#color me stoked for this gifset
ilkkawhat · 2 years
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MK’s Favorite Post-Grave Danger Things for @letswaitforme ​ Part Eight: Six Months Ago (my commentary below)
So I know we see Nick lose his temper before GD (his little spat with Warrick in Invisible Evidence comes to mind), but just like I’ll point out in the next set, it’s like his emotions get cranked up to eleven. I feel like this is the birth of zero f*cks given Nick Stokes, who for once isn’t playing by the rules, he’s making this kid (even though he did something very terrible and deserves it) cry and probably piss himself (cause I know I would if Nick threw me up against a wall and screamed at me like that) all because he wants to save Cassie, wants to save this girl who is trying so hard to make herself found, leaving a trail of gum drops and absolutely helpless; all she can do is wait for rescue and that’s all Nick could do, too. I bet this anxious waiting, this hopeless optimism that is being talked down on by Sara--who I’ll talk about in a minute, it’s all boiling under his skin and I bet he wondered, “is this what it was like for them, waiting for that timer to go down? for the lights to go out?” 
We see this level of anger later on in other cases where his loved ones are in their own personalized danger; breaking the rules again and punching the unbeknownst leader of assault on Greg who is the epitome of shattered innocence, roughly grabbing the miniature killer and kicking her bed around as he’s surrounded with pictures of Sara who at that point to their knowledge is buried alive underneath a car, his refusal to believe Warrick was anything but innocent--who he then (tried to) avenge by murdering McKeen in an act of eye for an eye though Warrick’s life was worth much more to him than that scumbag, his guilt and anger at his bad call when Morgan got taken--the list goes on, but I think between the passage of time making bonds stronger and his high empathy in knowing how it feels to be on the other side of the glass drives him to a near-unstable amount of drive to be the hero...even if that’s not always the case. 
And that’s a check that Sara has to slap in his face, calling him out for this behavior (rightfully so) and pointing out that six months ago, before they dug him up from a premature grave, he wouldn’t have lost his cool like that. And he knows that, too. He apologizes, but this confrontation was simmering long before the lash out in the station. Sara’s kept him under a watchful eye, watching the cracks spread, cases be damned she’s worried Nick’s just going to shatter completely and she can’t just let that happen. I’ve always felt that Nick and Sara have such a strong, familial bond with each other and that moment as well as this whole episode showcases it perfectly.
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-It’ll be back to normal in 24 hours. -Normal would be nice.
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femslashrevolution · 7 years
Femslash and Finding Ourselves in Fiction
This post is part of Femslash Revolution’s I Am Femslash series, sharing voices of F/F creators from all walks of life. The views represented within are those of the author only.
Femslash ships aren’t usually the first choice of someone entering fandom for the first time. When I first wandered into the internet communities for book series like Harry Potter, twelve years and grateful for a few stolen hours on shoddy dial-up internet, I didn’t even know what a ship was. I was just there to share my poetry - verse after verse written from the perspective of Hermione Granger. I was ready to move behind the narrative (and narrator) of these stories and find the motivations and feelings of a heroine, complete with all her strengths and flaws. There was time and room enough to be sad that she wasn’t our main character from the start, but there was also the relief and comfort of filling the spaces left open with my own thoughts.
It took several more years of time on and offline to realize that I was attracted to girls. In fact, I remember my first reaction to finding F/F fic to be one of pointed discomfort. Living in the rural south of the US, it was upsetting enough to be noticing things that I hadn’t before about myself. My friendships, my adoration of particular celebrities and characters, and the growing gap between my own experience and those around me were beginning to be troubling. Stumbling into this world of people - mostly women and girls - writing, drawing, and simply discussing these ships seemed to cross a line that I’d drawn for myself in my everyday life. Over months, I grew from peeking meekly into femslash threads and tags to introducing myself to other fans who’d already been through the process I was navigating. For most of them, they felt that they were the only ones willing to make fan content that looked like their own life, or what they wished their life could be. They were giving all they could to show these established characters coming from their own perspective, because no one else seemed to care.
