo. Felizmente lentes danificadas podem ser substituídas pela maioria das lojas.
Óculos de sol vêm em todas as formas e tamanhos! Geralmente, procure por um contraste entre o formato do rosto e a forma da armação para dar um look legal.
Por exemplo, se você tem um rosto redondo, armações mais angulares irão funcionar bem, e se o seu rosto é mais quadrado, uma armação redonda em forma de moldura mais suave vai ficar super bem.
óculos espelhado
Óculos Espelhados
Revestimento espelhado nas lentes. Muito utilizada por policiais nos EUA. Eles geralmente vêm em um aviador ou forma envolvente.
Óculos Ray Ban Aviador
Óculos Aviadores
Lente em forma de lágrima e armações de metal fino. Muitas vezes usados por pilotos, militares e agentes da lei nos EUA. Bom para qualquer formato de rosto, mas melhor com uma forma oval.
Óculos Wayfarer
Óculos Wayfarers
Popular nos anos 1950 e 1960. Muito usado por Audrey Hepburn em seus filmes.
Óculos Teashades
Óculos Teashades
Popularizado por John Lennon e Ozzy Osbourne. Eles não são muito eficazes em manter a luz longe dos seus olhos.
Óculos Envolventes
Óculos Envolventes
Associado com atletismo e esportes radicais.
óculos grandes
Óculos Grandes
Associado com modelos e estrelas de cinema. Muito glamour nesses estilos de óculos.
Certifique-se que os óculos se encaixam corretamente. Experimente-os para garantir que eles não se prendem em torno de sua cabeça. O peso deve ser distribuído uniformemente entre suas orelhas e nariz, e seus cílios não devem tocar na armação ou nas lentes.
Escolha um óculos que combine com seu rosto
O primeiro passo para encontrar os óculos ideais para o seu formato de rosto é experimentar os modelos e verificar alguns detalhes, como, por exemplo, se as lentes dos óculos desejados cobrem inteiramente os seus olhos, se as lentes dos óculos desejados deixam algum espaço para as suas sobrancelhas, se o apoio do nariz dos óculos não está marcando a sua pele, se os seus olhos estão posicionados no centro das lentes e se as hastes não estão apertando o seu rosto.
Tendo isto tudo em vista, saiba então como escolher óculos de acordo com o seu tipo de rosto.
Dicas de maquiagem para quem usa óculos
Como usar maquiagem se uso óculos?
Óculos para rosto redondo
Óculos para rosto redondo.
Os óculos redondos, sejam estes óculos de grau ou sejam estes óculos de sol, acabam deixando o formato do rosto ainda mais redondo, causando a impressão de que você engordou, principalmente no rosto, motivo pelo qual quem possui este tipo de rosto precisa mesmo comprar óculos quadrados, que estejam de acordo com as dicas de tamanho oferecidas mais acima.
Então memorize: quem possui rosto redondo fica melhor utilizando óculos de grau ou óculos de sol com armações quadradas, ou óculos com armações retangulares.
Óculos para rosto quadrado
Tipos de óculos para rosto quadrado
Os óculos quadrados, sejam estes óculos de grau ou sejam estes óculos de sol, acabam deixando o formato do rosto ainda mais quadrado, causando uma impressão bastante estranha para as pessoas ao seu redor, motivo pelo qual quem possui este tipo de rosto precisa mesmo comprar óculos redondos, que estejam de acordo com as dicas de tamanho oferecidas mais acima.
Então memorize: quem possui rosto quadrado fica melhor utilizando óculos de grau ou óculos de sol com armações redondas. Para este perfil de rosto, quadrado, também valem os óculos com armações ovais e os óculos com armações retangulares.
Óculos para rosto triangular
Tipos de óculos para rosto triangular.
Sejam para óculos de grau ou para óculos de sol, as armações redondas e as armações ovais são as que mais combinam com as mulheres que possuem o rosto triangular, desde estejam de acordo com as dicas de tamanho oferecidas mais acima.
Para este grupo, não valem as armações de óculos que são quadradas ou retangulares, pois as mesmas acabarão causando uma impressão bastante estranha para as pessoas ao seu redor. Para não ter erro, quem possui o rosto triangular pode investir sem medo em óculos aviadores, que possuem uma extremidade reta e a outra redonda ou oval.
Rosto Oval
Tipos de óculos para rosto oval
O melhor formato de rosto para se comprar óculos, sejam estes óculos de grau ou sejam estes óculos de sol, é o rosto oval, que combina com armações redondas, com armações ovais e com armações retangulares, desde que estejam de acordo com as dicas de tamanho oferecidas mais acima.
Por se tratar de um formato de rosto neutro, o rosto oval não causa a impressão de que você engordou ou está com o rosto inchado. Mas, para este grupo, não valem as armações de óculos que são redondas, pois as mesmas transformam o rosto oval em rosto redondo.
A cor também conta, não vise apenas o modelo
Se a sua pele for morena opte pelo preto. Se sua pele for clara, opte pelo azul ou verde.  E se a sua pele for pálida, opte pelo óculos bege com um toque de rosa.
O tipo de lente também é muito importante, se for usar no dia a dia, procure óculos com lentes marrom ou cinza.
Se for para dias nublados, procure óculos com lentes cinzas. Para esportes aquáticos, procure lentes de cores rosa e púrpura e para o anoitecer, procure com cor amarela.
Se vocês quiserem ficar mais bonitas ainda e confortáveis, procurem óculos de marcas como, a Zara, Mango, H & M, Massimo Dutti, Prada, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, Armani, Donna Karan, Miu Miu, Balenciaga, Ralph Lauren, Chloé, Guess, Diesel, Burberry, Frendi e o famoso Rayban, muito popular na década de 80 e 90 e que foi relançado no ano de 2005.
Foi feita uma pesquisa pelo IBGE, que 284  mulheres não enxergam bem. Das entrevistadas só 8% usam óculos escuros com grau quando vão à praia, embora 97%  acreditem que a radiação  ultravioleta prejudica a visão.
