#cnng s1 e6
shadowsndaisies · 3 years
codename: nightingale - Infiltrated
Reference: Young Justice Season 1 Episode 6
WC: 5758
synopsis: you ever kiss your best friend? bc I swear it was not on purpose. also we finally meet our favorite archer (no offense roy)
main masterlist
codename: nightingale series masterpost
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MOUNT JUSTICE August 8th, 09:58 EDT
You smiled softly, head tilted up to the sky as the sun beamed back down on you. 
“Hello, Megan! We should hit the beach every day," M’gann decided as you stood on the shore of a private Happy Harbor beach behind the Mountain. M’gann was wearing a yellow bikini, and you were dressed in a red one, currently covered by your halter top and jean shorts. Your surfboard was resting under your right arm, and a pair of sunglasses covered your eyes.
“First, a moment of silence for our absent comrade," Robin decided, and all of your heads dropped in despair.
“Poor Wally," M’gann frowned, and you nodded in agreement.
You set yourselves up before everybody ran into the water. Shaking your head, you shed your extra layers and laid down on your stomach on top of your towel. You were reading a book, trying to tan when you were suddenly picked up. The book fell from your grasp and back down onto your towel. After your initial shock, you were able to spot that Kaldur had picked you up and was carrying you toward the water. 
“Kaldur!” you protested from over his shoulder.
“Birdy!” Robin mocked from somewhere nearby, causing you to roll your eyes. 
“Kaldur, put me down!” you commanded, lightly slapping his back.
“Down?” he asks.
“Yes! Please!” you beg.
“Alright," he agreed, and you knew he was wearing a smirk because a second later, he had dropped you into the water. 
Sputtering as you came up, you looked him in the eye; your sunglasses had just slightly slid due to the water. It was enough to flash your (e/c) eyes at him, a mischievous and murderous glance in them. 
“This. Means. War," you immediately begin your attack by splashing at the older boy. It takes only a moment before all five of you are in the midst of a water war. (kaldur had an unfair advantage)
You all stayed in the water for a while, before getting out to eat lunch on the beach. You had barbequed hot dogs and hamburgers. You played sand volleyball, and you and Kaldur even tried to teach everyone else how to surf. Robin was the only one who got it. You had intended to stay out all day if you could, and you would’ve until you were called in. 
It was almost comical as you all began rushing about within the cave. You showered and suited up. If any of your mentors were to walk through the locker room, they would see towels, civilian clothes, and swimsuits were thrown about. By the time you fell in line for the briefing, you were still content with how the majority of your day had gone; you were also sporting a fresh tan.
“Recognized; Kid Flash, b-03," The computer’s feminine mechanical voice announced, just as Batman was about to begin the briefing. Your eyes, however, stayed upon the girl in green who was standing beside Ollie. Oliver Queen was usually a straightforward man. However, now he seemed to be avoiding your eyes.
“The Wall-man is here! Now let's get this party star- Unh! -ted," when you heard Wally fall, that’s when you turned your gaze away from the girl. 
You saw as the multicolored beach ball bounced away and had to bite back the laugh at the sight of your friend splayed out on the ground. With a short glance around, you noticed that you were not the only one.
“Wall-man, huh? I love the uniform," the blonde new girl smirks. “What exactly are your powers?”
“Uh, who's this?” Wally asks, gesturing to her and then looking directly at you and Robin, and your fingers began to fidget with one of your ring daggers nervously.
“Artemis, your new teammate,” she introduces herself.
“Kid Flash. Never heard of you," Wally’s eyes narrow.
“Um, she's my new protégé," Ollie stepped in, and your eyes narrowed on the beach ball as it began bouncing close to you, ring dagger swinging in your hand and stabbing at the beach ball when it was in reach.
“What happened to your old one?” you pressed, your voice sounding a bit harsher than expected, and the dagger still gripped in your hands as the now punctured beach ball deflated and fell to the floor.
“NG…” Robin called your name softly as you glared at Oliver. Your stare was icy, even with the domino mask.
“Recognized; Speedy, b-06," The computer interrupted, and Roy emerged from the Zeta tubes.
“Well, for starters, he doesn't go by Speedy anymore. Call me Red Arrow.” 
“Roy," your entire body and face relaxed at the sight of him. “We need to talk,” you swallowed, twirling the ring dagger in your hand. 