As femslash fans, all of us still feel the frustration over lack of content, both canon and fan-made. We’re almost always considered a niche demographic from the start in most popular fandoms, since so few of them focus on women and their relationships at all, much less through a lens that resonates for sapphic women. For years, I grasped at straws in the Supernatural fandom and other, similar corners of the web to find ships I could care about. Women were dying or being put on a bus left and right, at best relegated to plot points or a brief interest for one the main characters. Desperate, I scrounged pairings from the bottom of the barrel and clung to them. Some of them were women who had never shared the screen or page. Some of them were already dead or forgotten. All of them, though, were important to me, and I was learning the very necessary skill of piecing together the scraps that were given to me. Interesting, three-dimensional characters were being wasted, and through fandom I was learning to appreciate them in new and beautiful ways.
The rarity of F/F ships in fandom works against consumers and creators alike, but I don’t think being seen as a small in-group has proven to be all bad. What I’ve seen instead is that our creators are given more room to reach beyond what’s common to portray. If you’re already working within a tiny corner, mostly populated by like-minded people, why not explore other areas of real life that we don’t often see in media? The more I looked into femslash, barreling into new fandoms and making friends who wanted vibrant, varying content, the more I began to see things that fandom and media at large desperately need. Respectful, well-written racial and cultural diversity, transgender and nonbinary experiences, and an openness to non-traditional relationships may not dominate our content, but it’s plentiful enough to be seen and shared, to get our own gears turning on what to address in our own work. One trans girl headcanon turns into a handful of stories written by the people who saw and encouraged it; one gifset highlighting a neglected woman of color from canon stokes a dozen conversations about how she may have added to the story, or how she may have fared in a story that was her own. We find facets of ourselves and others that often go unseen inside the lines of someone else’s art. Femslash is opening doors in fandom that may have gone unnoticed.
As a queer, nonbinary writer, I’ve been increasingly pleased with seeing femslash fandoms - and when we’re lucky, the surrounding fandom with it - become more conscientious and inclusive. There are still, though, a lot of experiences falling by the wayside. Even when the text contains a disabled, chronically ill, neurodivergent, or mentally ill character, we rarely see these differences acknowledged and handled well, whether in canon or the resulting fan content. Women categorized by Western society as unattractive as a group - whether it be for age, weight, skin color, visible disability, or otherwise - are often neglected as well. Fandom makes some great efforts to fill these gaps, with focused events and prompts that lead us to consider and celebrate the breadth of experiences encompassed by womanhood and how it colors relationships with other women. I’d like to see even more of that atmosphere moving forward, embracing ships that challenge us, reflecting back not just ourselves but the full spectrum of women loving women, each in their own way.
Every femslash fan has their doors to open, if they want to. Keep showing us your hijabi girlfriends. Your lesbians growing old together. Fat women shooing strangers away from the service animals of their wives and partners. Genderqueer characters struggling to find where and how they fit into the community around them. Keep opening your doors and stepping through those opened to you. Femslash is a beautiful community that can continue to grow and thrive as long as we nurture it.
About the Author
Ellis S. is a queer, genderfluid writer and witch with a stunning but grouchy cat and a wonderful girlfriend. Together, they run an exchange for polyamorous fanworks and cry about fandoms. Beyond femslash, Ellis spends their time cooking, consuming horror media, and competing in tournaments with their trivia team. They can be found at derekslaura or coyoteshunter on Tumblr and at rjosettes on Archive of Our Own.
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Jack + Identity Crisis + Murdoc (1/?)
Chapter (1/?): Who’s Jack? Rating: Teen+ Summary: "I don't know, me? I'm method. When I go undercover, I become that person."
After having suffered a serious head injury, a brainwashed Jack Dalton assumes the life of CSI Nick Stokes, both for his protection and Nick’s. Murdoc gets wind of this and takes a trip down to Vegas to “play” with Jack in an attempt to lure Macgyver out of hiding. Meanwhile, the real Nick Stokes is abducted and tortured by people who think he's Jack Dalton.
Macgyver/CSI crossover, based on this AU gifset I made
Read it on A03
Nick Stokes loosened his tie as he walked through the parking garage of the San Diego Crime Lab. A long day of phone calls, paperwork, and having to resist the urge to just glove up and go investigate crime scenes instead of talking to the press made his feet drag on the ground as he opened the trunk to his car.