A alteração imediata decorrente da exposição ao sol sem proteção é a queimadura da pele periocular. Apesar da metástase da pálpebra, nos casos de câncer não melanoma que é o tipo mais prevalente, a doença pode causar lesões palpebrais  e desencadear cicatrizes na córnea que conduzem à queda visual.
Outra alteração imediata, é a fotoceratite (inflamação da córnea por queimadura de primeiro grau). Em geral acontece após 6 horas ininterruptas de exposição dos olhos ao sol sem proteção.
Médicos alertam, que embora os sintomas, olhos vermelhos e ressecados, desapareçam depois de 48 horas longe do sol, não significa que o problema tenha sido resolvido. Porque a fotoceratite provoca o desprendimento de células do epitélio (camada externa da córnea) que vai perdendo a transparência. E uma doença bastante conhecida como a catarata, que é a falta de proteção UV, que corresponde a 60% de chance de ser contraída.
Óculos Geek!
Óculos de grau com estilo!
Óculos de Sol com Lentes Falsificadas São Um Perigo!
Cuidado com as lentes falsificadas! A tentação é grande, que a mão coça e que a gente tende a ceder, mas os perigos de usar óculos com lentes falsificadas é tão grande que não compensa.
Lentes falsificadas não filtram os raios UVA e UVB  e isso, dentre outros problemas, pode acelerar o aparecimento da catarata e contribuir para o surgimento de uma doença que ocasiona perda da visão central.
Outro problema é que essas lentes não protegem os olhos, fazendo com que a pupila se dilate e absorva ainda mais os raios ultravioleta. Portanto, vamos resistir!
Ah, e na hora de comprar um óculos escuro, precisamos observar se eles possuem filtros de proteção contra a os raios ultravioleta e se as lentes tem um formato adequado, pois lentes com desníveis  causam o desconforto de fazer com que os olhos gastem mais energia pra corrigir a visão, que fica “torta”.  É um barato que pode sair bem caro!
Muita gente reclama que óculos bons são caros, o que é, em parte, verdade. Mas existem várias marcas de qualidade a preços acessíveis, como a Chilli Beans, por exemplo, que tem vários modelos legais por preços acessíveis.
Conferiram todos os estilos diferentes de óculos?
Agora, na próxima vez que você ir em uma ótica, você terá inúmeras opções para escolher. Escolha a que se encaixe melhor no seu estilo e formato de rosto. Arrase nesse início de primavera e no próximo verão... na verdade, arrase em todas as estações do ano!
Fique ligada no Patricinha Esperta para mais dicas de moda e looks perfeitos para você!
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hotpotrandomfics · 3 years
Reincarnated Love: Beginnings and Fateful Meetings
Summary: Ciel is boy who lives an average life with his father but on the day of his birthday things started to change. What comes next will forever destroy the old life he has a rebirth was to come soon. Old souls will meet for the first time and new bonds will begin to grow into existence.
Word Count: 6,175
What is it to love; what is it to desire? No one can truly say for those feelings are two separate roads one's heart is torn to follow and it is a path that is never easy to navigate. Two such individuals follow that path unbeknownst to themselves as this unforeseen bond transcends time and the will of the Gods. This tale is of a boy who bends fate to his will and a goddess who will let to embrace the one she has yearned for over six millennia. Who says love doesn't go beyond time? Only fools...
Our story begins on March 7th, 2009, it was the birthday of Ciel Ambrose Silverstein and for most kids his age they would be happy to be another year older, but he didn't see much joy as he never really had friends to spend it with, only his dad. It wasn't as though he didn't care for his dad Ciel loved his dad as he was the closes thing to a best friend he has. The two lived in a single-story house within walking distance of his father's cafe, Crossroads Cafe, a simple hole-in-the-wall place that Ciel has many fond memories of. 
Ciel climbed out of bed like any morning, heading to the bathroom adjacent to his closet door. He washed his face and brushed his teeth as his dad was big on personal hygiene. After doing that, Ciel went to his closet and grabbed his favorite jeans, '09 Nike Pegasus sneakers, the Linkin Park shirt his dad bought at last night's concert (dad was the best), and his pullover hoodie. Once dressed and hair brushed, Ciel made his way to the kitchen and made himself a bowl of Frosted Flakes.
"Good morning troublemaker," said a deep British voice, a blonde man with sky blue eyes and scruff on his face gave the boy a loving pat on his head. "Sleep okay after that mayhem?"
"Yeah! That was so awesome, thanks, Dad!" Ciel said with a mouth full of cereal. 
"Manners young man," said his father with a grin as he filled his favorite mug (number one dad) as he looked at his son. "I keep my promises to you don't I?"
Nodding, Ciel finished the cereal in his mouth before elaborating. "You always do Dad and I appreciate it. Even if your jokes are corny."
"Hey, my jokes are amazing and you love them," his father tried defending himself.
"Only because you look like a dork." Ciel laughed as his dad glared at him sternly before joining in the laugh. The two discussed the highlights of the concert from the guitar solos and the moments where fans got "too happy" and did stuff a twelve-year-old shouldn't witness.
The family of two left their home for a morning walk, it was a mandatory activity in the household something Alex did with his father. Alex liked to share moments like that with his son to show him the joys of nature and talk to him about the world. Explaining many things and here the views of the world from his son's perspective. Ciel from how Alex saw him was intelligent, not academically, but his views of the natural balance of society and nature were something a philosopher would find intriguing. There is a joy to find in society's progress but one must not forget where man and woman came from. Alex would question his son to try and understand the meaning of his surroundings and why did events take place.