“You look-” Ollie begins.
“Replaceable," Roy spits, and your eyes narrow once again, in pure distaste of the word.
“Roy,” you repeated his name but got no response.
“It's not like that. You told me you were going solo," Ollie justified.
“So why waste time finding a sub? Can she even use that bow?” Roy bites harshly, and in that moment, you realized Artemis wasn’t at fault here. 
Roy left; he told you he’d never join. You knew Ollie liked having a partner, so he found someone with the same goals as the rest of you, someone who wants to make a difference. You shouldn’t penalize her for that. 
“Roy,” you say his name a third time, but again are ignored, you anxiously twirl the dagger once again.
“Yes, she can," Artemis shot back, stepping up.
“Who are you?” Wally asks again.
“I'm his niece," & “She's my niece," Came from both Artemis and Ollie simultaneously, and your eyebrows furrowed. Ollie didn’t have a niece.
“Another niece?” Robin asks but gains no reply.
“But she is not your replacement. We have always wanted you on the team, And we have no quota on archers," Kaldur says wisely.
“And if we did, you know who we'd pick," Wally tells Roy, and you can’t help but resent that statement for how unfair it seemed to be.
“Whatever, Baywatch. I'm here to stay,” Artemis defended herself, and you respect her for it.
“You came to us for a reason," Kaldur tries in an attempt to defuse the bomb of a situation arising by turning to face Roy.
“Yeah, a reason named Dr. Serling Roquette," Roy begins.
“Nanorobotics genius and claytronics expert at Royal University in Star City,” you say in awe. You’d read Dr. Roquette’s work with Felicity Smoak, one of Ollie’s friends. It was one of your favorite moments while adjusting to the superhero life growing up. It also served as a big enough distraction to hear what Roy wanted to say before you tried to pull him aside again.
“Vanished two weeks ago," Robin continues pulling photos and information up on the screen.
“Thought you might be intrigued, Birdy,” Roy shoots you a look that’s almost a smile before it returns to a scowl. “Abducted two weeks ago by the league of shadows,” he corrected.
“Whoa. You want us to rescue her from the shadows?” Robin asked. 
“Hard-core," Wally smiled.
“I already rescued her. Only, one problem. The shadows had already coerced her into creating a weapon. Doc calls it the fog, composed of millions of microscopic robots, nanotech infiltrators capable of disintegrating anything in their path-- concrete, steel, flesh, bone. But its true purpose isn't mere destruction. It's theft. The infiltrators eat and store raw data from any computer system and deliver the stolen intel to the shadows. Providing them access to weapons, strategic defense, cutting-edge science, and tech," Roy explains.
“Perfect for extortion, manipulation, power broking. Yeah, sounds like the shadows," Artemis pitches, ultimately agreeing with Roy, and your lips pursed.
“Like you know anything about the shadows,” Wally smirked until he saw the ‘try me’ look on Artemis’ face. “Who are you?!” He explodes.
“Roquette's working on a virus to render the fog inert," Roy continues.
“But if the shadows know she can do that," Robin pieces. 
“They'll target her,” you finish the thought, making eye contact with Robin.
“Roy I need to talk to you,” you repeated once more.
“Right now, she's off the grid. I stashed her at the local high school's computer lab," Roy completes, glancing at you for a second.
“You left her alone?” Ollie pressed.
“Roy,” you repeat his name, you were twirling the blade in circles around your fingers. 
“She's safe enough for now," Roy promised.
“Then let’s, you and I, keep her that way," Ollie attempts.
“You and I? Don't you wanna take your new protégé?” Roy lashed out, and Ollie visibly deflated.
“You brought this to the team. It's their mission, which means it's hers now, too,” Ollie says after being stopped by Batman.
“Then my job's done," Roy scoffs before turning to walk away.
The blade in your hand lands with deadly accuracy by Roy’s foot, effectively stopping him as you stepped in front of him. “You and me, Thursday, no masks, no adults, our favorite place for breakfast, at 7," you decided, addressing him quietly, tired of trying to get him to respond to you.
“No,” he says, trying to push past you, but you stand your ground.
“I wasn’t asking,” you tell him, finally stepping aside, allowing him to walk by. “You better show, Red Arrow, don’t forget!” you bend down to grab your knife.