“Nick Stokes?” a voice called behind him. A female one, maybe another reporter?
“Listen, ma’am, I have no further comments on the matter,” Nick began to say, turning to face the woman but he quickly found that she wasn’t alone, and wasn’t unarmed. He tried to memorize as many details about the pair as he could, the female’s hair was tied up in a ponytail, she was wearing a Iron Maiden sleeveless shirt, a gas mask covering her face. She was armed with a can of spray, but it wasn't pepper spray. The man next to her was dark-skinned, also wearing a gas mask, holding a black piece of fabric in one hand and zipties in the other.
He immediately reached for his gun secured to his waist holster, but suddenly his vision was clouded and the whole world fell dark.
“He really does look like him,” the woman says, her voice almost...sad?
“Yeah, it’s kind of creepy. And we thought having one Jack running around was bad enough,” the man replied.
Jack? Who’s Jack?
Visions of a never-ending desert swirl in front of him, explosions causing miniature sandstorms to spike up all over the landscape. The air is filled with sand and smoke, which constricts his breathing. Ringing and screaming in his eardrums, so loud, he wonders how he’s still able to hear anything. He’s surrounded by people, some of them close to him, and some of them complete strangers, and yet, he has never felt so alone.
Alone...he was alone when that stupid plan he agreed to out of desperation went up in the same smoke that now fills his lungs. The right side of his head throbs, stings, his vision is blurred, he can feel a small stream of blood slide down his cheek. The screaming is now his own, he feels like he’s never been in so much pain in his entire life.
He feels like he’s levitating in the air, rising up, then moving forward, slowly. His body feels like it’s on fire, particularly at his feet. He forces his eyes open, expecting to see the source of the stench of burning wood that invades his nostrils.
But instead, he opens his eyes and sees glass walls, holding back dirt. A fan whirs next to him, a gun lays on his chest. He had a dream like this once...but he died in that dream, was he going to die now?
“No...no no no no no no…” he mutters.
A hand touches his shoulder, gently shaking his body. The pain in his head fades, the last scream escapes his body.
Nicky? Who’s Nicky?
“Nick,” the voice is feminine, soft, but firm. He doesn’t recognize the voice, but there’s something motherly about it, trustworthy.
A different trustworthy voice, another feminine voice, screaming at him in his head, asking him, “What is your name?” over and over again...His name...his name is...
Nick sits up, his body shivering from the the cold sweat on his skin. He breathes heavily, observing the surroundings in front of him. He’s laying on a couch, staring directly at a vending machine. His eyes begin to dart all over the room, searching for entry and exit points, out of some instinct he can’t seem to explain. He’s taken aback by the woman who is kneeling next to him, staring at him with wide, worried eyes. He didn’t recognize her voice, but now, he recognizes the face.
“C-Catherine?” he whispers. She nods, he notices her lips quivering slightly. “Cath, what--where am I?”
“Vegas. You’re in the Vegas Crime Lab,”
“Vegas? But...but I was in San Diego…”
Or was he in Los Angeles?
“You transferred back after you heard about Finlay’s...passing.”
“F-Finn? She--?” tears began to sting in his eyes, he rubs his hands over his face. He takes sharp breath of air into his body, and a shake exhale soon leaves. As he composes himself, questions swirl in his head. He feels like he’s missing out on something, the facts in his head are not quite matching up with the picture in front of him.
“Where’s D.B?” he asks. “I thought you were working with the FBI? Where’s Sara?”
“D.B transferred out, Sara’s out venturing around the world with Grissom, and I’m...well, I’m the crime lab director.”
She gestures to her badge on her chest, and Nick suddenly became aware of his own badge, clipped to his shirt pocket. The title on his badge reads “Night Shift Supervisor.”
Catherine’s cell phone rings, and she gives Nick a sad smile as he continues to examine the ring on his finger, the wristband on his left hand, and watch on his left.
“Speaking of which, duty calls. Hang tight, I’ll be right back.”