For Ciel, answering his father's questions was no simple feat but rather a mountain range he must climb as he navigates for an answer. His father wouldn't simply give him the answers as that would defeat the purpose of hearing Ciel's thoughts. Often than not, Alex would ask if he believed in destiny and fate though the answer Ciel gave him was more so a question to his. "Are fate and destiny not the same thing, or are the two entwined?" He would ask his father who would contemplate the question himself as the two discussed such matters that surprised many eavesdroppers.
"Are you still having those nightmares and daydreams?" Alex asked as the two made their second lap around the block.
"Yeah," Ciel rubbed the back of his neck, "I still see those things. Spirits? Is it normal dad?"
"I can't say for certain," Alex said as he looked to his son who's expression became downcasted. "However, I think there is a reason why you can see those spirits. Can you guess why?"
"Fate?" the boy questioned.
"Possibly," Alex smiled as he tossed his son's hair. "But I like to believe there is a reason for everything, mi hijo."
"Dad!" Ciel whined as he brushed his dad's hand away before giving a small smile to the elder Silverstein. "Can we head back?"
"After just two blocks? Laaazy, but fine since it's your birthday." Alex placed a hand on Ciel's shoulder as the two walked back to their home.
As the two made it to their area of the neighborhood, Ciel notices the door was slightly ajar. Ciel stopped short of the door, looking around his porch nervously of his surroundings. "Dad, somethings off. You locked the door before we left."
"Stay behind me," Alex said as he pushed the door in slowly. Stepping in, they heard a noise coming from the direction of the kitchen. Alex stepped cautiously through the dimly lit hall with Ciel behind him. Granted, it wasn't the smartest idea to have his son follow him into a possibly dangerous situation but the man rather his child be close to him so he may defend him. As the duo passed the threshold into the kitchen to find the culprit who was a woman. 
She stood at five-foot-nine with olive-colored skin that was as flawless as marble. Her hair was a deep black that had a hint of violet as the sun from the kitchen window reflected on her flowing locks. Though her eyes were something to behold, a strong emerald green that had an ever-slight glow to it. The woman wore a burgundy gown and a light assortment of golden jewelry. The woman glanced at the two men before smiling as she raised a cup of tea to her lips.
"Here I come out of my way in my busy schedule and much to my surprise you two aren't who. Really?" the woman said as she placed the cup on the counter.
"Hecate," Alex muttered, "I..."
"It's been too long, Alex. Well, long from the mortal life but it still does not mean I haven't missed your company."
The two adults stared intensely at each other before a loud cough broke the silence.
"Dad, who is she? How does she know you? And why DID SHE BREAK INTO OUR HOUSE?" Ciel asked in worried confusion.
"Relax son," Alex placed a hand on Ciel in the usual comforting manner he did when his son wasn't sure of something. "This is Hecate, she's an old friend. She was around when you were born actually."
"She knows me? She's not some crazy ex?" Ciel inquired causing the woman to laugh.
"My, he has a similar wit to you but I see it's at a younger age. Yes, boy, I've known of you for a long time." The woman gave a small smile that was almost... motherly. "Alex, as much as I would want to be here for more personal reasons I have some news to give you."
"Ciel, go to your room. Hecate and I need to talk." Alex ordered. "Don't worry, we'll go to that Chinese place you like after she and I talk."
"But dad-," Ciel tried to be apprehensive only for his father to give him a stern look.
"Now, Ciel." Nodding, Ciel walked to his room and closed his door, throwing himself on his bed.
"So much for a good birthday," Ciel thought as he buried his face into his pillow.
In the kitchen...
"You haven't told him?" Hecate asked as Alex paced in the kitchen.
"How can I? The boy has plenty to worry about and his mother coming back for a few minutes isn't going to fix that!" Alex growled. "Ciel is happy, he's safe and he doesn't need to deal with that nonsense!"
"Alex, please. The fate of the world is at stake and Chronos forces are on the rise!" Hecate argued back. "Ciel's best chance of survival is going to Camp Halfblood. It's not only your safety that I have in mind, I have his in mind as well."
"He's my son! I can't just let him go off knowing I might lose him!" Alex said as he leaned into the counter, looking out the window. "Please, don't make me do this Hecate."
"He won't be alone, I can assure you." Hecate walked over to him and placed a hand on Alex's. "There are events in place that even I am having difficulty seeing but at the center of it is Ciel. If our son is to survive he must go and train. He must become what he is destined to be."
"I wish it were not the case," Alex looked into Hecate's eyes as the man was on the verge of tears. "Will you guide him? Protect him?"
"You know I cannot do so directly," Hecate retorted before sighing. "Alex, there is something else. I've decided to side with Chronos."
"What?" Alex asked completely flabbergasted. "Are you out of your damned mind?!"
"Watch your tone with me," Hecate warned as her eyes flashed with power but Alex didn't back down.
"Now I am definitely not sending Ciel to that camp! You honestly think me so idiotic to send my flesh and blood up there and expect you to protect him? When you just told me you've sworn to help the god you helped stop in the past?" Alex pulled his hand away from hers as he fumed with anger. "How can you expect me to trust you with that bomb?!"
"Alex, I am tired of being seen as a minor goddess. Never receiving the respect I deserve. Time and again I am left with the "short end" as you claim it. I want to be worshipped and acknowledge as I deserve to be." Hecate said as she turned her back to him. 
The goddess and the man stood in a silence that was a heavy indicator this visit was to be concluded.
"Is the acknowledgment of your children not enough?" Alex questioned as he glanced at the setting sun. "Or the men who have fathered them not enough? Heh, I guess not."
"Alex," Hecate thought begrudgingly as she glanced over her shoulders before disappearing into the shadows. Knowing fully she may have destroyed a bridge between Alex and her. The memories of their brief time together were something she deeply cherished and some of the best times she had in millennia. But her hopes for new world order will allow her to receive what she deserves.
"Dammit," Alex gripped the counter as his eyes redden from the tears he was holding in as the frustration that was bottled in began to leak. "Fate, you're truly cruel than any power in existence that has ever been and that has ever been."