“Recognized; Speedy-” The computer begins.
“That's Red Arrow, b-06. Update," Roy says, correcting the Zeta’s as he beams out. 
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HAPPY HARBOR August 8, 21:59 ED
“Everyone online?” M’gann’s voice rang out over the psychic link.
“Ohh,” Artemis muttered, “this is weird.”
“And distracting!” Roquette interrupted. “Coding a distributive algorithm virus on a kiddie computer With less ram than a wristwatch is hard enough. Now I have to hear teen-think in my skull?”
“Someone’s a complainer,” you muttered at Roquette, though thankfully, she couldn’t hear you.
“Lady, do you always complain when someone tries to help you?” KF shot back.
“Pot, kettle. Have you met?” Artemis hinted, and your eyes darted between them.
“Hey! Hey, I do not need attitude from the newbie who drove Red Arrow off the team,” KF argued, and you bit your lip.
“That is so not on me!” Artemis negated.
Roquette let out a sigh, “Fate of the world at stake.”
Wally was quick to defend himself, “She started it.”
“Brat,” you murmur silently, rolling your eyes at Wally.
“How 'bout I just help Miss Martian and Superboy patrol the perimeter?” Artemis offered, moving from her spot in the room.
“Good idea,” Aqualad agreed, finally stepping in.
Robin smirked at you before sending something to the link. “You might cut her some slack,” he teased, and you knew exactly where he was headed.
You smirked back before adding on, “It was her arrow saved your ass against Amazo.”
“What? No, that was Speedy's - I mean Red Arrow's arrow, right?” KF stuttered.
Rob and I make eye contact before we both respond, “Not so much.”
“Humph. Well, still not giving her the satisfaction,” KF decided, and you rolled your eyes.
“You know I can still hear you,” Artemis reminded him, and a smile split your lips.
“Ahh!” KF let out a groan, and you and Robin guffawed slightly under your breath.
Roquette let out another sigh, “I couldn't get the Justice League.”
You sobered for a second, looking back to Kaldur and then the Doctor, “The virus won't be of much use if we cannot find the weapon,” he shared. 
“Can you track it?” you asked her, tagging onto what he had said.
Roquette turned to you with narrowed eyes, “My utility fog is not a weapon,” she argued. “It's science, brilliant science. And of course I can track it, but I'd have to go online. Might as well rent a billboard with this address and "assassinate me" written in neon.”
You and Aqualad stepped forward, and gently you placed a hand on her shoulder, “We will protect you,” you assured her, and Kaldur gave the nod in affirmation.
Her attention shifted from the computer screen to you and Kaldur before she gave a little nod of agreement, “Tracking the fog now,” she relented.
As Artemis arrived outside with M’gann and Superboy, you moved back toward Robin, who was sitting on one of the desks. You sat down beside him and placed your hands beside his so that they were just barely touching. You had found yourself closer to Robin since the Amazo mission, both physically and emotionally. The small crush that had been there before seemed viable, and while facing the Shadows barely shook you, the idea of pursuing a relationship seemed unattainable. So, for now, you’d stick to just barely touching hands, and sharing the understanding looks that passed between you both.
It had been relatively quiet for a while up until Artemis spoke up, “Mhm, that boy.” Your face pinched in reaction, knowing that she had to be thinking of Superboy.
“He can hear you. We can all hear you!” M’gann challenged, defensively.
“Oh, I know,” you could hear the smirk in Artemis’ tone.
You faked a gag to Robin, who smiled and looked down, trying to stifle his laughter, though you stopped promptly when Roquette turned back to you. A blinking dot on her screen, she had found the fog.
Your gaze shifted to Kaldur, waiting for his next decision. “Miss Martian, Dr. Roquette has located the fog. Reconfigure the Bioship so that Robin and Superboy can pursue,” he ordered. 
Your lips pursed as you glanced at Robin before looking back to Kaldur, “What about-”
“No,” he cut you off. “We need you here. Join Artemis and Miss Martian outside,” he instructed, and you bit your lip before nodding passively.
You decided arguing with Kaldur now may not be the smartest thing you could do, so instead, you and Robin got up and walked out. 
“Hey, don’t die on me, okay?” you joked, but there was something a bit deeper underneath.