Just as soon as Catherine leaves the room, another man runs in. His hair is flat, unlike the picture in in his head, but it doesn’t make him look any less attractive. His eyes are just as wide in concern as Catherine’s were, looking as if he had seen a ghost.
“Jesus, man, your head…” the man mutters. Nick tries to hide his surprise as he touches his hand to his head, feeling the fabric of a cloth bandage wrapped around his forehead, almost like a headband.
“Good to see you too, Greg...Listen, bro, my memory’s a bit hazy...what, uh, what happened?”
“Car accident. Your first night back, didn’t even clock in and they found you on the side of the road. Paramedics said you were mostly okay, just needed a bit of rest.”
Nick nods, then chuckles.
“First night back in Vegas and I’m already causing trouble, huh?”
His smile is contagious, the concern on Greg’s face turns to shared amusement at the absurd situation.
“Hey, you want some coffee or something? You still seem a bit tired,”
“Nah, man, I hate that stuff,” Nick mutters, getting up and grabbing a bottle of water from the mini-fridge. Greg glares at him, his face furrowed in concentration. He opens his mouth as if to say something, but before he can, he gets a page on his cell phone and leaves the room.
“You sure this is going to work?” the Texan in the passenger’s seat asks for the umpteenth time since they left the Phoenix. Angus Macgyver rolls his eyes, starting to get annoyed with the question that he doesn’t quite have an answer for himself.
“Listen, man, if you guys really do send him back to Vegas, my friends are going to figure it out in a heartbeat,” the man continues. Macgyver keeps his eyes on the road in front of him. “They’re going to start to ask questions, and if your boy is as messed up in the head right now as he looked to be in that hospital room, he’s not going to be able to answer those questions.”
“He’ll be okay. He’s a highly trained CIA operative, he’s been undercover before,” Macgyver responds shortly.
“Well, if he’s that good at becoming me, then he’s also going to realize something ain’t right.”
“You two are more alike than you think,” Macgyver remarks at the familiar doubts lingering in the air between them.
The two sit in silence for the remainder of the ride. When they finally arrive to the safehouse hidden in the mountains, Macgyver finally breaks the silence.
“There’s no going back now.” He says it out loud, more to himself than to the man standing in front of him, clutching two duffel bags in each hand. He finally looks at the man directly, his heart sinks as he sees the face of his best friend, his partner, but it’s not him. The man in front of him doesn’t stand up with his back straightened, there’s a different sort of haunted aura in the lines on his face, his eyes are the same color, but a different light shines behind them. The man seems to be facing his own internal struggle with the situation behind a poker face that Macgyver has only seen on his friend when he is trying not to give into whatever torture is being inflicted on him.
This man is not Jack Dalton, but Macgyver can’t fight the urge as they say their goodbyes to extend out his fist.
“This will work,” Macgyver sighs, finally answering the question from earlier.
“And if it doesn’t?”
Macgyver meets the man’s eyes once more, before turning away from the man who used to be Nick Stokes, and walking silently back to his car.
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just in case anyone’s curious, since I don’t have a projects/wip page this is gonna have to do for now. Here’s a list of all my ongoing fic WIPs, and list of gifsets I want to do 
requests not included, I have those tagged as “open requests” on my blog, finished ones tagged as “requests” if you’re looking for yours!