After composing himself, Alex looked at the picture of him and Ciel from when he was five years. The two went to the Florida Keys and stayed in a BnB while having the time of their lives. It was on that trip that Ciel started seeing strange things. He told his father he saw a giant snake in the ocean. If Alex remembered anything from his history classes back in the United Kingdom much of the mythological stories did explain gods, goddesses, heroes, and monsters. Alex was a young father, with no experience with kids whatsoever but when it came to his boy it all made sense for him, even if the talks of monsters seem ludicrous. 
With no help from anyone he thought he did a decent job with him but Hecate coming to them and warning him of war. How was he supposed to explain this to his son? How could he make that trip up the east coast? But as much as he didn't wish to admit she was right. A choice must be made even if it hurts them both. A father has to prepare their children for the threats of the world. Even if that threat is their kin.
For the next few months, Alex had spent most of his time mulling over the pros and cons. During this time Ciel questioned why his dad seemed to be in a sour mood and would brush off the question which only caused the boy to worry in silence. It was on Wednesday, the last day of school when Ciel was on the school bus back home he noticed something stranger than usuals. The ghost of the town kept pointing in the direction of his home which only creeped him out even further. On the driveway of their home, Alex stood in front of his car as his son disembarked from the bus and greeted him. 
"Hey dad, you're home early," Ciel said as he walked to his dad. "Slow day at the cafe?"
"I closed early. Son, there is something we need to talk about." Alex said causing Ciel to quirk a brow.
"Something wrong?"
"Not at the moment but the way things are looking we need to leave," Alex said as he goes into the driver seat of his car with his son the following suit and entering the passenger side.
"Dad, what's going on?" 
"I'm taking you somewhere I never thought I'd have to take you," Alex responded as he pulled out of his driveway and beginning the long drive to the hopeful haven for his son. 
The drive up to this place was filled with much silence and no talking between the father-son duo, whenever Ciel tried to start a conversation the words wouldn't leave his throat, instead, he just watched the change of scenery as they drove up the east coast. They'd only stop for the occasional rest stop and food before continuing the drive further and further from home. 
It was two in the morning when they had reached their destination, Alex took a turn into a strawberry farm called "Delphi Strawberry Service," and followed the dirt road it was on to the nearby forest. As they drew closer lights of a fire could be seen through the canopy of the forest. Once the dirt road had finished, Alex stopped and parked the car outside of the marble gate that was in Ancient Greek but for some reason, Ciel could read it.
"Camp Half-Blood?" Ciel asked his father who stepped out of the car and made his way to the trunk where he pulled out a duffle bag for Ciel. Packed with clothes, the necessities, and his son's favorite book that Alex read to him, the Aeneid.
"Son, you'll be safe here," Alex said as he stepped to the passenger to let Ciel out of the car.
"Dad? What do you mean I'll be safe here?!" Ciel looked up to the older Silverstein who seemed to be on the verge of tears.
"Mi hijo, you're special and I don't mean in the "dad thinks you're his special boy." No, you are destined for something great but the trials you face in the future going to be hard. You'll be okay, you're my strong warrior." Alex smiled as he kneeled kissing his son's forehead.
"Daaad, that's embarrassing!" Ciel slightly pouted from embarrassment. Alex could only chuckle as he took Ciel by the shoulder and guided him to the gate, waiting for them was something Ciel could not expect.
"Ah! What the heck is that?!" Ciel said as he clung to his dad. The pair looked to a man with long brown hair whose upper body was in a button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up but what freaked Ciel out was the man's lower half was that of a horse.
"Ciel, don't be rude!" Alex chided. "Apologies, my son hasn't had much exposure to your world and even I find it unbelievable."
"It is of no worry," said an older voice. "Tell me, child, what is your name?"
"C-Ciel. Ciel Ambrose Silverstein, Mister?"
"It is a fine name. I am called Chiron. I am somewhat of a mentor for boys and girls like you."
"Like me?" Ciel titled his head to the left in confusion as he gazed at the centaur.
"Demigods, heroes, and great warriors," Chiron said with a gentle smile before glancing at Alex. "I shall give you a moment." Chiron walked a short distance to be out of earshot and let the two say their goodbyes.
"I will come and get you at the end of the summer, okay?" Alex said as knelt down to be at his son's eye level. "I know I can't give you all the answers but-"
"So you're abandoning me?!" Ciel shouted at his father who looked shocked at such an accusation.
"No! Heavens no," Alex gripped his son's shoulders, "but I can't protect you son and I couldn't bear the thought of you dying or being hurt. I need you to be safe and I know you will be here, so please, trust me and what I say. Have I ever lied to you?"
Ciel thought for a moment about his father's words before answering. "No, sir."
"I love you, Ciel." Alex pulled his son into a hug while Ciel returned the same affection.
After a few moments, the two separated and Ciel grabbed his bag and walked to the gates. Waving "goodbye" to his father and disappearing into the darkness of the night.
"Hecate, you better protect my son." Alex wiped the tears from his eyes before entering his car and driving back the way he came. Leaving his son to the Fates and the gods. 
The next day Ciel was guided by one of the older campers through Camp Half-Blood. It didn't take long to learn the location for where everything was but Ciel was still cautious of everything around him. From the sounds of the forge to the pranking of the Hermes kids and the sight of the lava wall, he was convinced he'd probably die here. Though during breakfast he met two campers briefly, Justin and Lucille Peters, a brother and sister pair who have two different godly parents from how they explained it. Justin was a son of Apollo and Lucille was a daughter of Hephestus, it was odd how they'd have different godly parents but then again Ciel didn't know his. From what he could gather it seemed most of the kids here were of the twelve major Olympian gods while you had a mixed population of demigods born from minor gods or demigods whose parents haven't claimed them. Some demigods weren't claimed for years or if ever at all and it was a sad fact.