“What? And leave you here to deal with all of Wally’s bullshit alone? That’s a fate worse than death, and I’m not that cruel," Rob mused, and you briefly wondered if his eyes would’ve twinkled as he said it. 
While excellent for identity concealment, Domino Masks made it challenging to gather the full range of expressions on a person’s face. 
M’gann’s voice cut through the new silence, “Ready,” she announced, and your eyes darted from his face, back to the ground.
You offered a quirked smile as you arrived outside. With a slight nod and a brush of your hands, he’s running to meet Superboy, and you’re off to join the other girls on perimeter control. The two boys run onto the Bioship, and it disappears from view, leaving the rest of you to return to your posts. 
M’gann didn’t miss a beat before turning to Artemis, “You embarrassed Superboy.”
“Didn't hear him say that,” Artemis challenged, and you observed her tensed body language.
“Must you challenge everyone?” the Martian shot back.
Artemis’ eyes narrowed as she began to walk away, “Where I come from, that's how you survive.”
“That sounds exhausting,” you decide, meeting Artemis’ eyes, but she doesn’t respond.
The three of you decided it might be beneficial to split up while taking another lap of the perimeter. You rejoined the other two by the front entrance to the high school. 
It was silent until Aqualad’s hurried voice broke through, “Nightingale, M'gann, Kid, Artemis; we are under attack in the computer lab!” he shouted.
Your eyes widened and you spun on your foot before running in, “On our way.”
As the three of you took the halls, you realized that someone was missing, and you slowed to a stop in the middle of the hall. 
“Kid Flash,” you heard M’gann mutter. 
“I got him. You go!” you decide, turning around and heading to the last place M’gann ‘felt’ Wally.
You burst through the doors and onto the pool deck, braids whipping against your back as you look for your friend. When you spotted him in the water, floating face down, you dove into the pool without hesitation. You swim as fast as you could toward him. When you reached Wally, you turned him over, so his face was out of the water before pulling him to the pool deck. One arm on the concrete and the other around Wally, you pull him out of the water. You climbed out as soon as he was secure, before throwing yourself on top of Wally to check for a pulse. All that succeeded in doing was making you more panicked when you couldn’t find it.
Immediately you began to perform CPR, stopping to give him mouth to mouth when needed. After an eternity of a minute, Wally started coughing and spluttering water. 
“Oh my God!” you breathed, collapsing back on your hands as Wally slowly pulled himself up into a sitting position.
Your chest heaved as you tried to get your emotions in check and avoid having a panic attack. A few deep breaths later, you stood up on shaky knees and pulled him up along with. 
Then, you began whacking his arm. “Don’t. You. Ever. Ever. Do. Anything. Like. That. Ever. Again!” each word was punctuated with a hit.
“Okay, okay, I won’t drown," he surrendered, a playful smirk splayed on his lips, but you could see the way his chest was still shuttering with deep breaths.
“Drowning?” you repeat, staring at him. “I mean, dying! I cannot do that again, Wally!” you shout. He stares at you with wide eyes for a second and you launch your body at him, pulling him into the tightest hug you could manage. “Please,” you begged, your voice sounding weaker than before. 
“I’m alive, and that’s because of you,” he reminds you, hugging you back. “Plus you can’t get rid of me that easily,” he mused, and you smack the back of his head in response.
“Okay! God! let’s go!” Wally huffed, picking you up bridal style and running you back to the computer lab.
You had arrived in time to see an assassin in green with a mask, she took a look at you and Wally before stepping back. “-Maybe a little too interesting," she decided, dropping a smoke bomb. 
Wally lunged forward only to grab Artemis through the smoke instead. “Gone," he grunted.
“She's getting away! You're letting her getaway!” Roquette shouted.
Wally reared toward the new archer, “This is all your fault! You were on the perimeter! How'd that Shadow get in?” he was raging at Artemis, and your brows pinched.
“That's not really fair. I was outside, too," M’gann reminds him.
“So was I," you add, facing the red-headed speedster who’s eyes softened considerably as he stared at your disapproving expression.
“Outside being distracted by her!" he was grasping at straws as a fair amount of his rage seemed to melt away. “Besides, I can't be mad at you," he addes, turning his attention back to you.