Fics (details on each of them here)
-The Pancho Problem (Ch. 3) (nick/greg) -The Sanders Solution (Sequel, not started) (nick/greg) -Sheltered Truths (Ch. 3) (nick and grissom, nick and warrick, friendship) -CSI: San Diego (not started) (nick/greg) -Brainwashed!Jack AU (Ch. 2) (friendship) -Greg GD ficlet when they find nick  (nick/greg) -karma to burn missing scenes (nick/greg--the break-up fic) -bad blood fix it fic (nick/greg) -post meat jekyll (nick/greg) -Earthquake ficlet (nick/greg) -Nick speaking Spanish to greg (nick/greg) -meat jekyll/shock waves nick grissom -CSI Western AU (nick/greg, gsr) -Third Grave Danger Accomplice (NICK WHUMP) -some sort of nick and catherine season 7 fic (friendship fic) -nick and brass fic (friendship fic) -Hodges/Henry (Frame by Frame) -Nick/Greg grave danger hospital -In the Woods Somewhere (Nick/Greg, Hodges/Henry) -Innocence is Gone (Ch. 2) (Nick/Greg)
-Death and the Maiden Rant -Crate n Burial vs Grave Danger Rant -Second Chance Nick Stokes music video
CSI gifsets: -comic book style (first one grave danger) -GIF SERIES: team dynamics -nick + being a nerd -csi nick 81-1 ( nick computer girls gone wilder )  -nick per season: Seasons 3-15 -csi 79-1 (this one’s grissom and sara’s first scene) -nick + rain -nick stroking his face in kitty after shaving his beard -normal'd be nice (blood drops) / back to normal (take the money and run) -nick crying in willows in the wind -Nick + Hoodies (two mrs grissoms, exile, gum drops, skin in the game) -Nick + Sam -nick purple shirt lost reindeer -Nick hair in wild flowers -nick/finn in veno veritas or however you fuckin spell it -nick/greg tressed to kill outside catherin's office -bisexual nick set -nick + references to therapy -nick/greg coldblooded maps -nick/greg what personal space -the entire shooting stars bunker scene -nick being adorable in long ball -you can't just john wayne this shock waves -"hope if everybody runs you choose to stay" (nick bravery set) -internal combustion/merchants of menace nick sassing suspects (find another one?) -nick being adorable in season 10 -nick and greg find stevie (family affair) -appendicitement (group shots?) -nick neverland evidence lockup -nick in panty sniffer -nick/greg felonious monk -nick/greg hair color take my life please -nick/greg blood moon -nick and hodges in squeegel -targets of obsession nick being pissed -targets of obsession nick shooting at camera -targets of obsession eight lives -targets of obsession nick whump -nick seeing red/good bad dominiatrix parallel -father of the bride house -don't be a smartass stokes ecklie to nick the list -greg/grissom way to go hang out convo -unleashed interrogation -nick father of the bride entering docs office with greg -nick/greg father of the bride -“We have all had our moment in the dark where we had to fight our way out, and when we did, it was up to the rest of the team to shine a light onto that darkness to see what happened.” -tell tale hearts nick and greg in family meeting -nick/greg cheerleader picspam -softball parallel csi and mac -nick and warrick in primum non nocere -way to go hospital scene -nick and grissom you kill me -nick and warrick confrontation invisible evidence -nick and warrick cockroaches -nick and warrick bull -nick and brass gifset -nick and catherine (grave danger series) -nick and sara (grave danger series) -frame by frame hodges/henry -CSI IS NOT STRAIGHT -cold blooded nick in tshirt with gun -nick tounge eleven angry jurors outside by tank -tongue moment grave shift diner -nick/greg $35K OBO -nick/sara/warrick/griss #35K OBO -nick and grissom $35K OBO -nick and warrick in high and low -nick smiling at warrick (early rollout) -nick death and the maiden -csi 124-1 (can’t remember probably something nick related) -csi 125-1 (tongue) -nick + celebrating -nick + high fives -nick + anger -nick/grissom parallel - eval day vs one to go -csi nick 169-1 (calling the therapist shock waves) -twenty gifsets of appendicitement
Macgyver Gifsets: -jack “ayyyyyyy” -mac 133-1 (mac trying to stop jack in 2.02) -jack + shirt appreciation -jack + episode 2s (1.02, 2.02, 3.02) -mac/bozer 2.22 lab scene
Hawaii Five 0 Gifsets: -Shirtless Steve 1.10 -Steve/Danno bickering about door in 1.11 -oh god just do all of steve/danno in 1.11 -steve 1.11 in mountains/forest after shooting suspect -steve/danny 1.14 present -1.14 i don't think so baby -1.18 mcdanno dinner -1.19 old american proverb -1.20 whump -1.20 all the fish in the box -1.21 kono and danny "you've been hanging out with garrett too long" -1.23 one near death experience hug -2.1 STEVE AND DANNY IN PRISON OPENING -2.1 STEVE STABBED -2.8 mcdanno watching movie -2.10 STEVE WHUMP -season 6 finale danny going apeshit
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