Ciel counted himself lucky that he at least had his dad and hoped he was right about coming here. Though it did beg the question, who was his godly parent, and would he be claimed tonight or never at all? Questions for later but for the time being Ciel would just take in his surroundings until he was comfortable to walk on his own. The Hermes kid let him know if he had any questions to not be shy and ask any of the older campers to which he nodded. 
Ciel would wander through the camp until he felt a hand on his back, instantly, he jumped in a slight panic.
"Oops, sorry I didn't mean to spook you," said the boy with blonde hair and blue eyes, and a prosthetic leg. "I just wanted to introduce myself, my name is Justin Peters. What's yours?"
"Um, I'm Ciel Ambrose Silverstein. Wait aren't you the kid from earlier?" Ciel asked.
"Yep! Thought you would like some company you know since your new and all. Don't worry, me and my sister were in the same boat about a year ago. We're lucky we have each other but it's hard the first few days." Justin said with a smile.
"I suppose. Sorry, I'm not really with people."
"Oh don't worry about it! We can work on that together if you'd like." Justin responded to which Ciel couldn't help but smile. "So wanna do something fun?"
"Uh, sure?" Ciel responded.
"Great!" Justin said as he took hold of Ciel's arm, pulling him to the archery field. The two boys had shown up in the archery field meeting with the instructor, another child of Apollo, to who Justin introduced Ciel while explaining him being a new camper and was going to show him a little archery. Justin's older sibling advises him to take it slow with instructions to Ciel. Following the instructions of the older child and grabbing a pair of bows and two quivers of arrows. Justin began instructing Ciel on the principles of archery while going into depth about the anatomy of a bow and arrow. Ciel took to the instructions like a fish to the water as Justin helped Ciel get the posture down and load an arrow to fire.
For some reason, this felt natural to Ciel from the grip of the bow in his left hand and the fletching of the arrow in his right. Taking a steady breath to get his breathing in rhythm before brought the arrow up, lining his shot then fire...
"By the gods!" Justin said in surprise as he saw the direction of Ciel's arrow whizzing through the air hitting a bull's eye. "Ciel! That was amazing! And you said you never shot a bow and arrow ever?"
"N-no," Ciel responded shyly, "but it just felt natural, ya know?"
"We might have another son of Apollo on our hands," Justin said giving his new friend a love tap to the shoulder before laughing. Ciel could only shake his head and laugh.
"Hey! Justin! I made a new thing!" a girl shouted as she ran to the two boys almost going through the line of fire on the archery range. She was brunette covered in soot and grease but wore a warm smile and a pair of goggles on her head.
"Lucy! Careful! Remember there are people shooting arrows here!" Justin chided his sister.
"Oops, sorry it's just I'm a little excited because I wanna show you something." Lucille, a girl no older than nine showed the two boys a small bronze bull. At first, it seemed like a little figure until it started moving and mooing.
"Wow, that's cool!" Ciel said as he looked at the girl's creation. "You made that?"
"Yep! Wait, you're the new boy! I'm Lucille but my friends and family call me Lucy," the girl said as she offered her right hand, though covered in oil and grease, Ciel shook it kindly as to not seem rude.
"I'm Ciel, it's nice to meet you, Lucille."
"Call me Lucy, if you're a friend of my brother then you're a friend of mine." The girl gave a kind smile to Ciel to which he returned in kind.
"Lucy, you want to see something cool?" Justin asked as he turned to Ciel.
"Sure!" Lucille responded excitedly. 
With an encouraging nod from Justin, Ciel loaded another arrow into his bow and fired, landing a bull's eye again. What could be acquainted with sheer luck was something in the making. To Ciel, each arrow fired was liberating like it was something only he could do and do in confidence. 
His display was drawing a small crowd from all the other campers on the field who huddled behind the twelve-year-old who had no prior experience with archery. The crow was captivated by the display and lost it when Ciel finished off by sending the last arrow straight through one of his previously fired arrows. The crowd behind the ever ignorant Ciel clapped and caused him to yelp in surprise getting a chuckle from the crowd of campers. After a few words of praise and hopeful wishes from the children of Apollo, Ciel left the archery range with a very bubbly Lucille and Justin dragging him around the camp for a second tour. Granted he seen the majority of the camp but to be in the company of kids closer to his age was comforting. 
For the rest of the day, Ciel spent it with the Peters siblings having fun but he still was a little sad. When the siblings weren't looking Ciel would wipe tears that threaten to escape. The trio would split off during dinner at the pavilion where Ciel had some time to think to himself. He had a plate of pizza and garlic bread and was enjoying the greasy carb meal. When he was done he tossed half a piece of garlic bread into the flames that other campers were doing to sacrifice to the gods. Hopefully, his parent liked garlic bread otherwise that would be a crime of the most unforgivable kind.
Once dinner was finished, Ciel made his way to the bonfire getting a seat away from the crowd of campers flocking in. Instead of sitting on a long, he sat on the dirt finding it was more than enough and so he could lean his back against the long as he gazed at the stars. He took his attention away from the sky when Chiron called for the attention of the campers to which they all listened.
"Good evening, heroes." Chiron's voice was soft but loud enough to be heard. "Tonight we have someone new and he is someone I suggest we take notice of since he had an impressive display at the archery field. Come on here," Chiron motioned for Ciel to go and stand next to him, Ciel did so nervously as he walked over to stand to the centaur. "Introduce yourself, don't be shy."
"Um, hi! I'm Ciel and I'm from Florida," he rubbed the back of his neck in the nervous tick he had. 
"Tell us more!" Justin shouted from where he was sitting with Lucille who mimicked her brother's shout. 
"Uh, I don't really got anything interesting-" Ciel was cut off as a circle of flames surrounded him causing Chiron to move out of the way from the strong flames. The campfire behind rose fifteen feet into the air and changing between blue and violet shades from the flames and a pair of violet torches hovered over Ciel's head. He was scared of the fire but it didn't hurt him. Whether out of stupidity or curiosity, Ciel reaches to the flames with his left hand and the flames died down until the campfire turned back to normal.