“You gave me mouth-to-mouth,” he said telepathically, and you rolled your eyes despite the blush that appeared at the same time.
“We heard that!” everyone else shouted.
“Dang it!” Wally exclaims, walking away from you all. 
Though you don’t let it go that easily. You push him until he’s in the hall, closing the door behind you, separating you both from the rest of the team temporarily. 
“What the hell is your issue with her?” you whisper yelled. Wally West might be one of your closest friends but you couldn’t figure out what was going on with him. 
“What do you mean, ‘what’s my issue?’ it’s the same issue we all have!” He shot back.
“Is it?” you challenged. “Because you’re the only one treating her like she doesn’t deserve to be here!” you added, voice rising slightly. 
You receive an eye-roll in response. 
“Do not roll your eyes at me. I would give my life to save you, Rob, Kaldur, or Roy. And I love Roy, but you can’t do this to her, because she, Wallace, no matter what you think, she belongs here and deserves to be here. On this team, with all of us. Ollie chose her, after Roy told him he was done. You cannot blame her for something she can’t control. Because guess what, West? She doesn’t control Roy. Roy controls Roy, and you better understand that you’re mad at him, not the new girl who is risking her life to help us," you argue. “She deserves your respect,” you finish and notice the look on Wally’s face.
You can see he’s trying to soak up what you just said, but at the moment you couldn’t bring yourself to feel bad about what you had said. Wally’s been a jerk to Artemis the entire time she’s been here, and that was not okay.
Your saving grace came as Robin’s voice crackled over the comms. “Robin to Aqualad. We're over Philadelphia. We've located the shadows' next target, Star Labs.” There’s a moment of silence before you hear Robin let out a low gasp, “We're too late. It's destroyed, totally destroyed. The fog decimated it. This is bad. Star Labs is cutting-edge science, And now their secrets are in the hands of the enemy.”
You swallowed, eyes on Wally as you spoke into the comm, “What's our next move?” you ask.
“Rescan for that fog. Find it. We're moving the Doctor," Aqualad decides.
You turn to Wally once more, “you need to get it together,” you sigh, opening the door and walking back toward the rest of the team. 
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While you and Aqualad went out on a perimeter patrol, M’gann, Wally, and Artemis put the plan in motion. Together, the two of you walked for a while in silence until Aqualad spoke up.
“I seemed to have noticed something our other friends have missed," he smirked.
“Really? What’s that?” you asked, turning away from your surroundings to look at him.
“You seem to be more prone to contact with a certain Boy Wonder than you have been in the past," he notes and your cheeks redden immediately.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you can’t hide the smile that comes along with the shameless lie though. 
“You forget, old friend, we met each other many years ago, in my home. I take pride in the fact that I still know you quite well," he smiles, and you look away, a small pout on your lips.
“Whatever,” you mumbled, gaining a soft chuckle.
When he calms a bit you give him a knowing look, “you know they’re probably glaring at each other.”
“Yes, I would think so,” he agreed, and you shook your head. 
“Stop it, both of you,” you order, through the psychic link while sharing a smirk with Kaldur. 
Both Artemis and KF respond immediately, “What?!”
“We can hear you glaring,” Aqualad tells them and you crack a smile.
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After a bit, you notice some movement on the horizon, and Kaldur picked up on it too. It was time to put the plan in motion. 
“Miss Martian, stay in camouflage mode and make a wide perimeter sweep," Aqualad ordered aloud, although you both knew it was a lie, Miss M was still with Dr. Roquette. 
Kaldur gave you a nod and moved toward the right while you went to the left. Within seconds, someone came up behind you and conked you on the head. Everything went blurry, and while it was disorienting, it wasn’t enough to knock you out. You do however, make sure to fake collapse anyways.
You stay down with closed eyes and you listen to the Assassins move.  
“The martian could return any second, and I'm not keen on evening their odds. We end Roquette now," a woman said, and you recognized her voice as the same assassin from before. 
You follow the plan, waiting a few moments before slowly getting back up. You stay low in the tall grass to avoid being spotted before quietly racing back to the new location where you had stashed Roquette. When you arrived she was typing away. 
“I've almost got it," she informs you. 
When her computer beeps you look over her shoulder and your eyes widen, “The next target's a Wayne Tech facility," you mutter, suddenly very aware of how close to home this hits.