"What the hell just happened?!" Ciel shouted then covered his mouth, that wasn't a good impression. "Sorry..."
"Language aside," Chiron started as he looked to the boy, "you've been claimed child by a powerful goddess, the Titaness, Hecate. Congratulations."
A few weeks later... 
Ciel was at the archery fields as it became his favorite pastime here at camp. Justin, his new best friend, would come out with him and have shooting competitions. It was the perfect motivator to want to get better because Justin was a son of the god of archery so he had some amazing skill but Ciel was always able to make them break even in their little contest. It would get Justin to pout but he didn't pout for long as the two would always break into a laughing fit. Justin was a good friend to Ciel when he hadn't had one for such a long time and was good at getting him out of his shell for pretty much everything. Even Lucille would watch their contest and act as a judge for fun, though she would get squirrelly and would just start tinkering with whatever little project she brought with her.
Granted, after being claimed and being one of the few children of Hecate, his siblings did teach him what their mother represented and provide him with what comfort they could. Though it seems that children of Hecate are introverted beyond belief which wasn't bad. The thing enjoyed with his demigod siblings was learning magic but he hasn't shown any ability in that area yet. For now, though he'll play to what he's a natural at that being archery and surprisingly tracking.
Ciel had been trying to mimic some of the older archers by doing certain movements such as quickdraws, shooting multiple arrows, shooting from different stances. All of which were becoming easier each day he practice. While doing one of his unique shots he heard footsteps coming his way, landing the bull's eye he heard clapping behind him. 
Turning he was met by the sight of a gorgeous girl that was around his age. She had auburn hair, yellow eyes that had a hint of silver, and pale white skin. She wore combat boots, winter camo pants, and a white parka. Equipment-wise, she was carrying a silver bow with a matching quiver, and a combat knife on her hip.
"You shoot well for someone so young," the girl said.
"We are around the same age as far as I can tell," Ciel responded as he wiped the sweat from his brow.
"Do you not know who I am?" the girl asked as her brow quirked up.
"Should I? I have only been here for a few weeks. Sorry." Ciel said rubbing his neck nervously.
"I see, well, my name is Artemis."
"Like the goddess?" Ciel questioned.
"The very same," Artemis responded, "but your assessment is a little off because I am that goddess." Ciel's face went as pale as what was possible for a man of his skin tone could. Kneeling in a panic Ciel when ahead and face-planted. 
"Ow!" Ciel whined as Artemis let out a light chuckle. "Sorry," he said as stood back up, "I hope I didn't offend you Lady Artemis."
"You did no such thing, but you did however amused me with your attempt at trying to be respectful. I will let it slide," Artemis said as she regained her composure. "You're quite skilled with that bow of yours. Are you a child of my brother, Ares, or Athena?" the goddess inquired to which Ciel shook his head "no."
"I'm a son of Hecate," the nervous boy said, "allow me to introduce myself properly. My name is Ciel Ambrose Silverstein and it's an honor to meet you Lady Artemis. I've only known about this world for only a few weeks but I'm trying to learn. So I do apologize in advance if I don't know something or do something wrong."
"You're quite mature for only what, eleven?" Artemis questioned.
"Twelve, actually."
"Your father a hunter?" 
"Then how can you handle a bow so well? I imagine you have no experience from how you just explained yourself." 
"Oh, you be right there but it's just strange, it just feels natural to have a bow in my hand," Ciel said as he glanced at his bow with a small smile. "It's weird but it's a familiar feeling, I probably am not making any sense am I?"
"You are," Artemis said as she looked at the young boy before an idea came to mind. "Say, Ciel was it? Care to have a friendly competition?"
"A competition?" Ciel asked as he glanced at the goddess.
"Nothing too insane, just an archery competition between the two of us." Artemis looked at the boy with a challenging look in her eyes.
"I'm not sure if I am worthy or skilled enough to compete against you," Ciel hesitated though Artemis shot him a stern glare. "But I'd be happy to face you Lady Artemis."
"Excellent," Artemis smirked as she took a stance next to the child of Hecate. "First to twenty-five bull's eye?" Ciel nodded in agreement as his nervous deemer hardens into that of someone serious.
The two went on Artemis signal as they began their competition, the two let their arrows fly one by one. As the competition was underway, a gathering of campers and some of the Hunters of Artemis watched the display of skill between the goddess and the demigod. The two were three for three, Artemis clearly the more skilled but Ciel's natural ability was making the match slightly more even. Artemis glanced over to see that Ciel wasn't gonna submit easily so she decided to get a bit more showie by shooting at a faster rate. Ciel noticed this and began speeding his rate of fire to which caused Artemis to grin slightly.
"Not bad kid, but I'm better," Artemis thought as she kept hitting the target repeatedly, her arrows slicing clean through her arrows. 
It seemed Artemis was about to win one step closer to victory only to be shocked with how Ciel kept a steady pace as her. Each breath was released with each arrow with such accuracy that Artemis had to admit she was impressed. No mortal has shown this level of skill for so long in her existence, only two men ever showed this level of skill but they were long gone. Men she hadn't thought of for a few centuries as she had gotten over their deaths ages ago.
The goddess and the demigod were on their last arrow, this last shot would determine the victor and Artemis wasn't going to lose this. With such quickness, she shot her arrow and landing perfectly on her target. Turning to her adversary with a grin, believing she won Ciel had surprised her by landing a perfect bull's eye that shattered the last arrow he shot causing a-
"No way! A tie?!" one random demigod shouted.
Ciel dropped to his knees panting as a blanket of sweat cascaded his face. He looked to his target surprised he even kept up at all. His arms were aching and he was exhausted trying not to fall behind. It was one thing to compete against Justin but against the Goddess of the Hunt? Nope, not an easy task and not one he'd forget for the longest time. 
"Well, you seem pretty capable. Well done, but don't let this get to your head." Artemis warned.