“We have company," Aqualad warns just as a smoke bomb explodes in front of you.
“Uploading now. And by the way, you said you'd protect me," Roquette sassed.
Both you and Aqualad turn around and see the attacker coming out of the vents. You pull out your escrima sticks as she shoots a bunch of darts at Aqualad. 
“Let's test the limit of your jellyfish immunity, shall we?” the assassin drawled, and when Kaldur staggered back, she stalked further. “There. Limit tested," you could almost hear the smirk as Aqualad fell. “Now, Doctor, time for my appointment," 
“Sorry, but there’s a bit of a wait," you interrupt, eyes narrowing behind your mask as she lunges. 
You use the escrima sticks proficiently against her, but it’s clear the shadows have trained her very well. After a few minutes, she manages to disarm you. She kicks you back and walks toward Dr. Roquette. You grab a ring dagger and throw it at her, the sharp blade attaches her to another table, slicing through part of her green robe. 
She turns her head back to you, as you struggle back to your feet, “Impressive aim,” she notes, pulling the blade out, “but you’ll find mine to be better,” she chucked your knife back at you. 
Your body reacted on its own, turning as the blade sped toward your face. The edge managed a cut to your cheek, before it embedded itself in the wall behind you. 
You squared off with the assassin, grabbing more blades from their harnesses, though a sudden ding drew her attention away from you.
“So you finished the virus, eliminating the reason for your elimination, though not the entertainment value," she realized, slowly backing toward the door. “Lucky for you, my orders are clear. You live to program another day. After all, Doctor, the shadows may find another use for you," then she disappeared into the shadows.
You shoved the blades back into their harness and rushed to Kaldur first, “Aqualad?” your arms wrapped around him for stability. 
“I will be okay,” he assures you. “What of Roquette?” he grunted. 
“She’s fine,” you promise as you help him out the door. 
Roquette crouched down and picked up your escrima sticks, handing them gently back to you. You smiled at her as you slid them into the harness on your back. 
When you exit the building you spot Artemis, but no one else. 
“Artemis, where's the assassin?” you asked, still supporting part of Kaldur’s weight as you stop before her.
A pained expression crossed her features, “She, uh… she got away," Artemis admitted depressedly.
Before you could tell her it was okay, Wally had interrupted. 
“Oh, from you? Oh, big surprise. Notice we got ours," Wally brags, gesturing to the incapacitated people behind him. 
“KF,” your tone has a warning edge, and the speedster rolled his eyes. Though they got caught on something down on the floor. 
“Cool. Souvenir!" Wally rushed over and swiped it up off the ground. 
While he was occupied you turned back to Kaldur, “This is going to hurt,” you mutter to the older boy as you wrap your hand around one of the darts. 
“Do it,” he assures you, and you offer a small smile and you begin to pull the darts out of his skin. 
“Alright,” you nodded, as you got the last one. 
Slowly he straightened up before turning toward Artemis, “Her mask? Did you see her... her face?” Aqualad questions weekly from beside me.
“It was dark," Artemis stuttered.
“It is fine. Robin and Superboy neutralized the fog, And Dr. Roquette is safe, thanks in no small part to you. Welcome to the team," he was quick to reassure her before shaking her hand.
“I've always wanted a sister. Here on Earth, I mean. I have twelve back on Mars but trust me, it's not the same," M’gann smiled giddily.
“I wouldn't know. But thanks," Artemis nodded shyly.
“Anytime,” you cut in, before elbowing Wally in the stomach.
“Ow. Yeah. Welcome," Wally mumbled, sending you a subtle glare.
Slowly the team loaded back onto the Bioship once Superboy and Robin had returned. As you walked you stayed toward the back, stopping Artemis before the two of you could enter. 
“Hey, Artemis,” you call her name gently, and she stops, turning to face you. “I know you’re not GA’s niece,” you tell her and her eyes widen and stature stiffens, “and I’m sure that League knows what they're doing. But when you feel ready, I’d like to get to know who you really are. If you’re anything like the girl I met today, I gotta admit she seems pretty cool," you give her another soft smile before boarding the ship.
She waited a moment before following in after you. She shot you a small grateful look as she sat down in her seat. Smiling you sat down in yours, next to Robin. Your body slouched as the seat melded into you. 