"Why would I do that? This was fun Lady Artemis," Ciel panted as he looked to the goddess who gave him a narrow eye glare before giving him a small smirk, shaking her head.
"You're an odd one, I expect you to do better the next time and give me a real competition next time."
"There's gonna be the next time?" Ciel gulped.
"Of course," Artemis said sternly, "I am a goddess and I am not one to let someone get the better of me. Especially, to a man."
"I um hope to give you a good competition then?" Ciel said as Artemis walked off with her Hunters in toe. After Artemis left the archery field, Ciel was stormed by Justin and Lucille who began questioning why he was competing against Artemis. How was able to tie and was a secret descendant of Apollo from previous generations. He tried to answer but Justin and Lucille shaking him like a maraca was not helping with him trying to explain himself to them.
While Artemis had walked away with her Hunters, her sister Thalia decides to try and ask the goddess who simply brushed off the questioning. Thalia did make a light joke of Artemis seeing a cute boy but that only caused the goddess to shoot her the nastiest death glare anyone has seen for a while. It was quite humorous for the Hunters to see their lieutenant get nervous as they knew Artemis wasn't someone that would break her vow. As the Hunters talked amongst themselves in response to their astonishment at the young demigod skill their mistress was plagued by a quiet thought in her head. 
"He seems so much like those two. Huh, haven't thought of those two for some time. Maybe he might be good for the hunt in a few years? Mmm, no. Last men that join the hunt died..." Artemis sighed as she glanced back over her shoulder to the direction of where Ciel was. "Best not to dwell on it and tempt the Fates."
This summer would define Ciel's life forever. From being claimed by his mother who chose not to show up until Ciel's life was endangered, to make two friends, and now having a goddess as a rival? Fate truly was cruel but certain events have been set in motion and Ciel was at the center of it all. This was a new beginning for Ciel, he was important whether he realized it or not as his path has become intertwined with others. Hopefully, he can make the right choice or he may meet an untimely fate...
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hotpotrandomfics · 3 years
Riordanverse OC Headcanon: Leon Terrance Winters’ Love Life
Astrid Yennif (Y.) Stone
When Leon was twelve he had made friends with a new demigod to Hotel Valhalla, Astrid Yennif (Y.) Stone, the daughter of Njord and grand daughter of Idun. The girl initially was standoffish but warmed up to the grandson of Odin, the two were inseparable for many years.
Leon, for Astrid 14th birthday, constructed a knife made of Bone Steel. It was engraved in old Runes that said “Fair seas,” and it was the first time Leon ever saw Astrid cried. The girl was forever grateful for the gift from her friend. The two would stargaze that night and would point out random star patterns and make up their own constellations and stories. Something super serious or super ridiculous, never in the middle.
One day, Astrid was revealed to be a servant for Loki and was caught stealing some important artifacts. Leon had witness this and tried to stop her but Astrid had stabbed her friend, the one she loved, and escaped following a rift in the nine realms and disappearing for a few years. Leaving Leon to bleed out and be saved by some of the older demigods, betrayed, Leon shut himself away for people for a years time.
Thalia Grace
Around the time Leon was 17, he had learned that some of the other pantheons through the ages existed and he had the idea to create an alliance for the sake of keeping the world and other realms safe. A blessing by Odin, Leon went on to try and forge these alliances for the betterment of the world. Once he found a means of contacting the Greeks and Roman demigods they had begun making plans for a summit between the parties and representatives, Leon being the representative for the Norse. Traveling to New Rome, Leon would encounter many demigods and form friendships, one in particular with Thalia Grace after light and playfully flirting that she returned that seemed harmless.
Leon would have a training session in New Rome to which Thalia would witness Leon skills along with some her Greco-Roman friends (Lucille, Justin, and Clara) who enjoyed the display, different techniques, and weapons. Leon would go to his small audience asking if they enjoyed the show to which they all agreed was a cool display. Thalia, being bold, challenge the boy to a spar to which Leon accepted to the condition they make a bet. She’d teach him to skateboard if he won and if she won he’d do whatever she’d ask for an entire day. The battle between the two was like well executed dance but after losing their weapons and wrestling on the ground, Thalia on the top mount and losing it the battle concluded in Leon very close victory.
After a few weeks during the summit, Thalia and Leon would become good friends and the two seem to grow closer and closer the more time spend together. The night of the closing of the summit end with a grand festival and party to which they both attended. The two would spend sporadic time with each other when not occupied with playing diplomacy. Eventually, the two sealed the night with a dance with each other and almost having an intimate moment that was interrupted by Artemis, the goddess of the hunt and moon. She didn’t mind so much as she two had change of heart for certain things of her oath and decided to give more freedom to her huntresses within reason. She left the two in an awkward state, the two of them decide to continue where they left off as fireworks went off. A second chance for both of them to explore something they weren’t sure of but felt the need to tread those waters.
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notihatillo · 5 years
Este resumen de noticias llega a, ustedes por cortesía de @NotiHatillo /La Ceiba de Ramón Muchacho /Alcaldía de El Hatillo
El Hatillo 19 de Mayo del 2019
Alcalde Elias Sayegh informó de Inestabilidad eléctrica en diversas zonas del Hatillo.
Alcaldía de El Hatillo rindio homenaje a las enfermeras en su día, estas abnegadas trabajadoras de la salud estuvieron compartiendo con el alcalde Elias Sayegh en un merecido homenaje este pasado viernes.
Como todos los años la comunidad de La Unión celebró el día de su Patrono San Isidro Labrador con una emotiva procesión en honor al Santo. Autoridades del Hatillo estuvieron presente en este homenaje.
Ciclo de agua por Hidrocapital se mantiene hoy Domingo en el municipio.
Continúa el plan de bacheo y restauración de arterias viales en el municipio.
Usuarios de la empresa INTER denuncian fallas continuas en la prestacion de ese servicio de Internet y Tv en el municipio, sin embargo los cobros se mantienen igual a pesar de las fallas.