“You good?” Robin asked, voice low, as M’gann took the helm.
“Just tired,” you hum, thinking back to the morning you had spent at the beach as you pull your gloves off.
“You got cut?” he asked, and your fingers moved to your cheek. They make contact and you wince. Pulling them back you see a little bit of blood.
“It’ll be fine,” you shrug. 
Robin sends you one more look before nodding.
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STAR CITY August 11th, 07:23 EDT
The rest of the week seemed to fly by and you found yourself sitting in an old diner in Star City, knee bouncing as you fiddled with your jacket zipper. You’d been sitting there for nearly half an hour and was beginning to lose hope when you heard the bell ding. Looking over a smile pulled your lip out from between your teeth.
The eighteen-year-old boy with the red hair walked over and slouched into the booth across from you, but before he could say anything, the owner walked up to the two of you.
“Roy, (Y/n), it’s been too long since I’ve seen your lovely faces in my diner,” Miss Lenetii smiled, and a warm feeling spread in your chest.
“Sorry Miss L, we’ve been busy,” Roy spoke with a small smile aimed at the older woman, and it was the first one you’d seen on his face in months.
“Well, I’m glad you’re back, I’ll send you usuals in,” she smiled, grabbing the untouched menus from the table and walking off.
You waited till she was out of earshot before you turned back to face him, “You came!” you cheered kicking his foot, gaining a roll of his eyes.
“I didn’t have a choice,” he argued with a pointed look. “You’ve gotten really good with those daggers,” he noted and you laughed. 
“You think?” you smirked. 
“I remember when you couldn’t even twirl them without one going flying at our heads,” he joked. 
“Oh god, don’t remind me,” you shook your head, looking down at your orange juice.
“Ollie forced you to learn how to shoot after that,” he reminded you. 
“Yeah, he did. To help build arm and hand strength as well as aim,” you quoted. 
“It worked, you were a quick study,” he nodded. 
“Bow and arrows aren’t really my thing,” you shrugged. 
“And yet you’re a better shot than me,” he deadpanned. 
“Debatable,” you shrug. 
“Good job with the mission, by the way,” he added. 
“Thanks,” you smiled softly at him. 
“Alrighty we’ve got an egg over easy on hash browns with bacon and hot sauce for Miss (Y/L/N), and a meat lovers omelet with toast for Mr. Harper,” Miss Lenetii smiled placing down your food. She also placed down a cup of coffee for Roy and a fresh glass of orange juice for you. 
“Thank you, Miss L, it looks awesome, as always,” you smiled up at the older woman. 
“Enjoy sweethearts, this one’s on the house,” she winked before walking away, leaving no room for argument. 
“She’s too nice to us,” Roy notes. 
“Always has been,” you nod. Biting your lip, you look up from your food and to the boy across you, “Roy you should come back to the team,” you say softly. 
His shoulders sagged a little bit, “(Y/n) if that’s the only reason I’m here then I’m going to take my order to go,” he sighed.
“No, just hear me out,” you pleaded. 
He didn’t say anything, but Roy turned his eyes back to you. 
“I love you, and you know that. I know you are a super capable person, but being on your own is not your safest bet, okay? The way the League treats us, it’s different Roy. We’re our own team and with our own goals. It may not be as big as the League but it’s an improvement to just doing patrols,” you explain. 
“I’m not interested, Birdy,” he repeats. 
“The boys want you there,” you press.
“I don’t want to be there, (Y/n). I want to be recognized as what I am, someone who’s grown up. I’m not a little kid anymore, and I definitely am not Ollie’s sidekick. I won’t go back as long as we’re still viewed as sidekicks,” he told you seriously, and then it went quiet. The two of you ate in silence, watching each other and the people who seemed to file in and out. 
When the time came you knew you had to leave in order to be on time for morning training with Robin and Aqualad. 
Heaving a sigh you looked Roy in the eyes. “We never viewed each other as sidekicks, Roy. We viewed each other as friends, as family. That was the important part. But if you think growing up is more important, I think you made the right choice,” you decided, standing up and placing a twenty next to your plate before grabbing your bag. He didn’t say anything as he looked at you with pinched brows. Nodding you leaned down and pressed a kiss to his cheek before walking out. 
Maybe Roy really had made the choice best for him...
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