Sin esperanzas, usuarios de CANTV denuncian la situación de ausencia de tono en las líneas telefónicas, son miles de abonados que siguen pagando por un servicio inexistente y cuando buscan información solo les dicen que la falla es por falta de respuestos, avería en cable etc etc. Pareciera que no hay intención de solucionar el problema. Pero los cobros por un servicio inexistente no cesan y los suscriptores consideran que estan siendo objeto de una estafa por parte de la empresa telefónica. Un grupo de abogados estan preparando acciones legales contra la CANTV.
Y la perrita y la gatica que hacían vida desde hace muchos años en el supermercado La Muralla están resguardados, ahora se buscan adoptantes para estas mascotas.
Tal Cual. Guaidó sobre acercamiento en Noruega: “No confundamos los objetivos con los mecanismos.”
Guaidó: “Sí fuimos a las reuniones, pero no a entablar nada. No hay nada que entablar. Vamos a hablar con todos los que sean necesarios para lograr la libertad de Venezuela,”.
Presidente (E) Guaidó: “Nuestra agenda es muy clara, pública y notoria (…) No nos van a confundir. No nos van a joder, ya basta que nos vean la cara de tontos. Venezuela va a tener su democracia y libertad muy pronto”.
Juan Guaidó: “Agradecemos al Gobierno de Noruega, pero los venezolanos ya no nos dejamos engañar”.
NetBlocks: YouTube, Google y Bing presentan bloqueos en Venezuela tras visita de Guaidó a Guatire.
Rafael Guzmán desde Guatire: No queremos cualquier diálogo que le alargue la vida a este régimen.
NTN24: Grupo de Contacto busca “camino electoral negociado” para Venezuela.
Tal Cual: Representantes del MAS, Copei, Cambiemos y Avanzada Progresista se reunieron con el Grupo de Contacto a quienes explicaron su visión de la situación nacional y las alternativas que vislumbran para salir de la crisis política.
Sumarium. Maduro dice que ganaría “por paliza” otra elección: “La que viene es la de la AN”.
Tamara Suju publicó video de las celdas de tortura de la DGCIM.
El Nacional: Ex director de PC Barinas denunció que recibió amenazas del oficialismo.
Juan Carlos Gutiérrez, abogado de Leopoldo López, logra salir de Venezuela antes de ser detenido.
Así actúan los colectivos chavistas: CNN tuvo acceso exclusivo a sus líderes en Caracas.
Reporte Ya: En Aragua, autobuses hacen colas kilométricas por escasez de gasolina.
Kilométricas colas para surtir gasolina al Norte de Barquisimeto.
La Patilla: Transportistas trancan vías de Mérida por falta de gasolina.
El Pitazo: En Acarigua paralizan actividades por escasez de gasolina.
Reporte Ya: Tres horas en promedio para poder llenar el tanque de gasolina de 91 octanos en Anzoátegui.
La Patilla: En Maracaibo familias comen dentro de sus carros mientras hacen cola por escasez de gasolina.
El Pitazo: GNB pide cédulas para controlar las colas por escasez de gasolina en Cabimas.
GNB impidió a la periodista Pableysa Ostos realizar la cobertura de las colas por la escasez de gasolina en Pto. Ordaz.
Hacían cola por gasolina en la Valencia-Puerto Cabello y se fue la luz.
PDVSA sostiene que está bajo ataque con ‘Fake News’, pese a las colas registradas en todo el país.
Dip. Biagio Pilieri: “Un país petrolero pero sin gasolina por culpa de este régimen inútil y corrupto”.
Tal Cual: Gestión de Maduro llevó las toneladas de oro del BCV a mínimos históricos.
Reporte Ya: Colectivos atacaron campamento de Rescate Venezuela en Trujillo.
El Nacional: Destruyeron y saquearon el auditorio de la UDO en Cumaná.
Gustavo Marcano informa que los 50 países que reconocen a Guaidó aceptarán los pasaportes vencidos.
Amnistía Internacional Venezuela reconoce al SNTP con el premio Activismo Destacado 2019.
EFE: Jesuitas alertan de riesgo de xenofobia en frontera de Colombia y Venezuela.
Acnur considera que crisis venezolana no tiene precedentes en el hemisferio, pero descarta la constitución de campos de refugiados en América Latina. ?
NTN24. Embajador de Guaidó en Colombia: Situación con militares sublevados está “prácticamente solucionada”.
EFE: Obispos de América dicen que abrazan “el dolor” de Venezuela, Nicaragua y Haití.
El Nacional: Policía española sospecha que hay 13 integrantes del grupo ETA en Venezuela.
EFE: Timochenko pide a FARC defender proceso de paz pese a recaptura de Santrich.
AFP: Evo Morales arranca campaña presidencial con promesas de desarrollo.
Europa Press: Cristina Fernández de Kirchner será candidata a vicepresidenta de Argentina.
Macri sobre Cristina Kirchner: Volver al pasado sería autodestruirnos.
OEA convoca a sesión extraordinaria para analizar la situación en Nicaragua.
The New York Times: Trump ha solicitado el papeleo que le permita avanzar rápidamente con indultos para algunos criminales de guerra estadounidenses.
AFP: Protesta de «chalecos amarillos» en Francia llega sus seis meses en franca caída.
Reuters: Convocan a elecciones anticipadas en Austria tras comprometedor video de vicecanciller.
Holanda se impuso en el festival de la canción de Eurovisión.
Reuters: Con pañuelos verdes, equipo fílmico protesta en Cannes contra ley de aborto en Argentina.
Djokovic y Nadal se medirán en la final del Abierto de Italia.
El Nacional: Pitaron a Antoine Griezmann en su despedida del Atlético.
AFP: Guardiola define la temporada del City como «un año increíble».
EFE: Instalan en Panamá primer purificador de aire de la región con microalgas.
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